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Charles Jebb Belonio Juanitas | IIA | August 17, 2015

MD en Route

a reaction paper on Path to Professional Outlook

“Remember how far you’ve come, and you won’t have to rely on a destiny for your future. It will come on your own.”

― Shannon A. Thomson, Seconds !efore Sunrise

"very erson has his own dreams, hoes and asirations in life that #ees him

$oin$. It’s li#e an ener$y cell that you send throu$h life, the fire that #ees burnin$ in

the heart of your life. That would be my childhood dream and that is to become a doctor.

 As every story, the rota$onist is inevitably to stru$$le, but there are also

moments of con%uest. There would always be obstacles alon$ your way that would

ma#e the road you’re trud$in$ seems all uhill. &bstacles that will test how determined

you are on your $oals, those obstacles that may discoura$e you to $o on. 'hat I reali(e

from the wor#sho, everybody of us, dreamers, has his and her bane in life.

"verybody has a roblem to face. )ou may thin# you’re the most miserable

erson on earth but hear the stories of others and you’ll say, you are not alone. It may

be different for them, your #rytonite may not be theirs, but they too do stru$$le. I

reali(e, I’m in no ri$ht to comlain, a lot, maybe a little. !ut in a lar$er sense, others

can, why I cannot*

&n the bri$hter side of life, even thou$h you’ve $ot those obstacles alon$ your 

way, life with its twist and turns also resents you with oortunities, li#e a ower+u

mushroom in a Super Mario $ame. Those are the thin$s that we should count in my

oinion. Those little thin$s that ma#e life a little less dim.

The wor#sho was somewhat a reiteration of what we did last year with our 

envisionin$. ow do we see ourselves -, -/, 0 years from now* I see myself,

hoefully, a sur$eon, and that means I’m nowhere halfway. "ven today, the idea of 

bein$ a full led$e hysician is farfetched. Still, I’ve too# too many stes already. I1ll 2ust

have to #ee the faith and continue hurdlin$ the hindrances ahead li#e every successful

doctors before me had done before they $ot where they are today. Study Hard, Dream


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