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Issue # 168 ISSN: 1821 - 8075 Jan 20- 26/2016



Educative Entertaining Fun

Your weekly magazine

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These tips aim to help you make the most of your weekends so that by the time Monday comes, you’ll feel refreshed, on top of things, and fulfilled about what you’ve done in your time off.

Make plans -Decide during the week exactly what it is you’re aiming to do at the weekend.

Avoid drinking too much alcohol -A little alcohol can help you to relax at the weekend, but don’t let it rule your time off!

Allow yourself some catch-up time -Week-ends are about having fun, but can also be a good time to catch up on those things that have been niggling away at you for some time

Put some things off - There are some things that can be done at any time — not just at the weekend. If you arrange your time in the week sufficiently well — for example by doing some small jobs during weekdays.

Avoid routine –Jolt yourself into a whole new weekend frame of mind by trying some-thing different, taking up invitations, and avoiding the thoughts of what you usually do on a Saturday or Sunday.

Find a new hobby -could be something that you enjoy doing by yourself, and could be the ‘time out’ that you need in your weekend

Get sporty - A little physical activity, you will feel great and get good health benefits you could get outdoors and watch some sport first-hand, rather than watching it on TV.

The weekend is when most sporting activity takes place — so why not get out of the house and see a game of football, rugby, basketball or another sport? It may even inspire you to start playing the sport yourself!

Weekend Experiance& Events

Tips To Enjoy Your Weekend

Vodka is usually associated with Eastern European countries like Russia but it is also one of the words favorite spirits. There are many misconceptions about this popular alcohol and we are going to clear up some of them right here!


When it comes to vodka, price isn’t really an ac-curate measure of quality. Go out there and taste as many vodkas in as many price ranges as you possibly can and make a more informed decision.


YES Vodka can be distilled from potatoes (Swed-ish Karlsson’s Gold Vodka) but NO they are not the

only source. Vodka can be produced from a variety of ingredients ranging from fruits and even milk. Popular ingredients are corn, wheat and other grains.


This is generally not true as each company defines the exact constitu-ents of a single distillation and every distillery is set up in a different way. There is also the risk of stripping all the ‘flavor’, aroma and character of the base ingredients if it is over-dis-tilled. If this is done you will be left with pure alcohol.


It takes a seasoned tongue to taste the difference in the final drink (that is the cocktail) but you will definitely feel it (the difference) the next day. Don’t go for the cheap and poorly distilled vodka.

5 ALL VODKA IS THE SAMEThis is actually not true. Each spirit

reflects where it came from and what it was made (read distilled) from. Vodkas from

Eastern Europe are more potent than from other regions. The taste of a Vodka will depend on sev-eral factors like the ingredients used.

Vodka myths you didn’t know about

Blend lemonade with beer for a mellow-yellow refresher.INGREDIENTS1/2 cup sugar, 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice (from about 4 lemons), plus wedges, for serving (option-al) 8 mild pilsner beers (12 ounces each)DIRECTIONSPlace eight 16-ounce glasses or mugs in the freezer. In a small saucepan, combine sugar and 3/4 cup water over medium heat. Cook, stirring, until sug-ar dissolves, about 1 minute. Refrigerate until cool, at least 10 minutes and up to 1 week. In a 2-cup liquid measure or small pitcher, combine sugar mixture and lemon juice. Pour 1 beer into each chilled glass; add about 1/4 cup lemon mixture and, if desired, a lemon wedge. Serve immediately.

Lemon Shandies

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Lemon Shandies

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Instead of grabbing a glass of wine or a beer as soon as you get through the door, why not wait for your evening meal to have your first drink? It's a great

way to cut back on alcohol. And you may find that you appreciate what you do drink a whole lot more.

Feel the benefitsDrinking with food slows down the rate that alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream. You are also likely to drink more slowly if you’re eating a meal at the same time. If you stop when you have finished eating it also allows your body more time to process the alcohol be-fore you go to bed. This should help you to get a better night's sleep.

How having alcohol only with your evening meal can help you

drink less, but enjoy it more.

"All you can eat" restaurants are fun! Great for meeting friends. However, they all make income on the basis that you will not eat as much as you pay and can easily leave you hungry or sick if you don't know how to prepare. Here are a few tips.

1 Prepare: Don't starve yourself in advance. Many people think if you skip the meal before going to the all you can eat restaurant, you can eat more. This is not true. Have a light but complete meal in your regular time, otherwise your stomach will tighten and you will not enjoy the meal at all. Also, drink enough during the day, you will need a lot of water to digest all that food.

2 Learn about the pricing of the restaurant. Can you eat unlimited for a fixed flat rate? Does this apply to everything, or only the buffet? Are drinks included? This can spare you some nasty surprises on the bill. Some restaurants have different rates for different days of the week and times of the day. If you are on a budget, find the best time.

3 Start by getting a large glass of natural mineral water or fruit juice. Slightly acidic fruit juices are the best. The gas in fizzy drinks escapes inside your stomach and you will feel full long before you have had a good meal. Sweet or alcoholic drinks also require more water to digest them so avoid them or drink more water to keep your balance. Refill as you go, never go thirsty.

How to prepare yourself for an all-you-can-eat buffet

4 Eat a small dish of soup or starters, ideally warm and not very salty. Also, enjoy having a meal with friends, have a chat, don't focus fully on eating.

5 Eat the most expensive foods first, and avoid cheap fillers like bread and pasta as these fill you quickly not allowing you to get value for money.

6 Eat small portions of everything that looks appealing. Don't experiment too much with food you have never eaten before, they might cause an uncomfortable feeling. Balance meat with garnishes such as rice, veg-etables or potatoes. French fries are great but they are usually very salty so you will again have to drink a lot. If you feel full, stop eating, and rest and drink. You will probably be able to resume eating a bit later.

7 Have some desserts when you feel quite full. They will help balance your blood sugar level and overcome drowsiness. A light coffee can also be a good idea at this point.

8 If you feel completely full, but would still like to stay, fruit, especially fruit salad can be a good idea. Grapes, strawberries or other small fruits will make it easy to select the exact amount


1st Floor Shoppers Plaza, Old Bagamoyo Road, MikochenEat Out eat Well

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1st Floor Shoppers Plaza, Old Bagamoyo Road, Mikochen

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ISSUE no 1688 Your FREE Copy

Tigo pays out $2.1M to customers

Tanzania’s leading digital lifestyle company, Tigo, has an-nounced another quarterly payment of US $ 2.1million (Tshs

4.4 bilion) to its 4.6 million Tigo Pesa users, the seventh time in a row that the company is distributing profit to its mobile financial services users.

Speaking at a press conference in Dar es Salaam this week Tigo Tanzania Head of Finance and Risk for Mobile Financial Services Obedi Laiser says cumulatively, the company has paid its mobile financial services users a total of US $ 16. 5 million (Tshs 35.5 billion) quarterly payments since September 2014. The payment is generated from profit accruing in the Tigo Pesa Trust accounts held with major commercial banks in Tanzania, Laiser said.

Tigo Tanzania became the first telecom company in the world in 2014 to share profit generated from its mobile money Trust Account in the form of a quarterly distribution to its customers.The revenue share model is in line with the Tanzanian central bank (Bank of Tanzania-BOT) which allows the country’s mobile operators to increase e-money deposits and mobile money trans-actions through new loyalty incentives.

Fastjet Tanzania, the region's premier low-cost carrier, finally got the greenlight to fly between Dar es Salaam and Nairobi.

The new Fastjet General Manager, John Corse, could not have wished for a better New Year present. His arrival has coincided with a new business opportunity.

"Affordable air travel is key to the growth of economies across Africa. Fastjet has been able to announce these new routes by working close-ly with the governments of Tanzania and Kenya who understand and value positive impact that low-cost air travel can have on the lives of their citizens and the economy in general," Corse said in a press release.

Now for a basic $31 or there abouts, you can fly one way to Nairobi. For years, the Dar - Nairobi flights have been dominated by the traditional 'mainline' carriers that had literally put the re-gional aviation business in their back pockets.

With the impending entry of fastjet, the status quo will effectively be shattered and the re-gion's skies are going to witness a new revolu-tion in air travel.

Fastjet's flights to Nairobi will be a game - changer due to its comparatively low fares that will enable those passengers who use road transport to afford to fly with fastjet. Road transport, besides being tedious, is time-wast-ing.

However, it is the most preferred mode of transport by most East Africans because it's more affordable and covers all areas especially upcountry and cross-border destinations.

The entry of fastjet into the Dar - Nairobi route, albeit through air travel, might also jolt road transport to the same destination because Fastjet fares are very competitive to the ones charged by buses from Dar to Nairobi. This may encourage people to make the shift.

Corporate HighlightsSolution for Clearing and Forwading Service

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Tigo has announced plans to ex-pand its Fourth Generation (4G) service to all the regions in the country this year.

The company first launched the service in Dar es Salaam early last year before expanding it to Arusha, Tanga, Dodoma and Mo-rogoro, effectively making it the fastest and widest 4G network in Tanzania.

4G is the best and the latest technology in the world's tele-communication industry with seamless Internet access. It is about five times faster than the Third Generation (3G) technol-ogy that is widely used in Tanza-nia.

The 4G LTE network means fast-er speeds to surf and download content from the Internet and in making Skype calls. It also signifi-cantly enhances the customer experience for video streaming or conferencing and can ac-commodate more applications such as video conferencing, high definition content, video blogs, in-teractive games and video down-loads on social networking sites.

4G Network to Cover All Regions in Tanzania

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Solution for Clearing and Forwading Service

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Color for the year 2016 – PANTONE

For 2016 there are truly no perceivable distinctions in color choices between the men’s and women’s collec-tions, both of which focus on a desire to breathe and reflect, then play.

The fashion and design communities, and conse-quently, consumers, have been in love with orange for several seasons. Com-ing to the fore this Spring is, Peach Echo, a shade that emanates friendlier quali-ties, evoking warmth and accessibility.

It is an all-encompassing, tempered companion in the playful orange family.

Weightless and airy, like the expanse of the blue sky above us, Serenity com-forts with a calming effect, bringing a feeling of respite even in turbulent times. A transcendent blue, Serenity provides us with a naturally connected sense of space.

A maritime-inspired blue, Snorkel Blue plays in the navy family, but with a hap-pier, more energetic con-text.

The name alone implies a relaxing vacation and en-courages escape. It is strik-ing yet still, with lots of activ-ity bursting from

Fashion & Beauty

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You may have noticed that many surfers don’t look their age, are usually in a good mood, and genuinely look for-ward to being active. The benefits of surfing span much further than just being physical- it’s also great for your mood, and your mind.

Here are the reasons surfing is a great sport:

•Makes you Physically Stronger: Surfing is a great cardio-vascular exercise that keeps your heart pumping through-out it’s duration. Since a large part of surfing involves pad-dling, which is low-resistance, you get a good core and upper body workout. Once you find a wave to catch, you are using your core for balance, and your legs remain active. Water sports in general tend to be great full-body exercises, and surfing is no exception.

• Helps with Weight Loss: The average person burns around 400 calories an hour while they surf. The great part about surfing is that the hour tends to go by very fast and you will more than likely want to surf another hour.

• Provides Mental Benefits: Extended physical exercise leads to the release of endorphins which provide a natural euphoria and good mood. Those who surf also mention the feeling of power they feel while they commune with the ocean, and that it has taught them patience. Since surf-ers must focus on the water, their movements, and the wave sets, they find this time a release from thoughts and the dialogue that’s always in our heads.

Health & Fitness Living

Why surfing is good for your health

Tips for Working Out in the Summer Heat this January Summer is the perfect time to go outside and have fun. This is so because there are so many outdoor activities to choose from. Everything is more fun outside, whether you're swimming, running or cycling.

But the summer heat can be a problem if you are not care-ful, particularly in areas with extreme heat and humidity like Dar es salaam. You may not be racing in the desert, but there are some things to keep in mind when it comes to exercising in the heat:

The time of day is important. Unless you are training for an event that takes place in the daytime heat, avoid exercis-

ing from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It's the hottest part of day. Generally, the early morning is the best time to workout, especially if it's going to be scorcher that day.

Wear loose, light-colored. The lighter color will help re-flect heat, and cotton mate-rial will help the evaporation of sweat. You may also want to try specially designed, "hi-tech" running shirts and shorts. They are often made from material meant to keep you cool.

Sunscreen is a must. It is im-portant to protect your skin. You can get burned and suf-fer sun damage to your skin even on cloudy days. Stay hydrated. Before you go out, drink a glass or two of water.

Carry a bottle of water or even a hydration pack. Take a drink every 15 minutes, even when you are not thirsty. When you are done with your workout, have a few more glasses of water.

If you can, choose shaded trails or pathways that keep you out of the sun.

Check the weather forecast before you start your work-out. If there's a heat advisory, meaning high ozone and air pollution, you might want to take your workout indoors.

These pollutants can damage your lungs. Most importantly, listen to your body. Stop im-mediately if you're feeling dizzy, faint or nauseous.

Tips for Working Out in the Summer Heat this January

There's a common misconception that microwaved food is bad for you, either because microwaving destroys nu-trients or because the microwaves themselves somehow render the food unhealthy. While microwaving - like all cooking methods - does reduce the vitamin content of food to a small degree.

Microwave OvensMicrowave ovens cook food by emitting waves of energy that cause compounds - specifically water molecules - in your food to vibrate. The vibrating water molecules rub up against one another, which generates heat through friction. This process is analogous to that in which you feel your hands get warmer when you rub them together. Though common language associates microwaves with nuclear radiation - microwaving food is sometimes re-ferred to as "nuking" - there's nothing nuclear about mi-crowave technology.

Effect on MacronutrientsMicrowaving your food doesn't affect the caloric content or healthfulness of the macronutrients -- proteins, carbo-hydrates, and fats -- in the slightest. All heating methods, microwaving included, denature proteins. Denaturation renders proteins functionless, but you don't depend upon the function of the proteins in the food you eat - in fact, your stomach has the same denaturing effect. Denatur-ing proteins in no way reduces their nutritional value.

Benefits of MicrowavingIn general, the vitamin content of a food decreases with increased cooking time. As such, food cooked for short-er periods of time -- regardless of the cooking method -- contains more of the original vitamins than food cooked longer.

Is Microwaved Food Bad for Your Health?

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With over 145,000 members worldwide,BNI is the largest business networking and referral marketing organization in the world. Last year alone, BNI generated 6.9 million referrals resulting in $3.1 billion dollars’ worth of business for its members.

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Travel & HolidayDid you know that SMS MARKETING is very effective with instant results and costs lower than most of the advertising mediums?

For only Tzs 40/SMS try it today and you’ll never regret. Call Prime Advertising 0767711120

J anuary to April is the start of the calving season and Ndutu area is the best place to be. This is truly one of the

most magical moments in the African wilderness. Millions of wildebeests give birth at this time and will spend these months getting ready for the migration. Other animals like zebras and gazelles give birth at this time as well.

This magical moment isn’t without tragedy. As thousands of calves are born each day and so do many others lose their lives. Numerous predators Lions, Leopards, Cheetahs and Hyenas follow the migration which guarantees plentiful, waiting patiently for the perfect time to make a kill.

At this time the Serengeti is much greener, no dust, cooler temperatures and much fewer tourists. From 01 April to 30 May, most of the lodges will be on low season rates of up to 50% discounts.

Calving season - A rare and spectacular bush experience.

NDUTU CALVING SAFARI Experience this rare and spectacular bush experience.

E. African Rate Non E. African Rate

No of pax Rate per person

2 pax US$ 785

3 pax US$ 685

4 pax US$ 625

5 pax US$ 590

No of pax Rate per person

2 pax US$ 980

3 pax US$ 800

4 pax US$ 730

5 pax US$ 700

Price is inclusive of: • Accommodation on sharing basis • Meals as in the itinerary above • Pick up on Day 1 from Arusha

• English speaking drive/guide • 4x4wd vehicle • Unlimited game drives •All park and conservation Area entry fees • Crater entry fees

• Lunch box on Day 1 water and soft drinks while on game drives only

Price exclusive of:

•Accommodation prior and end of safari • Transport to Arusha •Tips • Drinks • Other activities/ excursion not mentioned above.

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Web: / Skype: safaritanzania / Twitter: @MsafiriTravels / LinkedIn: Msafiri Travels

Depart from Arusha early morning. This will be a 3 hours drive.Drive on and descend into the crater floor for a day

game drives for some of the most spectacular game drives and scenery inAfrica. Overnight at Ngorongoro

Forested Tented Camp, full board.

Early morning departure for Serengeti and to the Ndutu area. Full day game

drive and overnight at Nduta safari Lodge, full board.

Early morning game drive at 06.300. After breakfast depart for Arusha.

Day 02Day 01 Day 03

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With over 145,000 members worldwide,BNI is the largest business networking and referral marketing organization in the world. Last year alone, BNI generated 6.9 million referrals resulting in $3.1 billion dollars’ worth of business for its members.

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To confirm your answer please take a your answer photo and send to Magazine Manager Whatsapp No: +255 755 686868

Let’s Play Sudoku No 36

3 5 42 9 3

7 61 2 5

1 3 5 7 86 8 2

2 69 4 3

5 7 9 the best medicine but if

you laugh for no reason,


Just for Laugh& Brain Teaser

The Shattered ClockA clock with the hours round the face in Roman block numbers, as illustrated in the sketch fell down and the dial broke into four parts.

The numerals in each part in every case summed to a total of 20.

Can you show how the four parts of the clock face was broken?














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is the best medicine but if

you laugh for no reason,



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Join the dots and then colour in.

Dot to Dot Goat

The number in each square is equal to sum of the number in the circles on either

side. Fill the missing numbers.

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Two Bedrooms Apartment For SALE-MikocheniVery beautiful and furnished in a well main-tained compound with beautiful garden, Swimming pool, GYM and ample parking space. It is within a 1min walking distance to the beach. It is in the vicinity to shopping malls, high end neighborhood and interna-tional hospital. Price USD 180,000. Tel:0754711120/0767711120 Email: [email protected]

Are you looking for an Apartment/ House to lease or buy?

Do you have an apartment / House to sell or lease?

Don't waste your valuable time we will provide

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Excellent investment opportunity in Zanzibar!

Beach plot for sale in Pwani Mchangani, Zanzibar: Size: 31 acres; 350 metres of beach area;Price: $2.7 MillionFor more details, send an email to: [email protected]: +255 787 528 745

Standalone House for Sale in Faru Street, Kariakoo, Dar Es SalaamNear by a hospital, Title deed available; Price: TZS 800 Million Call +255 787 528 745

Office space available for SALE at an upcoming MALL that is almost completed in Town, Dar es Salaam. Many well known companies/organisations have booked theirs, and it's an ideal location along the main roads junction.

The mall will have a food court at the top with a variety of cuisines, and also contain a chil-dren’s game hall. 210 sq M available on the ground floor; ideal for banks too.

Price per sq M: $6000; full 210 sq M purchase is preferred. Serious buyers should Call +255 787 528745

Land For Sale In Kibaha- Kongowe Misufini, Pwani.Size: 20 acres; Price: TZS 180 MillionIdeal for farmingCall 0787 528745

Elegant 3Bhk Fully Furnished Apart-ment For Rent Along Magore Road, East Upanga.

$1500 per month (only long term rental; minimum 2 years); 3-month prior payment; inclusive service charges; 10th floor; 24/7 security; lift; standby generator (specific timings); Dawasco and borehole; Tanesco direct line (no LUKU); parking outside ground floor and basement;

1 master bedroom en-suite; one of the re-maining rooms has 2 beds and a study table; one separate bathroom; washing machine; refrigerator; extra sitting room;

Conveniently located nearby Shaaban Robert secondary school, Olympio primary school, supermarket, ice cream shop and mosque; walking distance to hospital, Dia-mond Jubilee hall, Mamboz grill and Delhi Darbaar restaurants.Potential tenants should Call 0787 528745 to schedule viewing

Beautiful apartment for rent in KIjitonyama 2 bedrooms (1 self contained), spacious sitting room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Other amenities 24 hrs Security, air condi-tion, water, electricity and parking.Rent: 600 USD pmContact: +255 676 006 019

Beautiful fully furnished apartment for rent available in Mikocheni B with 2 bedrooms (1 self contained), spacious sitting room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Other amenities security, air condition, water, electricity and parking.Rent : 900USD pmContact: + 255 787 689 129

Nice house available in Mbezi Tank Bovu for rent with 4 bedrooms (1 self contained) spacious sitting room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Other amenities security, air condition, water, electricity and parking.Price: TZS 800,000 pmContacts: + 255 755 689 129

Available house for rent in Mikocheni “A” with shared compound, 2 bedrooms (1 self contained) spacious sitting room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Other ameni-ties security, air condition, water, electricity and parking.Price: TZS 500,000 pmContacts:+ 255 755 689 129

Godown available for sale at Pugu road with 10,500 Square Meter. Price: 800,000 USDContacts:+ 255 755 689 129

Standalone house-To BuyAt least two bedrooms and modern. Loca-tion-Mikocheni, Kawe, Mbezi Beach or Msasani. Budget 200 – 250 million shillings. Tel:0754711120/0767711120 [email protected]

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