
Progress from Edit 1 to Edit 2

Progress from Edit 1 to Edit 2SoundIn our first edit we had very minimal sound. In our second edit we included some non diagetic incidental music as well as some more sound effects e.g breathing, punch, bash on the table. This helped to create more tension within our opening sequence, making the audience feel even more on edge. More scenesIn our first edit we hadnt included the office scene we had filmed. This meant that our opening sequence started with the chase sequence scene. In our second edit we made sure we included this into the beginning of our opening to create a stronger narrative.

Finer editingIn comparison to the first edit, the second edit we cut down the chase sequence some more. Some of the people we got feedback from commented on how the chase sequence was too long so we cut this down to make it more exciting and engaging. We also cut down the hospital scene some more because we felt this was too long also.We changed some of the shots in this scene around as well to help have a clearer narrative. We did this because the main convention of action thriller films is that it has a fast pace between different shots, making it more thrilling.TransitionsOur first edit was very rough so we did not have any transitions. For example the shot where Ingrid is lying on the floor cut straight to the hospital scene. To help this flow more we added a cross dissolve transition in between these two shots and we felt this worked well.TitlingIn our second edit we adding a couple titles. We added A film by Runaway Productions after the office scene. We added the film title INGRID at the very end of our opening. These two aspects help the audience to establish who made the film and what it is actually called, of which they were unaware of in the first edit.

VoiceoverWe also added a voiceover to the end of the hospital scene (an example of non diagetic sound). We felt this was a good choice so that the audience know what the file is about. Also, it is too difficult for the audience to read the words on the file without the voiceover and this would take up too much time.

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