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For our music video we will use headphones that have the logo of a superhero in our performance element of the video. This will then link to the narrative of our music video, which involve the bullied boy turning in to his own superhero. He will also have logo’s of other superhero’s on his books and bag to link the two together.

Page 3: Prop presentation redo

The key in the video will have to be larger than a normal key and more extravagant. We want to do this to draw the audiences attention to the key, so that they notice what the boy is doing and creates more suspense of what the key actually opens. It also adds an element of mystery to make the audience intrigued by what it is going to reveal after he pulls it from underneath his bed. Ensuring the audience’s interest is held is a key factor in any music promo.

Page 4: Prop presentation redo

The silly string will be used as a weapon, which helps the boy defeat the bullies. Whilst being a weapon, this prop is also comical and goes with the style of the music video. It makes the violence in the video slightly lighter and gets the audience to take it less seriously. It is also a childish product, which highlights his youth and childlike imagination of which he creates his own superhero.

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The utility belt we have taken from the superhero batman. This links batman and our music video character together and it will be used to store his weapons that he uses to defeat the bullies. The concept of the utility belt is well known amongst superhero fan fiction so ties suitably to the concept.

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Books will be used to emphasize the bullies picking on the main character. They also represent a type of escape, as does a superhero. This symbolism will link together our narrative part of the music video. Papers and folders will also be thrown around by the bullies.

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DJ decks will be used for our performance element of our music video. We have cast someone that knows how to use them, so that it looks believable. They will also be wearing the superhero headphones to link the performance element to the narrative of the music video.

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Desks and chairs will also be used to emphasize the mise en scene of the classroom. It helps sets the school environment as well as the type of ages of the characters.

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The main character will be wearing a backpack with a superhero logo on it, this will link the narrative and the performance together, as the DJ headphones will also have a superhero logo on them.

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The boy will also have a superhero watch to make him childlike but also to adhere to the theme of superhero’s for our music video.

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