
Project ManagementARC 3612 / ARC3614

March 2015Project 2 : Documentation of a Medium- Sized Project

Name : Tan Heng YeeStudent ID : 0314941Semester : Semester 6Tutor : Mr Nazarudin MasatDate : 02 Dec 2015

List for Submission Marks

Tutorial Log Sheet 1 /10

2 /10Compact Disc3 /10

1.0 INTRODUCTION TO DESIGNThis project is loacted at Kuala Sepetang ,Taiping , Perak . Kuala Sepetang is a coastal town located in Perak, Malaysia. The town was formerly known as Port Weld which is the first railway station in Malaysia It is a thriving fishing village, and the main jumping-off point to the river mouth community of Kuala Sangga, which is a Chinese fishing community at the river mouth which specializes in fish breeding in cages.Tradisional Trade liked charcoal production , boat repairing can be found in Kuala Sepetang.




-Facing Riverbank and Mangrove Reserved For-est

-Ease to accese through boat which is the com-mon ransportation in Kuala Sepetang as a fishing vilage-Charcoal factory and Boat Repairing factory

- Acessibility by bus and car is difficult due to the narrow road condition

-Site is not visually connected with the main road and need to travel in through a long straight path-way.


-Due to the strategy location at the end of river , it can cooperate with the existing jetty at the begin-ning of river and act as a starting or ending point for tourist

- Bring in tourist to visit Charcoal factory and Boat Repairing Factory which is currently not open being open for visitation.

-New self-improvement ,learning and leisure area for citizen

- A proper gallery and tour info centre for tourist

-Poor infrastructure ,inadequate pedestrain pathway

- RIver flooding and flash flood issue might occur during major storm event , which could bring to immense harm

-Water pollution of River could be an issue as if affects the atmosphere of the proposed site. Foul scent chases the users away.

POLITICAL FACTORThe programme that targeted tourist and commnity parallel to the aims of State Government of Perak to encouraging tourism and economic transformation in Kuala Sepetang

ECONOMICAL FACTORRental of Multipurpose Hall , accomadation , Restaurant and Shops bring in auxiliary income to sustain the building itself

SOCIAL FACTORThe social gap between the residents in Kuala Sepetang is great as the two most social group is elderly and teen. Learning program are both provided to the local and New Job opportunity are provided to encourage young adult to develop their own business

TECHNOLOGAL FACTORGreen technology such as rainwater harvesting system could be introduced for imigation purposes to cut down exoenses in sustaining the building by the natural resources, hence giving marks for Green building Index

LEGAL FACTORBuilding setback and road surrender is taken into consideration at the preliminary stage of design

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR-Kuala Sepetang is situated in the largest well-manages mangrove reserved forest of the world. - By encouraging ecotourism and reducing carbon footprint impact ,bicycle track and rental service are provided to achieve zero-carbon transportation



2.1 CLIENTS AND STAKEHOLDERSThere are two potential organisation and committee that will be working with,which are

KUALA SEPETANG VISITOR & COMMUNITY HUBThe proposed site suggests a combination of programme that benefit both visitor and the local community to build up interaction and established a platform for cultural exchange.Only by doing so, a new dimension can be added to the livelihood of Kuala Sepetang comunity.

This is potential to be the “heart” of Kuala Sepetang which act as a information center for visitors to know the background about Kuala Sepetang before they embrace the place.

Besides, it provide a proper trading hub for local and visitors to buy /sell fresh seafood and local products .It is also a platform for young entrepreneur in Kuala Sepetang to develop their own local product selling business. Eventually , it will improve the socioeconomic in Kuala Sepetang.


School children from other town/city of Malaysia has study trip or outdoor teaching in Kuala Spetang during school holidays or Graduation Trip. It provided opportuinity for city school children interact with school children in rural area.


Local University sudents can involve in community project to help in building educational resource and counselling centresUni student can also help in conducting workshop for school children as a volunteer during weekends.


Normally a local group tour form by tour com-pany. Tourist is normally middle age or elderly. A low cost travelling in Malaysia.They are also the main target con-sumer of Kuala Spetang ‘s local product ,such as dry shrimp, salted fish and fresg seafood.


Community are ,such as functional hall, resource center, classroom, and IT room is provided to encourage interaction within local communi-ty especially filling up the social gap betwen younger generation. It also encourage elderly ,which covered up most of the population to con-tinue learning.

Ministry of Tourism and Culture MalaysiaBeing a government organization ,MaTiC offers a one stop centre for tourism ser-vices and facilities. It provides Tourism Training Program and giving out license to qualified tour guide. It also assist in advertising and promoting cultural arts event

Kuala Sepetang Community CommitteeThe Community Committe lead by YB Chua Yi Ling ,formed by head priest of different chinese temples in Kuala Sepetang , representative of Kuala Sepetang Fishery Committee and others. The community committee have ultimate respon-sibility for diresting the activity in Kuala Sepetang ,ensuring it is well runand deliv-ering the outcomes for which it has been set up . The committee also responsible in financial oversighting.



a) Orientation and FacadeThe building is oriented corresponded to the existing site boundary and natural context. It is parallel to Sungai Reba and facing the shorter facade of existing charcoal factory. The longer facade facing the potential approach of users either reaching by boat or car to catch their atention.

However ,this may increase the exposure of building to the sunlight. Therefore, deep overhang and louvered shutters panels are used to shade th building from excessive sunlight. It is also imitate the main feature vernacular architecture in Kuala Sepetang. Shaded opening facing prevailing wind from Sungai Reba which promote cross ventilation toreduce humidity.

Other than that, trees are plants along the pedestrian and driveway from the main road all the way to the site to provide shading and also create a guidance approaching the site which is not obvious from main road.

b) Building MaterialIn considering the poor accessibility and limited space for construction work to carry out , building ma-terials that needed less big mechinary to work with is being used for example, timber and brickwork.

“ON-BOAT” FISHERY TRADING HUBIn considering no proper tourist gathering spot and shaded area for local to sell their products ,the ground floor is specially dedicated to the tourist and local busineess to properly managed in a conducive environment. It benefit both local business and also tourist to easily buy local fresh or dry seafood products

TOUR INFO & BIKE RENTAL SERVICEOut of 9 tour service company in Kuala Sepetang ,there is only one is licensed with qualified tour guide.Therefore a proper tour info service is provided to ensure correct info and knowedge is being shared to tourist.Bike rental is to encourage tourist to reduce carbon-foorprint in Kuala Sepetang which is part of promoting eco-tourism

CHILDREN CREATIVE WORKSHOPThe space is specially dedicate to allow interaction between local children and school children from other town through art by helding workshop or camp.

GALLERY AND ARCHIVEDue to the declining and deteriorating of tradisional trade (eg: charcoal production industry, boat repairing technique) in Kuala Sepetang , it is important to have a proper archive and gallery to preserve the historiacal and humanistic value of all these tradisional technique.

COMMUNITY AREAIt is a gathering space for elderly in Kuala Sepetang to gathered having events and strengthen their tie with each other and the younger generation.It alo consists of classroom for free english class to conduct classes.

GUESTHOUSEThis open concept guesthouse allow guest to experience the simple “kampung” lifestyle in Kuala Sepetang with a scenery view of Kuala Sepetang from top.

MEETING ROOM / OFFICEA space dedicated to management team and having a proper discussion area within the community committee.

ApproachDue to the lack of visibility of site from the main road , the design of the pedestrian pathway and landscape are extended from the outside all the way into the site. Metal cage retaining wall filling with cockles shell ,which can be found abundancely in Kuala Sepetang. Penel LED Lighting is embedded within the retain-ing wall which act as a guide to the visitors at night.

LandscapeThe landscape is used to soften the boundary and edges with the neighbouring buildings at the times, it is more friendly to the pedestrian or cylist.

Respond to neighbouring contextThe building is surround by boat repairing fac-tory at the north ,charcoal factory at the east, residential houses at the west and Sungai Reba at the west facing mangrove forest. In order to respect the surrounding context , the buildings is design so that the view from all the direction is asthetically nice.

4.0 MAINTENANCE STRATEGYThe Kuala Sepetang Visitor & Community Hub is a hybrid of trading hub ,gallery ,community area and accomadation which intend to create interation between local and tourist. Hence a comprehensice main-tenance strategy is to be planned to ensure the smooth operational flow of the building and sustainability of the building.

Different area of spaces require different maintenance standards and activities to meet intended level of usage of the proposed programme . Thus, the maintanance works could be considered from these two aspects :

i) Programme Maintanence

ii) Building and Site a) internal maintenance b) external maintenance



Children Creative Workshop ‘s schedule arrangement

Ever week Administrative department responsible to ensure human resources in the workshop are well distributed and the school tour to Kuala Spetang are scheduled accordingly to avoid overcrowded

Exhibited Artwork and display in gallery

Every three month To sustain the exhibition gallery and to promote community artistic talent skil especially aming school children . The display works should be changed in a frequency of three month so that public are updated with different knowledge and info in Kuala Sepetang.

Fixed and portable technical equipment ( sound , lighting , video)

Every Month To make sure fixed equipment for film screening area and portable sound system for talk or performance are well-maintain and well function.

Every Year To provide training as well as correct maintenance and repair preocedure to all relevant staff and stu-dents .



Electrical Servicesa) Power outletsb) Switches

All smooth opera-tion of building

Broken service lead t bac impres-sion of users

Cleaning / Repair Daily /Weekly

Water Services a) Water fixtureb) Sanitary fittinc) Plumbing & Piping

Ensure clean wa-ter supply and no water leakage

Leakage may lead to wastage and damaging equip-ments

Check /clean /repair Weekly

Facilitiesa) Furniture

To ensure suf-ficient amount provided

Possibility to break or insufficient to cope with the amount of users

Repair/ replace / purchas


Fenestrationa) Doorb) Windows

Ensure doors and windows are functioning well for safety issues

Might threatened human’s life during fire escape

Check and repair Monthly

Passenger Lift To ensure safety of its condition as well as of its passengers

Mulfunctionig of lift which affect verti-cal circulation

Check /Repair /Replace

Every 6 months

Restaurant To maintain the norms of hygience and food quality as well as the environment

Affect the health of visitors and affect the reputation .

Check /Clean Daily



Landscapinga)Plantationb)Children Park

Enxure Plantation grow well, Ensure clean outdoor spaces

Bad impression to users

Watering, trimming Weekly/Monthly

Rainharvesting sys-tema) Water collection poolb) Water collection tankc) Ducting and piping

To avoid floodTo collect rainwa-ter for flushing of toilets and imiga-tion of plants

Rainwater could be contaminated with bacteriaClogging of ducts and pipes due to accumulation of dirt

Check / Clean / Repair


5.0 RISK ANLAYSIS & MITIGATION STRATEGY5.1 SUCCESS CRITERIASuccess criteria is defined as a goal or an aim that is measur-able an achievable. Therefore , the project seeks to produce high quality outcome with a minimum period of time based on certain criteria.Cost,auality and time are the three basic measurable suc-cess criteria used to indicate the key performances of a project in


From the aspect of client ,the main requirement of the projects relies in achieving gold award in Green Building Index (GBI) , by exceeding 75 points in the assessment for the category of Non- Residential New Construction (NRNC)


The construction budget of this project is estimated to be RM5.12 millions . The Visitor & Community Hub is partially funded by the government plus donation from the stakeholders as well as local entrepreneur. This is sufficient to provide a high quality and low maintenance building by choosing the most suitable materials and mostefficient construction method from the collaboration of design team and construction team.


The project should be completed within a period of 10 months while nesuring the good quality of work. The expected time to start the construction will bein Februaty 2016 and the certificate of completion and compliance (CCC) will be issued and received not later than January 2017. Each task are to ensure following the Gantt Chart (refer to Chapter 6.0) to prevent any delay of time.




i) Design is not satisfied by design outcome

Medium High Disapproval of project-Delay the schedule of project

Conduct meeting and discussion with client more frequent

-Negotiation and dis-cussion until both party agree the design-Reschedule Gantt Chart and date of completion

ii) Design not approved by authority

Medium Medium -Disapproval of project -Delay of date of comple-tion

Submit two or more pre-liminary design options

Adapt new design ap-proach but maintain basic design concept to minimise project procasti-nation.




Large open air space result in tendency to theft and robbery

Low Medium Emergence of security issues and safety issue

Install CCTV Hire security guar to strengthen the security

Little tenants for pro-gramme spaces

Low High Unable to sustain as there are no income from tenant to sustain the building

Advertising and market-ing proposal to attract tenants.

Reduce rental rate

Less school tour to chil-dren creative workshop during normal school days

Medium High Unable to achieve the objective of promoting ec-otourism through outdoor teaching

Cooperate with primary /secondary school to pro-mote outdoor teaching for certain subjects(eg: biology ,science)

Giving special promotion for school tour




Foundation /structure failure durto site topogra-phy and soil condition of riverside

Low High Wastage of building material ,damaged of existing charcoal factory .injuries or death

-Soil survey analysis is being conduct before shoosing foundation type

Invest on pile foundation as deeper friling distance into ground

Increase on budget due to the increase of trans-portation fees as site is a rural area.

Medium Medium Affect the preliminary budget of project

Fix contract agreement with dealers for constant price rate

Increase the budget to comply with the increas-ing cost.

Delay in construction due to rainfall season ( Nov- March)

Medium Medium Affect of construction work which in turn delay the date of completion

Apply for working permit to carry out construction work during night time to cover the loss time

Reschedule Gantt Chart and date of completion

1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 291.0 General Condition 1-Mar-16 0 1-Mar-16

1.1 Apply for Permits 1-Mar-16 0 1-Mar-162 Site Grading & Utilities 1-Mar-16 13 14-Mar-16

2.1 Mobilizing & Site Survey 1-Mar-16 5 5-Mar-162.2 Clear & Grub Site 6-Mar-16 7 12-Mar-162.3 Install Temporary Power Service 13-Mar-16 1 14-Mar-16

3 Foundation 6-Mar-16 54 4-May-163.1 Soil Investigation & analysis 6-Mar-16 3 8-Mar-163.2 Excavate for foundation 15-Mar-16 14 28-Mar-163.3 Piling 29-Mar-16 23 20-Apr-163.4 Ground Floor Beam and Slab 21-Apr-16 10 30-Apr-163.5 Water Proofing & Floor Hardener 1-May-16 4 4-May-16

4 Structural Works 5-May-16 55 27-Jun-164.1 Ground Floor Column 5-May-16 10 14-May-164.2 First Floor Slab & Structure 15-May-16 20 3-Jun-164.3 Second Floor Slab & Structure 4-Jun-16 15 18-Jun-164.4 Roof Support 19-Jun-16 10 27-Jun-16

5 Roof 28-Jun-16 10 7-Jul-165.1 Timber Roof Truss Installation 28-Jun-16 7 4-Jul-165.2 Corrugated Metal Rood Sheet Laying 5-Jul-16 3 7-Jul-16

6 Wall & Opening 28-Jun-16 30 27-Jul-166.1 Ground Floor Brick Wall & Opening 28-Jun-16 10 7-Jul-166.2 First Floor Brick Wall & Opening 8-Jul-16 10 17-Jul-166.3 Second Floor Brick Wall & Opening 18-Jul-16 10 27-Jul-16

7 Services 28-Jul-16 19 15-Aug-167.1 Electrical & Lighting 28-Jul-16 10 6-Aug-167.2 Passenger Lift 7-Aug-16 7 13-Aug-167.3 Fan Installation 7-Aug-16 3 9-Aug-167.4 Plumbing & Sanitary 10-Aug-16 5 15-Aug-16

8 Fitting & Finishes 16-Aug-16 22 6-Sep-168.1 Door and Window Installation 16-Aug-16 5 20-Aug-168.2 Plastering 21-Aug-16 5 25-Aug-168.3 Painting 26-Aug-16 5 30-Aug-168.4 Staircase Finishes & Handrail 31-Aug-16 7 6-Sep-168.5 Interior Work Inspection & Completion 7-Sep-16 0 6-Sep-16

9 Exterior Works 7-Sep-16 51 28-Oct-169.1 Piping 8-Sep-16 10 17-Sep-169.2 Drain 18-Sep-16 16 3-Oct-169.3 Road & Pavement 4-Oct-16 18 21-Oct-169.4 Landscape 22-Oct-16 7 28-Oct-1610 Final Acceptance 29-Oct-16 22 19-Nov-16

10.1 Testing & Comissioning 29-Oct-16 14 11-Nov-1610.2 Site Cleaning 12-Nov-16 8 19-Nov-1610.3 Inspection & Hand Over 20-Nov-16 0 19-Nov-16

1-Mar 29-Mar 10-May 17-May15-Mar 22-Mar 5-Apr 12-Apr 13-Jul19-Apr 26-Apr 3-May8-Mar 24-May 1-Jun 8-Jun 15-Jun 22-Jun 5-Sep 12-Sep 19-Sep 26-Sep29-Jun 6-Jul 20-Jul 27-Jul 3-Aug 10-Aug 14-Nov 21-NovSep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16

28-Nov3-Oct 10-Oct 17-Oct 24-Oct 31-Oct 7-NovMar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16

22-Aug 29-Aug

Total Duration of Stage Critical Path Float time



6.0 GANTT CHARTThe Gantt Chart illustrate the timeline of construction process from prelimi-nary work till the project completion and hand over within a period of 276 days (9months) ,which is also know as the critical path pf the ntire project. 31st Au-gust 2016 and 16th September 2016 are marked for public holidays.

A Building Information Model (BIM) is a] digital representation of physical and functional characteirstics of a facility. As such it serve as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basic foe decisions during its lifecycle from inception onward. It is able to perfoem clash detection and sequencing of works , the construction works could be much easier wit BIM due to the reduced design changes and errors.

National D


Malaysia D



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