
Project: SleepKristine Mcintosh

ProblemHaving long naps on the afternoon and not

being able to go to bed at nighttime.

Distorted sleep cycle

Not enough sleep at night

A short nap is usually recommended (20-30 minutes) for short-term alertness. This type of nap provides significant benefit for improved alertness and performance without leaving you feeling groggy or interfering with nighttime sleep.

A long nap or a nap taken too late in the day may adversely affect the length and quality of nighttime sleep. If you have trouble sleeping at night, a nap will only amplify problems.

Effects of distorted cycleConstant tiredness, from mild to severe

Irritability, temper and moodiness

Loss of concentration, and in severe cases memory loss and hallucinations

Absenteeism and tardiness at work or school

Loss of appetite or the opposite, binge-eating

Restrict caffeine, alcohol and nicotine within one hour of bedtime.

Avoid intense exercise within one hour of bedtime.

Avoid going to bed and getting up at different times.

Avoid long naps -- a 15-minute "power nap" is enough.

Avoid Internet social networking and games (considered stressors that keep the mind alert) before bedtime.

Avoid studying, reading, eating or watching TV in bed as part of the bedtime routine.

Eliminate too much light and noise in the bedroom.

Keep bedtime and waking time consistent.

Set up a comfortable sleeping environment -- not too bright, too cold, too hot or too noisy. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows.

Use the bed for sleep, not for studying for exams.

Turn to relaxing sleep routines such as relaxation exercises or the student's personal religious ritual.

Writing out worries in a personal journal can also ease stress.

ExperimentGo to bed by 10- 11 PM and wake up between 7-

8 AM

Adjust biological clock

Relax and drop the phone by 9-10 PM

Drink tea with no caffeine before sleep

Spray Lavender mist on my pillow and sheets

Day #1Forced myself to wake up at 8 AM

Exercised before 10:30 AM class

Wanted to sleep by 5 PM (Usual nap time)

Grumpy because I could not sleep

Bed at 11 PM

Day #2Woke up by myself at 8:40 AM

Exercised in the morning

Felt a little bit tired at 5 PM

Drank tea at 10 PM

Fell asleep right away.

Day #3Woke by myself at 8:10


Did not exercise

Did not feel tired at the afternoon

Could not sleep at night

Drank some tea and read a book

Slept at around 11:30

Day #4Woke up by myself at 7 PM


Felt a bit tired in the afternoon. Took a 15 minute nap.


Went to bed at 10:30. Slept easily.


I was able to set up my biological clock

Recovered my sleep cycle

Take short power naps instead of two hour naps

Reading a book of my choice helps me relax and sleep easier.

Tea and lavender mist.

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