
privacy is always a requirementEleanor McHugh

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and privacy requires trust

building trust is hard

securing trust is harder

(and yes, the internet is broken)

today’s topic is applied paranoia


Pronunciation: /ˌparəәˈnɔɪəә/

noun {mass noun}

A mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.

Unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people: mild paranoia afflicts all prime ministers


Pronunciation: /ˌparəәˈnɔɪəә/

noun {mass noun}

The perfectly reasonable belief that someone, somewhere is watching your online behaviour with malicious and/or voyeuristic intent. It may be a result of reading a Hacking Exposed or Hacking for Dummies publication, experiencing the fallout from identity theft, or shopping with bitcoin.

Justified suspicion and mistrust of other people: chronic paranoia afflicts all information security professionals accute paranoia afflicts the victims of hacking

privacy is not perfect security

perfect security is a myth

and so is perfect trust

trust is always a contract

and contracts can be broken

we have to trust governments

governments are privileged

and our users have to trust us

because we’re privileged

but who can we trust?

as a visitorI want to remain anonymous when I interact with your service

so I can get an idea of who you are without committing to anything

but it’s okay if you know I visited or ask if I’d like to hear from you later

so long as you don’t tell anyone else and you accept my answer

as a registered userI want my personal data to be secure when I entrust you with it

so hackers can’t steal my identity or bully me for my views

but it’s okay if you’re aware when I make changes and confirm them

so long as that information is provably to my benefit

as a system administrationI want to roll-back errors and monitor security breaches

so I can protect my users and my business from fraud or loss

but it’s okay if I can only see data relevant to a particular incident

so that I know the bare minimum about you or any other user

as a law enforcement officerI want to perform lawful interception queries

so I can catch criminals and terrorists

but it’s okay if you control my access and require court orders

so that criminal investigate is never a cover for political oppression

as a regulatorI want to ensure this service complies with all applicable rules

so I can catch prove that the service is trustworthy and legitimate

but it’s okay if you restrict my access to how you operate this service

so that I know neither your users nor their interactions

as a service ownerI want you to use my most excellent service

so we can build a business relationship from which we will both profit

but it’s okay if you don’t trust me with the details of your personal life

so long as you do trust me to run this service as advertised

and who is deceiving us?

as an agressive marketeerI want to access your visitor and customer databases

so I can figure out who is might pay for miracle product X

it’s okay to make my life a little difficult if it doesn’t affect sales of X

but I’m higher up the food chain than you so watch your back

as a disgruntled employeeI want to access your service

so I can make you pay for the pain I’m now feeling

you can try and stop me but I’ve had privileged access in the past

and I know all the secrets you’d rather keep about vulnerabilities

as a script kiddieI want to access your service

because it gives me a thrill to break into other people’s computers

you can try and stop me but I’ve lots of different scripts to play with

even though I don’t understand how most of them work their magic

as an online fraudsterI want to access your service

so I can steal the credentials and data of your users

if you make my life difficult I’ll move onto a different target

after all, there’s always another sucker ripe for scamming

as a malicious attackerI want to access your service

so I can monitor the behaviour of your users and steal their identities

you can try and stop me but I’m probably more skilled than your team

and I’m being paid for results so I will be persistent

some basic rulesusers are only customers if they register

and you should know your customers well enough to help them

but your customers own their identity so never compromise it

secure all transports and storage where their data may exist

give them final say over what data you store and for how long

and definitely don’t give or sell their data to third parties!

limit your surveillance to threats

know only what you need to

marketing will hate you

hackers will hate you

governments will hate you

!! hate is deadly !!

so get your security tight

and keep it tight


encrypt all transports• establish a secure channel by exchanging public keys

• and check their validity against trusted certificates (SSL, TLS, etc.)

• as an added measure pin these certificates (like SSH pins keys)

• then exchange symmetric keys for a private secure channel

• change these keys frequently (cheap cipher streams)

• and pin each distinct message to a distinct key (one-time pads)

encrypt all passwords• accept unicode to expand the symbol space

• hash every new password before it’s submitted

• always use a cryptograpically secure hash (HMAC)

• and a fresh HMAC key for each password (which you must store)

• salt the resulting hash when you receive it (and store the salt)

• then hash again before storing in your database

require two-factor authentication• have the user submit their password over a secure channel

• then send them a confirmation code out-of-band

• that’s an agreed trust anchor acting as a shared secret

• the confirmation code should be big enough to generate a HMAC

• and only the HMAC should be submitted

• now you have two secure channels based on shared secrets

encrypt all storage• secured transport is useless without secured data stores

• encrypt all sensitive fields - that probably means all fields

• and store HMACs for desired search terms

• otherwise you black box is secure but unsearchable

• make sure you use different roles for reading, writing and searching

• that’s right, your datastore is also a set of secure streams

anchor trust internally• establish your own certificate authority

• assign fine-grained roles to different components (microservices)

• and minimise your threat surface (regular code audits, security logs)

• never deploy without a full security audit

• and make those deployments immutable

• security audits (like QA) are best done by third parties

be vigilant

be paranoid


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