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Primary Research

ReflectionsName: Feargus BrackenCandidate Number: 4009Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

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The majority age of those surveyed was of 17, which means that they could be the largest potential market of the magazine. This connotes I could commence further market research into the buying habits and spending power of a younger audience.

Teens in Europe have a combined spending power of 86 million pounds, and a average of £5000 a year.

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A large majority, 70%, of results were male answered.

This is useful as it will enable my magazine to be able to be targeted towards more specific demographics.The normal gender discrepancy in metal genres is 85% and above male majority. My results show that 30% of my audience is female, which is twice more than normal ratings.

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The employment status of my audience affects the disposable income they would have to spend on my magazine. Knowing what percentage of my audience has higher disposable income allows me to better engineer the price to be so that those with high disposable income will purchase it, and those with low income can still afford it.A suitable price would be £2.00, which is cheaper than the price of Kerrang!, which is a well known publication of the genre.

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These results denote that the participants purchased magazines at either a monthly frequency, or as however they specified (More specific options such as bi-weekly)Monthly magazines rely on having a large number of customers, as there is only one issue per month to accrue profits from. By publishing my magazine at a weekly rate, it will establish a reliable audience that could sustain a shift to monthly publishing schedule.

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These results connote how implementing a subscription feature would have little affect on profit, as all those who took part in the interview do not hold any subscriptions themselves.However, a subscription guarantees a purchase of the magazine. To make it more appealing, I could offer a unique promotional offer for subscribers.

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The results represent that the two most dominate genre of magazines in those that I surveyed are rock and metal. Linking to previous results, it could be inferred that a majority of my younger audience listen to the rock and metal genres.

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The prevalence of Dark colour schemes in Metal and alternative magazines is a convention that I would have stuck to, due to the nature of the audience being smaller than some mainstream magazines. This survey shows that a majority of consumers prefer dark colour schemes.

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With the majority, over 60% being able to pay £2.00, this connotes that my target audience has a high disposable income and that prices within the £2 and £2.50 price ranges will be able to garner the most purchases.I have made the price of my magazine £2.00, which seems to be the most positively received price.

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With a 100% result from my survey participants, it is highly beneficial for a music magazine to contain free promotional deals. These promotional deals would have to be specific to the genre, and be items of interest such as posters and demo tapes etc.

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This is a list of all of the music tastes of the survey respondents. The majority of these listen to rock and metal, or other heavy types of music. This allows for a accurate application of information and results to my target audience.

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ConclusionIn conclusion, my survey has provided me with the information to tailor my magazine to be attractive to my target audience. Due to the fact that a majority of the answers to question 10, music taste, were of my target audience the information gathered can be seen as an accurate representation of the reaction of my ideal target audience.

I will be better able to support the needs of my target demographic through conventions that have proven to be popular, such as the inclusion of posters and the prevalence of a darker colour scheme.

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