Page 1: Psoriasis Natural Treatments - Ultraviolet Light

For severe or disabling psoriasis that is unresponsive to treatment ultraviolet B PUVA therapy should be considered.

This is short of psoralen ultraviolet A treatment type.

Here, the long-wave ultraviolet light is used in combination with an oral medication called psoralen to improve the

sensitivity of the skin to light type A. Ideal candidates are those with large plaque psoriasis affecting 30 percent or

more of the body. Elderly patients may receive PUVA treatment.

As with Ultraviolet Light Treatment Works

As in the therapy of type B, the initial exposure to PUVA may last only a few minutes and gradually increase until the

skin returns to normal. At least 30 treatments are needed to clear psoriasis, this may be higher depending on the

patient's condition. Settlement can last a few months to two or three years.

Page 2: Psoriasis Natural Treatments - Ultraviolet Light

"Treatments are usually given three times a week, but the schedule may vary depending on the doctor. PUVA produce

a temporary erythema (or redness of the skin), which will become a deep, rich tan. Erythema produced by PUVA does

not peak until 48 hours later, it can also be 96 hours after treatment. For this reason, the PUVA treatments generally

do not occur on consecutive days. Doctors sometimes use potent steroids End of treatment to facilitate clearance of

persistent injuries to avoid prolonged exposure PUVA.

Page 3: Psoriasis Natural Treatments - Ultraviolet Light

Although it is more effective to eliminate severe psoriasis, PUVA poses greater risks than UVB and should not be used

by children, teenagers, pregnant women, people with heart, blood pressure or eyes, and those history of skin cancer.

Side Effects of Ultraviolet Light

Common side effects include nausea, itching and red skin. Some may suffer discouragement, faintness, insomnia,

discomfort in the head, alteration, contractions in the limbs and prostate problems. The long-term risks of PUVA include

Page 4: Psoriasis Natural Treatments - Ultraviolet Light

skin cancer, freckles, cataracts and premature aging.

This is more likely to occur in people with fair skin who receive high-dose treatment - those exceeding 159 after five

years. A low dose PUVA therapy usually not present these problems.

To reduce the risks of PUVA therapy, your doctor may offer other options, ie using other therapies . Goggles should be

worn 24 hours after PUVA therapy to prevent cataract formation.

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Page 5: Psoriasis Natural Treatments - Ultraviolet Light

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