Page 1: PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka Volunteer Services · PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka Volunteer Services leveland 11011' much do volunteer serVlce~ co I" LeI' a,SlIme Utat your chapler has 300

PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka

Volunteer Services

leveland 11011' much do volunteer serVlce~

co I" LeI' a,SlIme Utat your chapler has

300 member>. and that 30 o( them (10' r I J!aH 50 hour each of service to your chapter last yeaI'. At the rate of 2.50 per hour. this would amount to 3.750 worth of ,ervice Indh~dually, that would 3\'erage 10 a contribution of 125.

. 0\\ . let'. ssume that 10("0 of aliI' totat membership of :l8.000. or 2.800 member> eal'h J!ave 50 hours of service. Thi would amount to more thall ~350.000 \\ "rth of ervices to J CL. To pa)' for that service. we would Ileed to illcreQ, e OUI' '1ationsl dues to 25 per member'

But tbe value ot volunteer 0n'ices e tend much be\ ond monetary con· ideration . In {acl. if volunteers were

to be relmbuf ed for their time, I'm sure mall." would expect more tban $250 per hOllr.

HoII' much does it co I 10 create a tlimat. of 'en iti'e awareness and con· cern [or others. to bring different seg· m~nt of ollr .Iapane e Anlerican com· mumlie tOl!eth~r ill a unlled effort to promote programs which are meall' Ineful"

How much does it cost to have cer· tain members of our chapters use their mfluence and persuasion to olicit Ibe support of bose persons outside of our Japanese American communities?

• • • 'fbe volunteer i not a peds I per·

son endowed wiUt peelal skills and knowledge The volunteer's occupation. education or social status have no re­lation to his or ber motive for volun· teering. What L common to all who volunteer for J CL is a personal com­mItment to its purpose; a desire to belp olhers.

What moli\'ates the olunteer i the personal satisfaction of being ahle to make a contribution .. _ to do his her thing ... for a cause which he she be· Iie\'es in. 'fhe stronger this commit· ment. the Jr)'eater the involvement.

I am ure lhat all of you who have volunleered your services to JACL are not doing it out of a sense of obligation or duty. but because of your deep con· cer!! about the buman inequities III our socIety and \'our conviction that JACL has a \iable rol~ to play in belping to correct these mequlties. Admittedly_ some o£ you are also looking for CeT·

tam Side benchts, like 8 (uhu' mal~.

health irtsllrnnce. or perhnp~ a low cost trip to Japart .

'People have asked me wby I accepted to ~erve as a Ilatlonal officer no t hav a lot oC free time? 15 it to make "husi· nebS conlacts"? Or to be analytical, perhaps my paid job is not satisfying enough or I wanl to get away from my family

1 volunteel for the sam reason others do 1 hone. lly [cel that .JAC'L ha yel to reach it ~ potential of being an e{[ectlve and lIlfluenlial organiza­tion whicb CRn help Improve lhe socia l, economic. educational and political IHe of all people. specially lhose 01 the minority groups. Our personal experi· ences a membel1i of one identifiable minority give us certain adVAntages wbich hould be (ully explored.

With fell ex(·epliol1s. r am fully aware of the facl Ihat our efforts 10 dale have nol Illade much immediate impact on the . ocinl conrlitlons of our respective communities But 1 believe that. In thl' tong run. Olll' persistent ef­lort will pay o(f. Certninly. Ollr lack of aclive particip lion i not the answer to progressive (.'hRllge

1'\ e heartl ~o Illall\ .J" LeI' say lhal much of what .lACt is dOlllg III the field of human relations can be done in other organizations. Trllc. But it is an Intere ting fac! that relatively few of llS are actively IllVolved in othor human relations groups. Perhaps we feel more comfortable in associating with persons of our own kind; that throu~h J L we can focus on those specUtc issues which are of more im­mediate concern to us. These specific isslles can now be identified and brought to the aUention of aliI' Nallon­al Council for action.

hortly. cbapters wiU receive rna· terials from the I ational Office to as· sist with the formulation of program propo als and resolutions. Further reo vi~w and pr!oritizing of lhe e proposals wdl be the Job of delegates at National Convention to be beld in Portland. Or~gon. July 24·27. Delegates will be aSSIgned to small groups, representing differE\JI1 regions of our membership

For the [irs I time, a formal has been developed for individual JACL memo bet:S to 'participate in decision· making whIch wtll determine the immediate fu· ture directions of .JAeL. As JACL memo we have a right to participate in Ih~ I?rocess. 1 hope you will exercise UtIS nghl to tbe fullest.

2192 Grandview Ave .• Cleveland 44106


170 teams converging SACR .~MENTO. CalIf.-A tD­tal o[ 900 bowie ... are parti­cipating thl> <omlOR week in the 28th annual National JA CL 80wlinR Tournamenl al Country Club Lanes.

With 5;!oramrnto JACL and th~ . -,sci Bo,," ling Association a M-ho:e l Ih,' toumilment L altractlnJ:; ${'\rtn teams (tom Jopan In Ir"m HawaII and I 05 other out-of -town teams with 12 lo ... l-aJ'C~ conLlnl!cnts for an o\'"all total of 170.

Th. tntry ..... kdnv. n'

\0' '\ nttl \h."OWS

io~tiWrfO i' ~~j~:ft° __ J~ E... •• Say _ JdPAf. __ 1 TC1.v.o _ 1 5011'. __ 12 Drfl\I!'T _ _ 1ft Po nand _11 t"ttt __ I n J . __ I~

J. nt'lJtft C tndl 1 , Prnlh.Jl,lJ. II ,uno' - J

Tournom.,,1 rn-<halrmcn hi' SDkam.,t ... and Shill t.hi-

da "'porl'''' 50 "unntlaohPd" t'nlrJe w('rt" also aCl"Ommo .. dat<d this year Hcrc .re en­trlr. by '!vcnlJ Enl,l. ~1

T BIN .__ 112 noabl.,. __ . 27(, S.nRI... _u __ . 5~~

,\II·Even 600 Sw<"per _. 426 loU xed Obi.

\\ 58 I~~

276 251 112 220

Tournlfmcnt co-chairmen hili 1 hId. "nd Shl~ Saka­

mnlo ... re lurprt <:d and hap­py .t Ih~ rttOrd numb,r 01 J70 leama, r. pec.olly In wake of Ih" cn"-fgy orl I and peo_ ple (lnc!udlnl bowlers) in no mood lor lnIvl.'lln, OUI-of­In ... ·" "Bulh 01 UI arc decph .pprrcl~lIv. 01 Ih< r_ok from JACL howlen:' Saka­molO lIid. "IVe weren'l 1M do",'t1. desPlte Ihr cri,l.

Th .. Iournilmenl commllu-e r<!'mlnd. bowl.n ~holJld have Ih.-I, J ACf, meml>l', hip c.,d. .al til",,,, or H'JrI t'jlllnn,

Th. "lX'mng ml P, WIll b< hold ~t Ih. Cwntr. Club Sky Room. The award dlnn.r-rl .nce SAturday will be • 1 th-- Woodlak" Inn' hug~ hlnttu< room Tab I 57 per fJ(' ''Ion for 8 prime-rib rJlnn~r

II numb<'r of 1973 champ­Ion pre delendin, Ihe.r 1111, """, "'''''k ( Of appur­'n' II addPd J f1 .. 1 Double ·-Dr FA "nd Akl Don,. Port-1. cI IMnr S. IO:~O pm.,. Worn,n', t""m-Hollda Bo,d. 1i't7 IMar 7.4 p.rn) * Wome'n' Do"M. Kayk .. Sonod,.-Krl­kn Kulda, I •. A (Mar 8. 3 p .m J' Mm I Ct •• 1(' Slnrlu­IIr y,,, U'I"II IMaT. n. I I p.m.), Mtn·. I ",ubI... S hl~ N.ka-

.. We, 8&f-Eddy 1:ltroo. Mvron Kn.

~:t~~I~' :'~J~y '~~=oto , Cal\"n

PIERSON'S PBARMAC~ SOo. tIGO-Tom Bu ~eY. a.rve\' lith l­~',f;:Js:mt Iwasa , K.m- SOinul

Cootlnued on 1'0,. 4

eeoc to launch

bullelin, sel

meeling schedule By THOMA. TO\- Mi\

DE.t.ANO. CaIiL-To .m.,rovl· communication a m 0 n g tht Ccutl'al Ca!ifomin 015 t r I o~ Councn chapters. it \Ya! de­cided a dIstrict bulletin would be publJ5bed . Correspondenl, (rom ~ach chllpl.r I ""prcl. ed to be appolnled.

A CCDC regional onke. temporarily s itu~ted In CeDC Gov . l1.umJ TanJguchl's orne. at Fresno Stal • In the West FI'csno area Is .ISI) bclnJ! In­v.ltillated.

Other dJscu~ slon dud ac­tions, which took place at the CCDC m""ling hoslcd by thc Delono JACL al Carousei RC$­taurnnl on Sunday. Feb. 17 Included'

PI'ooc"slng oj Blue hicld Ins-urnnce cl&lrns. selection 01 luhll c CCDC meeting dates (Mot. 9. May 2 . July 6. Aug 20. Sept. 17 ,md Ocl. 15-all Tuesday I. Headquorter. bulldtng fund . rcvlew by OJ Jam", NngaUllIl of Ihe dbtrlel Oholar$hlp lol'nos .nel rai.ln~

the amount (rnm $12~ 10 ~2n[l Ihl. yeo.'

Chapl",· WPI'C oltio .omlnd­cd locol a108 high •• hool graduates Mould apply to • Notional.' ACL hol"r hip, by Mar 25

Tom Shlma,ukl ,"porl<'d Tula .. Counl, JAC[ "III ""I· ebrat. lis 40lh .nnlve .... "· toon. .

Inouye narrates IIONOL LU Sen )).Inlol rn ou~( narroitt.d '\atem Cop­lond' ·l.Incoln Porlrall" .1 the Mayor', S\,mphon\' ann Feb 22 with i h r Honolulu ',mphfjn~

p Mlmbe"h,p po.IIe"",,, ; J'"."OI .... " ... icon (.Iote" '(, '''.(~ !!., l.' ~.'. uhf 90012; (213) li-A 6·6'i~6

Pubh,h,d We.kly F,,,, ,"d u .. W •• k "f II "''',,~ CI ... Po".g. p,rd . t \.00 Aog."', ullf.

OL. 78 NO a }'nIDAY. MARCH 1, 1974 16 CE ITS

JACL backs U.W. in De Funis case WA!;tJl.!'lG'!O.' - Wblol mal' be Iht touchl, I CIVil tlIh" matt"r In recent ~tll I.c I h. U.S. Supr~m. Court the De Funl, V. Ode .... rd ea,~ ".. ochedulecl ror u."m .... t Ih. wt(·k "I Fob. 25.

Th~ Nnll"nal JACL So;.rd earJlu thl. month aubmJltod .an amIcus brld In conjunc­tion with th- Children' 0-­r"JUt Fund and var;o" orga­nization. In supporting th­Urtiv. 01 Wuhlnlton·. peel. minorlt)' admLuIODl polley

QuettJon. which .k a n -swcr In the "" ~ Intlud~

d Ided .n De F f. C.T and or<lfHd th Cnh 6'£117 (r,

enron him. T b ~ IJnlvt'nJIY apPl.,.Jed VJ 1/',- lAte aUTIrUlle ~our" which rev .... "d Ih. lo­w.". <fJUrI roJln" nolmg Ule 141h Am...r.dmrr.I'. tIU*"'''~ of "QIJ.lJI pr<Mt-tlIJr. dOd r.o ·equlr,· II unh.n1 'I 10 b .. "color bUnd" l\ac.e could rt­main a I.ot", Ir, tl',,, adm1!-10ns f1J' btf:a~ ,. .. te has a O\'"",,dJol In~ ­

e • I In prornc.1.lnl!: lliucraUon of public rdUtllUon" Ualeu In!nortty Cl'-UPS ~ve -rial ""'" Ickrrouon in u.., r1!C­ornm<!lldation atld web than 10 test "",res. lull 1n1<1ll1lU<m .. 01 nev ... be "hie -d t b ~ tOOr1 pld

Maiestic Cascades and Mt. Hood siand high above the Oregon melropolis of portland, site of Ihe 1974 atlonal JACL ConventIon, July 23·27

1-11 • WU·. It,. admlLl a blatk student to I~ I ... · 'CbooJ While relecllnt! "hite appll­ean vAth hlJlher Itt"d- and teal fcores Is il limply com­pen.ating tor the hilloric ex­chJEion of bf;.clts from the tl"­lal prof ... ion'

2-Or \s It pr"ttiClDr T e -vene diJcriminati"" and vi­o I a tin C the eom:UtuUooal righbo of whItes7

f:nletr=e:nl of thAt ltid:­tDa"Jl hQ'Vi e1'e-r. 1If..."d unde .. an ord6 itom Will am o IJoocl... the U.s SUTI' Court J tl« who ovr~ O!'mereenCT appeals from I h ., West Cout- ~ TUDb c<Jrlb­nurd bl.a rtudi.,. aDd w1lI ,uduated In Jun-

-Portland Chamber of Commerce Photo.


Eight Y ars in Planning

3-Where i. !bat equal op­POrtunlt,- "without r<'Prd 10 race. color, creed or l1ation.:a1 oriJin1...,

In 1he ADL briel. CCillat.o­r.ted by I '0 lead.U1l COtl!tJtu ­lional lCholan. Alttand.... l&.

Dependin, upon how the Bicl<el of Yal. and PhilIP B. court eventuaU, rut ... the the Kurland 01 Unlv. of ChIc:a,c so-called " actlon" an .. ."ment Is mtroduced PJ'OSl'ana adopled by bual- I hat thr Uni\'en>t)' ru.d no nel'O, I.bor and public allen- busm_ t.vorln, blac:kl be­cles may be alfecUd. ..en ~ It h. d naer acti .. e1, a. the admJJ;olonl poUcl... o{ d\Jerimlnated ac:Jnst - hem hundfed5 ot univenitil!S now Only whpre ~ Is ';';J&m;'; IhOWlDI: some prer"r_n.e tM o{ pan radaI ~auan. mlnoritI... lILd a Deed 10 riCh Q.1

PORTLAND. Ole.-As 01 l\lru' I. the Po. tland and Gresham­TI'OUldale JACL c hap t e r s have 21 weeks remaining to add thc Rnl.hlng touches 10 tbc 23"d biennial National Convention or tbc Jap.nese American OIt1~ens League al Ihe Sheraton MotOr Inn. Jul. 23-27.

This IS t h P convention which hos been eight yents In the planning, Ihough It was not Intended a6 convenUon lIes arc usuuUy determined

six years in advance. At the 1966 ConvenUon In

San Dlcgo. delegBte. h,d a choice between Washington. D.C .. and Portland. The \'ote WBS 44 fol' D.C. and 33 fa,. POl'tland and in tbanking the chaplet'S which bad voted (or Portland. then-PNW Gov. Emi

Plan now 10 visit

Ihe beautiful

Pacific Norlhwest PORTLAND. O,·e. - The Na­tional JACL ConvenUon com­mitlee here is urging JACLers and their families to vlsil the Pac,flc Northwest tbls sum­mel'. II wi I I be just ri&hl weather-wise during conven­tion weck Juh 2S-27

Evcn those who may nol be pJanning 10 attend the J ACL com'cnllan al I h e Sheralon Motor Inn a,'e being urged to \'isi! Ihe scenic Oregon ooun­try. The com'enlion has av­ailable Iree a 14-ounce IrB\'­.1 packet provided b~' Ihe Stale Hlghwa~' 011'1 Ion tour­iSI bureau.

The paekel contaons maps. lib!s and IncaUons of ~tale

parks. sightseclng "musts" and historical siles. Tbe .cen­it highw:JYs. golf courses. gucsl rancbes. ski areas Jlsh­log area. and paradises for rock hounds arc listed. A 32-palle brochure "lIh color pho­to!'. nn Oregon covers the In"ROllleent coasUine, WIl­lIamctte Valley. Columbia Ri­vcr Gorge, rugged 1\11. Hood arca IJ n d other recreational .Unctions.

ek.wa ",ked th. oon"",,-d be held In Portlaod In 111'14.

The moUon 10 lable the bid because It was too lar abead VI defealed and Portland se­cured " unanimous vote.

t the 1968 ConventloD In Jose, Sacramento and

Or ge COUllty ,""ed bids {or the 1976 Con v e n II 0 n bUI Orange County lhen withdrew and Sacram~to won approv­al to host Ibe 241h biennial 01' Ih. 1976 Convention

o further bids were made 10 the two su""eeding naUon· aI onvenLlons for whol would be the J ACL Golden Jublle. C venUon.

In 1929. mdcpendenl NiseI g r 0 UPS in CalJromJa and Washington mergcd to from a na onal bod .. and held the"

biennial' naUonal conveD­in 1930 al Sealtle.

. Somekawn. DOW Pu­Ip' Valley JACL praJdenl.

ed Portland hosted it> las naUonal convenUon In 1940. Among the convenUon Ie. e,. Ihen were Howard

omura. now of St . Paul .: Mam Wakasugi, Weis­

er. Idaho; "nd Dr Newton W ey. Chleago

r charge this year arc Dr J es Tsujimura and Henry Kalal co-chalnnen. assisted by Don Hayashi. JACL re-

Danger to Japan

democracy seen BOSTOr\. l\Ia ... - The World Affairs Councll here wa. re­cenU) warned b)' Edwin O. Reischauer thaI Japan i. lac­Ing danger 10 lis democracy

He attributed the crL<iS 0 Ja n's totat dependence up­on oil [rom foreIgn source:;. an unbalanced society where old \Ialues cannOl operale in a new world. overcrowding. pollUtion and Japan's demand t h 8 I Quality o{ imports be equal to Its e:.:parts.

He (ell Japan must end ils "10 posture" and develop pol ole.< 10 make the naUon more Independent.

glana! direclOr. and man), memben; of the two CD-hOl4 in chapten


Nal'l JACL Board

oriented to new

The case h.u dJoawn mu~h wronp. should an edaeation In!ul!SL Amicu briels han be 3110,...:1 -" cae­blitzed. the cou.r1 !rom evE IId"r a rIDden', ~ t beT ~jar civil ri&h . orpnlLl- .... hL Trult ..... nat u.. -liClCll! for both parti... . a the Unlv. (,f W~cton­

In support of the uQJ\'euit)' wbue the ...-.cial makeup 0'

are the "-alional U T bar. tbe law lICbool - about ~ -

convenll'on formal League. Urban Coalition. Uru- bJaclt - exacUy Illirrored the ted Aulo Worun. tiOU"ed .. cIa! comJl(lSlticm of ~ Mine Work ..... AJnericans for and rest 01 the Pac:it!e lior1b­Democratic Action. Union of ... est before prefenr.ces

- N FBA CI CO _ to Ih. AJnerican Helrc",,' Congrega- -dop ed <omin, weelts. J CL chapter tiODS and " atioDal Council of'" to the Sa Ilona! eo ... .rewbh Women. . In .cidJlJon. Kur4.nd .. ,d \·.ollon 31 Portllnd ",111 be ()pposinll'~ pretenn- B cl<el argue no: only ue orlent.d 10 .. 0'''' (onnal for ces lor mmortti~ are 'u c b While hun by the 'l:nivensi­Inlroduein, prol'OS&Is and caD. noted orglUllLi.tions as the ty's polic:il!ll but note JOaOIo­.Ii\utlonal amendm.nls. ~U7~~tlon League. of &UU that racial quow fllr

,alloMI JACL bond and B naJ B nth ~ Ammc;an blacks imply lh.a.t they = stall membe",. who w.r. pres- JeWl5h Commlttee.. JOllllDg !lUe«ed OIl Ih<!ir Gwn, .-b,eb ~Jll ovo. the 'Feb. 22-24 week- t ~ e Amenean Je:n!!b Com- umcmal:izes" blaw and maU eod her~ al the .\tIllko HoW. nuttu are an ltaliln Amer.- tbe!!I 1eel talmOI'. "re beIDr: deplo,ed 10 dlstTlel ean sen~te 1P'0IlP ifld a COl- In defendinC lhe UIIJ~­council sessions this month 10 !,"-So !OClelY of Poli:'h Amer- 1)'. Sl2te Attamey GftlI!I'al "plain the proc.dures thai. ,can lawyet Slade Gorton arguM the law 00 the urfa •• , .ppear formfd- 1Chool', decisIoD 11> boaot mI-able. Bul eXll •• llIl1ons are 10 lems t rom • cam- nonl}' mrnllmen w a 5 IIIJ>-IdeolUy basic r:oal and 5P«1- plamt by Marco ~e ~. Jr. ported by precedents daUl:£ 0_ objectives •• 11mloa1. con- 01 ealUe. a whtle. Phi B,,:a tram Beeor!struaum Da.."> and l""lon and amx cosl fil'ures. Kappa alld rnaena ~ laude thai the ~cti:u1iDn perntiUl

Communication and eooper. graduate of the Uni •• rnty' 'color-ecm!C1oumess"_ al10n ... <re the ke,. used vIr- undergraduate lChool who ~- In favor nf preferenD'!l. tar­orouol3' throur:bout tb. orim- legrd h. "'... derued adlDlS- IIH!r Solicttorr Gene:aJ ..... ebi­taUon • erclse "hU. develop. slon to the taw ~hooJ des- bald Cox. in his ;omirus brid inf a sample proposal on lee- ~lte th" faet wt his oblec- for Ha .... ard. and Enin Gri_<­al '."'Ioe.;. Rap sesslom fol. Ii"e quaWicauons - gnd.,. wold to< u.., A<:m. ot Amrr­lowed 10 help board mUllben and Law School Adm.I5i!<;n lean Law Schools ~ed WI Implement the s.Y5iem ... hlob Test !COl'b-:-W", bliher th • ." onJ,. edueatn .... ~ <!Ualiiied rell.,. on 'a(urdar: .-1pril 27. mort rrunont)' group appli- to .\'aluate tile qnalii.c:a a deadline for submhsloo 01 canis wbo wer" accepted as of potential studen til lie­propos:>l • _tc., 10 l'aUooaJ (0 law scool student!!.. ode h ..... much weilht to "'". in"t'e 0 meanin .. CDI con"eD- At th. lIme h. applied In lest S(IOres. and to detennm. tlon. 19.71. be was one of 1,601 "p- wbether .. ghetto blacl: taD

eb.dule calLs for release: 01 plieants competing ~or "P- add more to a das5 tbM. a con,"nUoo areoda. bud&el prox.unatety ~50 operunltS· n~h Boostoruan 'lrith stra.I£ll\ summaries 01 prop_Is •• k.. Tbe count) superior court A .;. TheIr pomt .Is tha: COUI" .. to dele,.I .. by :\la, %3 (or 60 should ~y OUI of sud! mal-days {lrior to con,·eolian). MINORITIES DROP IN leI'S and d~f ... 1;0 • e lICboaa.

DOD Hayashi. helfi. Nortb ­

"est - Intermounlnr. r.rlonal COllEGE ENROllMENT cUr.ctor. aod Lilli"" Kimura. NalloMI I'I .nnln~ om.m.Ls· iontr. wbo conduc.ted tbe

Coo\'collon Loadershlp Traln­in;. "ere d.lI,hl.d by th. Qulco",c. 1010\\. 1\' the board membeNi' tu.rn to be an iOIb

I Before t be Seattle J .... CL InstallatiQn Feb. I. l:U~t ~ Charles Z.

and freHul . I

NEW YORK - The American m,tII. as.<;Oci"te dean and pro-Council 00 Education. in a f r of law at u.., UOl\· rurvey or minority enrollment Washlnsum. ""d he count al hi&her instituliom. noted onl" 10 .lap""""" Ame . u... .... tio 01 SP3Jllsb-sur- have graduated m;m II.! law named. Asian. black and sebool in the 7l-year American Indian in !reohmaI' o{ the $Chaol, am tII_ cla ... "" ba. dropped m;m 1i.8 -T..,. Y......", .. pet. in 1972 10 13.0 peL in ~~ lrabl<':: K<Dl. 1 1973. Data on [inan ... aJ and L\lI&-t.e.l> Na:mua. racial backgrounds is contain- ~ TU<tIC<. T Y<>oltlDIL& eod In a report 00 "The Aroeri- I~?-sa.r:r:r D. It. u = 0 l (I can Freshman: Nat ion a J ¥:'\ ld I \:.. ~ ammbltli ~ J

""onn:; lor Fall 1975" Dea~ mith addei eJ,;:Q'

It was the first drop -since .-uian American students <is?

the mid-196o" and linked to rurT1!O~' enrolled aJl101l1' th. cconwnla:. class 01 ~sa.)

Portland and Gresham~Troutdale JACl Chapters Co-Host

~1 L


THE 23rd BIENNIAL NATIONAL CONVENTION July 23-27, 1974 Sheraton Motor Inn


Page 2: PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka Volunteer Services · PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka Volunteer Services leveland 11011' much do volunteer serVlce~ co I" LeI' a,SlIme Utat your chapler has 300

No CaW

Friday, Mar. 1, 1974

Harry K. Honda

• • • Tr • Zltp~..- Ed Btu l'ro M1r O"hd 1'. 11-$ SUSS It., 11 38\~ 221> 7~ 362

Ira 18.228 19.192 20 . 33~

21,140 21 , 9~0


72- 102.011 I~ Ii 37 24 8 350

il- 118,926 18 18 '. 31 ". 24 8 340 74- I2UHb 18~ 181. 30 26 8 340 7~ 132.802b 18 18 lD 28 7 340 78- 141,7Hb 17 II ~8 30 7 340


The HI73 Pacific Citizen financial brief (shown abol'e) lsn:t meant to be a poetic dlsplay but .it s ~ow s what transpired in the p!'evious ~97 . 1.72 blenruum, what the current 1973-74 biennium IS likely to be, and wbat the next 1975-76 biennium appears to be. .

As budgets (hI go, we're always on the conserva.hve side The next live columns of figures to the n ghl are' percentages for the five se~ents of .. lhe PC budget: Editorial, Business, Production. l\Iaihng and Overhead. Last two columns indicate the ~umbe~ of pages publisbed during tbe year and paid cll·eulalion.

To comment on the variations in percentages, Busl· ness and Overhead expenses are steady. In Editorial, an assistant has been added. In Production, by budget· ing for the same number of pages ~ach, the ~rcenLage drops a point per year. Increases m ~dvertlsin~. how· ever. means additional lIages .an~ adJustmen~ m per· centages will sbow up m Edltorlal and Busmess. In Mailing. the jumps are scbeduled in 2nd Clas,s rates. (Time Magazine for Feb. 25 relates tWs predicament best. We recommend its reading.)

NolV for brief look at income: Yr • III....... Alb Tl JACL Sub )l1sc Balanc. 71-$ SM12 23 17 50 10 -1,944 7:1- 103.'U 23 17 4~ 11 + 1.368 73- 117,GI9 20'. I~" 55 7 -1 ,304 ,4- 123.7190 20 16 ~5 7 -1 .335 7~ 137.3M@ 18 I~ eo 7 +4.5~6

78- IU.5590 Ig 14 60 7 - 185

The 60-40 ratio in PC income (subscription adver· tising) has been tradltional since PC w Membership was instituted in 1961. And without a fulltlme ad sale· man. the ratio will likely tip to 67·33. It may appear '\\'e sball have to mount a direct·mail campaign to get advertising one of these days to help balance tbe books at the end oC the year.

The column of figures at right for 1971-73 are history, but something can be done for 1974-76. T~e "plus" balance for 1975 is based upon the subscnp­tion rate for JACLers pegged at $4 per year.

The big PC project in the coming year (now Ula! we have our PCs microfilmed and in the process of developing an index) is to streamlined the circulation aspects. We keep growing, expenses creep upward and the toils never falter.


On Being Called a 'Gook' "Tou·r. a slaDI-.yed ,oak." Tho man who uttered these word5 .pat them out a,aIn. u If I might not hl\'e heard thml the IIrst Ume. I stared bad< at him aDgrily. not * 1i~\1n, thJ •• ort of thin, could ~ happenln,.

What pro~oked Ulu kind of reJporu;e trom OD@ stran,er to .notber'! Let me co back a momenL

r wa.s the .eeond per""n to approach Ihe counter at the _y. cUDlc at Kalser·Penna­nente. Alter a mlDute or two,


• man came to land n~"t to mo to wail until th. recep­tlonl I wa. (ree. When .h. !lnally was Ihrouch with Ih .. ady ahead of me •• he look­ed up.

Bt fore I could rellPOnd, the man who had come in aft~r

me ho\pd hi t pape., toward Ih .. receptionist. I aaJd to the m:.n, "I btll~ve J wi. next"

He ""ponded. "Who do >'ou th.nk you are. anyway· I wa. her .. way b~lor~ you came In.''

'Iy r~pon e to t hI. WIS,

"Who do I think I 1m' I was nut In lin • • " Whereupon hJ. .n,T), "tori

day rFeb. 31 the Boatd (with many eo t toeelher for I day. long rap session. One of the things we did at this meeting wa~ 10 consider the goals & objecUves of J A­CL. We fouod that the affir· matlon of human rights was Ule prime locu< 01 the JACL ConstltuUon.

Spencer Yamada told 'about hi. attempts to get companlo. to comply wllh Fcderal affir­maUve • c \ ion provi!ions whereby there would not only be hiring 01 Asians, but their promotion u well. once they were hired.

We talked about how we telt about ourselves as Japan­ oould ctrecl our willing· Dess 10 accept executive po­sll100s in Industry and the prole. Ions.

JimmIe Kawato reminded tbe 1JI'0Up about how (he in­!lux of products from Japan could brlDg about hosUlity to· ward a Japanese face wh~n It ' lat\ed c""lIng people tholr job •.

Our Regional Director Cral, Shimabukuro IOld .bout how h. Interceded 10 get. Jopan­e$e ,I r I • lob whIch w •• denied her because she wa nOl eon.ld.,ed • member of • mInority uoup. He a I .0 preoentcd "Workshop I." • .lId. pruentaUon, and a method 01 ,atnlnR • hl. tor)· of the 14.,,1 and Nisei In the S.F. Valloy

We talked abDUt our Ima,e • In the Japanese ,ommunl!y.

and what, It .nythlna. could Tou m I r h t b. tblnkln,. be rl n n. to Improv. It (or

"Why <lId Yf)U make a bl, .hould we .,'on bother) tI •• 1 out of t IJ c h a minor Ned WerUmor addre .. ed th,n,' What dltrerenc_ would the "oup concemln, the Fair It hive IMde who went llrat?" HOUlln, Council. We dlscu • • Perhaps )'ou mllbt ~ rtlbt. ed whether or not we . hould

Bul on th~ other hand, lel Involvcd In the FHC. ",hat cao be ,alncd frt>m thl. •• p .... lI'Dc.' In retro PP.<:t. thM' thou,ht. occur 10 me

fin • RACI Po! I. alln and wrll In th. S. n f'emando V.lley

Second. thll raeJ_m Is u "'. I <onettled when thtr. I. no r on "lei In a rtlallnn.ahlp. A. Innt( u an Indlvlduftl rOT' ,rollp) lib • • '1ulol. ubml .. -

SFV JACL ",w. ltlter <dlc­or Bob J\fo,lguchl IfC' I" l/olLtI.fur, tll/Ilarnl. Phil .'1/1 1-"ek"nl all" 4 r witt" mOrt young peopl. will br oltraCI­,d 't) JACL. -----

LETTERS I". role. Ihln", t. y prelly Hol 'lday Issue peac,'ul. sonn a. ther. ar.

Capital Hit


Chicago JACL Credit Union reports - BUlineu Ind -

Profonional Guide

banner year r declare 5% in dividend 1_1_0" _1 _....,.-~ :: _ ;~ : CHICAC;O· ·Stveral hl. wrlc.1 Th. nl" onI,. .. I,,, Ih_ _ hl"h. were nn\4!d In 1073 to com"" y. ar .,.! ___________ -:-makto It a banner T~ .r rCJf thp DutS.-,. .. pUs 'trml., . C'hlc.-atct) JACr"F'ed, raJ <':rt'tflt ~:~ .. v P"t • • ~:~':'..:~tJ, It'~ • It°~~· Union. HC'cordfng ttJ fJudl~ y rr . 'm _ HlkAwa ,...,.",1 J,tltUda, YalJibc, prl' Th.y W tH" hlmld7U. Yat.J)f! 'uI)UV1",r,. -I U In )oanl tit Sa72 3050' hatt d~ . Itkh (Jtc_b., ~duu ll ..,q.. IlI'IJ' ku. potlta of 1513,801 ' .. nd tot" J ~ f ::" ~ M +~· nl r~ ~ t ,;:~ ,,: ~: ~' t:u~ Ch •• t".S,r"'f4,.4 Illolt <It S 5 ~B , 303 _ POIlUCIlI, YIJ . .. fmur. ; ,,,,.u,,lt, t)fft("r -KtJ.. JACL G,o" , ',.,"",."'U f!concJmle and lOOJal un..,.I t ro,. I ~~ c", ' I,.,;; ~]I,:~~ p'~ .1 notwltht tandln,. _ __ _

Tho r pOr\ wu p' t -nlA'd .t IIISE! FlO AI~T

t h ~ 27th snnuel meeting of the 1000 Club plans .. , .. .... " ., Lr,1.". eredlt unIon h~ l d J an. 25 at .,. I" ' .. ... ~/. Como Inn, atll'ndlng by I J 5 ' ~ ." .., .... '9 'J ....

• h.r_hold . ... »nd friend T. k "AMI. TO TRAYlL I U"AU

Tumlnma. v.p, w .. "",crt '·ennl·s tourney I ' I. .• • ~ u" , 8nd dinner chairman. .,. (.I1?r

The boDrd of dlrtctor. de·

- W.t.onvill., C.lif. dend and YMtabe polntAld Qut cJ".d a 5'1. ptr annum dJvl- at 'Indoor court Ihat only Ihrough mort r~· TOM HAI(",Sf RIAL n quub lor Joanl luch ... l und. ; u . ". ~"'I(' .. " Hr-et

lor va.aUont an d JACL Con- PORTIf)ND, (Jr. • .1I0r, 1 T~ • •

venUon plan • • coulO the dlvl- JACL lono rlub I Ip<;n$(). I ,~ ~ ..... .' l .. un dt'Rd ra t ~ be Inereucd and In, • II'nnl at thl(! preclud. any Inere ... In th. new .nd fabulou Indoor - Padfk Grov., Calif the Inttre.t .aU' l or loan •. Th. court 01 Portland Tennl. eredl t union offe .. Ih~ lowe. t Centtr dUrlPil JACL Conven. SUNSET MOTfL

Intlllutlon. hr added Eotrl~ are solicited It""' 133" ....... e 4 a, 37S-3936

Tom Hayashi: 1917-1974 coot PO •• lbl. of on1 lendln" lion week h ~ r e .JUI)' 22.27 . I"' I)U" 0" u.~. "A Qrrd

Allom ey Thomaa Muuda, chap"'r t.t'am. In m ~ nand 8 ehD rter member 01 th e ored - wom"o , Inlll , drJUblH and _ San J~_, cam It union, wu hono .. d with • mixed dQubl • PrOlptCllv. belated 25-year merltOT'ou, partlctpanu . hould Indlcat~ fDWAaD T MORIOK~ ~ .. ... ~rvle e plaque. George tkca .. - whe1her the, are fa, novlcf'. " ., ~ '01 ...... "'l r.. . '. ml Will cltcd lor hi' 10 years rb ) Intermed/att, rC) ~lIpt'Tl- ,., 1_' ""' , ... A \,..


In tho tra,lc p ... ln, 01 Tbom.. Toshlo Haya hI, of New York Clly. on Feb. O. \merlean. 01 Japanese ance. ­

try losl one 01 our KTealest leade ...

Though he wa. not too IIC­

tlve directly In JACL and JD­panese Amerlcon problems of laic. \\IhM JACL and Amer­Ican J apane.e "ecded hi. kind of personal leadenlhlp and In· sptraUon ho was there In the forelront. Uf!htUlg for cau. e.< hI which he believed and which he knew were right. In fact . hi. whole lile personi-6es lhe heroic story of the Nisei In these United Siale •.

Born 56 years ago. Dee. 5, 1917. In Sacramento, Call1., the thIrd child and the nt, t son. he lost hIs mother wben he was only one y~ar old. His latber remarrIed. and In Ihe custom of man y Issei that marriag~ was with the young­.. sister 01 his first wife. Tom lo\,.d ond revered his "sec· ond" mother. as he lo"ed and was devoted 10 his sister and brothe .. by hI. new mother.

When he was In mgh sohool, Tom's father passed away. As "head" 0' hlc; fam­ily, he worked long and hard in tbose depression days to keep hI. brothers and sisters together. And. even In those Ilearly" years when ht had no time or opportunity to pursue his own ambitions bNl8USC he had to support his tamlly, he dreamed somedoy 01 be<:om· ing a lawyer since he f ell that 0 n I), through the law could he help eUmlnat. the bars 01 dl""rimlnation which he saw every day a,ainst those o! Japanese ancestry.

When the war came. along with olhers ot Japanese origin in Sacramento. he was evacu­ated to Ihe Tule Lake War Relocation Center. He qulck­Iv reaUzed that camp life was not ror him and he wu among the lint in Tule Lake to seek., and to receive, leave to attend college. Witb the help of the Baptisls and the Siudent Relocation Counell, he secured a scholarship to Bard College in New York. Among hI. fellow Nisei from the WRA camp" at that time were Dr. Jill Klno.hlta, now 01 WashIngton and one of the great research opthalmologists of the world. and Taro Kawa, one o( Los Angeles' most suc­ct'Ss tu} bu ~ inessmen .

zen In ~vel')' locality In whIch they conducted btul­tieS!

of conllnuout oerv lc~ on \h. M1cI·d _ 50 thai prop .... match board. Elected to Iwo-yur p.lrin«. can be mad. by the - S,cramento, Calif tenns on the board were lOurnsment eommltlH.

ka~~e~~:!w:~·"ud~le~:~: ::;: Early .lan-ups • r ~ bdna I Na:.a,?Ura About tcn yca .. 8 , 0 . h. ~ ­camt a len lor partner In Whitman and Ran. on. one 01 the most prcsllelou. law ftrm. In Ihe nallon. Ihereby provo In" 10 hlm. ell and to others of minori ty anee.try tha t wlthtn the "tYllcm" relard­I . .. of color. race. or naUon­al origin one could attain "the top" In one'. chosen prole·

k"'~" Mlr' Odl1 LillbOln 8hl· nqu .... ud by Peler Il.kahar. Of;, ~ i " '1 • c':c~_ " ! mld,u . ~U'" Shim 7U .nd !hid· and Dr. Tak Inouye. IoUrna- n 7 - S. _ """J' I.y y .low ment cf).chalrmen, of IIQ E.

Tom Hayashi


But. to Whllnlan and Ran­~om, as to every olher e n­deavor In which he beeame Involvcd. Tom gavc rar more than he receIved. He broughl 8 new dimension to the COr­porate law fi nn and as,urcd J apanese companl cs tha t they could command tho •• rvlc", 01 even tho most dlstlngul. h· ed law IIrm. In the United StatCl.

At tile time of his unUme­ican-bom s p 0 U I e. and/or Iy pan ing. Tom probably had children, etc. AgaIn as a law- more Japanese clients than yer, he understood that by $e- anv other atlorney. He prob. ourlng rights and opportunJ- abiy held more dJrectotlhlps II~. tor his fellow Nisei. he too than any other Nisei bus!­WIS broadenlnr the scope of nessman Ireedom and opportunity for all other dJsadvantaged and

(onvenlion-Taylor St. S 8 n J Ol~, Call!. , _ Suttl~ , W,.h. 9~112

San Jo.e Intends to lIeld "I l~"m at wei I at Indivtdual 1'0

(;ontlnued from trOnt Pare match plaveu. A chapter tt!1l - "' ''' 01. tam 11 comprlsed of two ----------­\\omen 'lnltle , IYO men .1n'·1 r tnGmcto Trl . el Serv.ce 'rhose who vbiled the Pa­

clllc Norihwcst in Ihe pasl are a llO beIng welcomed to cn· JOY lh. ConvenUon Week. The new attraction I. the Spokane World'. Fair - about a day's

Ir lrn (r~;:'e PO~~ : ~ ~ ;"e, JA CL

chapters will be sent specillc InlonnatloD regardln, l ceQllt·

modatlon. durin, ConveDtion Week.

lea lod t wo mixtd douhJf!:f: ~ ~ f r ~ ~

wltb a detilrnated team cap- '2' . , « .... n lain I

The desl", ot I h e coUr' - W .. hington, D.C. and adlotnlnr clubhouSoO pro-vldet the IIne5 t In court rur., M"SAOK~ . ISHIKAWA tac.. II",Un, . heatlnl. ven · "'1'0 ASSOCIA ns. INC tilatlon and comfort to pla) - ~ ~'" ~ or" ,. . ~ . - -. en and <pect.aton .UI<.e • • e. 1. cordln , to Conven tioD om- ...,.".,.".,_,,,1,,_,,,,,,,,,,,.,,# ci a ~ I

OREGON TRAVEL PACKET-FREE I !r~~ ?tU!!:i~l~~~ 197~ Nlhon,1 JACL Con •• nl.on JACL Notmwest· lntcrmountaln Office 327 NW. Couth 51 Portllnd. O,egon 97209

PLEASE SEND FREE your OREGO T", . I 10fo""'loOn Tn . 1 DICkel, including m~p .s. t"W'e.nb and J ehVJlla for v JCIII ~ u: n.


lO9 s. WI PEDRO ST los Ar;,Ift 12 - II'! "" I>-U S) ---""",,,,,.,,,.,...,.,.,,.,,,,.,,,.# - ------

r,;; MARUKYO deprived Americans. When he pa sed 00. Tom

So. mueh credit Is due Tom was Ule Chainnan of the Ja- ._. _._._ .•. _ ... _. _ _ .. __ . _ .... _ . ___ . _ ___ _ Hayashi for JACL's sueca _ panese Am e ric a n United I

/ (

rul program in Washinglon _ Church 01 Chrut, a member Addr ........ .... _ •... __ .. _ .. _ ..... _ .. _ .• __ .•. __ •. _____ . __ _ in the Congres. and In the of the Board 01 Tnutees or courts _ for correcUve "nd Bard College. and the lead· C,ty - - •.. -.. •• S w • . __ _ _ Z.p •

remedial legislatloD and Uti- ing InsplraUon behind the JA- -========================:I gaUon that have made thla CL project to "rite a history ~ naUon a bette, and more hu- of the Japanese on the East I mane place for a ll. """eeiaU,. Coast, with speelal refer!!Dce I

b k d to Ihe d.velopment of trade ~'U~eo~~~p:,~~ ae grouo . relatloru between Japan and

• • thoen U=u~~~~ ~~~~ ~~n: I Onc" the major ler.l. l e~"· \1ties aDd profesSIonal soc,e- t

lallve. and admlnistra"ve bes. I problems of t h c Nisei were Asld. from all his world· resolved, Tom turned his pro- Iy achievements, Tom was a l dlgious energy and dedication remarkable p.rsonality. No I to belplng Improve relaUoIlS one whoP1 I have ever known between t b e United SUItes lovcd lite more. and was hap-aDd Japan. remembering al- pier in trying 10 Uve it to It.s ways that the travail that as lull. He never lorgot h.l.5

1 visited upon hIs tamlly nd childhood hardshJps or his others of Japanese ancestry wartime travails. or those who I was brought about In large belped him along the way. measure because relation. be- He probably gave more Ome tween the country of hLt cl- freely to help his tellow men, UzenshJp and the laDd of hIs to those who needed advice ancestry were strained and and guidance, Ulan most at-broken in World War II. tomeys. And (e w cherished

He recalled history d hIs family - his wite Fulaml

Tax Time See Us

National JACL Credit Union M~il: P. O. Bos 1721, ~It Lake City, Utah 84110

Office: 242 S. 4th Eut, S~I' Lake City Tel.: (801) 355-8040

RemefT\ber 'f'OU un borrow S3 .000 on \'OUI I lgl"YrtJr e

.... ith • qu. li f l!d "edll r.ti~ knew that the Pacific War and daughter Holly and all

was caused in large part by his brothers and sisters - '=======================:; the lallure of the UDited than dJd he. " States and Japan to dC\'clop Tom lived h.l.5 life &5 he '

101 Weller SI..

U:l AD~ ... Iii:\ C-...a-'l3(;' ~

Nanka Printing 202' E. "~' .

Lot: ~ .nge f es C. ,

ANge . , 8- 835


@rAMuRA And Co., Inc.

fflr. ~;....s£ ,it XII .. k"'~i~

3420.V J&.erso, S od. las 18

RE 1·i261

truly mutually profitable com- played poker - with a t est mcrcial relationships. t h at and an understandIng of what when American markels aDd WDS Involved thot lew, It an~ ', 011 supplies werc closcd Ja- could rival. willing to take a I

WI.lIe a ttendior Bard. Tom paD unfortunately lor all cQn- chance when the gllll\ble was married Ihe then Futaml Oga· ccmed deoldcd ~pon th" - worUl taking and always in

We've got a yen

for your new car

at a

IiJ l;~;~ wa. who le!t the Tule Lake tary alternative. keeping with lhe spirit o( fel-WRA cenler lor this purpose. So he worked hard to help lowship and good cbeer. pre­As with so many other eva · Japanese organizations and pared to permit a friend ~o , cuee couples. she worked 10 companies enter the UDiled win a few hands 10 recoup hu help send her h usb and States and to sell Iheir out- losses even at his own ex- , thr~ugh college. Tom was el· put here. Again, with the pcr· pe\n'~ee , ,cyle

ho' k n • w Tom and I

ected presIdent of the student ceptlon 01 genius. he 'as oT ,

body at Bard. thc 6rsl Asian aware tha t «rlaln Japanese worked with him have Inst a 10 be so honorcd. trading practices and o~ a · truly greal and good Iriend.

ACter three years at Bard. hons might arouse SUSpicion But. we a II know and are he transterred 10 the Law and even anger, so he p ia. iDsplrcd by tho lact that Tom School a! New York Unlver· neercd In trying to persu de was among the very few who slty. from whIch he graduat· Japanese en!ttle~ In this coun. made th~ world a beller place ed with honors In 1946. That trY to be more than ".cono- bee a us~ hOI lived among us. same year. he passed bl~ bar mie animals" and to conmb- And perhops his example will , examinations. ute to and serve commuDlty serve to lruplre u. to do Uke·

His experiences during and bot tennent as conccrned oJli- wise. aCtcr Evncuatlon convlnecd ::.::.::.:.:..:.::::.::.:....:::..,;;;:,;:.;.:;:.:;,;;;:,....;;~------------, him of the neee •• ity for or· g olzed ettort among J npan­e.c Am('ricans. So. even 35 he struggled to e. labllsh hlm­• elf 3. a lawyer. he helped tound the New York Chapter of JACL and was el eeted It. second president. He al50 helped • • tnbilloh the Eastern DI5lrlet Counctl. JACL. n n d was it , fi n t Chairman. Sub­. equentl)'. he became known a the lel1dlng 1::0.1 Coasl Nisei and was elected Third. Sec­ond . and Flr. t National Vice Pr Idont of .1 ACl,. 1'h~'I.

~ v e n th n u~h he could ho". been el ec l~d National JACI. President. he refused that nominaUon and became JA­CL's oallonal IOaDI counsol

A. an a Uorn c1. he appre­cia ted more I h "n most the noed tn 'ecm " na turollw llon and citizenship opportunltlos lor the " •• 1. . " ell M pro· v ldln ~ those 01 the Jopanese .. . ce with I1nml"roll on privI­lege.. for Ih •. e racIst prohl­bilion. 'gn lnat the J apanese wore the b.ol. for most 01 Ih. IORR I. ,,·onomlc . Rnd 11>('101 pH'j udlc • • and d1scrlmlnoUnn.' aa~ln. t a ll Japaneae, a llen and elll~c n aUke. So he .lIumed

25 Years Ago In the Pacific itizcn, Feb. 26, 1949

Rul. ~ committee oppro '05 forms Large group of Judd Naturalltation bill . . . Wll r - slranded Nisei relurn Twelve JapaneSe AlRtrl an from J apAn on Gen .. Gordon representa tives In two . .. Chlcago's human rela· houses 01 HawaII legl,latbre lions group wIns wldo recog-

. ADC sponsors Icgi.latlon nillon .. • aU aMI \'ounc: to amend Enemy Trading " ct Buddhists group seeks r eco~­

. . JusUee departmenl Ad· niUon b) Ann ~' or reUgious "' ses CRre> In fllln~ clai m" ~e ", e t e r y m~rk e r ' I

In tho Pacific Citizen, Mar. S, 1949

lIousc pillises Judd URI ai­IlaUon bill ... MQS80ka 01-ce' Nllel gra titude lor se acUon on Judd bill . . . F rsl Japnnese "merlcan cr .. k shl Yosh lhora) wins appolnlm 'nl \0 U.S. naval academy at n­napolI> ... Mr.. d'AquIDo asks U.S. court to call Qon.

MacArthur as wllney U\ trea· SOD tria l . . Oregon leg •• :.­ture r e pe . l ~ wartimes antl- j Issei amendment to slat. aUen Innd ta tule .. GO\ ­ernmont d5k!; indlvtdua l trIals In b,d of ren~n .la nt s to re-lIaln cl t ~. II .. hlp rights. I

low interesf rate: Come Dri\e a BargaJn "Ith






S.n Fronc'S()() ..... 'n Office' T ,I> 'J 1 51 98 1· 1200 SF hpon Cen ••• S'"nch, Tel ,A I 51 981 1200

Mld·P.nlnsul. Sranch. Tel IA I 5' 0, 1 2000

o.~ ll nd Sranch fA IS' 839 9000 S. n JOSt Bunch; Tel 1408' 298 2, ' 1

W' ''g ... S .. nch· T 01 1408' 298 2"1

F,o"", S ... " h; Tel ,2091 233050 1 North Fr. "", B'.nch; rol. 1209' 233 ·0591

Lo. Angelo • . I"n Of hce: Tot. 12131 8J-9800

OO .. nl .... n 6 16 I\' .h . • 213' 6 21 ·28 21 llo Stanch, r ei 12131 726·008 1 C •• nsh ... · L A S •• nch; Tel. t2 13) 131·733. W . .. orn LA. 8 .. nch; Ttl 121 31 3'1 1·0618

Ga ,den. e, . nch, T.I. 1213' 321 ·0360 S.n,. AnI Sranch, hi 111 A) SA 1·2271

Pa.,.ro .... City S' , nch Te' 1213' 893·630 S.n DIOgo S,"nth, Iel. t71 " 236 I t 09

15 130 5 -- a, ~ r ..c ..... C .. " .4 .... ;,.\. ~ 23


Est.blished 1936

TRADING CO. CO' • T\t • Fu.- t.u ....

3.8 £. FIRST ST LA 11 1 3 ... \. ~Ad s.:on "-6601

~~ ~ ~~~~==~

Aloh L ~ ~~ o u ~ bing I 1JA~T "suP;:'" es

- ~.tD& ! 0..- s,c.a.""" -lUI s.. Gr.,..d Lt ..........

ED SATO I 'tUM'INC; . ... D KLATl c; I

II Q.~=::., ~ (~ .. ..' ~ ., i I '...-0' i

- Serriti"" ltU Altgllu -L AX 3·7000 ( 3.0557 !

/ ~ . OT -'16 £. 2.d 5 •.• loa A.~.r..


<l lff"'tn el'5 I""tllnr \I) eonfllct. rnn ... I_tI pr ~ llId lc r do n 0 l r, ln that way Inn

Editor ' th. Icad,· ... hlp among EnAl

Thlrt! I wa called. look nol a "JIP·'. 'Che rulU)' or ' od. ,. w/)uld t"m to Indica I. 1" enunler thl. (t\rm o( ra­'Jam, A,lana m il. t unl'" .. A 'Mnl, " I'lt .!\ . J . p. n~, "'hl. n " ~ " , . "Hjp'""" ~k

The ITUIt ~ ri .1 on Iva To~ r l COllt Nllel. most of whom It <I'Aqulno In th . 1013 11,,11 - th.y WNC IwIm olonll th e At· d. ,. I. • ~ a vnluohlo COil - I. ntlc . Iop knew UltI~ ~ ho ul trlbullon 10 contempora ry un- Iho problol1l1 or th. J apan· dt .. tandln, of ptMI t- War a ltl- (. e In the W. lorn S tat •• . tudes. W' would 11k. to have li e a loo Wi< . amonR Ihe nu l Ihls mlterlal Includ.d In tho In J AC l, and nul wh o urged IIbnr), '" Ih . I'o. rl H .. rbor I ho t Con lire.. b~ • • kcd tn M"' rnort. 1 M UJlf'Ou m . ('om l'" at l" Ih e' ('V IH.·U fl f\ ' ror

WARn~ :N f . SfS!; I.!:R om. 0 1 Ih,·I. rV"CuAtion lou· ~ "hot dot •• 11 thll h.... Man_ aln, Dlreclbr I" . 10 (l r~v~nt th. ~ opnr l " tl o o

to do Ith JAn.? U t t Sun- Honolulu, H ~w al1 01 "II". J apa n. wilh Amer-

Sumllomo Bank Of California

~ .,

Page 3: PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka Volunteer Services · PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka Volunteer Services leveland 11011' much do volunteer serVlce~ co I" LeI' a,SlIme Utat your chapler has 300

Bill Hosokaw~

From the

Frying Pan •

Denver. Colo O.'TffF.Jtr.\"G OF THE TO G-Tlle ood memlle, 01 lll~

Hop lnr Tong. D~O\·.r IIrancll. a. 'fmbl~ lor tll~lr ann,,"1 Now Yur'. blnqufl !II. o!ller Sund., evtninl, and we w ..... Imon, !lie fortunate wllo a\lend~ II IUt II Th. food. ot cour ... WII sumpluous (Ihf Clllot •• aero" th. I,ble uurtd us thaI IOmf of Illf In" hid ""en 1I0\\'n !IIem. walUn, p.UcnUy The), In from n Francisco Ind UI. woren'l elll.tng •• ch olher up blnqutl ould COlli II 1 ... 1 and down !lie ai. le •. They SlI $70 for .~cb lable 01 10 din- in !IIeir chairs Ind wnlt~. 1\ ttl ). bUI w. won'l .et Inlo ."mod Ihere wert 6\'e lion-

II. Whal wa. mOil .trlkln ... aUonll IIl'OUP' -!lie "p", "a Ih. r=mblance ""Iw""n old. !II. mlddl.,..a.od, young the Tona's nf'" year lull"llles adults. t,.., and little Ind!lle hlnn.n-.nkal partl. children. Al one tim~ It ,p­hal !lie Isse, look uch df- peartd !II. Chln .. e elhnlc

litht in I/lrough whit _med group In !II. U.S. wa, dwln­to> be !II, enU mon!ll ot J an- dUnlt' rapidly IWIY. mainly ua,,· yur durin, mJ' ""cnusc 50 many of the old­:routh . IImfrs Wfr .. dylnr or relurn-

Th. HO!' S'"~ ToniI'I Invill-· I CIII d I I tlon. r .. IByed by old Irlend :~ ~o who n:",;',~ln: h,:;nf~~_ Herbert Wonl wbo was hosl- 111... ThaI's chang~ nOw Inl Ibe al'Ialr It bls Ntw Chi- SCOrt. 01 youn,or Chlnf.e ar~ na Caf~. wu for g p.m. Thai mov1.n, to Ih. Stale •• tven to .. undenlandabl • . The Hop Inland Den"~r, Irom TaiWAn Sm" run I lood many or !lie and Honllknnll. opclllnR busl­Chlncoe reslluranb around eM«. and re.rlna children. I'''''m. ond ""In, \ ' ~ry praeUcal But !lie POmmunlly bn'l no­peopl. \I \\'..... only prudenl eessarlly close-knll . Everyone Ihlt they I ke cart of !lie keep. bUllY with hi. own In­Sunday fVfnln1 trad~, add up lerests-Iryin; to .lay ahend th. recelpLo, clean up Ibe of InIl.Uon, Ir)'in, 10 kecp Ihe prtmlS.,. then hom. to kids clo!lled and led and oUI • et drt.~ belorf hUl'l')'ln, 01 trouble, trying to COp" wilh nv~ 10 lb. new :oear party. Ibe endle.. problems of • F_ or !IIem made It by 9 ecmpiex sociely. So, Eddie pm.. e,'fn Ihou,b their non- Cblnn told us. !lie Chlne.e In ChIn .. ~ ",eslS an pres- Denver rarely have an oppor­pnt and aceounled lor. Hfr- !Unity to lIet to •• !II ~r, to le.,1 ""rt had !llou,btfully placed and enjoy each olher:<' com­a boltle It each lable to make pan~· .• xcepl at banquets like the dela,. Ie .. pain.ful. !lie Hop Sin, TonA's new yur

Eddie ChInn, wbo .. grand- eelfbraUon. Thu. 1\ Wos • fa!ller bossed • crew of Can- particularlY cheerlul occasion. tants<! helpln, to build the ju.t like the New Year partie. tran,conUneotal r a II r 0 a d back In !lie baloyon day! 01 acroos Wyomlns:. \\'8' philo- !lie Issei

phkal as we waited (or Ibe Alter Iho dinner an emd.nt p r\J' to Itart. " I ",eas It'. crew at busbol" moved in. rc­,oinll: to be ChInese Ume moved the dlshe, and folded again." he said. thf tabies. A profu.lonal pro-

I .xplamed !IIat !IIere Is jecUonist unlimbered • . 'a-. uch • !IIlng IS Jap.n ... Ume, ter-wed movie machl! . d too, which u.uaUy means a !lie women and ldds pre I del.)' of 30 mlnu~. pu t !II~ to vl.w a Cblnele "chamoa­appointed hour. Eddle grinned ra," wi!ll a muscular bero broadl,. and sald: "Cbln ... dealing out pOwerful kung .fu time Is one hour I.t.... biowl lett and right, dlspen-

Th. wait provld.d plenlJ' of In. the bad ",YI and rescuing time to look around. 'I'bII just pre":r jusl like Ibe .. well eculd have been a Ja- .. mum do In J.panese films. pan_ la!llering. The (aeu M for !lie menfolk. !lie lost were Oriental, but mo.t of we IIW of Ibern !IIey were them could bf flther Japanese htadinl for a eb~t-blgb lable. Or Chinese. Tir~, wrinkled eover~ \\'I!II while store old (lees. Brtlhl youn, t ... s. wrlppln, paper, with awe­Teena'e bo,s wl!ll lon, bllr. 10m. wad. at ....! In Teen.,e ctrls ,vi!ll 100, halr. Ibelr bandl. Chinese n.w year And chUdren, lots and lots 01 11 • wonderful lime.

Bannai co-authors legislation to

protect privacy' of petition signers IACRAMENTO. CalIf. - ,... Iblt alter one year, bo!ll the MIIIblrman Plul T. Bannai code and !lie petition al",l­hu co-au!ll<>red le,lslation to Iwes sball be d .. tro)'~ unle" protecl ~ach cIOun·. funda- required aa ~vldence b:r .omc meolll rlcht to pellUon the pendinl court acllon. 10vernmBlt, without fear ot Th. need tor such leglala-IKI'ft d_11tI'S or reprlula. tlon developed ""th the recent

The bUl (t) requ\rQ that no dJaelOlUl'e thaI voters regil­marldnl declpb.rable without tnr otllcee In Hveral e01lntie, a code m., be plaetel 00 UI1 mainlined leerel 1Ia1s of all voter'. alIIdavlt; (2) makeI It IDJUIUV" .ICOed over !lie • YlolaUon to UIe \be code for 7Ul'f b7 any IndJvldual These In,. purpose other than vert_ liIls blve been madt avaU­IIcaUon thai an Inltllthoe hu able to eertaln ofllcla~, law qlllllft~, and (3) rcquln:s en(oreemenl •• e n e I e s, and

Reedley CLer ends

work with hospital REEDI.EY, Calif. - Fruit 'r'/Wtr - lhipper WIlUam Y. Jotlnlmi ended mar. than 20 1fan as I hospilll dlrector II Ih. end o ( 19;3 when h. rehrl'd (rom !II. board o( !lie S,erra-KIDp Ho.pllil DIa-

, tnct.

lit rfUrod It !II •• u,,~t1on 01 hb doctor who ur&ed Ihe longUme JAC! (he was rhRrtrr pres,denl of !II. Chi­co,,, J."CL IIhen It wa or­pniud ,n 1944) to curtlll hi. atllvltl •••

Flrsl appolnl~ to !lie board nl Ih. old R die,. Ho.pltal r·orp .. In the carl)' 19'0., ht Ind other boord mom~u tn 1981 or,onlzed 0 hoapltal <lIs­trlCI with memlx-u ~Ing el­t c t'f"J b, \'otrts ttl JX - ytar ~rms. The county luporvlsofS I ppqlnltd tho IInl dJ.otrlct board and Mlnlml "' .. amQn~ the live ~Iected. !itnce !lien to hid he,n re-elotld Iwlr_, \~;:."rrcnt Itrm ,ood !IIrou,h

Th. pro ont ,ern-KIn, hn p'~1 ' .,- hulll ,n I06~ .

T oyolo', ESV WASHrN'GTO To:yoll Motor Co. p,ewn~d t)n F.b. I~ I ... II. k .a",,"montal IIt.­I, vthlcle (FoSV), c,plbl. 01 pro~Un« ,"",cuplnls In h •. d­"n M'uhn 01 SO mph. In th~ I'S. D.p' M Tr~n.lpt)rllllnn I r Inlmat (Ulln, .nd eval-uillon _____ _

HdVI' You Mado Your Pledge 10 th. Bldg. Fund'

olJIcI others who wlthed to compUa a poilU cal proftle of an Indlvlduai wl!lloul his knowledlt.

Minority ,roup. to aid Calif. ,oYernor propolld

SACRAMENTO - Assembly­min Alex Oarela (D-Loa An­,ele) Intreduccd Iwo b1l1s erealin. a CommJlllon on Spanlsh-Sptakln. AITIlrs and I CommllSlon on A.lan At­IIlr .. II • "dlrect plp"llnr" to !lit Governor 01 CaUlnrnl •.

Open heartn" 10 review • tI\c departmenl and al/mey pallcl .. In education, employ­ment. houlln" hral!ll, wel­fare and recroatlon would b, cOn\'cn~ by !lie comml .. lon­er!.

ESt for Asians

courses designed LOS ANGELES An "f;",­H.h as • Second LAngl'""o" (r.SL) curriculum In a 1,1 "on-En,lI.h .peakln· A I.n adulu h.. beon luec",'ully dOII,ned .. ~ fuull of n Ihror-y .. r prlllecl h •• d"<l by Sld.~ IW'lIkl t n r Ih. ["'. An,.,., elly S,·hool.

n,"It. 01 l11e I"ojeet , fund . o<! by th. U.S, omc. 01 F:du­t.llcII1. wer' .ubmllll!d F.b. 14 to III. Board or EduclUnn.

MtI. l .. otakl'l IwIT 1101,,1-.d Ih. dIIT,'ronrc. and pocu­ll.rW., bol".-n f:n.1I hAnd 10m_ "C Ih' mlJor A Inn 1111-III Ir:!, .ueh ! Chin" ft. Ja· pin", •• Knro.n ond TAI.I"R On.. IhMe dlfrorene. W.n .. plilnod to tor.I,n- lpukln« ludella. It Mebm •• oIer for

Ih.m 10 ad)u.t In U'. 01 f.n . IIh

lOJ Ang.l" Japan". CaJualty 'nJuranc. Aun. C(I'''OI". In..",ne. Pto"Gf n

A,h." I,., A" ., "lh",-OI'N,~r..klf. ·Fu'lo ... 2,1) E I .. ~, __ .~ .. __ ......... _ .. _626·962!

A.,on ,.,I.k. Au ·, 321 Eo 2M. Sull. 500._626·A)93 263 IIO~ ,."uk"hl I,.,. ~tr ., f'und()thl.J("o •••. M .. N~ .. ·Ak'.y

'21 , 2nd S, .• __ __ 626.S2l~ A621A06

llo,ah.,. In, A"., In t. S.C4nd SI. 628 121A 28J·860~ Ino.,. I ... An, 15029 So,I.,,,,,OO<\ A.a No, •• I" 86A·~nA J .. S I"na' te .. )18'~ E I .. S,..... . .. __ 62A.0758 T .... T 110, ~?~ H L'",ol~. P.""'on, 79A ·Jl8? (I. A.) 6e I·AA 'I MIM'''' '~I.· U.,.tt . 1491 ROta.: Hh.n' t P., k-268· 4'S'j 4 S'OY. 1f'~II' . A ,'.6 (-n".!"'" • 3~1 '9JI ~11 . 91 ~c! S". , ••• AU., ~6 t [ I .. S, ___ 629. IA2S 261.6519

Discount store Job application form

demanding citizenship status hit Aloha from Hawair by Rlchlrd Glma

Pacific Cltlzen-3 Friday, far_ 1, 1974.


LOS AN'UtiLES - QII •• Uon. conccrnlng citizenship Ippenr­Inl! on the WIllIe Frolll Sloru. Inc .. appUcnUon lor emplo)'­anent hove come under leY"

rr. Icrullny 01 !lie U.S. Com­ml.ulon on ClvU RIRhll, Jlpa­lies< American Community Servlce-Aslon Involvomont om .. and !lie Japlne.e Amer­Ican CIUzenl Lea",e Ihl. pilI week.

A Ix-pari quesUon, !lie .p­plle.Uon Ilks:

I-Aro you. dU •• n o( tho U .'

2·- II nol. <\0 :VOII Inlcnd 10 bccomr • clUun'

3-11 nOI a U.S. clU .... , hlVf \'ou !lie 1.lul rllhla to ,,,mllli, pemlonently In the U.S.'

-1-00 you Inlrad to remain perln.nonUy ,I .. the 1.1.5.

6 .. H,,,,r )'ou ever bcen In­lemed or arresled as an ene­my nllcn:

S-Are your paronls or apoUl. cillzen. ot Ihe U.S.1

Morl Nishida and Kcn Hon­jl 01 JACS-AI rcgarded the 1I(lh Question tbat "smack& of bigot)")·.. recallin, Ihat only one group 01 people in !lie westem U.S. WIS Intem.d whether one Was a clUzen or not.

J At-L recalled lOOn afler Ihe slarl 01 World War II th.t Nlse, men were r.classlned lrom IA to 4C-allen, not ubject to milttary .ervlcc. a

SelecU,·c 5 e r v Ice catcllory also given 10 young b .el. It \\lI$ not un III January. 1943, !IIal Selective Service rovoked

Idaho Falls host

to Intermountain

Mar. 9-10 session By YUKI HARADA

mAHO F ALLS, Idab~Tbe lIrsl quarlA!rly oeulon (or the Intermountain Dlslrlct Coun­cil will be held here Mar. 9-10 al the Ponderosa Inn, 688 N. Holmes Ave.

101 .. I1DI wlU be called to order 8t I ;30 p.m. Saturda:r by Gov. Georg. Kimura at Salt Lake. Special repOrta include discussion by J ACL legal counscl Raymond Uno on the DeFunl.-Odegaard Case and anU-defamation and by Jame. Murakami. naUonal vice-pres­,denl. 01 Sonoma County JA­CL on !lie F1!b. 22-24 Nallon­aI Board meeting.

Tbe Sunday morning .esslon (g lUI noon) wU\ be chaired by regional director Don Ha­yashi wi!ll Raymond Uno and Murakami on !II. development of Ideas Into proposals to be • ubtnltled to Ihe NaUonal Council.

Other reporll Icbeduled for Saturday IDclude a reviewal the Chapter 01 Ihe Blennlwn award by Jaek ORamI, He.d­quartctf Bid •. fund drlv. by Rupfrt Hachiya; and !lie 1973 IDC Convention report by Dean Hayub.lda at Bois. Vai­ley JACL.

O,aml will aha eaplain Ibe .Iruclure and funcUon. ot Ibe r./llonal dlrector'. office at Portland. wb.lch covers bo!ll !lie PaelAc Nor!llwest and In­termountain re&lon.. 5 a I.e Aramakl wil l e"plain the PresldcnUai Cla .. room lor Youn, Amortcln. (Jan . 18 PC) , which l~ ~ecklng noml­n .. s trom JACL. Chapter pre.ldenl. Ire expecled to present a hl,hlllht 01 ! 1974 pro,rarns.

Idaho FalJ.t, !lie hosl chap­ler, will hold • winter carni­val apprecllUon dinner on Sllurday evenlo, In conjunc­lion wi!ll !lie IDC mealln,. The chapter Is .lalCina Its an­nual Wlnler Carnivil Mar. 2 01 (he Vete .. ans Memorial Rail hore wllh Ron Haroda. chap­ler presldenl, In chlr, •.

Ihe ·IC .wtu upon NI •• I whn went 011 10 rorm Ih,· t211d RCKlmcnlol Comb"t Team or cnll.1 In th,· U.S. mllilar, In­telllgencr lervice.

JACS-AI wonde,ed why WhllA! Fronl WPi concern d oboul 000" or <'Von Iholr apouse's" Nt.hld" and HOIIJI tear there I. treorl 01 blal"nl II well I subtle I.ellm emerging n,oln.1 A.I­an American.. PSW Icglo".1 dlreotor Crall Shlmobuku('O r~p"u""d .Imllar concern at Iho PSWDC quartorly le .. lo" Fcb. 9


Hawaii Today

• Emplo1"'''''

Wilford Pullwa. rep u t t d S.1f ... mploye41 PR workshop

highlight of EDC

Honolulu Chalrmln Malcolm Mlc­bu,hton 01 Castle & Cooke

old on J on. 31 LHr 01 !lie Lond'. charae !IIot C&C planl 10 lell Laoal 10 3 Japon .. e corpnrnt'on I. "ull.crly rldlcu­lou,." " I don't know where Mr. Hodges 1I0~ hi. Inlorma­Uon buI he I. complclA!ly mi.­Informed." MacNaullhton saJd. Hodll"" Ltre 01 Ihe Land's ex­, 0uUv~ dlreclor. said hi. In­formation came .. Irom lOurce.

la iC 10 CuUe &: Cooke," but ccllned 10 nome Ihcm. Fourlcon Cberr1 BlO'Isom

crimI' lyndlcMI' bol! ••• mrd f----=-q .~ least 842.000 durin, 19091 Wesley WSCS Cookbook 1970 and 1971, bul he palo only S803 In l..tenl Income IJu> PRI . TIIIO

WITHOUT. , • ...v. te t4 ,et ltemWtf p'''!U am. 1I ,bou, .... ber .. f,,. <>ff.,oi I>f Yeo-.-oh. $end us " CllUpotI b.:..w.

Queen candidates were Inlro-duccd Jan. 31 al the Pa,od.

session at D,e. laxc the ju~ Wlf Inlormod I Or,.nll' •• " ".."", .. ..". .", pn Otluuon U.IO H.r,d.Ilr,1

fn~~~. ~:w;e~~~;~~h~r ~! 10< CI1wJ":J~~ ~'kad S~'':od and hi. wlte. f'nlyn, mad. - on 1~ - Colli

only about $16,700 durlnll WASHINGTON _ GDv~mor Restaurant. One of the fol­Orayee Uyeh.ra conducled an lOwing wtll be picked queen aeUon-packed EDC meeUn. larch 30 al Honolulu Con­Jan. 26 at I he Wa hlnlllon corl HaU:

IhOl~ Ihrte yean, I .. ordln, - ...... .......- ...... -

Motel and Counir), Club In JOIn Fukuda. JoaMO TI.hlm ••

n tar b y Oallhcnbur,. Md. lc:!::~e f!'.s:~!~e. i(~;o'k~.NO~[i;

10 accountanl Forrest Calkin. technic. I .dvl~r to Ihe In­lamo l Revenue S.rvlc~ trom Los Angel.s to.uned In (~~ral POurt In !IIo lriai o( PuIIWI and lour alle,ed BIIOtI.t .. charlled wllh con.plrlnl to d-­C .. ud Ihl> ,ovemmenl o( tax

De'plle Ihe .Blollnc .hollale ~k.m.lD. MArY Ann K ln.molD.

Dnd \hn'al or Ullin, Ita~ lonJ r~;:! t.I~:~~J~ . rl~ly:~~~t~~: being clOSed, all vlcc-goHm- k.".,. Pa'r'<la K'llun'. . "<hoI. 0", • n d chopt.r pre.ldmll f'ul<ud,. eod Lind. W.chl.

revenurl. plus man)' inlerCJled mem- Brl'lnnlnr Feb. 4. a .Ingle bers altended from PhlladpI- copy price oC !lie Stir-Bull ... phla. New York , Seabrook tin and lbe AdvertlJer eost 20 and D.C. cents. On Feb. 10 th. price

Among (he old bu .• iness 01 Ihe Sunday Star-BuileUn dlJCUMed were the Invlgorl- & Adverti. er moved to ., tlon 01 EDC JAY" prollre .. ccnll.

Political Scene

Mlnoru Inabl . 70. (0) i •• candJdate Cor !lie Four!ll R~p­res"ntaUve Dlslrlct 01 North and Soulh Kona and Sou!ll Kohall. He was !lie olden mem""r 01 the Stale HOUle wben he WI< upsel In 1972 and I. 8 Cormer BI, uland educator

report OD !lie Natiol1al Build· in, Fund which hll already BUllnen Tick,r Ichleved EDC', Icll-establlah· • d tar,el, and revllaliUlUon 01 !lie Easl Co. a I JapaneH American Rescarch Project.

New bu.lneSl Included !lie .cholanhlp committee report, EDC', reglonoi offiee, the workshop 10 dl !<eus5 the Na· tional ConvenUon nomln.­Ilona for national officers and the Planning Commiulon·' questionnaire.

Tht meetlnlt cUmaxed with a workshop on Ihe Role of JACL In PubUc Relations.

Shlg Sugiyama, Nati0l1l1 Presldcnt-Elcct, In his o,'er­view described Ihe recom­mendaUon.s 01 the Public Reo latlon.s Commission and con­cluded !IIat PR Is eve", mem­ber's responsibility and nol solely of a commlUee or a commission.

Mike MaSioka presented !lie !IIuls !IIal at limes Ja­panese Americans become In­noce.nt vlctlou of Japan-U.S. relo tionshlp, and lhe best WI)'

to overcome this was throulb bigh level iovcmmenl 0lil­ciab.

Pat Okura. pasl NatJoD&1 Presidenl, speakin, on PR III !lie community. expilined , rlous means (or PRo Hc s mnrlzed lhat PR should no be conducted to put somf­!IIlog "ov~r Ibe public" bu to put .omethin, "lor !lie public."

Bill Marutanl, past NaUon­II JACL general counsel, s tressed !lie n e~ Cor proper mental Ittitude. He said that "we should n."e.r apologize tor beln, J.ploese AmerlclUll and be proud o( tbe t.eL"

A heat.d, thrilling and thought-provoking dJ.cusslon wilb the audience followed the form.1 prtlfntatlolU b the panel members. The pan­el was moderated by Sus Uye­da. a Vice Govfrnor 01 EDC.

Olher vice Rovernors ar e Vernon Ichlsaka Irom Sea­brook, and Murray Spru trom N,w York. Th~ chnplor presidents are Ronald Inouy , New York; Geor,e HI",ehl, Philadelphia; Ellen Nakamu­ra, Sfabrook; and u. Uyed , W •• hlnRton, D C.

Schul. for Blind

Japol1 h... 2CO.000 ,'Iroall, handicapped children, Inc\u -Inl 10.000 who r""clve edue -tion at 15 schools lor Ihe blind.

The ILWI.1'. lull .ur .. n ... lollatlnr commillce on Feb. 3 vOled 10 reJecl nn employeta' .elllcmcnt propoaai and to Ilk I~, mem""" to aulhorl... I latcwlde .trlke. n.WU re­

glonol director Ro""rt MeEl­ralh sold Ihe slale'. 9,000 fU­

gar workers will be .. ked 10 vote Cor strikc authorl7.aUon al .top-work union mecUn,. On aU 16 plantation ... Inter­Island Rc<ort.s. Lid.. has ac­quired Q 37 ~ InlAlren In !lie Konl Surr Ho~1 on Ibe BI, Island, eivlng the company at leasl a partial Intere.t In every hoiI'I It manag ...

Coca-Oola Boltllnr Co .. Lot Angeles. purcbased K I U I I Soda Co. of Lihue In a cash Iransactlon. Th. 44-year-old IIrm'¥ principal owner. Ylmo""kl, recently retired as president and general man­ager.

Medical Notes

Lepllccd abortions, which were .pprov~ by I h. 1970 Hawaii slate legislature. show­ed a slight deellne In 1973 al­ter two yean of Intensive IC­IivIU... T b e State Dept. 01 Hoal!ll .ald Ibat In 1913 there were 4.408 .lecUve abortions - as conlrasl~ with .ponla-

\!Ous Ictal abortions and mls­arrlages.

Eugene Helbuah. chairman 01 Ihe executive eommllt.e of Ibe Regional M~leal Program

Uni". of Haw,ii

Dr. llalpb Hook. Jr" 50, dean 01 !lie Colle,. 01 BUli­n... AdmlnlatrlUon at !II. Unlv. 01 HawaII. rfllcoed Feb. 5 becau." 01 bud,.t culs !IIal make hlJ job today "a dlfrtr­fnl job Ihan ! wu hired for." He will return to UH al tbe end 01 I year-Ion, aabbltical leave II I prole .. or 01 mar­keting "uDl~. lomet.blng maTt altraclive com". a1on,," Hook said.

City HIli

Th. clty council'. pro))Oled

experiment of putUDi Its .m­ployee. on I 10-hour. (our­

d.y "ark "etk 10 save gaso­line ran Into labor opposiUon Feb. 5 David Tra.k, execuU"e director 01 !lie Hawaii Go,'­emmenl Employecs Assn., said his group u "unalterably op­posed to !lie 4-10 ", .. k." Tralk sald he doesn't belleve the luel shorla,e bas reaebed erl&is propOrtlon.s. and unUl It dou, be "won't allow a vote to chance !lie eontracl"

De .. th •

wa7T\' Bond.&. 11. n of. til. \ 'IIUO Honel .. ot 8olUlunau. Kona.

d~e:onrn~ U!l. ~J)K=tg Ht;:. fUN an.'1lclm.1tt~ to Queen', OD



Mid·Summer Charter: July 6·28 Thll charter II open '0 .11 JACl 1000 Club m.mb<,. reg,rdle .. 01 wh., ch.p'o' 'hey m.y belong. Thil cha,ler hal blln approv.d .nd luthorlzed by th. JACL Nallon.1 Trav.1 Caroml" ••. R ... ",.lIons togelher ... "h deposit. or paym.nlS for ,h. fIIgh' should b~ m,lIed U lOOn IS poSSible to gU-J,.nfee .,'Ot.Irself • u,r .n ,h. Ihgh' 10;

Dr. ',,,"k S.fumoto. JACL Ch.rt.r Flight 4'03 Shlrld," U . Chlca,o, III .: 60UO


TIl. : (312) 561·5105

New Low Fare-$460.00 • Du. to 'utl price inc, .. " ,"4 oth., 'Jet.,.

Round Trip: Chicago-Tokyo r OUr . rr,ngements in J.p.n un be mid, through th. s.e~ICtt of

y, ... 4. T .... I S.".(ce, 812 H. CI.,k S, • Chicago. III . 60610. T.l. , (3U) WH 4·1730

_16 H .. , ......... t:Y-



Sfa('. 'rClnI • If" ,.rtfA .... ,acet'I".ertn Gt ... 006" . ~. . 'itnotn

G' t Tecrt. P'.·. >N......c'", " A .f, G' .... . F," "' ...... ,"

• SRITO R E R IrT .... CO

.-.OMES .... SURAl\.ICl

Nt!'r .' _________ _

~."" ----------MIl cf Th. SI , I ~_


!o . Poom 202. 312 E. f rwt St.

62A-282 I

I ·--~---~----------On. 01 ,h. u,gm So'ec:liana I

2.21 W ltff.,-., LA

Exceptional Quality Home


MikolW8)'O Sweet Shop

2 •• Eo I" SI

3 bdrm ond t.aml!.7 m1. t "­bath. laII7 enra fin. ! .. -tures. OIo!ce Incat1oo. near rdI.ools.

So. San Gab:Ul (%UI Uf.UU

l.cs Ang.I", MI< 8 .. 935 , I I~ =================! I News Deadline: Sa~ ...... ~ ................................... . 1974 JACL Summer Charter Flight

TO JAPAN yj, P~n "",.rican World Alrwa.,.

$350.00 Per Person * h .... n. 4 .. 10 hoel pric. IM .. _ 1M ..... hchn

Roundtrip Portland to Tokyo LeaY. JULY 28 .nd Iletum AUGUST 18

nu. eN'"' ! 'ghr opa.n. ," ~~ f ~ lAO.. .NI th." ImmtOl'te hmlly ~ I h&s ~ Ind lu,homtd bv th. JACL Tn,.1 (An," ....

Of speall In u ... t to port·~ ... nts • 19 4 So·.,..,.1 JACL C"""en,iOn ••• ,h;. f gh' ts ochecW'od to • Portl,nd II 'he concr,,,'on 01 the ccmll\l."" prQoecf:>ga.

To ccnf,"" '_"'"iOns. • SIOO II« _ ~ ahc-..fd be modo poy.b'. JACl CHAJITU R.tG/fT &r>d ON eel '" Jom .. K. 1 .... "1. 200 S.W RNrth A,. p~ ' ~. 0. •. 9 204

F r flight reserv.tlClfJ.J rmat Of' usdhnc:. cOt. _ 'no tour uranotmar.ts On J,1)&I'I O'flAi us. the CCIU';X3n b. O'W ~

TO: J,.,os K. I ..... ti S""''""' JACL 0. ..... F5t~ 100 S.W . F •• rth A •••• 'ortl •• 4. 0Nt .. f71~

',,,,u a.nd R''''oQn1h,p ,,/ petIO<\I ~~ JAG. M

Ttl.phon •. _______ _

SIGHTED READERS AND DRIVERS The 'our orr.,ed fo, this ,rip w,lI b. ,h ... me .. ,h. popular 1000 Club Fon Tou .. sponsored by ,h. JACL 1000 Club. For Informotoon concernino the Chlrler Flight, cont.c-. Dr. Fr,"" S41lt,moto. For Information c.oncttnlr"lO tour nr.ngemtnll ~nd dcxum .. n,.t~n . pl.u. con'''' V.m,d. Trnel SeNlce.

N.~.:, _____________________ ___

Sightless Institute seeks volunteers LOS .. \NGELES The Jlp -ne c Amerleall SI.hUus In.lI­lUi", 312 E. Flnl St .. Rm , ~oa, II dcveloplnl{ Its library of Braille motedal! lind cAllclle t.pc, teoOl dcd leom printed ,"ull"r The Brull1e deparl­m.,,1 <a" boo mona,ed by tho III.lllulo mcmbcra; howev~r,

Ihe til .011. lape pro)rol r.­quite Ih •• lIlalnnee of .llhl­.<J ruadl'f'!."

F urlh.... Iho blind CWlno' drIve lulomobll.s "" .. c.d prlntrd mllerlal, and unfoe­lunul .. !) ag.ln. lomr blind prnpl. hR" nnl leaml''' In

leke advaDI.,. of pub II e Iransporlallon. ThercColc, ti,. In,tltut~ I. looking lor volun­I .. or renders nnd drive .. Tho .. who CAn help may .. 11 Ihe JASI (62&-8682 or 025-13:l~)

Volunle.... war k 0 r proving to be 1101 only 10 tho Inslllulc, bul " I 0 to Iho voluntrN Ihem./'I \' It I ... vldell l (hom po. 1 , -pOlloneu) t h i\ I blllld 0 d .IRhled pcopl,· workln, \0-Mo!ller e,'catc R bond of II whleh I. very much needed In Ih .. Jlpane!e community

t~,rg~,~t~,~~'ATES 578-2630 I,. Jo,. CA O~119 '''NT'' TERESA. NEAR laM

0 .. , 0,'o: Plelll ",,"", 'e.lts lot th. MId·Summl' Chuter I enclol' $100 for eath f."son Pl .... s.nd ma ,h. COII,,"cll .nd o'her Inlormatlon In detal . Nlmot,l ____________________ _

Add '.'.~I ______________________________________ __

_________________ (ZIPI' _____ _

Amount Enclosed: S T .Iaphon •• ________ __ ,..... "-



Sponsored by San Jose JACL .. ncl luthoriaod by Nationa l Trave l Committeo


San F,ancisco /nt.rnation~1 Airport on JAL fo, Tokyo Oct. 11 , 1974


To San F,anclSco from Tokyo Oct. 3 / , 1974

All JACl m.mb,... .pou.... dlP.nden, chlld,.n .nd ... ",nlS In .. ml hou,.ho'd "'1 .llgibl.

o W. will requir. tour .rnngen"enIJ wh I


' .....................................•..... ....,-",-"--"-""",,,,,--~

WEST LOS ANGELES JACL 1974 Summer Charter Flight

To lapan VI ... JAPAN ... 11t LlHES (ff. JL 10'11

$350.00 Per Person * .. Inct ... e Dy. to Fu~1 Pric, 'fteft&llt

Roundtrip Los Angeles-Tokyo Leave June 20; Return July 16

Opl' '0 .11 J -L ".,.~, a.nd '1>0. mmtd",. f."" . 'o,ed • d ,u,horlzed by JACL oJ I T,.,.I (An, M.

A,pJlcat lons "" 111 accepted on f,l'$'~ f rst·u". :iJ.J. (NJ'pan·ed ... h S I 00 po.-nt. se<"Ond Pi ......... , 01 S 125

due M,rch I .nd ,,,,.1 Pi,moon! 01 SI25 by Ap<;t I. 10]4. Checu pI1.~I. '0 W ... l.A J.t.CL Chan" Fr,~h' T conf,rm '00' "'-. $100 _ po d."." ohould t>. mo ed .

G .. ,... Ktneg.r, Summer Tour CoonfinA'" 1157 '",<kton ..... ~ ~ .. An,.ln 9001S

N.m.:u' __________________________________________ __

~ , ---- ----------------------------

Cl ..... S .. ' .. I ____________________________ .LZ 1" _______ _

Round Trip Fare - About $350.00 Phonl _____ No, Ene ed. ___ _

SUI on a fll&t ( "" tlr" ,.,,,rd bUt' Mall p4\-'mlnl to Of for Into'~Uon on

'erml 01 IlIgh' con',c'.


For .addu n.1 fUQht inform.attOn. I ... tr.t't9t'menfs 01' .uh!~1:1C •• ull. R T, ed. [820 .. 3091: S",. '1"",,1 (397-79211. T"", OlrKt r To, '" II 82~.1133: · ., <! '1)a KMIV41 Sl0-359ll.

124 H. f l,, ' S, s." J .... C.11f 951 U AU'.In" Tou, I ..... SlPTEMB(R 11 .nd ,,"UM OCTO'lIt 10. (408) 197-20" S, ••• y., f. A.'UIn" T •• r Co,,,<lh •• tor .... ,_", ___ ,,_,,_, ___ , ___ ' ___ A .... __ '_' ______ , _________ ,_,_A

Page 4: PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka Volunteer Services · PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka Volunteer Services leveland 11011' much do volunteer serVlce~ co I" LeI' a,SlIme Utat your chapler has 300

4-Pacific Citizen FrIday, Mar. 1, 1974

K.1l Kun;'sul1u

Oil the


It broullht a "'1"7 Irin to lIlY laOP whm I .om!>&ff(\ the Ikturday. Feb. 10. L..ue ot the two Los Angelea vema.ulan and noled that the story on the fonnaUon of the Allan Amer· for a Fair Modla got a three-column head and top bUI­~ from the Ratu Shlmpo (not too surprlaln, when EdItor Ellen Endo ls one of the park pilIP o! the new (!rOup) and an InoonspleuOUJ bael< P&8" Joeatl"" In tho Kuhu MaI­nleb( with what I eIlscern .. on. 01 G<'Orgo Y""hlnaga'l tl'pleal odItarlallled b.adllnes. ", '0'" &1'0111', old tune ... 'pro­te!lt'" (then's no doubt about bow th" Horn Cocll; about !>ro­test &1'0111>1 from that bead­line"

1 admit that II r weren't partl.ularlv concerned about the lUIan Im.~e that le pro­jected on televl.lon, r would have a &llghUy weary teelIDg of deja vu my.eU about yet • nother protest

How~vt'r . I am concerned 'ben I _ bow tar the blacks

ha"e pro~""ed In the more humanized. tbr",,-dlmenslonal portrayals they are ,ctUng In their In ....... d expoaure on tcl."l<lon durlnJ! the past Iwo or thl'f'e seasons (wbat 8

beautiful. balan.ed and benrl rending special that "Th. Au­toblo,",phy of 1I1i&s lane Pitt­man" was a f~v weeks agol) compared to the cruel, mys­torious Emperor Mlng ~ of clnp trap sWI being shown re the Asians, a. witness a r.cent eplsod" 01 "The Magician."

M a member at th. AAFM (I got some uncertain laughs wben I quIpped, "Too bad we're not Asian MexJcans­then we could be known .. the AlIlFM") I attended a m""Ung we had with the KN­BC "xecuU"es last we.k to explain our teelings about the Vons price-smashing commer­cial f~aturlDg karate expert Tal<eyoshl Kubota.

vents OUr acooptanoe .. hu­man, thNe-eIlmenalonai being. and was decld.d as belng "In­offensive" without any Aalan American partlcipaUon In the deel.lon, theY qulekly .greed ,,1th u •.

St.ranewski promlsed to call Gl'ty Adv.rtI.slng, Inc., the agency which Qreated the ad, and nolA! our prot •• t. He eIldn't promised to drop It from the airwaves. howeve.r, and I nOtlOPd some foot-tlt'8UlDg on their part when we a.ked to participate In future d~I.lon. about the ollenaiveness oC any commercial Involving Asian •. Tbey eIld .... k (or a 1111 or Asians they mlgbt consull wben they f,,1t • commercial mlght be questioMble

"Onl.v when YOU decide It's questionable?" was the soCt query from AAFM member Mark Tajlma, a UCLA grad­ual •• tudent In urban plan­nlng.

The KNBC people all won­de.'ed why they didn't have one Irate phone call or letler from the Asian communities when the commercial first air­ed a few w""ks ago, If It were so offenslv •.

I lnterpolaled my own re­action. which was not " gut· level outrage but a thlnking reaction. FeUow AAFMer Ken IzumJ, student coordinator at the UCLA Asian Stuelle. Cen­ter, immediately <fuagreed. He sald he was profoundly eIls­turbed on the gut level.

Well, it the truth be told, I am ,lad to see that pro- I thougbt the commercial was

.... ts are more civilized tbese a fairly clever one from tbe daya with a minlmum of standpoInt ot meella technique &houUng and slollans and a when I 6rst laW It, but I had maximum of attempts to un- my consciousness ralsed, so to demand. The th'e KNBC rep- speak, when I noted that it re •• ntatives, beaded by Sta- disturbed enough of UI quiet tion Manager Tom Straszew- Asian Ameri.ans to fonn the Ik, (poor guy. be ba.. to spell lUIan Americans tor Fall' Me­bl. name every time, just like ella as a gesture to sbow that me) were, in a word, a co- we were tired of having our operative. image formed for us by non-

They explalned that they Asian Americans. had p;wed the commercial ;-_________ ...

because they didn't thlnl< It ,.. .. offensive. When we polnt­ed out that It was still a per_ petuaUon of a stereotype (Aslan5-karate) which pre-

I Local Scene

Los Angeles

Tok7o'. Aonma GakuJJl .. eelebraUng Its IOOtb annJver­nry thiI year. Its orch.stra, under direction at Yoshluld Fujita. gave a special concert F.b. 23 at Gardena HIgh School under auspiOPs of the Klwanw Club. The west coast tour of the musJdans ls being arranged by Aoyama alumni In Southern CaUtomia.

"CrlaIa In A.tan American Employment" was the topic of the Orst workshop called by the n"wly-formed council of Asian American employee ~Iatlon •. It \Va. held Feb. 2a at Restbaven Health Center and cbalred by Francis Na­kano, .halnnan of the COUDCU.

San Francilco

The recentl,-puhllshet! hook. "Farewell to Manzar­nar". I. the I4plc of the Mar. IS m~R at the San Fran­duo Center for Japanese American Stuelles at Pine United Methodlet Church with Jeanne Wakatsuld Houston and Jam~' Houston, authon.



Elections District Altorney Peter A.

ChaDg Jr" 37, of Santa Cruz County said be would Dot ruD for a third ter;m .. eIlstrict at­torn.y but .eel< a judicial post. Superior Court Judge Gilbert Perry said he would not S<!elt election. The Korean American's omce su~cessfuJJy

prosecuted tbr"" mass mur­derer .. Inciudin, John Frazier In 1971, who was found gullty of murdering Dr. Victor Ohta, his wit., two sons and his sec­retary.

Awards San Francllco NlhonmachJ

community worker, Mrs. KAy Okamoto, was honored by the Nil<l<el Lions with the Orst Robert TlUDe Bab. Award. A volunteer worker with Ham­llton Center for 17 years, Mrs. Okamoto h .. worked with the the Issei senior citizens, who m""t regularly on Wednes­day •. The plaque was named In memory of the club', char­ter presiden t.

Oxnard City Councilman, Dr. TsaJlo KAto, was present­ed the coveled Boys Club of America MedalUon Jan. 14 lor "helplng boys to achieve a fuller and richer IDe through the poslUve guidance and In­. lIuen .. at the Boy. Club". "-

Mareb 1 (Prld.o71 lilt-year member of the Ven-W".t Lol Ant.ell$-PAnh ScJ Mt,. tura County Boys Club, Dr. Ml>C-SP"~ Q~~ltc?t.,<o,o ho.n. Kato promo led the first San-At'tzon~r.:: v'.( •• alu

Nrd".') ta Barbara-Ventura countiel

I - hi all'ltar football game which ~,,:~~tox~':'~~~1 c;t;ll.val. haJI bene6ted club. from botb

"'aru l (Bunda,.) counties. \<' • Loll ""."'_5, Cit Red Crou certificate of f~:~~' r .. Ud", M.hood Ctr. mer1t, the highest award con-

)10«10 4-, !erred upon a person who

Sacramento hosts 170 bowling teams ConUnnd from Front PAIl N.k .. "'",.,

tl x:.°:'I.D~'i:;~~~Fn~~o,UB~~( WEl.COME TO SAN JOB!; NO.

II, ~7~~~r.1t:i1f~tt!~m'":r:. ~f~~ ShlmadL

_~~!'f HKA~~~~Sk?pakJ~~~. Jr~ MUAmorJ. naJl' J<.no. Ct'nt 0,.­w • .

Jo.t'S BARBER. s.c. ,"1-Jot

~~! ·~W, J · J(g,I;~nN!;e~'; MfttwNlml.

CWO (filar. T. 1 p.m,)

8'?'t'~~~ · Vo':IM~.:!!I.C'i. ~:;

I<Ucuehr. Tom Horl , Ute HA Ud •• "AWAII AMllASSADORR NO I,

8)IJ-Onld K.nhQ, Rgb,r\ .fI.u. chI. fI,", MIIIl.. lf~n,., Tom.

G~~~~ln~~tAnMACY . PtJrth,"d,

~~~jl'O~~~,! ~ lh;;ol~~rt!!! ~h~~ Hint..


~~~~ ~I~r"'j~e, JW'orl TV:::! '6kl. S.t MorUA

_¥::.~- ~~;r.r Y '~ :~·hl.!·":g(b'\!~

,., . .., -5toe~ .'Id Bond, ALL EXCHAlIGES

fred funakoshl lI.porl. 1'Id Sludl .. on lIoqu#.1


M.mb: P .. eo .. , ~I~ vdt 626 Wllh.l,. 8lvd.

L.. A.8.1.. 680-2350

RII Phon.; U 1. 4~22

N.k.~, Ju. i'akuhU". Cho Tflnl· _WI.

BPA.J-AICHl "C". Jap,n, too­$em ApoIJonl. KtnJt YOlhfokll, Tad .. hJ 'l'Ak"h".hl. Aklo Naka·

KU \lm_.. VONd.. rNn I(U"o. M.lOhlm Yukllol hl

Vlt"TORY 'l'IIOPltlES OLASSIC. Soc, flU-frank l kt"da, Kunl tto. Duh TIU,'WI, S"m Ilhhh. TQm


"Sni.ty of s... ""-th. HoU", Gtoup hom H .... iI

m~r~ . ~::;U~~ Ch :~OODS . Sac. IOI-Lukl"' NtahLmurl. Ro)' DelU· chi, nObblY' Hak.mur", Rex lil,.· blr •• Al nlba.

T~~'ru!~~A:';!~{ . ~~T.J~~ taYln.,'. lllLY a lya,hl. tff'Or.f' AoyarM

SECOND LANES. Wuh.. ttl3-a I J' 0 NakaI. J,h Suy,mauu, GlItOrlt Yuuta'ke. Stan "'ujtklwa. Yosh FuJII.

MAUl CB'1I'S. HAwoll. 902-Larry Sakal, D t\\lt',Y' Kob.,..D.hl Marco De:murn. JOt otak", FlIJlo ShlbauQ.

BUS" GAIl.DEN. S ... tI.. 9OJ-

~::~~ .. P~I~::.k~h-:nS~';lm~";:.~ FunDI.

KlLnOV PEST CONTROL. San JOlt. 903-Ce.n~ lnouyf' Jr, MArk Inouye. floy Sinto. Ken N.lut41u . Jo ~ MurolauJ1e .

TOM 'S AUTOMOTIVE. Soo. 003 -Stev('t Nak.ta. YOlh Koto, Tom Ku,01orl, Roy NnkatM. Karl Hirai .

~~c~AWa~~a~O~~lt'S.{;.g:~j~ .hl. KJyo NlIhlura . Carl Dae"r· brie, Tf'rr)' Yukawl.

EL RANCHO BOWl .. SIIe. 1191-Bon Fuku,,,wa. Vic Mftuud •• Mlke Ktlkoan. Scott F\lJlI. Cfi)r,(' Morlla

TOKYO. 885 - Su umu OcurA, f'u,rukawft, Rarry Shiro· nnka, VasuhAl'A Shlnobu

T~~~tr~i:t NBA. BM-Alan Vnm ... moto , John T~rBJhllll . Ra y Kob.· take. Dick Havast, Bert K'ku-pwa.

EBNBA NO. ~ . Richmond. 1188-

:a~~a~t':hoRO~.~~~~~!~I,J:!~ r~~: mad • •

VIC TOR Y TROPHIES OLD­TUtDtS, Sac. 88'7-Mttch Okamo­to. Shl Tanlka, Joe Klynu. . KanJi NlJhijlma. Nob K.lun,ll.

CHERRY BOWL. SunnyVnle. 8:91

;.~e.h G~~tr~:ie~~nfl.y W;~J': thin. Klyo Yoshlnake.

SAN JOSE NBA NO. I, 89:>-­Talc Tanda, Lou SuzukI. Tubby Twbabal"o. Robert Vo.hlktlwa. OuJe Shtmada

TOM'S BODY SHOP, Denver, 893-Bud Starle. Mas Omoto. Bob Mayt'da. Dtek Yanue. Btu Yo­thld • .

HOUSE OF LOU1I'!. Sae. 89f-

~II~ tft!h~~~: J~rik T~~~:t~: Tom Brewster.

VIP REAL TV. San Jose. 8ge­Gary Kurotsuchl , Norman Ima­han, Ceo. Matoba, Dennis MHo­me, Jim Kotaubo.

FUn·EN. Denver. 897 - Mike A'flkl, Bryon YOlhtda. Mel Taka­hadtl. Dou, Ta.hlro. RIch Nak,­mura.

lIILO PET CENTl:R, How.II. 1198 -Richard Tanimoto. Kenjl OahU.a. Norlo KhhJ. Wtlbert l..J.u. Roben Ao1c1.

THREE (Mar. '1. 1 p.m.)

PACIFIC AVE. BOWL. Lodl. 915 -FraDk. Saketa. Kunl Kawamura. Yom Ita,a. Henry Morita. Art


g::r~~YM:~~hIY r<":'Jim'o~o~ ~I~ ~~O~~~~~O?OO~~~~fln Vfftw,

t:;::-ft;~, . "W~"d°t$ · u~~ot~~I~ ~r;:r Ha ramoto

WESTERN DENTAL HUPPI,Y. UtAh. D!I3-rloyd Okubo. Vuk To· dehar.. non Vee. Ku Nlmb,.

J'~\]Mi JE\VFLFRS, So<. 914_ John Murl''' . Tom bhlh.'It , SlAn Kubochl. Henry Malluna"" St." y"mll'nkl ,

"AWAlI NBA NO. 3. 11<>. - 1 ... 11.

~!~':8. ir:rr;J~~:h'I:kl~. P~ fer ~: : ma~ehl l

PR£Ml&1lE LANT...s, Cnrdf""",

:::-~~~o U~t~r:~ ' mr'r;:; I~~t o8hllll . ChAt. Sonodn

BUSH OARDICN, PortlAnd. SW)O Hfro TakeuchI O ~nf'" C I,. •• Yulen,' Tnkal. HlrQ PulinG. Sht. Rln AtnI.

CASPrLLO. Pltatant RHI. ~_ Harry Nt.hlmur.. Joe. SUtukl, Oumu Su.11ImB. Tom Murat • • Bill CR,Il)11I0.

"UTUnAMA BOWl ... San Jo e-910- Tom FuJI.hln. Morl Slllrn.dn. Sam Muroyo. Brvan UYeda. Rl)b Ilt edl'l

CENT!:R SERVICE. CGruthera gl3-Jerry llhll. Ken Suemoto. Roy Wa18rl Ed Sanoy:. Stew.' lto .

F&S BOWt..rNC SUPPLY Sot. IH4-00n Seka, .Ttm KAI . FoUl. AT"r,.. ~onul, Ted May.

EBNBA "'0 'J NfOWnrk. 91 .. -Fred C"."UIf'. 11m OJn" Sltve lto. CU. SAtO. '1111 Knu.

CATHA" POST, Denver. 014_ Dick Shh(mlun. Tom Btklda. J'ohn NOJruehf. Kayo Sunad., Geor.e Ot.wkl.

POUR "far. '1 . '7 p.m.) SRIG'S CHEVRON, ComotoD.

03.-H.1 VomoRld.. ElJI F'ulru· moto, TO!lh S"kuml, Barntov TA. rude. Raj l'\Ikumoto.

DOWNTOWN FORD. Sac. !l34-Rodney WonA'. Ted FuJII , 'Roward Tnharn, J'oc1c Takamoto. BH1 Do. m.n.

JACK DAVID. U •• h. 933--0r Jun Kururru.da. elf" Abe. 'l"aro Sudoko. PAul Pullman. Lynn Kono.


f:.c · E~~: "h If,~~~aShy;a:.~~: Kt'n Yee,

V1t"TORV 'MIOPHttS MASTER. Srlc, 935-Leo Ta,owa, SUm Suzu­ki. Rank YumlkUTIt. Brook. M._ tauda. J'rank KaWAI

DAN'S rnv. GOLF TOURN. UlAl1, 9~7-\V.t MJsnka. S~ed l'

r~~b~ur~ . raG~neNa;:t~~lma . Harry l:BNBA NO. 1, Oakland , GU­

YOlh Maruyama, Manny C'...omu, Kats Nomura. Nen A'kl'lhR, Spider Yuto.

IMPERIAL LANES NO 1-.5 •• altle. ~oe Oha.hl. Don Tanl­guch. Jeff Wong. Jack Shloto. Rod Namba.

HOLLIDAV BOWL. L.A.. 94l1-Barry Kikuta. J1m • . Fred Tokuhl, Mi'b TsuchlvAnUl .

and decided to stay to sell H':.f"lD~WI. REST & LOUNGE. eIlstinctlve (but cheap) 011- Denver. JI4:>--Dave Uy.d •. Honry ental merchandise and now Ito. Hal Muroyn. Simon FreJquez, through a chain of seven Azu- Dlek Sal.ufl.ld. rna stores all in New York ABC FISH. Sac. 943--0samu '1'1'

City; MuayosbJ (l\llke) Ya- ~~AN'I.~I:!'~:: :5:i.l.0'}~~' mano, wbo comes trom • OAKLAND BOW LIN G SUP­wealthy t a ml I y In Japan PLIES. AI"'ny. 944-Goo Gu, G which owns a $IO-million Nomura, Bud NakoRowI, RI

beauty college, salon and cos- K'~:I~~N.f~shll~~ OF COM­metles buslness, now with a 101ERCE. Senltle. 945-FI'onk Vo­branch in Beverl~ Hills, Calif., · ~~~~&.a;::oJ.·~~ · K':,~Y Seko and noted for hIS concept at HAW AD SANS~ NO. 2. 945-Hantlcred!t card"; B I r o. k I Brian Ajlmfne. Denni.s Tsuk .. da. (Rocky) Aold, who came as a ~::~: s~~:"tn. . C1yd. Uyem •• wrestle~ 14 years ago, to open SKYLINll RFoS'l'AURANT. Porl­up Benibana restaurants now lftnd. 92~T:So Koyo1cawa. BuCh In 18 clties across the country; ~~~I~ So .. kI . HAnk Iw.I •. YoJi NomagachJ, who .ame to K1NGS'BOWL. San !I!<o,,,,. \11'7 manage the restaurants at the -Hank Xu, •. John Ta1""o, Geo

Japan pav~on at the New OJ~~:; J~rE ~Ef.~~~c"..~. York Worl? s Fair and stayed lillo, Maliln M.rumolo. M ... r to dlsh chicken teriyakl cafe- lchtd.. Dov. MI,htma. Art '1'.­terla styple; and Take Nnma- nab • . no, ,?ho .expanded his humble n.~~h~:.r..~Tc!! operung In 1963 to become the Mukalkubo. X.n Tokahashl . .JIm largest Importer ot Japanese Ou.. Toots Tsulsvl. sake and plum wine Into the PACIFIC MERCANTILE. Don-

U.S. Ke:m~J1:~~i.'~m ~t~

Theater Soprano Sblgeml Matsumo­

to will slng the lead role of Norina again in the San Fran­cisco Sprlng Opera Theater production of flOon Pasquale" t opening Mar. 5 at the Cur­ran. She sang the lead In the 1971 production and drew good reviews.



Geo RlrabayasbJ. L.ynn Nod •. WaUy YoshikAWA. Albert WOD" Boward Won«.

BPAJ-AlCBJ "A". Japan. m -Nobulo SuwJd. l\tasaharu Kuno. Yutaka Voshfd'a. Nobuo MtZ'Ullo, Tftkeshl NotnJ,.chl

SOIJTB' BOWL. Sao. 933-Yuklo MlY .. ke. Sam Murln.k,. Ceo Ha· Udft . Lee Kato. :Me. Muran.kl.

FIVE (~far. '7, ., p.m.)

TARO'S BOWLING PRO SHOP. Honolulu. 960-Jlrn Akasald. Mlkt V.mauch!, Mitch Arnold. Mike Y.naWlh.ah.i. "{'.ro Ml,yasato.


~~:Wond~:FAl'l ~l!~;" r,~I~

Women's Division

o 'E (M&.1. '7 10 a.m.) TRIDENT IMPORTS. 5<>olllc,

'1l4-Sue KOda . Yone KI.hJd • • Phyllis. FujII. PlIt Wobzuru, Yae

OJ;~~~RMOUNTAI N MOLDS. Denver. 783 - Takako Okamolo. Janel Ro.hfJlma. Patty ••.

TOS~~~U~A~~~ t Naka­

::~:~,eLU1t:~c)woy :.IUJ:~1t at=. ONTARIO PRODUCE. 0.10"0.

m--1oB.n Suytm.ttu. ~l aT!" HI­k.mura . Akl F'uJfna«a, PII SUlla' Jbye Morikawa

JIFFY BunGER. S.e. 176-B .. • tie SanuJ, Rt'n~ Lee. Rotte Klmu­N. lreat! S.aabuchl . Amy MaUu~ moto

wtsTERN P10NEER. Berkeley no-DorlJ Oka .. kl . Flo Yoohl· mIn •. Do' Mlyuhlro. Carolyn Suo Jrlrnu.... HLsa Hlrol •.

SAN lOSE PIl<UP NO. I, 7~ Aanes Okamoto. Mar'\' Noto, Paul-


~ce °/~i.·ra . Art Kawamoto. =-----------.... 24TH ST GARAGE, Soe. 763-

Once Kohaya. Joanne Shimada. Akeml Morimoto. LorA Nlshlmu­n. Doril: COlllnr.

SAN JOSE NBA NO 3. 752-May \, Tee Kawat..

etko Wakayama, Ann Teshlma. chi Ikeda,

MALm:tJR INSURANCE. Onto-0, 'l56-Maaa Nakamura. Yilekn Imba. Nat.! Hashltsnl. Mae Na-


Sac, 756-Grace OllklU3ku. Judi BrewlbT. Jane lJasht&aka. Myra KJyot.a.. Frances Malsunaml.

WATERf'IELI)'S SllAFOOD. L. Mlrada. '1S&-Robln K u b 0 c h 1. Joanne Okamoto. Patty Fulbl'l,hl Tokl 010. Sajl Od •.

lACLERS NO.2. S.c. 7_01.". ShJmada. Yuki K'asal. Mae Dolda_ Ruby Cotow. Klyo Okumura.

EBNBA, Oakland. 751 - Nancy Lee, Jean Nomura. Yo hbluwa. Terri Uchlno. CarolYn Din,.

LAND PARK BOWL. Soe. 742-Lynn Yumllcura. Norene Honda. Patt;y oto. Lou Ann Handa. Yoshl NakQI&Wa.

TSUBAJO. Sac. iU - Bernlc@ OCbikubo. Mae l\1ivamut'iI. Maur­een MlYamun. Nikki Vee. KIUy Uc:hifoshl.

TWO (1\Iu. 1. 4 p.m..)

UNLIMITED FIVE. Sac. 810-Fwnl Sakamoto. Abu Guild...." Graee Ito. J'un Yega. Prl5cUta Ito.

CASCARE LANES. PorUand. tI05 -Tamae OkaukJ. RIc:kJe Naka­ahtma. Martha Machull. Toshte OkaZAki. SIIh HIna .....

COUN'l'IIV CLUB LANES. sac. 809-AlIcc Taka.buhl. Arnie Tera­moto. MJdorl Enk01J. Pat 'I'-akeda. Bess Okeda.

PACIFIC MllICANTILE. Den­vc.r . 803-Clennyth Shepard. Je~n Malsvd.o. Nor! Tsu .... 1. Elltn. lneJ. Am~r Namba.

BOWLING SHmTS. Rnnotu)u. 801-~kJ Nakamura. Jerri Sht­mada. Lo\vaena aau Ttrrlann Asarot. Joyce 'Mlvamoto.

TIMBER t..ANES NO. 1. Port· land. 797-Kathy Sas.kI. Mary TA1ceuchl. Patty Qutln. Jln.'t Fu­

March Events

Win eta sting, art and culture on tap

an l'tfatto JACL baa I

unique Sunday (Mar. 10) aft­ernoon party at the Japanes. Tea Garden in the Central Park to raise funds for the JACL Bldg. Fund. The $25 contribution will be tax-de­ductible.

Party will start at I p.m., I featuring a presentation of slides and dJsplay by Ruth Asawa. bonsai plants by tea garden curator Mltsuo Ume­bara, Ikenobo style demon­strations oC 60wer arranging by Hoju Kitagawa and select- , ed wines tram the Kenwood and Mirassou Vineyards.

Idaho Falls all set

for Winter Carni".1

Idaho Falls JACL chapter president Ron Harada is gen­eral cbainnan of the annual JACL Winter Carnival. sched­uled tor Mar. 2 at Veterana Memorial Hall, Idaho Falls. The various committees have b...n preparing for this fund­raiser over the past months.

An appreciation banQ.uet La planned Mar. 9 In conjunction with the IDC meetin, he ....

Arizona callin, Ipecial general meetinl M.r. 1

jii. Mae Hlrt\14.

You,; ~~~~.;h~:d~:~ : ~~ Arlaona JACL is calling a l<uwnd.. Haru Kobata. Atl<o special general meeUng Mar .

Dr. D.lAy (Sasaki) Kuwano, W~'1tA\vN SHOP. Sa<. 795-Lynn 7, 7:30 p.m ., at th" JACL 64, of Englewood, Colo., died Ool<lkl. EI.lne lto,awl, Connt. Bldg. to consider cbanges In Feb. 5. Sbe was professor of Kato. Carol Mal""""lo. PA", its by-laws and a donation to biology at Loretto Heigbt. NIshUe the National JACL Building College tW a heart condition BONANZA St:Rl.OIN PIT San Fund. It was announced by Corced ber resignation In 1985. f:;,"1.9ti BfI"~ ~«~JW;~~· ~ b ~':.: Dr. Rlcbard Matsulshl. chap-Born in Ft. Lupton, her la~ Doris Ito. ter presldenL parents, the Frank Sasalds. ....&.~; J~~~~tG~I'l:,nI6Ii~! Hlgb scbool senior candi-

(South of 01,".,. .. ,,,,, " •• , Flrrt S,., S.n'. AOI)

(714) 531-12.32

II ____ ___

CHlVROLlT I F ... , r,*" If'!o AI -.. ,~ flY


Hansen Chevrolet 11 lSl W Otymple. 'ho. W •• t L.A.I ." .... 11 It .. nMlIOS

Ask fo, •• .

'Cherry Brand' MUTUAL SUPPLY CO.

1090 51010"" St •. S.F. 11

LYNDY'S ~~ ., c...ct . .., ...... 1"', C.frf

JA 7 ... S11. 11,. ~'A ""Art.ut".

P ~ -'''iJ,I 8tl ten 0, .... .,.~ .... ,d

Krv.,tt', 8~,ry Faun

.. ".,',~''''''"".""""", ..

t...'QfS · ~tw" of Popu f

.rod C' .. Ie ),1'0"''' RtlGGfd Jlp,,.-·tW 1I~ lr '1S, Art ~~


340 f . lot St" Lo. ....... 1..


Marutama Co. Inc. F .... Cor.. Muv ..........

Lo. ""Ideo


Naomi's Dress Shop AY,il.t~ .... y_ SfJO" (, c.uw:. S,." J-IB t fnorit. ~

I Lo.I~ ~ .. s.n Pecl68kim I FUJIMOTO & CO. • ()pa) 'l'IIo-Fr1 8:31).<1:30 ODd I 302-306 S. ~th Wat I Sat u·g 0 _ Sun,i!on I .........;-~fr Lah CIy, Uloft

i ltD 270, Elko, N ••.

T.l. 738-5141





~I" Ai r Cond,_ • TV


I Engl,y, - I""",,e>.

L 114 Weller St., Los Angeles 90012 MA 11-7060

The New Moon bnqu:et Rooms •• ,ilahle

to, IflU:U 0' brge gn:MIJtt

912 So. San Pedro St., Los Angeles MA 2-1091 N.n JACL--S.cnmil!'nto hoal.t' .ave. a Ufe by Wling skills ~:blt1!~nT.OUo. ~..T"nw'.' ICo

I AunV'."'. . learned in a Red Cross class,

- ~~ was prelented Jan. 18 to Non min, II Coun."" Club" Oeorlre Uchida, 49, at Seattle,

A predominanUy MexIcan American group, the Arroyo Seco Optimists, wbleh was chartered with 45 members trom tbe Pas.dena area Jan. 19, was sponsored by the neighboring Crown City Op­timist Olub, headed by Nobu T. Kawai . .. The Oriental Bullder. Assn., comprised of Asian AmerIcan contractors and subcontractors, Installed Stanley ]\furakawe president with L.A. architect Toshlkazu Terasaw., president of the Municipal Bullellng and Safety Commission, as guest speaker.

were plonee!' farming ... 1- TlnRka. GIIY Hl,ashl. Kay Va- dates Interested In applyinc dents, she gradualed trom' mJld.. forone of four $300 scbolar­Unlv. of Colorado with a doc- ~~~~~k~1:':.'JIf.c.~'k.;'~'i;o~I ' ships must secure forms from toral degree .In neuroanatomy "lYe< Imlmura. Masl Shlm. da; Joyce Shlola or Pat Watanabe and neuroh,stology. She is Pel T.uchlYa. d bmlt th b M 22 .;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;.;-;;;,;-;......;;;;;;;,;,;. __ ..;;;;;;. __ ~;;;;. __ ..;- ...;;:;;;..;-;;;,

survived by h Douglas, a M~,tJ;~T O:.r~~iI l~~d~A~e:;: ~e !~vards will be ~~ced =ia::' ~:-r<I b.nqu ••• t an employee oC T.ubota Steel

"'a,,.b 7 (Thuraday) and Pl~ Co., Inc., who nd-A~j~H~1 p C;:n II,. JACL minIstered succe .. fuI1 I It e

Idlho ;!~:~~~!rr:;:l"wloD ~';!~~tI.,';~ti,:,,!~~e~~~~~~:~ dnt. Iy contacted a 440-voll elec-

1D<'_ldlho ~~~ ~.\:: I .. Qt,'. trical wlTe and fell about 20

SPu"nnd. 'n,o"~n lnn. lat. 1* to"" ft. from a crane boom. Uchl­

_. da had cllmbed tbe CTane

'ID M.~~'h~.~~u~~t..I.Oo. IUpport to reach the man who pe"7, art ->lI'bl ... d.mon., &howed no lignl of Ute. Ctntnl P.rk Rll>(lr~.UoMI Or. 1-4 em .. Ru'h A. ..... 11><1 ",.at Business

Pul.a. up V.Uey-M.-mb PtnJuck

6 "~ Bud.hlll Church, • Mentloned by For"" maga-Puyollup VolI.,. JAC1,--New une (Nov. 18) In their piece

rnlltmtl,.J' POtluck tUMn Tteoma on "Japan'. Braln DraiD" "lJddt~',~t,::"h~r:(~":nl-l m), WE're. number of young Japa-

W.61 [hi Anllf!lfl5-RIi ':I... neae who were fruttrated at

Itn J,hl~~:'~ ~::.u8~~~~. bom~ by lenlority and corpor ... Pral>YtllTf.f'I ~hu~h II pm ate bureaucracy and who

r:oc-;~~[:~.i.'hl~'"J~;CLd.oy) ...:._, .truek I~ rI.h In the U.S, In Mtr " h .• ~ the .,..t decide. UDlike Ihe

Ph"'~'If.:hl'-lnot D",.Dlnco poor Immlgranll of 1\ half-rrl'~l~";~ r.~;:~ :f.'JtU@, cb"rf7 cpntury lIiCo, tbue ere edu-

H..,,.h I. tMt)nl'lay) catNl men, IUch .11 Frank 1\1 tI t->, A ••• ,. .A ..... ·" MI, Kawabe, Kelo law .chool

.\f."h 2J (1.,ur61,., · It"IdU8~. who htndll • tuml-tg::~'lltf/t r.~~,.,.rlub WJ1ln.dtn. turt linn In Lot An,elelj l\1a-

C ~~_M'.'r'h 10 (T .... d.,., ""Mhl Tlmolh, Ikrda. Rlk-'-- kyo ~conomlci IP'Adaute who .n'1nn.U!I':I]~!r.(:"~;."~lt_ w,.nl Into dJ.mond·rare "m Ihmlll n Co I I.M .. " bu.ln ... In New York nnd .,,-

h"tI ~Jnr\fr," " I:j f p.m pantted to Int,.rn&1I00II Puc;,"na~ v "'7-11X'1 1011. lor tr~llht - forw.rdln. oul of Pu1~:lJ I"nh r~:-~,~l'}.~~m CaU(t)mlfl and Hlwall ; obn. ~~'r~, 1· .. BuddblJt r" .to. who eame to UCLA

r In 1851 to llUd, economl ..

Entertainment Eaat-W .. t Players of Los

Angeles announced their 1974 production schedule, starting April 3 with "Harry KeUy" (a s tory ... 1 agaln.~ strife In an Arlzono WRA .amp), "In the Jungle oC CIties" tram July 4. Frank Chfn's "Year of the Dragon" to be premiered Oct. 2 and an orlglnol work tram Dec. 18 by the East-We.t PI.yers ploywrll!bt - In - resl· denc • .

Thou,ht for the Week

An aim In life I the only fortune worth findlnll~Rob­ert Loul. Steven..on

Shimatsu, Ogata and Kubota


911 VenIce Blvd. Los Angeles

IU 9-1449


Douglas Jr. d Mrs. Rextord Helen NAkashtmA. MIdi!. Tlkaha· MaY 4. I ~ Hlnkle (Bethesda). and three shl. P". Klkuebl The chapter Is also ho Ung slst.erl Mole, Y Malsuno KEWT. Sac. 788-I'IIU,y N.k .... a L as Vegas Night OD Satur-(Denv~r), F. Wakitrugi (Blan- f:K ~~Iks'l~.~ ·r /~~.!':':r~"ehl. n· day, Mar. 2, which Includ~s a I I , ea). H. A. hlda (Johnson FRANKLIN MARKET. Pornond. T-bone stenk dIDner. Kan.) 783-Ita A\Cme11. JuliA Nlnomiya. •

l\fr ~. Chlzu Dorothy 1t114,. 7~~toN.<;!~!·· Chlyoko Honrn.. The "oung do not kno,"


seafood treats


$0 easy 10 prepa~ 01 Chicago and Oeof,' It, 0" , oY

Tor ... kl president at Fuji TORllll (M .. , . " • p,m.) enough to be prudent, and I Tours b,tcmatlonal, Tokyo O I:~~ ' ~~. OcPF auESdl.· Sy'.<.'. sTl.~r. therefo... they attempt the

MRS. FRIDAY'S Gourmet Breaded Shrimps

and Shrimp Puffs ri d I

y Impossible - and achl.". It, I moni es at the Oakland hom IrI<I' AkIYamA . were mor c n recent cere.. ry JAramillo. Kath~ ' KAwaI. PI- generation ofter generatlOtl.-/

of the bride's sl.te,·, Mrs. MI- • ..;,S&:;;;,;.E;;:..,;B::,O::,O::..:.V....:;:S.::H,:;O::;P;;" . .,;5;::.::;0;"' . .: 8! :; .O- :::;,_P~ <a ::: r :..:I_S: .:..:B;,;U;,;c:;;k::. . ______ ,

nON Tamald. Th. fonner Mrs, Kltow was asst. director of nuralng I e r v Ice I at Cook County Hospital. TOllnaalrl 1068-69 Rotary In~omatlon./ pl'esldent, \Va. prcsldent nnel chnlrmnn 01 Japan Tim from 1946-1989.

Threo Gener.tlon. of Expe,lenco

F U K U I Mortuary, Inc.

107 E. Tomplo St. LOl Angele. 90012


Salehi Fukui, Pruldln' Jam .. N.k.g.w., M.naoer Nobuo Oluml, Counullor


To putlcip.t. 'n tho Ch,ptcr4.ponaored JACL Group MIJor Medlnl 'nsur.nce. On, 5,000 Inluredl $50,000 M/M, 80·0 with ooly 0.0 $100 deductlbl. p., yu,. Good with Iny dodo" hOlplt.l, St.te. and fo, lif,.

RATES SIngle, $37 .50 pe, 3 Couple: $75.00 per 3 Family: $90.00 pc, 3

months monlhs months

Contact: JIMMY S. GOZAWA (213) 165-9715

American Japanese Ins. Agency 7359 Cleon Avenue

Sun Valley, Cal. 91352


1327 E I Slh 51 Los Anael .. !2IJ) 746-1307

§====,lnIU:~~~~~~~3:;:'~~ I~ ~' :'!~ ~~ ======_i=_~. "4 S. Centr.1 Te. L.A.-\Vbolt .1. hrmlnal Mme' M t-sss .. IlL" 1-7038. MA s·r


Eagle Pl.~oduce 929·943 S. San Pedro St. MA 5-2101

Bonded Comm1ss10n Merthants Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables -

Los A"Qa ll" 15

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