

Proven online marketing solutions for those

Who don’t want to get left behind

Websites that come with ‘refresh technology’ as standard

Some things age well, your website is not one of them!

Does the web really work for professional service companies?

Take your digital responsibilty and reputation seriously

Copy that will generate a response

Design that will distinguish you

Exclusive development - no templates and Mobile Device Enabled

Relevant, attractive and exclusive sales led content

The latest innovation in website development

Email marketing, newsletters and soft offers

What clients are actually searching for

Videos that bring your site to life

Socially gifted - blogs, Twitter and LinkedIn©

Post-live management, support and care

Flexible packages and investment options to suit

Why Insight?

The team behind the projects



















4 Proven online marketing solutions

Does the web really work for professional service companies?

The simple answer is YES the web does work. It’s working for thousands of professional firms across the UK right

now, generating significant volumes of new business and an ongoing supply of high quality leads. Worryingly

though, there are many other firms who cannot or will not accept the impact that digital technology is

having on their market place. These firms are not taking their digital responsibility seriously – and almost

certainly are losing potential customers. Critically, many of them don’t realise it!

Still sceptical?

Most of us probably agree that the use of the internet and technology is growing at a staggering speed. If

you are in any doubt simply type “internet growth statistics” into Google and you’ll have access to numerous

amounts of research and reports on internet use in the UK and globally.

Thanks to the internet buyers’ habits have changed forever, and while some potential clients will find you

offline, the vast majority will find you through online searches. What’s more you can be sure that 99% of

potential clients will look at your website before making a decision either to contact you or use you. Even

those who come to you through referral are highly likely to look at your website before contacting you.

“If you are still not sure if the web really works, then my advice is simple – Wake Up! and then try to catch up!”

John Braithwaite John Braithwaite | Head of Digital Marketing Insight

[email protected]

Does the web really work for professional service companies?


Take your digital identity, responsibility and reputation seriously

This is a basic concept that must be understood – and fast!

We all know we should not turn up to meetings in dirty, smelly clothes

and a bird’s nest hairstyle. All reputable firms would make sure

that if a potential customer is visiting their office that it is clean,

tidy and presentable. Few if any would accept anything but

the highest standards offline, yet so many accept very poor

standards online. Yet every potential client will visit your

website and social pages before choosing to use you

and certainly your existing customers will periodically

‘check you out’. Therefore good quality new customers

and existing customers can be won or lost online.

These days we all operate in a digital era, where our

digital responsibility is growing and a good online

reputation is essential.

The sad news is that most websites we review

(thousands every year) are outdated, poorly

constructed sites full of generic, often needless

information. As a result, they have little hope

of developing future business. They say to the

prospective client: “I have no imagination. I’m

not up to date and I have no confidence that

company practice is any different from any other

accountancy firm out there.”

If you already have a website but it isn’t really

working for you, then you are probably viewing it

as an expense, not an investment. And it’s true...

great marketing of a poor site will result in little new

business; no marketing and a poor site will result

in no business! Worse still, an out of date site can

have a damaging effect on the perception of your

practice by potential and current customers.

Take your digital identity, responsibility and reputation seriously

“... You must provide your company with a fast loading and high converting professional website that is optimised or loose out!”

6 Proven online marketing solutions

Reaching out to a new generation of wealthy, tech-savvy business owners

It is not just important to consider how you engage prospects online but also who you are trying to connect

with. If you have an ageing client base and are looking for long term growth you must employ digital

marketing to reach out to these new prospects. These potential customers grew up with mobile phones, they

understand the difference between IE and Firefox, LinkedIn and Xing, and they could blow your company

out of the offing just by looking at your Twitter page (if you even have one!). They communicate with

their friends using Facebook and they use Dropbox for simple large file sharing. They are hugely capable

individuals with more ability and capacity for growth than many previous generations as the stand on the

shoulders of the chip.

Your online engagement will define your future direction

These are bizarre times, when the future is difficult to predict precisely. What does seem clear to the Insight

team is that we are reaching a critical period where firms will either learn to face the threats posed by the

changing market and increased competition with new ways of marketing, or lose significant number clients.

What’s more, everything is going to get FASTER.

Thanks to high-speed broadband through mobiles, more and more of us are using smart phones, ipads etc

to browse online. The entire experience has changed, and dare we say it, many crave for even faster, more

complex services.

Will you be ready?

Will your company have the ability to respond and benefit from these exciting new technologies?

Why not create a website designed to improve your digital reputation? One that will provide you with a

fast loading, high converting, professional website that is optimised for both user conversions and search

engines. It will help you stay ahead of your competition; it will reflect where you are going and not where

you have been, and provide a great marketing and PR vehicle for your firm.

Does the web really work for professional service companies?


Copy that generates a response, written for you

Writing effective copy is a specialist area of expertise

in its own right. Bringing together words that trigger a

response is an art few people understand and even

fewer master. A great copywriter understands that

every word must lead towards action. Good copy does

not simply talk about a business, its partners or about

you generally. Strong, focused copy communicates

meaningfully with your customers and potential

customers alike. It tells them what they want to know

in a way that keeps their attention. Therefore, it’s the

job of the copywriter to understand precisely what

services your firm offers and what your potential clients

are looking for. A good copywriter will then create a

synergy between the two to produce dynamic hard-

working copy.

“I’m passionate about writing copy that has impact – and triggers a

response; copy that translates real value to my chosen audience and helps

them connect with my clients. Crucially, I write copy that’s meaningful to the

reader; it’s about their world, their problems, their opportunities. Our whole

team has this same focus and that’s why we are able to produce beautifully

differentiated sites that don’t just generate enquiries but also play a pivotal

role at the very heart of all your marketing activities. I’d love to help you

achieve marketing excellence through my highly focused and effective

copywriting”David CooperDavid Cooper | Senior Copywriter

[email protected]

That’s exactly what you get when you use Insight.

Copy that generates a response, written for you

8 Proven online marketing solutions

Design that will distinguish you

Unlike many web development firms, we start with a

totally blank canvas, and not with a pack of highly

restrictive, pre-designed templates. In fact your site

is not restricted by anything at all, as long as it falls

within the bounds of digital best practice.

Everything is completely bespoke from the ground up.

Our philosophy is based on designing and delivering a

website that differentiates your firm from all the others

and ensures your online reputation is enhanced and


We understand that you don’t get a second chance

to create a first impression – and we don’t let our

customers miss that opportunity! We’ll make sure

your site will endorses your position and supports your

busines, whilst reflecting who you are and what makes

you different.

“Our design philosophy is simple: We build clean, updated

and easily navigable sites that reflect who our customers really

are. The end result is a website you’ll be proud of and potential

customers will love.”Steffan ChyzakSteffan Chyzak | Lead Designer

[email protected]

Design that will distinguish your firm


Exclusive development – and Mobile Device Enabled

Your site will be coded (that’s the geeky bit which makes all the images and words load and fit into your

computer screen and switch quickly from one page to the next) by our team of experienced developers.

Using the design and text you have already approved, they will develop your site to meet with best practice

web standards as well as your own requirements.

Mobile Device Enabled – means that your site is developed for use on a PC, laptop, iPad, phone or other

mobile device. On completion, every site we create undergoes an advanced independent assessment to

ensure it can be successfully viewed by all the major mobile devices.

“Many people struggle to make their digital marketing work.

When a prospect is searching, i.e. when it is most important to

them to find what they are looking for, it is imperative your site

stands out. Often 3-4 websites will be viewed when someone is

considering enquiring, and if your site is the same (sometimes

verbatim!) as your competitors – what chance have you given

yourself? How are you helping your potential clients? Integrating

LinkedIn©, Pay Per Click and other online marketing with your

website gives you real competitive advantage.”John BraithwaiteJohn Braithwaite | Head of Digital Marketing

[email protected]

Exclusive development - and Mobile Device Enabled

10 Proven online marketing solutions

Relevant, attractive and exclusive content

We don’t believe in cramming your site with inappropriate content that has little or no benefit to your

potential clients. Instead, we create reports, brochures etc that are exclusive to Insight customers and are

made available through your site as downloads or ‘soft’ offers. These highly attractive, well written reports

are designed to appeal to potential clients and will increase the conversion rate of visitors to enquiries from

your site.

Exclusive company growth section - written by internationally, recognised marketing and sales author David Oliver

Available only to Insight customers this section of your site is for your own clients and potential clients that

may want practical tips and advice on how to grow. It includes tried and tested ways to grow a company,

in the current climate plus free downloads to help generate additional enquiries. This unique section will also

help differentiate your website from the competition.

Relevant, attractive and exclusive content

“For nearly 30 years now I have had the privilege of working with companies of all sizes. We’ve seen

significant change over that time and never at the pace experienced these last 4-5 years. That can

be a challenge, however it doesn’t need to be. The pace of change outside most firms is greater than

within. And it means that those who take action now, there’s a great opportunity to get ahead of your

competitors - and stay ahead. Digital Marketing and a well designed and written website are the key

to everything.”David Oliver David Oliver | Founder of Insight-Marketing | [email protected]


The latest innovation in website technologies

Unlike many website developers who use template designs and standard copy, Insight creates each website

according to its own specific, individual needs from scratch.

Thanks to detailed briefing calls with each new customer, we are able to shape their website to reflect their

taste, values - and idiosyncrasies! Each one is as individual as the characters behind your company – and in

our opinion that’s just how it should be.

It’s this innovative and creative approach that’s given Insight a leading position in UK website development

over the past 5 years – and one that ensures your new website will be at the cutting edge of technology and

online marketing.

Your website at your fingertipsChange content yourself, when you want and where you want

When you entrust your site to Insight, you get far more than just a marketing tool. It comes with full support

and a suite of back office functions for your use.

You have control at your fingertips thanks to our Content Management Suite. This innovative platform gives

you complete control of all or part of your website. This can help progressive firms get even more activity

through their site. It’s easy to use… You choose how much you want to do online, from simple functions such

as uploading PDFs to a client area through to adding entire new pages.

The latest innovation in websites in website technologies

12 Proven online marketing solutions

Email marketing, newsletters and soft offers

Email marketing, newsletters and soft offers

In our view, communicating with both your current and potential customers on a regular basis is essential.

That said, we do not advocate nor endorse mass marketing by email using generic, poorly designed,

template email shots. Your email marketing should represent your firm, your values, and your ethos it should

therefore stand out and be ‘different’. This will ensure that your email marketing improves your reputation

and brand awareness and gives the reader a great experience and where appropriate will generate a

meaningful response.

Some insist on sending ‘generic’ material Not everyone is in a position to consider customised email

marketing and for some firms it’s a case of having to send something out. In these situations we recommend who produce 2 different generic tax focused newsletters.

Bespoke email marketing - You can breath easy, relax and leave all the hard work to our professional team

who are on hand to write, design, code and send your custom email shots. Having written your website

and understanding what makes your firm tick, our team are in a great position to develop your email

marketing strategy.

Written - Your email shots, newsletters and reports etc. that we can offer free can all be written by our

expert team of copyrighters. All you have to do is sign of the copy and it then is handed over to your

designated designer.

Design - The sky really is the limit when it comes to the design of your email marketing. A careful balance is

made between branding, generating a response and great design so that you can be sure that your email

marketing stands out whilst re-enforcing your online reputation.

Developed - Once your copy and design is signed off this is where out team of technical wizards get to work

taking your wonderful design and ensuring that its coded so it can be read by major email programs such

as Outlook, MacMail, Google mail etc.

Sent, tracked, measured and reported - Your emails are then loaded into the chosen mail platform and sent

using your account. You are able to log in and view the full results of open rates, click throughs, who has

done so etc.

The value – comes from responses generated, increased brand awareness, significant impact for minimal

spend and intelligence. Using specialist technology you can then target-using telephone follow up those

who have clicked and opened your emails for maximum response. What’s more you can focus and tailor

future messages to those people.

Typical costs

The typical cost to write, design and code your individual email shot is £190 - £300. The costs to send an email

out will vary depending on the platform you already use or together we agree is best for you. The send costs

vary from less than 1p per email sent to a small fixed monthly charge.

The 3 platforms that we recommend


What clients are really searching for

Our experience in working with companies of all sizes for over 25 years means we have a good insight into

what works and what doesn’t, when it comes to website content.

The simple fact is clients want help to grow their businesses. That’s why in every website we build, you’ll find a

dedicated section for ‘Business Growth’. Each one is designed and written to ‘fit’ the profile you determine,

but it will always aim to give the sort of information on business growth that your prospective clients are

looking for, information such as:

New! What clients are really searching for

Business Start-ups

Corporate structure, business plans, cash

flow forecasts.

Business Improvement

Profit and loss analysis, KPIs, reducing tax.

Raising Finance

Mergers and acquisitions, increasing share

capital, acquiring plant or premises.

Selling Your Business

Getting the best price possible, protecting

your wealth.

Of course, if you have any specialisations,

these will be featured more heavily.

An open door to a world of opportunities“

14 Proven online marketing solutions

Video that brings your site to life

One of the difficulties you need to overcome when promoting your services is that they are largely

intangible. That’s why we have developed a simple and effective method of grabbing peoples’ attention

– a promotional video. Video is one of the most powerful tools for promoting your company. It’s immediate,

dynamic, captivating and has the ability to put some ‘personality’ into your site. Video also helps gain your

firm extra prominence on search engines so more prospects will find you.

We have combined our experience of marketing and promotion and blended it with very high quality video

production, producing a powerful end product that generates great feedback from clients and potential

clients alike.

Benefits of Videos

Thanks to YouTube and other similar platforms web video has exploded. Users have been groomed to expect

content quickly, and extensive research shows visitors decide whether or not to stay on your firm’s site within

seconds. The use of online video has been proven to hold customer’s attention, generate additional leads,

and therefore increase the return on investment for a site. What’s more, video is now so widely accepted it

has become a viral form of communication that users are happy to send to colleagues or contacts.

What Does a Single Video Cost?

Video shoot to provide you with 4 - 8 minutes of professionally edited video for your site

Some firms are short on time, budget or both but want to benefit from the advantages of our video for accountants

service. For these firms we have pioneered a unique set-package. All you have to do is arrive in London at the allocated

time and venue and we will do the rest.


• Professionally written script created in conjunction with you and your partners

• Filming – you simply arrive and we will take you through the filming process 1:1 and when you are comfortable we

will commence the filming

• Editing - following the filming slot we will fully edit your video prior to upload and make any changes to the graphics

being used

• Production for web - we prepare the HTML code so that your web provider merely cuts & pastes the video into the

pre-agreed space on your website. This task should take no more than a couple of minutes.

• This unique package is structured to provide your firm with the full benefits of video in a structured way at a low

investment level of just £1650 to include all the above.

Video that brings your site to life


Socially gifted – blogs, Twitter and LinkedIn©

For companies with historic values it’s encouraging to see the fundamentals of Know, Like and Trust, the three

stepping stones to building profitable relationships, have once again been dusted off and used prolifically,

thanks to Social Media. People are once again doing business with people they like; people who are just

like them; people who show a genuine interest in them and who they trust. Social networking is thriving and

the move towards social business is growing. Your website will be designed to link with all the major social

networking platforms, and where possible we strongly recommend your firm undertakes LinkedIn© training

through Insight.

Socially gifted - blogs, Twitter and LinkedIn©©

“LinkedIn© in probably the most powerful tool that I know of

in practice right now for businesses of all sizes! Over 100 million

people now use LinkedIn© and that number is always growing.

My role is to lead our team and to directly help you understand

why LinkedIn© is important, how to best get established and

then how you can use it for the most profitable effect. For those

already extolling its virtues, we can provide advanced support

to help you truly unlock the power of this outstanding tool. Best

of all? It’s networking! It plays to the strength of nearly every

partner of every firm in the UK.”James PotterJames Potter | Senior LinkedIn

© Advisor

[email protected]

16 Proven online marketing solutions

Post-live management, support and care

In many senses, once your website is ‘live’ the journey has not ended but just begun. You can update,

improve or amend your site at any time, either using our team or your CMS. We encourage customers to

make the most out of this, and we want you to take your site seriously. Look at it on a monthly basis (if only

for a few minutes) to see how it can be improved; what additional information (new content) might you like

us to add and what would you like amending.

Our team are on hand at any time for the duration of the relationship to assist you whenever you need help.

Furthermore, in the background and often unseen, our team will review your site for SEO effectiveness every

3-4 months and make any necessary improvements.

N.B. All included in your package, at no extra cost.

Live launch support package

Once your site is live you will receive a 26 page ‘Website Live’ document which explains, step by step, how

to get the best out of your new site. In addition, we advise you to consider the following points:

1. Tell all your contacts about your new site

2. Take the time to read and understand Google analytics

3. Understand on-site optimisation

4. Start Google Ad words – A no brainer

5. Online pay per lead

6. Add new content – why content is king

7. Blogs and articles

8. Tell your LinkedIn© contacts

9. Support available, to you on any of the above topics, via our digital help line, 0800 80 30 834.

Post-live management, support and care


Flexible packages and investment options to suit

Flexible packages and investment options to suit

When it comes to selecting the level of website you need, there are two options:

The Silver Package: Simple, dedicated and functional

As an entry-level solution, the Silver Package is designed as a reference point and ‘shop window’ for current

customers. Its secondary purpose is to show interested contacts that you have a dedicated online presence.

The silver package will give your firm a totally customised, bespoke site that benefits from the following:

• Bespoke website up to 10 pages

• Professional design and copy writing

• Fully customised and smart phone friendly

• Monthly analytics

This is the perfect solution for small firms or start ups who want a new or improved online presence without

the full functionality or depth of site offered by the Gold package.

No fixed term and ultra small monthly payments

Deposit prepayment £1250

No fixed term £55 per month

No up front payments, simple monthly instalments and 4 year relationship

Deposit or prepayment £0

Fixed term 48 months £150 per month

Working with Insight Marketing has future-

proofed our digital marketing. We are

confident because we know there is an

experienced digital team on tap to develop,

improve and perform for us. Their design skills

are excellent, and we are very pleased with

the quality of work.

18 Proven online marketing solutions

Website packages

Website Packages from Insight

Package Silver Gold Platinum


Dedicated designer • • •

Bespoke design - blank canvas • • •

Maximum pages 10 30 Unrestricted

Social networking enabled • • •

Enquiry forms • • •

Flash animation X • •

Ability to integrate content form your current site • • •

Password protect any pages • • •

Images included Up to 10 Up to 30 Unrestricted


Dedicated developer • • •

Bespoke development • • •

Smart phone friendly • • •

Hosted video X • •

Customised video of your firm O O •

Blog enabled X • •

Customised enquiry forms X • •

Content and Copy

Dedicated copywriter • • •

Your copy written for you • • •

Exclusive soft offers and news feed • • •

11 Reasons free report X • •

7 Biggest Mistakes free report X • •

Exclusive business growth sections X • •

Content Management System CMS X • •

Client upload area X • •

Socially gifted

Social marketing enabled • • •

LinkedIn guide and advice X • •

LinkedIn training on site O O O

Twitter page design X • •

Future proofed - refresh technology

Website redesigns - rebuilds O • •

Edits, text changes (within pre agreed no. of pages) • • •

Technology updates • • •

Integration with CRM solutions O O O


Search engine optimisation on site Basic Ongoing Dedicated

Guide to off site optimisation • • •

Extensive monthly analytics • • •


Response time (working days) 5 48hrs 12hrs

Dedicated project manager X • •

O - Optional X - Not included


Flexible packages and investment options to suit

When it comes to selecting the level of website you need, there are two options:

The Gold Package: A premium website solution at an affordable price

This is the most popular package chosen by firms (of all sizes) who want a dedicated online presence to

serve both current and potential clients alike. The gold package will give your firm a totally customised,

bespoke site that benefits from the following:

• Dedicated project manager

• Bespoke website up to 30 pages

• Hosted video

• Professional design and copy writing

• Fully customised and smart phone friendly

• Monthly analytics

• Free professionally produced reports

• Exclusive Content Management System

No fixed term and ultra small monthly payments

Deposit prepayment £2950

No fixed term £147 per month

No up front payments, simple monthly instalments and 4 year relationship

Deposit or prepayment £0

Fixed term 48 months £295 per month

The Gold package: a premium website solution at an affordable price

20 Proven online marketing solutions

Why Insight?

Insight Marketing was founded over 25 years ago by well known author and philanthropist David Oliver.

David has grown a number of companies, which he has either sold or continued to develop. He is one of

the most sought-after sales and marketing presenters and trainers in the UK and Europe. David’s vision for

Insight is as clear today as it was 25 years ago: To help other organisations grow and realise the potential of

the business owners and the people they are responsible for.

Since its formation David and the team at Insight have been instrumental in training some of the leading

sales and marketing teams in the world. For over 25 years, Insight has worked with the broadest spectrum

from small start-up companies right through to top international firms.

When you appoint Insight to create or improve your website, you can rely on:

• Topqualitydesign,copyanddevelopment

• Excellentcommunications–soyouknowwhat’shappening

• Speedyconstruction

• First-classongoingsupportandadvice

• Regularupdatesandmonitoringtoensurethesiteisperformingaswellasitshouldbe

And that all means you have complete Peace of Mind.

Why Insight?

We are proud to have used Insight for over 10 years. During

this time they have been excellent in future-proofing my

entire sales and marketing. My website has won many new,

good quality local customers from the sort of spend you’d

barely get a quarter page in the press. I am impressed and

can say without a doubt that this has proved to be the

most profitable marketing for our firm.


Some of the team behind the projects

The Insight Team

David Oliver - Founder - [email protected]

Insight founder, David Oliver, is a world-class inspirational trainer, speaker and author of 9 books.

David writes every month to 25,000 opt in subscribers and is viewed by many as one of the leading

trusted voices on practical company growth. David has also featured regularly as a sales and

marketing expert in the press, on television, radio and as a keynote speaker for national companies.

Steffan - Lead Designer- [email protected]

An extremely talented designer with extensive experience in web design, illustration, photography

and print. Steffan studied at the University of Hull with a MSc in Applied Digital Media and won the

Multi-Media Graphics Shield for “Student of the year”. He went on to become an Adobe Certified

Associate, became a regular college lecturer and has worked for Sky Sports.

James Potter - Senior LinkedIn© Adviser - [email protected]

James (also known as The LinkedIn© Man) was originally destined for a career in accountancy when

in 1986 he discovered networking and sales. He went on to learn four different sales methodologies

along with a passion for various other professional disciplines. James has a unique understanding

of LinkedIn© and its use for businesses.

John Braithwaite - Head of Digital Marketing- [email protected]

John is a leading authority on digital marketing. John has spearheaded pioneering new approaches

to digital marketing for modern companies. John has embraced and developed unique design

concepts, effective PPC campaigning (he controls a PPC budget alone of over £20,000 per month),

online video production, e-brochure marketing and much more.

David Cooper - Copywriter - [email protected]

Viewed by many as the leader in the field of writing copy for accountancy firms. His experience is

unique. Having qualified as an accountant with a top 6 firm, he also worked as a Finance Director

and Managing Director before opting for a career in marketing – specialising in writing outstanding

sales and marketing copy for companies as American Express, Diners Club and Nightingale Conant.

Daniel Richards - Lead Generation Manager - [email protected]

Heading up all client services and the lead generation team for Insight, Daniel Richards has been

instrumental in the growth of literally hundreds of companies. His team specialise in relational

appointment generation and have been responsible for over one million phone calls, setting

thousands of pre-qualified appointments for senior partners. Daniel advises a number of top twenty

companies, as well as smaller businesses looking for predictable growth. There are few with his

understanding and experience of lead handling and enquiry conversion for companies.

Adam Gray - Account Manager - [email protected]

As Account Manager, Adam is primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of Insight’s

Relational Telemarketing team. Having previously worked in the role of Sales Executive generating

high-quality leads for accountancy firms around the UK, as Account Manager he works to develop

the Relational Telemarketing team, taking client briefs, briefing team members, monitoring client

campaigns and building strong client relationships.

22 Proven online marketing solutions


“I have heard David Oliver a number of times presenting to lawyers, accountants, and finance professionals. His content is practical, his principles easy to implement, and his delivery inspiring.”

“David Oliver is both a powerful presenter of material but also.... and more importantly to me, his work has made a significant difference to our business. It has depth and can be practically applied... but most of all it produces results.”

“I must admit that I was very sceptical to start with but this session was amazing. I have picked up so many nuggets of information. I will definitely be attending more Insight events – thank you for a great workshop.”

“A very informative, thought provoking event. I am leaving here with many ideas that we are looking forward to implementing.”

“The session was really helpful in understanding how LinkedIn and Facebook works was not aware of how many pages can be generated automatically and stay empty.”

“An essential and must attend event for any firm looking to grow in the continually evolving digital age.”

“Very enjoyable and informative event – lots of ideas to take away.”

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