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PROJECTS06 1st Retail Sale graphic design

10 Atmosfere Italiane graphic design

14 Prêt-à-manger? product and graphic design

20 banketto BINOMI graphic design and exhibition set up

24 Stoppani 10 graphic design

28 cook up application and graphic design

32 C3 graphic design

36 Frutteto Viel Lab product and graphic design

40 pocKit product and graphic design

44 Cleanex graphic design

48 desKitchen furniture design

GRAPHICS54 Bookmark graphic design

55 CC logo and business card design

56 A.I. logo design

57 My Home Life logo design

T-SHIRTS60 fried egg MUFFIN graphic design

61 ...without showing graphic design

62 Those 3 words are said too much graphic design

63 The slight difference graphic design

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For the season F/W 2012 I was asked by HCH, a company specialisez in wholeselling German wall clocks and cuckoo clocks in Italy, to design (from scratch) the company’s catalogue. As HCH was starting to sell also to the retail market, besides the catalogue, the company asked me for a promotional material.In my mind HCH’s target users should have been people seeking for natural, traditional and high quality handcrafted products. By the same time they should be passionate about good food, music and literature. So I decided to design a promo bookmark (70x200mm - best dimension to suit in all books) to be given for free to bookshops and libreries in Milan and around the city. The catalogue F/W 2012 and the promo bookmark reveled themselves good materials able to deliver an optimal content level for HCH’s new business in the retail sale.

1st Retail Sale2012 april - june

HCHClock company

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For the opening of the Salone del Mobile 2011, I was asked by the Architecture Studio Garilab Associati to design the invitation cards for the event “Atmosfere Italiane”.The brief was to create two different types of cards, one more formal and sophisticated for the preview (210 x 150 mm) and an other more fresh and young for the opening (150 x 100 mm).“Atmosfere Italiane” has been set up within the Marble House walls, renovated by Garilab Associati, which covers more than 400 m2 and is located on the 2nd floor of Via Sant’Andrea, 23 in Milan.The desire to reaffirm not just the historical feeling of the building, but also to focus on the preciousness of the interior, due to the use of noble materials reminiscent of the greatest tradition of Italian modernism.A study and research drawn from historic and exclusive houses in Milan that has recognized in Piero Portaluppi a great master, who has been able to help with the creation of an “Italian atmosphere” style, created thanks to his important Lombard upper middle class commissions.The interior has been revised historically and the new multi-coloured floors in marble and brass pay homage to Carlo Scarpa.An opportunity to present the furniture for Executive Office line designed by Garilab Associati and realized by Busnelli Uno, matched with bookcases by Gruppo Sintesi.For this occasione unique items have been created thanks to a peculiar combination of wood, metal, glass and marble.My work was therefore also to design the presentation/information cards (150 x 100 mm) for the furniture, choosing also the names for each object.

Atmosfere Italiane2011 march - april

Garilab AssociatiArchitecture Studio


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La segn e al rag u’

Stel la


pasta al l’uo vo, bescia me lla, rag u’ alla bologn es e,

parmigia no grattug iato, prosciutto, fontin a a cubetti

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This project is born from the analysis of the actual consumption context, in which the creation of new models of offer and exchange between people is getting more and more crucial.Inspired by the great consensus that in recent years purchasing groups have gained, referring to the principles of the ‘Time Banks’ and in view of EXPO 2015 in Milan, with the theme ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’, this project aims to trace the foundations for a product-service-system of a ‘diffused kitchen’, based in the northwest of Milan, able to offer to the final user an unprecedented degree of freedom and active participation in the life cycle of the product-service project.A complete and really feasible product-service-system to allow common people, lovers of ‘good food’ to manage their passion in a flexible and participated way.The basic concept is that on one hand there is a person who is low skilled or has little time available and instead of eating convenience food, order a take-away or go to a restaurant, he could eat ‘good food’ at a fair price comfortably at home. On the other hand, there is instead a person who loves to cook, with few opportunities to show off his culinary skills and not tended (for fear, lack of desire, no time or other) to make out of his passion a job or business.Prêt-à-manger? brings these two worlds together to provide the opportunity to take personal and economic profit and to allow to eat healthy food without excessive costs and efforts. The simple, direct offer of a good ‘mom’s hot dish’.

Prêt-à-manger?2011 january - march

PSSD MasterMaster DegreeFinal Synthesisprof. Giulia Gerosa

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organizzazione &


h 12.00 - 14.00 h 19.00 - 21.00

proponi richiediordina



Vota la cucina

h 10.00 - 12.00 h 17.00 - 19.00

CONSEGNARE CON CURA A: .......................................

INDIRIZZO: ...................................................................


RECAPITO TELEFONICO: ..............................................

Cecilia Pivavia Campogallo 21

20020 Arese (MI)3356121335

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Cassoeuladi Felice

Ingredienti:(per 6-8 persone)

- 500 gr costine di maiale- 200 gr cotenne di maiale- 1 piedino maiale- 5 salamini- 300 gr tempia di maiale- 300 gr lombo- 100 gr burro- 50 gr lardo- 1 cipolla- 2 carote- 2 gambi sedano- conserva di pomodoro- 1 verza grande- sale- pepe- polenta

Lasagne al ragùdi Stella

Ingredienti:(per 4 persone)

- 300 gr pasta all’uovo- 300 ml besciamella- ragù alla bolognese- 150 gr parmigiano grattugiato- 100 gr prosciutto- 100 gr asiago o fontina a cubetti


Ritaglia le lasagne da una sfoglia non troppa sottile.Cuoci la pasta in abbondante acqua salata, scolala al dente e asciugala con un canovaccio.In una teglia da forno metti un po’ di ragù, stendi uno strato di pasta, copri con altro ragù, qualche cucchiaio di besciamella, una manciata di parmigiano, asiago o fontina a cubetti e il prosciutto. Procedi in questo modo fino ad esaurire la pasta.Sull’ultimo strato metti abbondante ragù, besciamella e parmigiano.Inforna per circa 20-25 minuti.

Tempo:60 minuti

Olive all’ascolanadi Gerardo

Ingredienti:(per 4 persone)

- 1 kg olive verdi grosse in salamoia- 150 gr carne di maiale tritata- 70 gr prosciutto crudo- 60 gr parmigiano grattugiato- salsa di pomodoro- 4 uova- farina- pangrattato- olio- sale- pepe


Lava le olive e snocciolale, cercando di non rompere la polpa.In una casseruola fai rosolare la carne con un po’ d’olio, sala e aggiungi il pepe.Appena sarà cotta aggiungi il prosciutto tritato finemente, il formaggio, una cucchiaiata di pangrattato, due cucchiai di salsa di pomodoro, sale, pepe e due uova per legare il tutto. Mescola per qualche minuto, e con questo composto farcisci le olive.Ora passa le olive già farcite prima nella farina, poi nell’uovo battuto ed infine nel pangrattato.Infine friggi le olive in olio caldo e scolale.Prima di servirle scolale su della carta assorbente da cucina.

Tempo:40 minuti

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Cassoeuladi Felice

Ingredienti:(per 6-8 persone)

- 500 gr costine di maiale- 200 gr cotenne di maiale- 1 piedino maiale- 5 salamini- 300 gr tempia di maiale- 300 gr lombo- 100 gr burro- 50 gr lardo- 1 cipolla- 2 carote- 2 gambi sedano- conserva di pomodoro- 1 verza grande- sale- pepe- polenta


Taglia la cipolla a fettine e falla imbiondire in una grande pentola insieme con il lardo e il burro. Taglia a pezzettini le carni e mettile a rosolare nel soffritto. Dopo circa 10 minuti aggiungi anche le verdure grossolanamente tritate. Sciogli 3 cucchiai di conserva di pomodoro in poca acqua e uniscila alle carni, sala, pepa e lascia cuocere a pentola coperta e fuoco basso. A metà cottura unisci i salamini e la verza sottilmente tagliata, procedi la cottura aggiungendo di tanto in tanto poco vino bianco. La cottura sarà ultimata quando la verza sarà completamente sfatta. Servi con della polenta bollente.

Tempo:150 minuti

Lasagne al ragùdi Stella


Ritaglia le lasagne da una sfoglia non troppa sottile.Cuoci la pasta in abbondante acqua salata, scolala al dente e asciugala con un canovaccio.In una teglia da forno metti un po’ di ragù, stendi uno strato di pasta, copri con altro ragù, qualche cucchiaio di besciamella, una manciata di parmigiano, asiago o fontina a cubetti e il prosciutto. Procedi in questo modo fino ad esaurire la pasta.Sull’ultimo strato metti abbondante ragù, besciamella e parmigiano.Inforna per circa 20-25 minuti.

Tempo:60 minuti

Olive all’ascolanadi Gerardo


Lava le olive e snocciolale, cercando di non rompere la polpa.In una casseruola fai rosolare la carne con un po’ d’olio, sala e aggiungi il pepe.Appena sarà cotta aggiungi il prosciutto tritato finemente, il formaggio, una cucchiaiata di pangrattato, due cucchiai di salsa di pomodoro, sale, pepe e due uova per legare il tutto. Mescola per qualche minuto, e con questo composto farcisci le olive.Ora passa le olive già farcite prima nella farina, poi nell’uovo battuto ed infine nel pangrattato.Infine friggi le olive in olio caldo e scolale.Prima di servirle scolale su della carta assorbente da cucina.

Tempo:40 minuti

Panzanelladi Marina

Ingredienti:(per 6 persone)

- 8 fette pane toscano raffermo - 800 gr pomodori maturi - 1 cipolla rossa- qualche foglia di verza o insalata - basilico - olio d’oliva - aceto- sale - pepe


Trita la cipolla, taglia a striscioline le foglie di verza (o di insalata) e fai una dadolata coi pomodori.Ammolla il pane raffermo in acqua fredda per circa 20-30 minuti.Fati appassire la cipolla in 2 o 3 cucchiai di olio.In una capiente zuppiera disponi le fette di pane ammollate, dopo averle strizzate bene.Ricopri con il soffritto di cipolla, le striscioline di verza e la dadolata di pomodori.Condisci il tutto con olio d’oliva e un po’ di aceto.Sala, pepa e aggiungete alcune foglioline di basilico fresco, spezzettandole grossolanamente con le mani.Mescola accuratamente, ma con delicatezza, e lascia riposare per almeno un’ora prima di servire.

Tempo:35 minuti

Peperoni ammollicatidi Ivana

Ingredienti:(per 4 persone)

- 4 peperoni di vario colore- 50 gr mollica di pane rustico, grattugiata- 4 cucchiai pecorino grattugiato- 1 cucchiaio capperi sotto sale- origano - olio di oliva- sale- pepe


Monda i peperoni privandoli del picciolo, dei semi e delle nervature bianche interne, poi lavali bene, quindi riducili a pezzetti.In una padella scalda 3 cucchiai di olio, unisci i peperoni e fai cuocere per circa 25 minuti, regolando di sale e pepe e mescolando spesso.Riunisci in una terrina la mollica di pane, il pecorino, i capperi ben dissalati sotto l’acqua corrente e tritati, e l’origano.Unisci poi 1 cucchiaio di olio e mescola bene. Quando i peperoni saranno praticamente cotti, cospargili con il composto preparato e falli insaporire per altri 5-6 minuti. Togli dal fuoco e servi.

Tempo:30 minuti

Tiramisùdi Federico

Ingredienti:(per 8 persone)

- 500 gr mascarpone- 4 uova- 50 gr cacao amaro- 100 gr zucchero- 6 tazzine caffè ristretto- 300 gr biscotti savoiardi


Prepara il caffè, fallo raffreddare e versalo in un piatto fondo per inzuppare poi i biscotti. In una terrina amalgama il mascarpone con lo zucchero e i tuorli d’uovo. Monta a neve fermissima gli albumi e uniscili al composto. Rivesti il fondo di uno stampo rettangolare con i biscotti bagnati velocemente con il caffè che hai lasciato raffreddare.Versaci sopra metà della crema ottenuta e spolvera con il cacao, fatto cadere da un setaccino. Fai un altro strato con i biscotti, disponendoli nel senso opposto al precedente. Infine versa sopra la crema rimasta e spolvera con il cacao.

Tempo:30 minuti

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This work is part of the involvement in the project called BINOMI: Biennale Nord Ovest Milano.This project has been carried out by Azienda Speciale Consortile Comuni Insieme, Polo Culturale Insieme Groane, Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento Indaco, the Cooperho consortium and Comune di Settimo Milanese, in collaboration with Regione Lombardia, with the main objective of creating synergies between the young population and local institutions to maximize the assets and resources of the north west territory of Milan and enhance the creative entrepreneurship of young people in the area. BINOMI has involved the activation of a network of creative bases.I was member of B4 / Soggiorni non obbligati with the task of designing new forms of hospitality and with the final goal of presenting in may 2010, in the occasion of the first Biennale Nord Ovest Milano, banKetto Binomi which is a pilot experiment to explore the willingness of inhabitants to be open to diffuse hospitality.

banketto BINOMI2010 may

+ Giulia Gerosa+ Alberto Bernasconi+ Diego Longoni

BINOMI1° Biennale Nord Ovest MilanoB4 / Soggiorni non obbligatiExhibition Set Up

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During my internship at Stoppani 10, an architecture studio based in Milan, my main activity was focused on the restyle of the company’s logo and the creation, from scratch, of the company’s portfolio. The briefing was to improve the perception of the company’s positioning as a solution provider as opposed to the more technical original logo positioning. The level of freedom was both very limited, because almost all logo’s details had already been defined, and very open, as there was no previous portfolio to refer to.

Stoppani 102010 april - july

PSSD MasterInternshipGiulia GerosaDiego Fumagalli

arch. Diego Fumagalliarch. Giulia Gerosa

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cook up2010 march

+ Deniz Ozgur+ Hazel Yildiz+ Vahid Daem Inanloo + Victor Marinov

PSSD MasterCreare con Sony Ericsson2nd prizeprof. Fabio Di Liberto

cook up is a smartphone application running on the Android platform and it was developed specifically for the upcoming launch in Italy of the Sony Ericsson Xperia™ X10.The application is a dining assistant that allows you to discover new recipes for the ingredients you have at hand, match drinks and food or helps you in your regular grocery shopping. The in the fridge function provides you with suitable recipes matched to a number of ingredients of your choice. You would be amazed at the number of things you could actually prepare with even the most familiar items you surely always have in your fridge. Bored of eating every day the same? Just select and shake it!

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The recipes are co-created by a community of other amateur home chefs and you would always be able to save any missing ingredients or additional items to a convenient shopping list which will always be with you.The drink-to-food matcher is a quick and easy aid for finding a suitable appetizing companion food (a recipe or just a single food) for your fine drink. Alternatively it can even help you to pick the most appropriate alcoholic beverage for your current meal or snack.This proposal won the second of the two main prizes in the contest Creare con Sony Ericsson and is potentially being reviewed for development in order to be released built-in in the Xperia™ phones upon their market launch.

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C32009 december

+ Victor Marino+ Wei Lin+ Xiaohan Mei + Mengni Yuan

PSSD MasterFinal Synthesisprof. Fabio Di Libertoprof. Fabrizio Pierandreiprof. Francesco Morace

C3 is a concept of integration of different functions and services. Containing and communicating are the main features, containing in terms of storaging general personal stuff and additional useful tools while communicating in terms of self expression and getting in contact with other people’s interests and needs. The C3 ideal user as ’the nomad’, not a precise target but a specific attitude, he has his own stuff but he actually spend most of his time in a collective space and therefore he needs a way to feel more comfortable and safe in an unpersonal place.

Connectionto the external


Communityfeeling enhanced through sharing

Integrationof different functions

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Paolo, 23 arrives as usual preatty

early at the Campus. Before lesson

he needs to pick up his locker and

in his personal space he founds

a message from Alan telling him

that they will meet at the locker’s

station for lunch.


When Alan arrives his laptop is

very low in power, so he picks

a ‘powerbox’. As usual there is

no free class to work and they

arrange their stuff on the floor.

Also Paolo’s laptop needs some

power. He easily connects it to the

powerbox and they start working

on their groupwork.


While attending the lesson Paolo

loves to put down his ideas with

sketches so he always brings his

portable locker, where he usually

storages all the tools he needs to

draw, in class.


It’s Friday and Paolo brings his

locker home to draw during the

weekend. Alan does not have a

locker, he prefers to take the few

things he needs always with him.

But before leaving the Campus

he goes to the locker’s station to

leave a message to a friend.


After lesson Paolo goes to the locker’s station to

meet Alan. Since C3 has been put at the Campus

at lunch time there are often many people there,

using the microwaves, reading messages posted

at the billboard or just sitting on the bench and

resting for a while. But fortunately Paolo has his

own box where to wait.













pay forA.D. space

private Boxes




sitting places

Microwave and Dressings

Rechage Box


Advertisment of Sponsors


give deposti for rent

cost ofproduction

4pay for temporary use

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Frutteto Viel Lab2009 march - july

+ Laura Piscicelli+ Helena Wawrzeniuk+ Yanina Guerzovich+ Nore Bollen

PSSD MasterProduct System Design Studioprof. Massimo Antinarelliprof. Giulia Gerosa

Frutteto Viel is an ice cream shop born in the 50’s in Milan where you can buy fresh fruits and vegetables and also drink shakes and sorbets prepared with the same natural and selected ingredients. The brand values are related to healthiness and high quality (of the products), but due to the luck of updating the shop keeps a retrò-style and absolutely any coordinate image. So for this project in order to provide a complete product-service-system we started from the core and identity of the brand to propose the new concept of ‘Frutteto Viel Lab‘ choosing only fresh ingredients and just a few selected flavours. Frutteto Viel Lab is a place where 14 different fresh fruits and vegetables are the base for sorbets, squeezes and face packs. Back to the ‘grandma’s home remedies’ to discover a new way to take care of your own, in a complete natural way just by eating, drinking or even spreading on your own.

14 selected flavours among fruits & vegetables

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Ø 7cm | h 6 cm | 125gr

Ø 9cm | h 8 cm | 500grØ 8cm | h 7 cm | 250grØ 7cm | h 6 cm | 125gr

Ø 6cm | h 14 cm | 0.4 l Ø 7cm | h 16 cm | 0.6 l

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Viel Lab


Viel Lab


Frutteto Viel LabFrutteto Viel Lab

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pocKit2009 march - july

+ Sarah Thenot

PSSD MasterConcept Design Studioprof. Silvia Girardiprof. Manuela Biondi

Keep a piece of Milan in your pocket. pocKit is a card holder containing a set of five different and always useful products thought for various occasions, characterized for having the size of a credit card. The graphic of the card holders comes from to the map of Milan with the possibility of choosing among 30 unique pieces in 5 different colors. The five cards include a mirror, a comb, a nail file&cleaner and plasters, a sewing kit and a ruler, and a fork&spoon.


[mirror] [plasters] [nail file] [nail cleaner]

[ruler] [sewing kit] [spoon] [fork]

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Cleanex2009 february - april

PSSD MasterConcept Design Studioprof. Silvia Girardiprof. Manuela Biondi

A kit of 5 different boxes (EAT, SIT, PLAY, SLEEP, RAIN) containing special tissue papers to freely enjoy the use of public space.

EATBaking Paper 41grA biodegradable and recyclabe sheet of paper composed of cellulose fibers thought as a placemat onwhich it is possible to eat even without any kind of plate.

SITPretex® Green 150grA high quality, impregnated double-side coated special sheet of paper thought to sit down everywherewithout having to worry to get dirty.

SLEEPCuturon ‘Soft’ White 115grA high quality, versatile and soft ‘blanket’ of paper thought as a practical alternative for textiles to havealways somewhere to lay down when some rest is needed.

PLAYGlassine Paper 90grA large sheet of silicon-coated paper on which it is possible to stick and remove stickers thought as asurface where the child can play or just relax whenever and wherever he wants.

RAINPretex® Yellow 150grA high quality, impregnated double-side coated special paper in the shape of a triangle thought for extremecases to take shelter from the rain.

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SITPretex® Green 150grA high quality, i mpregnated double-side coated s pecial sheet of paper to s it down on the ground w ithout having to worry to get dirty.

RAINPretex® Yellow 150grA high quality, i mpregnated double-side coated s pecial paper in the shape of a triangle thought for extreme cases to take shelter from the rain.

EATBaking Paper 41grA biodegradable and recyclabe sheet of paper composed of

to eat even without any kind of plate.

PLAYGlassine Paper 90grA large sheet of silicon-coated paper on which it is possible to stick and remove stickers thought as a surface where the child can play or just relax whenever and wherever he wants.

SLEEPCuturon ‘Soft’ White 115grA high quality, versatile and soft ‘blanket’ of paper thought as a practical alternative for textiles to have always somewhere to lay down when some rest is needed.


SITPretex® Green 150grA high quality, i mpregnated double-side coated s pecial sheet of paper to s it down on the ground w ithout having to worry to get dirty.

RAINPretex® Yellow 150grA high quality, i mpregnated double-side coated s pecial paper in the shape of a triangle thought for extreme cases to take shelter from the rain.

EATBaking Paper 41grA biodegradable and recyclabe sheet of paper composed of

to eat even without any kind of plate.

PLAYGlassine Paper 90grA large sheet of silicon-coated paper on which it is possible to stick and remove stickers thought as a surface where the child can play or just relax whenever and wherever he wants.

SLEEPCuturon ‘Soft’ White 115grA high quality, versatile and soft ‘blanket’ of paper thought as a practical alternative for textiles to have always somewhere to lay down when some rest is needed.


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desKitchen2008 january - july

Furniture DesignBachelor DegreeFinaly Synthesisprof. Francesco Zurlo

“Everything changes for economic reasons: smaller encumbrances, smaller expenses; and for the same reasons also the house tries to reduce the space without losing the comfort. […] The private house of the future will be very comfortable and minimal, easy to keep in order and to clean […]; many single pieces of furniture will disappear or will be replaced. […] “

Bruno Munari

Nothing could be truer. The cooking system is a tangibile expression of different economic, productive, cultural and social factors and through the dynamics of the evolution of this system, it is possible to read the changes and the transformation of society and culture. My answer to Munari’s reflection in 2008 is desKitchen, an evolution of the kitchen/desk for the domestic environment. desKitchen isn’t born to be a simple object to look at, but something that can silently enter in every house(hold) to surprise day after day with its functional simplicity. A built-in kitchen unit in line that includes a working surface, a refrigerator, a sink, a hob and other integrated accessories. The challenge is so to try to step forward, searching to reach, besides the shape, something more. This project is born from a careful analysis of the behaviour of people who have a preference for the kitchen as a workplace. The result is an object of minimal shape and simple use, which, without concealing itself but always staying clearly visible, loses its traditional connotations and acquires new meanings.

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Bookmark 2012 decembre

Graphic design 55x175mm

Punti e FantasiaFine linens company

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CC2011 july

Logo and business card designChiara CasariHorse Trainer

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A.I.2011 april

Logo designGarilab AssociatiArchitecture Studio

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My Home Life2011 may

Logo designGarilab AssociatiArchitecture Studio

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fried egg MUFFIN 2010 september

Feeldude Contestwww.feeldude.itItalian contesttheme: Genetic disorders

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...without showing2010 july

Feeldude Contestwww.feeldude.itItalian contesttheme: Tongue

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The slight difference2010 april

Feeldude Contestwww.feeldude.itItalian contesttheme: Hope

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Those 3 words are said too much2010 june

Zuzù Factory Contestwww.zuzu.itItalian contesttheme: Letters

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