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Dear PSG Members and Friends,

Recently, I came across the article “Retailers’ Rx: Heal Thyself” in The Star-Ledger that was a result of an interview with Bob Phibbs, the author of The Retail Doctor’s Guide to Growing Your Business. I don’t even know why I started reading this article, but I’m glad I did because I learned something new that day. For

example, a simple fact from the “retail anatomy” states that as people tend to walk to the right after entering a store (after all, we drive on the right side of the road), thus the best merchandise should be put on the right. Phibbs also stated that people buy not because they want to buy, but because they feel good when they buy. (I know firsthand that “retail therapy” works!)

You might wonder why I’m writing about retail and how it is related to you. There is a direct connection between a job search and retail psychology.

It's not what you want to sell, it's what they want to buy to feel good. On the interview you don’t sell the skills you have, you have to make them feel good that

you are the right person and can fix their problems. When you go on the interview, sell your confidence and your ability to help the company, and make your interviewer feel good.

You should put everything that is important and relevant to a particular position right on top of your resume, “on the right side of the store,” where it can be easily found and “bought.” And don’t forget about appearance; it came in third place on the level of importance in making a decision. If you come groomed, well dressed, confident and with a nice smile to an interview, you make a great first impression. Remember, 90 percent of the decision to hire is chemistry. The person hired for the position is often not the best qualified. He or she is perceived to be the best.

If you will start using “retail mentality,” you will do much better in your job search.

Good luck!

Volume 2, Issue 2 August 2010


Inside This Issue, Media ..........Communications Committee p2

.............PSG Speaker Kenny Moore p3

.............Networking - Following Up p4

............Getting Your Resume Read p5

.......................Marketing Yourself p5

.............NJWLD Launches New Site p6

.......................LinkedIn Strategies p7

..........................PAR of the Month p8

Frugal Online Tips of the Month

................................................. p10

June Landings, PSG Committee Chairs................................................. p13

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Where has the summer gone? Can you believe it’s August already?

Caroline Bucquet opens this month’s issue with a story about Kenny Moore’s recent presentation to PSG on dealing with the emotions of a job search. Stephen Matthaey provides some valuable information about improving the quality of the contacts you meet while networking. Do you think snail mail is too retro? Read what Abby Kohut says about ways to get your resume read by employers. Idelle Kursman tells us what she learned from a presentation on self marketing during your job search. The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development has launched a new website to assist job seekers, and Caroline tells us what they said at a recent PSG meeting. Michael Davy explains in his story how you must be thorough and careful with the information you provide on your LinkedIn profile. Suzanne Elward’s Par of the Month describes another career situation that is turned into a useful PAR. Andrew Brandt revisits his extensive resources for frugal software available on the Internet. Many stories this month meant much editing by Bruce Goldman, while Bob Loder and Peter Herbst managed the design and distribution processes, respectively.

Have a job search story to tell? We want to hear from you.

-Bob and Caroline

The MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE meets following the Morris County Networking Group at 70 Maple Ave., Morristown on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 11:00 a.m.

Please join us!

Bob Loder, Co-ChairCaroline Bucquet,

Co-ChairAndrew BrandtMichael Davy

Suzanne ElwardBruce Goldman

Peter HerbstIdelle KursmanMark Yonskie

The PSG Dover Networker is looking for

writers! Whether you want to become a regular member of our team, or just

contribute a story now and then, we want to

hear from you!

Drop us a note at

[email protected], and

introduce yourself! Or, talk to any member of

the Media Communications Committee.



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Former Monk Delivers Words of Inspiration

By Caroline Bucquet

Which Room Are You In?

With humor and common sense, author and speaker Kenny “The Monk” Moore recently addressed the Dover Professional Services Group (PSG). His subject was bringing one's whole person to the workplace. By “whole person,” Moore means our bodies, our minds and our spiritual selves. Moore asserts that interacting with all employees/colleagues from a perspective of respect, consequence and increased moral consciousness for the entire organization stimulates a more positive work environment than other traditional methods. A noble thought, perhaps, but buying into this approach is not easy.

Moore believes that no matter where we are in our employment journey, we all experience a variety of emotions throughout any situation. They range from contentment, to feeling lost and hopeless, to feeling invigorated. These emotions run in repetitive cycles, and generally when a situation is “fresh” is when we are feeling content. Moore uses Claes Janssen’s metaphor of a four-room apartment in which we move from room to room—from satisfaction to being depressed and psychologically uncomfortable, and then to being reinvigorated and recharged.

Moore believes that this cycle of emotions applies to the jobless and employed alike, but for different reasons. For the unemployed it means going from job security to being out of work and in denial, to confusion about what to do, to developing a plan of action and reestablishing energy in a new job. For the employed it could mean going from being content at work to being bored, to causing unrest among the team and being a loner, and then perhaps launching on a new company assignment.

Moore encourages us to embrace our emotions in “each room.” Especially in the rooms where we feel malcontent because these feelings often give us the impetus to bring about change. “We all are in one of these rooms at any given time because life either puts us on the road to transformation or we seek it ourselves, but it will happen,” he advocates. “It’s how we handle the difficult situations."

By refuting controversial feelings and/or behavior, we could be ignoring the spark that could ultimately elevate our careers or refuel our organizations. Along these lines, Moore believes that we should not settle into docile acceptance or a quest for the common—either individually or organizationally. He believes results and morale are improved when we are employed in careers that we are passionate about and where the manager actively supports us (and all team members) and values our contributions; that may include creating our own jobs.

As for organizations that seek the common cog, Moore says with a wry smile, “Why settle for

Velveeta cheese when what we really want is Camembert or Gorgonzola. This [life] is not a dress rehearsal, why wait to be who you really are?”

From Monk to Corporate Change Agent

Kenny Moore spent 15 years as a priest before entering the corporate world. He endured two life-threatening health conditions, cancer and a quadruple bypass, that ultimately fueled his fervor for improving behavior and traditions in

the corporate environment. Top-selling book The CEO and the Monk that Moore authored with former Keyspan CEO Robert Catell and writer Glenn Rifkin documents the success of a Fortune 500 company based upon engaging the hearts and souls of employees through ethical leadership and non-traditional methods. Catell had hired Moore to be his human resources leader when ushering in necessary, competitive change at Keyspan.

Different from rolling out other corporate initiatives, Catell trusted Moore’s judgment on

Kenny Moore



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how to engage and inspire people—including himself. Moore’s method included accepting and accommodating people's viewpoints—especially the disgruntled—as having value that provided momentum for change that ultimately brought Keyspan enormous success. For Moore, it was an opportunity to “build community, repair trust, offer hope and try to heal an inherently flawed human system.” He continued, “Knowing that some people were discontented was not enough. Bob [Catell] and I wanted to know who they were, why they were unhappy and what proposals they had for improvement. Many changes took place as a result of suggestions from the cynical.”

For more information on Kenny Moore and to sign up for his newsletter, please visit his Web site at:


Networking and theArt of the Follow-Up

By Stephen Matthaey, PHR

When I attend “networking” events, I meet a lot of people. Typically, I have a brief conversation with each person I meet. We exchange cards, and off we go to our next encounter. I often find an invitation to connect on LinkedIn later that day or the next. My response is normally, “Let’s meet for coffee or lunch.” Those whom I have the pleasure of meeting I then connect with. I have a simple rationale for this: I know all of my contacts, which allows me to both ask and give help effectively.

The quality of your contacts is much more important than the quantity of contacts. There is only one way to build a quality relationship: you need to invest time and effort into the other person. Dr. Stephen R. Covey likens this to making emotional deposits into an account. He advises us that as you cannot make a withdrawal without having sufficient funds in an account, you cannot expect to ask a person you don't know well to do you a meaningful favor.

Imagine this scenario: there is an opening at a particular company, and you have found out that I am working in the target company. You reach out to me and ask for my help. If our only contact has been a brief interlude together at a networking event, I would not be able to represent any of your skills or abilities to the hiring manager. Yet, if

we both took a bit of time to become acquainted with each other, and maintained personal contact even for just a few minutes on a regular basis, I would be able to synopsize your unique fit for a position that might yield you an interview. The time that we’ve invested in the quality of our connection can yield dividends for us both.

There are many simple ways to improve the quality of your contacts:

• Take a few minutes on a daily basis to write an email or call one or two of your contacts. Make the communications experience a two-way, give-and-take proposition.

• When you read an interesting article, forward it to individuals in your network who would enjoy or benefit from it, with a personal note. This adds value to your connection and strengthens your bond.

• Avoid “blast” emails updating everyone on what you are doing. Make your interactions personal.

• Periodically review your list of connections on LinkedIn or other social media sites. If you have not corresponded with a person in a while, take the definitive action of either contacting him or removing him from your list.

I’m fortunate to have met so many skillful and terrific people in my life. By regularly following up with them, my life continues to be enriched on a daily basis. The strength and quality of my connections have consistently helped me to succeed in my career and endeavors.

Stephen Matthaey is the founder of GPS Career Mapping LLC, whose mission is helping transitional professionals land their ideal positions. He can be reached at [email protected].

© GPSCM LLC. Rights for PSG to reproduce this article and distribute granted; all other rights reserved.

Stephen Matthaey

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The Museum of Old Technology

By Abby Kohut a.k.a. Absolutely Abby

These days there are many new ways of forwarding your resume to a company—most of which involve a computer. We have online applications, online resumes and online networking. Sometimes differentiating yourself is

as easy as turning back the clock . . . literally.

These days, the old-fashioned metal mailbox in the Human Resources department tends to be very lonely because the only mail we receive are invoices, new-product advertisements and miscellaneous propaganda. Seeing a resume printed on bond paper every once in a

while, complete with a well-written cover letter, is a

breath of fresh air. Do you think I would risk a paper cut and open it? Absolutely!

Fax machines around the country are lonely as well. They are no longer the most used piece of office equipment as they have given that title away to their cousin, the computer. I remember looking forward to Monday mornings to see piles of faxed resumes in response to my newspaper ads. So why not fax your resume to the lonely fax machine? It's a great way to make sure that someone is going to actually read it. While you're at it, apply online as well so that you have two chances of being seen and so that you're not seen as a rebel who cannot follow directions.

The last piece of antiquated equipment to bring back to life is the telephone. With text messaging and e-mail becoming so prevalent, Alexander Graham Bell's famous invention has become a dinosaur in itself. If you are sure that you are the ideal candidate for the job, why not call and tell the hiring manager that? He or she might be happy to hear from you so that they don't have to waste time looking through the many unqualified candidates' resumes. Remember that calling is one thing, but stalking is another, so block your caller ID with *67.

In any economy, you must do things differently than your competition to get noticed. Can I guarantee you that the mailed-in or faxed resumes will be read, or that the phone call will be taken seriously every time? Absolutely not. But I can promise you that persistence and out-of-the-box thinking will keep you miles ahead of your competition.

Abby Kohut is an HR professional with 15 years of experience whose goal in 2010 is to help 1,000,000 job seekers get back to work. You can learn more about Abby at


Learning and Applying Self Marketing Techniques

A Program delivered by Beverly Feldman, Job Developer of the Jewish Vocational Service

By Idelle Kursman

I got a proverbial shot in the arm when I attended “Learning and Applying Self Marketing Techniques” on July 22. The speaker was Beverly Feldman, Job Developer for the Jewish Vocational Service. The program took place at the Jewish Community Center in Whippany.

Ms. Feldman had previously worked as National Sales Account Executive for Hewlett Packard (formerly Digital Equipment Corp and then bought out by Compaq Computer before being bought out by HP). She was with all 3 for 23 years. Her account was the US Postal Service.

Not only has the job market changed drastically in the last few years, but this is also arguably the longest and toughest job market since the Great Depression. However, as a Job Developer for the JVS, Ms. Feldman hears about job openings every day. How? She explains that 80% of all job listings are unadvertised because employers do not want a deluge of thousands of resumes coming to their desks. This is where relationships come in. Networking is the number

Abby Kohut

Idelle Kursman

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one way people find jobs. Networking can be through social media like LinkedIn, talking with people you know, attending a Chamber of Commerce meeting, or even striking up a conversation with a stranger. For instance, learn to make small talk with people when you are in the supermarket line or chat with the people you know who work at the coffee shop you frequent. Any way you do it, you must network every single day.

Keep in mind that you are selling a product—You! You must come up with a personal brand that distinguishes you from others by having a unique marketing strategy. Define yourself and your talents. How do you want to be seen? How do you want to be seen by others? And you must be competitive-how are you better qualified than the person standing next to you? Read the job descriptions of open positions carefully. If you don’t have all the skills required for the position, don’t bother applying. Companies are not willing to train and there will be other applicants who will have all the skills the company is looking for. Your resume should be all accomplishment-oriented and dead-on with the position you are applying for. And don’t discount volunteer work! Think about the skills you are using when you volunteer and list them on your resume.

If and when you get the interview, come across as a strong person who always shows the value you can bring to your potential employer. The job is not about what you are looking for. Rather it is all about what you can do for the company. Make sure you’ve done your research beforehand on the company using websites like Reference USA and be aware of what is happening in your particular field. Google search the names of people to get more information. Find out how the company is doing in the marketplace and what the trends are. Keep up your knowledge by reading the business section of the newspaper or go to your library and read periodicals like NJBIZ and Book of Lists.

Ms. Feldman also spoke about cold calling. It is generally agreed that nobody enjoys doing this, but when you make cold calls, be sure to get a name of a key person or the hiring manager. Then write off a dynamic cover letter and ask for an informational meeting.

Also, finding a job doesn’t mean “ just doing anything.” Know yourself. Take an inventory of what you are good at and what you enjoy. Make sure the job you are pursuing is still viable. For instance, a person that worked as a printer or the former vice-president of importing and exporting

will find that these jobs no longer exist. “Are you fishing in a pond where there are no fish?” Ms. Feldman quotes. Although it is a very difficult job market, be true to yourself and your values. Do what you enjoy and if you have not been successful so far, it’s time to change your marketing strategy.


NJ Hosts New Site to Bolster Job Hunting Success

By Caroline Bucquet

Representatives of the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJLWD) recently delivered an inspiring discussion to the Dover Professional Services Group (PSG) on how to make one’s search more gratifying. Unemployment remains high across the nation and the state, but this new tool poses an opportunity to expedite the job search for all seekers.

Coined “Real Time Jobs in Demand,” this new planning tool is available now to prepare New Jersey’s workforce for the continuing evolution of and changes in the economy today, and in the future, by drilling down to specific employer needs. Real Time Jobs in Demand focuses on what jobs are in demand today and tomorrow, where the labor shortages are, credentials/licenses necessary for one’s next job and how much a given profession could pay. It also can show the percentage of workers with various educational levels for each job. “This tool provides job searchers in all categories with an idea of the competition they could face in a given area,” said Frank Ferdetta, Bureau Chief Labor Market Information.

The first step is logging on to the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s website at Next, click on “Job Seekers,” a button located right below the header. “Real Time Jobs in Demand” appears on the right side of

Caroline Bucquet

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the screen. Click on the “Real Time Jobs in Demand” graphic, which will take you to a site where you may explore opportunities based upon job seeker credentials. The search can be conducted statewide or on a county-by-county basis. It is even possible to combine counties to develop a custom geography. Data is updated monthly; however by clicking on an occupation title a “real time” job search may be launched.

“Real Time Jobs in Demand is meant to be user-friendly, covering a wide array of occupations from executives to field workers; from technical to creative,” explained John Ehret, Labor Market Analyst for Morris County. “You may choose to view the top twenty-five in demand occupations in your geographic area. Or you may conduct a guided search to find the openings for your particular occupation, or openings suited to your educational and skill level. Once you determine which search option is best for you, the system pretty much walks you through each step.”

“What Real Time Jobs in Demand does is confirm the availability of job openings for workers with various backgrounds in the state of New Jersey. It is important for all job seekers to remember that experience may be used in lieu of educational background,” stated Ferdetta. “For example, if a job write-up stipulates that applicants have a bachelor’s degree, but fewer than 70 percent of workers with similar job titles have a bachelor’s degree, candidates without the degree may still qualify for the job.”

The Real Time Jobs in Demand model is updated each quarter, giving job seekers a current and realistic view of the job market. Real Time Jobs in Demand is appropriate for people searching for work, job counselors, trainers, curriculum developers and more. An explanation of the methodology and how the Real Time Jobs in Demand tool can be used is available on the web site in the Real Time Jobs in Demand Fact Sheet.

Training programs may also be available for some “in demand” occupations. However, this list is not meant to be a “final authority” on approval or denial of training in Workforce Development or any other program. The Training Programs for Demand Occupations list can be accessed at,

The Real Time Jobs in Demand tool is part of the commitment the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development has made to help job seekers find employment and also help employers

find the best match for their employment opportunities.

Ferdetta notes that “Real Time Jobs in Demand is one tool among many that should be used by counselors and job seekers in the job search process.”

Real Time Jobs in Demand is nationally recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor as an innovative workforce development application. The U.S. DOL has encouraged other states to follow New Jersey’s model.


Making the Most of Your LinkedIn Experience

By Michael Davy

Network, network, network. It's the mantra for job seekers and all those trying to help them find work.

The reason: it works. If you know someone who can put in a good word for you, place your resume on top of the pile in HR or can let you know about a vacancy before it’s advertised, your chances of landing a job increase exponentially.

But what if you have only a small group of contacts or you’re in a strange city? How do you build that network?

The answer is LinkedIn, the professional, business aspect of social media. LinkedIn enables you to build a vast network of people who can help you get to the top of the pile in the job market. It’s become so widespread that even when you type it, the latest versions of MS Word do not underline it as a spelling error.

But there are pitfalls that you need to be aware of because too many mistakes can force you out of the network.

The first thing to do when you join LinkedIn is build your profile. Be accurate and truthful because that profile becomes a matter of public record. If you catch a company’s interest, it's

Michael Davy

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going to check on you by using that information. If you’ve been deceptive, it could lead to embarrassing questions in an interview ... or no interview at all.

Nowadays you’re advised to insert a picture of yourself. Have it shot by a professional and resist the urge to use the "happy" one taken at the last office party or one from your high school yearbook. Why? Reread the preceding paragraph.

Once you’ve built the profile to your satisfaction, the next step is to reach out to contacts who are also on LinkedIn. This is a process that can be strewn with land mines.

LinkedIn’s advice: make sure you know the person. When you arrive at the window used to make the connection, LinkedIn has a warning: "Only invite people you know well and who know you." If you click on the link “Find out why,” you will. The explanation reads:

“Connecting to someone on LinkedIn implies that you know them well:

• They’ll have access to people you know

• Others may ask you about them and vice versa

• You’ll get updates on their activity

LinkedIn lets you invite colleagues, classmates, friends and business partners without entering their email addresses.

However, recipients can indicate that they don’t know you. If they do, you’ll be asked to enter an email address with each future invitation.”

That’s the least of your problems. I have been told, though I’ve been unable to find it in the rules, that if you are rejected five times LinkedIn will suspend your account.

So spamming people is out. So is pretending you know them.

So how do you get to know people you don’t know already? LinkedIn provides the tools. Beside every name you look up, the network puts a blue number. A One means you’re already linked in, a Two means you have links in common and a Three means you have a link who has a link. However, a Three is akin to getting into Kevin Bacon’s six degrees of separation and linking nn is often a lot of work.

If the person you want to meet has a Two beside the name, you can ask your One connection for an introduction. LinkedIn provides the means to do. You’ll have to write two notes: one to your

connection and the other to the prospect explaining why you want to link in. Make sure you have a good reason. People can become very protective about their contacts.

The best way to build your contact list is to join organizations in your profession. There are masses of them. Then, at least you have a “network connection” and can give a reason for wanting to link in with them. I always send a short message when inviting someone to join me or accepting an invitation.

Pitfalls aside, building your network is actually a lot of fun. Have I asked people I don’t know? You betcha. I’m always polite and I explain why. Most people want to link in with you because it builds their contact list. Those who say no often don’t go as far as rejecting you. They just file away your invitation and ignore you.

With over 70 million members worldwide, LinkedIn can be a huge asset. And I’ve just exposed the tip of the iceberg.

esult The program got enough volunteers so that no involuntary separations occurred and the business was able to achieve its headcount reduction numbers without any disruptions to the rest of the viable businesses.

roblem As the economic crisis was unfolding it was clear that that the market for securitized products was collapsing. I was told that we were going to have eliminate a hundred positions out of unionized workforce related to the support of this market. The seniority displacements that would have resulted from this would have been so disruptive as to be devastating to the ongoing needs of the remaining businesses.

ction I immediately told the union the size of the upcoming reduction-in-force and proposed that we negotiate a program that would provide an enhanced severance payment to anyone who would voluntarily give up a similar position so that those at risk who wanted to stay could and those who were safe but wanted to leave could.

Preferred Resume Bullet Example(flip and state the esult first)

Achieved headcount reductions by negotiating enhanced severance payment program; seniority displacements minimized, preventing disruption to ongoing business needs

*Provided courtesy of PSG member John Gillen, Human ResourcesLabor Relations Manager

of the Month*

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The Frugal Job Hunter's Guide to Free and Cheap Software Revisited

by Andrew Brandt ([email protected])

The Frugal Job Hunter articles began a year ago with a simple question. You need serious office software to find a job these days, but if you're out of work and can't afford to buy Microsoft's great but expensive software (or if you can't afford to

upgrade your home computer to run the newest, fastest software), what are you supposed to do?

The solution is to use some of the free or cheap software alternatives to Office (Web-based or downloadable). In previous articles, we've reviewed many of the

software options available. You don't have to spend a lot of money outfitting your home office computer. (If you want to be really frugal, you can install Linux on your computer, but that's beyond our scope here.)

Before we go further, we'll give a quick shout-out to two sophisticated office suites. 3 includes word processing (Writer), spreadsheet (Calc), a draw program, a presentations package (Impress) and a database creator (Base), all in one package. It's available for Windows (including Windows 7), Macintosh OS X and Linux versions. It is open-source software and is free, always, at There are also a gazillion free add-on software plug-ins to expand OpenOffice's capabilities.

If you have special language needs (say, for example, Korean, Farsi and French) or other requirements, there are other open-source variations of OpenOffice with various language, programming and file translation features. Sun Microsystems has StarOffice 9.1 at for $34.95 (for Windows, Macs and Linux) and StarSuite for Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, and Korean. Go-OO (for "Go OpenOffice") is free at Oxygen Office Professional

(abbreviated as OOOP or O2OP) is free and can be downloaded from Linux users, in particular, should look at some other software suites from the Gnome Project (by the Gnu Foundation) at and KOffice at Some of their software is also translated for PCs and Macs.

Online, one site stands out as a complete office solution. includes word processing (Writer), spreadsheet (Sheet), presentations (Show) and database and reports software (Creator and Reports). If that were all that Zoho offered, it would be impressive, but Zoho also offers a wide array of other productivity and business tools, including email hosting, a calendar, a Wiki creator, chat software, Web conferencing, a contact manager, a notebook creator, project management software, customer relationship management (CRM) software (which can also be used as a more sophisticated contact manager), To Do lists, HRIS (Human Resources Info Services) and more. Up to three people can share an account for free, which may be useful for those of you doing consulting or setting up a small freelance outfit.

Zoho is an SAAS (Software as a Service) provider and is used online rather than installed on your computer, although some components can also be used when not connected to the Internet. In addition, Zoho allows you to share data with Google Apps, Google and Outlook calendars, smart phones and much more. You can use individual applications, or you can set up a Zoho Business center with quick access to all your Zoho programs.

Some sources of free and cheap software are available only online, some install on your computer, some connect to your smartphone and some combine services. On the following pages are my personal recommendations. Most online services work with any computer type, but a few may have special Web browser requirements.

Andrew Brandt

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PSG - Driving Employment Through Member and Organizational Strength


PSG will dedicate membership resources to become the leading provider of services to help fulfill our mission. Through active participation, members will obtain valuable new knowledge, expand personal and life experiences and leave each meeting revitalized for the tasks of securing gainful employment and enhancing our economy. These efforts will create the organization of choice for linking job seekers to employers and alumni.


PSG is a self-help volunteer organization for professional level job seekers. Members pursue three goals:

• To find employment as quickly as possible

• To help other PSG members find employment

• To help the group as a whole

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Committee Chairs

PSG Steering Committee:Thomas Brankner ([email protected])Dale Favia ([email protected])

Computer:Peter Katzenbach ([email protected])Ali Flint ([email protected])

Instructors:Frank Magdits ([email protected])Dale Favia ([email protected])

Business ProcessMichael Alterman ([email protected])

Documentation:Thomas Brankner ([email protected])

Career Events:Mark Muschko ([email protected] )

Alumni Events:Ira Sieber ([email protected])Mark Muschko ([email protected])Andy Brandt ([email protected])

New Business:Vincent Iannaccone ([email protected])

Membership:Dan Harrison ([email protected])Bob Delpizzo ([email protected])

Opportunity Center:Lauren Anello ([email protected])Rob Lotstein ([email protected])Kristen Bishop ([email protected])

Media Communications: Bob Loder ([email protected])Caroline Bucquet ([email protected])

Marketing:Mary Pellecchia ([email protected]) Caroline Bucquet ([email protected])

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GROUP107 Bassett Highway, Dover, NJ 07801Phone: 973.361.1034 Fax: 973.361.8727Email: [email protected] Website:

Sponsored by the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development

© 2010 Professional Services Group, Dover, NJ


1. Paul Cecala – Counselor (Morris County)2. Elliot Krichman – Logistics Specialist (Daikin

America)3. Linda McKenna – Sales Administrator (AT&T

Advertising Solutions)4. Frances Tabor – (Merrill Lynch)5. David Bergman – Research Scientist

(Systems Engineering Inc.)6. Paul Schaefer – Project Manager

(Cyberthink)7. Marion Nolz – Customer Service Agent

(Liberty Sport)8. Judith Rosen – Regulatory Affairs Associate

(Johnson & Johnson, via Kelly Scientific)9. Etya Novik – Owner (Respira Spa)10. Renee Dorn – Business Development Project

Manager (ACS)11. Bruce Banks – (Royal Coachman Worldwide)12. Kevin Mullin – Software Engineer contract

(Merrill Lynch via consulting company in GA)13. Patrick Maiello – Purchaser ( Electroid Co.)14. John Oyhagaray – Consulting Project

Manager (FYI Business Solutions)15. Michael Higgins – Business Analyst

(Citicorp.)16. Shan Krishnan – Principal Product Manager

(Telcordia)17. Wendy Casey – Property Accountant (Silbert

Realty & Management Company, LLC.)18. Holly Akers – Director of Business

Development (Joshua Zinder Architecture)19. Tim Miller – (Vonage)20. Keith Roy – Accounting Assistant (Target

250)21. Nick DeMonte – Business Analyst (Komodo)22. Ina Jorge – Quality Manager (DRG

International)23. Tomita Burlacu – Graphic Designer/

Illustrator (ITT)24. John Donne – 25. Michael McMullen – Technical Consultant

(Accountnet, Inc.)26. Brenda Olson – SQL Developer (Analytici)27. Devin Day – Territorial Sales Manager

(Minifibers, Inc.)28. Harriet Treddin – Executive Assistant

(Jackson Hewitt, Inc.)29. Bart Zoni – IT Project Manager (Concord,

Inc.)30. Louis Wasser – Consultant P/T (Cost

Reduction Solutions)

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