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Joanne PerryAS Media StudiesPropps Character TheoryPropps perception on characters came from his own opinion on people being complicated and hard to understand. Due to this perception, he ensures us that you can never accurately represent a person in a media product and instead, the media will present people as stereotypes as it is easier to understand. This gives off the ideology that every person is meeting their stereotype for example police as pigs. However, this is used in order to ensure that the media is kept simple and understanding for the audience to easily understand and can be seen as a form of dumbing down the audience. Propps has come up with his theory that most media stereotypes are linked with people/types from fairytales as represented below.Hero the hero is a good person who the audience instantly like. The hero is usually someone who overcomes difficulties such as fights. Villain the villain is a selfish character whose aim is to gain power. The audience therefore see him as dangerous and a threat.The Helper the helper is someone who helps and offers positive support. The helper could be perceived as a sidekick to another character. The Donor the donor is an older and wiser character who offers advice and aims to help improve difficult scenarios. Princess the princess is regularly perceived as a helpless, innocent woman. This represents the stereotype of women having less power than men and can therefore represent this character as a damsel in distress. Within the creations of my charity campaign website, I will induce Propps theory in order for it to appeal more to my audience. I will use this in the concept of fairytales. Due to my website supporting eating disorders and offering the help which they need, the audience suffering with an eating disorder, will be presented as the princesses through Propps theory. This is due to their vulnerability and innocence which is perceived due to their illness. Through using recovery stories within my website, the people within the stories will be presented as being the hero. This is due to the way that they have overcome and fought their illness and present the ideology of my website that everyone can get better and be like them. Therefore I am perceived as the donor and the helper on my website due to being the creator and offering positive support to the audience and also aiming to improve peoples illnesses through offering advice and allowing the audience to receive the help they need. The villain however can be presented as being the illness upon my website due to the way in which it gains power over a person and can therefore be dangerous and is also a threat to the human body. I will represent Propps theory through symplematic strategies in order for them to be easily represented to the audience and therefore create an ideological appeal due to the continuously used concepts of the theory. I will show this mainly through the narrative within my website due to the supportive approach through narrative in order to present me as the donor and the helper. Costume can represent the princess throughout my images and video in order to represent a damsel in distress figure in order for the audience to immediately see her helplessness and vulnerability against the villain presented as the illness, therefore the eating disorder. Various props such as food, weighing scales etc can represent the villain as they symbolise the power in which these simple props have upon someone which will also be presented through imagery and a video. Finally, the narrative presents the hero due to the way in which they talk about their illness and how they fought and overcome it in order to make them stronger. Therefore the positive narrative will present the hero as being an icon and someone to look up to, in the audiences perspective.

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