
Our Ministry at

Prince of Peace

Ev. Lutheran Church

Howell, Michigan

Introduction This ministry outline is intended to familiarize new members with the activities at Prince of

Peace. If you have questions about our ministry, feel free to speak with Pastor Franck or a

church member.

Mission Statement As men, women, and children of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, our mission is to proclaim

God’s gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ to win souls for Christ, nurture believers, and

equip them for lives of Christian service, all to the glory of God.

Newsletter Our monthly newsletter, Peace Offerings, is distributed to all members’ mailboxes on the last

Sunday of the month. It includes updates from the church groups, council meetings, financial

reports, the monthly calendar, and more.

WELS As members of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), we support our church body

through our offerings so we can collectively do mission work throughout the world and train

Pastors, teachers, staff ministers, and missionaries. Important website information includes:

WELS website:

WELS Facebook page:

WELS Twitter:

Get WELS mobile apps for the iOS and Android at

Ken Zahn is our WELS representative. If you have question regarding WELS, feel free to ask

him or Pastor Franck.

WELS Schools Members of Prince of Peace have Christian educational opportunities on all levels.

Memorial Lutheran Elementary School (Williamson, MI), Huron Valley

Lutheran High School (Westland, MI), Michigan Lutheran Seminary

(Saginaw, MI), and Wisconsin Lutheran College (Milwaukee, WI,)

provide excellent Bible-based instruction in a Christian atmosphere.


A. Timeline o Fall 1968 – Several families explored the possibility of beginning an evangelical

Lutheran church in the Howell area by contacting Pastor Clement of Memorial

Lutheran Church in Williamston.

o December 15, 1968 – The first worship service was held in the gymnasium at Howell’s

Northwest School. Since the first worship services were held during the Christmas

season, the name “Prince of Peace” was chosen as the name of the congregation.

o May 1, 1969 – Prince of Peace was granted mission status.

o 1969—1972 – The congregation met in the Howell Recreation Center.

o June 1969 – Property and a house were purchased on West Grand River Avenue.

o July 13, 1969 - Pastor Richard Warnke was ordained and installed as Prince of Peace’s

first resident Pastor.

o November 23, 1969 – Thirty-four adults signed the charter, incorporating as a


o April 9, 1972 – Groundbreaking was held for the new chapel.

o 1972 – The congregation became self-supporting.

o January 14, 1973 – The new chapel was dedicated.

o 1987 – A two-story addition and redesign of the church roof

were completed.

o 1999 – The old parsonage was removed from the property, and a different parsonage

was purchased in Howell.

o 2002 – The church parking lot was paved and extended.

o 2003 – The new church addition was approved.

o 2004 - Plans were drawn and estimates were approved for the new expansion.

o April 30, 2006 – The new church expansion was dedicated.

o November 2009 – A new lighted church sign was installed.

o Summer – Fall 2012 New carpeting and pews were installed in the sanctuary.

B. Prince of Peace Pastors

Pastorates Pastor Dates of Service Duration

Organizing Pastor

Arthur Clement Fall 1968 - July 1969 8 months

1st Pastor Richard Warnke July 1969 - December 1975 6 yrs., 5 mos.

2nd Pastor Lynn Wiedmann May 1975 - December 1985 10 yrs., 7 mos.

3rd Pastor Paul Bauldauf July 1986 - June 1994 7 yrs., 11 mos.

4th Pastor Peter Snyder July 1994 - May 1998 3yrs., 10 mos.

5th Pastor Mark Franck July 1998 – present 14+ years;


Ushering Confirmed men and women members of Prince of Peace are encouraged to volunteer to

usher. Ushers light altar candles, greet worshipers, hand out worship folders, collect the

offering, assist with communion, usher worshipers after the service, count the offering, and, if

needed, assist those worshiping in any way possible.

Bible Study Classes Small Bible-study groups meet regularly at the church or a member’s

home. Studies cover a wide variety of topics as they relate to God’s

Word. During these informal study meetings, no question is a bad

question. The members within these groups have formed strong bonds,

which are very beneficial to the congregation as a whole.

Web Page The church officers maintain the Prince of Peace website at

The online church calendar is updated monthly, as well as service times for Christmas, Easter,

and special events. Speak with Dale Dressler if you have questions about the site.

Memorial Fund The Prince of Peace Memorial Fund was established in 2003 to allow friends and family to

remember their deceased loved ones through a monetary contribution. Memorial envelopes

are located at the entryway of the fellowship hall, and can be delivered to the funeral home

upon the family’s request. Memorial funds, unless otherwise designated by the family, are

directed to the Building and Grounds Fund.

The names of those remembered in this way are added to our memorial plaque,

located just inside the main doorway in the fellowship hall. Contributors to the Memorial

Fund receive a letter of comfort and appreciation of their gift from Pastor Franck. The

chairperson of the Memorial Fund (or a committee member) records the contributions and

notifies the family of those making contributions.

After-Worship Fellowship and Potlucks Coffee, juice, tea, and snacks are available in the fellowship hall after Sunday worship.

Members take turns bringing snacks for this fellowship time. This is a great time to meet

people and catch up on what others are doing. Occasionally we have potluck dinners after

Bible Study on Sunday afternoons, too.

Youth Group Prince of Peace’s Youth Group meets every Sunday after our worship service for a Bible study

in the Teen Room. Fun activities for teenagers eighth grade and up are held once a month.

Past activities included game night, bowling, sledding, and movie night. The teens are

welcome to invite friends to join in the fun Youth Group activities.

Cleaning Church members take turns cleaning the church and the fellowship hall. John

Walters (current Building & Grounds Elder) creates a yearly schedule each

November that is included in the church directory. If anyone can not clean when

it’s their turn, they can switch dates with another member. The monthly

church calendar and weekly worship folder include cleaning-date reminders.

Mailboxes Each member or family unit has a church mailbox in the fellowship hall. Your monthly church

newsletter and other materials get placed there. Mailboxes may be used for church-related

communications only and are not to be used for solicitation purposes by members or non-

members. Below the mailboxes are various sign-ups for potlucks, Sunday snacks, activities,

etc. Also found below the mailboxes are materials for young worshippers, copies of

Meditations, boxes for collection of various items, etc.

Women Serving Christ (WSC) Meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of September through May. Our

meetings begin with a Bible study conducted by Pastor Franck. The group organizes potlucks,

the Easter breakfast, Lenten soup suppers, Christmas decorating, and other activities. They

welcome women of all ages to join in the fellowship and to participate in WSC.

Library The church library at Prince of Peace opened in 2009. The library

contains materials for adults, youth, and children; it can be used to

enhance our members’ personal Bible studies. It includes many

books on diverse topics, including how to deal with grief, illness, and

parenting, as well as an assortment of fictional books and DVDs for

all age groups. Books are checked out using the honor system.

Facebook The address for our church Facebook site is:


Christian Giving Christian giving is an important Biblical principle. Offerings provide an opportunity for

Christians to thank God for His blessings and help fund the costs to further Christ’s gospel

ministry to the glory of God.

Prince of Peace members receive offering envelopes each year. The financial

secretary uses these envelopes to record member offerings, and an annual offering report is

provided to each member after the close of the year. Offerings not enclosed in an offering

envelope are completely acceptable; they simply will not be recorded on the member’s

annual report.

General Fund Offerings received in the weekly offering envelopes, all loose checks, and cash are

deposited to the General Fund. This fund pays for the budgeted line items agreed

upon by the voting members at the annual congregational meeting. These line items

include Pastor’s salary and benefits, the mortgage, utilities, maintenance, missions,

outreach, and other operating costs. Offerings cannot be designated to specific

budget line items. This account is managed by the Treasurer to the benefit of the


Designated Funds Offerings received in the blue envelopes, the small children’s envelopes, and the

memorial envelopes are deposited into one of these Designated Funds:

1. Building & Grounds Capital Expenditure Fund

Offerings received in the blue envelopes with no specific designation written

on them are added to this fund. Funds accumulate until a capital expenditure

is required, such as a major building repair, new office equipment, or other

long-term asset. This fund is managed by the Treasurer, with input from the

church council.

2. Sunday School Mission Fund

Offerings received in the children’s envelopes are added to this

fund. Funds accumulate until a mission opportunity is

identified by the Sunday School program and a request for

funds is made to the Treasurer.

3. Memorial Fund

Offerings received in the memorial envelopes are added to this fund. This

typically occurs upon the passing of a family member or member of the

congregation. The family may provide input as to what church-related

purpose these funds are used. If no such determination is made, these funds

are transferred to the Building & Grounds Capital Expenditure Fund.

4. Capital Reserve Escrow Fund

Offerings to this fund typically come from general offerings that exceed the

needed weekly amount. When that happens, and all expenses are paid to that

date, a percentage of that offering (currently 2.5%) is transferred to the

savings account. This “rainy day” fund accumulates until needed to pay

general budgeted expenses.

However, members may make offerings directly to this fund by noting it on

the blue envelope and speaking with an usher before the offering is counted.

This fund is managed by the Treasurer and is used to pay general budgeted


Please contact our current Treasurer, Jim Gross, with any questions.

Altar Care Committee Women members serve our Lord by taking a monthly turn on the Altar Committee. A

“captain” and two or three assistants set up and take down the communion ware and supplies

from the altar. They also make sure the paraments are changed and that banners are hung at

the proper times throughout the year. Other responsibilities include cleaning the coffee pots,

putting away coffee supplies, and straightening the kitchen after Bible hour.

We are blessed with responsible captains who contact their teams and work together

to ensure these jobs get done during their assigned month. It’s a very important opportunity

to serve Christ and your fellow Christians, and it’s a good way to make new friends. The

assigned Altar Committee team for each month is printed in the weekly worship folder and

monthly calendar; the Altar Committee team assignments for the year appear in the church


Fellowship Hall Use Usage guidelines and an agreement form are available if you want to make

personal use of our fellowship hall. They are located on the bulletin board in

the NW corner of the fellowship hall. Contact John Walters (current

Buildings & Grounds Elder) with your request and if you have any questions.

Table and Chair Use

The old wooden tables and old metal chairs may be borrowed by church

members. Simply sign them out on the clipboard that hangs in the storage

room on the west side of the fellowship hall. The new tables and chairs

cannot be used outside the fellowship hall.

Youth Confirmation The youth confirmation Bible class prepares baptized youth of our congregation to receive the

Lord’s Supper as the blessing God intended ( 1 Corinthians 11:23-30) and as an expression of

unity of belief (1 Corinthians 10:17). This is a 2-year class for 7th and 8th grade students (with

some exceptions) that meets every Monday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. The course of study is

the Bible as it is topically organized in Luther’s Small Catechism. The six main units of the

Catechism are: The Ten Commandments, The Apostles’ Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, The

Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, and The Use of the Keys and Confession.

The class begins in September and then breaks for the summer in April.

Confirmation examination for second-year students occurs during adult Bible hour in

late April. The purpose of the public examination is two-fold. First, it demonstrates to the

congregation that the confirmands have studied the main teachings of the Bible and are ready

to receive the Lord’s Supper as a blessing. Second, it provides the congregation an opportunity

to review the main teachings of the Bible. During the Confirmation Service in early May, our

confirmands make their vows and receive their first communion.

Holy Communion Holy Communion is offered to communicant members of the WELS on the first and third

Sundays of the month. We also offer Holy Communion as part of the following special

services: Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday of Holy Week,

and Easter.

Out of obedience to the command of our Lord and as an expression of Christian love

for everyone concerned, we practice closed communion. We invite all who are communicant

members of Prince of Peace or visitors who belong to our WELS fellowship to receive the

Lord’s Supper with us. We practice closed communion because God’s Word teaches us to

regard Communion as an outward expression of unity in all areas of faith (1 Corinthians 1:10,

Romans 16:17, and 1 Corinthians 10:17). God’s Word also warns us that any communicant

who does not recognize that the body and blood of Christ really are present in the Sacrament

brings judgment on himself (1 Corinthians 11:27-29). Scripture also requires each

communicant to examine himself (1 Corinthians 11:28) before receiving the Lord’s body and

blood together with the bread and wine.

We ask that our communicant members fill out a communion registration card and

hand it to an usher as they are ushered forward to receive the sacrament. Communicants are

ushered to the communion rail in groups of 10 by proceeding up the center isle to the right

side (pulpit side) of the altar area. The Pastor will motion the communicants to kneel at the

communion rail. You may feel free to remain standing if you need to. We offer the common

cup and individual cups. The usher will proceed down the communion rail, offering the

individual cups. The Pastor will follow with the common cup. If you choose an individual cup,

please hold it in a way that the Pastor can see it so that he can more easily determine who

would like the common cup. After receiving the Lord’s Supper, the communicants leave the

communion rail by exiting to their left, walking down the side isle, and returning to their seats

from the back of the church.

Bible Hour Bible hour for children, teens, and adults meets on Sunday mornings at 10:50 a.m., following

the worship service and fellowship. The Children’s Bible hour utilizes the WELS Christ-Light

Bible lesson curriculum. Teens enjoy topical studies or studying a specific book of the Bible.

Adults alternate between studying books of the Bible and studying a specific topic.

We also offer a Thursday morning Bible class which meets at 10:00 a.m. The focus of

this class is to study each book of the Bible. Prayer time follows this Bible study. During this

time, the group offers intercessory prayers based on the prayer requests we have received.

Both the Sunday morning and Thursday morning classes begin meeting after Labor Day and

break for summer in May.

Holy Baptism The Pastor performs baptisms as part of our Sunday morning worship

service. He also performs private baptisms at church, at people’s homes, or

at the hospital. It is critical that age-appropriate Bible instruction about

baptism be given to those who request baptism before the event. In the

case of infants, the Pastor meets with the parents to review what God tells

us in his word about baptism. Typically, this is a one-session Bible class.

Weddings The Pastor performs weddings for our congregation’s members and also works with couples

who are not presently members but who want a Christian wedding and are seeking a church

home. In every case, a 3-session premarital counseling class is required. The purpose of this

class is to study what God teaches us about marriage and his will for married life.

The Christian wedding service is a Christian worship service. The music, readings, sermon, and

vows will reflect the truth that the wedding service is a worship service focused on glorifying

God, and that Biblical fellowship principles also apply. The Biblical principle of unity of belief

will determine who will participate in the service and in what way. The Pastor covers all

matters pertaining to the wedding service in the premarital counseling class.

The worship facility may be reserved for weddings at no cost. Wedding dates are

selected in consultation with the Pastor on a first come, first served basis. The families

involved are responsible for any set-up and clean-up that is required. The fellowship hall can

also be reserved, but there is a rental fee. Please see the fellowship hall rental guidelines for

more information.

Funerals The Pastor conducts funerals for members of our congregation and for non-members whom

he has served. The general principle is that our Pastor serves in death those he has served in

life. The purpose of the Christian funeral is to comfort the living with assurance that their

loved one died in the Lord and is now with the Lord and also to comfort those who mourn

with the promise of the resurrection to eternal life through faith in Christ. As the funeral

service is a worship service, biblical fellowship principles also apply. The Biblical principle of

unity of belief will determine who will participate in the service and in what way. As with

weddings, the worship facility is available for funerals at no cost. The fellowship hall is also

available for post-funeral meals at no cost to members. Family members of the deceased

work with our Women’s Group to set up the meal or they can provide all the food themselves.

Worship Services All the morning worship services, whether on Sunday or otherwise, begin at 9:30 a.m. All the

evening worship services (Thanksgiving eve, Wednesday Advent services, Christmas eve, New

Year’s eve, Wednesday Lent services, Maundy Thursday) are held at 7:30 p.m. Soup Suppers

currently precede the first of our three midweek Advent services and all the Wednesday Lent

services, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Our Good Friday Tenebrae Service begins at 1:00 p.m. The

Easter morning schedule is:

Sunrise Easter Service - 7:00 a.m.

Easter Breakfast - 8:00-9:00 a.m.

Easter Worship - 9:30 a.m.

Children’s Christmas Worship Service Our Children’s Christmas worship is typically held on the Sunday

before Christmas at 9:30 a.m. This service takes the place of our

Sunday morning worship service for that day. It is led by a

volunteer in coordination with the Pastor and the Children’s

Bible hour teachers. The age range of the participants begins

with preschoolers and includes our teens. Practices are held on

the three Friday evenings or the three Sundays before the service (during Bible hour). Some

practicing for the service, especially the songs, is conducted as a part of children’s Bible hour

in November and December.

Bible Information Class Pastor teaches a 16 lesson course covering the basic teachings of the Bible. It is a good place to

start for people who are unfamiliar with Scripture. It is also a great Biblical refresher course for

people who want to review the Bible's teachings. This course outlines God’s answers to the great

questions we have about life:

Where did I come from?

Why am I here?

Where am I going?

This is a one-hour class. There are opportunities for discussion, but no one is required to

participate or read Bible passages out loud. Questions are encouraged. Attending the class

does not mean that you are committing to join Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. However,

this is the class to take if you are considering becoming a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran

Church and WELS. Lesson topics include:

Christ's Resurrection - The Foundational Fact for Faith

Jesus' Unique Message - Salvation Is Free!

Jesus' Unique Person - The Wonderful Reason Why He Could Save Us!

The Risen Lord Bestows Life with God

Faith - A Wonderful Gift from God

The Bible - A Most Wonderful Book

Baptism - A Wonderful Gift of the Risen Savior

The Lord's Supper

The Wonderful God Behind These Wonderful Actions

Our Response to God's Grace - A God-Centered Life

A Christian Spends Private Time with the Lord

Christians are to be Careful with Whom They Identify Themselves

Christians Are to Publicly Praise the Lord

The Christian and Family Life

The Christian and Society

The Christian and Money

Pastor offers this course whenever people are interested, and starts the class when it is requested. He holds the class at church and in people’s homes.

OWLS Organization of WELS Lutheran Seniors (OWLS) is our group of loving Christians 55 years old+

or retired that meet every third Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall to

play cards, Bunco, Bingo, etc. They bring a munchy snack to share and have lots of fun.

Sometimes they go on outings.

Coordinating Council The coordinating council is the corporate body (legal trustees) of the congregation. They

represent the congregation and implement their policies and decisions. The council ensures

that the daily operations of the church run as smoothly as possible. Short and long-term

planning is performed by the council at the request of the congregation and includes, but is

not limited to, Pastoral searches, maintenance of the buildings, making sure all financial

obligations are met, and establishing budgets to be approved by the congregation. It is a true

honor and privilege to serve the Lord on this body.

Directory A church directory is produced and distributed at the beginning of each year. It includes the

names and addresses of all members and friends of the congregation, an altar care schedule,

the names of the coordinating council members, and a church and fellowship hall cleaning list.

Funeral Phone Tree A funeral phone tree is updated at the beginning of each year and included as a separate item

in the church directory. The guidelines as to how it works are included on the listing. Members

are also made aware of funeral arrangements through our email listing.

Pictorial The most current church pictorial will be included along with this folder. We are continually

working on updating our member pictures for a new pictorial. The

photos will also be used on the bulletin board in the fellowship

hall. Please see our current member ministry elder, Ken Zahn, to

have your photo added so we can get to know you better.

Email Listing We often use email to contact members with vital information regarding funerals, special meetings, or other special messages. Please be sure to let our current member ministry elder, Ken Zahn, know what your email address is, so he can add you to the list. A current church email listing is included in this folder.

Phone Prayer Chain Prince of Peace has a phone prayer chain. You may call anyone on the chain and start a

prayer. The call list is on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall by the mailboxes. Your

prayer does not have to be for a member of our church; it can be for anyone or anything.

Women’s Prayer Group During the summer months all women are welcome to join our women’s prayer

group on Thursdays from 10-11a.m. at the church. During the rest of the year

they meet after the 10am Bible study class on Thursdays. If you would like to

request a prayer, use the note pad and prayer box under the left side of

the mailboxes. It isn’t necessary to include the person’s name or the

exact details of your concern, but you can add it if you feel the need

to do that. We also have prayers of thanksgiving. If you have any

questions, feel free to call Diann Diechert (517-223-3152).

Pregnancy Counseling Center The Pregnancy Counseling Center, 25545 Five Mile Rd., Redford, MI (313-952-2147), is a pro-

life center funded by individuals in the WELS and staffed by volunteers from area WELS

churches. Clients are offered free pregnancy tests and information on adoption options and

the dangers of abortion. Post abortion counseling is also offered. Donated clothes from

newborn to 4T, maternity clothes, diapers, formula, baby food, strollers, swings, cribs, etc.,

are given out when available. Also there usually is a good supply of children’s toys and books.

Some churches and organizations have baby showers for the center to supply new baby items.

A large supply of pamphlets, books, and Bibles is available at the office. God’s love and

forgiveness, our redemption through Jesus, our Savior, and encouragement to make lifestyle

changes are presented to the clients. The hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. Our e-mail address is

[email protected].

Children’s Bible Hour On Sunday mornings after worship, we offer Bible study classes for children in preschool

through grade 8. Our teachers use the Christ Light curriculum, which focuses on Jesus, the Son

of God, who came to redeem us and whose second coming we eagerly await. The curriculum

is based on God’s Word – it is the means by which God brought us to faith, the motivation for

living a life of faith-born love to God’s glory, and the means by which we continually nurture

one another to grow in saving faith and to live a sanctified life. The teachers supplement the

curriculum with songs, crafts, and Christian movies. In November/December the children

participate in weekly practices for the children’s Christmas worship service which takes place

usually on the Sunday morning before Christmas.

The children receive their own box of offering envelopes. They are encouraged to use

these envelopes to place their offering into the offering plate during the worship service. The

money from these envelopes goes into the Sunday School Mission Fund. Accumulated monies

are sent to support a specific mission project.

VG’s Receipts Our members are encouraged to save the community share points that are

located at the bottom of your VG’s receipts. A box for those receipts is

located on the countertop under the church mailboxes in the fellowship

hall. Our WSC group collects these points and when they are turned in, they

get a 1% money return from VG’s. WSC use these monies for different needs at

Prince of Peace. Our contact person is currently Shirley LeMay.

Budget Carrying out our Christian mission requires resources, both spiritual and financial. Our budget

is an annual plan of allocating expected offerings to our expected financial needs as

recommended by the church council. Those recommendations are discussed at the annual

congregational meeting each December, changes made, and ultimately approved by the

voting members.

Our budget is a “line item” budget – each expense category has an expected dollar amount.

Costs for many lines are known in advance (mortgage, Pastor’s compensation), while other

lines (building maintenance, utilities) are estimated based on prior year expenses, adjusted

for inflation/forecasts. Where a line item falls under the direction of an Elder, they will have

input on the costs needed to accomplish their work. Finally, because our budget is funded

entirely by our members, we must also consider what offerings we can reasonably expect to

receive in the coming year – typically based on prior year giving. Expanding our reach (local

evangelism, foreign missions, Christian education), requires an increase in our offerings.

When offerings fall short of funds needed to meet expenses, the Treasurer decides which

expenses are paid. The mortgage, utilities, and outside services take priority. Occasionally,

this means that Pastor’s compensation must be postponed until offerings rise. Members

should be aware that they cannot contribute to an individual line item on the budget; all

general offerings are deposited to the general fund account.

It is also important to know that our budget has a seasonal nature, with expenses being higher

in the first 3-4 months of the year due to snow removal and heating costs, and then more

moderate during the rest of the year. The “needed weekly” amount published to the

congregation is a full year average, so giving must exceed that amount in the first 3-4 months

in order to meet expenses.

Please feel free to talk with the Treasurer about any questions.

Proverbs 3:9: Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.

Girl and Boy Pioneers Our Pioneer program may or may not be active at the present

time. The status of the program is dependent on having adult

leaders and, of course, young people who are willing to participate in the program. Meetings

have been held on Sundays after Bible hour and also on Tuesday evenings. Activities in the

past have included crafts, baking, games, trips, archery camp in October, winter camp in

January, pinewood derby in late winter, and a compass course. A spaghetti dinner in February

has been used as a fund raiser.

Adult Choir Our adult choir usually gathers to sing for the Christmas and Easter seasons. In the past

rehearsals have taken place during Monday evenings. Men and women are invited to join. Our

current leader is Allison Franck.

Vacation Bible Camp Vacation Bible Camp is usually held the first full week after July 4th. Children from age 3

through 6thgrade are invited to participate. Activities have included lessons, skits,

demonstrations, crafts, snacks, games, and music. Leaders are adult members and many

helpers are from our youth group. Often the children sing during the worship service on the

Sunday that follows Camp week.

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