Page 1: Procurement Services Manual - SWISD




11914 Dragon Lane, Building #500

San Antonio, Texas 78252

Phone: (210) 622-4746

2017 - 2018

Page 2: Procurement Services Manual - SWISD



Section Description

(Click on the Description)

1. Southwest ISD Administration

2. Purchasing Department Staff

3. Purchasing Guidelines

4. Budget Code FAQ

5. TxEIS On-line Requisitions Procedures

6. Paper/Pencil Requisition/PO Sample

7. Field Trip Procedures for Buses

8. Bulk Mail

9. Central Distribution Shipping & Receiving Procedures

10. Office Supplies Ordering Procedures

11. Printer Ink Purchasing

12. Travel Guidelines & Procedures with Sample Documents

13. Credit Card Procedures

14. Contracted Services Procedures

15. Budget Amendment Samples

16. Promotional T-Shirt Purchasing

17. Charter Bus Procedures

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Mike C. Frazier, PresidentSylvester E. Vasquez, Jr., Vice-President

Ida Sudolcan, SecretaryJames Sullivan, Jr., Asst. Secretary

Keith Byrom, Ph.D., MemberFlorinda Bernal, Member

Yolanda Garza-Lopez, Member


Lloyd Verstuyft, Ed.D., SuperintendentHomero Rodriguez, Deputy Superintendent

Brandon Crisp, Assistant Superintendent Business & FinanceSara McAndrew, Ph.D., Assistant Superintendent Administration & Human Resources

Jo Ann Fey, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & InstructionJanice Carpio-Hernandez, Director of Public Relations

The Southwest Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race,religion, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in providing education or providing

access to the benefits of educational services, activities and programs, including career andtechnology education programs, in accordance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil RightsAct of 1964, as amended (34 CFR Part 104); Title IX of the Education Amendments of

1972 (34 CFR Part 106); Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (34 CFR Part 110); Section 504of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities

Act of 1990; and Local Board Policies. For more information about your rights orgrievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Sara McAndrew at (210) 622-4330.

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Mark Figueroa ....... Director of Operations

Michelle Bernal ....... Purchasing Coordinator

Dixie Zaiontz ….... Senior Purchasing Clerk

Analilia Moreno ....... Purchasing Clerk

Michael Zapata ....... Warehouse Supervisor

Mike Mireles …... Mail Clerk & Delivery

Tony Gonzalez ....... Mail Clerk & Delivery

Ryan Rodriguez ....... Mail Clerk & Delivery

Return to Table of Contents

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The policies and procedures outlined in this manual apply to the expenditures of all local and

state funds, state and federal grants, and federal funds by following all applicable laws. In the

event of conflict, the appropriate law or strictest policy shall prevail. Please refer to the

guidelines for specific state and federal grants to determine allowable use of funds and other

reporting requirements. Prior approval from the Southwest Independent School District External

Funding Department may be required.

As a support department of the District charged with the acquisition of goods and services

requested by instructional and administrative departments, the Purchasing Department will

function in a manner consistent with applicable laws, School Board policies, the Uniform

Commercial Code and other sound business practices. The Purchasing Department shares the

responsibility of expending District funds in such a manner that will meet all requirements of the

State, Federal, and District procurement regulations and safeguard the public trust. The

Purchasing Department is responsible for the administration of the purchasing functions for the

District in accordance with the authority delegated by the Superintendent and Board of Trustees.

It is the intentions of the Purchasing Department to:

1. Obtaining the best product at the lowest cost to the taxpayer while complying with all

federal, state and local laws as well as District policies and guidelines.

2. Achieving a reliable and timely delivery for the requesting school or department.

3. Promoting competition among bidders.

4. Insuring an equal opportunity for all vendors to secure District business.

5. Educating and informing all internal and external customers about District rules,

regulations, and methodology for the basis for bid awards.


All requisitions under the amount of $1,000.00 threshold may be awarded without additional

quotes among approved vendors. Additional requirements may be required when using

external funding. Approval from the Southwest Independent School District External

Funding Department may be required.

All requisitions over $1,000.00 will require three (3) quotes from vendors. End users must

utilize the quote tabulation sheet. (Except when purchasing from Nolan’s or Office Depot

for office supplies (excluding office furniture) and Dell, HP, GTS Technology Solutions, SW

Intech, or Apple for technology items (excluding quotes received from Technology for

printers, software and toner).) Prior to preparing a requisition, requests for computers and

technology related equipment, such as software and maintenance must be coordinated and

approved by the Technology Department regardless of fund usage.

All reimbursements or exceptions to district procedures require pre-approved by the

Purchasing Dept. prior to making any purchases of goods or items.

Include all shipping and freight charges on request prior to submitting requisitions.

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When using state or federal funds, additional requirements must be compliant with the

Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) guidelines. Approval

must also be received from the SWISD Federal Programs Department.

A list of commodity category assignments is maintained in the Purchasing Department. The

Purchasing Department will review the request and determine if the aggregate spent for the

fiscal year for the good or service can be legally obtained through an open market vendor.

The Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance has the final authority over such open

market purchase decisions.

Gift card purchases are not an authorized purchase of SWISD utilizing local, state, or federal

funds, including student and campus activity funds.


A purchase for goods or services cannot be made using District funds without prior approval

from the Purchasing Department in the form of a signed Purchase Order. The Purchasing

Department must approve any exceptions to the policy prior to committing any District funds.

Prior to the approval from the Purchasing Department, District staff agrees to the following


1. Purchase requisitions should not be prepared unless the purchase is necessary to the

instructional program and/or the operation of the District.

2. The department and/or campus user is responsible for verifying the accuracy and

completeness of the information on the purchase requisition. The end user will ensure that

the request is in conformance with the established purchasing policies and procedures.

3. Each requisition must be approved by the Fund Administrator, who is an approver and

authority for the funds associated with the purchase. A copy of the approval path for the

funds may be obtained from the Purchasing Department.

4. Guidelines for the use of activity funds for purchases of goods and services are available

from the Accounting Department.

5. Guidelines for the use of external funds for purchases of goods and services are available

from the Office of External Funding.

The Purchasing Department will review the requisition and provide initial approval after

verifying compliance with the District’s purchasing guidelines, fund source, and procurement


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All contracts or agreements will be processed through the Purchasing Department. The

Superintendent of Schools is the only designated District representative that may sign contracts

or agreements requiring the use of Southwest Independent School District funds. All other

signed contracts or agreements shall not bind the District financially and will be the personal

responsibility of the individual signing the contracts/agreements. A determination of cost form

in connection with every procurement action at or above the $50,000 threshold; including

contract modifications, will be required to determine the reasonableness of the proposed contract



A District employee who purchases or orders any goods or services in the name of the District or

who obligates the credit of the District without following purchasing policies and procedures

shall be held personally responsible for payment to the vendors or return of the items (CH local)


In the event that projected expenditures are to exceed the $50,000.00 threshold, the

department/campus will need to coordinate the procurement of these items 45 days in advance

with the Purchasing Department in order to acquire the goods or services in a timely and cost

effective manner. The expenditure in excess of $50,000 is considered to be any single item

purchase or the total aggregate in a twelve month period of like items/categories or services.

Purchasing of Goods or Services in Excess of $50,000.00 Purchasing of goods or services valued in excess of $50,000.00 or more in the aggregate, for a

12-month period shall be made by one of the following methods that provide the best value for

the District:

Competitive Bidding Methods

Competitive Sealed Bids

Competitive Sealed Proposal (RFCSP)

Request for Proposals (RFP), for services other than construction services

Request for Qualifications (RFQ), for professional services as provided by Texas

Government Code, Chapter 2254

Reverse Auction

Regardless of procurement method, Board approval is required prior to purchases in excess of

$50,000.00, single purchase or purchases in the aggregate (CH local)

A list of commodity category assignments is maintained in the Purchasing Department. The

Purchasing Department will review the request and determine if the aggregate spent for the fiscal

year for the good or service can be legally obtained through an open market vendor. The

Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance has the final authority over such open market

purchase decisions.

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Process for Competitive Bidding Methods All departments requiring the procurement of goods or services in a competitive bidding method

will need to coordinate this request through the Purchasing Department. The Purchasing

department will assign a proposal number to the competitive bidding method.

The Purchasing Department and the department issuing the proposal will work together to

compose the newspaper advertisement and proposal for goods or services acquiring solicitation.

A representative of the department issuing the proposal and a representative from Purchasing

will be present at the bid opening. Purchasing will annotate the name of proposers, date of

proposal submittal, and proposers present. Purchasing will house all original documents

submitted by proposing vendors. All negotiations between proposers and SWISD will include a

representative of the department issuing the proposal and a representative from the Purchasing


Evaluations of proposals will include at a minimum a representative from the department issuing

the proposal and a representative from the Purchasing Department.

Once a recommendation is ready for the Board of Trustees approval, the department issuing the

proposal will notify the office of the Superintendent of the item being placed on the board’s

agenda. The department issuing the proposal, with the assistance of the Purchasing Department,

will compose a background memo for board information. Background memos are due in the

Purchasing office one week prior to the board meetings.

Other Methods of Competitive Procurement To increase efficiency and effectiveness, the District may contract or agree with other local

governments and with state agencies, including the comptroller, to perform some of its

purchasing functions.

An interlocal contract must be authorized by the School Board and the governing body of each

contracting party; must state the purpose, terms, rights, and duties of the contracting parties; and

must specify that each party paying for the performance of governmental functions or services

shall make those payments from current revenues available to the paying party.

The Accounting Department shall be responsible for submitting the necessary request to the

participating cooperative when required.

Interlocal Agreements The District is currently participating in the following cooperative purchasing programs:

CP (Choice Partners National Purchasing Cooperative)

Central Texas Purchasing Alliance

DIR (Texas Department of Information Resources)

HGAC (Houston-Galveston Area Council)

TPASS (Texas Procurement and Support Services)

Purchasing Cooperative 2013 (Region 20)

PCI (Texas Correctional Industries)

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TCPN (Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network)

Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative (BUYBOARD)

Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative

TIBH (Texas Institute for the Blind and Handicapped)

TIPS (The Inter local Purchasing System)

TxMAS (Comptroller’s Statewide Procurement Service)

U.S. Communities

HGAC, TPASS, TCPN, TIPS, BUYBOARD, Choice Partners and Region 20 are compliant with

the law but may not result in “best value” for SWISD since not all items are competitively

procured; some coalitions and purchasing cooperatives simply require the vendors to apply to be

part of the vendor group. Departments using these services should get three (3) quotes from

vendors qualified in the respective cooperatives to ensure “best value” unless the items were

competitively procured by the purchasing cooperative.

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Emergency Purchases Emergencies occur as the result of unforeseeable circumstances that may require an immediate

response to avoid an actual or potential public threat. If a situation arises in which compliance

with normal procurement practice is impracticable or contrary to the public interest an

emergency purchase may be warranted to prevent a hazard to life, health, safety, welfare,

property or to avoid undue additional cost to the vendor.

1. This type of emergency is defined by an imminent threat to the health, safety, or welfare

of students of staff. Purchases under such circumstances (s) must comply with state law

and may be made only after a formal board action declares an emergency. Example: to

repair a school after a fire or a natural disaster.

2. This type of emergency purchase is usually defined by local policy to provide for the

acquisition of goods or services to meet an immediate need. The emergency must be

documented and a purchase order must be issued on the next business day. This type of

purchase orders must be kept to a minimum. Example: to replace windows broken at the

school by vandals

Sole Source Procurement Sole source refers to purchases of products where items being procured are available from only

one single source. To classify as a sole source, there must be no other like items available for

purchase that would serve the same purpose or function, and only one price for the product

because of exclusive distribution or marketing rights. This is not a common procurement option.

Any vendor requesting to be classified as a Sole Source, vendor must submit a signed and

notarized Southwest Independent School District Sole Source Affidavit to the Purchasing

Department. Sole Source does not apply to mainframe data-processing equipment and peripheral

attachments with a single-item purchase price in excess of $15,000. Sole Source Vendors must

submit a signed notarized Southwest Independent School District Sole Source Affidavit to the

Purchasing Department for approval.

When using state or federal funds for vendors claiming sole source status, additional

requirements must be compliant with the Education Department General Administrative

Regulations (EDGAR) guidelines. Approval must also be received from the Texas Education

Agency (TEA) and the Southwest Independent School District External Funding Department.

Illegal Acts Component purchases – refers to purchases of the component parts of an item that in normal

purchasing practices would be purchases in one purchase.

Separate purchases – refers to purchases, made separately, of items that in normal purchasing

practices would be purchases in one purchase.

Sequential purchases – refers to purchases, made over a period, of items that in normal

purchasing practices would be purchased in one purchase.

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An officer, employee, or agent of a school district commits an offense if the person with criminal

negligence makes or authorizes separate, sequential, or component purchases to avoid the

requirements of Section 44.031(a) or (b) of TEC. An offense under this subsection is a Class B

misdemeanor and is an offense involving moral turpitude.

Purchases of Goods and Services Valued Over $1,000 but under $50,000 The written quotation process must be utilized for the purchase of goods or services with a value

over $1,000 but under $50,000. Staff must use this process to compare pricing and ensure that

best value is obtained for the district. The written quotes and price tabulation form must be

attached to the requisition and submitted to the Purchasing Department. The Purchasing

Department may verify submitted quotes. If recommended vendor is other than the lowest price,

a narrative justifying the purchase will be required. A narrative needs to be as accurate and valid

for compliance reasoning.

General Standards & Ethics Ethics relating to conflicts of interest, financial interests in firms conducting business with the

district, kickbacks, gratuities and improper use of a position or confidential information are

clearly communicated throughout the District. District personnel shall be aware that under the

Texas Education Code §44.031, as well as other state or federal statutes regarding the

expenditure of public funds, there are penalties for violations of purchasing processes which can

include criminal prosecution and loss of employment opportunities. There are certain common

standards of ethics which govern the conduct of employees involved in the purchasing function.

The fundamental standards for Southwest ISD purchasing processes are as follows:

1. It is a breach of ethics to attempt to realize personal gain through public employment with a

district by any conduct inconsistent with the proper discharge of the employee’s duties.

2. It is a breach of ethics to attempt to influence any public employee of a district to breach the

standards of ethical conduct set forth in this code.

3. It is a breach of ethics for any employee of a district to participate directly or indirectly in a

procurement when the employee knows:

a. The employee of any member of the employee’s immediate family has a financial

interest pertaining to the procurement.

b. A business or organization in which the employee, or any member of the employee’s

immediate family, has a financial interest pertaining to the procurement; or

c. Any other person business or organization with whom the employee or any member

of the employee’s immediate family is negotiating or has an arrangement concerning

prospective employment is involved in the procurement.

Fairness and impartiality in all phases of the process are an essential part of any transaction in

public purchasing. Dealings with vendors and peers must be open, honest, and objective. The

process cannot be both effective and self-serving; the two are incompatible.

In accordance with Local Government Code Chapter 176 and the Texas Ethics Commission, it is

required for any "agent of the local governmental entity who exercises discretion in the planning,

recommending, selecting, or contracting of a vendor" to disclose on the Conflict of Interest

Statement form any potential conflicting relationships with vendors and acknowledge the receipt

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of any accepted gifts from a vendor. It is also mandated that a vendor disclose on the Conflict of

Interest Questionnaire form to the public of potential conflicting relationships between members

of the local government body and any gifts given to the local government officer or family

member as described in Section 176.003(a)(2)(B), excluding gifts described in Section

176.003(a-1) . As required, any disclosures listed on either the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire

or Conflict of Interest Statement will be posted on the District Purchasing website. All

donations, (tangible materials, service or monetary) received on behalf of Southwest Independent

School District (campus /department) must disclose the donation to the Accounting and

Purchasing Department.

Vendor Relations Solicitors, vendors, collectors, or salespersons are not permitted to call or visit individual schools

or departments without the prior approval. Vendors are to request permission to contact or

solicit the District campuses and departments through the Purchasing department. The

Purchasing department will request approval for visitation of the vendor from with the campus

principal or department director. The Purchasing department will generate a letter of approval

and distribute to the vendor to schedule permitted times of visitation for campuses or

departments. District procedure requests that solicitors, vendors, collectors, or salespersons shall

not be permitted to confer with students or employees during school hours without the prior

approval. Under no circumstances shall such persons be permitted to interrupt classes or conduct

personal business with employees.

Vendor Protest Southwest I.S.D. has protest procedures in place to handle and resolve vendor disputes relating

to procurement. Any vendor disputes or protests will be submitted in writing to the Purchasing

Coordinator for review and recorded through the open records officer. The Purchasing

Coordinator will provide a response for the vendor dispute after a re-evaluation of proposals

have been conducted. The Purchasing Coordinator and Director of Operations will make every

effort to coordinate and communicate with the vendor to resolve any and all issues. The

Purchasing Coordinator will report all disputes or protests to the Assistant Superintendent of

Business and Finance.

Vending Machines Individual campuses will coordinate with the Purchasing Department and Child Nutrition on all

vending machine services. Agreements/contracts will still follow the same procedures as any

other contract SWISD issues with the exemption of seeking approval from the Director of Child

Nutrition for state and federal guidelines. If you have any questions, contact the Purchasing


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Individual Membership

This is an individual membership paid for the benefit of the professional

(employees, managers, directors, students, etc.). This membership cannot be

transferred to another employee in the District if the original member/person leaves

the District. This is not an allowable expense.

School District Owned Membership

This is a membership that is owned by the District on behalf of the name of an

individual. This membership can be transferred to another employee in the same

membership category if the original member/person leaves the District. The

membership is managed by the designated administrator within the Division

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Budget Codes Frequently Asked Questions

1) What budget code can I use when purchasing snacks for Parental meetings?

XXX - 61 - 6499 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

2) What budget code can I use when purchasing ribbons for the science fair?

XXX - 11 - 6499 - XX - XXX - 8XXXX

3) What budget code can I use when purchasing trophies for my group?

161 - 36 - 6499 - 30 - XXX - 899000

4) What budget code can I use when repairing the refrigerator in the teachers' lounge?

161 - 23 - 6249 - 00 - XXX - 899000

5) What budget code can I use when renting a charter bus?

EXTRA CURRICULAR - 161 - 36 - 6269 - XX - XXX - 8XXXX

FIELD TRIP - 161 - 11 - 6269 - XX - XXX - 8XXXX

6) What budget code can I use when print shop is printing teacher-made tests?

161 - 11 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 8XXXX

7) What budget code do I use when print shop is printing forms for campus administrators to use

for PDAS?

161 - 23 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

8) What budget code do I use when print shop is printing student handbooks?

XXX - 11 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

9) What budget code can I use when purchasing instructional software programs costing

$60/license for 1,000 students?

XXX - 11 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

10) What budget code can I use when purchasing a server for a computer lab costing $7,500.00?

XXX - 11 - 6639 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

11) What budget code can I use when purchasing 100 laptops computers for my campus?

XXX - 11 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

12) What budget code do I use when paying soccer officials for a middle school game?

161 - 36 - 6219 - 40 - XXX - 891000

13) What budget code do I use when THOMPSON PRINTING is printing BROCHURES?

161 -XX - 6249 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

14) What budget code do I use when an outside vendor is shredding documents for the district?

XXX - XX - 6249 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

15) What budget code do I use when purchasing rolls of colored paper for teachers?

XXX - 11 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

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16) What budget code do I use when purchasing snacks for STAAR Tests?

XXX - 11 - 6499 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

17) What budget code do I use when purchasing snacks for teachers meetings?

XXX - 23 - 6499 - XX - XXX – 8XXXXX

18) What budget code do I use when purchasing incentives, i.e. Perfect attendance?

XXX - 11 - 6499 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

19) What budget code do I use when purchasing office supplies for the attendance office?

XXX - 23 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

20) What budget code do I use when purchasing supplies for Special Education classroom?

XXX - 11 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 823000 (DONE BY SPECIAL ED OFFICE)

21) What budget code do I use when purchasing supplies for GT classrooms?

161 - 11 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 821000 (DONE BY GT OFFICE)

22) What budget code do I use when purchasing testing for English Language Learners?

161 - 31 - 6339 - XX - XXX - 825000 (DONE BY ELL OFFICE)

23) What budget code do I use when purchasing forms for Crossroads?

161 - 11 - 6399 - 80 - XXX - 828000

24) What budget code do I use when purchasing custodial supplies?

161 - 51 - 6315 - XX - XXX - 899000

25) What budget code do I use when purchasing textbooks for classroom use?

161 - 11 - 6321 - XX - XXX - 811000

26) What budget code do I use when purchasing newspaper subscriptions for the classroom?

161 - 11 - 6329 - XX - XXX - 811XXX

27) What budget code do I use when purchasing library books


28) What budget code do I use when purchasing supplies for the nurse?

161 - 33 - 6399 - 00 - XXX - 811000

29) What budget code do I use when paying for CPR training for students?

XXX - 11 - 6219 - 00 - XXX - 8XXXXX

30) What budget code do I use when paying for daycare centers?



31) What budget code do I use when purchasing STAAR preparation booklets?

XXX - 11 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

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32) What budget code do I use when purchasing pencils for STAAR testing?

XXX - 11 - 6399 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

33) What budget code do I use when paying for hotel rooms for students traveling to competitions?

XXX - 36 - 6412 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

34) What budget code do I use when paying entry fees for TEACHERS attending a field trip?

161 - 11 - 6499 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

35) What budget code do I use when paying for staff development registration for teachers at Reg.20?

161 - 13 - 6411 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

36) What budget code do I use when paying for hotel, meals, and registration for teachers attending

a conference in Dallas, TX?


37) What budget code do I use when costs associated with counselor attending training?

XXX - 31 - 6411 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

38) What budget code do I use when paying for Assistant Principal Training at Region 20?

XXX - 23 - 6411 - XX - XXX - 899000

39) What budget code do I use when paying for field trip on yellow buses?

FIELD TRIP - 161 - 11 - 6494 - XX - XXX - 811000

EXTRA CURRICULAR - 161 - 36 - 6494 - XX - XXX - 899000

40) What budget code do I use when paying for an ad to be placed in Express News?

XXX - XX - 6499 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

41) What budget code do I use when paying for a webinar/audio conference on teaching strategies?

XXX - 13 - 6499 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

42) What budget code do I use when paying for Region 20 coop for Living Science?

161 - 12 - 6239 - 11 - XXX - 811000

43) What budget code do I use to pay for small appliances for the break room?

XXX - XX - 6499 - XX - XXX - 8XXXXX

44) What budget code do I use to pay for substitutes when Teacher is attending training?

XXX - 11 - 6112 - 13 - XXX - 8XXXXX

Return to Table of Contents

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TxEIS On-line Requisitions and PO Procedures


All requisition information is to be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Board Policy CH (local)

“The Board shall assume responsibility for debts incurred in the name of the

District so long as those debts are for purchases made in accordance with adopted

Board policy and current administrative procedures. The Board shall not be

responsible for debts incurred by persons or organizations not directly under

Board control. Persons making unauthorized purchases shall assume full

responsibility for all such debts.”

“All purchase commitments shall be made by the Superintendent or designee on a

properly drawn and issued purchase order, in accordance with administrative


Understanding the purpose of the on-line Requisition System and its limitations:

The purpose of the on-line requisition system is to assist in obtaining a Purchase Order (PO)

numbers more efficiently and effectively than a paper/pencil request. While becoming paperless

might be ideal, it is not the intent of the current on-line requisition system.

Please adhere to the following limitations when using the on-line requisition system:

If an invoice has been issued by a vendor and a PO number is not associated with the

invoice (TCEQ, DPS for example), submit a paper/pencil requisition requesting a check.

Check request are paper/pencil purchase order forms.

Do not use the on-line process if an open PO already exists for your request.

All in-house district requests should be done online. (Transportation, Print Shop, Child

Nutrition, and Warehouse, etc.)

Use paper/pencil requisitions for all in-services and travel requests.

Each department is responsible for checking on the status of their requisitions and faxing

PO’s to vendors.

All PO’s must be closed-out, electronically on-line and manually when using

paper/pencil. Send signed invoices to Accounting to expedite process. (cradle-to-grave)

All requisitions over $1,000 require price quote tabulation sheet, three (3) quotes

associated with the requisition and a copy of the requisition be emailed to the Purchasing

office. Upon review and approval, the Purchasing Office will send quotes to Accounting

for processing of request.

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All requests (Paper/pencil or Online PO’s) must have the designated commodity

description included. Requests must utilize approved Commodity Category List, all

requests will need to be grouped by a commodity. If requests cannot be broken up into

one commodity, requestor needs to identify a blanket commodity description and email a

copy of the request to the Purchasing Coordinator.

Requisition and PO’s

A requisition is the request for a PO number. TxEIS issues requisition numbers for tracking

purposes. Requisition numbers begin with “0” and are 6 digits in length. PO numbers issued

through the on-line Requisition System can always be referenced back to a Requisition number.

**Requisition numbers cannot be used for Purchases.**

Generating an on-line Requisition (Use “ALL-CAPS” when inputting data in TxEIS)

After you login, select “PURCHASING,” and it will take you to the Purchasing section of


In the “Maintenance” menu, click “Vendor Order Address” to verify correct vendor number prior

to entering a requisition. In the “Sort Key” box, type in the first three letters of the vendors name.

Notify accounting immediately if vendor is not in the system.

Please note vendor address, “vendor number, “Last Trans” box and “Local Use (contract

number) are all available here. The vendor number will be needed for the requisition and the

information in “local use” box will be needed to fill out the “Bid Nbr” box in the requisition.

Vendor information can also be found under the Finance tab, under Maintenance, Vendor



In the “Maintenance” tab, click “Create/Modify Requisition”. To start a new requisition click

“Add-Clear All” and you will get a clear requisition.

In the “Order For” box enter the name for which the requisition is created (some examples are):

John Hurd/Reading Teacher

Sam Carrillo/Secretary

Ms. Smith/Custodian

In Shipping Address: select from drop down menu (most go to Distribution)


In the “Sort Key/Vendor Name” box enter the vendor name. While typing, a list of vendors will

populate. Click on the vendor that you would like to select. The vendor name will appear in the

“Sort Key/Vendor Name” window and their vendor number will appear below in the “Vendor

Nbr” box.

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Note: If you don’t have the vendor name, then click the search box to the right of Sort

Key/Vendor Name. A pop-up menu will appear. Type the first three letters of the vendor

name in the Vendor Name window and hit search. Choose from the vendor list below.

Click the blue number from the selected vendor and the vendor name will populate the

“Sort Key/Vendor Name” window and the “Vendor Nbr” window.

Or you may enter the Vendor Number instead of the Vendor Name

In the “Vendor Nbr” box enter the vendor number.

Note: If you don’t have the vendor number, then click the search box to the right of

“Vendor Nbr”. A pop-up menu will appear. Type the first three letters of the vendor

name in the Vendor Name window and hit search. Choose from the vendor list below.

Click the blue number from the selected vendor and the vendor name will populate the

“Sort Key/Vendor Name” window and the “Vendor Nbr” window.

Fill-in “Reason” box with the designated commodity description as identified by the

commodity list (up to 30 characters) located on the shared drive. Requests need to be

grouped by commodity. If requests cannot be broken up into one commodity, requestor

needs to identify a blanket commodity description and email a copy of the request to the

Purchasing Coordinator.

Fill in “Bid Nbr” box with local use box #2 or contract number w/SWISD:

o Examples (select one from the comments section of vendor notes): SWISD Bid

Number, Region 20, TCPN, Buyboard, Sole Source, Choice Partners, Quotes,

Exempt, or None

o Examples contract number: 1516-001, 1415-145, or 0910-013

“Freight Cost” enter Freight Cost for entire invoice

“Campus/Department” fill in campus or department name.

“Vendor Notes” allows for notes to vendors on the PO and include point of contact

information for dept/campus with phone number and e-mail. (These are the external

comments to vendors.)

“Comments” allows for internal communication between SWISD personnel and is not

visible to vendors. Used when a requisition is returned by an approver or to place the

Campus Improvement Plan target information (CIP), Quotes and/or Cost Analysis

received, and Open PO list. This area is to be used for any pertinent information related

to the purchase of the items. (These are the internal comments between the District

pathway approvers.)

You are now ready to begin to order your items. Begin at item 001 then follow along and enter

the information into the windows. Use the bullet points below as a guide:

“Note” will allow notes referring to the line item to be entered.

The “Tab” key must be used to go from column to column within the single item line.

Add Catalog Nbr (# given by vendor to item on invoice)

Add Description (take description from vendor’s invoice)

Add unit of price and then quantity ordering

Add unit of issue (each, box, case, etc…)

Add any discount % or $ amount if applicable

Add any Freight % or $ amount per line (total Freight must equal Freight Cost entered


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Click Y-approved

“Long Description,” located to the far right of the line item, allows up to 60 characters for

description to vendors.

To Create additional line items for ordering, you must click +add to insert or add

additional lines. Click “Refresh totals” when done entering lines.


There are 2 ways of inputting the budget code into the requisition:

Uniform Account Distribution

Click Uniform Acct Distr to charge the cost sharing for the total requisition.

In the Account Code field begin typing your Account Code and select the fund as it

appears. The system populates the Description field with the description of the account.

In the Pct field, type the percentage to charge to the fund. Click Calculate Amount

Note: The percentage split does not have to be the same for each fund, but it must total

100%. Click “Refresh Totals”

Click OK and the budget is displayed at bottom.

Click Save to save all changes in requisitions.

Entering Budget Code in Account Field

To enter a single Budget Code without using Uniform Acct Distr, you must click +add in

the Account Box. A new line will appear and you may begin typing your Account Code

and select the fund as it appears. The system populates the Description field with the

description of the account and the Balance Amt field with the remaining fund balance.

This will assign the specific budget code to each line item. (Manual input each line item)

In the Pct field, type the percentage to charge to the fund. Click Calculate Amount

Click “Refresh Totals”

Click Save to save all changes in requisitions.


A requisition can be saved anytime during the requisition process by clicking the word “Save”

located in the top right of the screen (you may have to scroll right to see it.)


Once all the necessary information has been entered into TxEIS, the requisition may be

submitted by clicking “Submit.” TxEIS will issue a requisition number. When a requisition is

submitted, TxEIS will prompt whether or not to print the submitted requisition.

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TxEIS will not allow the submittal of a requisition if insufficient funds exist in the assigned

budget codes or if the requisition contains blank lines.

Submit quotes, price quote tabulation sheet and cost analysis (CAF) documentation, if required,

for requisition to the identified department.


To review the status of a requisition, under the “Inquiry” tab click “Requisition Status Inquiry”.

Then type in your requisition number in the Req Nbr window. If you do not know the

requisition number, click “retrieve” key. The “retrieve” key will bring up all the activity already

in your box.

Click the blue requisition number to retrieve the requisition you want. Click on the magnifying

glass under the “Details” section to see where the requisition is within the approval process.

For the real-time location of a requisition, click on the “Reports” tab, click “Purchasing

Reports,” click “Requisition Pending Approval,” and click “run reports.”

Enter “C” in the first row, enter the requisition number in the second row, and click “Run

Preview.” TxEIS will generate an image of the requested requisition, including the real time

location of the requested requisition. The requisition may be printed by clicking the “PDF”

picture located in the upper left hand corner. After the picture is clicked, then the requisition

may be printed in PDF form.

Approval Path Roles

Campus Principal/Supervisor – Campus/Department budget management.

Fund Administrator (Specials) – monitors and manages budget of special funds.

Special Program Administrator – monitors programmatic compliance in his or her

respective programs.

Federal Programs – monitors and manages the Federal and State Allotment for program


Purchasing – accuracy, adequate description, proper budget code, overall completeness

and procurement compliance.

Curriculum and Instruction Curricular/Special Programs – monitors programmatic

compliance in the perspective Division and approves all curriculum based purchases.

Deputy Superintendent – manages and approves the programmatic usage of funds for

Athletics and Police Department.

Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance – procurement compliance and

approves purchases in excess of $5,000.

Superintendent of Schools – procurement compliance and approves purchases in excess

of $10,000.

Accounting – once requisition is approved, purchase order is assigned. Accounting

confirms receipt of all auditable documents and confirms all documentation is ready for

audit. For example, quotes and cost analysis form (CAF).

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Clicking “Create/Modify Requisition” in the “Maintenance” tab will bring you to the

Create/Modify Requisitions section. From there, you can find the returned requisitions by either

typing in the requisition number (if you know it) & clicking on the “Retrieve” key. If you don’t

know the requisition number, then click on the “Directory” key. The “Directory” key will take

you to another subscreen with advance requisition search options. Fastest way is to click on

“Search” key to pull up all the requisitions that are already in your box.

Click on the “Req Nbr” and the requisition will upload and is ready for modification. If this

requisition is to be deleted, then click “Delete” key in the right hand corner. A “Warning” box

will appear, click yes to delete and no to cancel.


Accounting will usually print PO’s first. End-users can only reprint.

Click on the “Reports” tab; click “Purchase Order Reports” click “Reprint Purchase Orders”.

Enter “C” in the first row, enter “N” in the second row, enter the ”P” in the third row, leave

fourth and fifth row blank, enter PO“#####” in the sixth row, enter “M” in the seventh row,

Answer “Y/N” in the eighth row, Select “O” for organization in the ninth row, Answer “Y/N” in

the tenth row, and Answer “Y/N” on the eleventh row. Click “Run Preview” to generate a copy

of the requested PO. The PO may be printed by clicking the “PDF” picture located in the upper

left hand corner. After the picture is clicked, then the requisition may be printed in PDF form.

Note: Click “District” on the far left part of the screen to view a PO which includes budget



Vendors do not get paid until the ordering department/campus has closed a PO both

electronically and using paper/pencil. SWISD incurs late charges when PO’s are not closed

expediently but more importantly, SWISD’s reputation as a good business partner is

tarnished when vendors do not get paid in a timely fashion.

Each department/campus is responsible for checking all received orders and should notify

Accounting immediately when a discrepancy occurs between items ordered and items received.

Click on the “Maintenance” tab, click “Receiving,” enter the Purchase Order Nbr to be closed

out, and fill in “Quantity Recv” for each item on the PO. The “Tab” key must be used to go

from column to column and may be used to go from row to row.

For items which will never be delivered, enter the number ordered in the “Quantity Recv”

column and notify Accounting immediately so vendor will not be overpaid. A PO cannot be

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closed-out electronically unless the number of items received equals the number of items


Close out an electronic PO using paper/pencil by reprinting the PO, circling or writing in the

number of items received per line item, signing and dating when items on the PO were received,

and faxing the circled, signed, and dated PO to Distribution. Distribution sends copy of PO to

Accounting. A PO is considered closed when the final step has been completed in the process:

of close-out: all items have been received, a signed invoice has been submitted into Accounting

and the vendor has been paid.


Click on the “Maintenance” tab, click “Approve Requisition.” Requisitions needing approval

will show up individually. Review reason, vendor information, items being ordered, amount of

purchase, budget codes being used, “Comments” Section and if approval is warranted, click

“Approve.” When a requisition is not going to be approved, click “Comments” section, give

reason for disapproval, click “OK,” and click “Return” when the requisition is re-displayed.

Note: Approvers should approve requisitions once mid-morning and once late afternoon.


Contact the Purchasing Office via email when designating an alternate approver with specified

time of activation. The Purchasing Office will activate alternate approver as specified.

Note: Alternate approver must have an established TxEIS profile with Business module access

for approving requisitions.

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ORDER FOR allows you to

identify who the order is for,

example teachers name, admin

name, group name, event date

VENDOR NAME is the company name that you

will be ordering from

REASON needs to have the reason for the

order listed by Commodity category.

Example office supplies, instructional

supplies, custodial supplies, etc. See list of

commodity description on website.

BID NBR is either a district’s contract #, quotes

(if item is over 1,000.00), sole source or

information listed in the local use box #2 of the

vendor information.

CAMPUS DEPT is the campus/dept

organization code or name. Example type

either 101 or Southwest Elem to populate

Southwest Elem campus.


allows you record your dept. monitoring

system. (TTM, Summer School,

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you are purchasing

UNIT OF ISSUE is how the item is


Example – EA (Each), PKG (Package)

QUANTITY is how many

items you are purchasing


items require shipping charge


item you are purchasing PRICE of item

DISCOUNT % is filled in

only if the company offer a

discount Example – 30%

If the company has a shipping charge

per item you would fill this in here if

the company has a standard amount

you would fill that in under Freight

Cost and Leave Freight Amt blank

ADD is used to add a new line to the requisition

for additional items that you will be purchasing

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you will use to

purchase items

BALANCE AMT shows how much is in that

account in real time. This balance does not

include your current requisition. PCT is the total percentage taken out of that

account. If you are purchasing all items out of

one account this would be 100%, if you are using

more than one account then you can figure out

the percentage: Example 50/50

AMOUNT of what is going to be taken out of this

account. Amounts should always total amount of

the line item not the entire requisition.

To recalculate amounts, percentages or totals ADD is used to add a budget code line to the requisition

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Reminder Paper/Pen Requisitions:

Should be used for vendors that do not accept purchase order (PO) numbers. When

submitting a paper/pen requisition, attach approved signed invoices, and narrative, if


Should be used for approved travel expenditures, i.e.: registration and hotel costs.

Should be used for contracted services or agreements. Attach the contract cover page,

contract agreement and paper/pen requisition.

Should be used for approved reimbursements. Attach signed, dated, detailed, original receipt

and the approval received from the Purchasing Department.

All paper/pen requisitions that include goods or services must have a commodity description

or log, if applicable, with the request.

All other requests will be denied.

Board Policy CH (local)

“The Board shall assume responsibility for debts incurred in the name of the District so long as

those debts are for purchases made in accordance with adopted Board policy and current

administrative procedures. The Board shall not be responsible for debts incurred by persons or

organizations not directly under Board control. Persons making unauthorized purchases shall

assume full responsibility for all such debts.”

“All purchase commitments shall be made by the Superintendent or designee on a properly

drawn and issued purchase order, in accordance with administrative procedures.”

Approval Path Roles

Campus Principal/Supervisor – Campus/Department budget management. Requestor checks

budget code prior to submitting request.

Fund Administrator (Specials) – monitors and manages budget of special funds.

Special Program Administrator – monitors programmatic compliance in his or her respective


Department/Division – monitors programmatic compliance in the perspective Division and

approves professional development for Campus and Departments Staff.

Federal Programs – monitors and manages the Federal and State Allotment for program


Purchasing – accuracy, adequate description, proper accounting code, overall completeness

and procurement compliance.

Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance – procurement compliance and approves

purchases in excess of $5,000.

Superintendent of Schools – approves purchases in excess of $10,000, overnight travel for

students (Board Approval), and all out of state travel.

Deputy Superintendent – manages and approves the programmatic usage of funds for

Athletics and Police Department.

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Accounting – Purchase order assigned and payment method issued by check. Accounting

confirms receipt of all auditable documents and confirms all documentation is ready for

audit. For example, quotes and cost analysis form (CAF).

*Remember no PO, then no Go (no purchase)*

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Reference Bid Number, Co-op, or quotes.

If Board approved, attach copy and reference date.

List commodity description or attach log.

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A P.O. Number will be required for all field trips using SWISD Buses and


Trip requests are web based and can be accessed through the district web site. In

order to submit request online, you must have PO number from TxEIS. Request

trip on-line 2 weeks in advance.

When generating the requisition, you must clearly state the type (buses or

suburbans) and estimated mileage for the date that you are requesting. Provide

information in the comments section for reference. (Google maps)

Use vendor # 01549


EXTRACURRICULAR” in Reason Box in requisition. This will help for

commodity sort process.

Generate separate PO’s for instruction and extracurricular. For High School and

Middle Schools band, choir, mariachi, drama, etc will require a different PO for

each sub-object. Use the “6494” budget code for field trip fees.

Use only one budget code per PO.

Close out PO when the field trip is complete.

Make a new PO as needed.

Cost for a bus is $2.95 per mile. Suburban usage are requested the same as school

buses. Cost per mile is $1.25. *subject to change during the year. Verify with

Transportation Department.

If a bus is sent on a trip for which no cancellation was made, there will be a $30

dollar charge. If a trip has a 9:00am drop-off and a 2:00pm pick-up, and is within

20 miles from Central Office, the driver will return to transportation. If the

sponsor needs the driver to remain on location, there will be an additional charge

of $15 dollars per hour.

Transportation will bill PO’s for trips on a weekly basis based on the published

cost of the trips. In order to standardize billing all mileage is from the Central

Campus. The bill will be sent directly to Accounting and a valid PO must be on

file with them, copy of the bill will be sent to the trip requestor. Failure to have a

valid PO may cause trip requests to be denied.

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Bulk Mail Procedures

Revised 8/20/2015

1. Request mail trays and bulk mail stamp from Distribution. If bulk mail is

frequently used, consider requesting the Print Shop to pre-print the bulk stamp on


2. Sort and count your mail-out by envelope size.

3. All bulk mail must be at least 200 or more pieces.

4. All bulk mail must have the same amount of sheets in each envelope. Each

envelope must weigh the same or it may result in the mail being returned.

5. If the envelopes contain different number of sheets and/or have different weights,

you will have to sort the mail in order to process.

6. Seal envelopes.

7. Stamp envelopes using the bulk mail stamp

8. Request Distribution to pick up mail-out or deliver mail-out to Distribution.

Distribution must be provided a count of each set of mail-outs as sorted in steps 2

and 3 above.

9. Distribution will complete required paperwork.

10. Distribution will deliver to Von Ormy Post Office. Bulk mail is due in Post

Office by 11:30AM each day.

Please call the Distribution Center with questions or concerns at 622-4784 EXT. 3771.

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The TxEIS Requisition is used for purchases from the District’s warehouses. Use the

appropriate vendor number when ordering from the different warehouses.

Vendor #99812 Custodial Supplies

Southwest ISD General Fund

Vendor #99813 Office and Teaching Supplies

Southwest ISD General Fund

Vendor #99814 Media Supplies

Southwest ISD General Fund

Vendor #99815 Print Shop Supplies

Southwest ISD General Fund

Vendor #99816 Technology Supplies

Southwest ISD General Fund

Vendor #01835 Southwest ISD Cafeteria Fund

Vendor #01549 Southwest ISD Field Trip

Different budget codes will require separate requisitions. Office & Teaching, and

Custodial supplies will be on separate requisitions. Out-of-stock items will have to be

reordered at a later date. All orders are delivered promptly by the Distribution Center


Orders should be made on as needed basis; however, warehouse orders should be

“collective” by projecting needed supplies for several weeks or a month in advance.

For concerns or problems with prices or availability of stock, please call the CDC

supervisor. Each complaint or concern will be addressed immediately. Suggestions to

help serve the District better are always welcomed.

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All boxes shipped from vendors are received by Central Distribution Center. If time is

permitted, all shipments will be verified by CDC. All boxes will be checked for an

approved purchase order number (PO) before delivery is accepted. If unable to verify PO

or none listed, shipment is refused. Shipments should be labeled with the appropriate

purchase order number (PO), staff, office, department or school that delivery is for.

Once boxes are accepted, incoming merchandise will be checked against PO to verify

items ordered by district staff at campuses and departments. Please notify vendor of any

discrepancies. It is the campus or departments responsibility to notify CDC of any

expectant Overnight/Next Day deliveries. Overnight/Next Day shipments may be picked

by Department/Staff awaiting the delivery of the shipment, or package will be delivered

on the regularly scheduled mail run.


Delivery of warehouse supplies will be accomplished first thing each morning. Each

campus will be notified of large deliveries the day prior to the actual delivery. If a large

warehouse order is to be delivered, the campus needs to provide assistance (custodial

staff) to CDC personnel.

Orders will be verified for accuracy by school personnel. Discrepancies should be

brought to the attention of warehouse personnel immediately. Delivery of purchase

orders received through UPS, FEDEX, or any other method will be delivered to the staff

office or campus during the day (pony run). Each order will have a copy of PO and

office staff or designated personnel must sign original PO (green copy).


All parcels will be sent via USPS if requested by staff or campus. Each item must be

properly prepared and packaged before CDC will pick up and ship out. Special services

such as, overnight delivery or certified mail must be coordinated through Central

Distribution Center. Campuses and department are required to come to CDC to fill out

the required paperwork.


All incoming SWISD mail will be picked up at Heritage Post Office each morning. Mail

will be sorted to individual staff offices, school campuses, and delivered daily. CDC

personnel will pickup all outgoing mail from each designated staff office/campus, sort

and process for delivery to the Von Ormy Post Office for dispatch. Mail dispatch time

from the Distribution Center is 2:45 P.M. daily.

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The district will be using two vendors in conjunction with the warehouse for all office supplies.

Please visit the District’s purchasing page:

Use the District’s Distribution Warehouse first and outside vendors as an alternate for items not

carried in the warehouse. The most current warehouse catalog is available on-line on the

District’s Purchasing page under “Warehouse Catalog”.

For office and school furniture, contact Nolan’s and JR Inc. for quotes. Reminder for

office and school furniture purchases over $1,000.00, will require 3 quotes.


A purchase order will need to be used to order Office Supplies. Please add your point of

contact information, phone number and email to all purchase orders.

On the District’s Purchasing page, under the “Office Supplies” banner, two suppliers are listed:

Nolans and Office Depot.

Login to the website of your choice:


*If you need help locating a specific printer ink cartridge, contact Paige at Nolan’s Office


1. Click “Nolans”. Use Customer Login information below:



Use the search engine to find what you need. You may “ADD ITEMS TO ORDER” and

accumulate a printable order but a PO must be used. Pricing listed on website is real pricing.

2. Fax your purchase order once a P.O. number has been issued: 210-653-7766

3. Mail your purchase order to:

Nolans Office Products, Inc.

16120 College Oak, Suite 105

San Antonio, Texas 78249

Customer Service Contact:

Joe Danchak

Call: 210.653.7770

Fax: 210.653.7766

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Listed below are items to review when using your office Depot Business Services Division


1. Purchase orders delivered to a retail store will not and cannot be processed.

2. Click “Office Depot”. Login using information below:

User ID – southwestisd (all lower case)

Password – Southwest1

3. Fax your purchase order once a P.O. number has been issued: 888-813-7272

Customer Service contact:


Major Account Manager | Office Depot, Inc. Cell: 210-268-8147 | Fax: 561-438-0431 Email: [email protected]

4. If within the delivery zone, orders received by 4:00 local time will be delivered next

business day. Some items may be delivered by UPS. A $50.00 minimum order is

required for Free Delivery. If outside the Delivery Zone other rules and fees may apply

5. Purchase Orders may not be delivered to an Office Depot retail store for processing.

6. Items ordered and delivered using the Business Service Division account number cannot

be returned to the retail store for credit. All return requests must be called in to the

customer service number listed above. An Office Depot driver will receive a work order

to pick up the returnable items.

7. You may return most items in their original packaging within (30) days.

8. Please report any shortages or damages within 72 hours.

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Printer Ink and Toner Cartridges

The District will be purchasing select Printer Ink Cartridges and Toner from

Nolan’s Office Supply. If you are unable to find the toner or cartridges that you

need on the Business Nolan’s website, please call Paige with Nolan’s at 210-653-


For Dell and HP printer ink/toner cartridges purchases, a quote will need to be

obtained from the Technology Department.

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Any employee planning to attend a conference, workshop, seminar, or other function

must submit an In-service/Workshop/Program Attendance Request form to the

Purchasing office at least two weeks prior to pre-registration or registration deadlines.

The In-service/Workshop/Program Attendance Request must be pre-approved by campus

administration, regardless of whether or not an advanced registration is required. All

forms need to be filled out completely and information about the requested In-

service/Workshop/Program must be attached. Employees must submit original itemized

receipts for all expenses upon return. A credit card slip is not considered an itemized

receipt. All reimbursable amounts listed are maximum amounts however campus

administrators or directors may limit these amounts due to budgetary or guideline



When a substitute is needed enter the number of days and the total costs for

substitute. List the budget code for the funding source where the substitute is to

be paid from.


Travel reimbursement is for only miles in excess of those driven to work.

Estimate the miles and calculate at the district’s approved mileage rate. Actual

mileage is reported on the travel allowance record form. Please use your odometer

reading and not the distance traveled for the basis of your reimbursement.

Mileage = $0.55/mile. You may also use Yahoo or Google maps to determine

mileage for your event. Carpooling/Coordination of travel is highly encouraged

for those traveling to the same event on the same date with the same itinerary.


Registration and Conference fees if applicable must be filled in. Membership fees

may be paid by the District when approved by fund administrator and availability

of funds. Attach a completed paper/pen requisition filled in with “Check Payable

to” the vendor name, address, and phone/fax numbers. Prior to a check being

processed, a W-9 form must be secured from the vendor if one is not on file with

the District’s Accounting Department. All authorized approval signatures must

be on the requisition and request form. It is the responsibility of the employee to

make sure they are registered on time.

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Hotel costs are paid with a district check and the information of costs should be

acquired when making reservations. The district does not pay the state tax (within

Texas) on hotels/motels but must pay the city tax and or other taxes imposed for

lodging (resort fees, recovery and occupancy). Attach a completed paper/pen

requisition filled in with “Check Payable to” the hotel’s name, address, and

phone/fax numbers to the In-service/Workshop/Program Attendance Request.

Prior to a check being processed, a W-9 form must be secured from the

hotel/motel if one is not on file with the District’s Accounting Department. All

authorized approval signatures must be on the requisition and request form

(principal, supervisor, director or executive director). Hotel reimbursement is

subject to the following limits:

Hotel lodging will continue to be paid in accordance with the GSA

website on Federal per diem limits for lodging

Two or more Rates Listed: when more than one rate is listed for a

location, the highest rate is allowable. A print out of the GSA rate must

accompany the hotel requisition.

Be sure to include city tax, occupancy fee, resort, sports tax, etc. SWISD

is state tax exempt.

All hotel requests that have a higher rate than what is listed on the GSA

website must submit a narrative explaining why the state rate is being


Rates above those allowed for federal and state grants will be reimbursed

from local funds. (PIC 11 or 99)

Standard room accommodations will be provided. Travelers will be asked

to reimburse the District for any costs related to an upgrade in room

accommodation. The District highly encourages sharing of rooms when

the situation permits to minimize cost.

The employee is responsible for making their own reservation. When

making reservations, employees are to advise the hotel that they are

eligible for the state rate. The employee must provide a personal credit

card for their reservations; as well as notify the hotel in the event of travel

plan changes. The District does not book/reserve/hold hotel reservation for


A copy of the conference hotel listings or itinerary must be attached to the

In-service/Workshop/Program Attendance form.


Employee day trips are not reimbursable. The IRS views meals reimbursed for

day trips as taxable income. Therefore, only meals for overnight trips will be


Student Meals – A paper pen requisition (check request) needs to be submitted for

student meals. Requests are to be generated under the name of the district

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employee sponsor or department director. The suggested meal rate per student

per meal is $10.00. This request is for student meals only. (All original receipts

must be submitted into accounting upon return.)

Overnight Trips – An employee may be reimbursed for the actual cost of meals

not to exceed $46.00 per day in the state of Texas. All overnight trips outside the

state of Texas will be reimbursed according to the GSA website for the Federal

per diem limits for meals and incidentals. Original itemized receipts must be

presented for all meals. No vending or non-meals will be reimbursed. A

reimbursement should not be requested for any meal that is provided from any

other source during the trip. This includes, but is not limited to, meals provided

by the conference or workshop, meals provided by a vendor, etc. There is no

proration among breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

An employee may not be reimbursed for meals incurred within the San Antonio

city and Bexar County limits.

Credit card receipts without detail are not reimbursable. Itemized meal receipts

should be original receipt(s) and include the following:

Name and address of the business;

Date and time of the expense; and

An itemized description and price of each item.

When submitting receipt, ensure employee signature and date are affixed

to each detailed receipt.

Expenses that are NOT reimbursable include but are not limited to

tips/gratuities, room service, alcohol, personal expenses, and expenses not related

to school business.

Incidental Expenses that are reimbursable include but are not limited to

mandatory charges or mandatory service charges: parking charges, toll charges,

mandatory tip charge. **Incidental expenses may be subject to additional

approval when using federal and state grants

Calculate the number of days needed then multiply by the district’s approved

meal rate(s). Meals will be reimbursed through the travel allowance record only

if original detailed receipts are attached.

***Meal Reimbursement Reminders***

An original detailed receipt is required for all meal reimbursements.

The district does not reimburse for tips.


Parking fees will be reimbursed with the original ticket. Valet parking is allowed

if no other parking is available.


Prior to booking an airline reservation, it is the campuses or departments

responsibility to submit an In-service/Workshop/Program Attendance Request

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form with support documentation that has Budget Fund Administrator approval.

(All out of state travel must be prior approved by Superintendent of Schools.)

Contact the Purchasing Department for state contract approved airline vendors.

Upon approval, The Purchasing Department will scan a copy of the approved In-

service/Workshop/Program Attendance Request form to the end user. Depending

on the type of funds and purpose of the trip, the Purchasing Department will send

a copy to the specific District Credit Card holder and end user to schedule an

appointment for the purchase of airline tickets. The following items will be

required when making the purchase:

Approved and Completed In-service/Workshop/Program

Attendance form

Employee’s government issued ID (for airline verification


Employee’s flight itinerary

All air travel will be by coach/economy class only. Travelers are expected to

reserve flights that utilize the lowest fare rate. A connecting flight and/or

alternate airports may be required to obtain the lowest fare. Flight times, layover

times, and meeting times will be considered in arranging the most economical

travel schedule. Travelers are to remain flexible and use a sensible window of

time for departures and arrivals. Advanced planning is expected in order to

maximize fare discount requirements.

Reimbursement will be granted for the first checked bag if a fee was assessed

during airline travel. Additional bags will be at the traveler’s own expense.

Reimbursement for additional luggage fees will be handled on a case by case


When travelers make unapproved modifications to travel arrangements that result

in additional charges, those additional charges will be the responsibility of the

traveler unless authorized by the supervisor and approved by the program



List all projected costs associated with the event.

If a reimbursement to the district will be made for any of the expenses, list the

Sponsoring Agency name and amount.

List the budget code(s) to cover travel, meals, lodging and fees.

Calculate the total of the estimated cost to the district.

A CIP# & DIP# is required when using federal and state grants.

Review budget code(s) for availability of funds prior to submitting request.

Notify your campus/department bookkeeper or secretary if a lack of funds exists.

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When submitting paperwork for processing make sure all support documentation

associated with the workshop/conference/trip is filled out completely and

submitted in a complete package to include Hotel Check requests, Registration

Paper/pen requisition or check request, and the In-service/Workshop/Program

Attendance form.

If a modification to the traveler should occur, the new attendee must submit an In-

service/Workshop/Program Attendance form with copies of the previous

paper/pen requisitions. It should be notated under the comments section who the

attendee is replacing.

All professional development relating to instructional or curriculum will require

prior approval from the Curriculum and Instruction Division.


Any out of state travel will need approval from the Superintendent of Schools.

Please be diligent and try to find a similar training offered within the state.

Prior to scheduling or making reservations for travel, documentation must be

submitted and approved.


Student overnight travel procedures require similar documentation as that of an

employee. (Transportation, registration entry fees, lodging and meals.)

Student overnight travel requires prior Board approval.

Travel package (Registration fees, lodging and meals) will follow normal

approval process upon Board approval. Attach board approval to request.

Contact the Purchasing Department for guidance on large group travel itinerary.


Payments for expenses incurred by spouses are considered illegal gifts of public

funds unless the spouse is representing the school district in an official capacity.

Under no circumstances will the District reimburse for expenses that were

incurred for individuals not representing the District for school business purposes.


Regulations limit payment of travel expenses to no more than the amount set forth

in the state of Texas. Employees and supervisors must keep this in mind when it

is necessary to incur travel expenses related to federal and state programs

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Any travel expenses paid beyond the State limitations cannot be charged to the

federal or state program, but must be paid instead from local funds.


A presentation on the topic listed may be required.

Personnel attending training sessions during the summer months who leave the

district may be required to reimburse the school district.

The Requestor’s Signature is required.


Travel expenses must be submitted monthly by the 10

th day of the following month for

which the travel expense took place. A narrative stating why district procedures were not

followed will be required for all travel allowance records submitted after the 10th

of the

following month for which the travel expense has taken place. The requestor and their

immediate supervisor will need to sign the document.

Attach all travel vouchers and original receipts. If receipts for expenses (other than

mileage) and the In-service/Workshop/Program Attendance Request form are not

attached to the travel allowance record, reimbursement will not be made. Completely fill

out the back (right) and the front (left) of the travel allowance record of the travel

allowance record.

The signature of the employee requesting reimbursement certifies that the figures on the

form are true and correct and mileage claimed represents actual mileage driven in their

privately owned automobile while in the performance of their official duties as an

employee of the Southwest Independent School District. The signature of the employee’s

principal/director/executive director is required.

After all signatures of approval are received, the travel allowance record and attachments

(receipts, mileage log with odometer reading, and In-service/Workshop/Program

Attendance Request form) are submitted to the Purchasing Department for review. A

Travel Allowance Record will be returned to the originator in the case of insufficient

funds or in the case of budget coding errors.

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Sample Packet for In-

service Request that

include Registration

Fees and Hotel


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Attach the



form to


fee requisition

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Attach the



to the check


(Reminder to always make sure the hotel with

the correct hotel address is in TxEIS before

submitting paperwork. If hotel is not listed a

filled out w-9 form will need to be included with

the request)

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Sample Travel


Record for

Monthly In-

District Travel

(Reminder regular monthly travel is due by the

10th of the following month. Employees may not

be reimbursed if they submit combined months

travel on one request, and will require a

narrative on why District process was not

followed for consideration)

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Travel Allowance

Record for

Reimbursement on

approved in




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Attached the Hotel

Receipt to Travel



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Attach the

Registration Receipt

to Travel



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The Southwest Independent School District participates in a credit card program through Citibank. This

program is currently offered to the Division Administrators and approved District personnel. The District credit

card is not intended to avoid or bypass appropriate purchasing or payment procedures. Cardholders are

expected to act in a manner consistent with procurement law. The Purchasing Department will be responsible

for overseeing, managing, training, answering questions, address issues, and oversee the administration of the

District’s Credit Card Program. The Purchasing Coordinator has direct access to Citibank online management

system and personnel pertaining to the Credit Card. All Credit Card requests must be processed by the

Purchasing Department.

Record keeping will be essential to ensure the success of this program. This is not an extraordinary requirement

since standard reimbursement policies require the retention of all itemized receipts. Finally, remember you are

spending District/public funds each time you use the Credit Card. Exercise good judgment and act within your

authorized budget when using your card. The Credit Card is either issued to you or provided for your use to

purchase school commodities and all activity will be assumed to have been incurred by you. We ask you to

maintain simple but accurate records and adhere to the checks and balances that are in place for internal



A “billing cycle” (referred to simply as ‘cycle’) is approximately 30 calendar days, and will begin on

approximately the 4th

of each month and end on approximately the 3rd

of the next month. Dollar limits can be

set by transaction or by cycle and the number of transactions can be limited by day or by cycle. In addition,

purchases from certain types of suppliers may be excluded from card use. Cycle limits may be lowered in order

to further protect the card from fraud, or may be increased to accommodate a large purchase. Increases may be

requested on a permanent or temporary basis. The Purchasing Coordinator will have access to the bank’s

management system ( to view transactions, balances, and cycle limits in order to assist in the

management of the card. The monthly close date is the 3rd

day of every month.


The responsibility for financial control of the Credit Card rests with the Department. The Department Director

or Fund Administrator is responsible for ensuring that purchasing duties are performed with competence and

honesty. The Department is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of its controls. The District credit card

is not intended to avoid or bypass appropriate purchasing or payment procedures. The credit card program is to

be used for school district business only. The appropriate use of the Credit Card lies not only with the

cardholder, but also with the approving Department. Misuse of the card may result in revocation of the card,

disciplinary action up to termination, or any legal means deemed appropriate by the Superintendent and the

Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance.

Effective controls provide divisions, campuses, or departments with reasonable assurance that institutional

objectives have been achieved through sound financial management. The Purchasing Department is available to

assist with training, technical assistance and financial/operational reviews regarding the credit card program.


Most issued employees are already familiar with making purchases using a credit card. The process for placing

an order using the Credit Card is very similar to those used when making a purchase with any commercial credit

card. A purchase made with a purchasing card may be made in - store, by telephone, or internet. Please use with

extra care on the internet by checking first to make sure that it is a secure web site. When giving your

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purchasing card number out, please be sure of whom you are giving it to. When making a purchase the

following steps should be followed:

Confirm that the purchase is appropriate for the credit card by referring to the list of restricted items.

Confirm the total cost (including shipping and handling) will not exceed present transaction limits.

Make sure you are obtaining the best possible value. Any cardholder can contact Purchasing to ask if

there is awarded vendor.

Upon receipt of the item, retain copies of itemized sales receipt, statement, and/or packing slip. Itemized

receipts must be readily available for audit. Improper documentation may result in loss of the Credit


Make sure ALL transactions are accounted for on the Districts Credit Card/Open PO Commodity Log

and submitted to Purchasing with monthly statement.


Allowed Expenses


Non-capital equipment (requires prior approval from Purchasing)

Food or refreshments for District meetings

Quick payment method to allow additional students to attend a

Field trip

Small parts purchases for campus/departmental repairs

Snacks or soft drink purchases for meetings

Approved Travel expenses for work related travel (requires prior approval from Purchasing)

Prohibited Expenses

Cash Advances

Construction, Renovation or Installation Services (These are 1099 reportable to the IRS)

Services of sole proprietorships, individuals, or non-incorporated businesses (These are1099 reportable

to IRS)

Professional and Consulting Services

Medical Services

Leases/Rentals requiring a signed agreement

Maintenance/Service Agreements requiring a signed agreement

Software Licensing Agreements requiring signatures

Intellectual Property (e.g. photography services, webpage/software development)

Personal items or loans

Purchases involving trade-in of District property

State and federal grant fund purchases

Gift Cards

Gifts for students or staff



Sales Tax

Gratuities (Unless deemed mandatory by establishment, due to the quantity in the party.)

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Splitting or stringing purchases

Use of or allowing a purchase(s) to be made with a purchasing card assigned to another individual

Any purchase categories blocked through the purchasing card Merchant Category Codes (MCC) will be

prohibited as determined by Citibank and the Purchasing Coordinator.


The Cardholder shall utilize the Credit Card for purchasing supplies and materials to facilitate the District’s

business. The Cardholder is responsible for following the guidelines for purchases, selection of Vendors,

security of cards and monthly statement reconciliation.


The Secretary is responsible for approving monthly Credit Card statements of Cardholders to ensure they are

within District policy. The Secretary will also assist in monitoring adherence to Credit Card regulations. The

Secretary is responsible for preparing/completing and processing the credit card statement for payment within

10 days of receiving the statement.


The Accounting department is responsible for the receiving of monthly statements received from the

cardholders, reconciliation of the monthly expenditures to the reports received from Citibank, and posting

monthly expenditures against campus/departmental budgets.


A single invoice (statement) covering all Credit Card purchases will be paid each month. You will not be

required to directly pay your monthly statement using personal funds. The Credit Card does not impact your

personal credit rating in anyway.

To meet State and District payment policies, it is required that you submit all original itemized receipts with the

monthly statement for all purchases made using the credit card. If you purchase via phone or mail, require the

merchant to include an itemized receipt with the goods when the product is shipped to you. If that is not

possible, you must obtain a packing slip when the shipment is received to document the purchase.

Misuse of the Credit Card includes:

Using the Credit Card for personal purchase

Purchase of unauthorized items

Use of the Credit Card by someone other than the cardholder

Fraudulent or inaccurate record keeping

Diverting legitimate school purchases for personal use

In the case of misuse, the individual responsible will be required to pay all transaction fees to the District (see

Accounting Department). Continued recurrences of misuse will result in forfeit further use of the credit card.


There may be an occasion when you find items on your statement that do not correlate with your retained

receipts. Reconciliation of your monthly statement is very important to determine if you made a particular

transaction, the amount of the transaction is correct, or you have a quality or service issue.

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Your first recourse is to contact the merchant involved to try and resolve the error or obtained a copy of a lost

receipt. If the merchant is able to resolve the issue then make a note of the transaction in question on your

statement and provide a narrative explaining the situation and the resolution. If a credit is issued on your next

monthly statement a copy of the narrative along with a credit receipt for the discrepancy needs to be included on

the following statement.


The Credit Card is the property of SWISD and should be secured just as you would secure your personal credit

cards. Preferably the card will be kept in a secure location in a District building when not in use. If your card is

lost or stolen contact (card provider) customer service number (1-866-248-4553) immediately, then notify the

Purchasing Office. When calling customer service, be prepared to provide your social security number and pin.


Merchants are usually required by taxing authorities to include sales tax when goods are purchased. The

amount is dependent on a variety of factors, including the state the city where you are purchasing the goods.

Purchases of items by public or non-profit private schools for their own use are generally exempt from sales tax.

The exemption applies to the public or non-profit schools, not to the individual.

It is the cardholder’s responsibility to notify the merchant that SWISD is tax exempt. The state tax exempt

number and form are available by request through the Accounting Office.


Any employee planning to attend a conference, workshop, seminar, or other function must submit an In-

service/Workshop/Program for approval before any expenditure is processed on the District Credit Card. All

charges should align with the District Travel Procedures (refer to the Travel Procedure section of the manual).


If an authorized user wants to use the Credit Card for travel expenses that are commonly reimbursed on a

District Travel Form the employee will have to choose which method they will be using for the entire trip. In

order for the Purchasing Department to regulate that all District travel procedures were followed, all reimbursed

charges need to be on a credit card statement or travel form (if both methods are used it will be up to the

discretion of the Purchasing Department if the employee will get reimburse for out of pocket expenses typically

claimed on the a travel form).

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Contracted Services Contact Procedures 2017

Contracted Services Contact Procedures

Any vendor providing goods or services to the Southwest Independent School District (District or SWISD) must

fill out a Vendor Application. A vendor must complete a vendor application, and may require updates as needed.

A vendor is any party who desires doing business with the District. A W-9 tax form must be filled out by all

vendors expecting payment from the District. Vendors should contact the Purchasing Department with specific

questions or guidance for completing the Vendor Application.

A SWISD “CONTRACTOR SERVICES AGREEMENT” must be completed by the District organization seeking

the services of a contractor or consultant. SWISD organizations contracting services from a consultant or

contractor in excess of $1,000.00 must complete a contract service agreement. The Agreement (or contract) must

be signed by the contractor before the Agreement is forwarded to Purchasing. In order for Purchasing to process

a contract the following must be forwarded to Purchasing:

A contract signed by the vendor, the organization sponsor seeking the services of the contractor, and the

District department head or school principal;

If contractor is working directly with students for multiple days and unsupervised contractor needs

to be Fingerprinted (Senate Bill 9 compliance) see SB9 section.



A vendor application as needed; VENDOR PACKET LINK

Fee schedule, deliverables, brief description of services provided.

A paper/pen requisition (PO) for the entire amount of the contract.

Check requests/draws will be made against the purchase order, with billing invoices from vendor.

Any contracts exceeding $50,000 must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

All contracts for consultants providing curriculum based professional development will require

approval from Curriculum and Instruction.

When using state or federal funds, additional requirements must be compliant with the Education

Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) guidelines. Approval must also be

received from the Southwest Independent School District External Funding Department.

A determination of cost form in connection with every procurement action including contract

modifications will be required to determine the reasonableness of the proposed contract price. The

vendor is required to submit the elements of their estimated cost, e.g., under professional, consulting, and

architectural engineering services contracts. A cost analysis will be necessary when adequate price

competition is lacking, and for sole source procurements, including contract modifications or change

orders, unless price reasonableness can be established on the basis of a catalog or market price of a

commercial product sold in substantial quantities to the general public or based on prices set by law or


A contract must be returned signed by the Superintendent of Schools before a contract is considered valid. Southwest ISD assumes no liability for payment obligations except those incurred according to its purchasing

policies. An official signed purchase order with an authorized purchase order number affixed thereon is the only

method for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment, and/or services obligating Southwest I.S.D. to

payment. A purchase order provides authorization before a purchase is made. Board policy (CH Local) dictates

that any party making unauthorized purchases in the District’s name be held personally responsible for


Upon the completion of services or in accordance with the payment schedule outlined in the contract a “Check

Request” and a signed invoice must be submitted to Accounting for payment.

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Contracted Services Contact Procedures 2017

Salesmen are not to call on individual schools without an approval letter from the Purchasing Department. Such

approval will be given only after consultation with the campus principal or department director. Pursuant to

Board Policy (CHE local), solicitors, vendors, collectors, or salespersons shall not be permitted to confer with

students or employees during school hours without the prior approval of the Superintendent or designee. Under

no circumstances shall such persons be permitted to interrupt classes or conduct personal business with


All vendors must have an approval letter from Purchasing before they are allowed on a campus/department.

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Promotional T-Shirts

Primary Vendors for 2017 - 2018:

Company: Alamo Tee’s and Advertising (TxID#03966) Contact: Anna Acuna or Tracey Moreno

Phone: 210-699-3800 Fax: 210-699-1963

[email protected] [email protected]

Company: Brandmark, LLC. (TxID#09627)

Contact: Daniel Hernandez Phone: 210-710-6806 Fax: 956-627-6249 [email protected]

Company: TSW Screen Printing & Embroidery (TxID#02365)

Contact: Alejandro S Carrillo or Andrew Carrillo Phone: 210-431-0005 or 210-264-8684 Fax: 210-431-7821 or 210-431-2801

[email protected]

FAQ’s Who will be using this Contract?

• club accounts (fund 865) • staff accounts (fund 461) • campus funds (fund 184) • general fund (fund 161) • Any categorical funds that are used for the purchase of T-shirts. • PTA’s and Booster Clubs are exempt from this contract and may purchase from

any vendor Why do I have to purchase from this Contract? This contract is to be used for promotional T-Shirts. You may also use these vendors to purchase other embroidered items such as caps, polo shirts, etc. The contract contains various discounts for these items as an additional service. What happens if I purchase T-Shirts from another vendor? If you attempt to purchase T-Shirts from a vendor that was not awarded the contract, the Purchasing Office will return your requisition to you. If you have already ordered the T-Shirts without a PO, then the District will not be responsible for the purchase and the individual who placed the order will be responsible for the purchase as per Board Policy, (CH Local).

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Charter Buses

Primary Vendors for 2017 - 2018:

Company: Daisy Charters & Shuttles (TxID#95601)

Contact: Jesikah Perez

Phone: (210) 225-8600

Fax: (210) 255-8617

[email protected]

Company: OK Tours (TxID#96392)

Contact: Marcos Jarmiento

Phone: (210) 222-8880

Fax: (210) 222-8280

[email protected] or [email protected]

Company: Regent Coach Line LTD. (TxID#01079)

Contact: Nicole Wilson

Phone: (210) 212-0510

Fax: (210) 212-0512

[email protected]

Company: Kerrville Bus Company (TxID#05553)

Contact: Gloria Butler

Phone: (210) 226-7371

Fax: (210) 299-1237

[email protected]

Company: Star Shuttle Inc. (TxID#07479)

Contact: Rosio Becerra

Phone: (210) 581-9990

Fax: (210) 829-5182

[email protected]

For Academic Trips, follow the order listed below:

1. OK Tours

2. Daisy Charters & Shuttles

3. Regent Coach Line, Ltd.

4. Star Shuttle, Inc.

5. Kerrville bus Coach USA

6. Corporate Service International

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For Athletic or ROTC Trips, follow the order listed below:

1. Daisy Charters & Shuttles

2. OK Tours

3. Kerrville Bus Coach USA

4. Regent Coach Line, Ltd.

5. Star Shuttle, Inc.

6. Corporate Service International


Who will be using this Contract?



Academic Clubs or Extracurricular

Fine Arts

Curriculum & Instruction



What is the process?

1. Contact the Purchasing Department for prior approval to order a charter bus.

2. The campus or department will make contact with the vendor for availability and

to secure a quote.

3. Vendor will send a contract to the campus or department for verification of terms.

4. The campus or department will review the contract terms: date of service, travel

agenda, pick-up, drop off times and locations.

5. After contract is signed, campus or department will send a copy to the Purchasing

Department for verification of terms and pricing.

6. Upon approval, contract is sent to the vendor for processing.

7. Campus or department will be responsible for submitting an online requisition.

8. Purchase order must be sent to the vendor for billing.

Why do I have to purchase from this Contract?

This contract is to be used for scheduling of Charter Bus Services. A formal proposal

was conducted by the Purchasing Department. These vendors were awarded and have

been approved by the Board. The contract contains fixed pricing for additional services.

What happens if I contract another vendor for these services?

If you attempt to contract a vendor that was not awarded the contract, the Purchasing

Department will return your requisition to you. If you have already ordered a charter bus

service without a PO, then the District will not be responsible for the purchase and the

individual who placed the order will be responsible for the purchase as per Board Policy,

(CH Local).

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