Page 1: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 1

Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light 1982 Hymnal # 490

Page 2: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 2

I want to walk as a Child of the light … Continued

Page 3: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 3

Gloria in Excelsis Halle, Halle, Hallelujah! S119 Enriching our Worship




44œœ œœ œ œœ œœHalHal le, hal le, halœ œ œœ œ œœ


œœ ..˙le

œœ ..˙


˙ ˙lu˙ ˙

G D7



- - - - -





œœ œœ œ œœ œœHal le, hal le, halœœ œœ œ œ œœ

C Gsus G

œœ ..˙leœœ ..˙


˙ ˙lu

ww ˙

Am Am(add 9)/C

wwjah!œ œ œ œHal le lu jah!



- - - - -- - -





œœ œœ œ œœ œœHal le, hal le, halœ œ œœ œ œœ

G G/D Am11/D G

œœ ..˙le

œœ ..˙


˙ ˙#lu˙ ˙

G B7(omit 5)

- - - - -




12 ˙ œœ œœjah! Hal le˙ œœ œœ

Em Esus Em

œœ œœ Œ œœlu jah! Halœœ œœ Œ œœ

Am Am/C

˙ ˙le lu˙ ˙




- - - - - -


Page 4: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 4

Gradual/Sequence Hymn If you believe and I believe # 806 Wonder Love & Praise







œœ jœœ œœ œœ œœyou be lieve andœœ J

œœ œœ Jœœ


œœ jœœ œœ jœI be lieve andœœ Jœœ œœ J



œœjœœ œœ jœœ

we to geth erœœ Jœœ œœ Jœœ


- - - -




4 ..œœ œœ jœpray the..œœ œœ Jœ


œœ jœœ œœ œœ œœHo ly Spir itœœ J

œœ œœ Jœœ


œœ jœœ œœ jœmust come down andœœ Jœœ œœ J



œœjœœ œœ jœœ

set God's peo pleœœ Jœœ œœ Jœœ


- - -




8 ..œœ œœ jœœfree, and..œœ œœ J



œœ jœœ œœ Jœœset God's peo pleœœ Jœœ œœ Jœœ

G G ..œœ œœ jœœfree, and..œœ œœ Jœœ

B m A m

œœ jœœ œœ jœœset God's peo pleœœ J

œœ œœ Jœœ


- -




12 ..œœ œœ jœœfree, the..œœ œœ J


A m G/D

œœ jœœ œœ œœ œœHo ly Splr itœœ J

œœ œœ Jœœ


œœ jœœ œœ jœmust come down andœœ Jœœ œœ J



œœjœœ œœ jœœ

set God's peo pleœœ Jœœ œœ Jœœ


..œœ œœfree...œœ œœ


- - -

# 806 If you believe and I believe

Page 5: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 5

Offertory Hymn Give Me Oil in My Lamp Voices Found V 61

Page 6: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 6

Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow [1982 Hymnal # 380 V. 3] A Cappella (No Instruments)

Page 7: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 7

Sanctus: Holy, holy, holy Lord S130 Franz Schubert/Proulx (Melody & Text in bulletin)

Fraction Anthem: O Lamb of God S 44 My Heart Sings Out A Cappella (No Instruments) (Rev. Stacy leads)

& bbb ˙ œHo ly,

˙ œho ly,

˙ œho ly

˙ ŒLord,

˙ œGod of

˙ œpower and


˙ Œ- - -

& bbb ˙ œHo ly,

˙ œho ly,

˙ œho ly

˙ ŒLord,

˙ œGod of

˙ œpower and might,

œ Œ Œ- - -

& bbb .œ Jœ œhea ven and

˙ œearth are


˙ Œ ˙ œfull

˙ œof your


œ Œ œry. Ho- - -

& bbb ˙ œsan na

˙ œin the


˙ œest. Ho

˙ œsan na

˙ œin the


˙ Œest.- -- - -

& bbb .œ Jœ œBless ed is

˙ œhe who


˙ Œ ˙ œin the

œ œ œname of the


œ Œ œHo- -

& bbb ˙ œsan na

˙ œin the


˙ œest. Ho

˙ œsan na

˙ œin the


˙ Œest.- - - - -

Page 8: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 8

Communion Hymn I, the Lord of sea and sky Wonder Love Praise # 812

Page 9: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 9

Page 10: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 10

Communion Hymn Morning Has Broken [1982 Hymnal Accompaniment Edition # 8]

Page 11: Processional Hymn I want to walk as a Child of the light… · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Picnic Worship Service Music Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lorraine Langer, Director of Music 08-21-2016 Edits/Updates 11

The Procession into the World Hymn In Christ There is No East or West LEVAS II L 62

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