
PRODUCTIVITY NINJA How to get things done

"behind every extraordinary achievement lies an ordinary human being, just like you.“

Graham Allcott

How do you spend your time?

What is really important? # Importance Stuff I do...

1 Essential - can’t wait Homework due next dayEatingSleeping

2 Very important Revision

3 Important School Show

4 Not so important FacebookCleaning up bedroom

5 Can wait

80=20 rule

• 20% of what we do accounts for 80% of the impact



What makes you stressed?

– change– relationships– panic from overload– fear of looking foolish– not being good enough– fear of being caught/found out – conflict – not knowing...

Do something about it... And don’t • panic from overload – go back to your list of important. Go

and find someone and show them what you need help with • fear of looking foolish – recognise what you intend to achieve,

perhaps think about ways of faking the confidence • not being good enough – talk to someone about your

feelings/practice • Change – list what is going to change, keep clam and consider

the benefits • Relationships – be honest about what you want• Conflict – have a plan, you may need to back down or get

support. • fear of being caught/found out – own up get it over and done

with. Tell someone you trust first • not knowing... – do some more research, find out how your

teacher learnt about it


• You can have a 10min break for each hour of revision

• No use of social media while doing coursework

• You may listen to music while you revise• You must do all homework the night it is set • More more more more

Boss & Worker

• Proactive – fully focussed your best work • Active attention – aware and quite focused

but not as efficient • Inactive attention – not able to focus on much

at all

Planner Good Bad Terrible

Detailed, subjects ready with deadline

Basic - one sentence One word or nothing at all

Maths: Do pages 7 and 8 with ref to algebra. Due: Mon 16th p3

Maths - Do pages 7 & 8 Due: Monday

Pages 7 & 8

Science: Finish off section on periodic table, label in colour use last lesson for detail. Due: Wed 7th p5

Science: finish section Due 7th

Science: sheet - due 7th

Geography: Complete 400words on project conclusion. See Fronter for examples. Due: Thurs 23rd p1

Geography: conclusion 400 words

do conclusion – G

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