Page 1: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


The magazine of the Leo Baeck Centre for Progressive Judaism

April April April April ---- May 2015May 2015May 2015May 2015 Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan ---- Sivan 5775Sivan 5775Sivan 5775Sivan 5775

INSIDE:INSIDE:INSIDE:INSIDE: Presidential MusingsPresidential MusingsPresidential MusingsPresidential Musings Rabbinic ReflectionsRabbinic ReflectionsRabbinic ReflectionsRabbinic Reflections What’s on at LBCWhat’s on at LBCWhat’s on at LBCWhat’s on at LBC Community NewsCommunity NewsCommunity NewsCommunity News What’s on in the wider What’s on in the wider What’s on in the wider What’s on in the wider communitycommunitycommunitycommunity World NewsWorld NewsWorld NewsWorld News . . . . . and more. . . . . and more. . . . . and more. . . . . and more

31 – 37 Harp Road Kew East Vic 3102 (PO Box 430, Kew East) Telephone: 03 9819 7160 Fax: 03 9859 5417 Web-Site: E-mail: [email protected]


First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April

for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs, a tasty catered menu and great company.

Suitable for all ages. Come along with your family or friends.

Bookings (9819 7160) MUST close 1 pm Monday 30 March.

per adult member $53 per adult non-member $70

per concession member $50 per concession non-member $66

child member (under 13) $22 child non-member (under 13) $40

Our First Day Pesach Shabbat morning service will be at 10 am on Saturday 4 April

We will celebrate Final day Pesach with a Maimuna Activity at 5.30 pm on Friday 10 April

LBC Annual Volunteers Shabbat

If you are a volunteer worker, here at LBC or elsewhere, come along and be honoured at our Volunteers Shabbat service, 10 am on Saturday 9 May. Please let us know if you will be able to join us.

LBC’s Annual

Yom Ha’Atzmaut Dinner

Tony Kerron will tell us about ‘The Jews of England’.

7 pm Saturday 18 April 2015

For bookings, ring Office or go to - Full details available after payment.

Three course meal

$53 per person, beverages extra.

Our Yom Ha’Atzmaut dinners are always enjoyable events.

Page 2: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


The LBC Annual General Meeting is on March 29. It is a time for Board members to generate committee reports, and for the Treasurer to have the accounts audited. Due to the nature of the reports we must take stock and review what has happened over the past year. My first thought in this process was how fast the year had passed! It has certainly been busy. We started with a workshop of Board and community members to

determine our vision and a strategy plan.

New committees were formed and some old ones changed. Not everything we did was a success. But overall we have largely succeeded. The new Communications Committee has managed the successful transfer of the LBC web site to another service provider. We have plans for a major overhaul of the web site in the coming year. Our Facebook page has been transformed and we have reached out to a large audience.

There are a number of committees and working groups that are not represented on the Board but quietly go about their essential business. I am especially thinking of the Library Committee. Another example is the monthly Chavurah lunch, essentially organized by one person from the House of Study Committee. Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah mentors regularly volunteer their time to lead discussions and visit sites of Jewish significance with our Bar/Bat

Mitzvah students.

Two new groups were formed this year and are now thriving: the Active Retirees Group and the Book Club. However without the enthusiastic leadership of members of our community they would not exist today.

A CongSpace working group has been formed to oversee the implementation of our new Congregational Management System. We are always trying to find ways to do more with less. CongSpace promises to significantly reduce the effort spent by better automating many of our office staff’s tasks. Another example of cost reduction is this Profile magazine which has been printed on our in-house

printer, instead of at an expensive external printing facility.

As we have stated previously, “We welcome new ideas and initiatives together with anyone who is interested in volunteering to join a committee or help form a new interest group.” The Book Club and the Active Retirees Group are two examples of such interest groups being formed. There is plenty of room for more.

At the time of writing, it is a few days before Pesach and

we take this opportunity to wish each and every member

of our LBC Community a Chag Sameach.

- David Rose and Mannie Gross

Presidential MusingsPresidential MusingsPresidential MusingsPresidential Musings

Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black may be reached on the LBC Office number, or on [email protected] He is normally unavailable on Thursdays,

except for emergencies.

2014 LBC Executive: (details of incoming 2015 Board will be available next issue) Co-Presidents Mr Mannie Gross 9859 8277 Mr David Rose 9818 6585 Vice President - position vacant Hon. Secretary Dr Tom Beer 9614 3564 Hon. Treasurer Ms Marlis Cohen 9859 2391 Immediate Past President Dr Julie Contole 9853 2057

2014 LBC Board: Mr John Burgess 0419 507 823 Dr George Deutsch 9817 5555 Mr Alan Feldman 0417 312 170 Mr Michael Fink 0409 561 606 Mr Tony Kerron 0424 172 510 Mr Ron Steiner 9818 4665

Ms Lisa Sylvan 9819 4483 Dr Jon Taft 9822 8422 Mr Michael Taft 9429 4408 Mr Martin Toone 0417 551 676 Normal LBC Office hours: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 2 pm Contact through Office: ph: 9819 7160 fax: 9859 5417

Mrs Ruth Jacobs Admin. Secretary Ms Karyn Hall Resource Officer Mr Alan Feldman CARE group Ms Gillian Lubansky Library

LBC contact numbersLBC contact numbersLBC contact numbersLBC contact numbers

Page 3: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


Rabbinic ReflectionRabbinic ReflectionRabbinic ReflectionRabbinic Reflection

More Pesach thoughts. I hope that, after your delicious and plentiful Seder meal, merry with some of the obligated glasses of wine (or grape juice), you open the Haggadah again. There you will find the second part of the seder - not as long as the first, but including the favourite Pesach songs, and starting with Grace after Meals.

Whenever we gather for a Friday night Dinner or a Shabbat chavurah lunch, we also sing this series of quotes and blessings, starting with Psalm 126, 'Shir Hama'alot', meaning 'a song of ascents'. The root of Ma'alot is 'Aliyah' going up, as in going up to the Torah, or going up to Israel. And of course, at Pesach we celebrate the going up from the slavery and oppression of Egypt to the freedom of the desert, en route to Mt Sinai, Torah and 'The Promised Land'.

Mystically speaking, there are thought to be 'seven levels', and we should seek to lift ourselves up from the basic level of the material world, the 'eating to survive' level. Saying blessings over food is a way to do this. When we pause, until we are all ready, and then

acknowledge that we are lucky to have enough to eat, that God has provided, then we are already elevating ourselves to a higher level. Animals do not do this, but just get their 'snouts in the trough'.

Shir Hama'alot was sung as our ancient ancestors, three times a year, took their offerings to the Temple in Jerusalem. As they climbed the steps to enter the Temple Mount (the very steps which you can once again climb in the Gardens of the Southern Wall, or Ophel), this song would be sung. For ma'alot is a derivative meaning from Aliyah, going up, and can also mean the means of going up, ie 'steps'. Hence the construct, 'ma'alei' meaning 'steps of', as in 'Ma'alei Adumim', the 'Steps of Redness' or 'The Red Steps', or perhaps 'Red Steppes' (a reference to the red mountains of Jordan across the valley?), the large new city not far from Jerusalem in the Judean desert.

But, whilst thanking God and recognising how lucky we are to have enough to eat is a good step above simply eating like animals, we can easily take it another step. Realising how lucky we are, we can also acknowledge that there are many, even in our Melbourne and wider Victorian and Australian society, who do not always have enough to eat, who struggle to get sufficient healthy, nourishing food, or whose children go hungry. Pausing to say Birkat HaMazon - a Blessing over the Food - should remind us not only that we are lucky - but also that we are God's tools - that we can help others as well.

And so, as this Pesach approaches, may I offer you a way - may I ask you to support a campaign - that comes from our Progressive movement, and which offers a very practical way to support those less fortunate than we are? I have sent them a modest $25 (which is tax deductible). If three more of you did this, we'd be contributing $100. If 39 of you did, a substantial $1000 from our community would be going to help those who do not have enough to eat this Pesach. And you can give at any time, for example just one or two people's place value at a Bat or Bar Mitzvah Kiddush or Wedding meal, or even a small, standing, monthly donation. This scheme takes its name from the Grace after Meals - it is called Mazon (Food). Please consider supporting it - and, as you celebrate this Pesach, elevate your Seder to an

even higher level.

Details for Mazon can be found below

Chag Sameiach

Rabbi Jonathan, Sue, Naomi and Adam

1 Adar 5775 - 20 February 2015

“When Adar enters, joy increases…

The arrival of the Hebrew month of Adar signals that in just six weeks Jews throughout Australia will gather at their Seder tables to celebrate Pesach. Most will be fortunate to enjoy sumptuous feasts and the warm company of friends and family. At the same time, however, individuals near to home - in the cities of Australia and in its rural outback - will go to bed without sufficient food to eat. For them, the “bread of affliction” is not a symbol but a constant and unwanted companion. This year, the incongruity of our celebration and their suffering can be made less acute by making a simple, tax-deductible donation to the Mazon Australia Pesach Appeal.

Making this small gesture will raise awareness around the table of the importance our people attach to ma’achil re’evim (feeding the hungry). Supporting Mazon Australia at Pesach also gives concrete expression to the imperative found at the very start of the Pesach narrative: “Let all who are hungry come and eat …”

To make your contribution to Mazon Australia and to join with Progressive Jews throughout the region, who are working to relieve the hunger of the poorest among us, you may give in one of a number of ways:

1. Electronic Banking: Account Name: Mazon Australia Bank: Commonwealth BSB: 062 198 Acct #: 10687728

2. By phone (for credit card payments): (02) 9413 1282

3. Cheques may be made out to "Mazon Australia" and sent to: The Union for Progressive Judaism 28 Chatswood Avenue, Chatswood, NSW, 2067

Please be sure to provide your full name, postal address and email address, especially if making an online transfer. A tax-deductible receipt will be provided.

Chag Kasher v'Sameach and thank you for your generosity.

Rabbi Gary J Robuck

Chair, Mazon Australia

Page 4: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


What’s on at LBCWhat’s on at LBCWhat’s on at LBCWhat’s on at LBC

We invite you to bring your younger family members to our activity - Friday Night Kids - from 5 to 5.30 pm, usually on the third Friday in the month. Further dates planned at present is 15 May. There will be no session in April.

The activity provides a short opportunity to have a story and sing some Shabbat songs and share candle-lighting and challah before everyone goes home to their own Shabbat dinner, or to stay for our Soul Shabbat.

Our popular Friday Night Soul Shabbat dinners are held on the 3rd Friday of every month following our service, with music by The Accidentals. The dinners are two courses and consist of a meat-free main meal and a dessert. Each dinner provides a ‘themed’ menu.

While everyone is welcome to come to the service, and obviously there is no charge for it, dinners cost $12 for

adults and $40 per family. You must RSVP by 5 pm the Thursday prior to the dinner for catering purposes. Bookings can be made through the LBC office on 9819 7160 or online, through

Our next scheduled session is 15 May. There will be no session in April.

If you are interested in assisting with these functions or want more information, contact the LBC Office.

6.30 pm: Second Friday of the month

Most of us enjoy the social contact of dining with friends and family. Much is made of the statement that “More than the Jewish people have kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jewish People”! So, for several years, on the first Friday of the month, we have been bringing Shabbat out to our members’ homes, all over the area.

You offer your home, and tell us how many people you can manage – it might be informal buffet eating or sitting at the table – and from eight people upwards.

We bring prayer books, Kiddush wine, challah etc, and Rabbi Jonathan leads an informal musical service with the guitar from 6.30 till 7.15 pm. We then enjoy dinner. Guests are asked to bring a contribution for the meal. The LBC office acts as a booking agency and menu co-ordinator. The exact address is only divulged to the booked members attending. All the well-fed and chattering visitors usually depart by around 10 pm.

Our next Shabbat at Home in this format will be on 8 May, and you need to contact the Office for details. If you want to be part of a communal meal in April, please join us for our Pesach seder on 3 April (see front page). And in June — see item at right for our special event!

So, to bring LBC’s Shabbat to your home, all you need do is decide how many you can seat, and set the table. Or please book to come along. Looking forward to hearing

from you – 9819 7160.

Please remember we have a small Judaica Shop with a range of ritual items, including Kippot, and yahrzeit candles. We also have books, and jewellery and other items of interest.

Do have a good look - and ask us if there

is something else you would like us to stock. Purchases can be made during LBC Office hours.

When: Friday 12 June, 6.00-7.30 pm Where: North Fitzroy In June our regular ‘Erev Shabbat at Home’ will become an ‘outreach’ event. We’ll have a ‘pot luck’ vegetarian meal in a beautiful setting, with traditional blessings and songs and lots of Shabbat spirit.

This event is open to all LBC members and to anyone in the community who has a Jewish heritage or

connection. We encourage everyone to join us, particularly families with children (pre-school, primary school and high school age). We are aiming to reach out in particular to people in the inner northern suburbs. And we are relying on our own LBC members to invite their friends and family members.

For more information or to tell us that you’ll be attending, ring or email our office (9819 7160; [email protected]).

Once you register, we’ll provide a map and more details about what you should bring and what we will provide.

Make a note in your diary now to come along and bring your family and friends.

Let us bring Shabbat to you Let us bring Shabbat to you Let us bring Shabbat to you Let us bring Shabbat to you –––– or come and join us for Shabbat at home!or come and join us for Shabbat at home!or come and join us for Shabbat at home!or come and join us for Shabbat at home!

LBC’s Judaica ShopLBC’s Judaica ShopLBC’s Judaica ShopLBC’s Judaica Shop Friday Night KidsFriday Night KidsFriday Night KidsFriday Night Kids

Erev Shabbat ‘Soul’ ServiceErev Shabbat ‘Soul’ ServiceErev Shabbat ‘Soul’ ServiceErev Shabbat ‘Soul’ Service

PopPopPopPop----up Shabbat Dinnerup Shabbat Dinnerup Shabbat Dinnerup Shabbat Dinner

Page 5: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


LBC Care CommitteeLBC Care CommitteeLBC Care CommitteeLBC Care Committee

Boroondara lecture on Sir John MonashBoroondara lecture on Sir John MonashBoroondara lecture on Sir John MonashBoroondara lecture on Sir John Monash

Social Activities through LBCSocial Activities through LBCSocial Activities through LBCSocial Activities through LBC

Our next meeting: 7.30 pm Sunday 12 April LBC.

Fay Kaufman will be leading a discussion on the book ‘Memories after my Death' by Yail Lapid.

Fay would like you to know that copies of the book may not readily available in your local library or via inter-library loan so you may have to consider buying a copy from the internet.

Starts from LBC on a Friday - if you wish to join us for a brisk walk for an hour or so please contact Kathy on 0408 564 817. You’ll have great exercise, good company and conversation, and the chance of seeing unusual local sights.

Could you have imagined a pony trap with attendant dog in Hays Paddock?

We will again be selling the Book, as a Fundraiser for LBC. See the enclosed flyer for full details, and don’t miss out on all the useful discounts available. You can certainly pre-order if you wish. We will have copies in the office from noon on 27 April. And remember, digital memberships are now available.

As part of the ‘Gallipoli and Beyond 2015’ celebrations, the City of Boroondara is sponsoring a lecture on Sir John Monash, to be delivered by our own Albert Isaacs. This will take place at LBC at 7.30 pm on Thursday 23 April.

If you are interested — simply come along.

Gold Coin donation

Our Care Committee, under the leadership of Board Member Alan Feldman, sees its role as offering what assistance it can to LBC members who need it. This may include visiting the sick or recently bereaved, assisting negotiations with aid authorities on behalf of members, or attending Minyanim here at LBC to help with suppers.

If you need assistance please ring the LBC Office on (9819 7160) and someone from the Care Committee will contact you.

Leo Baeck invites you to Xocolatl, at 7.30 pm on Monday 27 April.

Come and learn about

how fine chocolate is made right on our door step, using the finest

ingredients. You will learn, be given plenty of chocolate to taste as well as a little show bag to take home. You will also finish off the evening by having the best hot chocolate you have ever tasted, there are a few flavours to choose from. Yum, yum!!

Numbers are strictly limited. Please book as early as you can on or at the Leo Baeck office. The cost is $20 per person. For more information please contact Chrys Polack on 0425 339 959

Also see advance notice of this year’s visit to the Lyon Housemuseum — page 7.

We are planning a range of activities!

The Telelink Conference Program began in 2003. It is a free weekly program that begins each Friday at 4 pm and concludes with the blessing of the Shabbat candles at 4.45 pm. Philosophical, religious, and social topics are offered for discussion. Telelink provides a wonderful opportunity for people in our community who may be isolated in their homes, to enjoy this weekly program, and to make contact with one another.

At present no vacancies are available. To go on the waiting list, contact Dorothea on 9836 7741 or at [email protected]

What’s on at LBCWhat’s on at LBCWhat’s on at LBCWhat’s on at LBC

LBC Book ClubLBC Book ClubLBC Book ClubLBC Book Club

LBC’s Telelink ProgramLBC’s Telelink ProgramLBC’s Telelink ProgramLBC’s Telelink Program

LBC Walking GroupLBC Walking GroupLBC Walking GroupLBC Walking Group

2015 Entertainment Book2015 Entertainment Book2015 Entertainment Book2015 Entertainment Book

Page 6: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


Regular activities at Leo Baeck CentreRegular activities at Leo Baeck CentreRegular activities at Leo Baeck CentreRegular activities at Leo Baeck Centre

Regular happenings at LBCRegular happenings at LBCRegular happenings at LBCRegular happenings at LBC

Regular happenings at LBCRegular happenings at LBCRegular happenings at LBCRegular happenings at LBC

Shabbat ServicesShabbat ServicesShabbat ServicesShabbat Services

Israeli DancingIsraeli DancingIsraeli DancingIsraeli Dancing

Beyachad Welcomes New MembersBeyachad Welcomes New MembersBeyachad Welcomes New MembersBeyachad Welcomes New Members

Every Saturday morning, throughout the year, we hold our Shabbat services from 10 to approximately noon.

Sometimes we celebrate a special event at our services – a baby-naming, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, an Aufruf prior to a wedding, or a more secular event. Everyone is welcome, and we look forward to you joining in our regular prayers. And please stay afterwards to share in our Kiddush. Please discuss with us your options if you wish to sponsor a Kiddush for a special occasion in your life.

At our service on 9 May we welcome all our volunteers -inside and outside the Leo Baeck community. Do come and help us honour them.

We follow our fourth Shabbat service of the month with a shared BYO non-meat Chavurah lunch at which there is usually a guest speaker.

On the second Friday of the month we offer an Erev Shabbat at Home (see page 4 for details) in a private home, and at LBC we have a monthly Friday Night Kids

activity, and a musical Soul Shabbat service followed by a themed communal dinner, usually on the third Friday (also outlined on page 4).

Beyachad (‘Together’) Choir

Beyachad is again experiencing a year of joyful singing, building on our previous accomplishments, such as singing for residents of Jewish aged care facilities, which reminded us how much pleasure music gives to people. Our Yiddish and Hebrew repertoire had residents singing along with us and tapping and clapping the beat. This year we will include a few such gigs, as well as our regular rehearsals, in our schedule.

As always, we welcome new members, no matter what your skill level or previous experience. We offer a supportive and friendly environment in which everyone is valued and which provides opportunities for each of us to progress at our own pace. Participants are gently guided and encouraged by our fantastic musical leader,

Sarah Mandie.

Rehearsals are held at a private home fortnightly on a Thursday evening during state school terms. If you would like more information or want to try us out, during April,

please ring Rena (9853 8575) or Ruth (9817 4122). In

May, please ring Julie on 0417 397 050

Our classes have been thriving for some years now, and if you’d like to have fun and keep fit, come along every

Tuesday and join in the fun (see diary, centre pages) Beginners 9.30 am Intermediate 10.30 am $7 donation per person per session

Are you finding it harder to do things you used to do? Wanting to do something beneficial and meet new people all at the same time?

Why not join our strength training group every Wednesday morning at 9.30 am. Our classes are led by a trained Exercise Physiologist employed by JewishCare and are suitable for the 65-99 age group.

Strength Training offers many health benefits to people of all ages.

Regular resistance exercise:

• improves your strength and flexibility, helping

you to maintain your ability to do everyday tasks.

• develops stronger muscles to improve endurance

so you can do more without fatiguing so quickly

• decreases arthritic pain by strengthening the

supporting muscles of an arthritic joint to ease the strain on the joint. It has been proven that exercising an arthritic joint is as effective as taking medication.

• helps to improve bone density

• helps to reduce the risk of falls and injury

• helps to manage diabetes by improving blood

sugar control and lowers insulin resistance, or helps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

• can be an effective way to prevent or manage

mild anxiety and depression by stimulating the pleasure centre in the brain.

If you are interested in joining the class call Sandra Felman at JewishCare’s Active Living Centre on 85086312 or 85086310 Monday – Thursday.

Classes take place during alternate terms at Leo Baeck Centre and Kew Hebrew Congregation. Term 2 classes will be at Kew Hebrew Congregation.

Two virtually new, pre-loved, bushwalker backpacks are seeking new home(s).

Please contact 0417 551 676 if you would like one.

Exercise for the Young at Heart.Exercise for the Young at Heart.Exercise for the Young at Heart.Exercise for the Young at Heart.

And do you need a backpack?And do you need a backpack?And do you need a backpack?And do you need a backpack?

Page 7: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


LBC’s Active RetireesLBC’s Active RetireesLBC’s Active RetireesLBC’s Active Retirees

Our active Retirees group, which commenced meeting late in 2014, has settled in to its chug bayit (the home being LBC) on Monday afternoons. We plan to usually meet at 2pm. When we have a shared BYO lunch (no meat please) we will start at 12.30 pm.

We offer a varied program of activities and we request a gold coin donation per session.

We are taking up many of the suggestions put forward at our inaugural meeting: speakers, films, debates, and other activities with a Jewish theme.

Ruth Taft has agreed to convene the group, and asks that you come with specific suggestions for speakers, activities etc so that plans can be made for the weeks ahead.

Some of our forward plans are:

• 13 April: Lilian and Jack talk about living between

Balwyn and Israel

• 20 April: Kathy Deutsch speaks about

Regina Jonas, the world’s first woman rabbi. (see page 10).

• 27 April: BYO lunch to share 12.30 start

• 4 May: film Gorillas in the Mist + brief talk on

trekking with gorillas We want to provide what you want — so please give us your input, or volunteer to share your expertise with us.

For further information on any of these activities, or suggestions for others, please contact Ruth Taft on [email protected] or through the LBC Office.

Repeat of popular visit to the Lyon Housemuseum

On Sunday June 21, 25 LBC members and friends will have another chance to visit the Lyon Housemuseum.

The group that visited last year was delighted with this Kew home which houses an important contemporary art collection including paintings, sculpture, video work and installations by many of Australia's

leading contemporary artists.

We will be shown around by the owner and afterwards will have a BYO shared lunch at the home of Kathy and George Deutsch who live nearby.

You can check out the Housemuseum at Please be aware that the museum extends on to an upper floor, and stair-climbing will be necessary.

Our tour starts at 10 am, at a cost of $25 per head.

Please book and pay early as we are only able to take 25 people.

Bronia Kornhauser (centre) with Mannie Gross and Evelyne Perks after her fascinating presentation on Australian Jewish Music at our

LBC Annual Lecture

Our new front garden is starting to grow and if you should want to sit quietly and contemplate it, our new bench

is a great place to view it from.

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We ‘profile’ Kathy and George DeutschWe ‘profile’ Kathy and George DeutschWe ‘profile’ Kathy and George DeutschWe ‘profile’ Kathy and George Deutsch

A musical thread weaves its way through the story of George and Kathy Deutsch with an old and treasured family viola de gamba and viola being in their proud possession today.

Kathy’s orthodox maternal grandparents, Siegfried and Rosalie Markus came from German Kattowitz. When Poland took over in 1921, they lost their department store business and home, moved to Breslau and began again. They had two daughters, Edith (b 1909 was Kathy’s mother) and Irmgard (Irmy) (b 1911). Siegfried, the son of a cantor, had seven brothers and one sister and his brother Joseph had a daughter Gerda who married Fred Blassberg. Their daughter, Margaret Masur, is also an LBC member. In 1938, Irmy and husband Lutz Schlesinger together with Gerda and Fred Blassberg moved to Melbourne and Kathy’s grandparents followed a year later. Fortunately most of the family survived the holocaust.

In 1932 while still a student, Kathy’s mother, Edith, married the cellist and law student Gerard Cibulski. A year later they moved to Ireland where they

were regular Shabbat guests of Rabbi Herzog and became fond of their young son Chaim, the future president of Israel. Nine months later they moved to London where Michael was born in 1935 and they changed their surname to Martin.

Kathy joined the family in 1943 after they had set up house in Oxford and one year later the marriage dissolved. In 1952, by which time Edith’s parents had died, Edith and the children joined other family members in Melbourne. Kathy recalls how at age eight, a few days after arriving in Melbourne, she attended her first synagogue service at TBI Eastern suburbs, the predecessor of LBC, and was instantly won over by the music. Edith, a kinder teacher who had known Rabbi Sanger in Breslau, opened the first kinder at TBI and later taught Sunday School at LBC.

Kathy grew up in Toorak and was educated at the local state school and McRobertson Girls High School. She completed a science degree at Melbourne University majoring in genetics, married in 1965, (more of that later) and worked prior to family. When the children were at school, studies were resumed in psychology and Kathy completed a B. Ed. from Monash University. Her career path moved into road safety research where Kathy devel-oped a new system of licence testing and obtained a bus driver’s licence along the way. She moved into organizational psychology and ultimately set up her own practice at home in vocational psychology and career counselling. This continued for ten years till ill health intervened.

George’s paternal grandparents, Adolph (a bookkeeper) and Sina Deutch, were middle class Viennese Jews who had four sons, Max, Alfred, Ernest and Hugo.

Ernest (b 1900) was a violinist for silent films, a tennis coach, a soccer player and together with George’s mother Johanna, known as Hansi, ran a store selling chicken products. They also operated a ski school where, at that time, Ernest was the only certified Jewish, Austrian ski instructor. Hansi, whose family ran a knitwear factory, was the Austrian ski slalom champion in 1935.

A joint passport, which Hansi and Ernest had previously acquired to honeymoon climbing in the Dolomites, enabled the couple to move to France after Kristallnacht when Hansi found a job there. Ernest joined the French Foreign Legion and was sent to Algiers. When the Foreign Legion demobilized in 1941, Ernest, now a corporal, was persuaded by his colleague, Georges Barbiers, to join him in Lyons where he was offered both shelter and employment and was joined by Hansi. George was born in 1942. At the time of the Paris roundup of Jews, Ernest and Hansi together with six months old George, tried to escape to Switzerland. They joined a group who paid a people smuggler to lead them across the Alps but were turned back at the border. While the rest of the group were captured by the Gestapo, Ernest, Hansi and George escaped and retuned to Lyons where they remained for the rest of the war. Ernest’s brother Alfred, a ‘Dunera Boy’, brought George and his parents to Melbourne in

1949. With his prior skills in developing kitchen furniture, Ernest became a cabinet maker, crafting special pieces of commissioned furniture from his workrooms in Railway Parade,


George’s parents became anti religious as a result of their wartime experiences but they were culturally, proudly Jewish. When George was approaching Bar Mitzvah age, family friends, the Blassbergs (Kathy’s relations), persuaded them to send George to Sunday School at TBI Eastern suburbs

which led to Rabbi Sanger conducting George’s Bar Mitzvah.

George was educated at Camberwell State, Central and High schools and then studied Engineering at Melbourne University where he completed his PhD working on Silo flow behaviour, a project of interest to, and funded by, the Atomic Energy Commission. Subsequently George became a director of Hardcastle and Richards, Consulting Engineers specializing in mining, bridges, heavy engineering and off shore petroleum. 1985 saw a shift to the public service where George became head of engineering with V Line for four years. He subsequently set up his own private consultancy from home, concentrating on mining, arbitration and transport planning both locally and overseas.

Kathy and George met at the Lorne Grove youth group and again when Kathy was in Year 12 and needed some extra help with physics. George was invited to be her tutor, a close friendship developed and they became active members of the B’nai B’rith youth.

Rabbi Sanger married Kathy and George in January 1965 at TBI where they became members until moving to Mont Albert and joining the LBC. They have two daughters, Jenny (b 1968) and Carolyn (b 1970). Jenny studied occupational therapy and is now a private consultant. She is married to David Robinson and they have three children, Ellie and Joel who celebrated B’nai Mitzvot at LBC and Mia. Music continues into this generation with Eli playing the flute and Joel the violin and euphonium, while Mia is a gymnast. Caroline, married to Russell Anderson, completed an M.Sc. in Environmental Science, and worked in this area in - concludes on page 12

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Once again we thank Paula Messer for her careful proof-reading. We apologise for any remaining errors.

Community News Community News Community News Community News

Congratulations toCongratulations toCongratulations toCongratulations to

Condolences toCondolences toCondolences toCondolences to

Ruth Beilin and family on the death of her father, Horace.

Special birthdaysSpecial birthdaysSpecial birthdaysSpecial birthdays

Special wedding anniversariesSpecial wedding anniversariesSpecial wedding anniversariesSpecial wedding anniversaries

April: Beryl and John Langer Annette and Roger McCleery

May: Janet and Peter Bau Shirley and Moss Cass Claire and Maurice Duband

Our very much appreciated volunteersOur very much appreciated volunteersOur very much appreciated volunteersOur very much appreciated volunteers

Sue Aarons, Ailsa Jean, Marlis Cohen, Kathy Deutsch, Mathi Gottlieb-Drucker, Alison Harcourt, Albert Isaacs, Jeanne Isaacs-Armitage, Christine Lederman, Gillian Lubansky, Terri Nathan, Sharon Marmor, Paula Messer, Herme Rabl, Tanya Warms, Jerry Winston, Helen Wolfram

and to all our Board Members and others who continue to generously donate their time and efforts throughout the year to committees and other activities, and event planning such as those who helped out on Mitzvah Day; and also to anyone whose name has been inadvertently omitted.

We apologise to Ron Taft — last issue we meant to congratulate him on his Jubilee Award from the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia for 50 years of service: but the gremlins got the entry.

And again to Ron Taft, on the occasion of the engagement of his granddaughter Georgia to Ethan.

To Ganit and Daniel Taft and Nathan on the birth of their son and brother Jonah; to grandparents Margi and Jon Taft; and to great-grandfather Eric Taft.

Paulette Bancroft on the birth of her granddaughter Ally.


Gary Adler Elisabeth Blake Charikar

Anne Epstein Cyril Holsman Albert Isaacs Ruth Jacobs Akiv Joseph

Henrietta Kaye Zelema Levy

Susanna Siegal Michael Taft Robyn Taft


Eva Braham Zoe Damman Simon Goodrich Lisa Sylvan

New members since last ProfileNew members since last ProfileNew members since last ProfileNew members since last Profile

Liv Cameron Judith Choate Jeremy Rosenthal and Anastasia Pellicano (Friend of LBC) with Laura and Sophie Peter Silberberg and Tanja Greulich (Friend of LBC) with Marli and Lolah

We sincerely thank all of you who have made donations to the Leo Baeck Centre.

Anonymous, P Bethune, P Bliss, L & M Bloom, R Brown, M & S Cass, J Cohen and E Perks, M Cohen,

G & K Deutsch, V Falk, M Gottlieb-Drucker, J & B Hand, S Heller, J & G Isaac, A & D Kerron, F Kaufman, M Korn,

R Krause-Hale, D Meadow, D & F Nassau, K Opeskin & T Warms J Orkin & M Petterson, D Prinsley,

C Riess & J Contole, R Shapero, L & M Sharpe, G & S Shiff, R & J Solomon, G Svenger, R & V Switzky, E Taft, I Traeger, D Tropp-Boas, W Will, M & J Witt

As usual, we particularly thank the ‘repeat donors’ on this

list, and we apologise for any errors or omissions.

Thoughtful People (21 Jan Thoughtful People (21 Jan Thoughtful People (21 Jan Thoughtful People (21 Jan ---- 16 Mar 2015)16 Mar 2015)16 Mar 2015)16 Mar 2015)

Following the devastation caused by cyclone Pam in Vanuatu, we have sent a $500 contribution on behalf of the LBC community.

This is from our Tzedek (Righteousness) Disaster Fund.

Your generous contributions in response to tragedy or to mark a celebration or commemorate a loved one is always welcome to make sure we have funds available to respond to crisis when needed.

Rabbi Jonathan

Vanuatu and our Tzedek FundVanuatu and our Tzedek FundVanuatu and our Tzedek FundVanuatu and our Tzedek Fund

Page 10: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


Wed 1 Apr 10.30 am: Exercise for the Young at Heart @ LBC Fri 3 Apr Office closed 6 for 6.30 pm: LBC Communal Seder Sat 4 Apr 10 am: Pesach Shabbat morning service Tue 7 Apr 9.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Beginners 10.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Intermediate Fri 10 Apr Office Closed 5.30 pm: End of Pesach Maimuna and Erev Shabbat

Sat 11 Apr 10 am: Shabbat morning service Sun 12 Apr 7.30 pm: Book Club Mon 13 Apr 2 pm: Active Retirees — Lil and Jack Cohen will talk to us about their lives living part time in Australia and part time in Israel 5 pm: BM Class 5 pm: Sh'ma Program 7 pm: Board Meeting Tue 14 Apr 9.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Beginners 10.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Intermediate Wed 15 Apr 7.30 pm: Yom HaShoah commemoration Fri 17 Apr 9.15 am: Morning walk 6.30 pm: Netzer Kabbalat Shabbat Sat 18 Apr 1o am: Shabbat morning service 7 pm: Yom Ha’Atzmaut dinner (see front page) Mon 20 Apr 2 pm: Active Retirees— Kathy Deutsch talks about Rabbi Regina Jonas (see item at right) 5 pm: BM Class 5 pm: Sh'ma Program Tue 21 Apr 9.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Beginners 10.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Intermediate Thu 23 Apr 7.30 pm: Talk on Sir John Monash (see page 5) Fri 24 Apr 9.15 am: Morning walk

Sat 25 Apr 10 am: Shabbat morning service 12.30 pm: Chavurah (shared) BYO non-meat lunch

Mon 27 Apr 12.30 pm:Active Retirees — Lunch at LBC; bring your own contribution to share. 5 pm: BM Class 5 pm: Sh'ma Program 7.30 pm: Chocolate outing — see page 5 Tue 28 Apr 9.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Beginners 10.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Intermediate

Regina Jonas—the world’s first woman rabbi

Monday April 20 at 2 pm Everyone is welcome to the afternoon being organised by LBC’s Active Retirees Group.

Rabbi Jonathan will dedicate a memorial plaque in honour of Rabbi Jonas; a recently-made film will be shown; and Kathy Deutsch will speak about Rabbi Jonas and how the world forgot she had existed until her story was discovered almost 50 years after she had been murdered in Auschwitz.

Her plaque on our Memorial Wall was donated by an LBC member who was moved by Regina Jonas’ story.

Our calendar April . . . . Our calendar April . . . . Our calendar April . . . . Our calendar April . . . .

RuthRuthRuthRuth----inininin----thethethethe----Office takes LSLOffice takes LSLOffice takes LSLOffice takes LSL

Ruth will be taking Long Service Leave from 2 pm on Thursday 9 April and will be returning at 9 am on Tuesday 9 June.

Staffing arrangements in her absence will be that Michelle will be employed to substitute for Ruth on Tuesdays,

Wednesdays and Thursdays while, as usual, Karyn will be here on Mondays and Wednesdays. The Office will not be open on Fridays from 2 pm 27 March until 9 am 12 June, after Ruth’s return.

If you need the services of Bet Olam Progressive Funerals, please ring them direct on 9883 6237 (and follow the prompts). During this time, if there is any other urgent matter about which you need to contact us when the Office staff are not available, please ring Julie on 0417 397 050 (although she will also be away in April)

Of course, as always, you can choose to leave a clear and concise message on our answer machine (on 9819 7160) which will be responded to as soon as possible.

Page 11: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


Join us for ShavuotJoin us for ShavuotJoin us for ShavuotJoin us for Shavuot

. . . . and May. . . . and May. . . . and May. . . . and May

Fri 1 May 9.15 am: Morning walk Sat 2 May 10 am: Shabbat morning service Sun 3 May 3 pm: BM Workshop/Mentoring 6 pm: Yes officer program Mon 4 May 2 pm: Active Retirees 5 pm: BM Class 5 pm: Sh'ma Program Tue 5 May 9.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Beginners 10.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Intermediate Fri 8 May 9.15 am: Morning walk 6.30 pm: Erev Shabbat at Home - call 9819 7160

for details Sat 9 May 10 am: Shabbat morning service — Volunteers Shabbat Mon 11 May 2 pm: Active Retirees 5 pm: BM Class 5 pm: Sh'ma Program 7 pm: Board Meeting Tue 12 May 9.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Beginners 10.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Intermediate Fri 15 May 9.15 am: Morning walk Profile deadline 5 pm: Friday Night Kids 7 pm: Soul Shabbat service 8 pm: Catered dinner—bookings required Sat 16 May 10 am: Shabbat morning service 12.30 pm: Chavurah (shared) non-meat lunch Mon 18 May 2 pm: Active Retirees 5 pm: BM Class 5 pm: Sh'ma Program Tue 19 May 9.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Beginners 10.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Intermediate Fri 22 May 9.15 am: Morning walk 6 pm: Shabbat dinner pop-up Sat 23 May 10 am: Shabbat morning service 8 pm: Erev Shavuot Seder (see item at right) 9 pm-midnight Tikkun Leyl Shavuot

Sun 24 May 10 am: Shavuot Service, including Yizkor 12 noon: TBC Chavurah lunch Mon 25 May 12.30 pm: Active Retirees lunch 5 pm: BM Class 5 pm: Sh'ma Program Tue 26 May 9.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Beginners 10.30 am: Israeli Dancing - Intermediate Thu 28 May 9.30 am: Profile mailout Fri 29 May 9.15 am: Morning walk Sat 30 May 10 am: Shabbat morning service 7.30 pm: Cabaret evening: Gershwin's songbook

Shavuot is one of Judaism’s three pilgrim festivals.

Come along on Saturday evening 23 May to our Festival Service at 8pm followed by Cheesecake Kiddush and Tikkun study session starting at 9, concluding around midnight (though you can of course leave earlier!). The theme for this year’s study is ‘Exiles’ and we’ll be covering the whole sweep of

Jewish history from the biblical Babylonian exile to those from the Arab countries in our own period.

On Sunday morning 24 May the Festival service commences at 10, with a Chavurah lunch at 12.30 (bring dairy foods or salads) to conclude our celebrations.

Come along and share in the celebrations of this harvest festival, dubbed by the Rabbis as Z’man Matan Torateinu, the Festival of the Giving of Torah!

Page 12: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


A MESSAGE FROM A MACHZOR I am a maroon machzor. I am an important book with a special purpose just once each year, proudly wearing my name, 'Gates of Repentance' in gold on my spine and front. I stand on the shelf, ready to be taken to shul for Rosh Hashanah and New Year. But sometimes I am not needed. My owner may have died, or may be overseas. How sad I am then! I know that there are people in shul who have no book in which to follow the service, and cannot read the wise words, the prayers and songs and readings which have so carefully been written and chosen over the generations to be said on these special days. So please, if you know I am going to be left on the shelf again next year, can you give me to the shul instead? Then I'll be able to do my job and help people to reflect and repent and make themselves better for a new start in the new year. Drop me in to the LBC office, or call them on 9819 7160 and they'll arrange to collect me. Many thanks.

Culture at LBCCulture at LBCCulture at LBCCulture at LBC

Join Galit Klas as she sings and recalls the

Gershwin days, along with Yiddish songs.

Show time: Saturday 30 May at 7:30 pm

See insert with booking details this issue.


Viewing times: All week days between 10:00am & 1:30pm Many items are available for purchase.

Come to the CabaretCome to the CabaretCome to the CabaretCome to the Cabaret

-continued from page 8.

East Timor prior to her latest and joyous role in mother-hood. They have two year old Ruben who already loves the music at Friday night tots and a new baby, Asher.

When the girls joined B’nai B’rith Youth, Kathy and George were led back into Judaism after a period in the wilderness and became active members of the LBC. When Julie Contole invited one of them to join the Board, to her surprise and delight both came on board. George has worn many hats including the refurbishment project,

chairman of the House committee and Security. Kathy took on a fundraising role and amongst other things organized fund raising concerts and is now a member of the social committee.

Keeping the musical thread alive, George plays the treasured viola (left to him by Kathy’s father’s second wife) in the Zelman orchestra which rehearses at LBC. Kathy keeps active both physically and mentally with the LBC walking group, Israeli dancing and the book group and both take great pride and pleasure in their family.

- Profiled by Val Silberberg

Page 13: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


What’s on in our Wider CommunityWhat’s on in our Wider CommunityWhat’s on in our Wider CommunityWhat’s on in our Wider Community

This year’s conference theme is ‘Simcha, Soul and Solidarity’. CONNECTIONS 2015 is essentially a Simcha, of who we are: our differences, our similarities, what we stand for, and why. The conference will offer a wide range of opportunities to nourish the soul; learning, spirituality and various forms of observance that reflect the diversity of our different Progressive communities. By bringing our world-wide family together, the conference will also convey a powerful message of solidarity. With our deep belief in the concept of Peoplehood, CONNECTIONS 2015 will enable us to reiterate and reaffirm our strong, eternal support for Israel.

Find out more and register online at or if you need further information, please email [email protected]

or if you would rather a different Jewish Experience:

UPJ’s Poland-Israel Mission of Heritage and Hope takes place on 7-22 October 2015, and it follows a very

thought-provoking itinerary.

Full details are available at:

Melbourne’s only Jewish Radio station is not a religious station, but rather a station that has Jewish input to its programs.

The station broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not all its slots are filled with discussion, so there is plenty of music.

Progressive Perspective is a vehicle to showcase the Progressive Community with a magazine style format; presenting newsmakers, people who are making a difference to the community, and provides an opportunity to hear a range of views on many issues. The program is broadcast 11 am Wednesdays and repeated 5 pm Fridays

Progressive Perspective is heard on 87.8 FM within 5 km of the Glen Eira Town Hall. Most LBC members will hear it online, or via a free app to load on to a phone or tablet. It’s easily found at Programs are podcast so they are available on demand and past programs can be heard on

Recently Ria and Peter Eisler spoke with Michael about their current exhibition of paintings — at Leo Baeck Centre until 26 April. Michael is seeking someone to work with him on the J-Air project, so that someone else will also have the skills, and can provide support to him. If you are interested,

please email him on [email protected].

Melbourne’s Jewish Radio broadcastsMelbourne’s Jewish Radio broadcastsMelbourne’s Jewish Radio broadcastsMelbourne’s Jewish Radio broadcasts

GoEco invites members of Jewish organizations to participate in their internships and volunteer projects worldwide!

GoEco was created by experienced volunteers for people who are eager to travel and contribute to the communities, wildlife and environments they visit. GoEco offers a selection of excellent yet affordable volunteer opportunities for ecologically and socially conscious travelers in more than 30 countries.

US: +1 646 240 4545 UK: +44 203 318 4004 AU: +61 2 8014 9393 [email protected] (Ed. Note: LBC offers no endorsement of this program, but presents the material for your investigation)

Page 14: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


This edition of Profile was edited by Ruth Jacobs.

Articles are accepted as expressing the views of the author,

and not necessarily those of the Editor. Articles may be edited for reasons of length or clarity.

Advertisements will be accepted, please contact Office for details.

Profile is registered to Australia Post Publication No PP 325 999 10035

Access to EulogiesAccess to EulogiesAccess to EulogiesAccess to Eulogies

Funding your children’s futureFunding your children’s futureFunding your children’s futureFunding your children’s future

A Quiet Contemplative MomentA Quiet Contemplative MomentA Quiet Contemplative MomentA Quiet Contemplative Moment

Rabbi Jonathan keeps electronic copies

of his eulogies. If you should ever require a copy of a particular one, please ask us.

Bequests to Leo Baeck Centre Our Centre, like other synagogues, is dependent on donations to ensure its continuing existence.

If you would like to consider making a bequest in LBC’s favour in your Will, it would be gratefully accepted and used in an appropriate way for the future benefit of our congregation.

Information re a suggested form of words is available from the LBC Office.

May we lie down this night in peace, and rise up to life renewed.

May this night spread over us a canopy of calm, lifted by the blessing of rest.

There will come a time when the morning will bring no word of war, famine or anguish. There will come a dawn to rejoice in the peace of mind, heart and being.

Praised are you, the Source of renewal within us, for the night’s rest, and for the promise of peace.

- page 409: Mishkan T’filah

A spirited Shabbat morning service in the style of Jewish Renewal - including chanting, prayer and meditation, followed by Kiddush. 10am on 4th Shabbat of every month in private Caulfield South home. All welcome.

For more information please contact Rosi on 98225802.

We p l a n o u r d a i l y l i v e s b u t h a v e y o u

p l a n n e d f o r y o u r d e a t h ? R e l i e v e t h e s t r e s s

o n y o u r f am i l y a n d c o n t a c t B e t O l am n ow .

���� p r e a r r a ng e d a n d p r e p a i d f u n e r a l s .

���� Be t O l am i s a c c e s s e d b y o n e p h o ne c a l l

9 8 8 3 - 6 2 3 7 – 2 4 h o u r / 7 d a y s e r v i c e .

P l e a s e c o n t a c t R ho n d a N i r e n s J P o n 9 8 8 3 - 6 2 3 7 o r

R h o n d a@ j ew i s h f u n e r a l s . o r g . a u

F o r m o r e i n f o rma t i o n , r e f e r t o o u r w e b

s i t e www . j ew i s h f u n e r a l s . o r g . a u

A n o t - f o r - p r o f i t f u n e r a l s e r v i c e

w h i c h c a t e r s f o r t h e n e e d s o f a l l J e w s

n o m a t t e r t h e i r a f f i l i a t i o n .


Kedem’s Service for the SoulKedem’s Service for the SoulKedem’s Service for the SoulKedem’s Service for the Soul

Community Commemorative EventsCommunity Commemorative EventsCommunity Commemorative EventsCommunity Commemorative Events

JCCV’s Yom HaShoah commemoration 7.30 pm sharp on Wednesday 15 April at Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University Clayton Campus. $18 adults, $12 Concession, Holocaust survivors free. Bookings and information: 9272 5566. Melbourne’s 2015 Yom Hazikaron Commemoration will be held on Tuesday 21 April, 7.30 pm at Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University Clayton Campus.

The Yom Ha’atzmaut Concert will take place on Wednesday, 22 April, 7.30 pm at the Melbourne Recital Centre, Southbank.

The Yom Ha’atzmaut Family Festival will take place on Thursday 23 April, 4-7pm at

Beth Weizmann Community Centre, Caulfield South.

For more information about these latter three activities contact Eileen Freed at [email protected] or 03 9272 5506.

Page 15: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


Thank you for ensuring that your mail reaches us

by always addressing it to: PO BOX 430, Kew East, Vic 3102.

Scholarship applications welcomedScholarship applications welcomedScholarship applications welcomedScholarship applications welcomed

Deadline for next ProfileDeadline for next ProfileDeadline for next ProfileDeadline for next Profile

We love being able to print contributions from members. Please keep them short and interesting. We are very happy to format your items for you.

We are also very happy to receive photographs of activities, and would prefer them to be forwarded

to us in .jpeg format.

Please have your articles, letters and advertisements for the June/July 2015 issue to the LBC Office

before 15 May 2015

Please note our email address is [email protected]

The William Kaye Memorial Study in Israel Scholarship 2015-2016

A scholarship fund has been established in the memory of the late Hon. William Kaye AO, a long-standing member of the Leo Baeck Centre, to assist people to study in and develop their relationship with Israel. It is particularly intended to assist those who would otherwise struggle to fund such a study visit.

Eligibility: Any person of any religion who is resident in Australia or New Zealand may apply. They must plan to undertake a study program in Israel for 16 days or more, of which at least half must be on a formal study course. The course and its institution must be open, just and equitable to students and must not denigrate any group or approach to Judaism.

The total annual sum awarded is usually $6000 and it is expected that the award amounts may be between $2000 and $3000.

Applications: Applications are invited immediately, the deadline being 15th April 2015. Please request application form and further information from [email protected] or download it from our website

In years past, Melbourne’s Saltpillar Theatre Group was renowned for its wonderfully staged plays, usually on Jewish themes.

The group has now been regenerated, and is staging Chaim Potok’s My Name is Asher Lev,

at performances at the Phoenix Theatre in Elwood between 25 April and 10 May.

To read a synopsis of the play and to book tickets, go to!current-production/cb3i

LBC Dancers participate in Kew Festival, March 2015 Members of our Israeli dancing group, in white tops, led members of the crowd in a sample of Israeli ‘Circle Dancing’.

As in previous years when our group has participated in the Community Day of the Kew Festival, a great time was had by all.

We also offer a free session of Israeli dancing at our LBC premises as part of the Festival, and we are very pleased to say that our visitors this year had such a good time that they are likely to join the group on a regular basis.

Thanks to Noel Kelly for the photo.

Page 16: PROFILE - Leo Baeck Centre · PESACH First Night LBC Communal Seder 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start on Friday 3 April for a traditional service using our wonderful KDS Haggadah, with songs,


Around LBCAround LBCAround LBCAround LBC

We thank this year's Brunch hosts: Rosemary and Neil Cowen, Veronica and Walter Kastelan, Sharon Marmor, Fairlie and Dennis Nassau, Val Silberberg, Golda and Joe Isaac, Fay Kaufman, Regina Bron and Mannie Gross, Judy Grey and Steve Einfeld, Ruth and MichaelTaft, Michael Fink, Suzanne and Gary Adler and Tanya Warms and ken Opeskin. Of course, we also thank all those who attended a Brunch and participated. A very special thanks goes to Sharon Marmor, Tanya Warms and Kathy Deutsch for organising the event — a gigantic task!

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