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JULIE MOORE RAPACKI Project List 952-484-6461

[email protected]

Project Year(s) Functional Aspect Project Summary


Management Consultant, Interim


Served in a variety of functions, including assistant executive director and information officer, during major systems transformation for health regulatory

agency. Interviewed non-state employee Board members and redesigned board administration processes to provide greater focus and productivity. Consulted

with Board work group leaders relating to performance management and executive transition. Provide executive coaching, critical data analysis collection,

global calendar creation, retreats and other activities to move the organization forward during its and the health care industries transformation.

2012-2015 Executive leadership

Served as chair elect and chair of professional association Board. Established record keeping processes and transparency for Board members, led committee

chairs to collaborate on programming and provided excellent customer service as Board faced technology limitations and errors that limited promotion and

recruitment efforts.

2015 Legislative tracking Tracked legislation impacting agency, provided context and proposed responses, drafting proposed amendments and overviews relating to agency's position.

2015 Fiscal notes Assisted in creating fiscal notes relating to legislative initiatives that would impact agency.

2015 Process Redesign and Reporting

Redesigned processes and communication plan relating to annual distribution of $360,000.00 statutory grant money for successful distribution. Avoided

redistribution of grant dollars across 8 regions and subsequent grant contracts and parallel processing.

2015 Request for Proposal

Revised and streamlined request for proposal to distribute $2.97 million in grant dollars over 2 years, created project plan and process for complying with state

grant contract requirements. Created communication documents for board approval of selected vendors.

2015 Management consultant Provided historical overview, management funding summaries, transition documents and record for new executive director and interim executive director.

2015 Internal controls/Audit

Reviewed requirements, built structure and documented internal controls for agency processes. Provided recommendations on evaluation and opportunities to

improve to new executive director.

2015 Data Practices

Created data practice policies relating to subjects of data and others and all supporting documentation and processes to ensure agency compliance with statutory


2015 Record Retention Created record retention policy and consolidated enterprise and agency specific record retention schedules.

2015 Communication Drafting consent agenda, reformated internal operating procedures manual to be clearer and more searchable.

2015 Process Improvement

Reviewed standard communication processes for certification and registration deadline. Created streamlined phone script for customer service routing. Created

post-deadline phone script.


Inter and intra state analysis and


Conducted 13 interviews with local and comparison states on structures of their organizations relating to homeland security and completed US comparison

component of report.

2014 Management Consulting

Created global calendar of all agency responsibilities with reference to statutory deadlines and/or source of deadlines for purpose of annual planning and

ensuring all staff had access to agency deadlines.

2014 Research and Analysis

Interviewed 6 related agencies for Orientation best practices and board administration funding practices. Created overview and recommendation to executive


2014 Management Consulting Created new Board member orientation materials, schedule and communication plan.

2012 Management Consultant

Provided interim sourcing leadership for Minnesota Health Exchange both for staff personnel and short term contracting. Included designing processes for

payment across SWIFT, SEMA4, ASAP-IT and others during an evolving multi-agency effort, including Department of Health, Health and Human Services,

and Commerce. Recruited and onboarded 20 technical, business professionals to work with three on-sight staff and multiple vendors.

2009 Executive leadership

Led evolution from Advisory Board to User Advisory Board and grew brand recognition and client base to over 200 women, and 800+ mailing list members

while minimizing expense through use of ecommerce solutions such as SalesForce, GoToMeeting, Constant Contact, eVent, and third party vendors.

2008 Executive leadership Received 2008 NAWBO-MN Vision Award

2006 Executive leadership Founded for-profit, Polish Your Star. Led evolution from customer focus groups to Advisory Board.

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JULIE MOORE RAPACKI Project List 952-484-6461

[email protected]

Project Year(s) Functional Aspect Project Summary

2006 Project Manager (LSS Green Belt)

Created initial project charters and business analysis related to Vendor Discrepencies and Manual Check payments as Green Belt for Black Belt assigned to

Finance function. Led core team of 4 and extended team of 11 through process mapping involving 4 systems (iTimeClock, Kronos, Oracle Mainframe, and

Campbell) to identify opportunities to eliminate approximately $220,000 in hard cost and soft costs relating to employee engagement and stream line in

preparation for system upgrade.


Consulting, Tools and Process


Participated on team creating global “give back” charter, role definitions and guidelines for Women’s Leadership Forum Employee Resource Group (now a

separate business, WOLF means business.) Included non-profit identification and event management.


Project Manager, Consultant,

Business Requirement


Improved transitioning Rewards Strategy team's responsiveness and productivity by providing project management to aid New Business Services team.

Implementing HR service delivery to new business start up, eq-life Stores, LLC., including mapping over 40 HR offerings and 3 related systems. Innovating to

meets needs of small, new concept stores with start up budget within high cost, enterprise systems designed to meet needs of Fortune 100 with 600+ stores.

Feeds included Oracle,


Research & Analysis, Business

Case and Deployment,

Training/Knowledge Transfer

Served as HR SME on 8 person, cross-enterprise Lean Six Sigma deployment team initiated in 2005 to bring new, best in class methodology and toolset to

3,000+ employee corporate office and build foundation for sustainment and expansion. Deploying first of three waves of 18 high potential leaders as Lean Six

Sigma Black Belts, for anticipated cost savings of $18,000,000 within 12-18 months, 2nd level of green belts to support work of Black Belts within their

current roles, and white belts for all/3000+ corporate office employees.

2005 Industry Research & Analysis

Researched 10+ competitors military leaves, employee and consumer facing strategies in recognizing Military and legal requirements. Presented

recommendations to VP HR.


Business Analysis & Change


Teamed with F100 Wealth and Welfare Manager and Finance representatives to develop recommendation on paid time off programs. Provided change

management support including leading creation of communication plan, vehicles and audience, key messages to lead promotion of vacation time use during

summer as a means to reduce liability on company books. Messages were segmented to match programs for 10,000+ full time corporate, distribution centers,

services and retail management and line employees.


Consultant, Operational/Process


Provided consulting and process improvement services to enterprise when International and New Business Development and Rewards Strategy team at F100

identified that confusion over inter-entity transfers within F100 to subsidiaries, new businesses and acquired businesses were barrier to recruitment.

2004 Operational Process Improvement

To ensure project, strategy and vision alignment across over 65 different programs, created standardized agendas and one on one formats for Rewards Strategy


2004 Project Manager

Replaced existing project manager when transferred to another role. Managed team of internal and external subject matter experts (SME), to successfully

transition new wealth benefits web delivery and call center service model. Included adding new wealth offerings and integrating several wealth service vendor's

technology feeds into systems from F100 and Outsourcing partner.

2004 Operational Process Improvement

Reviewed and revised approximately 80 Human Resources policies for transition of intranet and various paper based resources to more cost effective, flexible

and customer-focused Employee Relations knowledge based system.

2003 Consultant

Joined Benefit Program redesign project team of 5 internal and external outside SMEs midstream to ensure integration with overall strategic vision, including

creating people profile tools to help employees select benefit plans and aid in implementation of outside administrative service provider Towers Perrin Admin


2003 Consultant & Business Analysis

Worked with Technology Work Out team leader to design and develop tools for evaluating and proving business case for Alliance with third party (eventual

outsourcing of all 67+ administrative funtions to AccentureHR) to be used by HR Senior leadership and Cross functional enterprise VPs and Directors of HR,

Finance and IS,

2003 Project Manager

Lead compensation-related system selections. Originally brought in to manage variable compensation vendor selections. Due to success in defining scope and

business requirements and termination of original team member, brought in to lead 2 additional projects. Systems included


Business Requirement


Integrating input from over 20 functional areas to create Rewards System business requirements designed to increase efficiency and save the company an

estimated $2+ million in 3 years.

2002 Attorney, Legal Counsel Served as Corporate Counsel from 1994 – 2002 as Best Buy grew to 822 stores with annual net profit of 622 Million.

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JULIE MOORE RAPACKI Project List 952-484-6461

[email protected]

Project Year(s) Functional Aspect Project Summary


Process Improvement,

Organizational Design &


Supported 5 fold increase in business requiring legal counsel capabilities with revised organizational design, process changes and supervising legal

assistants/attorneys and 50+ local and international outside counsel.

2002 Organizational Design Developed roles and supervised/dotted line manager of Compliance Specialists reporting to VP Compliance.

2002 Training/Knowledge Transfer Provided Intellectual Property and Patents overview for all Information Systems leaders (VP & above)

2002 Industry Participation Presented Intellectual Property In the Consumer Electronics Sector at Minnesota Institute of Legal Education's Intellectual Property conference.

2002 Training/Knowledge Transfer Provided Patent & Trade Secrets overview for all department directors and VPs of Strategic Alliance department.


Consulting, Project Management,

Training/Knowledge Transfer

Working with patent counsel and inventors to first 30+ patents filed for Best Buy, developing and providing IP training for relevant teams. Entities included

Best Buy,, Musicland, its subsidiaries, and new businesses Redline and vprMatrix

2002 Consultant, Business Manager

Selected to elite team of 20 charged with transforming ineffective, high cost and inflexible Fortune 100 HR function serving 90,000 employees through 65+

unique offerings and processes to best-in-class, strategic, scalable, online and self service capabilities.Created the master roadmap (project plan, technology,

schedules, deliverables and budget) for multi-year HR cultural, systems and process transformation to ensure ongoing and expanding business needs were met.

Attracted, engaged and retained employees in a high turnover environment by increasing health, welfare and compensation offerings, provided new learning

and development opportunities, encouraged innovation and integrated technology and systems to meet increasing demand and sophistication of users.

2001 Training/Knowledge Transfer

Legal Department overview (including primary responsibilities, external legal risks, contracting with 3rd parties, dept. contacts) for delivery by General


2001 Process Improvement Created Pricing & Scanning Audit Guidelines for Retail Operations

2001 Training/Knowledge Transfer

Created Antitrust section of Integrated Assortment, Negotiation II – Class Prerequisite: Legal Considerations of Vendor Relationships for delivery to all new

Marketing Department staff.

2001 Training/Knowledge Transfer Antitrust law review presented to all members of Marketing department.


Indirect Management, Risk

Assessment Met with members of Strategic Marketing management team, including compliance and promotions on a regular basis to assess risk and advise.

2001 Training/Knowledge Transfer Co-creater of course, training and delivery of Patent law overview to all employees involved in new inventions.

2001 Training/Knowledge Transfer Co-creater of course, training and delivery of Privacy law overview

2001 Training/Knowledge Transfer Provided Intellectual Property and Patents overview to 100+ Information Systems department employees.

2001 Training/Knowledge Transfer Provided Copyright Overview to Advertising department employees.

2001 BBY Milestone

Responsible for integrating Musicland ($685M) Acquisition into Intellectual Property, Operations and Marketing legal function - including substantial music

licensing catalog and 5 retail brands.

2001 Integration Management Responsible for integrating Future Shop Acquisition (Canada) into Intellectual Property, Operations and Marketing legal function.

2000 Project Management

Directly managing class action and district court litigation, attorneys generals and federal agency requests relating to consumer and advertising claim, as well

as a full portfolio of IP across multiple brands to ensure company strategies were implemented.

2000 Corporate Counsel

Provided legal counsel to new business developments, including retail site and relaunch in 2000, Redline music and video business, and

vprMatrix computer and peripheral product development.

2000 Training/Knowledge Transfer Core Marketing Training: Antitrust Compliance Participants Guide & Leader’s Guide

1999 Corporate Counsel

Provided full legal support to advertising department senior leadership at a time when Best Buy produced one of the largest volume of print advertising inserts

in the country (second only to McDonalds.)

1999 Consulting Provided overview of legal implications of Product Disparagement to approximately 60,000 retail store employees.


Consulting, Operational Process


Planning and implementing more than 9 standardized agreements and templates to meet increasing customer needs without increasing legal expenses and

exposure. Including those relating to local and national promotion and event sponsorships . Included standard terms and conditions for give-a-ways and

reviewing external partner’s materials. Devising process, guidelines and agreement to allow business manager to administer licensing for 5+ CD compilations

(Ozzfest, Janet Jackson, Robert Plant, Fleetwood Mac) and creating and negotiating guidelines.

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JULIE MOORE RAPACKI Project List 952-484-6461

[email protected]

Project Year(s) Functional Aspect Project Summary

1998 Operational/Process Improvement Standardized overview and guidelines for MN Consumer Related District Court Proceedings to Direct Report and Indirect Reporting team and trained.

1998 Operational/Process Improvement Standardized billing & reporting expectations for outside counsel and all internal legal department staff

1997 Outside counsel management Managed vendor relationship associated with class action law suite brought against vendor. Worked with Sr. VP Services as business decision maker.

1997 Investigations and Responses

Responded to investigations or inquires from state and federal government relating to consumers. Advertising & marketing. Worked with Sr. leaders of

implicated business units to respond, resolve and or change practices.

1997 Consulting, Process Improvement

Consulted on all Events/Enter-to-Wins/Unique Items offerings and provided standardized forms to allow local management to comply with insurance and legal


1997 Training/Knowledge Transfer Provided overview of legal department and primary charge to 16 Service managers reporting to newly hired Services SVP.


Consulting, Operational Process


Created comprehensive overview of elements of Policies and Procedures, decision points to consider and risks/liabilities to business for VP Communications

and other corporate leaders.


Consulting, Process Improvement,

Organizational Design

Worked with CIO to draft and negotiate standard Software, Hardware, Product purchase, and Third Party Service agreements. (This was the hear that

organization joined F500 and CIO was included int 500 top US CIOs.

1994 Training/Knowledge Transfer Provided overview of commercial legal issues and and state and local commercial laws for 120 Store (Link) Managers.

1994 Completed law degree while working full time and continue to maintain continuing education and license requirements

1993 Industry Research & Analysis

Working within small team, led by Sr. VP of New Business Development, to recommend a strategy to address emergence of internet and intranet capabilities

to C level.


Consulting, Organizational Design,

Process Improvement

During period of increased consumer complaints and Attorney General and Better Business Bureau claims, created systems for response, escalation and


1992 Consulting

At time of “free” cellular phone and service introduction into retail market, working with business line to ensure legally compliant yet compelling advertising

and versioning by market.

1992 Consulting

Worked with marketing and services teams to create original performance service plans (PSP) and modifying language as required during times of company

expansion into new markets.


Project Management, Business

Process Improvement

Led collaboration of new market management, outside counsel and corporate departments to research, analyze and apply laws of new markets during period of

accelerated growth.

1992 HR Generalist & Specialist

Hired as HR clerk in 1987, when company had 22 stores, and regularly promoted to meet demands of fast growing, dynamic company. Developed local and

state processes and procedures for reference checking, legal background checks, workers compensation and unemployment compensation.Promoted to HR

generalist role for 5 state, 26 store, northern region. Coached and advised local management on employee relations issues.

1989 Human Resources Generalist Created resources and led job fair for approx. 120 job opening at first non-commission store in Springfield, MO.

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