Page 1: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Health Check Workshop

Why Projects Fail . . .

And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project

WebinarTony Crawford, PMP

AlphaPM Inc.

α PM


This presentation material is provided for attendees at AlphaPM’s Project Health Check Workshop and should not be shared with others, without express written permission from AlphaPM.

Page 2: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc


Project Health Check Workshop


Page 3: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Workshop Objectives

• Review and share project management success/failure factors and best practices

• Measure the performance of your project with AlphaPM’s Project Dashboard tool

• Use AlphaPM’s Project Health Check tool to assess the health of your project against fifty-five project best practices in seven key project management areas:

• Business Case & Project Initiation• Planning• Execution and Control• Project Organization• Project Methodology• Project Performance• Risk Management

. • Determine whether your project can succeed or should be terminated

• Develop and present an action plan to address and resolve identified project management deficiencies, issues or risks.


Page 4: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Workshop Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Go-PSAC: A Model for Success


1.Identify the Project Goals

Workshop Overview

4. Identify any Corrective Actions needed

5. Prepare and Implement an Action Plan

Present Action Plans

Open Forum

2. Measure the Project Performance

3. Conduct the Project Health Check- Business Case and

Project Initiation- Project Planning- Project Execution and

Control- Project Organization- Project Methodology- Project Performance- Risk Management


Page 5: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

IT Project Success Rates

In your own experience, why do projects fail?

1994 1999 2001 2004

Projects Successful

The project is completed on-time and on-budget, with all features and functions as initially specified.

16 26 28 29

Projects Challenged

The project is completed and operational but over-budget, over the time estimate and offers fewer features and functions than originally specified.

53 46 49 53

Projects Failed

The project is cancelled at some point during the development cycle.

31 28 23 18

The Standish Group have conducted ongoing research since 1994 on IT project success rates and factors.


Page 6: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Why Projects Fail . . .Reference: Common Causes of Project Failure – Office of Government Commerce (UK)

1. Lack of clear link between the project and the organization's key strategic priorities, including agreed measures of success.

2. Lack of clear senior management and Ministerial ownership and leadership.

3. Lack of effective engagement with stakeholders.

4. Lack of skills and proven approach to project management and risk management.

5. Too little attention to breaking development and implementation into manageable steps.

6. Evaluation of proposals driven by initial price rather than long-term value for money (especially securing delivery of business benefits).

7. Lack of understanding of and contact with the supply industry at senior levels in the organization.

8. Lack of effective project team integration between clients, the supplier team and the supply chain.



Page 7: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Success FactorsTop 10 Success Factors in the Chaos Studies (2001, 2006)

# Project Success Factors - 2001 Project Success Factors - 2006

1 Executive Support User Involvement

2 User Involvement Executive Management Support

3 Experienced Project Manager Clear Business Objectives

4 Clear Business Objectives Optimizing Scope

5 Minimized Scope Agile Process

6 Standard Software Infrastructure Project Manager Expertise

7 Firm Basic Requirements Financial Management

8 Formal Methodology Skilled Resources

9 Reliable Estimates Formal Methodology

10 Other Standard Tools and Infrastructure

This Workshop is designed to help you tobe successful on your projects


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Round table

Tell us a little bit about yourself

Identify any specific topics or issues that you would most like to see addressed during this Workshop

• Your Name

• Your Organization

• Your Project

• Your Role




Page 9: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Workshop Materials

• Soft Copy of all presentation slides for reference

• Project Performance Dashboard tool

• Project Health Check tool

• Project Management Toolkit



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PM Toolkit


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Workshop Ground Rules

• Respect start times

• Actively participate

• Turn off cell phones

• Avoid Distractions

Any others we should add?


Page 12: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

GO-PSAC: A Model for Project Success

Project Health Check Workshop


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• Business Vision

• Strategic Plan

• Mission Statement

• Project Charter

• Business Requirements



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Goals should be SMART

• Specific

• Measurable

• Achievable

• Relevant

• Time-based


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"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the


President KennedyMay 25, 1961

President Kennedy addresses a Joint Session of Congress

Apollo 11 Timeline

•Launch: 9:32 a.m. EDT July 16, 1969

•First moon landing: 4:17 p.m. EDT July 20

•First step on the moon: 10:56 p.m. EDT July 20

•Moon walk ends: 1:26 a.m. EDT July 21

•Lunar liftoff: At about 1 p.m. EDT July 21

•Splashdown: 12:50 p.m. EDT July 24Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set

up a US flag on the moon


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• Project Life Cycle

• Project Management Life Cycle


• MS Project


• PM Toolkit


Maturity Model

Project Management – Step by Step

Triple Constraints + 2


Templates Tools




Page 17: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Management Process Groups

Planning Defining objectives and developing the project plan


Executing Implementing the plan

Executing Processes

Monitoringand Controlling

Monitoring progress and managing changes

Monitoring and Controlling Processes

Closing Formal acceptance and closure of the project


Initiating Establishing and authorizing the project (or phase)

Level of Activity

Phase FinishTime Phase Start

Initiating Processes

Process Group


Page 18: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Management Knowledge Areas

Project Scope


Processes for defining what is or is not includedin a project

Project Time


Processes for ensuring a project is completedon schedule

Project Cost


Processes for ensuring a project is completedwithin the approved budget

Project Integration

ManagementProcesses and activities that integrate the variouselements of project management

Project Human Resource


Processes required to organize, acquire, develop and manage the people involved on the project.

Project Communications


Processes for ensuring the effective generationand dissemination of project information

Project Risk


Processes for identifying, analyzing andresponding to project risks.

Project Quality


Processes for ensuring that a project meets theoriginally defined requirements and is fit to use

Project Procurement

ManagementProcesses required to acquire the goods andservices needed from outside organizations

Source: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (Third Edition)18

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Initiating Planning ExecutingMonitoring & Controlling


Project Integration Management

Develop Project Charter

Develop Preliminary Project Scope Statement

Develop Project Management Plan

Direct and Manage Project Execution

Monitor and Control Project Work

Integrated Change Control

Close Project

Project Scope Management

Scope Planning

Scope Definition

Create WBS

Scope Verification

Scope Control

Project Time Management

Activity Definition

Activity Sequencing

Activity Resource Estimating

Activity Duration Estimating

Schedule Development

Schedule Control

Project Cost Management

Cost EstimatingCost Budgeting

Cost Control

Project Quality Management

Quality Planning Perform Quality Assurance

Perform Quality Control

Project Human Resource Management

Human Resource Planning Acquire Project Team

Develop Project Team

Manage Project Teams


Communications Management

Communications Planning Information Distribution Performance Reporting

Manage Stakeholders

Project Risk Management

Risk Management Planning

Risk Identification

Qualitative Risk Analysis

Quantitative Risk Analysis

Risk Response Planning

Risk Monitoring and Control

Project Procurement Management

Plan Purchases and Acquisitions

Plan Contracting

Request Seller Responses

Select Sellers

Contract Administration Contract Closure

PMBOK 2004 : Mapping of Project Management Processes to the Process Groups and Knowledge Areas

Process Groups

Knowledge Areas

Source: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (Third Edition) page 7044 Processes19

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Capability Maturity Model

1. InitialUnpredictable and poorly controlled

Disciplined process

2. RepeatableCan repeat tasks

3. DefinedProcess defined and well understood

Standard Consistent Process

4. ManagedProcess measured and controlled

Predictable Process

5. OptimizingFocus on Process Improvement

Continuously Improving Process



Ad Hoc and Informal

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is the successor of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) or Software CMM. The CMM was developed from 1987 until 1997. In 2002, CMMI Version 1.1 was released. Version 1.2 followed in August 2006.

Source: Wikipedia


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PMI Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3TM)


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AlphaPM Project ManagementStep by Step

1. Ensure the viability of your project

2. Develop the Project Charter


3. Establish the Project Notebook/Extranet

4. Hold the Project Kickoff Meeting

5. Develop the Project Plan5.1 Develop the Scope Statement5.2 Develop the Work Breakdown Structure5.3 Define Project Activities 5.4 Sequence Project Activities5.5 Estimate Project Activity Durations5.6 Develop the Project Schedule5.7 Estimate Project Costs5.8 Determine Resource Requirements5.9 Develop the Risk Response Plan

Subsidiary Management Plans5.a Develop the Scope Management Plan5.b Develop the Schedule Management Plan5.c Develop the Cost Management Plan5.d Develop the Quality Management Plan5.e Develop the Staffing Management Plan5.f Develop the Communications Management Plan5.g Develop the Risk Management Plan5.h Develop the Procurement Management Plan


6. Execute the Project Plan

7. Carry out Quality Assurance

8. Develop your Project Team

9. Issue Status Reports

10. Manage Procurement of External Resources


11. Control Project Changes

12. Manage Project Issues

13. Ensure Formal Acceptance of all Deliverables

14. Control the Project Scope, Schedule and Cost

15. Control the Project Quality

16. Report Project Performance

17. Control Project Risks

Monitoring and Controlling

18. Document Lessons Learned

19. Close the Project

20. Celebrate Project Success



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The Triple Constraints . . . Plus Two


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Management Skills

- Attributes of Effective Leaders

- Project Management Skills

Business Skills

Technical Skills


Templates Tools











Page 25: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leaders

1.    Model the Way    

2.    Inspire a Shared Vision

3.    Challenge the Process

4.    Enable Others to Act

5.    Encourage the Heart

Attributes of Effective Leaders

Attributes of Effective Private Sector Leaders

1.     Honest     

2.     Forward-looking

3.     Competent

4.     Inspiring

5.     Intelligent

6.     Fair-minded     

7.     Broad-minded

8.     Supportive

9.     Straightforward

10.   Dependable

Attributes of Effective Public Sector Leaders

1.     Honesty and integrity

2.     Communication and listening skills

3.     Respect/Caring for people

4.     Team player/Team builder

5.     Visioning skills     

6.     Judgment and decision making skills

7.     Sets clear goals

8.     Inspires and motivates staff

9.     Knows the business

10.   Empowers staff     

11.   Strategic planning skills     

12.   Management of change skills.

Research by Kouzes and Posner (The Leadership Challenge: 2003)Link:

Research by Brian MarsonSenior Advisor, Policy and Service Transformation, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Link:


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Project Stakeholders

Project Manager

Client SponsorClient



Project Team



Account Manager End


Support Groups

What are some issues in working with your stakeholders?


Page 28: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Manager Skills

In addition to project and general management skills . . .

Leadership – Set new directions, motivate, empower project team [link]

Communication – Provide clear messages, listen well

Negotiation - Address and resolve differences and issues

Problem Solving – Identify problems, causes, provide solutions

Decision Making – Analyze alternatives, select and act on resolution

Influencing – Build “social capital”and support

Managing – Set Goals and Objectives, give feedback on performance

IT Project Manager’s need Business and IT related skills . . .

Business – Understanding and commitment to your organization’s strategic goals

Technology – Knowledge of technology capabilities

PM Tools - Project Planning, Configuration Management

Applications – Understanding the business applications of technology


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Project Management Competency Model

Reference:The Art of Project Management: A Competency Model for Project Managers

Boston University Corporate Education Center29

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• Business Vision

• Strategic Plan

• Mission Statement

• Project Charter

• Business Requirements




Client Centric

Passion (and Compassion)



Templates Tools




















Page 31: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1. Be Proactive

2. Begin with the end in mind

3. First Things First

4. Think Win-Win

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

6. Synergize

7. Sharpen the Saw

Stephen R Covey


Page 32: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

10 Habits of Very Happy People

1. Have Strategic Objectives – and be passionate about them

2. Communicate (both ways)

3. Be positive

4. Only you are responsible for your own happiness

5. Persevere

6. Believe in your team (and yourself!)

7. See opportunities, not problems

8. Enjoy your life

9. Enjoy your work

10. There are no walls

Tony Crawford32

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Business Culture

• Entrepreneurial or. Risk Averse

• Competitive or Bureaucratic

• Public or Private

• Strategic Vision

Enterprise Ethics

Organizational Maturity

• Process Maturity

• Focus on Continuous Improvement



Risk Averse


Templates Tools












Values Pogo







Ethics Organizational




Risk Averse




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Templates Tools



















Ethics Organizational




Risk Averse




Page 35: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Five Steps to a Successful Project

Project Health Check Workshop

1. Identify the Project Goals

2. Measure the Project Performance

3. Conduct the Project Health Check

4. Identify any Corrective Actions needed

5. Prepare and Implement an Action Plan


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Step 1 - Identify the Project Goals

Reference: Dashboards by Example Link:

Reference: The Australian Taxation Office Change Program Link (see Sec 8):

Reference: Google 2007 Discretionary Project Portfolio

Reference: Milimail ProjectLink:


Page 37: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

EXERCISE Step 1 - Identify the Project Goals

Identify the Goals for your project (one or two slides)

Goals should be SMART

Ensure alignment with:- Business Vision- Strategic Plan- Mission Statement- Project Charter/Statement of Work- Business Requirements


Page 38: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Step 2 - Measure the Project Performance

Terms and Formulas Alternative Definition

Earned Value (EV) Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) i.e. the budgeted cost to date x % complete

Actual Cost (AC) Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) i.e. actual cost of work performed to date

Planned Value (PV) Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) i.e. the estimated value of work to be performed

Cost Performance Index (CPI) = EV/AC Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP)/ Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP)

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) = EV/PV

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP)/Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS)

1. Use Earned Value Management measures to determine Cost and Schedule Performance

Recommend the use of the Earned Schedule metric to measure Schedule Performance.Reference: (Walt Lipke)

2. Report Progress of Key Project Milestones 3. Highlight Key Project Risks and Mitigating Actions


Page 39: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

AlphaPM Project Dashboard tool

Reference: Project Dashboard Tool


Page 40: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

EXERCISE Step 2 - Measure the Project Performance

Use the Project Dashboard tool to measure the performance of your project

• Cost Performance Index• Schedule Performance Index• Key Project Milestones• Key Project Issues/Risks


Page 41: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Step 3 - Conduct the Project Health Check

Health Check Risk LevelsLow Risk 4 to 6Medium Risk 2 to 4High Risk 1 to 2Impossible 0 to 1

Business Case & Requirements


Project Initiation & Planning  

Project Execution & Control  

Project Organization  

Project Methodology  

Project Performance  

Risk Management  

Average Score  


Page 42: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

EXERCISE Step 3 - Conduct the Project Health Check

Use the Project Health Check tool to determine the health of your project

• Business Case & Requirements• Project Initiation & Planning• Project Execution & Control• Project Organization• Project Methodology• Project Performance• Risk Management


Page 43: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Health Check: Business Case & Initiation

A Business Case & Initiation  A1 The project is fully aligned with the Business Strategies and Goals of the Company  

A2 The project will provide significant benefits to the organisation and a strong return on investment  

A3 Project Requirements are fully and clearly documented and approved by the Project Sponsor  

A4 A Preliminary Project Budget is approved and sufficient for the full lifecycle of the project  

A5 Business measures of success have been identified and measurement processes established  

A6 A Project Charter has been produced and approved, authorizing the project  


Fully Agree (Best Practice) 4 to 6 Avg: 5Neutral (Needs improvement) 2 to 4 Avg: 3Fully Disagree (Not addressed) 0 to 2 Avg: 1


Page 44: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Portfolio Management Boards comprised of senior managers representing the various functional organizations within the Company are used to prioritize and select the projects for development.

• Portfolio Management software, (or even simple spreadsheets) are helpful tools that will assist in prioritizing and selecting those projects that will be of the greatest value to the Company.

Areas to assess and compare:- Alignment and support of Company goals and strategies- Technical Risk- Financial Risk- Resource and budgetary impact - Project Benefits and Profitability

• Projects that are not aligned with business strategies and goals :- will consume resources that are better directed to projects that do align.- will find it harder to obtain adequate funding and qualified resources- will be more likely to get cancelled due to other priorities

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

• Step 1 – Ensure the Viability of Your Project AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Business Case Process – Office of Government Commerce (UK)Step 1 – Ensure the Viability of Your Project [link] AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

Actions Planned

For Further Reference

• Business Case Template – Minnesota Office of Enterprise Technology [link]Step 1 – Ensure the Viability of Your Project AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 45: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• The Return on Investment (ROI) is estimated for all projects, to determine the priority of the projects to be developed.

• Projects should payback in a short period (for example within 6 to 12 months)

• Benefits should be tangible, measurable and realizable

• Financial benefits are not significant or identified

• Project is not a priority or prioritized

• Other mission critical projects are competing for Company funds and resources

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

• Step 1 – Ensure the Viability of Your Project AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Business Case Template – State of Texas Department of Information Resources [link] Step 1 – Ensure the Viability of Your Project AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

Actions Planned

For Further Reference

• Payback Analysis Tool [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Cost Benefit Analysis – Minnesota Office of Enterprise TechnologyStep 1 – Ensure the Viability of Your Project [link] AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


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Best Practices• Good requirements gathering techniques are used to identify the

requirements for the project.

• Extensive “walkthrus” are held with the various key project stakeholders to ensure the requirements are complete and valid.

• Requirements are frozen and baselined and signoff obtained for these requirements from the Project Sponsor, before any development is started.

• Requirements data should be maintained in a requirements traceability database and maintained under configuration control.

• Changes to requirements once approved should be addressed via a Change Management process, with identification and approval for the applicable impacts on the project schedule and cost .

• Requirements gathering and analysis techniques include:- Stakeholder Interviews- Joint Requirements Development (Requirements Workshops)- Prototypes- Use Cases (See the Wikipedia reference for more techniques).

• Requirements must be actionable, measurable, testable, related to identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system design.

• Requirements are poorly defined and are not well documented• Too many requirements are included in the initial project, resulting

in prolonged development• Requirements are not signed off or “frozen” before development

begins• Changes in requirements are not controlled or managed

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Requirements Management – Office of Government Commerce

(UK) [link]Step 1 – Ensure the Viability of Your Project AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Requirements Gathering Techniques - Oregon Department of Human Services – PMO [link]General or Alphabetical sectionAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Requirements Analysis [link] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Page 47: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Budget approval is obtained for both the initial phases (e.g. Plan and Define Phase) and to cover the estimated full project lifecycle costs, including operational and maintenance phase costs.

• The Budget estimate is based on the costs related to implementing the detailed Project Plan (tasks, activities, responsibilities, project schedule) prepared for the project.

• A Project Reserve or Contingency is approved for the project and under the control of the Project Manager. - This Contingency should be in the range of 10 – 20% of the estimated project cost.- This Contingency can be justified based on the Risk Exposure Value identified in the development of the Risk Response Plan.

• A budget is not established for the project

• Funding is only obtained for the initial phases

• No contingency is allocated for the project

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.7 – Estimate Project Costs

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Planning and Estimating – Office of Government Commerce (UK) [link] AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Estimating Tools and Techniques - Oregon Department of Human Services – PMO [link] Step 5.7 – Estimate Project Costs AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


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Best Practices• Key Success Indicators should be Business oriented and

measurable.The following table provides a good example of measurable Key Success Indicators (See Paper by Shenhar et al. in the Tools and Techniques section).

• No clear criteria are established to determine project success from a business perspective.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Portfolio Management Done Right – CIO Magazine [link]

Step 1 – Ensure the Viability of Your Project AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Success Measures - Shenhar and Wideman [link] Step 1 – Ensure the Viability of Your Project AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

PrimarySuccess Category

Measurable Key Success Indicators(KSIs)

InternalProject Efficiency(Pre-completion)

- Meeting schedule- Completing within budget- Other resource constraints met

Impact of theCustomer(Short term)

- Meeting functional performance- Meeting technical specifications & standards- Favorable impact on customer, customer’s gain- Fulfilling customer’s needs- Solving customer’s problem- Customer is using product- Customer expresses satisfaction

Business and Direct Success(Medium term)

- Immediate business/commercial recognition- Immediate revenue & profits enhanced- Larger market share generated

Preparing for the Future(Long term)

- Will create new opportunities for the future- Will position customer competitively- Will create new market- Will assist in developing new technology- Will add/has added capabilities & competencies


Page 49: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Project Charter is produced to establish the project’s objectives and approach and provides the authorization to proceed.

• Contents of the Project Charter:- Project Name- Project Description (Describe the business and strategic needs being addressed, high level project scope)- Project Success Factors- Project Objectives (Project Objectives should be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Based)- Project Deliverables- Project Schedule (high level view)- Project Budget- Project Approach- Project Risks and Opportunities- Assumptions and Constraints- Project Team Organization (Project Team and Key Stakeholders)- Sign-off (Project Sponsor, Project Manager, Executive Management)

• The Project Charter is produced by the Project Sponsor, or with their strong involvement and commitment.

• Project Boundaries and Objectives are not clearly defined or documented

• The funding available for the project is not clear

• No formal approval is obtained to initiate the project

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 2 – Develop the Project Charter

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project InitiationProject Management Guidebook – New York State Office for Technology Project Management Methodology or Alphabetical Section AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Charter Template [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 50: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Health Check: Project Planning

B Project Planning  B1 A Scope Statement has been produced and approved  B2 A Work Breakdown Structure has been completed to cover all areas of the project  


A Project Schedule has been produced and approved, detailing all project activities, activity dependencies, project critical path, resource requirements, and project deliverables


B4 Details and assumptions for project costs and estimates are well documented  

B5 A detailed Project Budget has been produced and approved to cover all phases of the project


B6 Contingency Funds have been allocated for the project.  B7 Project Resource Requirements have been identified and approved  

B8 A Scope Management Plan has been produced (identifies Change Management processes)


B9 A Quality Management Plan has been produced  B10 A Staffing Management Plan has been produced  B11 A Communications Management Plan has been produced  B12 A Risk Management Plan has been produced  B13 A Procurement Management Plan has been produced (if applicable)  

SCORING RULES SCOREFully Agree (Best Practice) 4 to 6 Avg: 5Neutral (Needs improvement) 2 to 4 Avg: 3Fully Disagree (Not addressed) 0 to 2 Avg: 1


Page 51: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Scope Statement is produced to establish the project’s scope and formal approval is obtained before commencement of any further planning or development.

• Walkthroughs of all draft and the final Scope Statement are held with the key project stakeholders and Project Sponsor.

• Recommended Scope Statement content:- Project Objectives- Project Scope Description- Project Requirements- Project Boundaries- Project Deliverables- Project Acceptance Criteria- Project Constraints- Project Assumptions- Project Team Organization- Project Risks- Project Schedule Milestones- Project Cost/Benefit Estimates- Approvals (Client/IT Department)

• Project Scope is not well defined or documented before development commences, resulting in rework ..

• Formal approval for the project scope is not obtained , typically resulting in project delays and cost overruns.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.1 – Develop the Scope Statement

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Scope Statement [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 52: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work.

• A WBS is usually taken down to the “work package” level (typically about 80 hours on a large project), but can be decomposed further (for example, to activities). Each work package should usually produce a deliverable.

• There are three different approaches to building a WBS:- Analogous: WBS based on those from previous similar projects - Top Down: Start at the highest level and drill down- Bottom Up: Start at the work package or deliverable level, and build up. A combination of all three approaches is the most effective.

• Guidelines for building a WBS:- Only drill down to the level necessary to manage the project- At a minimum, the key project team members and stakeholders should be involved in building or reviewing the WBS- Ensure all key project deliverables are uniquely identified as an element- Avoid creating elements that are not “deliverable” oriented(an exception – project management, and other ongoing support activities)- Only one person should be responsible for each deliverable.- A deliverable should only appear at one place in the WBS- All WBS elements should be documented (scope, assumptions, constraints etc)

• If a structured approach to defining project requirements is not used, the resulting requirements are likely to be incomplete or incorrect.

A Work Breakdown Structure provides a good approach for defining project requirements and deliverables.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.2 – Develop the Work Breakdown Structure

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Build Your Project Work Breakdown Structure – Microsoft Office Online [link]Step 5.2 – Develop the Work Breakdown Structure AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 53: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Develop and baseline a Project Schedule, detailing:- all project activities- activity dependencies- project critical path- resource requirements- project deliverables

• The Project Schedule should include a schedule contingency.

• Scheduling Tools such as MS Project are extremely useful to:- Document project tasks and deliverables, and the relationships and dependencies between them- Facilitate the allocation, scheduling and tracking of resources needed to complete the tasks- Highlight critical paths and task delays- Facilitate project cost tracking- Provide an excellent communications tool (client and developers) (views can be filtered for each individual)- Provide a useful template for future projects

Information is portable to other Microsoft Office applications and can be linked to other projects

• A poorly defined Project Schedule makes it difficult to plan and implement a project successfully.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• MS Project Application Development Plan - Microsoft Office

Online [link]Step 5.6 – Develop the Project Schedule AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• MS Project Plan Template – ASG Software Solutions [link] Step 5.6 – Develop the Project Schedule AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Microsoft Office Project [link]

• Open Workbench [link]Open-Source Project Scheduling for Windows

A Project Schedule has been produced and approved, detailing all project

activities . . . etc.


Page 54: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Estimate Project Costs, using the completed project schedule and the rates established for your project resources

• Document all estimates and any related assumptions (e.g. regarding volumes, size, complexity of tasks, skill level of resources needed etc).

• Project estimates without related assumptions and corresponding details on how these are derived make it difficult to manage to the budget for the project.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Project Estimating and Planning – Office of Government Commerce

(UK) [link]Step 5.5 – Estimate Project Activity Durations AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 5.5 – Estimate Project Activity Durations AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 5.7 – Estimate Project Costs AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Estimating – University of Edinburgh Projects [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 55: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Establish the Project Budget , to cover all phases of the project(map to specific deliverables and phase completions)

• Projects are started before approval is received for the full cost of the project across all phases, including the operational phase.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.7 – Estimate Project Costs

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Refine Project Budget (Sec 3.2.4 in the Planning Section) [link] Project Management Guidebook – NYS Office for TechnologyMethodology section AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 56: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Include an allowance for project contingencies in your project budget: - Management Reserve for “unknown unknowns” (usually held by the Client Sponsor) For example, for additional work due to an unforeseen Company re-organization

- Project/Contingency Reserve for “known unknowns” (held by the Project Manager) For example, for delays caused by late delivery of necessary vendor software or hardware .

• The size and justification for the Project/Contingency Reserve can be determined through the development of the Risk Management Plan (see B12).

• Projects are too often estimated on an optimistic basis, without any contingency for unplanned events or delays (for example, in getting resources).

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference

• Project Risk and Contingency Analysis – Stanford Linear Accelerator Projects linkStep 5.7 – Estimate Project CostsAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Contingency Budget based on Project Risks - Tech Republic link] Step 5.7 – Estimate Project CostsAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 57: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• All resources needed for the project are identified, assigned and available to the project in a timely fashion.

• ``Sharing`` of project resources is either avoided or kept to a very minimum (i.e. maximum of one other project assignment for any given resource).

• If sharing of resources with other projects is unavoidable, then the shared resource should be dedicated to the project (and physically co-located) for specific days each week.

• A Skills Inventory is maintained for all resources and mentoring and training programs implemented to address resourcing or skills shortfalls.

• Delays in acquiring adequate and qualified project resources is a frequent and common cause for project delays and overruns.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.8 – Determine Resource Requirements

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 5.e – Develop the Staffing Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Staffing Management Plan [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 58: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• The Scope Management Plan describes the organization and procedures to be used for scope verification and change control.

• The Scope Change process is documented to identify:- Who will identify and document changes and their impacts- How will they be documented, classified and prioritized- Who will approve and fund them- How will they be tracked

• `Scope Creep`- the addition of scope changes to the project without any corresponding changes to the project schedule or budget is one of the most common reasons why projects fail to meet their budget or schedule objectives.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.a – Develop the Scope Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Scope Planning – City of Los Angeles Project Managementand Training [link]Step 5.a – Develop the Scope Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Change Request & Change Request Log [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

Scope Management Plan (example of Scope Change process):

• All Scope Changes will be documented on a project Change Request and submitted to the Project Sponsor for initial approval to proceed with evaluating the Change Request• The Project Manager will arrange for the timely evaluation of the Change Request, and provide an estimate of the Cost and Schedule impact of the scope change, and document any other related impacts issues. • The Project Sponsor will approve/reject/defer the Change Request (or, for significant changes, submit the Change Request for approval by the Change Control Board).Significant changes are those that have a potential cost impact of $10,000 (for example) or more, or will result in any delay to the project cutover date.• All changes, and their disposition, will be logged in the project Change Request Log


Page 59: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Quality Management Plan is produced that defines the quality objectives and the organizational structure, resources, roles, responsibilities, procedures and processes that will be undertaken to achieve the quality objectives .

• Contents of the Quality Management Plan include:

- Quality Planning (organizing and planning for quality)• Policy • Quality Objectives• Quality Management Roles and Responsibilities

- Quality Assurance (verifying the project process and deliverable quality)

• Project Audits• Testing Tools• Testing processes (e.g. Unit/Integration/ System/ Acceptance


- Quality Control (identifying and correcting quality problems in the final deliverables)

• Deliverable Walkthroughs• Defect tracking and removal

• Quality Management is often not addressed , or only addressed in the testing stage.

An effective and comprehensive Quality Management Plan is needed to ensure that the project meets quality objectives (i.e. client requirements).

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.d – Develop the Quality Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Quality Management Plan [link] (see Sec. 5)Texas Dept of Information Resources Step 5.d – Develop the Quality Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Quality Management Plan [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Quality Management – Mini Tutorial [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 60: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Project Team Roles and Responsibilities are well described and documented.

• Backup resources are available for all critical resources

• Requirements are identified and committed in advance of need.

• Project staffing requirements and priorities are planned and co-ordinated by the Project Management Office or other Resource Management function.

• Project staff resources are often only acquired on an “ad hoc” basis, with little co-ordination between projects, to ensure the timely availabilty of adequate and qualified resources.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.e – Develop the Staffing Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Team Roles and Responsibilities – Oregon Department of Human Resources [link]Step 5.e – Develop the Staffing Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Staffing Management Plan [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 61: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Stakeholder Analysis is conducted for all key project stakeholders to identify the most effective method of communicating with them.

• A Communications Management Plan is developed for the project, identifying the method, frequency and responsibility for the communications with project stakeholders.

• Communications are “ad hoc” and unstructured.

Achieving good communications between all project stakeholders is difficult without a structured , consistent and formally documented process.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.f – Develop the Communications Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Communications Management Plan Template (includes a Stakeholder Analysis template also) [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

Stakeholder Communications Method

Frequency Responsibility Notes

Key Stakeholders Project Kickoff Meeting

Start of project

Program Management Office

•Both Team and Client Kickoff meetings recommended

Extranet ongoing Program Management Office

•Include project schedule, key project deliverables, meeting minutes, change request log, issues log

Client Executive Executive Steering Committee

Monthly – first Wednesday of each month

Account Manager •Review status, milestones met, earned value indicators. key issues

Client Sponsor Status Meetings

Status Report (email)

Weekly -Friday

Project Manager •Review project status, schedule, change requests, issues

Development team Status Meetings Weekly – Friday 11am

Project Manager •Provides input for subsequent meeting with client sponsor

Client managers Newsletter (email) Weekly - Friday

Project Management Office

Client Sponsor/

Key Client Stakeholders

Client Satisfaction Survey

Monthly/End of each phase

Account Manager/

Project Manager

•Informal (monthly)

•Formal (end of each phase)


Page 62: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Risk Management Plan is developed to describe the approach that will be taken to identify, analyze, manage and mitigate project risks.

• Contents of a Risk Management Plan include:- Methodology (processes, policies, tools and techniques)- Roles and responsibilities (roles of key Risk Plan stakeholders) - Budget (funds allocated for risk management)- Timing (frequency of risk assessments)- Scoring and interpretation (measurements)- Thresholds (when to respond)- Reporting formats (how the results will be distributed)- Tracking (how the risk process will be audited)

• Not anticipating and addressing project risks before they occur is a common factor in failed projects (remember the Titanic!).

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Risk Management Plan [link] (see Sec. 9)Texas Dept of Information Resources Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Risk Response Plan template [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Risk Response Plan – Mini Tutorial [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

A Risk is a potential event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives.


Page 63: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best PracticesA Procurement Management Plan is developed to :- Identify the Products and Services that will be obtained


* Human Resources

* Consulting Services

* Applications

* Hardware

* Software- Identify the processes that will be used for each, as appropriate

* Make vs. Buy analysis (if applicable)* Request For Proposal* Selection* Contract (specify type eg.Fixed Price, Time and Materials)* Contract management (Change Control, Acceptance criteria)

• A Procurement Management Plan is needed to ensure products and services required for the project are obtained in a timely , fair and ethical manner, consistent with Company procurement policies, standards and practices.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.h – Develop the Procurement Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Procurement and Contractor Management – New York State Office for Technology [link]Step 5.h – Develop the Procurement Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

A Statement of Work should be used to define the work required:

- General Overview - Roles and Responsibilities

- Project Scope - Change Management process

- Tasks and Deliverables - Pricing

- Assumptions and Risks - Points of Contact

- Estimated Schedule - Acceptance/Signoff


Page 64: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Health Check: Project Execution & Control

C Project Execution & Control  C1 The Project Schedule is reviewed and updated at least weekly  C2 Project Costs are reviewed and compared to the Project Budget, at least monthly  C3 Status Reports are prepared and issued weekly  C4 Personnel resources are available on time to execute project activities  C5 External resources are available on time, as needed  C6 Changes are documented and controlled by the Change Management process  C7 Project Issues are documented in an Issues Log, addressed and reviewed at least

weekly  C8 All Project Deliverables are formally reviewed and accepted by the appropriate

parties  C9 Project Performance is tracked and reported at least monthly using Earned Value

techniques  C10 Project Quality is controlled through the implementation of the Quality Management


SCORING RULES SCOREFully Agree (Best Practice) 4 to 6 Avg: 5Neutral (Needs improvement) 2 to 4 Avg: 3Fully Disagree (Not addressed) 0 to 2 Avg: 1


Page 65: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Schedule Management Plan is produced and implemented.

• The Project Manager updates the project schedule on a weekly basis.

• The Project Manager reviews and ensures, with project team members, the validity of deliverable duration estimates and completion dates .

The Project Schedule should be reviewed at the weekly project team meeting (which should be followed within the same day by the weekly project meeting and schedule review with the Project Sponsor).

• Expected variances from the planned schedule are addressed with the project team and/or Project Sponsor, as appropriate.

• The project schedule is not maintained or updated in a consistent manner

• Project team members do not provide realistic estimates of the expected completion dates for their tasks and deliverables.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.b – Develop the Schedule Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Schedule Management Plan - Oregon Department of Human Services – PMO [link] Step 5.b – Develop the Schedule Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 66: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Cost Management Plan is produced and implemented.

• Project Costs are reviewed and validated and used as input to the Project Performance Report (e.g. AlphaPM Project Dashboard).

• Project Costs for all project resources are not tracked in a complete and timely manner or compared to the project budget.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Cost Management Plan - Oregon Department of Human Services –

PMO [link] Step 5.c – Develop the Cost Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Dashboard tool [link] AlphaPM Project Health Check files


Page 67: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A clear and concise status report is issued weekly, providing a realistic status on key project deliverables and project issues.

• Status Reports do not provide a clear and realistic view of project status.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 9 – Issue Status Reports

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Status Report Template [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

Contents of the Status Report:– Performance Report

- Schedule Performance Index- Cost Performance Index- Key Milestones Met

– Activities This Week– Activities Next Week– Issues and Actions Planned– Other

• Keep concise (do not pad)• Report on key activities and issues only• Focus on deliverables achieved or planned• Avoid “surprises”• Post to the project extranet


Page 68: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Staffing Management Plan is developed and implemented.

• Adequate, qualified resources are committed to the project and made available in a timely manner. .

• The PMO (or HR organization), with the support of all project managers, forecasts, tracks and co-ordinates the availability of all personnel resources and resolves any conflicts

• Adequate, qualified personnel resources are not available in a timely manner, causing project delays and failures.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.e – Develop the Staffing Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 5.8 – Determine Resource Requirements AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Staffing Budget WorksheetHarvard Medical School - Project Management Info [link] Step 5.8 – Determine Resource Requirements AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Define how and when project staff resources will be allocated to the project team

• Define how Staff Resources will be budgeted and tracked

• Define the Project Team Organization structure


Page 69: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Procurement Management Plan is developed and implemented.

• External resources are forecast, committed to the project and made available in a timely manner. ..

• External resources (e.g. vendor, contractor, client) are not available in a timely manner, causing project delays and failures.

• Obtaining contractor resources may require senior management approval and be subject to budget and other restrictions.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.8 – Determine Resource Requirements

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Procurement and Contractor Management – New York State Office for Technology [link]Step 5.h – Develop the Procurement Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Identify the Products and Services that will be obtained externally

–Human Resources–Consulting Services–Applications–Hardware–Software

• Identify the processes that will be used for each, as appropriate

–Make vs. Buy analysis (if applicable)–Request For Proposal–Selection–Contract (specify type - Fixed Price, Time and Materials etc.)–Contract management (Change Control, Acceptance criteria)


Page 70: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Scope Management Plan is developed and implemented.

• A Schedule Management Plan is developed and implemented.

• A Cost Management Plan is developed and implemented.

• All scope changes are assessed for any impacts on project cost or schedule and reviewed and approved by the Project Sponsor.

• No formal Change Control process exists, or if it exists, is not followed consistently

• “Scope Creep” occurs – changes are introduced without formal review, approval and impact assessment.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.a – Develop the Scope Management Plan

Step 5.b – Develop the Schedule Management Plan Step 5.c– Develop the Cost Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Change Request/Change Request Log [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Describe how project scope and scope changes will be identified and managed

Change Request process- Who will identify and document changes and their impacts- How will they be documented, classified and prioritized- Who will approve and fund them- How will they be tracked


Page 71: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• An Issues Log is used to document all key project issues

• The Issues Log is reviewed at least weekly with the project team leads to ensure timely resolution of all project issues.

• Issues are not documented or tracked in a timely or consistent manner, resulting in project delays.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 12 – Manage Project Issues

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Issues Log [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 72: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Prepare and implement a Deliverables Acceptance Plan

• Ensure you obtain formal client signoff on all key deliverables throughout the project

• Do not wait till the completion of each deliverable to gain acceptance

– Review deliverable samples at the beginning of the project– Review drafts and any related issues at regular intervals– Provide final draft for signoff

• Request signoff within pre-agreed period (e.g. 2 - 3 days)

• Get formal signoff– Resolve or escalate if signoff not given– Do not proceed until issue resolved and signoff received

• Arrange for a “maintenance” contract, to cover subsequent changes and minor enhancements, and/or for follow-on phases to cover additional functional requirements.

• Project Deliverables are not formally reviewed and accepted by the Project Sponsor, resulting in re-work or delays in getting final approval and closure for the project.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 13 – Ensure Acceptance of all Deliverables

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 19 – Close the Project AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 5.d – Develop the Quality Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Deliverables Acceptance Plan – Max Widemans Project Management Wisdom [link]Step 13 – Ensure Acceptance of all Deliverables AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 73: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Project Performance is tracked using Earned Value measurement techniques

• Cost Performance Index• Schedule Performance Index

Note: The “standard” Schedule Performance Index gives erroneous measures once the project passes the scheduled cutover date, so Earned Schedule measurements should be used instead. (See Earned Schedule link)

• Simplistic measures are only used to measure project performance (e.g. Project is within budget) so true project progress is not known.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 14 – Control the Project Scope, Schedule and Cost

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Dashboard tool [link] AlphaPM Project Health Check files

• Earned Value Management – Mini Tutorial AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Earned Schedule [link] Step 14 – Control the Project Scope, Schedule and Cost AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 74: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Quality Management Plan is developed and implemented, to define the project quality objectives and the organizationalstructure, resources, roles, responsibilities, procedures and processes that will be undertaken to achieve the quality objectives .

• Minimal attention, if any, is paid to planning and implementing any Quality Management techniques on the project.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.d – Develop the Quality Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 7 – Carry Out Quality Assurance AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Quality Management – Mini Tutorial [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Quality Management Plan [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

Quality Management Plan Contents:

Quality Planning (organizing and planning for quality)- Policy - Quality Objectives - Quality Management Roles and Responsibilities

Quality Assurance (verifying the project process and deliverable quality) - Project Audits- Testing tools- Testing processes (e.g. Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance tests)

Quality Control identifying and correcting quality problems in the final deliverables)- Deliverable Walkthroughs- Defect tracking and removal-


Page 75: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Health Check: Project Organization

D Project Organization  D1 A project team organization structure is clearly documented and understood by all


D2 A facilitative Project Management Organization exists to support the project  D3 All outside suppliers understand and are committed to the project goals and schedule  D4 All members of the project team possess appropriate levels of expertise  D5 The Project Sponsor is fully committed and available to support the project  D6 Weekly status meetings are held with key project team members  D7 Weekly status meetings are held with the Project Sponsor  D8 Monthly meetings are held with the project Executive Steering Committee  D9 A project kickoff meeting has been held for all key stakeholders at the start of the


D10 All new members of the project team receive an orientation to the project  

SCORING RULES SCOREFully Agree (Best Practice) 4 to 6 Avg: 5Neutral (Needs improvement) 2 to 4 Avg: 3Fully Disagree (Not addressed) 0 to 2 Avg: 1


Page 76: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• In conjunction with the individual team members, the Project Manager should define and document the Project Team Roles and Responsibilities.

All roles should be covered, including vendor, contractor and client roles.

• These roles should be presented (at a summary level) at Kickoff and Project Orientation meetings, and discussed and agreed between the project manager and individual at a detailed level.

• Project team roles are too often not clearly defined and documented within a project, resulting in potential overlapping of roles , gaps in responsibilities, and difficulties in assessing and measuring individual performance at the end of the project.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.e – Develop the Staffing Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Team Roles and Responsibilities – Oregon Department of Human Services (PMO) [link]Step 5.e – Develop the Staffing Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Team Roles and Responsibilities – Ten Step [link]Step 5.e – Develop the Staffing Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 77: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A “Facilitative” type of Program Management Office exists within the organization to support the project, through timely project resourcing, funding, prioritization , methodologies, tools and templates and the resolution of escalated project issues.

• If a Program Management Office (PMO) is not available to support a project, it is more difficult to resolve project conflicts and issues regarding resources, funding etc.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Program Management Office (PMO) - Project Management

FrameworkAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Program Management Office (PMO) White Paper – Serena Software – Project Management Framework [link]AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

Spectrum of PMO Types


Page 78: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Typical PMO Functions

Portfolio Management• Ensure Projects are selected for development based on Business Needs and Strategies

– Aligned with Corporate Goals and Objectives– Provide Strategic Business Value (or are mandatory)

Project Management Methodologies and Training• Provide Project Managers with project management methodologies, tools, templates and training

Project Performance Reporting• Ensure all Projects report their performance in a consistent manner, using Earned Value Management

metrics– Project Dashboard (track SPI, CPI, Key Milestones, Key Risks)

Project Initiation• Assist Projects at their initiation, to facilitate their startup.

Project Resourcing• Ensure Projects obtain the skills and resources needed, in a timely manner

Project Health Checks/Project Audits• Assist projects in the implementation of Project Health Checks• Conduct formal Project Health Checks (“Project Audits”) if the project is seen at risk

(e.g. SPI and/or CPI less than 0.9)


Page 79: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Outside suppliers , vendors and contractors should document their plans, deliverables and assumptions through a Statement of Work.

Contents of the Statement of Work should include:- General Overview- Project Scope- Task and Deliverable Objectives- Assumptions and Risks- Estimated Schedule- Vendor Roles and Responsibilities- Client Roles and Responsibilities- Pricing- Vendor and Client Points of Contact- Acceptance and Signoff

• Regularly scheduled meetings should be held between project and supplier executive management to review project progress and address escalated issues.

• Outside suppliers often do not receive adequate governance or communications from project and executive management.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Procurement Excellence Model – Office of Government Commerce

Step 10 – Manage Procurement of External Resources AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Statement of Work [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Statement of Work – North Carolina ENR ITS [link]Step 2 – Develop the Project Charter AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 80: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Staffing Management Plan should be used to forecast when the particular skills and resources are needed (and when they can be released from the project).

• All junior team members should have a senior team lead as a mentor (either from within or external to the project).

• A Training Plan should be developed to document the formal and informal training required by the project team members.

• If team members do not have the appropriate levels of expertise, deliverables are likely to be delayed and systems integration is typically also delayed and unsuccessful.

• Team members morale and job satisfaction are reduced, if they do not feel they have the skills to do the job effectively.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Top Ten Qualities of a Project Manager – Project

Soft Skills [link]AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Management and Leadership Handbook – itmWEB.comSoft SkillsAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 5.e – Develop the Staffing Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 8 – Develop Your Project Team AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Staffing Management Plan [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Training Plan template - Oregon Dept of Human Services (PMO) Step 8 – Develop Your Project Team AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

The Project Manager needs strong Leadership skills:- Drive. Does the project manager have a strong desire to succeed?- Ability to Build Consensus. Can the project manager get key individuals to work together towards common ends?- Ability to Take Risks. Can the project manager recognize opportunities and find ways to seize them?- Ability to Communicate. Is the project manager able to communicate clearly and convincingly to all parties?- Experience. Does the project manager have a track record of success? Look for characteristics and experiences that relate directly to the project at hand.- Technical Knowledge. Does the project manager possess demonstrated knowledge in the appropriate technical fields?- Sense of the Big Picture. Does the project manager understand the project from a broad business perspective?

Source: Project Management & Leadership Handbook


Page 81: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• The involvement and commitment of the Project Sponsor should be confirmed before a project is approved and initiated.

• For a large project, it is beneficial to have an Executive Sponsor as well, to provide Executive support and oversight to the project.

• A critical success factor on any project is the full involvement, commitment and availability of the Project Sponsor.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.e - Develop the Staffing Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Sponsor Roles - Monash University ITS (next slide) [link] Step 5.e - Develop the Staffing Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Sponsor Charter - Thomsett International [link] Step 5.e - Develop the Staffing Management Plan AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 82: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Sponsor/Executive Sponsor RolesSome of the activities that a Project Sponsor will normally undertake include:• Providing direction and guidance for key business strategies and initiatives• Negotiate funding for the project• Actively participating in initial project planning• Identifying project Steering Committee members• Working with the Project Manager to develop the Project Charter• Identifying and quantifying business benefits to be achieved by successful implementation of the project• Identifying project critical success factors• Approving major deliverables such as the Project Charter, Project Plan and Risk Management Plan• Reviewing and approving changes to plans, priorities, deliverables, schedule, etc.• Gaining consensus among stakeholders when differences of opinion occur• Assisting the project when required (especially in an 'out-of-control' situation) by exerting their organizational authority and ability to influence• Assisting with the resolution of inter-project boundary issues• Managing the realisation of benefits• Chairing the Project Steering Committee• Reviewing project progress on a regular basis• Supporting the Project Manager in conflict resolution• Advising the Project Manager of any changes in business direction or policy which may have an effect on the project• Encouraging stakeholder involvement and building and maintaining their ongoing commitment through effective communication strategies• Advising the Project Manager of protocols, political issues, potential sensitivities, etc.• Evaluating the project's success on completion.

Typically an Executive Sponsor would be responsible for the following:• Brokering funding for the project• Providing strategic direction and advising the Project Sponsor of relevant organization or external issues which may have an impact on the

project• Making major project decisions, especially when there are differences of opinion amongst Steering Committee members• Acting as an arbiter in conflict situations• Reviewing and signing off major deliverables• Reviewing project progress on a regular basis• Communicating project status at a senior level (eg. Executive committees and governing bodies).

Source: Monash University ITS, Australia


Page 83: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

Project Team Status Meetings

• Schedule weekly

• Face to face (or conference calls, if remotely located)

• Issue and follow an agenda

• Review status of project progress, issues, risks and impacts

• Distribute minutes promptly and maintain on the project extranet

• Document and follow up on action items (use the Issues Log)

Status Reports should be produced within a day of the Status Meeting(see next slide).

• Team Project Meetings are not held regularly or formally (agenda, minutes etc.), resulting in meetings and project communications not being effective or productive .

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 9 – Issue Status Reports

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 12 – Manage Project Issues AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Status Report - see next slide [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 84: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Status Reports

For week ending Status Report

[Project Name]

Prepared by

Performance Report

Schedule Performance Index:

Cost Performance Index:

Key milestones met

[Highlight any key milestones completed this week]

Activities This Week

[Highlight the major activities completed this week]

Activities Next Week

[Highlight the major activities planned for next week]

Issues and Actions planned

[Highlight any project issues and actions planned to address them]


[Highlight any other relevant status information – e.g. key staff changes]

Contents of a Status Report:– Performance Report

- Schedule Performance Index- Cost Performance Index- Key Milestones Met

– Activities This Week

– Activities Next Week

– Issues and Actions Planned

– Other

• Keep concise (do not pad)• Report on key activities and

issues only• Focus on deliverables achieved

or planned• Avoid “surprises”• Post to the project extranet

A soft copy of a Status Report template is provided in the PM Toolkit


Page 85: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

Client Status Meetings

• Schedule weekly

• Face to face (or conference calls, if remotely located)

• Issue and follow an agenda

• Review status of project progress, issues, risks and impacts

• Distribute minutes promptly and maintain on the project extranet

• Document and follow up on action items (use the Issues Log)

Status Reports should be produced within a day of the Status Meeting.

• Status Meetings are not held regularly or formally (agenda, minutes etc.), with the Client Sponsor, resulting in meetings and project communications not being effective or productive .

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 9 – Issue Status Reports

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Step 12 – Manage Project Issues AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Status Report [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 86: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

Executive Steering Committee

• Membership:•Client Sponsor•Client Executive•Project Manager•Project Manager’s Executive•Program Manager (if PMO exists)•Account Manager (if applicable to project)

• Schedule regularly (typically monthly)

• Keep items brief and at a high level

• Typical Agenda•High level summary of project status(Key Deliverables and Milestones)•Project Budget status•Key Issues (and planned actions to address)•Key Risks (and planned actions to mitigate).

• Status Meetings are not held regularly or formally (agenda, minutes etc.), with the Project and Client Executive, resulting in delays in addressing project issues, and a lack of ongoing support for the project.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 16 – Report Project Performance

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Steering Committee – Minnesota Office of Enterprise Technology[link]Step 16 – Report Project Performance AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Executive Steering Committee Procedures Manual – North Carolina ENR ITS [link]Step 16 – Report Project Performance AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 87: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Kickoff Meeting is held to orient all project team members at the beginning of a project.. Separate meetings may be held for the Client stakeholders and project team members. - Assists the understanding of individual and organizational roles and responsibilities- Ensures all stakeholders understand project processes- Clarifies project success measures- Facilitates early project teaming and bonding- Facilitates realistic expectations (scope, deliverables, schedules etc)

• Without a formal Kickoff Meeting for all project stakeholders, projects are likely to be slower in getting organized and will typically be less productive.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 4 – Hold the Project Kickoff Meeting

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Kickoff Meeting presentation template [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

Kickoff Meeting Agenda:- Introductions (Review Agenda, Session Objectives, Ice Breaker exercise)- Client Executive/Sponsor Briefing (Business and Project Vision, Company culture and values, Client Organization) - IT Organization Briefing (Overview of IT organization, culture, values) - Project Approach (Project Life Cycle, deliverables (with samples), scope management, communications plan, project extranet)- Project Team Organization (Client and Development team roles and responsibilities, Team organization chart )- Project Vision (Facilitated workshops)- Risk Assessment (Identification and mitigation of key risks)- Measures of success- Next steps


Page 88: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A formal project orientation is given to team members who join the project after the Kickoff meeting has been held.

• A senior project team member is assigned to mentor new and/or junior team members.

• New members (and often existing members) do not receive any orientation to the project, resulting in lower productivity , morale and effectiveness,

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 8 – Develop your Project Team

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Orientation Presentation template – [link] Step 8 – Develop your Project Team AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Orientation Checklist – [link]Step 8 – Develop your Project Team AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 89: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Health Check: Project Methodology

E Project Methodology  E1 A formal and documented Project Life Cycle methodology is followed by the project

team  E2 The Project Life Cycle methodology applies project management "best practices"  E3 Templates are available for all key project management deliverables  E4 Lessons Learned are documented and reviewed at each Phase end and at Project

Completion  E5 A Project Notebook/Extranet is used to maintain all project documentation  


Fully Agree (Best Practice) 4 to 6 Avg: 5Neutral (Needs improvement) 2 to 4 Avg: 3Fully Disagree (Not addressed) 0 to 2 Avg: 1


Page 90: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Project Life Cycle is used to define the particular end products and deliverables to be produced by the project.

This Project Life Cycle is the integrated with the Project Management Methodology and deliverables (see next two slides).

• Lack of a formal and well documented Project Life Cycle methodology will result in extended project development, with less likelihood of the project meeting budget and schedule commitments.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Project Management Methodology Section

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Management Guidebook – New York State Office for Technology [link] Project Management Methodology or Alphabetical Section AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 91: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Management Integration with the Project Life Cycle

Project Life CycleDeliverables

Project Life Cycle Reference: Adobe Development Centre [link]91

Page 92: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Management Integration with the Project Life Cycle

Initiating Project Charter Project Repository Internal Project Kickoff Meeting Scope Statement Client Project Kickoff Meeting

Planning Project Plan Subsidiary Management Plans Risk Response Plan Communications Plan

Executing Project Deliverables Quality Assurance Status Report

Monitoring& Controlling

Change Request/Log Issues Log Deliverable Acceptance Project Performance Report (Dashboard)

Closing Lessons Learned Project Closure Project Celebration

Project Management

Project Management Deliverables

Project Life CycleDeliverables

Project Life Cycle Reference: Adobe Development Centre [link]92

Page 93: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Management Integration with the Project Life Cycle

Initiating Project Charter Project Repository Internal Project Kickoff Meeting Scope Statement Client Project Kickoff Meeting

Planning Project Plan Subsidiary Management Plans Risk Response Plan Communications Plan

Executing Project Deliverables Quality Assurance Status Report

Monitoring& Controlling

Change Request/Log Issues Log Deliverable Acceptance Project Performance Report (Dashboard)

Closing Lessons Learned Project Closure Project Celebration

Project Management

Project Life Cycle Reference: Adobe Development Centre [link]

Waterfall Project Life Cycle

Iterative Project Life Cycle Agile Project Life Cycle

Source: Microsoft Solutions Framework







Page 94: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A “Continuous Improvement” approach should be applied to evolve the methodologies, which should be flexible and adaptable enough to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.

• “Lessons Learned” documented during and at the end of every project within the organization should be used to develop and evolve the Project Life Cycle and Project Management methodology.

• Methodologies are often not evolved to keep in step with the evolution of the business and enabling technologies.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Project Management Methodology Section

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Best PracticesStep 18 – Document Lessons Learned AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Management Guidebook – New York State Office for Technology [link] Project Management Methodology or Alphabetical Section AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 95: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Project Intranet should be used to make readily available the Project Life Cycle and Project Management methodologies and related tools and templates.

• Completed deliverables from previous projects should be accessible to all project teams.

• Lack of good tools and templates will greatly increase the length of development time and lower the likelihood of project success.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Project Management Methodology Section

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• AlphaPM PM Toolkit [link]

• Project Management Templates – Methodology sectionAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 96: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Lessons Learned are collected during the project, in a Lessons Learned log, and formally identified and documented at the end of the project (see next slide).

• Lessons Learned from each project are both stored in a Repository, and summarized and distributed to other project and management teams within the organization.

• Lessons Learned are not collected .

• Even if they are collected, they are not disseminated or actioned in any way by other project teams.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 18 – Document Lessons Learned

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Lessons Learned - Office of Government Commerce (UK) [link] Step 18 – Document Lessons Learned AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 97: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Poll E4: Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned in your organization are usually:

oCaptured, disseminated and applied to other projects

o Captured, but not disseminated or applied to other projects

o Not captured at all1



Page 98: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Lessons Learned

Ongoing– Collect “lessons learned” throughout

the project– Synthesize at the end of each phase– Disseminate and action to address

Topics to addressWhat worked well

What could be done better

– Were requirements and schedules met to client satisfaction

– Was the project within budget– Was there a good balance between

scope, schedule and budget– Was the project methodology

effective– Were risks identified and addressed

effectively– Was team morale good– Was there good participation by and

communications with all stakeholders

– Were deliverables of good quality

At the end of each phase/project – Hold a formal “lessons learned”

review with key team members and stakeholders

– Provide an advance agenda– Facilitate with an external facilitator– Personal issues are “out of bounds”– Intent is to improve the process, not

find a scapegoat– Apply lessons learned to future

projects across the organization


Page 99: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Project Notebook/Extranet is developed for use by all project stakeholders.

• Without a well structured and maintained project repository, dissemination of project information, deliverables etc is too often ad hoc and not timely or accurate.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 3 – Establish the Project Notebook/Extranet

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Notebook – North Carolina ENR ITS [link] Step 3 – Establish the Project Notebook/Extranet AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

Project Notebook/Extranet Contents:

- Client Kickoff Meeting presentations- Project Charter - Project Requirements- Project Plan- Subsidiary management plans- Project Schedule (baseline and current) - Status meetings- Steering Committee Meetings - Issues Logs- Change Requests/Change Requests Log- Risk Assessment Logs- All key deliverables - Project Contact List- Vacation Schedules


Page 100: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Health Check: Project Performance

F Project Performance  F1 Earned Value Management measures are used to track and report project

performance  F2 The Project is on schedule (Schedule Performance Index >= 1.0)  F3 The Project is within budget (Cost Performance Index >= 1.0)  F4 The project is following company Project Life Cycle standards and processes  F5 The Project Sponsor is satisfied with project and project team performance  F6 Project Team morale is excellent  F7 Project Communications are timely and meet the needs of all stakeholders  

SCORING RULES SCOREFully Agree (Best Practice) 4 to 6 Avg: 5Neutral (Needs improvement) 2 to 4 Avg: 3Fully Disagree (Not addressed) 0 to 2 Avg: 1


Page 101: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Project Performance is tracked using Earned Value measurement techniques

• Cost Performance Index• Schedule Performance Index

Note: The “standard” Schedule Performance Index gives erroneous measures once the project passes the scheduled cutover date, so Earned Schedule measurements should be used instead.

• Simplistic measures are only used to measure project performance (e.g. Project is within budget) so true project progress is not known.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 14 – Control the Project Scope, Schedule and Cost

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Dashboard [link] AlphaPM Project Health Check Files

• Earned Value Management – Mini Tutorial [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Earned Schedule [link] Step 14 – Control the Project Scope, Schedule and Cost AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

Same as C9101

Page 102: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• What are the best ways to keep a project on schedule?

• What are the best ways to get a project back on schedule?

• What are the reasons that typically cause a project to be late?

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 14 – Control the Project Scope, Schedule and Cost

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Dashboard [link] AlphaPM Project Health Check Files

• Earned Value Management – Mini Tutorial [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Earned Schedule [link] Step 14 – Control the Project Scope, Schedule and Cost AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 103: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference

• What are the best ways to keep a project within budget?

• What are the best ways to get a project back within budget?

• What are the reasons that typically cause a project to exceed their budget?

• Step 14 – Control the Project Scope, Schedule and Cost AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Dashboard [link] AlphaPM Project Health Check Files

• Earned Value Management – Mini Tutorial [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Earned Schedule [link] Step 14 – Control the Project Scope, Schedule and Cost AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 104: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Follow company Project Life Cycle standards and processes in spirit and principle, but be allowed to adapt and interpret them to balance the needs of the project with the value and benefits of following standard processes across the organization.

• Introduce and adapt project management “best practices” to the needs of your project and organization.

• A Project Manager may wish to avoid using the organization’s Project Life Cycle standards and processes:- Because they are cumbersome- Do not cover the type of project- They are not well understood

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Best Practices

Step 18 – Document Lessons Learned AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Project Management Methodology Section AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 105: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Client satisfaction surveys are conducted both formally and informally throughout the project.

What are some of the ways you have surveyed your client ?

• No formal (or even informal) survey of Client satisfaction is conducted throughout the project.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 16 – Report Project Performance

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Client Satisfaction Surveys – Trusted Advisor Associates [link]Step 16 – Report Project PerformanceAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Client Satisfaction Surveys – Auditor General of Alberta [link]Step 16 – Report Project PerformanceAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 106: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• What are the ways you can improve team morale?

• Project Team morale can be low for a wide variety of reasons- No Leadership- No Recognition of work accomplished- Unrealistic goals- Poor communications within the project- Team members not being developed or challenged- Team members do not have the right skills or experience

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Soft Skills Section

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Motivating Your Team - AllPM Newsletter [link]Step 8 – Develop the Project Charter AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web


Page 107: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• Implement the Communications Management Plan.

• Adapt and update the Communications Management Plan to meet the changing needs of the project.

• A Communications Management Plan has not been developed or implemented

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.f – Develop the Communications Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Communications Management Plan Template (includes a Stakeholder Analysis template also) [link] AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 108: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Project Health Check: Risk Management

G Risk Management  G1 A Risk Management Plan has been produced  

G2 A Risk Response Log is maintained for all significant project risks, with appropriate actions, target dates and owners for each Risk  

G3 Project Risks are reviewed and updated regularly and at phase ends  G4 Project Risks are actioned appropriately  

SCORING RULES SCOREFully Agree (Best Practice) 4 to 6 Avg: 5Neutral (Needs improvement) 2 to 4 Avg: 3Fully Disagree (Not addressed) 0 to 2 Avg: 1


Page 109: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference

• A Risk Management Plan is developed to describe the approach that will be taken to identify, analyze, manage and mitigate project risks.

• Contents of a Risk Management Plan include:- Methodology (processes, policies, tools and techniques)- Roles and responsibilities (roles of key Risk Plan stakeholders) - Budget (funds allocated for risk management)- Timing (frequency of risk assessments)- Scoring and interpretation (measurements)- Thresholds (when to respond)- Reporting formats (how the results will be distributed)- Tracking (how the risk process will be audited)

• Not anticipating and addressing project risks before they occur is a common factor in failed projects (remember the Titanic!).

• Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Risk Management - Texas Dept. of Information Resources (See Sec. 9) [link]Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Risk Response Log template [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Risk Response Plan – Mini Tutorial [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

A Risk is a potential event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives.

Same as B12109

Page 110: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

• A Risk Response Log is maintained and actioned for all significant project risks, with appropriate actions, target dates and owners for each Risk

• Risks are not addressed on a formal , consistent or timely basis, resulting in undue impacts and missed opportunities.

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference• Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management Plan

AlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Risk Management - Texas Dept. of Information Resources (See Sec. 9) [link] Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Risk Response Log template [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Risk Management – Mini Tutorial [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 111: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference

• A Risk Response Log is maintained and actioned for all significant project risks, with appropriate actions, target dates and owners for each Risk

• Risks are reviewed and actioned at the weekly Team and Client meetings

• Key Risks are identified in the Project Performance Dashboard

• Key Risks are reviewed and addressed at the Monthly Executive Steering Committee.

• Risks are not addressed on a formal , consistent or timely basis, resulting in undue impacts and missed opportunities.

• Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Risk Management - Texas Dept. of Information Resources (See Sec. 9) [link] Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Risk Response Log template [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Risk Response Plan – Mini Tutorial [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit


Page 112: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Best Practices

Typical Issues Tools and Techniques

Actions Planned

For Further Reference

• A Risk Response Log is maintained and actioned for all significant project risks, with appropriate actions, target dates and owners for each Risk

• Risks are reviewed and actioned at the weekly Team and Client meetings

• Key Risks are identified in the Project Performance Dashboard

• Key Risks are reviewed and addressed at the Monthly Executive Steering Committee.

• Risks are not addressed on a formal , consistent or timely basis, resulting in undue impacts and missed opportunities.


• Risk Response Log template [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Risk Response Plan – Mini Tutorial [link]AlphaPM PM Toolkit

• Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

• Risk Management - Texas Dept. of Information Resources (See Sec. 9) [link] Step 5.g – Develop the Risk Management PlanAlphaPM Project Management Deliverables on the Web

Page 113: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

EXERCISE Step 4 – Identify any Corrective Actions Needed

• Summarize all items needing corrective action

– Key Items – Minor Items

• Assess against– Business Goals– Executive Support– Budget Availability– Resource Availability– Technical viability– Vendor viability


Page 114: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

EXERCISE Step 5 – Prepare and Implement an Action Plan

• Project Health Check Assessment– Summary of Findings and Recommendations

• Go/No-Go Recommendation

– If “No-Go”, give rationale– If “Go”, identify constraints

(e.g. need for Schedule Extension, Budget Increase, key Resources etc.)

• Action Plan– Revised Project Plan (what, who, when)– Revised Project Dashboard

================= Stop here ===================• Executive Approval

– Present to Executive Management– Obtain approval and budget (if needed) to proceed

• Implement Revised Project Plan


Page 115: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

EXERCISE Present your Project Health Check Findings and Recommendations

Prepare a short presentation, summarizing

• Project Goals• Project Performance (Dashboard)• Project Health Check Assessment

• Summary Chart• Major Areas needing corrective

action• Action Plan (What, Who, When)

(5 to 10 slides)


Page 116: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Open Forum

Project Health Check Workshop


Page 117: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Wrap up

• Review outstanding individual and “parking lot” project management issues

• Complete Workshop Evaluation (or Webinar Survey) form


Page 118: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc



Page 119: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Capability Maturity Model Integration

1. Initial

Process characterized for projects and is often

reactive2. Managed

3. Defined

Process characterized for the organization and is proactive.

(Projects tailor their process from the organization’s standard).

4. Quantitatively Managed

Process measured and controlled

5. OptimizingFocus on Process




Processes unpredictable, poorly controlled and


CMMI is a model that consists of best practices for system and software development and maintenance. The model may also be used as a framework for appraising the process maturity of the organization.Source: Wikipedia

Page 120: Project Health Check Workshop Why Projects Fail... And How To Determine and Improve the Health of your Project Webinar Tony Crawford, PMP AlphaPM Inc

Capability Maturity Model - Integrated

Source: Wikipedia

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