Page 1: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

RISK ASSESSMENT FOR:School activities during COVID 19 outbreak.During this evolving situation please monitor and follow government guidance given in the web links provided


Assessment by: CATHERINE SMITH Date: MAY 2020

Risk assessment number/ref:COVID-SECURE

Manager Approval: CHAIR OF GOVERNORS Date:

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



Individual risk factors

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Surveying all staff confidentially to ascertain any clinical vulnerabilities or any extreme vulnerabilities (PDF of survey questions attached). There are no extreme vulnerabilities.

Using the Staff vulnerability Indicator to establish advice to be given to those who are more vulnerable and to determine how to amend work patterns so that the risk remains manageable. (Word document attached)

Maintaining on-going dialogue with colleagues to determine any fluctuating medical risk for them or members of their immediate households. Colleagues are advised to speak to medical professionals to understand the risk to others of them coming to work.

Surveying all staff confidentially to ascertain whether or not they live with anyone with clinical vulnerabilities or extreme vulnerabilities.

Amending work patterns of those living with those who are extremely vulnerable. These are confirmed with individual staff, in particular those who are going to be working exclusively from home due to living with someone extremely vulnerable.

Amending work patterns of those who do not have any child-care available to them through their children’s schools or through extended family and friends.

Providing updates on key guidance published by the DfE or other government departments – particularly associated with levels of risk.

Completing individual risk assessments for each child, determining the most suitable program for them as we work towards a phased

Provide guidance for those staff who have chronic respiratory issues such as Asthma. (guidance attached)

Remind parents/carers to ensure that children have their inhalers in school and that they are in date. Provide parents/carers with the Asthma guide (as above).

Provide guidance for those who are living with those who are clinically vulnerable. (guidance attached)

Offer holiday mentoring sessions for those children who families elect to keep at home and for those who will struggle to return to school successfully while there remains a

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher, Parent

By 1st June 2020

By 1st June 2020

By 1st June 2020

July 2020

Risk Assessment <<HAYWOOD GROVE SCHOOL COVID19 Page 1 of 19

Page 2: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



widening of access to school. Surveying all parents/carers confidentially to ascertain whether or

not their child has a clinical vulnerability or an extreme vulnerability (PDF of survey

questions attached). One child has an extreme vulnerability and has a shielding letter. The level of risk is assessed as too high for him to come to school currently.

Using our Child Vulnerability Indicator to establish which children may need tohave more time in school. (Word document attached)

All parents/carers surveyed confidentially to ascertain whether or not they or anyonein their household has a clinical vulnerability or an extreme vulnerability.

Take each child’s temperature on arrival at school and send them home should their temperature raise to 37.8 C or above.

Identified a space that will be exclusively for a child who becomes ill or who needs first aid. This will be the family support room which is a space that is away from the main body of the school.

In the first phase of wider opening children will be supported in school on a 1-1 or 2-1 basis to reduce the risk of being unable to maintain social distancing.

In the first phase of wider opening staff will be able to work from home for some of the time, delivering aspects of the remote curriculum, of if not class based, undertaking administrative tasks associated with an individual’s role.

higher level of risk.

Provide practical guidance for staff that is offered as a result of risk assessment.

Provide practical guidance for parents/carers that his offered as a result of risk assessment. This will incorporate all the commitments that the school will undertake to do and all the actions that we would like parents/carers and carers to undertake. Review children’s Care plans to reflect any issues that arise from COVID19 and any clinical vulnerability or concern that identifies the child as having an extreme vulnerability.

Engagement Officer, Senior learning mentors and other colleagues

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Claire Valiji and Tanya Cox

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

Suspected case whilst working on site

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Ensuring that there is a member of the leadership team at the school site at all times and that if a member of staff or a child displays symptoms of coronavirus: high temperature (37.8 or more), a new continuous cough, or Anosmia, they inform a senior leader immediately.

Ensuring that if a member of staff displays symptoms they leave the school site immediately to self-isolate.

Ensuring that if a child displays symptoms they are moved to the Family Support Room immediately to await collection. The room will be well ventilated with the window open and the door shut so that the child is able to self-isolate. The child will be supervised during this time and will be offered a mask, apron and gloves to wear should there be any issues associated with maintaining a distance of

Ensure that the guidance booklets for staff and for parents/carers contain detailed information about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will need to be aware that they should be available to collect the child immediately and should be aware of how to get a test for the child. It

Head Teacher 1st June 2020

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



2m. Ensuring that staff and parents/carers are aware that they will need

to self-isolate for 7 days should they experience symptoms. This is in keeping with the stay at home guidance published by the government.

Ensuring that staff and parents/carers are aware that they will need to self-isolate for 14 days should someone in their household experience symptoms. This is in keeping with the stay at home guidance published by the government.

Ensuring that staff are aware of the guidance published in relation to the implementation of protective measures. This will be incorporated into the information booklet produced for staff and for parents/carers.

Ensuring that any areas occupied and equipment used by a symptomatic child or adult are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected following government guidance for decontamination in non-healthcare settings.

Ensuring that staff and parents/carers/carers are aware of how to access testing if symptoms are present. The current program of testing allows anyone over the age of 5 with symptoms to access a test.

will also include the number of days that a child needs to self-isolate for. It will include the protocols in place for staff to follow.

Ensure that the school has a supply of masks, gloves and aprons in the event of a child becoming unwell and being unable to remain in the Family Support Room. Ensure that there are dedicated cleaning materials set aside for this purpose.

Ensure that site staff and all other staff are aware of the guidelines set out in decontamination in non-health care settings.

Head Teacher in liaison with site staff and administrative staff to ensure that there are sufficient and appropriate materials available.

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

General Transmission of COVID-19

Maintenance of social distancing;Effective hygiene

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Providing staff with opportunities to work at home as well as on site so that the number of adults in the building is reduced and it is therefore easier to maintain social distancing as far as is reasonable. Ensure that all staff maintain 2 metre social distancing as far as is reasonable. This means from each other as well as the children. (PHE Guidance)

Reducing the number of children in the building at any one time so that it is easier for them to try to maintain 2m social distance between themselves and other children as well as adults. In the first instance staffing will be 1-1 or 2-1 and children will be allocated

Ensure that guidance for staff incorporates explicit advice on maintaining distancing guidelines in staff areas and offices and is applicable to the adults as much as it is to the children. Ensure that guidance for parents/carers/carers asks

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



protocols spaces so that class ‘bubbles’ are formed as much as is possible. We are aware that children struggle to keep to the social distancing guidelines however we will provide regular reminders and encouragement.

Ascertained the number of children who are likely to return to school and those who parents/carers have decided will stay at home (Parent Survey and dialogue between colleagues and parents/carers/carers)

Ascertained the number of staff who are able to work in school before September. (Staff surveys and dialogue with colleagues).

Establishing timetables for individual children that will mean, as much as possible they will be working with the same staff on each occasion that they come into school. This is designed to ensure that unnecessary contacts between staff and children are reduced to the lowest level possible.

Established what we will and will not be doing to ensure that larger groups of people do not congregate together. This means that there will be no trips, fairs, clubs etc and that at our most full class groups are such that there are half the number of children in a room than was previously permitted to ensure that social distancing is possible with all spaces as much as possible.

Establishing a co-ordinator for the leavers’ assembly that can be undertaken virtually or outside, depending on numbers and the level of risk determined by the end of the summer term.

Established that the summer mentoring sessions will continue to run and that the criteria for attendance is looked at in tandem with the time that has been offered in school so that the vulnerability of each child and family is not increased.

Breaks and play opportunities will be incorporated into sessions in school such that they are staggered and social distancing remains possible. Staff will be encouraged to take their breaks in the staffroom and in the staff garden so that social distancing is maintained.

Anti-bacterial soap, hand sanitiser and paper towels are in good supply, securely stored and are available in each space that is being used for learning, rest/welfare, entry and exit. This includes the reception area. Staff and children will use the nearest available hand-soap or sanitiser.

Additionally hand-washing and rubbing posters are up in spaces where hand hygiene is undertaken and in the reception area. These encourage everyone to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds each time and to use hand sanitiser when soap is not available. The techniques on the posters are those advised by the NHS. This information is provided alongside the message that people (staff and children should avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth if they have not washed their hands or used sanitiser.

that where appropriate, they prepare their children for returning to school in a more formal way, sharing information about social distancing in a child-friendly format. Formalise the individual timetables for each child based on risk assessment and dialogue with parents/carers and staff. Share this information about activities in guidance to staff and parents/carers.

Share this information about the leavers’ assembly in guidance to staff and parents/carers.

Share this information about summer mentoring in guidance to staff and parents/carers. Share this information about breaks in guidance to staff and parents/carers.

Share this information about hand hygiene products in guidance to staff and parents/carers. Ensure that copies of the hand washing and rubbing posters are put up in identified spaces.

Ensure that copies of the handwashing and rubbing posters are available as part of the guidance to staff and parents/carers, alongside hygiene advice about not touching the

Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher in collaboration with Arts Award teacher and other colleaguesHead Teacher in collaboration with Parent Engagement Officer, Senior Learning Mentors and other colleagues.

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

June/July 2020

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Page 5: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



Tissues are available in each learning, rest/welfare, entry and exit space. All people will use and be encouraged to use the tissues when coughing, sneezing and then place the tissue in the bin before washing hands. Posters about the disposal of tissues will be available in each learning, rest/welfare and entry and exit space. All bins will be double-bagged.

Ensured that site cleaning staff pay particular attention to cleaning touch points that are regularly used - this includes handwashing facilities and ensure that soap and sanitiser supplies are kept topped up.

All bins have 2 bin bags in them and are available in all learning, rest/welfare and entry exit spaces. The bin bags are removed and disposed of on a daily basis.

face if hands are not clean.Ensure that a copy of the use of tissues poster is available as part of the guidance to staff and parents/carers. Ensure that all three posters are put up around the school building. Ensure that discrete packs of hand soap, sanitiser, paper towels, tissues, anti-bacterial cleaner, gloves etc are put together so that each space used for learning, rest/welfare, exit and entry have these facilities. These will be locked away securely. Ensure that all spaces that are used for learning, rest/welfare and entry/exit have a bin with 2 bin bags – this is likely to mean that we need to buy some additional bins.

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Office staff to buy new bins as needed and site staff to empty them.

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

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Page 6: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



1st June 2020

Access to & egress from site

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Staggering start and finish times to reduce contact and congestion that might compromise social distancing guidance.

Encouraging those parents/carers who can, to transport their own children and getreimbursement from the local authority.

Collecting children from vehicles at the front of the school in order that contact and congestion are reduced

Ensuring only essential visitors are allowed to use the school site and these are by invitation only.

Ensuring all visitors and building users are aware of the hygiene and social distancing expectations, following signage put up in the entrance to the building.

Ensure that parents/carers understand the drop off and pick up expectations and

protocols that will be put in place.

Consider the use of different entrances should congestion be an issue.

Admin officer to make contact with those parents/carers who have stated that they will be happy to transport their children and to be reimbursed by the local authority. Confirm this and make contact with the LA and taxi firms to let them know.

Consider a one-way traffic system in corridors and through key exit doors to avoid face-to-face passing.

Consider visual aids posters encouraging children and staff to remember to follow social distancing guidelines.

Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher

Claire Valiji

Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher

1st June 2020

ASAP and before 1st June 2020

1st June 2020

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



These could be bought or made. We have considered using child friendly duck tape.

Ensure that information about drop off and pick up expectations and protocols are provided as part of the guidance to staff and parents/carers.

Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

Contact points Equipment use printers, workstations, apparatus, machinery etc.

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Providing all children have their own allocated cutlery and crockery that is washed in the dishwasher after use. If this is too difficult to implement, consider the use of paper plates and plastic cutlery. Minimise the use of any cutlery/crockery by providing packed lunches only for the period up until the end of this academic year.

Cleaning and disinfecting all contact points and surfaces that are used frequently. This will include office spaces, screens, telephone handsets, desks, photocopiers and printers.

Intention is that all office staff have their own labelled equipment so that resources do not need to be shared. These will include pencils, pens, staplers, hole punches etc)

Intention is that lessons and activities avoid the use of resources that need to be shared. Where this cannot happen, ensure that hands are washed after use. Ensure that the equipment is then cleaned and disinfected. Where possible, provide individual packs of resources (unifix, lego, kitchen equipment etc) for practical activities in all subjects and especially those that require practical work and are resource heavy. We will not do any cooking at this time.

Intention is that all shared resources (such as PE equipment and computers) are cleaned and disinfected after each activity. Where possible build this into the end of the activity as part of the routine.

Intention is that anti-bacterial wipes are available to wipe down all equipment after use. Incorporate cleaning of these surfaces into the daily cleaning routine.

Intention is that paper-based learning is put aside and marked 72 hours after it has been completed to avoid sharing materials in such a way that may aid transmission.

Intention is that any gadgets used on taxi journeys will continue to be collected and stored securely in the office. These will be

Check the availability of drinking bottles and cups.

Source disposable alternatives. Share this information in guidance to staff and parents/carers. Liaise with HCC staff so that they provide packed lunches only, limiting the need for cutlery and crockery. Inform parents/carers that lunches will be limited to packed lunch and inform parents/carers that if their child is not in school and is in receipt of free school meals we will provide a voucher as we have done previously. Vouchers will only be available when the child is not in school as otherwise costs will be doubled unnecessarily. Share this information in guidance to staff and parents/carers. Any parent not in receipt of a free school meal can

Admin staff

Admin staff Head Teacher

Admin staff

Admin staff

Before 1st June 2020

Before 1st June 2020

Before 1st June 2020

Before 1st June 2020

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Page 8: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



collected by one person who will then wash their hands after storage.

order a meal but this must be paid for by cheque so that these can be bagged for 72 hours before banking. Share this information in guidance to staff and parents/carers. Ensure that cleaning staff and all staff are aware of the additional cleaning of office equipment. Provide wipes for office staff to be able to clean their own work stations. Share this information in guidance to staff and parents/carers. Ensure that each administrator has their own labelled equipment. They may need to label or order additional resources. Share this information in guidance to staff and parents/carers. Make up packs of resources in order that we can limit the amount of resource sharing that happens in the classroom. Ensure that information about cleaning and disinfecting resources is included in the guidance for staff and parents/carers. Ensure that we have a supply of wipes so that immediate cleaning and disinfecting can be undertaken by staff when shared resources have been used and the activity has finished. This includes the outdoor gym and wall bars. Ensure that staff know to do this. Ensure that site cleaning

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Admin staff

Head Teacher

All staff on planning day

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

Before 1st June 2020

1st June 2020

Before 1st June 2020

1st June 2020

2nd June 2020

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



staff are aware of what other staff are doing in terms of cleaning. Share this information in guidance to staff and parents/carers.

Head Teacher

Admin staff

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

Before 1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

Proximity of students/ staff

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Reduced numbers of children in the school building and in individual spaces so that social distancing guidance can be followed. In the 1st

phase this will mean 1-1 or 2-1 support, with an increase to 3 or 4 per classroom space (6 in Cedar) as we widen further. This is in line with guidelines for halving group sizes within a mainstreams setting where the maximum number of children in a room would be 15. (DfE advice states primary aged children cannot be expected to remain 2 m apart and so we will have less children in a room and in the initial phase start small so that we are reducing the risk with this knowledge in mind.

Intention to de-clutter classrooms so that they do not contain any unnecessary equipment. This will be locked in classroom cupboards

Develop a timetable that allows for 1-1 or 2-1 support in the first instance. Provide this information in the guidance to staff and parents/carers/carers.

Ensure staff know what to do if they are unwell (regardless of reason) and ensure

Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

1st June

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



or temporarily housed in the resource centre. Provided guidance to staff that ensures that all learning, work,

rest/welfare spaces are well ventilated, with doors, windows and ceiling skylights are open. Minimal use of rooms where there is less ventilation.

Allow those administrative and non-class-based staff to work in school on a rota so that 2m distancing can be preserved.

Determined that visitors will come to the school only if the work to be done is essential and they have been invited. Ensure that any face-to-face meetings are conducted in large enough areas to maintain 2m distancing, and where possible are undertaken via electronic means.

Transitions will be minimised so that contacts are reduced. This will include staggered starts and finishes, one-way entry and exit into different parts of the building, minimal use of circulation spaces and maximum use of external areas.

Time will be allocated between teaching sessions so that there is an opportunity to clean and disinfect surfaces and resources in between sessions and throughout the day.

Intention to modify and enhance cleaning further (it has already been modified), providing a greater level of specificity for those undertaking the tasks.

Intention to identify the closest toilets for each group of children to use.

Intention that there are sufficient and suitable rubbish bins in all areas. These will be regularly removed and the rubbish disposed of. (see page 5 of this document)

Breaks and play will be incorporated into learning sessions and staff will be encouraged to use the staffroom and staff garden so that social distancing can be maintained. Outdoor spaces will be timetabled so that numbers are limited on the playground. This information is also provided on page 4 of this document.

parents/carers/carers know what will happen in the event of a member of staff falling ill. Provide this information in the guidance to staff and parent/carers.

Provide time for staff to de-clutter classrooms and inform staff and parents/carers that this will happen in the guidance.

Ensure that site staff know to open doors, windows and skylights in preparation for each school day so that rooms are sufficiently ventilated. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Devise a Rota for non-class based staff to be in school. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Inform staff and parents/carers about the protocols in place for visitors to the school.

Consider the hire, borrow or purchase of gazebos or other temporary shelters for use outdoors. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Ensure that information about additional cleaning is provided in the guidance to

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher/Deputy


1st June 2020

1st/2nd June 2020

1st June 20202

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



parents/carers and staff. Include the use of additional bins.

As we open more widely, consider marking out areas to help children visualise and maintain 2m distancing. This might be through the use of child friendly duck-tape on the floor. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Ensure that the gym and outdoor areas are timetabled so that everyone is able to use these areas and 2m distancing can be enforced as far as possible. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Ensure that opportunities for outdoor learning are maximised. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Ensure that staff know that the office is only to be used when 2m distancing can be preserved. This will mean more frequent use of the photocopier in the resources space. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Ensure that staff’s breaks are staggered and, in

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher

Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



good weather, the staff garden is used so that social distancing can be maintained in staff only areas. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Consider zoning the external spaces so that they can be allocated on a group by group basis. Also consider one-way entry and exit and minimal use of circulation spaces. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Ensure that any activities that require the children to have close physical contact are minimised. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Ensure that the use of the outdoor equipment is limited and that when it is used it is cleaned and disinfected immediately. Ensure that it is used by one group at a time. Inform staff and parents/carers of this in guidance.

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



Head Teacher


1st June 2020

1st June 2020

Canteen use / lunchtimes

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Limiting the lunch menu to packed lunch only. This will mean that there will be no necessity for servers to come to the building and allows an increase in pre-prepared and wrapped food to reduce the use of crockery and utensils. It is expected that the food operators continue to follow Food Standard Agency’s guidance on good hygiene practices in food preparation.

Intention to encourage those families not in receipt of free school meals to provide their child with a packed lunch.

Intention to provide vouchers as alternatives to food on days when children in receipt of free school meals are not in school.

Intention to encourage staff to bring their own lunch and to remain on site until the end of their session to avoid additional contacts.

Intention to stagger break times for both staff and children to reduce congestion and contact at all times.

Intention to ensure staff and children wash hands prior to eating food.

Hand soap and sanitiser are available in all learning, work, rest/welfare spaces and for use on entry and exit.

Social distancing (2m) continues to be in place whilst eating. Juice/squash provided by school for the children is given in named or

disposable cups and that the tap mechanisms are cleaned after use. Intention to clean and disinfect surfaces immediately after use. This

Information about changes to menu, use of cutlery/crockery, continued use of voucher scheme, payment methods, cleaning and hygiene regimes will be provided to staff and to parents/carers/carers.

Consider offering packed lunches for those who would like them and are not in receipt of free school meals, with the requirement that payment is made by cheque rather than provide in cash. Anyone handling cheques will wash their hands after handling them.

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

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What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



will include the chairs, door handles and other surfaces and areas that have been touched.

Rubbish and waste is put straight in the bin by the user and not left for someone else to clear up.

Travel off site Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Any travel off site is only undertaken for essential purposes. No off-site visits take place unless they are sanctioned by a member

of the senior leadership team. These might be appropriate and safe for those children with very bespoke programs.

Staff only use their own vehicles to transport children if the mini-bus is not available and the situation is risk assessed at the time, factoring in the risk for both the child and the member of staff. If this needs to happen the member of staff will wear a mask and will ensure that the windows of the vehicle are open so that there is additional ventilation.

Travel by minibus or private vehicle will only be undertaken if the 2m social distancing can be applied within the vehicle.

No member of the school community uses public transport as part of their educational activity.

Parents/carers/carers encouraged to transport their own children to sessions in school where possible.

Liaising with transport to ensure that where possible, taxi journeys are single occupancy, vehicles are ventilated and cleaned between journeys.

Share information about travel arrangements in guidance for staff and parents/carers. Confirm which parents/carers have agreed to transport their own children. Share this with transport and the local authority. Confirm transport arrangements once timetable is confirmed.

Head Teacher

Claire Valiji/Head Teacher

Claire Valiji

1st June 2020

Before 1st June 2020

Before 1st June 2020

Cleaning Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Cleaning schedule is amended and enhanced so that contact points such as door handles, touch plates, fob points, taps, flush handles, telephones, keyboards, screens etc are all thoroughly cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis.

All areas that are used for learning are cleaned and disinfected after each session, in addition to thorough cleaning and disinfection at the end of each day.

Cleaning protocols include: Hard surfaces cleaned using standard cleaning products and

disposable cloths/paper towels throughout the day Additional cleaning by site manager and cleaner as specified, to

incorporate all areas that are in use with particular focus on touch points and frequently used surfaces

A deep clean and disinfection to be undertaken following a suspected case. If an area is suspected to be contaminated then the staff must wear disposable gloves and an apron, use a face mask if splashing is likely, wash their hands following the removal of gloves and an apron, double bag the PPE and store it securely for 72 hours then throw it away in the regular rubbish. Any cloths and/or mop heads used to be disposed of as single use items.

For a deep clean / disinfection (e.g. following a suspected case) use a combined detergent disinfectant solution at a dilution of 1000 parts per million (ppm) available chlorine ( or a neutral purpose detergent followed by disinfection (1000 ppm

See PHE advice the COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings

Ensure that site staff are aware of the amended and enhanced cleaning schedule and undertake a deep clean prior to wider opening.

Ensure that information about cleaning is included in the guidance prepared for staff and parents/carers.

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

Risk Assessment <<HAYWOOD GROVE SCHOOL COVID19 Page 14 of 19

Page 15: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



guidance Manufacturer’s instructions for dilution, application, PPE and contact

times for all detergents and disinfectants to be followed.

Paper towels, hand wash and hand soap are checked and replaced as needed.

Regime for cleaning toilet facilities is enhanced, with door plates/handles/locks and flushes being cleaned and disinfected particularly carefully and more frequently, including during the day where possible, using cleaning products supplied by the school.

Contractors Contractors, Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts,

Spread of COVID 19

Contractors invited onto site only to carry out essential maintenance deemed necessary to the safe running of the school.

Contractors read and comply with signs in reception regarding good hygiene.

Staff and contractors maintain safe distance (2m) between them if there is no alternative but for them to be on site together. Any on-site meetings with contractors are undertaken following social distancing principles.

All contractors wash their hands or use hand sanitiser upon entering and leaving site.

Any scheduled work is agreed to and the school has the contractors risk assessment.

All staff who make appointments with contractors are aware of the conditions under which we will operate including having sight of their own risk assessments. Contractors are sign-posted to the information presented in shared spaces (foyers/reception)Hand sanitizer is available on entry to the building for contractors. Ensure suitable signage is in place.

Head Teacher – passed to office staff and all other staff.

Head Teacher passed to office staff and all other staff.

Head Teacher – passed on to office staff.

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

Lack of awareness of PHE / school controls

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Staff are provided with training about the measures in place to minimise risk, the risks and the guidance that has been provided.

Parents/carers/carers are provided with information about the measures being put in place to minimise risk

Information about the changes is shared with children and that hand-washing and social distancing are promoted at all times.

Provision of visual prompts for display in school – learning and work spaces.

Provision of visual prompts for parents/carers/carers to use at homeProvide guidance booklet for staff.Provide guidance booklet for parents/carers.

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Before 1st June or the date we open more widely

Risk Assessment <<HAYWOOD GROVE SCHOOL COVID19 Page 15 of 19

Page 16: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



Provision of first


Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

First aid is delivered, where possible by someone who is trained. Staff will continue to wear gloves and/or other PPE according to the circumstances. They will wash their hands and ensure that the affected area is cleaned and disinfected upon completion and then dispose of the gloves according to procedures.

First aid is delivered in a space that allows a degree of privacy. Daily medication continues to be administered when needed. This

will happen in the space that the child is allocated to work in. Gloves are worn and wherever possible the child is encouraged to take the medication themselves.

Staff, children and parents/carers understand that during the delivery of first aid we will keep physical contact to a minimum by encouraging the children to apply a cold pack, wipe or plaster if they are able to do so. It is unlikely that during this we would be unable to maintain a 2m distance. First aid will be delivered where social distancing can be maintained. This will be in the Family Support Room which will allow for separation from others and a degree of privacy.Information about the provision of first aid is included in guidance for staff and parents/carers.

Head Teacher – passed on to all staff, and especially those who may need to administer first aid or medication.

1st June 2020

Provision of

personal care

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

There is no requirement for support with personal care at Haywood Grove currently.

When a child falls ill with Coronavirus symptoms whilst on site (new continuous cough, high temperature or Anosmia), supervising staff will have a face mask available if a distance of 2m cannot be maintained. This should not be the case if the Family Support Room is used for this purpose.

Ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures should a child fall ill with Coronavirus symptoms. This will be provided in the guidance collated for staff and parents/carers.

Head Teacher 1st June 2020

Emergency procedures (Fire alarm activations etc)

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Emergency evacuations take place on a termly basis. Evacuation will follow principles of social distancing as far as is reasonably practicable. During exit this may not be possible but the closer proximity will be for a short period of time. Ensure that assembly areas allow for 2m social distancing where the space permits. Supervising adults should be vigilant and alert in order that they are able to

Head Teacher 1st June 2020

Risk Assessment <<HAYWOOD GROVE SCHOOL COVID19 Page 16 of 19

Page 17: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



reiterate the messages.Guidance for staff and parents/carers will include this information.

Deliveries & Waste collection.

Staff,Students / pupils / wider contacts

Spread of COVID 19

Ensure that delivery staff leave packages in a safe place, which is sign posted. Ensure that those staff who handle deliveries wash their hands after they have moved the parcels and disposed of the waste materials.Ensure that Waste collections continue to be made when the minimum number of people are on site. There should not need to be a change with regards to this.

Staffing levels Staff,Students / pupils

Spread of COVID 19

Wider safeguarding / safety risks

Staffing levels are at the level required to support our children with additional needs. Sufficient first aid trained staff are on site as required. This information is held on the training log. Sufficient DSP trained staff on site as required. The school has three trained DSPs, all of whom are senior or middle leaders. There is at least one senior leader on site as required. There are contingency plans in place in the event of staff shortages, as there are in ordinary times. On these occasions we will determine the risk of placing the child alongside others and if this not feasible provide an alternative session at another time.

Ensure that staffing levels are higher during the pandemic when children are likely to be more anxious and present with more challenging behavior. During the first phase, staffing will be 1-1 or 2-1, allowing the adult to encourage social distancing and to move to a safe distance as required. It is anticipated that groups will become gradually bigger as children and staff become more familiar and confident and more adept at following the guidelines successfully. At times of staff shortage familiar supply staff may be deployed, or individual sessions cancelled. Where possible 2 children could be placed together, but this would be dependent on their location and if they were supposed to be in the same group.This information will be provided in the guidance to staff and parents/carers.

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

1st June 2020

1st June 2020

Premises safety Staff, All ‘normal’ tasks / compliance checks are carried out as planned - such as Risk Assessment <<HAYWOOD GROVE SCHOOL COVID19 Page 17 of 19

Page 18: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

What are you already doing? What further action is


Action by who?

Action by



Students / pupils

Wider safeguarding / safety risks

fire alarm testing, legionella controls, servicing of equipment, PAT testing etc.All key services are operationalAll water outlets are flushed through in areas of the school which have been closed for period of time.Key fire doors are not being compromised / wedged open - cross corridor, on single directional routes etc.)The building and school environment is in good working order and that, due to the reduced risk, there are no areas that need additional maintenance further to wider opening.

Relevant links Overarching guidance for educational settings

Guidance for educational settings (applicable to May 31st)

Actions to prepare for wider opening from June 1st

Implementing protective measures in education

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Page 19: Provision of first aid - primarysite-prod-sorted.s3 ... · Web viewinformation about what happens and what is expected when there is a suspected case in school. Parents/carers will

Cleaning of non-healthcare settings

COVID-19 poster

Managing premises (applicable to May 31st)

Guidance on infection prevention and control for COVID-19

First aid guidance

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