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Name: Toh Kean Hou

ID: 0319575

Course code: PSY30203

Title: Social Psychology Individual Journal 1

Course: FNBE

Page 2: Psychology

Instead of having a great time with their friend in front of them they chose to just continue playing with their phone and it happen to say “socializing” but you are not even talking to the friend in front of you how are you got to say you are socializing browsing the social website does not make you more socialize then talking to the person in front of you. But nowadays the term socializing is not seems like what it is anymore technology is good but we need to put in the good use. Social website able to allow us to see the unreal world is because they automatically assume that the real world is not good enough for them and the will start browsing the unreal world. As they doing that they can find out which people is from their category and start a conversation with them. Other than that, we will always see people with phone or any other devices on their hand while they are alone or with people they are uncomfortable with, they will start using phone to avoid awkwardness. So this will cause Representative heuristic to happen because they will judge people based on similarity its seems like those without these social website will be left out and people who using those devices will not go to them because they fell like they didn’t have similarity. Availability Heuristics they put judgement based on easy access of specific kind of information just because the technology now is very convenient they will just believe they see on Facebook and etc but that might be wrong. So this where perseverance effect kick in no matter how people tell them is wrong but they will still believe in the network even though they found out that information is false. This will bring up to few consequences such as people are getting tear apart by the social network and they will not have conversation in front of their friend making other people start using the device so that will cause the people there does not feel comfortable and will never start a conversation. Besides that, the trust between the people start to become lesser because of the social network has took over the trust between them.

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