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PUBAFRS 6060: Managing Human Resources in Public Organizations

Course Information Spring 2018 Instructor Information Mondays and Wednesdays from

11:30 am – 1:20 pm Page Hall 040

Credit hours: 4

Megan LePere-Schloop, PhD 350K Page Hall 614-247-6374

[email protected] Office hours: Mondays 1:30-3:30 pm

and by appointment


Public organizations are designed to solve complex problems. Those who are responsible for managing such organizations need to assemble talented and committed individuals and lead them towards achieving the organization’s public service mission. Furthermore, public managers often need to make things happen with limited resources and less than ideal conditions or time frames. The attainment of the organization’s goals requires a manager to be able to understand how people from various backgrounds, interests, and skill sets can work together and contribute towards the organization’s mission, influence people both inside and outside of the organization, optimize the structure and culture of their organization, make effective decisions, resolve conflicts, and drive change for higher organizational performance. Public Affairs 6060 is designed to provide you with analytical tools developed from the behavioral and social sciences and tested by leaders in organizations representing all sectors. These analytical tools will help you to develop and enhance your supervisory and leadership skills so that you can manage and lead a high-performing, successful public organization.


This course is designed to meet the following Glenn College curriculum learning objectives:

Manage and lead public organizations towards policy goals

Identify and manage internal challenges to organization performance

Lead and motivate workers in public organizations

Manage innovation and change

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The course has two separate but related segments. In the first part of the course (weeks 1-8), you will learn how to recruit, motivate, and retain talent in public organizations. The main purpose of these sessions is to help you to learn about the best practices for supervising and managing people in organizations. Each week, we will focus on a particular human resource management challenge and learn how to address it effectively. In the second part of the course (Weeks 8-15), you will learn about the leadership skills and practices needed to lead high-performing public service organizations. All class sessions in both parts A and B will rely heavily on case studies, individual and group exercises and film/video analysis in addition to reading about the best practices from the existing organizational research.


As you are studying management and leadership, this course will be conducted according to the standards of professionalism. The course will begin on time. Mobile devices will be turned off. Laptop computers, tablets and other devices are allowed by the permission of the instructor. Students are expected to attend class, prepare in advance of class sessions, and actively participate in discussions and other in-class activities. Students are also expected to treat their colleagues with respect and to abide by the ground rules for class discussions created by the class on the first day. Finally, be good hosts to any guest speakers who generously share their time and talents with the class. Do this by giving them your full, respectful attention.


There is NO textbook for this course. Instead, each week you will be reading few short articles published in practitioner-oriented management journals such as the Harvard Business Review/Sloan Management Review/California Management Review. All of the articles and some of the case studies will be posted on Carmen. The cases that are not posted on Carmen need to be accessed from the Hubert Project website ( or purchased for approximately $23 from Harvard Business Publishing (HBSP) using the following coursepack link: Note – you will have to register with HBSP and set up an account to access the coursepack. If you have problems accessing the link or purchasing cases, please contact HBSP at 800-545-7685. Students are expected to read/watch all of the relevant materials in advance of class. Students will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate knowledge of the material through their in-class contribution, and assignments. Students are welcome to draw from material in other classes to support course work.

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Class Participation 6% Biographical Sketch 1% Weekly Identification of Big Ideas 13% (13@1%) Group Case Analysis Presentation and Facilitation 20% (2@10%) Individual Case Analysis Memos 40% (4@10%) Public Sector Manager Interview Paper 15% Final Reflection Paper 5%

Class Participation

This course is based heavily on class discussions, so it is important that all students make their voices heard during class time. At the end of each class period, I will make note of which students contributed to the class discussion; students who actively participated (i.e. made substantial contributions on more than one occasion during the class session) will receive a point, otherwise they will receive a zero. At the end of the semester, points will be added up and divided by the total points possible to calculate each student’s participation grade.

Biographical Sketch

By the second day of class, students will submit a biographical sketch via Carmen. Further instructions will be discussed in class and are posted on the class website.

Weekly Identification of Big Ideas

Each week, students will submit a substantial one-page document (standard 12 pt font, with 1 inch margins) that addresses the following elements:

Identify and describe two big ideas based on the course content for the week (What?)

Provide an example of why each idea is important for public sector managers/leaders (So what?)

Explicitly connect your “big ideas” to at least two of the readings/videos for the week Big Idea papers are graded pass/fail. A pass grade means that the student 1) turns a hard-copy of the paper in at the beginning of class on the day that it is due, and 2) addresses the elements described above.

A Note on Case Studies

Students might ask - what is a case study? Case studies are commonly used in management courses to provide insight into real-world challenges faced by managers in the public sector. Cases are generally written to contain background information on the organization, people involved, and a series of events and administrative difficulties that confront the responsible manager. The problem may or may not be clearly defined. Frequently, a significant part of the student’s analysis of the case will focus on defining the central management problem. The purpose of the case is to present the facts that were known or available to parties in the case situation and which formed the basis for their analysis and decision. The decision is sometimes

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described in the case, other times it is not. If a decision is indicated in the case, the discussion often focuses upon an analysis of the validity of the decision.

Group Case Study Presentation and Facilitation

Throughout the semester, group case studies will be presented in class by students to help reinforce the course concepts with practical application. While all students will be expected to prepare for and participate in all case discussions, there will be an assigned student group to facilitate the case discussion on any given week. Students will form small groups of 3-5 people during the semester to complete the graded group case study assignments. Each case study group will be responsible for giving a 5-minute presentation summarizing important background information related to their case, and facilitating a 55-minute class activity/discussion based on the case. To prepare for the presentation and facilitation, students will meet ahead of time with their team. Each group is also required to meet with the instructor to review their plan at least one week prior to the date they are scheduled to facilitate. Students will receive a group grade for their presentation and facilitation based on the following five components:

Clear presentation of background information related to the case (20 points)

Thoughtful and timely planning related to facilitation of discussion/activity including (20 points):

o Identification of concepts and tools based on course content that can be used as analytical lenses to stimulate critical thinking

o Facilitation agenda

Effective facilitation of discussion/activity during which they support their peers in (40 points):

o Describing critical factors that contributed to the state of affairs described in the case

o Applying concepts, tools or insights from course materials/readings to the identified management challenge in the case

o Diagnosing the primary challenge facing the case protagonist(s) o Identifying multiple courses of action moving forward o Assessing the pros and cons of each of these options

Critical reflection on the effectiveness of their presentation and facilitation style (20 points).

Individual Case Study Memos

Students will write a total of four case analysis memos (two memos for each section of the course). The memos are designed to assess your ability to:

Succinctly relate the most important information contained in the memo through an executive summary (10 points)

Diagnose key management problems/challenges evident in the case (25 points)

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Apply (and cite) course readings and additional sources to solve the management challenges/problems in the case (25 points)

Suggest multiple specific and viable courses of action to address the challenges, and make a strong case for a favored course of action (30 points)

Communicate clearly and in a professional manner (10 points) For these assignments, students may choose any two of the four cases assigned in each section of course (there are a total of 8 cases). They CANNOT, however, choose the case for which their group facilitates the class discussion. The length of each memo should be 1500 words or less (double-spaced, 1-inch margin, 12- point Times New Roman font). Memos substantially longer than 1500 words (i.e., 100 words or more) will NOT be read and returned. Each memo should be carefully proofread and ready for distribution to senior decision makers. Management memos must be posted to Carmen before class on the day they are due.

Class Case Studies

In addition to the eight case studies that form the basis of the group and individual assignments described above, we will make use of several additional class case studies to collectively delve more deeply into the course content. No group will present background information or facilitate class discussion for these case studies, and individuals cannot submit memos that address the scenarios raised in these case studies. Class case studies are noted as such in the course outline.

Public Sector Manager Interview Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to explore a public sector organization’s human resource management system. All senior public managers need to deal with strategic human resource management issues in a variety of ways. For the purposes of this paper, students are tasked with acquiring as much knowledge as possible about the formal and informal practices of their organization related to employee recruitment, development and retention. Each student will develop a paper articulating the results of an in-depth interview with a public sector manager (e.g., city manager, a county administrator, HR director of state agency, or director of a nonprofit organization) who is/has been involved in the organization's human resources planning, recruitment, and development along with a thorough review of publicly available documents that describe the organization's HRM system. At a minimum, the paper should include the following elements:

Name, location, brief history, mission and basic overview of the manager’s organization, and the name, title, and role of the manager.

Priorities related to their current human resources strategies.

Alignment of the organization’s operations to recruitment, selection, training, and development concepts discussed in class through weeks 1 to 7.

Plans about new and innovative talent acquisition and management strategies.

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Students will submit the names of two managers who they could potentially interview for the assignment via Carmen by January 29th. A public sector manager may only be interviewed once for the class. Students will submit documentation via Carmen from the interviewee confirming the date and time of the scheduled interview by February 26th. The final paper based on the interview is due via Carmen on April 11th. Final Reflection Paper Students will submit a final reflection paper via Carmen by April 23rd of approximately 1500 words (double-spaced, 1-inch margin, 12- point Times New Roman font). In this paper, students will identify the three most important ideas, insights, skills, etc. that they wish to remember from the course, and discuss them in reference to one of the case studies covered over the course of the semester.

Grading scale

93 - 100 A 80 - <83 B- 67 - <70 D+ 90 - <93 A- 77 - <80 C+ 60 - <67 D 87 - <90 B+ 73 - <77 C <60 E 83 - <87 B 70 - <73 C-


Academic Integrity

The Ohio State University and the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) expect that all students have read and understand the University’s Code of Student Conduct ( ) and that all students will complete all academic and scholarly assignments with fairness and honesty. Failure to follow the rules and guidelines established in the University’s Code of Student Conduct may constitute “Academic Misconduct.” Sanctions for the misconduct could include a failing grade in this course and suspension or dismissal from the University. In the Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct, Section 3335-23-04 defines academic misconduct as: “Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University, or subvert the educational process.” Examples of academic misconduct include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, collusion (unauthorized collaboration), copying the work of another student, and possession of unauthorized materials during an examination. Ignorance of the University’s Code of Student Conduct is never considered an “excuse” for academic misconduct. If you have any questions about the above policy or what constitutes academic misconduct in this course, please contact me.

Glenn College Diversity Values Statement

The Glenn College is committed to nurturing a diverse and inclusive environment for our students, faculty, staff, and guests that celebrates the fundamental value and dignity of everyone by recognizing differences and supporting individuality. We are dedicated to creating

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a safe space and promoting civil discourse that acknowledges and embraces diverse perspectives on issues and challenges that affect our community.

Accommodation Policy

The University strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please let me know immediately so that we can privately discuss options. To establish reasonable accommodations, I may request that you register with Student Life Disability Services. After registration, make arrangements with me as soon as possible to discuss your accommodations so that they may be implemented in a timely fashion. SLDS contact information: [email protected] ; 614-292-3307; 098 Baker Hall, 113 W. 12th Avenue.

Mental Health Statement

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student’s ability to participate in daily activities. The Ohio State University offers services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know is suffering from any of the aforementioned conditions, you can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus via the Office of Student Life Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) by visiting or calling 614-292-5766. CCS is located on the 4th Floor of the Younkin Success Center and 10th Floor of Lincoln Tower. You can reach an on call counselor when CCS is closed at 614-292-5766 and 24 hour emergency help is also available through the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800--273-TALK or at Also, the OSU Student Advocacy Center is a resource to help students navigate OSU and to resolve issues that they encounter at OSU –visit

Contact/Office Hours

As previously noted in this syllabus, I will hold office hours on Mondays from 1:30-3:30 pm and by appointment. I will also be available for a few minutes after every class to address any questions or concerns you may have. If you need to contact me outside of these times the best way to reach me is by e-mail. I normally check e-mail between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Monday through Friday. I do my best to respond to e-mails promptly (usually within 24-48 hours). That said, if you write to me after 8:00 pm on a weekday, or on the weekend, you may not get a response until the next business day.

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Workload/Course expectations

For each credit hour, students should expect about an hour of in-class meeting time, and 2 hours out of class work on a weekly basis. This is a four-credit class, meaning that on a weekly basis you can expect that you will spend about four hours engaging with the instructor in class (or online) and about twice that outside of class preparing and doing homework and assignments. Please feel let you know if this gets out of proportion on a regular basis.

Grade Appeals

The assigned grade is designed to show the overall quality of work performed by each student. If you believe that any grade was not properly assigned you may write a letter explaining why you believe the grade was incorrectly assigned within one week of receiving the graded assignment back. Each appeal will be considered. I will re-grade the assignment if I determine that this is the appropriate course of action. The final grade may be greater, less, or equal to the original grade.

Late Assignments

I do not typically accept late assignments. If I choose to make an exception, the grade on that assignment will be reduced. Submit all work via Carmen unless otherwise instructed.


I will only consider granting an incomplete if student coursework completed during the semester is of passing quality and a true hardship prevents the student from completing the rest of the work on time. I interpret hardship to mean some serious illness or family emergency, and not just class overload at the end of the semester. The student requesting an incomplete will be required to provide me with documentation of their hardship. If it becomes absolutely necessary for you to receive an incomplete in this class, then we will work together to develop a contract for completing the course in a timely manner. In the case of personal or family hardship that will significantly affect your performance in the class, please come speak to me immediately. The longer you wait to talk to me, the less help I will be able to give you.

Helpful Resources

Writing Consulting Students wishing to have additional help with the writing of their papers can meet with a consultant at the Writing Center (

Library Assistance The Glenn College has a dedicated librarian at OSU Libraries, David Lincove ([email protected]), who can help provide research assistance. For more information and links to some common public affairs resources, see -

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APA Style Guide It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with, and to use APA style guides for all class assignments. The Online Writing Lab provided by Purdue University is an invaluable resource for understanding and using APA style and citation guidelines ( ). ASSIGNMENT CALENDAR

Due Date Assignment

1/10 Biographical sketch 1/17 Week 2 Big Ideas 1/24 Week 3 Big Ideas 1/29 Group 1 Case Presentation and Facilitation

Case Analysis Memo 1 Names of Public Sector Managers for Interview Paper

1/31 Week 4 Big Ideas 2/5 Group 2 Case Presentation and Facilitation

Case Analysis Memo 2 2/7 Week 5 Big Ideas 2/12 Group 3 Case Presentation and Facilitation

Case Analysis Memo 3 2/14 Week 6 Big Ideas 2/19 Group 4 Case Presentation and Facilitation

Case Analysis Memo 4 2/21 Week 7 Big Ideas 2/26 Confirmation of Public Sector Manager for Interview Paper 2/28 Week 8 Big Ideas 3/5 Group 5 Case Presentation and Facilitation

Case Analysis Memo 5 3/7 Week 9 Big Ideas 3/19 Week 10 Big Ideas 3/21 Group 6 Case Presentation and Facilitation

Case Analysis Memo 6 3/26 Week 11 Big Ideas 3/28 Group 7 Case Presentation and Facilitation

Case Analysis Memo 7 4/2 Week 12 Big Ideas 4/4 Group 8 Case Presentation and Facilitation

Case Analysis Memo 8 4/9 Week 13 Big Ideas 4/11 Public Sector Manager Interview Paper 4/16 Week 14 Big Ideas 4/23 Final Reflection Paper

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Date Topics, Readings & Activities

PART A: Effective Managerial Practices in Public Organizations M 1/8 Course Introduction

Review syllabus; Create ground rules for class discussions

W 1/10 Week 1: Recruitment and Retention Building Sustainable Organizations: The Human Factor (Pfeffer) ABCs of Job Interviewing (Jenks & Zevnik) How to Avoid Hiring a Toxic Employee (Porath) Keeping Talent: Strategies for Retaining Valued Federal Employees (Booz Allen Hamilton) DUE: Biographical sketch

M 1/15 MLK Day – No Classes

W 1/17 Week 2: Rewards and Motivation On the folly of rewarding A while hoping for B (Kerr) 150 Ways to Encourage the Heart, Ch 2. (Kouzes & Posner) Pay for Performance in Georgia State Government (Kellough & Nigro) Video: Pink on “Workplace Motivation” ( ) DUE: Week 2 Big Ideas

M 1/22 Week 2: Rewards and Motivation Class Case Study: The Division of Water Resources (Carmen)

W 1/24 Week 3: Work Design and Engagement The meaning of work (Cartwright & Holmes) The Road to Empowerment (Quinn & Spreitzer) Motivating creativity at work (Grant) Video: Ariely on “What makes us feel good about our work?” ( ) DUE: Week 3 Big Ideas

M 1/29 Week 3: Work Design and Engagement Group 1 Case: Improving Decision Making in the King County Library System (Carmen) DUE: Case Analysis Memo 1 DUE: Public sector manager selection

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W 1/31 Week 4: Performance Appraisal and Feedback The Performance Management Revolution (Cappeili & Davis) Emotions and Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence (George) Coaching and the Art of Management (Evered & Selman) DUE: Week 4 Big Ideas

M 2/5 Week 4: Performance Appraisal and Feedback Group 2 Case: Layoffs in the Public Sector (Carmen) DUE: Case Analysis Memo 2

W 2/7 Weeks 5: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Are You Giving Away the Store? (Neale) How to Make the Other Side Play Fair (Bazerman & Kahenaman) Psychological Influence in Negotiation (Malhotra & Bazerman) The Evolution of Public Policy Dispute Resolution (Susskind & McKearnan) DUE: Week 5 Big Ideas

M 2/12 Weeks 5: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Group 3 Case Study: Negotiating from the Margins (HBSP) DUE: Case Analysis Memo 3

W 2/14 Week 6: Stress and Work Life Balance Extreme Jobs (Hewlett & Luce) Managing the High Intensity Workplace (Reid & Ramarajan) What to Do for a Struggling Colleague (Quelch, Knoop & Gallo) Video 1: Marsh on “Work-Life Balance” ( Video 2: Friedman on “Four-way Win: How to Integrate Work, Home, Community and Self” ( ) DUE: Week 6 Big Ideas

M 2/19 Week 6: Stress and Work Life Balance Group 4 Case Study: Paragon Legal (HBSP) DUE: Case Analysis Memo 4

W 2/21 Week 7: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Power, Status, and Abuse at Work (Lopez, Hodson, & Roscigno) Making Differences Matter (Thomas & Ely) Why Diversity Programs Fail (Dobbins s & Kalef) DUE: Week 7 Big Ideas

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M 2/26 Week 7: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Class Case Study: Paths Towards Organizational Cultural Competence (Hubert Project) DUE: Public sector manager confirmation

PART B: Effective Leadership Practices in Public Organizations W 2/28 Week 8: Designing High Performing Teams

Why teams don’t work (Hackman) Managing your team (Hill) Speeding up team learning (Edmondson et al.) DUE: Week 8 Big Ideas

M 3/5 Week 8: Designing High Performing Teams Group 5 Case Study: Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (HBSP) DUE: Case Analysis Memo 5

W 3/7 Week 9: Building High Quality Relationships The power of high quality connections at work (Dutton & Healthy) Connect, then Lead (Cuddy et al.) What creates energy in organizations? (Cross et. al.) Video: Pressman on “Why Doctors Should Care About Happiness” ( ) DUE: Week 9 Big Ideas

M 3/12 W 3/14

Spring Break – No Class

M 3/19 Week 10: Exercising Power and Authority Understanding Power in Organizations (Pfeffer) Diagnose the Political Landscape (Heifetz) Act Politically (Heifetz) Class Case Study: Board Chair and Executive Director Relationship (Hubert Project) DUE: Week 10 Big Ideas

W 3/21

Week 10: Exercising Power and Authority Group 6 Case Study: Implementing a high-risk, high-priority, and high-visibility program in a decentralized organization (Carmen) DUE: Case Analysis Memo 6

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M 3/26 Week 11: Unlocking the Subtle Forces of Change Creative Deviance on the Frontline (Heifetz) Modulating the Provocation (Heifetz) Tempered Radicals: How Everyday Leaders Inspire Change at Work (Meyerson 2004) Video: Sivers on “How to Start a Movement” ( ) DUE: Week 11 Big Ideas

W 3/28 Week 11: Unlocking the Subtle Forces of Change Group 7 Case Study: Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (HBSP) DUE: Case Analysis Memo 7

M 4/2 Week 12: Making Decisions under Uncertainty Introduction (selected pages); Common Biases (Bazerman) Decisions without Blinders (Bazerman) The Informed Decisions Toolbox: Tools for Knowledge Transfer and Performance Improvement (Rundall et al.) Video: Ariely on “Are we in control of our own decisions?” ( ) DUE: Week 12 Big Ideas

W 4/4 Week 12: Making Decisions under Uncertainty Group 8 Case Study: Managing Organizations in Unusual and Uncertain Conditions (Carmen) DUE: Case Analysis Memo 8

M 4/9 Week 13: Resilience in Times of Crisis Trauma, loss and human resilience (Bonanno) How Resilience Works (Coutu) Leading in traumatic times (Dutton et al.) DUE: Week 13 Big Ideas

W 4/11 Week 13: Resilience in Times of Crisis Class Case Study: The Heart of Reuters (Carmen) DUE: Public Sector Manager Interview Paper

M 4/16 Week 14: Promoting Public Values, Fairness, and Social Justice Ethical Breakdowns (Bazerman & Tenbrunsel) How (Un)Ethical Are You? (Banaji et al.) Moral Manager and Moral Person (Trevino et al.) Video: Ariely on “(Dis)Honesty: The Truth About Lies” ( ) DUE: Week 14 Big Ideas

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W 4/18 Week 14: Promoting Public Values, Fairness, and Social Justice Class Case Study: Building Equity and Addressing Structural Racism in Public Service Provision (Hubert Project)

M 4/23 Course summary DUE: Final Reflection Paper

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