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Processing Student Account Charges and Closing the Cashiering Session

Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

Viewing Student Account Charges ..................................................................... 3

Entering a Simple Charge ................................................................................ 5

Entering Multiple Tranasactions ....................................................................... 8

Modifying or Reversing a Charge .................................................................... 10

Reviewing Transactions and Closing a Cashiering Session .................................. 13

Setup a printer and print Receipts, Invoices or Student Summaries ................... 15

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Viewing Student Account Charges

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Viewing Student Account Charges

The Account Detail Review Form - Student TSAAREV, is used to enter and review charges and payment informati on about a student account. The balance of the account and the current amount due are cal-culated and displayed on the last line of this form. Any changes to the account informati on will modify these balances.


• Open the Account Detail Review form (TSAAREV) and access the student’s account informati on.

• View student account details for a specifi c term.

• View student account balances.


1. Open the Account Detail Review form (TSAAREV)and access the student’s account informati on.

a. From the Banner main page, enter TSAAREV in the Go To... fi eld and press <Enter>

If the TOADEST form opens, close it. The TOADEST form allows Banner users to determine where receipts, invoices or student summaries will be printed.

b. Enter the McGill ID of the student in the Key block and press Next Block .

Holds will display the hold type (if any) on the student account.

2. View student account details for a specifi c term.

a. All student account charges will be listed in the Account Details block for all terms.

b. Click Enter Query .

c. Enter the term for which you would like to view charges and payments.

d. Click Execute Query .

You will see all charges and payments applied to the specifi ed term.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Viewing Student Account Charges

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3. View student account balances.

a. Next Block to view:

– Query balances based on the criteria entered in your query;

– The account balance, including future dated charges for all terms;

– The amount due excluding future dated charges;

– Amount of memo’d items on the account which are not fed to accounti ng;

– Authorized fi nancial aid available to the student;

– A counter of all non-suffi cient funds made;

– If a receipt has been sent for printi ng.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Entering a Simple Charge

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Entering a Simple Charge

Entering charges on student accounts is a straight forward process - it requires the creati on of a new transacti on using the right detail code, amount and term.


• Open the Student Account Detail form (TSADETL) and access the student’s account informati on.

• Enter the new charge.

• Add comments.


1. Open the Student Account Detail form (TSADETL) and access the student’s account informati on.

a. From the Banner main page, enter TSADETL in the Go To... fi eld and press <Enter>

If the TOADEST form opens, close it. The TOADEST form allows Banner users to determine where receipts, invoices or student summaries will be printed.

b. Enter the McGill ID of the student in the Key block and press Next Block .

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Entering a Simple Charge

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2. Enter the new charge.

a. Click on the Insert Record butt on to create a new record

b. Fill in the necessary fi elds:

– Detail Code identi fi es the type of transacti on entered. You can search for detail codes by using the Search butt on next to the fi eld label.

– Descripti on defaults in but can and should be changed to be more specifi c, especially in the case of exams.

– Amount defi nes the amount of the transacti on.

– Term indicates the term where you wish the transacti on to appear.

This is a 6-digit code such as 201009, where the fi rst four digits identi fy the att endance year. The last two digits identi fy the starti ng month: 09 = Fall, 01 = Winter, 05 = Summer.

Open Learning terms begin with 8, such as 801009. Conservatory of Music terms begin with 82, such as 821009.

c. Save

3. Add Comments.

a. Make sure the record you just created is highlighted. If not, select it.

b. Click on the Additi onal Text butt on located beside the Text fi eld to enter your comments for this transacti on.

You can also use Opti ons > Create Additi onal Text.

c. Enter a descripti on of the charge including the following informati on:

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Entering a Simple Charge

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– Your name and McGill extension number.

– For who it was entered, if necessary (e.g. Useful to trace back to the individual who asked for the charge to be entered in the fi rst place).

– Any other relevant informati on about the charge.

d. Save .

e. Exit by pressing the Return butt on at the bott om of the Additi onal Text block.

Noti ce there is now a “Y” next to the Text fi eld. This indicates there is a comment associated with this charge. The additi onal text can be simply read or modifi ed at a later date.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Entering Multi ple Tranasacti ons

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Entering Multiple Tranasactions

If you have to enter the same or very similar charges or payments for multi ple students use the form TSAMASS. TSAMASS allows you to setup default values that are added on multi ple student accounts.


• Open the Billing Mass Data Entry form (TSAMASS) and fi ll in the default values.

• Enter the students to which the charge or payment should be applied.


1. Open the Billing Mass Data Entry form (TSAMASS) and fi ll in the default values.

a. From the Banner main page, enter TSAMASS in the Go To... fi eld and press <Enter>

If the TOADEST form opens, close it. The TOADEST form allows Banner users to determine where receipts, invoices or student summaries will be printed.

b. In the key block, fi ll the following fi elds. The values you enter will be used as defaults for each transacti ons.

– The Detail Code corresponding to the charge or payement you wish to apply.

– The Amount of the transacti on.

– The Term when the charge will apply.

The informati on entered in the key block is meant as defaults for all the students. However, those defaults can be overwritt en with diff erent values as needed for some students.

c. Next Block .

2. Enter the students to which the charge or payment should be applied.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Entering Multi ple Tranasacti ons

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a. Enter the ID for each student along with any specifi c descripti ons or amounts. Remember that the default values entered in the key block can be overwritt en for each student if necessary.

b. Save .

Once saved, the transacti ons are automati cally added on each Student Account. Review transacti ons and close the cashiering session.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Modifying or Reversing a Charge

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Modifying or Reversing a Charge

Usually a modifi cati on or reversal of a transacti on is required because an error was committ ed on a pre-viously entered transacti on or a student is enti tled to a refund. Reversing and modifying charges requires additi onal steps since a charge entered on an account cannot be deleted or changed once it has been saved.


• Open the Student Account Detail form (TSADETL) and access the student’s account informati on.

• Identi fy the record that needs modifi cati on.

• Create a new record and enter the new charge informati on.


1. Open the Student Account Detail form (TSADETL) and access the student’s account informati on.

a. From the Banner main page, enter TSADETL in the Go To... fi eld and press <Enter>

If the TOADEST form opens, close it. The TOADEST form allows Banner users to determine where receipts, invoices or student summaries will be printed.

b. Enter the McGill ID of the student in the Key block and press Next Block.

2. Identi fy the record that needs modifi cati on.

All of the student’s charges appear. Since you will need informati on emanati ng from the previous record entered in the system, you need to search for it. Scroll through the records if there are not too many or query for the record with the Banner query functi ons.

To query the charge that need modifying:

a. Click Enter Query.

b. Enter the Detail code or any other informati on you have about the charge.

c. Click Execute Query.

You will see a list of all charges put on the account that fi t your criteria.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Modifying or Reversing a Charge

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d. Locate the one you need to modify.

3. Create a new record and enter the new charge informati on.

a. Click on the Insert Record butt on to create a new record.

b. Fill in the fi elds for the new record with required values:

To modify a charge:

– Detail Code is the same as the previous record to be modifi ed.

– Descripti on will automati cally default. Edit the descripti on to include the word Adj.

– Amount is the amount of the adjustment. For example:

– For a 10$ overcharge, the new record would indicate -10.00.

– If the account was not charged enough (10$), the new record would be for 10.00.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Modifying or Reversing a Charge

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To reverse a charge:

– Detail Code is the same as the previous record to be modifi ed.

– Descripti on will automati cally default. Edit the descripti on to include the word Reverse.

– Amount is the same amount that was put on the original charge.

– For a 35$ charge, the reversal would indicate -35.00.

c. Save .

d. Make sure the record you just created is highlighted. If not, select it.

e. Click on Create Additi onal Text and enter:

– Your name,

– Department,

– McGill extension number,

– The reason of the modifi cati on/reversal. Explain clearly why the charge was modifi ed/reversed.

f. Save .

g. Exit by pressing the Return butt on at the bott om of the Additi onal Text block.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Reviewing Transacti ons and Closing a Cashiering Session

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Reviewing Transactions and Closing a Cashiering Session

Each ti me you enter or modify transacti ons on students accounts, a cashiering session is automati cally opened. At the end of the day, it is necessary to review all the transacti ons and close the cashiering session, so the transacti ons can be reviewed by Student Accounts before sent to the fi nance system.

For additi onal informati on, see also the fi eld descripti on for the form TGACREV.


• Open the Cashier Session Review form (TGACREV) and enter your session details.

• Review the cashier session summary.

• Review the cashier session details.

• Close the cashiering session.


1. Open the Cashier Session Review form (TGACREV) and enter your session details.

a. From the Banner main page, enter TSAMASS in the Go To... fi eld and press <Enter>

If the TOADEST form opens, close it. The TOADEST form allows Banner users to determine where receipts, invoices or student summaries will be printed.

b. Enter your Banner User ID and session number for the session which needs to be closed. Usually, you daily session will be Session ‘0’.

c. Save .

d. Next Block .

This block can limit displaying transacti ons by Type (P = Payments, C = Charges) or Category. Leave the fi elds blank to see all your transacti ons.

e. Next Block .

You will see the list of all transacti on by detail code and the associated totals that have been entered for the day.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Reviewing Transacti ons and Closing a Cashiering Session

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2. Review the cashier session summary

a. Look at each summary by detail code. They represent the Total of each type of transacti ons you processed in this cashier session.

For example: You entered 5 transacti ons with Detail Code ADID (Replacement ID cards). You will see one entry with Detail Code ADID and a total of $100.

3. Review the cashier session details

a. Select Opti ons > Review Cashier Session Detail to view the list of all transacti ons put in during this cashiering session.

b. Look at each entry representi ng individual transacti ons.

In this block, you can see all 5 ADID entries for $20 each.

4. Close the cashiering session.

a. Select Opti ons > Close Session.

b. Write down the number that appears in the Session Number fi eld in the key block.

c. Inform your supervisor and the Student Accounts Offi ce that the session has been closed (provide session number from sub-step b) and request that the session be fi nalized.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Setup a printer and Print Receipts, Invoices or Student Summaries

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Setup a printer and Print Receipts, Invoices or Student Summaries

The TOADEST form allows Banner users to select a local printer for receipts, invoices or student summaries.


• Open the Account printer Selecti on form (TOADEST).

• Enter the printer name.

• Print Receipts, Invoices or Student Summaries.


1. Open the Account printer Selecti on form (TOADEST).

a. From the Banner main page, enter TSAMASS in the Go To... fi eld and press <Enter>

When opening one of the Student Account form for the fi rst ti me in a Banner session, TOADEST will open automati cally.

2. Enter the printer name.

a. Decide if you will need to print Receipts, Invoices and/or Student Summaries during your Banner Session.

b. Enter the Banner name of your printer in the appropriate fi eld in the form.

You can select your printer from a list by clicking on the Down Arrow butt on next to the appropriate fi eld.

If you are unsure of what type of document you will need to print during your Banner session, enter your printer name in all 3 fi elds.

When closing the form the printer setti ngs will be saved automati cally.

3. Print receipts, invoices or student summaries.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2010

Setup a printer and Print Receipts, Invoices or Student Summaries

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a. Open the Student Account Detail form (TSADETL) or the Account Detail Review Form - Student (TSAAREV) and enter the student id.

b. Next Block .

c. Select Opti ons > Print Receipts.

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