  • 8/3/2019 Promises of God Final Layout


    The theme for this month is the Our promise keeping God and the

    theme for our meditation this week is

    Be devoted to Jerusalem

    We have been meditating on the book of Nehemiah for the pastthree months. In the opening chapters we saw Nehemiah hears

    about the broken walls of Jerusalem, a city in ruins. He prays and

    cries out to God.

    Nehemiah was the lone voice,

    the lone voice,

    we see that Nehemiah is the only person devoted to Jerusalem,

    devoted to rebuilding Jerusalem and returning to its past glory

    why was he devoted to Jerusalemit was because he believed that promise that God made of a rebuilt

    and vibrant Jerusalem will be fulfilled

    a belief that promise of God regarding Jerusalem will be fulfilled

    not many shared the same devotion and desire for Jerusalem to be


    the majority had given up, they did not see any future for


    it was in ruins for 70 years, with no people, no king, no leadership

    They had given up on Gods promise which said That even if the people are scattered, it they repent and pray he

    would bring them back and restore the city

    people could not be devoted to Jerusalam because they felt the

    promise of God about Jerusalem was unrealizable

    When we look at the history of Jerusalem there were many times

    that promise of God about Jerusalem the land of Jebusites for the

    people of Israel was unrealizable

    God promises land of Canaan which includes Jerusalem belonging

    to the Jebusites to Abraham and his descendants in Gen 15:31

    After 400 yearsAgain when the isrealites are coming to the promised land from

    their slavery in Egypt God is reminding them that canaan

    including Jebusite territory will be given to them

    Duet 7:1

    when the Lord your God brings you into the land you are abut to

    enter he will clear away many nations before you including the


    that did not happen

    But during the time of Joshua, isreal claimed most of the areaspromised to them but when they came to Jerusalem they failed to

    conquer it


    The people of Judah could not drive out the Jebusites, the

    inhabitants of Jerusalem

    After Joshua during the time of Judges Judah captured Jerusalem

    for a very brief period but lost control of it once again ( Judges 1:8

    they capture but in Juges 1:21)

    Judges 1:21

    The benjaminites could not drive out the Jebusites who lived in


    More than 800 years had passed about the promise of Jerusalem

    yet it was not fulfilled

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    Almost 800 years after it was promised Jerusalem was conquered

    by King David

    But in 597BC Jerusalem was destroyed by nebuchadnzar and

    raised to the ground and people scattered

    But for many isrealites before the time of David and during theperiod of exile Jerusalem was an unrealizable promise

    They could not be devoted to Jerusalem because the promise

    of God seemed unrealizable

    Friends this evening to many of us, some of the promises of God

    seem unrealizable in our lives

    When we are in confusion, not knowing what to do - the promise

    that God will counsel us with his eyes and tell us to turn left or

    right does not seem realisticWhen we are battling disease, when pain wracks our body, when

    there are cracks in our relationship the promise that I am the God

    that healeth thee seems unrealizable

    When were going through loneliness, misunderstanding, and

    separation the promise that I am with you seems too far away

    All these promises look good on promise cards, wall plagues,

    bumper stickes and highlighted in the bible

    Where is God when it hurts we cry, where are his promises we cry


    This evening Nehemiah is reminding us

    Be devoted to the areas of your life which needs rebuilding

    dont give

    Believe that the promises of God will be fulfilled and broken

    areas of your life will be rebuilt as He has promised

    When David Livingston was asked how he became a missinory

    and explorer to the dark continent

    'I was enabled to go on because I had the word of a perfect

    gentleman, never known to break a promise, that He would be

    with me always'. The LORD's promise

    God will never break a promise

    If you have given up! I you find the promises of God unrealizable

    just repeat what DL says

    I have the word of perfect gentleman


    Nehemiah was devoted to Jerusalem

    because he had the conviction that Gods promises can be


    Yes Jersalem was in ruins

    It pointed to a very pathetic picture

    But Nehemiah was not looking at the ruins, he was convicned

    that Gods promise can be claimed

    See how he claims the promise of God regarding Jerusalem

    Neh 1:8

    Remember now what you have told Moses ifyou people of

    Israel are unfaithful to me I will scatter you among other nations,but then if you turn back to me and do what I have commanded

    you I will bring you back to the place where I have chosen to be

    worshipped, even though you are scattered to the ends of the


    Nehemiah was devoted to Jerusalem he was convinced that Godspromise could be claimed

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    Going back in Jewish history, David the first to capture Jerusalem

    because he too had the conviction that Gods promise regardingJerusalem, could be claimed and nothing could stop him

    Jerusalem at Davids time was unassiable fortress,

    the Jebusites who lived there were so confident that no one could

    capture itThey boasted and their boast is recorded in

    2 Sam 5:6

    You cannot come in here even the blind and lame will turn you


    Why was it such a strong hold

    It was surrounded by forest of olives almond and pine, the city

    was at a height of 2500 feet about sea level, surrounded by valleys

    and sharp ravines so it was difficult for anyone to capture itAnother feature of Jerusalem was that even though it was on a hill

    any traveler could see it only when he came close to it. All this

    made it impregnable during davids time

    There is an interesting incentive David gives his men, he says to

    them whoever go up the water shaft first shall be my chief and

    commander. Joab goes up and helps david capture it.

    David did not focus on the difficutlty of the terrain, he did not

    think abut history when Jews constantly faild to captureHe was looking only at the promise that God had made to abrham

    to that included Jerusalem and it was there to be claimed

    When Adoniram Judson set out to India and Burma, people asked


    What are the chances of converting people

    Judsons reply was that the prospects were "as bright as the

    promises of God."

    During his first several years in Burma, his faith in those

    promises was to be severely tested and proven.

    In his first four years, he had only one inquirer and

    it was six long years before that first convert.

    Another five years rolled Judson unfatiguingly translated the New

    Testament into the Burmese language.After 11 years of labor, the number of converts had increased to


    When conversions seemed to lag and Judson heard rumors from

    home that his ministry might be considered a failure, he declared,

    "Tell them to wait a few years and they will hear from us."

    By the conclusion of his 37 years there, the Judson had become a

    living legend.

    Yes friendsThis evening many of us have given up claiming the promises of


    When doubts, failures, shortcuts have come up we have taken the

    easy way out

    May be we have not been long enough on our knees

    Claiming the promises of God

    Nehemiahs call comes this evening

    The promises of God will be fulfilled if you believe

    The promises of God can be claimed if you want it


    Nehamiah was devoted to Jerusalem

    because he knew that promises of God can be enjoyed

    it may seem a strange title but let me explain

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    when Nehemiah started out to claim the promise of God

    no one forced him, no one pushed him to do it

    he voluntarily believed, claimed and acted on the promises of God

    he did not do things because he had to but because he wanted to

    when the promise of God was being fulfilled and Jerusalme was

    taking shape it gave him great joy

    rebuilding the walls was not the end of the matter for Nehemiah,

    repopulating was

    After rebuilding the walls, it seemed that the city was empty

    Neh 7:4 says = the city was wide and large but the people within

    it were few and no houses had been built

    Not many seemed enthusaiatic to live in the newly built cityIn the passage read to us

    We see the leaders had moved in

    Then there was a lot cast to move one out of ten into the city

    But there was a surprise

    The third category of people come in the volunteers the want

    to people

    Why ? just like Nehemiah they wanted to enjoy the promises of


    To do that they had to sacrifice safety of the plains, comforts of

    home, being away from family and friends but

    They volunteered because they wanted to enjoy the promises of


    A new set of people were doing what nehemisah had done many

    years ago

    Being devoted to Jerusalem means a person

    Who is a want to person

    Bible stydy why

    It builds up the leaders, it movtivates and supports the have to

    peopleWe read

    The people blessed the volunteer

    Today the church needs people the volunteers/ the want to

    people/ those who enjoy the promises of god

    There is a lot of space for the want to people

    Are you willing to commite to it

    Lord I am devoted to you, I dont need any postion, no invitation,

    no compulsionI come to do your servicebecuaes

    I want to

    Being devoted to Jerusalem

    Belief the Gods promises will be fulfilledConvction that Gods promises can be claimed

    Knowledge that Gods promises can be enjoyed


    There is story of an island nation with riches and wealth, manyarmies came in ships and tried to capture it but often retreated

    unable to climb the rocky slopes on the beach.

    One day the people of the island many ships approaching them,

    they were sure that they too would retreat like the others but after

    the army had landed on the beach they saw them burning their


    The islander knew here was an army which would conquer them

    becaue they were not going to give up.

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    The attackers believed could fulfill their ambition of taking the


    They were convinced they could claim the island

    They were here becaue they wanted the island and enjoy its riches

    They burnt their boats and concentrated on victory or death

    They were men who wanted to capture the island

    Friends, this evening there are boats we have to burn, boats that

    stop us from claiming the promises of God, boats that keep us

    from trusting the promises of God can we burn the boats

    Promises of God will be fulfilled, it needs to be claimed and it

    needs to be enjoyed

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