Page 1: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012

Princetown NewsIncluding Merrivale, Two Bridges & Postbridge

Village news and what’s on, in and around Princetown, Postbridge and surrounding areas.

Summer Issue 2012

Page 2: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012


Professional Studies Evening

Tuesday 3 July 2012 at 5.30pm

This event is to showcase our exciting and innovative portfolio of professionally relevant Higher Education courses.

• Listen to key note speakers within the areas of employment law and leadership

• Meet some of our current learners from our various courses

• Find out about what’s available in Leadership and Management training and future related developments such as personnel and development accreditation as well as other courses

• Enjoy our facilities and meet our friendly and experienced UCP Marjon academics.

Claire Pearce - Head of Employer Engagement & Business DevelopmentCall: 01752 636755 or email: [email protected]

For details on all subjects please visit our website:

Page 3: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012

Hello and welcome to the Princetown News Summer issue of 2012. We are now ONE year old this month and have had a great first year thanks to you our readers and supporters.

We are very sorry for running a little late with this issue, but due to the sad departure of our editor over the last couple of weeks, we have had some temporary set backs.We are so sad to see Christine go, but due to moving to Plymouth with her family and with extra work load she could not continue supporting the newsletter. So we wish Christine and her family all the best in their new home.

We will be continuing with the newsletter as normal, so if anyone would like to help get involved in any way or just some ideas that you would like to see in the publication, we also need help with the distribution of the newsletters within Princetown, if anyone can help in anyway please contact us at [email protected].

We hope you like this issue so please, please, please give us your feedback, likes & dislikes. This is a community publication and is therefore for and by the community.

We would love any budding journalis young or old that would like to write an article on anything of interest in and around Princetown, we would love to see more inspiration from our young ones who would love to have the chance for their work to be published, maybe someone interested in journalism, publishing or just want to be famous!

Just email us at [email protected] or go to

Many thanks.The Princetown News team.


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DIARY DATES Summer 2012

June17th (Sunday) Special Service, Princetown Sings, Church Hall, Tor Royal Lane 6.30 – 7.30pm20th (Wednesday) CAB Drop-in, Princetown Community Centre20th (Thursday) CSRF, trip to Trethorne Leisure Centre25th Sports Day & Picnic at Princetown Primary School

July3rd History Club, Waitrose Car park Okehampton with Paul Rendell, 7pm4th (Wednesday) Messy Church, Church Hall, Tor Royal Lane, 4:30pm4th (Wednesday) WI, walk with John Cragg5th (Thursday) CSRF, Prince of Wales, 12:30pm 10th Violin Concert at Princetown Primary School 1:30pm18th (Wednesday) CAB Drop-in Princetown Community Centre19th (Thursday) Last Day of Term19th (Thursday) CSRF, fun and games is planned at Betty Cottles24th (Tuesday) NHW Prince of Wales, 8pm

Aug1st (Wednesday) WI, Biodiversity project update walk with Graham Burton, meet at HMP Museum car park 7.30pm (church hall if wet)2th (Thursday) CSRF, Prince of Wales, 12:30pm 7th History Club, Peat Tramway (to meet see p16), 7pm 15th (Wednesday) CAB Drop-in Princetown Community Centre16th (Thursday) CSRF, tour of the Quay side

Weekly Dates:Every Tuesday: Princetown Stay & Play , (TACC) 10:30am-12noon at the Community Centre, in the small hall (ages 0-5yrs). Every Wednesday: Princetown Credit Union, 11am - 1pm at Princetown Community Centre.Bounce & Rhyme, (TACC) at Princetown Library, 11am-12noon (age 0-5yrs).Every Sunday: Princetown United Church, 11am - 12 Noon

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High Moorland Women’s Institute

Hello again from us all at WI. So, what have we been up to since our last newsletter entry and more to the point, what are we doing now.

Our last two meetings were great fun. In March we all had a go at making a bird box for our garden with our expert guide, Mr Dave Vincent. This went really well and a prize for the first box to have birds visit was awarded to Louise Cragg of Princetown. We look forward to seeing some pictures of fledglings soon.

Our big moment came in April when we played host to 77 visiting WI members at our Annual Meeting which was held in the Village Centre. Our guest entertainers were the fabulous Dartmoor musicians Nigel Shaw and Carolyn Hillier who explained all about their musical instruments and how they make them. Flutes made of cherrywood and drums out of salmon skin. Fascinating. Also they played some beautiful uplifting and also haunting music of the moors. Everyone present wanted the evening to go on for longer as this was so interesting. A huge thank you to Nigel and Carolyn for their musical prowess.

In May we had a fascinating talk given by Dr Frances Howard from Weir Quay in Bere Ferrers all about the wonderful trees growing there, this is to be followed up by a visit to Weir Quay in June.

June is a busy month for HMWI. Come and visit us in the school yard for our home made cakes, bric a brac, plants, pick a stick stall and of course the popular ‘smashed china’ stand . All this is going on at the Jubilee Party day - 3rd June. Next comes our monthly meeting on 6th June when we will be having a Reflexologist come to talk to us and do some ‘hands on’ with us. Then on Sunday 10th June is our trip to Weir Quay at Bere Ferrers. If you would like to come along, just give me a call to book a place on the transport. For £3 you cannot go wrong really.

The months of July and August will be our ‘out of doors’ meetings. July sees us tramping the moors on our ‘4th of July’ walk with John Cragg, followed by an appropriate supper. Then in August we will be ‘hot footing’ it up to HMP Dartmoor for our twelve monthly update visit on the progress made by Moor Trees on the biodiversity land-based project opposite the prison.

If you would like to ‘give WI a go’ then we would be happy to see you at one of our meetings. We offer two taster sessions at £1 each before you make your mind up. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, at 7.30pm in the church hall on Tor Royal Lane. If you would like to know more about us, please feel free to contactSue on 01822 880395 or ‘just come along’.

Page 6: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012 G e t a c l e a r e r p i c t u r e

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01822 854386 Mob: 07725553804

Our local services will continue to provide: TV Rentals New maintenance contracts Aerial & Satellite installations Professional home equipment installations A range of televisions & white goods to order Sales of new equipment, spares and accessories Maintenance & Repairs on existing installations & equipment

The CherrybrookTwo Bridges, Dartmoor

Situated at the centre of the Dartmoor National Park, The Cherrybrook is a small family run hotel with a licensed restaurant and stable bar.

Ideal for that special family occasion. Sample our truly delicious home-made 3-course meals, featuring local produce at a cost of £25, including coffee & mints.

See our web site for full

Bookings essential - please call on 01822 880260

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Fox Tor Cafe & BunkhouseGreat quality homemade food served in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The cafe is fully licensed and we are

the only off licence in the village!We also offer bunkhouse accommodation, fully heated including the bathroom floors! Free Wifi available for all our customers 01822 890 238

Two Bridges Road, Princetown, Devon, PL20 6QS

JWPMBuilding Contractors

01822 616 43207727 222 740

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We pride ourselves on high quality work at affordable prices. Most of our work is through referrals so this just shows that our continued dedication and passion to our trade makes us the no.1 choice of builder in the area.

Page 7: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012


If you’re getting contributory Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) – the form of ESA you should be getting if you paid the right amount of National Insurance contributions before you were ill - you may be affected by changes happening soon.

From 1 May, if you’re in what’s known as the Work-related Activity Group, you can only get contributory ESA for a maximum period of one year. Time spent in the Work-related Activity Group before 1 May counts towards the year, so if you’ve already been getting it for one year and you are in this Group, your contributory ESA will stop on 1 May. You won’t be affected if you’re in what’s known as the Support Group, which is made up of people not expected to be able to work again at any time.If you have a condition which is getting worse, you may be able to go into the support group instead of the work-related activity group. Also, if you’re terminally ill or you’re undergoing, recovering from or likely to get certain kinds of cancer treatment, you will be in the support group. If you’re in the support group, your contributory ESA isn’t time-limited. You should get in touch with Jobcentre Plus and give them evidence of your condition.If your contributory ESA stops, you may be able to get income-based ESA instead. This will depend on your income and savings, and any income and savings of your partner, if you have one.If you were getting both contributory ESA and income-based ESA, you will get more income-based ESA to replace the contributory part.The Jobcentre will write to you before your benefit stops, telling you what’s happening and asking if you want to be considered for income-based ESA. You’ll have to provide details of your and your partner’s income and savings promptly, so that the Jobcentre can transfer you to income-based ESA straightaway, if you can get it. You won’t have to make a new claim for ESA or have more medical assessments because of this change.If your money goes down as a result of these changes, you might be able to get more of other benefits, such as Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Pension Credit or tax credits.For more information about the ESA changes, go to the Directgov website at Or get more detailed personal advice from your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau.

West Devon Citizens Advice BureauTAVISTOCKKingdon House, North Street, TavistockPL19 0ANOpen Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10-2pm Drop in or ring 08444 111 444 during these hours.

OKEHAMPTONThe Ockment CentreNorth StreetOkehampton EX20 1AROpen Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10- 2pmDrop in or ring 08444 111 444 during these hours. Website:

West Devon CAB also offers “Drop In” Outreach advice sessions at Bere Alston Surgery and The Community Centre, Princetown, every 3rd Wednesday of the month. For further information, or to make an appointment, ring 01837 52105.

I have been too ill to work for some time and have been living on a sickness benefit called Employment and Support Allowance, but I have heard this might stop soon. It’s already a real struggle to get by and I’m in no state to go back to work. What can I do?

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The Five Cuckoos.

Last summer, five cuckoos were caught and ringed in Norfolk. Not only that, but they had transponders strapped to their backs which, with the help of a satellite enabled scientists at The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) to follow their movements during their migration. If you have access to the internet, you can find out all about the project on and Cuckoo Tracking Project. If you don’t have access, then there follows an outline of what was discovered.

The five Cuckoos were named Clement, Martin, Lyster, Kasper and Chris, after people closely involved with the project. The first surprise was the early departure of all but one of our birds. Clement was the first to leave the UK on 5 June and, in fact, three of our five Cuckoos had left the country by the end of June, much earlier than expected! Lyster was last to leave on 22 July.It was also surprising to see the different directions our five Cuckoos took as they headed back to Africa, with one bird choosing a route due east across the North Sea to the Netherlands, two heading off in a south-easterly direction across the North Sea and Belgium, and two heading south across the English Channel into France.

At this point came the biggest surprise of all. Although Martin, Kasper and Chris continued south-east into Italy, Clement, having staged on the Mediterranean coast of France, started to head west towards Spain! In fact, Lyster, once he got moving several weeks later, headed for Spain too. These two Cuckoos had just highlighted a previously unknown migration route and a possible important stopover site north of Madrid.

The Saharan crossing is one of the major sources of mortality for many migrants. We now know that Clement and Lyster minimized this danger by migrating down the western edge of the desert in to Senegal and the Gambia, in doing so becoming the first ever British cuckoos to be recorded in West Africa.

The three birds that headed for Italy spent almost a month in the watershed of the River Po, an area in which several British-ringed birds had previously been reported, confirming this is as a very important fattening site for British Cuckoos. Having spent around a month feeding up in this area, Chris, Kasper and Martin very quickly moved south. They had put on enough fat to enable them to undertake not only the crossing of the Mediterranean Sea but also the crossing of the Sahara desert at its widest point. All three were south of the Sahara by the last week in July.

All five birds had reached at least as far as the Congo rainforest by the end of November, including the two birds that took the much longer western route.

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The return journeys:

At the beginning of March, four of the cuckoos started to progress north westwards into Ghana and the Ivory Coast, where they fed up ready for the Saharan crossing. However, by mid March it was confirmed that poor Clement had died in the Congo rainforest. During the first week in April the remaining four flew north to Algeria, where they rested for the next stage, the crossing of the Mediterranean. This three of them did, either via Italy or Spain. Sadly, Martin flew into bad weather in Spain and met his end. Meanwhile, Kasper’s transmissions ceased in Algeria and it’s not yet known whether he died, or there was a problem with the transponder. It’s hoped that he will return to Norfolk, where staff are poised to look out for him.

So, scientists were now only able to track Lyster and Chris. Having left the UK in June and July 2011, flown to the Congo, where they spent December to the end of February, the two cuckoos eventually arrived in the UK. Lyster arrived on the 30th April and Chris on the 1st May and within a week both had returned to where they’d started their marathon journey of over 10,000 miles in ten months.

I feel it’s been an honour and a privilege to be able to follow the travels of the Cuckoos over the past year, courtesy of the BTO. Whenever I hear a Cuckoo again, I’ll be able to imagine where they’ve been and where they’ll be going again, which is humbling.As a matter of interest, geo-locators and transponders have been attached to Nightingales, Nightjars, Swifts and seabirds as well. In many cases, though, the information can only be gained by catching the bird again, removing the equipment and downloading the stored data onto a computer. This means that we can, hopefully, soon hear of other incredible journeys, like those of our Cuckoos.

Paul Stubbs, 01822 890520, [email protected]


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Dartmoor Martial Art Studio

Classes on Mondays & Thursdays4 - 6 years old - 4:00pm - 4:30pm7 - 9 years old - 5:00pm - 6:00pm

10 - 12 years old - 6:15pm - 7:15pmTeenagers - 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Please contact: 07545 703 048Unit 3, Duchy Yard, Princetown

Come and visit us at Princetown’s very own

Fully Equipped & Matted Studio

• Fully Insured• Fully Licenced • Enhanced CRB Checked• OFSTED Regulation Paediatric First Aid Qualified• Child Abuse & Behaviour Awareness Certificates.




PLYMOUTH 01752 342083 TAVISTOCK 01822 852525 MOBILE 07860 830362


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Duchy HouseBed & Breakfast

Tavistock Road, Princetown PL20 6QF01822 890 552

Email: [email protected] Outstanding accommodation in the heart of Dartmoor

Large Private Car Park

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En-Suite Double £70Single Occupancy £45

Single Room £30

Twin/Double £60Single Occupancy £40

Dartmoor FinancialIndependent Mortgage Advice you can trust

At Dartmoor Financial we offer mortgage advice from the whole of the market. As Independent Advisers we have

access to the best deals, allowing us to recommend the most competitive products available.

Whether you’re a First Time Buyer, Home Mover, looking for a Remortgage or Buy to Let mortgage,

we can help you every step of the way.

Call us now on01822 890 769

Mobile: 07789 933806 email: [email protected] may be a fee dependent on your circumstances typically

£300. As independent advisers, you can choose to pay our total fees yourself and we will pass on to you any commission we receive.


Page 11: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012


Princetown United Church (Tor Royal Lane PL20 6QT)

All are welcome at our simple and relaxed church services held each Sunday from 11am to noon (except 29th July when we join other west Dartmoor parishes at 10am at Sampford Spiney church).

Special services include: • Sunday 17th June 6.30 – 7.30 Princetown Sings, an evening hour of favourite hymns

Any changes to the programme will be posted on the church noticeboard or Princetown News website.

Once a month (normally the first Wednesday) Messy Church combines crafts, songs and stories for all ages, ending with a light meal. All welcome: children under 16 must come with an adult.

• Wednesday 4th July 4:30 - 6 The Holy Spirit.

• Sorry,nomeetinginAugust • Wednesday5thSeptember4.30-6 (Themetobeconfirmed)


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Our whole school topic this term is the Olympics (of course) and we are really looking forward to Princetown 2012 – our own mini Olympic Games with a torch relay and opening ceremony.

The Owls class have been on a trip to the Butterfly Farm and Otter sanctuary - with a very exciting ride on a steam train!Kestrels are off to Exeter and the children in Year 5 and 6 will be going to London for 3 days.

The children (…and staff) in Kestrels and Buzzards are learning to play the violin. This is part of the wider opportunities for music and is funded by TALC (Tavistock Area Learning Community)

Dates for your diaries…• Monday 25th June in the morning Princetown

2012 – Sports Day & Picnic Lunch

• Tuesday 10th July Violin Concert 1.30pm

• Thursday 19th July Leavers’ Assembly

We like to take our learning outside and the time we spend at the centre offers great opportunities to develop the children’s interests, extend their personal experiences and really help them to learn more about themselves.

News from Princetown Community Primary School

We started the summer term with our annual residential trip to the Dartmoor Training Centre and despite the weather being a bit of a challenge on the first day we had a very successful time.

The children really enjoyed the 3 days and are developing good knowledge and understanding of Dartmoor and the area they live in.

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Princetown Scout Group

EVERY FRIDAY at 6:30pm - 8pm (except holidays)from 6years of age +

Please call Chris ‘Baloo’ on: 01822 890690








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For more news, events & information about all or any of the groups and organisations in and around Princetown & Postbridge visit:

princetown Diamond Jubilee Celebrations - June 2012

Page 15: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012

Kids Clubs in Princetown:Scouts, Friday evenings at the Community Centre.

Youth Club, Monday evenings & Sundays at the Pavilion.Messy Church, First Wednesday of the month at Princetown Church.

Karate, Monday & Thursday evenings at the Dartmoor Martial Art Studio, Duchy Yard.

For more information check our website

Events - Parties - Weddings Birthdays - Get togethers - Clubs - Thank you massage!

Put your message here for everyone to see!

[email protected]

Notice Board


Cindy, Mat and the girls to the

birth of baby Jet.

WANTED!Princetown Scout Group urgently requires

help with leaders / parent helpers for just two hours on Friday evenings.

Can you help? If so please call: 01822 890 690

Postbridge Whist DrivesWhist Drives are held at the Postbridge Village Hall

Learners are especially welcome.Entrance fee is £2 and includes refreshments and prizes.For more information telephone Helen on 01822 880218.


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Why not come along to one of the following walks to discover the moor and surrounding area.

5th June: Visit to Haytor Quarries and the Granite Tramway a guided walk with Roger Bunce, who is the warden at the Broadleas Centre , Haytor

Meet 7pm in the Lower Carpark by the information centre.

3rd July: Explore Old Okehampton with historian Paul Rendell.Meet at 7pm in the carpark next to Waitrose.

7th August: Visit the Peat Tramway, Fices Well and Holming Beam Farm with historian Dr Tom Greeves and learn how these came into being.

Meet at 7pm at the entrance to the public footpath grid reference 57845 – 74993

Further information from Roger Paul tel 01647 231080

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FREE Sessions for 0-5 year olds in


Every Wednesday in the Library, at the Village Centre, 11.00-11.30 and then we are joined by the Princetown Pre-school children until 12.00noon. Bounce and Rhyme Enjoy Singing, Musical instruments, Puppets and Stories with your child.

Every Tuesday, Community Centre “Small Hall” 10.30-12.00 Princetown Drop-In Sessions Meet other Parents and Carers from the area, lots of toys and a different activity every week. Staff are available to offer advice and support on things like breast feeding, behaviour management, healthy eating and much more. All Sessions are run by friendly Tavistock Area Children Centre staff. We hope to see you soon!

If you know someone who may be interested in these Sessions then please let them know about us!

For more information on these or any other Sessions we run call or e-mail us.

Our Tavistock Office Number is: 01822 614210 Our e-mail address is: [email protected]

‘Health Visitors attend on the 4th Tues of each month so babies & toddlers can be weighed or measured’

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Summer Holiday Clubat Princetown Pre-school

“Children have great fun as they learn through play during their time at Princetown Pre-School.

They enthusiastically take part in a wide range of worthwhile activities that are provided for them.

Children are self-confident and demonstrate wonderful imaginations as they make up intricate

games together. This is enabled by the provision of easily accessible

resources that are of excellent quality.” (Ofsted 2009)

£2.50/hour 2-8yrs of age.Concessionary rate for more than

one child depending on numbers.

Please call Steph on 01822 890348 for bookings and any questions.

We look forward to hearing from youWe also have spaces for Pre-school!

13th - 31st August, 9 - 5pm

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Ltd. It is a non-profit making organisation, authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. The Credit Union was set up and is run by volunteers within the local community.

The Credit Union exists to serve its members. The main aims being to encourage members to save regularly, and to provide loans at a reasonable rate of interest, enabling members to manage their finances more easily.

JOINING is easy, all you have to do is fill in a membership application form, provide two proofs of identification and £2 membership fee.

You are then given a membership number and a passbook. A pre-paid Visa debit card is now available to established members.

SAVE as little as £1.00 per week. Children can save too. Members can rest in the assurance that their savings are secure, with many levels of security in place as well as internal and external audits. Simply deposit cash or cheques at the Princetown Service Point or set up a standing order.

LOANS can be arranged to relieve the pressure of an unexpected big bill.

BORROW up to twice your savings from the pool after 13 weeks of regular saving.

INTEREST RATES are very low – between 1.5% to 2% per month. Example – A loan of £500, paid back weekly at £10.84 over one year would only cost £63.32 in interest. (No loan is too small.)

FREE LIFE INSURANCE is provided by the Credit Union on all savings and loans. The amount payable is in proportion to the amount of savings the member has, and benefits are payable only on the death of the member. Usually the beneficiary gets twice what the member had saved.

The Princetown Service Point is located in the Community Centre.

It is open once a week on Wednesday mornings between 11.00am and 1.00pm.Come along to find out more, you don’t need an appointment, just turn up.


Page 20: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012


Repairs, Servicing and Sales

For all your lawnmower and garden equipment needs

01822 890 87007810 176 186

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right in the heart of Dartmoor National Park

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Powder MillsBunkhouse

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Tel 01752 789954 Mob 07966 483059

An established business, we have catered for Princetown

and surrounding areas for over a decade. We provide a

regular and reliable service throughout the year. We also

take on one-off gutter, fascia and PVC cleaning jobs. Call

Rob and Frazer to receive a free quotation today!

















Page 21: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012

Morris Bros. (Tavistock) Ltd

Independent Funeral Directors est. 1870Five generations of care in the community.

01822 612 023, Tavistock, PL19 OAZ

24 hour service, Private Chapel of Rest 21

Romantic bed and breakfast Royal Suite of rooms available for special occasions,

Wedding, Anniversary, Family Celebration, Meeting or Funeral Gathering


Page 22: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012




Working on ourselves is probably the most challenging assignment of all.

We all aspire to be, to do, and have greater things. Yet most of us simply are not creating the results we want. If we want to be happier in life, to achieve all of our goals, and to become more successful, we must first work harder on ourselves than we do at our work and recreation. Jim Rohn (Considered to be one of todays foremost philosopher.) explains that what we become is much more important than what we receive. Rather than thinking of things we want, we should be thinking about what we are becoming.

Who we become directly influences what we receive in life. What we have been attracting in our life today is due to the person we became yesterday. “How are we going to live today, in order to create the tomorrow we are committed to?” (Antony Robbins).

Brian Tracy (One of America’s leading authorities on the development of human potential and personal effectiveness.) teaches us that what you say, or whatever you express to another in our conversations, is impressed into our subconscious mind. Likewise, whatever is impressed will in turn be expressed.

Our conversations reveal an enormous amount about what you believe about yourself, and others.Develop the winning edge: “small differences in your performance can lead to large differences in your results.”

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INVESTING IN OURSELVES ANd OTHERS.It is amazing that so many people spend far more time and money on their outer appearance, their clothes, hair, make-up, body than they do within, it’s great to look good but what about how we feel inside? “Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them.” (Leo Tolstoy 1828-1910, Novelist and Philosopher)

Is there anything more important than investing in our own personal growth?

Brian Tracy tells us to read an hour or two every day in our chosen field. This works out to about one book per week, 50 books per year, which will guarantee your success.

Dedicate yourself to continuous learning and never stop bettering yourself. By examining our weekends and evening activities, and putting our time to better use and constantly feeding our minds with positive books, CDs and magazines, we will start to achieve the power to make a positive shift; not only in our lives but also in the world around us.

Negative thinking or a lack of a positive attitude has brought us to where we are today and will not get us where we want to go.

Change is our greatest ally; yet so many resist it. We can change, but only if we want to! It is a matter of choice.

We need to interrupt our old pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving, and immediately put into practice some of the new and empowering strategies we learn.

You have been given the greatest power in the world: the power to choose. Your attitude is either the key to lock, or to open the door to your success. It is your choice.

It is also very important to support and encourage our children to do the same.It is so easy to send our kids to the TV, computer or out for some piece and quite, but is this realy helping them make a positive shift in their lives too?

So many parents waste the opportunity to help their children. We should spend what little valuable time we have with our children and help them to learn to get a good start in life at an early age. It’s the best gift you can ever give them.


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We invite you to attend any or all of our regular meetings. Our aim is to keep the village as safe as possible and look out for everyone, but especially the young and the elderly to make sure they are safe.

Please note the new telephone number below for non-emergency calls. We maintain regular contact with the local Police who keep us up to date with any issues that might affect the area we live in.

Dave Pickles is our local Police Constable, he is assisted by Mark Canvin our Police Community Support Officer.

USEFUL TELEPHoNE NUMBERSPOLICE- 101 (for non-emergency calls)EMERGENCY – 999 or 112CRIMESTOPPERS- 0800-555111NHW COORDINATORSDavid– 890545Wendy – 890345Mike– 890799 (Secretary)Heather – 890444 (Treasurer)

DETER THIEVESMark your valuable property with a free ultra-violet pen. Identify your computer, TV, video, photocopier, power tools etc. Write your Postcode and house number on your property.If something does get stolen it can be easily identified by the police.

We have a supply of ultra-violet pens, just give us a call or pick one up at one of our monthly meetings

Princetown Neighbourhood Watch Supporting Victims of

Crime or Violence






01626 – 357586


Our next meetings are on Tuesday 24th July and Tuesday 25th September 2012.In the Prince of Wales Bunkhouse at 8 pm

Page 25: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012

For more news, events & information about all or any of the groups and organisations in and around Princetown & Postbridge visit:



MOORWATCHWe are now well into the visitor season, thieves

are now out and about looking to see if you have left any valuables in your car

Take all your valuables with you or hide them in your boot. Take care at home as well, with the recent spell of

warm weather we all open our windows – don’t forget to close them when you go out or at night.


Page 26: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012


The Princetown Group of the Retirement Fellowship is open to retired men and women who live or have worked in Princetown and the surrounding area.

Although the Group is affiliated to the national organisation of the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship, and abides by that organisation’s constitution and aims, it is autonomous in all matters relating to the day to day running of the Group.

The main aims of the C. S. Retirement Fellowship are to help relieve loneliness and isolation through friendship. Our motto being “Caring, Sharing and Supporting”. We try to either visit or write to all Princetown Group members and beneficiaries each month to keep everyone up to date on our activities and encourage an active social programme. All of the activities arranged are in accordance with wishes of the members, being discussed and agreed at our regular monthly get-togethers.

The Group meets on the first Thursday of each month throughout the year. During the winter months we also invite a Guest Speaker to address the meeting on a variety of interesting subjects, each usually complimented by a photographic slide-show.

Forthcoming Events include:- A coach trip to Trethorne Leisure Centre is planned for Thursday 21st June, this will include a stroll around the Park to view the animals, Ten Pin Bowling and a two course lunch.

On Thursday 19th July another day of fun and games is planned at Betty Cottles, again with two course lunch. Transport by coach provided.

A coach trip to Exeter has been arranged for Thursday 16th August, this will include a tour of the Quay side, The Cathedral is closeby and can also be visited and lunch will be at one of the nearby hostelries. Full details will be available nearer the date ring Mike on 890799.

Wemeetat12.30pmonthefirstThursdayofeachmonthintheRestaurantofthe Prince of Wales, Tavistock Road, Princetown. If you are retired, do come

along. You will be assured of a warm welcome.


Page 27: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012

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Page 28: Princetown News issue 5 - Summer 2012

Useful Local NumbersLocal Directory

Local Police Stations:(Inc Dartmoor Search and Rescue)Doctors Princetown:Local Parish Council:Dartmoor Park Authority:Dartmoor Tourist Assoc:Postbridge Info Centre:Princetown Info Centre:Princetown Library:Citizens Advice Bureau:Princetown School:Widecombe School:Princetown Pre-School:T/Area Children’s Centre:Tavistock College:Princetown Post Office: Postbridge Post Office:Crime-stoppers:Environmental Crime:Anti-Social Behaviour:(DLPS) Animal Welfare:D/moor Prison Museum:Postbridge Village Hall:

Business DirectoryCherrybrook B&B: 01822 880 260

Dartmoor Financial: 01822 890 769

Dartmoor Garden Machinery: 01822 890 870

Dartmoor Martial Art Studio: 07545 703 048

Design & Print: 07545 703 048

Duchy House B&B: 01822 890 552

East Dart Hotel: 01822 880 213

Fox Tor Cafe: 01822 890 238

JWPM Builders: 01822 616 432

Kleeneze (Cindy & Mat): 07545 703 048

Morris Bros: 01822 612 023

Oratory B&B: 01822 890 273

Snapstar Photography: 01822 890 273

Spirit of Adventure: 01822 880 277

Tor Royal B&B 01822 890 189

Window Cleaner: 07966 483 059 01822 584 386 News For Enquiries please email: [email protected] Articles & News, email: [email protected](You may post or drop your articles into: Unit 3, Duchy Yard, Princetown, Devon, PL20 6QZ)For Advertising & Notice Board, email: [email protected] or call: 07545 703 048

Deadline Dates for Autum 2012 Issue:Next issue will be for Sept, Oct & Nov 2012. All Articles, News and Ads MUST BE IN BY Wednesday 1st Aug 2012

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