Page 1: Print Screens of My Double Page Spread





Page 2: Print Screens of My Double Page Spread

For my double page background I used the box tool and used the gradient overlay to create a two tone effect on midnight blue to make a moonlight effect.

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I then uploaded the picture and cut out the models with magnetic lasso, again put the masthead at the top and created a box for my article. I coloured the “Shout!” the same as on the front cover and will do the same on the “Sweet Nothings”

I then created a text box to paste my article into.

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Once I pasted my pre-written interview into the box I used the text options at the top of my page to edit the font size and style. I took out the L at the start of the interview which I replaced with an L in mailart rubberstamp font and used it as a drop cap.

Again I went over the models with a faint brush to blend the sharp edges in.

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In my photo shoot I took head shots of the models, I decided to use these and use a long white rectangle and create a passport photo style look to the photos to fill my empty space.

I used “jellyka” to create signatures for each of the models to paste onto their headshots.

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When I pasted these onto the headshots I used “multiply” and slanted all of the text to make it look as though it had actually been scribbled onto the photo by the person.

To create the cut out effect I first made a Big white box over the models, moved it behind them by changing the layer order and used the polygonal lasso to cut around the models.

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This is the result of my cut out effect.

I then uploaded another picture for the Journalist and put it in a green box with blue writing following the house colours.

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I continued the style of the page numbers from the contents page on this page to show consistency.

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