Page 1: Psychology Video Report

Psychology Video Presentation Report

Group Members:

Chong Zit Man 0315915

Thun Shao Xun 0315919

Tan Chee Siang 0315159

Ashley Chow 0316141

Lecturer: Mr. Shankar

Class: Monday, 1pm.

Due Date: 2nd June 2014

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Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Objectives

3. Concepts

4. Progress of Work

5. Conclusion

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We were given the task to create a video that portrayed five

concepts of psychology. In the video, the five concepts were

represented by scenarios and showed how they applied to

different people and how they reacted to the situation.

In the video, we created a story line so that the events fall

into a proper sequence. The storyline that we used was one that

was easily relatable and revolved around an underdog who had a

series of unfortunate events happen to him. In the video, we see

how he overcomes the difficulties he was faced with.

The story revolves around a boy by the name of Beckham

who was inspired to play football. His father was the only one who

supported his dream to become a professional football player

whereas his mother was more concerned with his education. His

journey to becoming a great football player was not an easy one.

He had a tendency to get bullied by his peers and was often

looked down upon. Things took a turn for the worst with the

passing away of his father – the only one who truly supported him.

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Whilst training on his own, a football coach who saw Beckham’s

potential and nurtured his talent discovered him. As the final match

approached, Beckham’s poor state of mind affects his perfomance

in the game until his mother gives him the encouragement he so

desperately needs. With that, his team wins the game.

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The objective of the task given was to properly understand

the five concepts we chose. With that in mind, we were tasked to

incoorperate the concepts and apply them to situations that people

would come across in events that could be easily understood and


We had to work together and manage the workload amongst

four people to film, edit and write the report. As a group, we

managed to split the work evenly and even managed to get help

from others as ‘actors’ to be featured in the video.

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1. Social Learning Perspective

Social learning perspective sanctions reinforce and

discourage a given behaviour. Through this, individuals learn

best from observing others. Beckham, who learned how to

play football from watching football games on television

when he was younger, represented how this concept was

applied in the video. Whilst training, he taught himself tricks

that he saw the players in the game perform. This was a

good example as it could be understood and related to by

people who learn how to play sports by watching the

professionals on television.

2. Social Loafing

Mark Ringelman once said, “An individual’s performance

gets worse in the presence of others.” The individual’s

performance worsens in the presence of others due to

nervousness and lack of belief in oneself. Beckham, who

was being watched by the bullies while training, displayed

this concept. He made mistakes and was obviously scared

and nervous while being watched.

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3. Stereotype

‘Stereotype’ is a general belief about a group of people. It

differs from the term ‘prejudice’ in that it can have positive or

negative connotations. Once people start to stereotype, they

run the risk of becoming prejudicial, thus leading to

discrimination. In this case, the bullies looked down on

Beckham training alone, thus thinking that since he had no

team to train with, he was lowsy at playing football. From that

general belief alone, they had a negative attitude towards

him and acted on that attitude by behaving in a negative


4. Self-Fulfulling Prophecy

This propehcy is one that may affect a person’s behaviour

due to positive or negative circumstances/ events, thus

causing them to become true. In layman’s terms, if you

believe in yourself or if you see yourself in a certain way, you

would believe it to be true, thus act in that manner, hence

causing whatever you believe to be fulfilled. As an example

from the video, Beckham believed that training hard and

practising made him a good player. As a result, he was

indeed a good football player.

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5. Discrimination

‘Discrimination’ is a negative behaviour directed at a specific

group of people. It’s cause by negative attitudes felt towards

a certain group of people. Through the video, the clearest

case of discrimination is where the bullies taunted Beckham.

They acted upon their negative attitudes towards him and

behaved as such, thus leaving Beckham feeling down and


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Progress of Work

First thing’s first, we decided which concepts to use.

We had to consider which were easily identifiable through

the video as well as being easily understood by our target

audience. Social learning persepective was one that could

be used in any situation from learning a new skill, to learning

in the classroom. Everyone learns by watching and following

someone else at some point in time.

Once we confirmed the concepts we wanted to use,

the storyline was the next issue. Being in an all boys group

with one girl, we decided on using a sports orientated theme.

Football, being the more favourable sport, was chosen. Next,

we decided on the series of unfortunate events that would

befall poor Beckham. To make things more exciting (and

depressing), we decided to remove his father - the only true

supporter of his dream - from his life.

Despite the unfortunate events, Beckham’s hard work

and training paid off as a famous coach who offered him a

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place in his team soon discovered him. The coach saw talent

and potential in Beckham and wanted to harvest that talent.

Once the storyline was set, all that was left was the

filming and recording. We worked two cameras and took

multiple angles of each individual scene. Some of the scenes

were blurred on purpose, but the hardest thing to control was

the sound quality of the recording. To make it easier on our

audience, we put in subtitles.

The scenes were all edited with subtitles and narration

included, then all that was left to do was the power point

slideshow and the report. Two people out of the four of us

were tasked with editing the video whereas the other two

were tasked with preparing the power point slideshow and

the report.

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At the end of the task, we managed to completely

understand the concepts used. Therefore, we managed to

achieve our objectives for this assignment. On top of that, we

met the deadline thus proving that we had good time

management and teamwork skills.

We would like to thank our lecturer, Mr. Shankar, for

giving us the opportunity to carry out the task at hand, as

well as our friends who are credited in the video for

participating in the shooting as actors and cameramen.

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