
Progress Monitoring - Grade 6Maze Student Booklet

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Number Correct

Number Incorrect

Adjusted Score

Month 4: 5: 6:

Week 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Assessment Date

Form Given

Number Correct

Number Incorrect

Adjusted Score

Forms Given: DIBELS 8th Edition goals use equating so it is important to know the forms given. Write the form identifier in the space above each score. For example -6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6

Calculated Scores: If not using a Data System, calculated scores can be computed manually and recorded above. Maze Adjusted Score = Number Correct - (0.5 x Number Incorrect)

University of Oregon (2020). 8th Edition of Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS®). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon. Available:

Month 7: 8: 9:

Week 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Assessment Date

Form Given

Number Correct

Number Incorrect

Adjusted Score

Month 10: 11: 12:

Week 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Assessment Date

Form Given

Number Correct

Number Incorrect

Adjusted Score

Forms Given: DIBELS 8th Edition goals use equating so it is important to know the forms given. Write the form identifier in the space above each score. For example -6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6

Calculated Scores: If not using a Data System, calculated scores can be computed manually and recorded above. Maze Adjusted Score = Number Correct - (0.5 x Number Incorrect)

Progress Monitoring - Grade 6Maze Student Booklet

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Progress Monitoring Maze 6.1

Name: _________________ Date: _______________

Practice Passage

Tom goes to a school far from his house. Every morning, he

takes a schoolart bus work

to go to school. In theafternoon library morning

, he also

takes a bus home.

Correct: ___________Incorrect: ___________Adjusted Score: _______

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The Portal

What I am about to tell you is a secret. Shh! There is a portal inever my she

house that

swallows things up socompletely recently sullenly

they can never be recovered. Youbravely probably strictly

have a

similar one in yours.Lots None Which

of my belongings end up inher over the

portal: pens and USB

keys, hairflutes maps ties

, and socks; books, homework, hockey pucks,and up yet

tennis balls; and

even larger thingsbut like then

sweatshirts, gym shorts, umbrellas, and sneakers.

My Us Very

friend Sarah has a portal inher no over

house that must be much biggerif than while

the one in mine, because itbaked posted sucked

in her bicycle. It has alsooperated painted swallowed

a trumpet,

some pom-poms, and hercovered favorite upcoming

pair of riding boots.

My friend Jack’shouse month secret

has a smaller portal that onlyhears takes views

pencils and erasers,

pocket change, orbasically frankly sometimes

a plastic comb.

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My friend Lin’sband house toe

has a portal that only swallowsat up with


equipment. It has already swallowedalso no two

new smart phones, a laptop computer,and if just

a second-hand iPad.

My friend Caitlin’sbook group house

has the strangest portal I’ve ever built heard seen

of. Caitlin’s

portal only swallows heraccount market school

essays, textbooks, and homework assignments. What’s

less more out

, it always swallows the essays andfieldwork homework statement

assignments on the morning they

aredue red soon


I am not sure what happensis on to

things that get sucked into thegame mind portal

, but I have

always imagined thathe it up

leads to another dimension where lostcups labors things

are consumed

like natural resources. Oralways maybepretty

an alternate version of me inmy some which

other universe

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uses them in hercoldly daily wildly

life the same way I useever him them

in mine — or, at least, the

plan rule way

I used them before they gotcrawled sucked wasted

into the portal.

Unfortunately, the portalfirst maybe never

has a fixed location. If itdid hoped went

, it would be

much easier tocount manage talk

, as I could simply be carefulin off to

avoid putting objects near it.

No,him mine the

portal is always a roving portal,only this which

may be anywhere at any given

gift soul time


Furthermore, it is invisible. Who knows?How There When

might be a portal right next

if to upon

you at this very moment. Youhad let would

never know until it sucked inhis them your

pencil or something else you happenednear on to

put down too near it.

Myagency glove portal

occasionally swallows up overdue library books.But Such When

if your

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DIBELS 8th EditionProgress Monitoring Maze.6.1

parents are like mine,they we your

will never believe this no matterhow so what

clearly you try to

explain it.Just So Way

, if you get a notice fromas the under

library that a book you’ve checked

about out with

is overdue, you’ve just got togo read sell

through the motions of searching for

it me what

. It doesn’t matter where you look:away through under

the bed, in the garage, inboth shethe

laundry room, or behind the bookshelfbelow past where

the dust makes you sneeze – Achoo!He Its The

book won’t be there. It’s gone.Liked Sucked Written

away into another dimension, maybe. Stolen

by on self

the portal. Just be glad the portal takes only your things and doesn’t take you.

DIBELS 8th EditionProgress Monitoring Maze.6.2

©2020 University of Oregon. All rights reserved.Page 9

Progress Monitoring Maze 6.2

Name: _________________ Date: _______________

Practice Passage

Tom goes to a school far from his house. Every morning, he

takes a schoolart bus work

to go to school. In theafternoon library morning

, he also

takes a bus home.

Correct: ___________Incorrect: ___________Adjusted Score: _______

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Sacred Saguaro

The saguaro cactus is one of the most important plants of the southwestern Sonora

desert. This cactus does not grow anywhereabove else over

on earth.

The large tree-like cactusescorrect estimate provide

food and places to live forgenes lots water

of animal

species. The native peoplebut even of

Southern Arizona consider them sacred. Although

ever nothe

saguaros are not technically endangered, Arizonagears laws myths

protect them with strict


Saguarosgrow plant wither

in the Sonoran Desert, which stretchesfrom upper within

Arizona to

California and runs southjust or to

the Mexican state of Sonora. Theyare soon who


recognizable even if you have neverpiled seen typed

one in real life, since theyappear destroy slump


thousands of movies. While thebroken drawn grown

ones are majestic, saguaros are extremely

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exclusive insatiable vulnerable

to frost and cold, so theyare had ought

not found in mountainous country where

my the up

temperature often drops below freezing athealth night porch


It takes a long time foras in the

saguaros to grow. By the timefor they when

are ten years

old, many ofnone them yours

are only one and a halfinches pounds weeks

tall. By the time they areelderly fully shyly

grown, some can be as tallas so to

sixty feet. Generally, they can growfull less over

twenty five

arms that bend upwardand for well

point to the sky. But someany how of

them never grow any arms

atall last or

, so they look like spears.

Becausethey we you

need to collect a lot ofmoney trends water

to survive, saguaros spread out

theirbags roots wings

just a few inches deep inif no the

soil. The roots spread out underground

almost either known

as far as the cactus islone over tall

. But there is always one deeperair box root

, or tap root,

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that extends down twodrops feet rocks

or more.

Individual saguaro cactuses canlive scroll yearn

for more than one hundred and fifty

leaves members years

. They bloom with small white flowersas in or

the early spring. The flowers open

at just next

after sunset, and close again byaway the when

middle of the following afternoon. They

are dare go

pollinated by bees, hummingbirds, various otherkinds rides senses

of birds, and bats. In the

castle filter summer

people pick and eat their brightclear junk red

fruit. People use long poles made

even from next

the ribs of the saguaro toexist knock slip

the fruit off the plant.

Nativepeople songs tales

make a drink from the fruitalways fresh that

is used to celebrate the

beginningago by of

the growing season. It is oftenbanned paid used

as part of a ceremony to

bring plaster strike


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Saguaros provide homes for lotsdown of some

animal species, including woodpeckers,

finches, martins,drops owls pens

, and wrens. Saguaros can collect anddrive store trade

a lot of water. This

helpsinto the what

plant to survive in the drydesert ocean store


The native people of the regiondrop make raise

useful objects from the saguaro. For

example moment option

, they use its spines for sewingboards needles shovels

and its ribs for roofs. Theycall pass use

abandoned bird nests carved out ofeven last the

cactus for storage.

The Saguaro National Parkfights protects violates

these plants. Saguaros cannot be cut down

without special permission because they are so important to the desert environment and

useful for animals and humans.

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Progress Monitoring Maze 6.3

Name: _________________ Date: _______________

Practice Passage

Tom goes to a school far from his house. Every morning, he

takes a schoolart bus work

to go to school. In theafternoon library morning

, he also

takes a bus home.

Correct: ___________Incorrect: ___________Adjusted Score: _______

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DIBELS 8th EditionProgress Monitoring Maze.6.3

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Unintended Consequences

Understanding how our behaviors have consequences is important! These behaviors

can be considered ataifyou

personal level or at a societalgroundlevelplace

. At a personal level, if

youmusttried would

like to get stronger you mightbegincyclesleep

to lift weights, eat the rightamountcolortrack

of the right foods every day,andinthe

be sure to get enough sleep.AtByOf

a societal level, if a

cityswimstouches wants

to reduce pollution, it might enactbookslawsstates

that promote recycling and

decrease thecausekind use

of natural resources. However, sometimes ourill-begottennon-binding well-intended

behaviors can have side effects ordiscolored sickenedunwanted

effects. We call these effects “unintended


GraduatedMeasured Unintended

consequences almost always result from aholelackstar

of real

understanding of the problemasin to

be addressed, combined with a lackfor nowof


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planning. Consider the two examplesemptiedmentioned suspected

above. The girl who wishes togetputtake

stronger and who follows her planchosestayed would

certainly get stronger over time. However,

meshe you

may not have planned on thegoal needright

to buy more food and allocatemoreother round

of her

free time to liftingboxes rosesweights

. She might also find that inmuch order that

to fulfill her plan she

needslight more none

hours of sleep every night. Shecan’t hasn’t isn’t

spend as much time in the

boards document evening

having fun with her friends ashim our she

would like. These costs of getting

fasterlighter stronger

were unintended consequences of the planbutshe you

put into motion. Likewise,

the citymightshe that

reduces pollution may not have plannedfornowwith

the increased costs of

recycling. Orbetterlonger worse

, the city may need to doublehowtheyour

trash collection for all its items

couldshe that

need to be recycled. The increaseinon up

the number of trucks on thegarage housestreet

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might cause more traffic congestion andairsnowwind


Unintended consequences are real. Oneexamplejewelweight

comes from mid-century China.

China hadahe it

program to get rid of fourfruitslaws pests

: rats, flies, mosquitos, and sparrows.

Sparrowsgave heldwere

considered a pest because they atefarmers’schools’trucks’

crops. People were

effective at killingrobinssparrows termites

and their eggs. However, when themonkeys rabbitssparrows


destroyed, the locust population explodedandshethe

ate even more crops. The increasebutfor in

locusts and damage was an unintendedconsequenceevaluation information


Another example is called the Streisand Effect,called namedyelled

after Barbara Streisand, a

famous singerandthe to

actress. About a decade ago, apicturerealityshadow

of her expensive house was

postedmailonline there

. She didn’t want the images online.OfSo The

she attempted to have the

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imagescolored removedscouted

. The attempt backfired. It led toand inthe

picture of her house being more

evenly softlywidely

shared and posted.

Nowadays, some popartistsdrawingsevents

use the Streisand Effect to theiradvantagecelebrationinformation


They will pretend to leak partat ofthe

a new song online. They willboost claimsell

it was stolen or

an accident.For Out The

leak will create buzz for thefarnew open

song, which ultimately becomes

more populardownlost than

it would have been otherwise. So, unintended consequences aren’t

always bad.

DIBELS 8th EditionProgress Monitoring Maze.6.4

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Progress Monitoring Maze 6.4

Name: _________________ Date: _______________

Practice Passage

Tom goes to a school far from his house. Every morning, he

takes a schoolart bus work

to go to school. In theafternoon library morning

, he also

takes a bus home.

Correct: ___________Incorrect: ___________Adjusted Score: _______

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Sea Stars

Most people who have spent some time at the beach as children have at some point

become awed and fascinated by starfish. Starfish are undoubtedly interesting, and they

are have run

also extremely bizarre. They come inlast many out

different sizes and colors.

Recently, scientistsfrom of with

ocean life have been trying tobuild create replace

the name

starfish with sea star.Can So Why

? Because the starfish is not reallya my to

fish. It is technically

something elseall that when

is related to sea urchins, sea cucumbers,and but for

sand dollars.

Scientists tell us thatsome there whether

are more than two thousand speciesby from of

sea star

inhabiting all the world’sclouds oceans trees

, and that sea stars are foundafter from right

tropical climates

to the freezing watersas of up

the Arctic. They only live inchlorine saltwater trending

seas, however. They

are never toact be know

found in freshwater lakes, streams, orislands news rivers


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Sea stars have hard, bony skinif that will

protects them from most predators. In

addition closing otherwise

, their brilliant colors can camouflage themfrom inside on

danger in a coral reef or

frighten hearten observe

off fish that might otherwise tryhard into to

eat them.

Most sea stars thatmy over you

find at the beach have fivearms guys pets

, looking like a star

shape. Buthad there when

are also species of sea starsuch that with

have ten, twenty, or forty arms.

But For If

a sea star loses one ofits my our

arms, it can simply grow anotherin now to

replace it.

This unusual ability iscalled gave yelled

regeneration. And the sea star hashers our the

amazing ability

to regenerate not onlyits my you

arms, but in some cases itsbetter entire latest


A few species of seamoon star tree

can grow an entirely new body, almost complete multiple


arms, out of just abelieving remaining wondering

fragment of one limb. This isbecause therefore wherever

their vital organs

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are housed inand the your

arms, rather than in the centralbody human stage


Sea stars also have eyes athas the your

tips of their arms. These eyesgive help live

them to

navigate the undersea world,finding grinding wishing

food in both shallow and deepalbum meaning water


Scientists say that the vision ofa it my

sea star is mainly a senseby of up

light and dark. Even

though seabars cones stars

are so dazzlingly colorful, they themselvesask do look

not see any colors.

To feeditself neither together

, the hungry sea star uses tubesleft next on

the bottoms of its arms to

grip hand sit

and pry open clams, oysters, andother rather your

shellfish. Each tube has two glands.

Few No One

gland releases a substance like glue,even how while

the other releases another substance

thatalternates dissolves performs

the first glue-like substance. These samefish pipes tubes

also allow the sea star to

dial hold recall

tightly onto rocks even in crashinglimbs senses waves


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Sea stars do not have blood,but even then

instead they pump seawater through their

bodies minds trees

. They crawl along the ocean floorfor or so

in tidal pools at a speedthat why yet

can seem

amazing. Next time you are at the beach or in an aquarium, why not take a close look at

sea stars and prepare to be awed and fascinated all over again?

DIBELS 8th EditionProgress Monitoring Maze.6.5

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Progress Monitoring Maze 6.5

Name: _________________ Date: _______________

Practice Passage

Tom goes to a school far from his house. Every morning, he

takes a schoolart bus work

to go to school. In theafternoon library morning

, he also

takes a bus home.

Correct: ___________Incorrect: ___________Adjusted Score: _______

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Robert McCloskey

Robert McCloskey was an artist who wrote and illustrated books for children. He is

best known for hisangry picture taste

books Make Way for Ducklings and Blueberries for Sal,

and ever not

also for his chapter books Homer Priceand so yet

Centerburg Tales.

His first love wascolormusicsnow

. As he later recalled, “From theduck time water

my fingers were

long enough tocomb play surf

the scale, I took piano lessons.I She You

started next to play the

harmonica,her on the

drums, and then the oboe. Themusician’s novelist’s wizard’s

life was the life for me –

as that when

is, until I became interested ingenerals symbols things

electrical and mechanical. I collected

oldelectric liquid yellow

motors and bits of wire, oldclocks dogs wallets

and Meccano sets. I built trainsand if yet

cranes with remote controls, my family’s Christmasboxes crimes trees

revolved, lights flashed and

buzzers buzzed,clouds fuses reds

blew and sparks flew. The inventor’scoat gift life

was the life for me

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– thathas is sees

, until I started making drawings forgrade the very

high school annual.’’

It was thenthat unless which

artwork became his major obsession inbook life music

. After high

school, he attended artfuture piece school

in Boston and then in New York City.After Between Down

that, he

lived by the seasideand but where

painted pictures but found it hardfrom so to

sell enough of them

to makea my up

living. It was only when hedeleted gamedstarted

to combine his paintings with words,

in per with

books that drew richly on hisown the what

experiences in life that he became

conscious dreadful successful

. He won prizes and his fameangrily poorly steadily

grew, despite the interruption of

servingdown in till

the armed forces during World War II.

His My No

most famous book, Make Way for Ducklings,had laid ran

its inception in his own

experiencesand of to

walking through downtown Boston every morningfor on then

his way to

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art school. Thatgave kept was

when he noticed how mother ducksflew used would

stop traffic at around

the sameprize sense time

every day by crossing the busyfame street words

to the Public Garden, a park

for in over

the middle of the city. Hecut took was

fascinated by how confident the ducksarmed said were

and by how people would stophis their what

automobiles and wait patiently to letin lost the


cross. Before he wrote andblew drew flew

this book, he brought some babyducks plants prizes

into his

studio and spent monthsblooming studying walking

them and drawing them from everyangle baby seed

. The

resulting book was extremely popular,or so yet

popular that a sculptor made bronze

meals paints statues

of the mother duck and herbelongings ducklings passages

that stand now as a famous

ballpark landmark progress

in the same park.

McCloskey continuedand on to

use people and places from hisduck life plan

in his work.

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His wife andhis son your

daughter Sally appeared in Blueberries for Sal. Near Our The

hill in the

story is ahot real strong

hill that was near their house.It Mom We

took him a long time tobake make save

each of his books, because hecamped ignored wanted

to be true to life.

McCloskeyhit sang won

the Caldecott Medal for Make Way for Ducklings.

Gold He You

won the same medal again afew long only

years later for another book. He was

subsequently named a living legend by the Library of Congress shortly before he died in


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©2020 University of Oregon. All rights reserved.Page 33

Progress Monitoring Maze 6.6

Name: _________________ Date: _______________

Practice Passage

Tom goes to a school far from his house. Every morning, he

takes a schoolart bus work

to go to school. In theafternoon library morning

, he also

takes a bus home.

Correct: ___________Incorrect: ___________Adjusted Score: _______

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There’s a movie from the 1990s called “The Fugitive” based on a TV show with the

same name from the 1960s. The story in the movie isbasically confidently privately

the same as in the

show:an he your

innocent man named Richard Kimble isextremely positively wrongfully

convicted of a crime,

and onhis my we

way to prison he escapes fromcustody tradition witness

. He gets away, changes his

appearance,and not too

then goes around the country tryingat to with

locate the evidence he needs

tofilm lose prove

his innocence. Meanwhile, a dedicated teamby of to

U.S. Marshals is hunting for

him,and or so

whenever the Marshals get too close,he its you

must move on quickly or else

hide jump risk

being recaptured.

Before his arrest, Kimbleset told was

a doctor, but now that hebegs is says

on the run from

the police,he she you

makes his living by working atglorious nervous various

menial jobs for low pay. He

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shows tries wins

to stay clear of any placeabout how where

he might be recognized. He doesever not often

associate with people who he thinksgivelike might

be able to guess his realidentity people question

. When

he is cornered, he alwaysfinds grows saves

a clever way to get free,no the yet

matter how hopeless the

situation appears.From There Who

is something so decent about Kimblebut once that

it is hard not to

sympathizeafter on with

him and hope he finds abunk joke way

out of his predicament soon.

Thegame point sense

of telling you about the storyas in of

Dr. Kimble is so you’ll understand

any even why

my father named the stray dog Kimble.Lost The Your

dog just showed up one night.

He I One

had no collar and no tags,and but the

where he’d come from we didn’thave know want


We already had a dog named Atlas,both so who

was a big dog with perkycars ears gloves


fluffy black and brown fur. Kimblesave told would

visit our backyard and play with Atlas,it me who

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was chained to his doghouse. Atlasdig fed was

a good dog, but without thebark chain link

he would

run off to visitif the your

duck pond beyond the wooded areahim that will

bordered our backyard.

He could getchimps ticks wings

or fleas or run into ahike race skunk

in those woods.

Kimble acted friendlyand ever for

playful, and soon Atlas didn’t mindfrom so when

he ate

from his food dishif or why

slurped water from his bowl. Onedream night show

it was raining really

hard, somine they we

asked our father if we couldbuy do let

Kimble sleep inside the house, and

he its you

said okay.

My mother gave Kimblea no or

bath and treated him with tickand not was

flea spray. The

next morning whenit my we

put Atlas on his chain, Kimblefixed read stayed

close by. He came when

wecalled talked went

him. And he sat when weate ran said

, “Kimble, sit!” We were all amazedat on then

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how smart and gentle he was.Each He It

was hard to imagine how heended lasted traded

up a stray,

fending for himself.

By The Your

fugitive dog stayed with us forabout much softly

a month before he moved on. We

never saw him again, but we were all sure he was innocent.

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niversity of Oregon. A

ll rights reserved.

Maze Adjusted Score


























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