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Section 2A Chronological Listing of Publications (1964-)

1957‘Editorial” Universities & Left Review issue 1, , Stuart Hall, Gabriel Pearson, Ralph Samuel and Charles Taylor (eds.), Oxford.

1958‘The New Conservatism’, ULR 1, op.cit.1958break-through, Combined Universities Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Oxford,1958.N.A.T.O. and the Alliances, London Regional Council Discussion Pamphlet, London,1958.‘The deep sleep of England’, Universities & Left Review, issue 3 London, Winter 1958.‘Inside the Whale Again’, Universities & Left Review, issue 4, Stuart Hall, Gabriel Pearson, Ralph Samuel and Charles Taylor (eds.), London, Summer 1958. “Big Sir and the Oranges and Lemons”, Universities and Left Review, 4, op.cit.“Mr Raymond and the Dead Souls” Universities and Left Review 4, op.cit.

1959‘A Sense of Classnessness’, Universities & Left Review, issue 5., op.cit. ‘Editorial: ULR to New Left Review’, Universities & Left Review issue 7, op.cit.“Absolute Beginnings’, Universities & Left Review, issue 7, StuartHall, Gabriel Pearson, Ralph Samuel, Charles Taylor Michael Barratt-Brown, Norman Birnbaum, Alan Hall, Michael Kullman, Alan Lovell, Alasdair and MacIntyre (eds.), London, Autumn 1959.‘The Big Swipe’, Universities & Left Review issue 7, op.cit.

1960‘The Supply of Demand’, in Out of Apathy, E P Thompson (ed.), New Left Books,Stevens and Sons Ltd., London, 1960.Editorial’, New Left Review issue 1. Stuart Hall (ed). London, 1960‘Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance’, New Left Review, issue 1, Stuart Hall (ed.), London1960.‘Crosland Territory’, New Left Review, issue 2, Stuart Hall (ed.), London1960.‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’, New Left Review, issue 6, Stuart Hall (ed.), London1960.

1961‘Student Journals’, New Left Review, issue 7, Stuart Hall (ed.), London1961.‘Notes on the Cuban Dilemma’ with Norm Fruchter, New Left Review, issue 9, Stuart Hall (ed.), London, 1961.‘The Politics of The Common Market’ with Perry Anderson, New Left Review issue 10,

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Stuart Hall (ed), 1961‘Commitment Dilemma’ New Left Review, issue 10, Stuart Hall (ed.), London1961.

1963“The Cuban Crisis: Trial-run or Steps Towards Peace?” in War and Peace, vol.1, no.1, Jan-March. The CND Quarterly, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, London

1964The Popular Arts, S.Hall and P.Whannel, London: Hutchinson; and Boston: Beacon Press, 1964.

1966'The formation of political consciousness', The Committed Church, Simon Clements and Lawrence Bright (eds.). Darton, Longman and Todd, 1966.'’Class and the mass media', in Class: A Symposium, Richard Mabey (ed.), London: Blond, 1966.

19671967, New Left May Day Manifesto, edited by Stuart Hall, Raymond Williams, Edward Thompson. London 1967.'’Cultural analysis', Cambridge Review, 89, 1967.'The world of the gossip column', Your Sunday Paper, R. Hoggart (ed.), London University Press, 68, 109, 1967.'People, personalities, and personalisation', Writers and their Work , R. Hoggart (ed.), London University Press, 68, 109, 1967.The Young Englanders, National Committee of Commonwealth Immigrants, London, 1967.

1968The May Day Manifesto 1968, Raymond Williams (ed)., Penguin Special, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex. ‘The New Revolutionaries’, in From Culture to Revolution, Terry Eagleton and Brian Wicker (eds.), Sheed and Ward, London, Sydney, 1968.

1969'The Hippies, an American Moment' in Student Power, J.Nagel (ed.),London: Merlin Press, 1969. 'Popular Press and Social Change', Rowntree Report, 1969.

1970'Black Britons', Community, 1, No's 2 and 3, 1970.'Riflessioni sull'informazione in Gran Breragna', Informazione Radio TV, Rome: RAI, No.12 (translated reprint), 1970.

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'A World at One with Itself', New Society, no.403, 1970.'Leisure, Entertainment and Mass Communication', Society and Leisure, no.2, 1970.

1971'Introduction', 'Response to People and Culture', Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no.1, 1971.'Life and Death of Picture Post', Cambridge Review, vol.92, no.2201, 1971.'Innovation and Decline in Cultural Programming on Television', UNESCO Report: CCCS, 1971.'Le role des programmes culturels dans la television britannique', in Essais sur les mass media et la culture, Paris: UNESCO, 1971.'People and culture: a critique', Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 1, Birmingham: CCCS, 1971.'Deviancy, Politics and the Media', in Deviancy and Social Control, M. McIntosh and P. Rock (eds.), London, Tavistock., 1971.

1972'The Social Eye of Picture Post', Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no.2, 1972.'The Determination of News Photographs', Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no.3. Reprinted in The Manufacture of News (1973), S.Cohen and J.Young, London: Constable, 1972.'The Limitations of Broadcasting', Listener, vol.16, 1972.'External/Internal Dialectic in Broadcasting', in Fourth Symposium on Broadcasting, Dept. of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Manchester, 1972.'The Hippies: dissent in America', in P.Worsley (ed.), Problems of Modern Society. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.'Black Britons', in E.Butterworth and D.Weir, (eds.), Social problems of modern Britain., London: Fontana, 1972.

1973Situating Marx, S.Hall and P.Walton, 1973.'Introduction', in P.Walton and S.Hall (eds.), Situating Marx, London: Human Context Books, 1973.'The Structured Communication of Events', in Obstacles to Communication Symposium, UNESCO, Paris, 1973.'Deviancy, Politics and the Media', in M.MacIntosh and P.Rock (eds.), Deviancy and Social Control, London: Tavistock, 1973.'Encoding and Decoding in the Media Discourse', stencilled paper no.7, Brimingham, CCCS, 1973.'The Limitations of Broadcasting', The Second Listener Anthology, 1973.'The television discourse', in Criteria and functions of television criticism (Prix Italia; proceedings), Turin: Edizioni Radiotelevisione Italiana, 1973.

1974'Marx's Notes on Method: A 'Reading' of the '1857 Introduction'', Working papers in Cultural Studies, no.6, 1974.'Education and the Crisis of the Urban School', in J.Raynor (ed.), Issues in Urban

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Education, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1074.'Encoding and Decoding in the Television Discourse', Culture and Education, no.25, Council of Europe, Strassburg, 1974.'Media Power: the Double Bind', Journal of Communication, vol.24, no.4, 1974.'Television Violence: Crime, Drama and the Analysis of Content', S.Hall, A.Shuttleworth, C.Heck and A.Lloyd, Brimingham, CCCS, 1974.'Encoding and Decoding', Broadcasters and the Audience, Venice, 1974.'Between two worlds', in T.Barker (ed.), The Long March of Everyman, London: Andre Deutch, 1974.

1975'The 'Structured Communication' of Events', in Getting the Message Across, UNESCO, Paris, 1975.'Africa is Alive and Well and Living in the Diaspora', UNESCO, Paris, 1975.'Television as a Medium and Its Relation to Culture', Birmingham, CCCS, 1975.'Newsmaking and Crime', S.Hall, C.Critcher, J.Clarke, T.Jefferson and B.Roberts, stencilled paper no.27, Birmingham, CCCS, 1975.'Introduction', to A.C.Smith, Paper Voices: the Popular Press and Social Change, 1935-1965, London: Chatto and Windus, 1975.'Television, violence and crime', in Research Methods and Results Concerning the Relationship between Violence, Television, and Criminality. Florence: Prix Italia, 1975.'Newsmaking and crime', in Journalism, broadcasting and urban crime, London: NACRO, 1975.'News and current affairs television', in Proceedings of the XXVII Prix Italia, Media Research Conference, Florence: Editiones Radio-Television Italiana, 1975.Mugging and Law 'n Order, S.Hall and T.Jefferson, Birmingham:CCCS No.36, 1975.

1976'Subcultures, Cultures and Class: A Theoretical overview', S.Hall, J.Clarke, T.Jefferson and B.Roberts, Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no.7/8, 1976.'Introduction', to D.Selbourne, An Eye on China, London: Black Liberation Press, 1976.Resistance through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in Post-War Britain, S.Hall and T.Jefferson, London: Hutchinson, 1976.'Television and Culture', Sight and Sound, vol.45, no.4, London, 1976.'Violence and the mass media', in N.Tutt (ed.), Violence, London: HMSO, 1976.'Literature, Society and the Sociology of Literature: A Critical Survey', in Literature, Society, the Sociology of Literature: Proceedings of the Conference, Essex, July 1976, F.Barker, P.Hulme et al (eds.), The University of Essex, 1976.'Economic determinations on television fiction production', in Proceedings of the XXVIII Prix Italia Research Seminar on Organization and Structure of Fiction in Television Production., Bologna:ERI/Radiotelevisione Italiana, 1976.'Broadcasting, Politics and the State: the Independent - impartiality couplet', Paper to 10th International Association for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester, 1976.‘A critical survey’ in literature, society and the sociology of literature, University of Essex, 1976.

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1977'The 'Unity' of Current Affairs Television', S.Hall, I.Connell and L.Carti, Working papers in Cultural Studies, no.9, 1977.'The Hinterland of Science: Ideology and the "Sociology of Knowledge"', Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no.10, 1977.'Politics and Ideology: Gramsci', S.Hall, B.Lumley and G.McLennan, Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no.10, 1977.'Culture, the Media, and the "Ideological Effect"', in J Curran et al. (eds.), Mass Communication and Society, London: Edward Arnold, 1977.'Rethinking the "Base and Superstructure" Metaphor,' in J Bloomfield et al. (eds.), Class, Hegemony and Party, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1977.'Journalism of the Air under Review', Journalism Studies Review, vol.1, no.1, 1977.'The "Political" and the "Economic" in Marxist Theory of Classes', in A.Hunt (ed.) Class and Class Structure, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1977.'A Critical Survey of the Theoretical and Practical Achievements of the Last Ten Years', in F.Barker et al. (eds.) Literature, Society and the Sociology of Literature, University of Essex, 1977.'Developments in British youth culture', Teaching London Kids, 10, 1977.'Uber die arbeit das centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies', Gulliver No. 2. Deutsch-Englishche Jahrbucher 2, Berlin:Argument Verlag, 1977.Schooling and Society: A Review of Theories, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1977.

1978On Ideology, S.Hall, B.Lumley and G.McLennan (eds.), London: Hutchinson,1978.'Politics and Ideology: Gramsci', S.Hall, B Lumley and G.McLennan, in On Ideology, op.cit. 1978.'The Political' and 'The Economic' in Marx's Theory of Classes', in (ed.) A.Hunt, Class and Class Structure, London: Lawrence and Wishart. Reprinted (1980) in (eds.) R.Bocock et al, An Introduction to Sociology, Fontana, 1978.Policing the Crisis: "Mugging" the State and Law and Order, S.Hall, C.Critcher, T.Jefferson, J.Clarke and B.Roberts, London: Macmillan, 1978.'Response to Rosalind Coward', S.Hall, I.Connell, J.Curti, I.Chambers and T.Jefferson, Screen, no.4, 1978.'Marxism and Culture', Radical History Review, no.18, 1978.'The Treatment of "Football Hooliganism" in the Press', in R.Ingram (ed.), Football Hooliganism: the Wider Context, London: Inter-Action, 1978.'Newspapers, Politics and Classes', in J.Curran (ed.), The British Press, London: Macmillan, 1978.'The Television Feuilleon and the Domestication of the World', in The Feuilleon in Television, Proceedings of the Pri-Italia Conference, Venice: ERI, 1978.'Pluralism, race and class in Caribbean society', in Race and Class in Post-Colonial Society, Paris:UNESCO, 1978.'Racism and reaction', in Five Views of Multi-Racial Britain, London: Commission on Racial Equality, 1978.'Race and poverty', in T.Blair (ed.), The Inner Cities, London: Central London Polytechnic papers on the environment, 1978.

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'Developments in British Youth Cultures', Hard Times, Nos.3/4. Berlin: Deutsch-Britishen Gesellschaft, 1978.'Die soziale optik der "Picture Post"', in E.Nierlich (ed.), Fremdsprachliche Literaturwissenschaft und Massenmedien, Meisenheim am Glan:Verlag Anton Hain, 1978.'The Racist Within', The Listener, 20/7/78.

1979'The Great Moving Right Show', Marxism Today, January, 1979.'Some Problems with the Ideology/Subject Couplet', Ideology and Consciousness, no.3, 1979.'Cultures of Resistance and "Moral Panics"', Afras Review, University of Sussex, Autumn, 1979.

1980‘Reformism and the Legislation of Consent’ in (eds) J. Clarke, M. Fitzgerals, Remissiveness and control. Macmillans and the National Deviancy Conference. 1980'Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms', Media, Culture and Society, no.2, 1980.'Popular-Democratic vs. Authoritarian-Populism: Two Ways of 'Taking Democracy Seriously'', in A.Hunt (ed.), Marxism and Democracy, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1980.Culture, Media, Language, S.Hall, D.Dobson, A.Lowe and P.Willis (eds.), London: Hutchinson, 1980.'Cultural Studies and the Centre: Some Problematics and Problems', 'Introduction to Media Studies at the Center', 'Encoding/Decoding', and 'Recent Developments in Theories of Language and Ideology', Culture, Media, Language, London: Hutchinson, 1980.'Nicos Poulantzas: State, Power, Socialism', New Left Review, no.119, 1980.Drifting into a Law and Order Society, The 1980 Cobden Trust Lecture, Cobden Trust, London, 1980.'Thatcherism-A New Stage?', Marxism Today, February, 1980.'Race, Articulation, and Societies Structured in Dominance', in Sociological Theories: Race and Colonialism, UNESCO: Paris, 1980.'The Raymond Williams Interviews', Screen Education, no.34, 1980.'Race, Class and Ideology', Das Argurment, July 1980.

1981'Notes on Deconstructing "the Popular"', in R.Samuel (ed.), People's History and Socialist Theory, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981.'In Defense of Theory', in R.Samuel (ed.), People's History and Socialist Theory, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981.'The "Little Caesars" of Social Democracy', Marxism Today, April, 1981.'Moving Right', Socialist Review, no.55. 1981.'Representations of Race in the Media: Viewpoint 2', Multi-Racial Education, Vol.9, No.2, 1981.'Law, Class and Control', with P.Scraton in Crime and Society (ed.) M.Fitzgerald et al, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1981.

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1982'The Rediscovery of "Ideology"; Return of the Repressed in Media Studies', in M.Gurevitch, T.Bennett, J.Curran and S.Woollacott (eds.), Culture, Society and the Media, London: Methuen, 1982.'A Long Haul', Marxism Today, November, 1982.'Redrawing the Map', Marxism Today, December, 1982.'The Empire Strikes Back', New Socialist, July/August, 1982.'Culture and the State', in Popular Culture, Open University, 1982.'The Battle for Socialist Ideas in the 1980s', Socialist Register, 1982.

1983'The Problem of Ideology - Marxism without Guarantees', in B.Matthews (ed.), Marx 100 years On, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1983.The Politics of Thatcherism, S.Hall and M.Jacques, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1983.'Whistling in the Void', New Socialist, May/June, London, 1983.'Teaching Race', Early Child Development, Vol.10, No.4, London, 1983.'Construction of Race in the Media', Das Argument, No.134, Berlin, 1983.

1984'Reconstruction Work', Ten 8, no.16, Birmingham, 1984.'The Culture Gap', Marxism Today, January, 1984.'The Narrative Construction of Reality, Southern Review, vol.17, no.1, 1984.The Idea of the Modern State, G.McLennan, D.Held and S.Hall (eds.), Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1984.State and Society in Contemporary Britain, G.McLennan, S.Hall and D.Held (eds.), Cambridge: Polity Press. 1984.'The State in Question', in The Idea of the Modern State, op.cit., Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1984.'The Rise of the Representative/Interventionist State', in State and Society in Contemporary Britain, op.cit., New York: Polity Press, 1984.'Labour's Love Still Lost', New Socialist , January/February, 1984.'Face the Future', New Socialist, September, 1984.'The Crisis of Labourism', in J.Curran (ed.), The Future of the Left, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1984.'Conjuring Leviathan: Orwell on the State', in C.Norris (ed.), Inside the Myth-Orwell: Views from the Left, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1984.'The State - Socialism's Old Caretaker', Marxism Today, January, 1984.'Education in Crisis', in Is There Anyone Here from Education?, Donald and Wolpe (eds.), Pluto Press, 1984.

1985'Signification, Representation, Ideology: Althusser and the Post-Structuralist Debates', Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol.2, no.2, 1985.'Faith, Hope and Clarity', Marxism Today, January, 1985.'Authoritarian Populism: A Reply to Jessop et al.', New Left Review, no.151, 1985.'Realignment - For What?', Marxism Today, December, 1985.'The Role of Intellectual is to Produce Crisis: A Conversation with Umberto Eco', Listener,

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May 16, 1985.'Cold, Comfort, Farm' New Socialist, November, 1985.'State and Society, 1880-1930', S.Hall and B.Schwartz in M.Langan and B.Schwartz (eds.), Crises in the British State, 1880-1930, London: Hutchinson, 1985.'Religious Ideology and Social Movements in Jamaica', in R.Bocock and K.Thompson (eds.), Religion and Ideology, Manchester University Press, 1985.

1986'Media Power and Class Power' in Bending Reality, (ed.) J.Curran et al, Pluto, 1986.'Gramsci's Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity', Journal of Communication Inquiry, vol. 10, no.2, 1986.'The Problem of Ideology: Marxism without Guarantees' in Journal of Communication Inquiry, op cit. 1986.'On Postmodernism and Articulation: An Interview with Stuart Hall', Journal of Communication Inquiry, vol.10, no.2, 1986.Politics and Ideology, S.Hall and J.Donald (eds.), Milton Keynes: The Open University, 1986.'Variants of Liberalism', in Politics and Ideology, op.cit., Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1986.'Introduction' to W.F.Haug, Commodity Aesthetics, Ideology and Culture, New York: International General, 1986.'Popular Culture and the State' in T.Bennett, C.Mercer and J.Woollacott (eds.), Popular Culture and Social Relations, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1986.'People Aid: A New Politics Sweeps the Land', S.Hall and M.Jacques, Marxism Today, July, 1986.'Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms' in Media, Culture and Society, (ed.) R.Collins et al, Sage, 1986.'Absolutism And Other Ancestors', with J.Anderson (ed.) in Anderson, The Rise of the Modern State, Harvester, Brighton, 1986.

1987'The Toad in the Garden: Thatcherism amongst the Theorists', and 'Stuart Hall: Question and Answer', in C.Nelson and L.Grossberg (eds.), Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, Urbana: University of Illinois Press and London: Macmillan, 1987.'Introduction' to J.Hargreaves, Sports and Power, New York: International General, 1987.'Popular Culture as a Factor of Intercultural Understanding' in Human Rights Teaching,, UNESCO, Paris, 1987.Pictures of Everyday Life, S.Hall and Noelle Goldman, Camelia/Methuen: London, 1987.'Gramsci and Us', Marxism Today, 1987.‘Kodowanie i dekoduanie’, Przekazy I Opinie, 1/2, (47/48). (p.58-72)

1988'Migration from the English-Speaking Caribbean to the UK, 1950-80' in Reginald Appleyard (ed.), International Migration Today, vol.1: Trends and Prospects, UNESCO (Paris) University of Western Austalia, 1988.'New Ethnicities' in Black Film, British Cinema, British Film Institute/Institute for Contemporary Arts, Document 7, 1988.

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'Minimal Selves' in Identity: The Real Me, ICA Document 6, 1988.The Hard Road To Renewal: Thatcherism and the Crisis of the Left, Verso, 1988.'The Work of Art in the Electronic Age', in Block, no.14, Autumn, 1988.'Introduction' to Forty Years On: Memories of Britain's Postwar Caribbean Immigrants, Lambeth Council, 1988.'Brave New World', the New Times issue of Marxism Today, October, 1988.'Death of The Welfare State', New Internationalist, no.188, October, 1988.‘Kultteuntai-stelu Jo, Vastorinta’, in Maailmankulturin Aurella (Culture, Globalization), E.Allaratt, S.Hall and L.Wallerstein, University of Jyväskyla, Finland, p.68–86, 1988.

1989Ausgewähle Schrigten (Selected Essays on Ideology, Culture, Media, The New Right and Racism). Translated Nora Rathzel, Argument (Berlin), pp.1–239, 1989.'Cultural Identity and Cinematic Representation', in Framework, 36, pp.68–82, 1989'Ideology and Communication Theory', in Rethinking Communication, vol.1 Paradigm Issues, B.Dervin, L.Grossberg, B.O'Keefe and E.Wartella (eds.), Sage, pp.40–52, 1989.'Authoritarian Populism' in Thatcherism, B.Jessop, K.Bonnett, S.Bromley and T.Ling (eds.), Polity Press, pp.99–107, 1989.'C.L.R. James: The Life of a Carribean Historian', in New Statesman and Society, pp.21–27, 9 June 1989.‘Rassismus als ideologisher Diskurs’, Das Argumont, No.178. (p.913–922).‘O postmodern-igmu i arrikulajciji’, Nose Teme, vol. xxxiii, No.9, pp.2301–2316‘Sons and Daughters of the Diaspora’. Ruler of Armet Francis’ Children of the Black Triangle, Artrage (Spring) p.46–47.

1990The Voluntary Sector Under Attack, The Voluntary Action Council Pamphlets, London, p.1–22.'The Whites of Their Eyes' (revised) in The Media Reader, M.Alvarado and J.O.Thompson (eds.), pp.7–23, 1990.‘Cultural identity and Diaspora’, in Identity, J.Rutherford (ed.), Lawrence and Wishart, pp.222–237, 1990.New Times, S.Hall and M.Jacques, Lawrence and Wishart, 1990.'Post-modernism: A Conversation with Frederick Jameson', Marxism Today, August 1990.‘March Without Vision: The End of Thatcherism’, with Martin Jacques. Marxism Today, December, 1990.‘The Emergence of Cultural Studies and the Crisis of the Humanities’ in October, No.53. Summer, pp.11–24, 1990.

1991‘Reading Gramsci’ in Gramsci’s Political Thought, Roger Simon, Lawrence and Wishart, pp.7–10, 1991.Het Minimale Zelf en Andere Opstallen (The Minimal Self and Other Essays), Selected Essays, leitgeverji Sua, Amsterdam, pp.1–211, 1991.‘Reconstruction Work: Images of Post-war Black Settlement’ in Family Snaps: The Meaning of Domestic Photography, Jo Spence and Patricia Holland (eds) Virago, pp.152–164, 1991.

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‘Brave New World: The Debate About Post-Fordism’, in Socialist Review, Vol. 21 No.1, Jan-March, San Francisco, pp.57–64, 1991.‘You Can’t Go Home Again’, (Review of Rushdie’s Imaginary Homelands) in Sight and Sound, July, 1991.‘The Local and the Global: Globalization and Ethinicity’, in Culture Globalization and the World System, Anthony King (ed), Macmillan, pp.19–40, 1991.‘Old and New Identities, Old and New Ethnicities’, in Culture, Globalization and the World System’ Anthony King (ed) Macmillan, pp.41–68, 1991.‘Europe’s Other Self’. In Marxism Today, August, 1991.‘Das Ökologie - Problem ud die Notwendigkeiten linker Politik’, Das Argument, No 189, Sept-Oct 1991, pp.665–674, Berlin.‘Chopping Logic: Jameson’s Post-modernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Captialism’, in Marxism Today: Review of Books, April, 1991.‘Ideolgie und Okonomie - Marxismus ohne Gewähr’, European Journal for Semiotic Studies, vol.3, (1–2), pp.229-254‘Gamsci och ir’, in Semit, No.3-4, University of Fund, Sweden, pp.61-69.

1992‘Cultural Identity and Cinematic Representation’, in Exiles: Essays on Caribbean Cinema, Mbye Cham (ed), Africa World Press, pp.220–236, 1992.‘And Not A Shot Fired: The End of Thatcherism?’ Marxism Today, January, 1992.‘Cultural Studies and Its Theoretical Legacies’ in Cultural Studies (eds) Grossberg, Nelson and Treichler, Routledge, pp.277–294, 1992.Formations of Modernity, (ed. Hall and Gieben). Polity Press, p.1–335, 1992.‘The Rest and the West: Discourse and Power’, in Formations of Modernity, (eds) Hall and Gieben, Polity Press, pp.275–332, 1992.‘New Ethnicities’ in ‘Race’, Culture and Difference (ed) J. Donald and A. Rattansi, Sage, pp.252–260, 1992.‘Crossing Boundaries: Stitching The Self in Place’ in Nothing Stands Still, The Crossing Boundaries Seminar, European Network for Cultural and Media Studies, Amsterdam, pp.4–13, 1992.‘The Election: No New Vision, No New Votes’, New Statesman and Society, 17 April 1992.Kulttuurin Ja Politiikan Murroksia (Selected Essays on Culture and Politics), Vastapainoi, Tampara, Finland, pp.1–380, 1992The Critical Decade: Black Photography in the 1980’s David Bailey and Stuart Hall (eds), Vol? no.3 of Ten 8 , Birmingham, pp.1–159.‘The Vertigo of Displacement: Shifs within Bleak Documentary Practices’, in Critical Decade, Bailey and Hall (eds.), pp.14–23.‘Reconstruction Work’, reprinted with images by Vincent Stokes, in The Critical Decade, op.cit. pp.106–113.‘Identity and the Black Photographic image’, in Critical Decade op.cit, pp.24–31.‘Our Mongrel Selves’, The Raymond Williams Memorial Lecture, In the Borderlands Supplement, The New Statesman, 19 June 1992.‘Race, Culture and Communications’, in Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1992, pp.10-18.

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1993The Williams Interviews’, in The Screen Education Reader (ed.) Alverado, Buscombe and Collins, Macmillan ‘What Is the ‘Black’ in Black Popular Culture?’ Black Popular Culture, (ed.) Gina Deck, Dia Centre for the Arts, NYand The Bay Press, Seattle. (p.21–36).‘Deviancy, Politics and the Media’, reprinted in The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, (eds.) H. Abelove, M. Borale and D. Halperin, Routlege, London and New York.‘Which Public, Whose Service’? in All Our Futures: The Changing Role And Purpose of the BBC, The BBC Charter Review Series, No.1 (ed.) W. Stevenson. The British Film Institute, London.‘The Television Discourse: Encoding and Decoding’, Reprinted in Studying Culture, Ann Gray and Jim McGuigan (eds.); Edward Arnold, London. (pp.28–34).Minimal Selves’, reprinted in Studying Culture, (op.cit.), (pp.134–9).‘Vanley Burke and ‘The Desire For Blackness’, in Vanley Burke: A Retrospective (ed.) Mark Sealy, Laurence and Wishart (pp.12–15).‘What is this ‘Black’ in Black Popular Culture’? (reprinted) in the Special Issue on ‘Rethinking Race’, Social Justice vol 20, Nos. 1–2.‘European Cinema on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown’ in Screening Europe: Image and Identity in European Cinema (ed) Duncan Petrie, BFI Working Papers, British Film Institute. (p.45–53).‘Culture, Community, Nation’, Cultural Studies, vol.7 no.3 (pp.349–363).‘Metaphors of Transformation’, in Carnival, Hysteria, Writing, For Allon White, Cambridge University Press.‘The New Europe’, in Disrupted Borders, (ed) Sumil Gupta.‘Jamaica in England’ Standpoints (The Jamaican Speech Issue), no.30, Nov–Dec 1993. Centre National de Documentation Pedagogue, Paris (pp.28–35).

1994‘Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms’, re-printed in Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies, Robert Davis and Ronald Schleafer (eds.). Longman (N. Y and London). pp.609–625‘Encoding/Decoding’, in reprinted in Media Texts: Authors and Readers, ed D. Graddel and O. Boyd Barrett. the Open University and Multi-Lingual Matters, Ltd. 1994.‘Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms’, reprinted in Culture, Power, Hegemony: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory, (eds) N Dirks, E Eley and S. Ortner. Princeton University Press, (pp.520–538).‘Cultural Identity and Diaspora’, reprinted in Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory A Reader, (eds) P. Williams and L., Chrisman, Harvester Wheatsheaf, London (P392–401).‘Reflections on the Encoding/Decoding Model: An Interview’, in Viewing, Reading, Listening: Audiences and Cultural Reception, (eds) J. Cruz and J. Lewis, Westview Press, Boulder, Colarado. (pp.253–274)‘Whose English’?, in Balancing Literature, Language and Media in the National Curriculum: Report of Commission of Inquiry Into English, (ed) Cary Bazalgette, The British Film Institute.‘Some Incorrect Paths Through Political Correctness’, in The War of Words, (ed) Sarah Dunant, Virago.

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‘Encoding and Decoding’. Reprinted, in The Cultural Studies Reader, (ed) Simon Duning, Routledge.

1995‘The Whites of Their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media’ in Gender, Race and Class in Media, (eds) G. Dines and J. Humez, Sage, London. (pp. 18–23).‘Myths of Caribbean Identity’, (The Walter Rodney Memorial Lecture), New Left Review.‘Fantasy, Identity, Politics’, in Cultural Remix: Theories of Politics and the Popular, (ed.) E. Carter, J. Donald and J. Squires, New Formations and Lawrence and Wishart, London, (pp.63–70).‘Culture, Community and Nation’, in Identity, Authority and Democracy, Research Papers in Media and Cultural Studies, University of Sussex, (pp.39–56).Six essays, including ‘What Is this Black in Black Popular Culture’ and ‘Metaphors of Transformation’, in Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies, with essays by Iain Chambers, Angela McRobbie, Isaac Julien, Charlotte Brunsdon, Dick Hebdige . (Ed) Dave Morley and Kwan Hsing Chen. Routledge ‘Black and White in Television’, in Remote Control: Dilemmas of Black Intervention in British Film and TV (ed.) June Givanni, British Film Institute, London. pp.13–28.‘Not A Postmodern Nomad: A Conversation with Stuart Hall (ed.) Les Terry, Arena New Series, Np.5. pp.51–70. North Carlton, Australia.

1996‘Cultural Studies: Two paradigms’ reprinted in A Cultural Studies Reader: History, Theory, Practice, (eds) J. Munns, and E. Ragan, Longman, London. pp.194–206.‘Interview with Roger Bromley’, in a Cultural Studies Reader, (eds) J. Munn and G. Ragan, op cit pp.659–673.‘Response to Saba Mahmood’ in Cultural Studies, Vol. 10 No.1, January, pp.12–15.‘Signification, Representation and Ideology’: Althusser and the Post-structural Debates’ in Cultural Studies and Communications, (eds) J. Curran, D. Morley and V. Walkerdine. Edward Arnold, London. pp.11–34.‘Drifting Into A Law and Order Society’, the 1980 Cobden Society Lecture, reprinted in Criminological Perspectives, (eds) J Muncie, E. McLaughlin and M. Langan, Sage, London. pp.257–270.Essays reprinted in Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies, (eds.) D. Morley and Kwan-Hsing Chen, Routledge, London and New York.‘When Was The Post-Colonial’, in The Post Colonial Question (ed) L. Curti and I. Chambers, Routledge, London and New York.

1997 Three Interviews with Martin Jacques, The New Statesman‘Politics, Continency, Strategy’: Interview with David Scott: Small Acts vol 1.Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, (ed). Sage and the Open UniversityDoing Cultural Studies: The Sony Walkman Story, with P.DuGay. Sage and The Open University‘The Work of Representation’, in Representation, op.cit.‘The Spectacle of ‘the Other’’, in Representation, op.cit.

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‘The Centrality Of Culture: Notes On The Cultural Revolution Of Our Times’, in Media and Cultural Regulation (ed) K.Thompson. Sage and The O.U. ‘Cultural Studies och dess teoretiska arv” , in Zenit No135/6 1997, Stockholm ‘Culture and Power’, Interview in Radical PhilosophyFour Interviews, New Statesman, with Martin Jacques

1998‘Rivers of Racism: Enoch Powell Thirty Years On’. New Statesman,17th April ‘Aspiration and Attitude: Reflections on Black Britain In The Nineties’. New Formations, No 33, Spring.’‘Culture and Power’, Radical Philosophy‘Subjects in History: Making Diasporic Identities’, in The House That Race Built, ed Wahneema Lubiana. Vintage, NY.‘There’s No Place Like Home’, (Windrush review). Financial Times. 13/14 June‘The Great Moving Nowhere Show’, Marxism Today special issue. Nov/Dec.‘The Windrush Issue: Postscript’, in Soundings, Issue No 10. Autumn‘Identitadas Minimas’, in Nuestra America, No 13. Brazil‘El Problema de la Ideologia: marxismo sin garantias’, Doxa, Ano ix No18, 1998, Verano, Argentina‘Breaking Bread With History: C.L.R.James and The Black Jacobins’, History Workshop Journal, Autumn, 1998.Evidence on “Racial Stereotyping In The Police” to The Lawrence Inquiry, with Gail Lewis and Eugene McLaughlinSelected Essays, translated, in Stuart Hall, issue of Contemporary Thought, vol 26 no.4, devoted to work of S,Hall. Tokyo.

1999“Cultural Identity and Racism” in Resssismus in der Diskussion. Ed. Christopher Burgmer, Elefanten Press, Berlin‘Ethnizitat: Identitat und Differenz’, (selected essays) in Die Kleinen Unterschiede, (ed) Jan Engelman, Campus Verlag, Germany ‘Re-inventing Britain’, Opening and Closing Statements, in Wasifiri, No.29, SpringVisual Culture: The Reader, with Jessica Evans (eds), Sage and The Open University“Have Cultural Studies, Will Travel: Some Conditions of Existence of Trans-national Dialogue’, in A Dialogue With Cultural Studies, (eds) T.Hanada, S.Yoshimi and C.Sparks. Shin-yo-sha, Tokyo.‘From Scarman to Stephen Lawrence’, History Workshop Journal, No 48.‘Whose Heritage?’ The Arts Council of England, London

2000‘Whose Heritage? Unsettling The Heritage, Re-imagining the Post-Nation”, Third Text, 49, Winter-Spring. Kala Press, London Identiteeti, ( selected essays). Vastapaino, Tempere, Finland“The Multi-Cultural Moment” in Un/Settled Multiculturalisms, ed. Barnor Hesse. Zed Books, LondonVisual Culture. Jessica Evans and Stuart Hall. Sage and O.U... London“From Scarman to Stephen Lawrence”, reprinted, in Connections. Commission on Racial

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Equality. “Multi-cultural citizens, monocultural citizenship? In Tomorrow’s Citizens. IPPR, London“Whose Heritage?”, reprinted, Annual Report, 1998-9, Danish Ministry of Cultural Affairs. Nybrogade, Denmark“A European Perspective on Hybridity”, in Hermes. No 28. Issue on Latin America: Culture and Communication. CHRS. Editions, Paris.“The Anti-Aparthied Movement and the Race-ing of Britain”. Symposium Report, The AAM: A 40 Year Perspective. Sout Africa House, London“On The Theoretical Legacy of Cultural Studies” Reprinted in Revista de Communicacao e Linguagens. Lisbon.“A Identidade Cultural na Post-modernidade”, DP&A Editora, Rio de Janairo, Brazil.“Frontlines, Backyards: The Terms of Change”, and (reprinted) “The formation of a Diasporic Intellectual’, in Black British Culture and Society: A Reader, ed. Kwesi Owusu. Routledge.

2001“Constituting An Archive” from ‘The Living Archive Papers’. Third Text, No 54. Spring “Museums of Modern Art And The End Of History” in Annotations 6: Modernity and Difference. Institute for the International Visual Arts (inIVA), London“Modernity and Difference” with Sarat Maharaj, in Annotations 6, inIVA, London.“From Scarman to Stephen :Lawrence”. Reprinted in Arbeithkreis Deutsche England-Forschung, vol.46 (eds) K.Schonwalder and I.Strum-Martin. Philo Press, Jahrundert, Germany“Foucault: Power, Knowledge and Discourse” repr. in Discourse, Theory and Practice: A Reader, (eds) M.Wetherell, S.Taylor, S.Yates. Sage/OU, London.“The Spectacle Of The Other”, repr. in Discourse, Theory and Practice: A Reader, ibid. Difference: Contemporary Photographers and Black Identity, with Mark Sealy. Phaidon Press, London

2002“Political Belonging in a World of Multiple Identities” in Conceiving Cosmopolitanism, (eds) Steven Vertovec and Robin Cohin. Oxford University Press“From Scarman to Stephen Lawrence” reprinted in Criminology: A Reader, (eds) Yvonne Jewkes and Gayle Letherby. SAGE Publications, London

2003“Créolité and the Process of Creolization” in Créolité and Creolization, Documenta 11_Platform 3, (eds) Okwui Enwezor, Carlos Basualdo, Ute Meta Bauer, Susanne Ghez, Sarat Maharaj, Mark Nash, Octavia Zaya. Hatje Cantz Publishers, Germany‘Creolization, Diaspora and Hybridity’, in Creolite and Creolization, Documenta 11, (eds) Okwui Enwesor, et.aAl., “Chris Ofili in Paradise: Dreaming of Afro” in Chris Ofili within reach, Chris Ofili and Thelma Golden. Victoria Miro Gallery, London“Calypso Kings” in The Auditory Culture Reader, (eds) Michael Bull and Les Back. Berg, Oxford“Maps of Emergency: Fault Lines and Tectonic Plates” in Fault Lines, Contemporary African Art and Shifting Landscapes, (eds) Gilane Tawadros and Sarah Campbell. Institute

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of International Visual Arts (inIVA)/ Forum for African Arts/ Prince Klaus Fund, London“The Vertigo of Displacement” with David A. Bailey, reprinted in The Photography Reader, (ed) Liz Wells, Routledge, LondonDa Diáspora: Identidades e Mediações Culturais, Editora UFMG, UNESCO, Brasil“Labour’s Double-Shuffle”, Soundings, Issue 24, Autumn, 2003

2004“The Way We Live Now” in Mitra Tabrizian, Beyond the Limits, Steidl/bbk=/Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany

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