Page 1: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

z Business Development


Process Training

Page 2: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zStaging & Reassignment

§ The revamp of staging will simplify the sales path from 5 stages to 3 and provide clearer definitions to requirements for stage transition.

§ The process creates new conditions for reassignment of accounts with no activity or referrals to the House account.



Prospect Development Active






Page 3: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zPartner Account Page Layout UpdatesField Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following will only be

updated by managers.

§ Account Type – Reps will have access to enter a value into this field when creating new account. If this fields needs to be updated on an existing account the change will be submitted to a manager for update.

§ Referrals Sent to Us

§ Admitted Referrals Sent to Us

§ Referrals to Partners

§ Date of Last Admission

§ Date of Last Referral

§ Last Activity Date – BD

§ Last Activity Date

§ Last Activity Type

Page 4: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zPartner Account Page Layout UpdatesField Permissions (Business Account Detail)

Page 5: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zPartner Account Page Layout UpdatesNew Section (Cadence)

§ BD Stage – Current Account Stage

§ Admissions - Patient Opps Admitted in past 180 days

§ Next Due Task - Next Due Cadence Task

§ Next Due Task (Days Till Due) - Number of days till the next Cadence Task is due

§ Cadence Status - Cadence Compliance Status

§ Active Account Stage Change Warning - Yellow Icon will appear when account is in jeopardy of a stage change back to Development - 85 days with no referral.

§ Development Account Reassignment Warning – Yellow icon will appear when account is in jeopardy of being reassigned to house account – 30 days without a Meeting/Visit or 166 days without a referral.

§ Prospect Account Reassignment Warning – Yellow icon will appear when account is in jeopardy of reassignment to house account – 16 days without activity

Page 6: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zPartner Account Page Layout UpdatesNew Section (Cadence)

Page 7: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following



What are these Cadences you keep talking about?


Page 8: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zWhat is a Cadence Task and how will it help me?§ A Cadence Activities section will now appear in the partner

account page and show the minimum required activities to be performed on each partner account over a period of time.

§ Following these touchpoints will help representatives maintain consistent communication with facilities and create a better environment to achieve the “Active” referral stage

§ Set Cadences will also allow management to have better visibility into the work being done on each partner account.

Page 9: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zHow do I create a Task to Fulfill a Cadence? Pt1

§ A Cadence task will be considered completed and in compliance when a task of a similar Type is completed by the account owner with a completion date between the Start Date and Due Date of the Cadence Task.

§ The process is very similar to before but here are some new features.

§ Cadence Tasks are categorized as Meeting/Visit and Email/Call

§ When creating your own tasks be sure to check the Cadence Task Subject and choose the relevant task type as outlined below.

§ Meeting/Visit category includes tasks with Type Field - Meeting, Lunch & Learn, Tour, In-Service, Educational Event, Networking event, Visits

§ Email/Call category includes tasks with Type Field - Call, Left Voicemail, Text Communication, Mail, Email

Page 10: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zHow do I create a Task to Fulfill a Cadence? Pt2

§ Set the task “Status” to “Completed”.

§ Enter the date the activity was actually performed in the “Completion Date” field.

§ Hit Save.

§ Your task will now set the relevant Cadence Task to a “Completed” and flag it as InCompliance as long as your task’s completion date was between the start date and due date of the Cadence Task.

§ The three slide will show a visual of this process.

Page 11: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zWhat’s the next due task?(Cadence Activities)

Page 12: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zCreating a task to fulfill the next due task.

Page 13: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zNext due task is “Completed and “InCompliance”

Page 14: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zWhat happens if I miss a Cadence task?Cadence Status Pt.1

§ The Cadence Status field will update its color on the account page and related views according to the diagram.

§ If a Cadence task is missed the Status icon will remain RED until a manager reviews and overrides compliance on a missed Cadence Task.

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zWhat happens if I miss a Cadence task? Pt. 2

§ Reps now have the authority to override their own cadence tasks if they are missed. You can’t override future cadence tasks. Please see “Cadence” training tabs for information on how to complete this.

Page 16: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zWhat if I go on PTO or have an emergency?Cadence Freeze§ Managers have the ability to freeze Cadence Tasks via a

form for reps who go on PTO, have family emergencies etc.

§ The freeze will prevent all accounts tied to the selected representative from being flagged for non-compliance or from getting scheduled for automatic reassignment to house account.

§ Upon expiration of a cadence freeze the account returns to its standard cadence according to account type and stage.

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So, How Do I Manage This?z

Page 18: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zHome TabNext Due Cadence Task§ The home tab now has an enhancement to

provide a list view for BD representatives to track next due tasks, days till next due task, and cadence compliance statuses on a rolling 14-day outlook.

§ This enhancement will be a method for representatives to view the suggested cadence and mange daily activity.

Page 19: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zHome TabNext Due Cadence Task

Page 20: Process Training z Business Development Revamp · z Partner Account Page Layout Updates Field Permissions (Business Account Detail)§ In an effort to maintain data integrity the following

zBusiness Development AppAccounts Tab - Account Management View

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