Page 1: Primary Education Professional Practice Handbook Education Professional Practice Handbook BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS* Full Time Programme Part Time Programme PGCE Full Time

Primary Education

Professional Practice Handbook

BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS* Full Time Programme Part Time Programme

PGCE Full Time Programme Part Time Programme School Direct

2014-2015 (Version 2 – October 2014)

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Contact List 4

Checklist of key Professional Practice requirements 5

Professional Practice files 6

Information for the Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer/Mentor 7

Information for the Class Teacher 8

Information for the Visiting Tutor 9

Target Setting Process (Undergraduate) 11

Target Setting Process (Postgraduate) 12

Reaching a Judgement and Expected Levels of Achievement at Each Phase of Training


‘At risk’ trainees 15

PPD: Programme of Training 18

Key Priority checklists 20

Health and Safety Checklist 24

DBS Guidance


Other documents Lesson/Session Proforma

The link to website for Important documents is on page 29


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Edge Hill Contact Numbers

Head of Primary Education Tony Currie [email protected] or 01695 657196

Primary Full Time Undergraduate contact details Programme Leader: Sian Onions [email protected] or 01695 650828 Phase 1a Professional Practice Leader: Susan Harrop [email protected] or 01695 584283 Phase 1b Professional Practice Leader: Rachel Boyle [email protected] or 01695 584403 Phase 2 Professional Practice Leader: Sue Taylor [email protected] or 01695 584201 Professional Support Team (Administration) Primary Professional Practice Administration Coordinator Contact details - [email protected] or 01695 584399

Primary Part Time Undergraduate contact details Programme Leader: Polly Thorpe [email protected] or 01695 650823 Phase 1a Professional Practice Leader: Polly Thorpe [email protected] or 01695 650823 Phase 1b Professional Practice Leader: Maggie Webster [email protected] or 01695 584382 Phase 2 Professional Practice Leader: Louise Hawxwell [email protected] or 01695 584715 Professional Support Team (Administration) Primary Professional Practice Administration Coordinator Contact details - [email protected] or 01695 584399

Primary Post Graduate contact details Programme Leader: Susan Shaw [email protected] or 01695 650821 Phase 1 Professional Practice Leader: Susan Shaw Phase 2 Professional Practice Leader: Susan Shaw Edge Hill University School Direct Lead: Karen Morris [email protected] or Angela Atherton 01695 650785 Professional Support Team (Administration) Primary Professional Practice Administration Coordinator Contact details - [email protected] or 01695 584399

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Checklist of Key Professional Practice requirements (Note: there is no Phase 1a and 1b for PGCE, please start at Phase 1b).

Key Requirement and suggested progression: Stage of practice



e 1


To build up to teaching and planning for 30-40% of the class timetable. To be based in one class, with opportunities to visit other classes in other Key Stages for specific purposes. 2 or more trainees in each class.

Whole Professional Practice

Suggested progression towards key requirements:

To observe the class at work and to work with groups of children under the direction of the class teacher, across all timetabled lessons. Ensure some non-contact time is allocated to give the trainee opportunities to explore resources, school policies, etc.

Week 1

To begin to plan for groups of learners and short whole class inputs (eg oral and mental starter for mathematics, phonics).

Week 2

To increase the amount of whole class input.

As soon as trainee is ready.

To teach and plan for 30-40% of the class timetable. For a minimum of 3 weeks of the Professional Practice

Key Requirements and suggested progression: Stage of practice



e 1


To build up to teaching and planning for 40-50% of the class timetable. To be based in one class, with opportunities to visit other classes in other Key Stages for specific purposes. Possibly a paired placement.

Whole Professional Practice

Suggested progression towards key requirements:

To observe the class at work and to work with groups of children under the direction of the class teacher, in order to get to know the children and their range of attainment, as well as the Units of work being planned

Week 1

To begin to plan for groups of learners and whole class inputs.

Week 2

To increase the amount of whole class input.

As soon as trainee is ready.

To teach and plan for 40-50% of the class timetable. For a minimum of 4 weeks of the Professional Practice

Key Requirements and suggested progression: Stage of practice



e 2

To build up to teaching and planning for 80% of the class timetable. To be based in one class, with opportunities to visit other classes in other Key Stages for specific purposes. Solo placement.

Whole Professional Practice

Suggested progression towards key requirements:

To observe the class at work and to work with groups of children under the direction of the class teacher, in order to get to know the children and their range of attainment, as well as the units of work being planned

Week 1

To begin to plan for groups of learners and whole class inputs.

Week 2

To increase the amount of whole class input. As soon as trainee is ready.

To teach and plan for 80% of the class timetable. For a minimum of 6 weeks of the Professional Practice

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Professional Practice Files

Trainees are required to maintain well-organised school experience files. They must be prepared in advance of the practice and kept up to date. These are documents that will be shared with Teachers, EHUPT/Mentors, Visiting Tutors and External Examiners. Those responsible for monitoring trainee progress will make written comments and provide detailed assessment, using the Edge Hill University proformas, which must be kept in the files. The files must contain evidence of trainees’ planning, teaching, evaluation, assessment, self reflection and targets.

Each trainee is to have 3 school files (although they may have more than one of each by the end of a long Professional Practice).

File 1 = Evidence of Feedback and Targets and must include:

File 2 = Planning and Lesson Evaluation

File 3 = Assessment and Record Keeping

Pen Portrait Lesson Plans

Reflection on Practice (evaluation templates)

Individual Development Plan – Professional Practice target section

Medium Term Plans

Child profiles

Completed Report Forms – to date

Group records

Highlighted grading criteria

Whole class records


Further notes as appropriate

Attendance record

Code of Conduct

Log of EHUPT/Mentor/Personal Tutor meetings

All lesson observations collated from current and previous Professional Practice.

3 best lessons – At the end of each Professional Practice trainees must select the lesson plans and evaluations for their three best lessons

In addition, please note that all pupil records are confidential. Trainees will need to ensure the security of their files at all times.

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Information for Edge Hill University Partnership Trainers/Mentor in School (EHUPT)

The support you give our trainees is vital in ensuring that they are able to make excellent progress in developing as outstanding teachers. Please follow the checklist, to guide you as you support the trainees being trained by you. Trainees will begin each Professional Practice with a range of starting points in terms of experience and confidence. Please keep this in mind as you support their development. Your trainee’s progress is under your direction and you may choose a variety of approaches to support their training which may include joint teaching, joint planning, and observation of teachers in other classrooms as well as discussion of progress. A trainee is not able to pass a Professional Practice until the University has received a copy of the ‘End of Professional Practice Report Form’ (See page 29 for web-link).

Key Training Requirements - checklist Tick √





Meet with the trainee and discuss the following:

An introduction to the school context including: school organisation, routines, school policies (Health and Safety, child protection), planning and assessment systems used by school.

Discuss Professional Practice targets with the trainee.

Maintain an overview of the trainee’s engagement with the Professional Practice and discuss any concerns with the trainee.

Support the trainee in gaining access to information and resources they may need.

Ensure trainee is clear of planning expectations for groups and any whole class teaching for induction week.

Discuss specific tasks required of the Professional Practice and ensure a timetable for completion is agreed.

Introduce relevant schemes of work.

Complete and sign attendance record.

Each w

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OBSERVE THE TRAINEE TEACH; give verbal feedback plus complete, sign and discuss written

feedback (using the Edge Hill University lesson observation proforma, as soon after the observation as possible).

Discuss Professional Practice targets with the trainee as a result of the observation, using the grading criteria as a tool.

Maintain an overview of the trainee’s engagement with the Professional Practice and discuss any concerns.

Support the trainee in accessing information and resources.

Ensure trainee is clear of planning expectations for groups and whole class teaching for each week of the Professional Practice.

Discuss specific tasks required of the Professional Practice and ensure a timetable for completion is agreed.

Complete and sign attendance record.

Raise any concerns with the Visiting Tutor.



Complete a joint observation with EHU Visiting Tutor and complete the interim assessment form together, ensuring that this is shared with the trainee. Provide the Visiting Tutor with the weekly observation grades to date.

Review trainee progress towards the requirements of the Professional Practice and set clear targets.

Begin to consider the content of the final report form.




ek Complete ‘End of Professional Practice Report Form. Share and discuss this with the trainee and Visiting

Tutor in a triangulation meeting and ensure the report is agreed and signed.

Complete and sign trainee attendance record, subjects taught document and any other document required by the Professional Practice.

Complete the online evaluation (you will receive an email with the link).

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Information for the Class Teacher

All school colleagues have a crucial role in providing a high quality training experience for trainees. However, trainees consistently report that the role of the class teacher is crucial in relation to their continued development and training. They have identified that the opportunity to build a professional relationship with an outstanding teacher enables feedback to be given and received in a way which complements that of the school based Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer.

Your role is particularly valued in the following areas:-

Key Training Requirements - checklist Tick √


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Meet with the trainee and discuss the following:

Induction to the classroom and routines

Induction to the children and their ability levels

Training in the specific use of the school’s planning and assessment systems

Training and support in relation to the management of behaviour and classroom organisation in the base classroom

Opportunities for your trainee to observe your teaching and discuss the approaches you employ

Joint teaching or planning sessions

Daily evaluative feedback and developmental ideas

Identification of further training opportunities in school

Class Teachers no longer need to write a Report Form A.

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Information for Visiting Tutors During the Professional Practice you will undertake three visits, the timings of which are indicated below. Please ensure that both trainee and the school based EHUPT/mentor understand that you are the first point of contact in between visits if required. Additional visits may be required and these can only be undertaken once confirmed by the relevant Professional Practice Leader. It is critical that the school alerts the Assistant Head of Area (Primary Partnership) if the Visiting Tutor visits have not taken place. This an integral part of the programme and it is therefore essential each setting receives the correct number of visits. Contact Details: Assistant Head of Area Primary Partnership Eleanor Davidson. [email protected] or telephone 01695 584434

Before you undertake a visit, please ensure you have contacted the school and arranged a time suitable for all partnership members. For a new VT It would be polite to also contact the Headteacher to introduce yourself to the school.

Check list

Meet and greet the team: Meet the class teacher and/or the EHUPT and the trainee to ensure the following has

taken place:




n V


An introduction to the school (if needed) to include: school organisation, routines, school policies (Health and Safety, child protection) planning and assessment systems used by school.

Guide the EHUPT to the on-line ITT mentor training pack. Outline the crucial role of the EHUPT. There is now open access to the training package.

Ensure Professional Practice targets have been set with the trainee: are the targets SMART, robust and are regularly reviewed?

Ensure the trainee knows where to access information and resources they may need within the school setting.

Ensure a timetable for completion is agreed and is appropriate for effective completion of the Professional Practice.

Check paper work has arrived show where the signposts are for the paper work This includes observation forms, lesson proforma etc. Ensure the setting feel confident in their role

Ensure the setting is familiar with the stage of the trainee’s progression. Are their expectations realistic and reflect where the trainee is regarding their development within the series of PP? The expectations are clearly outlined on page 5, you may like to guide your EHUPT through the expectations.

Meet the trainee regarding their experience within the setting. The conversation may include: What elements of the placement have you enjoyed? What success have you had so far within the PP? Do you have any concerns? Check the trainee files are in order and reflect the expectations of the programme. NB: it may be better to have this conversation with just the trainee

Do all concerns (if any) have an agreed action?

Please leave a ‘Record of Professional Updating’ Card and make your EHUPT aware that this discussion is

part of our mentor training programme and that their last date of training will be amended as a result.

When the trainee is ready ensure the trainee is clear of planning expectations for groups and any whole class


Depending on the programme and where the trainee lies within the programme, it may be appropriate to carry out an observation. In most cases the observation will not be graded at this point.

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Please ensure that each of your visits are recorded on the Partnership

Database (previously called POD).


it 2


Paired observation.

This should be arranged at the convenience of all parties involved. It could be with the VT and the class teacher or the VT and the EHUPT.

Prior to the observation ensure there are no new issues and that any concerns previously raised are being addressed.

Complete a joint observation with class teacher or EHUPT. Through a triangulation meeting complete the Interim Assessment Form together. This form MUST be completed using the Assessment and Grading Criteria Form page 29. Ensure the grading is shared with the trainee. A predicted grade for the end of training should be added to the Interim Form.

VT observe the feedback given to the trainee.

Review professional practice targets with the trainee as a result of the observation, using the grading criteria as a tool.

Maintain an overview of the trainee’s engagement with the Professional Practice and discuss any concerns.

Complete and sign attendance record.

Please leave a ‘Record of Professional Updating’ Card and make your EHUPT aware that this discussion is

part of our mentor training programme and that their last date of training will be amended as a result.

Collate ALL lesson observation grades and ensure ALL the observation grades including the observation from

today are uploaded on the Partnership Database (formerly the POD)


it 3

Paired observation.

This should be arranged at the convenience of all parties involved. It could be with the VT and the class teacher or the VT and the EHUPT.

Prior to the observation ensure there are no new issues and that or any concerns previously raised are being address.

Complete a joint observation with class teacher or EHUPT.

Observe the feedback given from the class teacher or the EHUPT.

Complete ‘End of Professional Practice Report Form’; share and discuss this with the trainee and EHUPT in a

triangulation meeting and ensure the report is agreed and signed.

Along with the EHUPT, complete and sign trainee attendance record, subjects taught document and any other document required by the Professional Practice.

Please leave a ‘Record of Professional Updating’ Card and make your EHUPT aware that this discussion is part of our mentor training programme and that their last date of training will be amended as a result.

Collate ALL remaining lesson observation grades and ensure ALL the observation grades including the observation from today are uploaded on the Partnership Database (formerly the POD)

Advise the class teacher or the EHUPT how to access the online evaluation (they will receive an email with the link).

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Targets set at both triangulation


Targets set at both triangulation

meetings PREDICTED


Targets set at both triangulation

meetings FINAL GRADE


The Target Setting Process (Undergraduate)

Undergraduate Phase 1a Lesson Observations,

2 x triangulation meetings: One at interim and one at

final stage

Undergraduate Phase 1b Lesson Observations,

2 x triangulation meetings: One at interim and one at

final stage

Undergraduate Phase 2 Lesson Observations,

2 x triangulation meetings: One at interim and one at

final stage

Trainee attends Professional Practice 1a.

Prior to the first observation, the trainee will shadow both the

EHUPT and also other good and outstanding teachers in the

school/setting to continue to raise awareness and develop best

practice based on role modelling.

Trainee will be observed teaching every week.

Following the final observation in PP1a (at the 2nd triangulation

meeting between Trainee, EHUPT/Mentor and Visiting Tutor), a

predicted grade is set, linked to the Teachers’ Standards, which

the trainee will work towards achieving by the end of PP2.

Trainee attends Professional Practice 1b.

Trainee will be observed teaching every week.

Following the final observation in PP1b (at the 2nd triangulation

meeting), the trainee’s progress towards their predicted grade is

assessed. After that, the predicted grade is confirmed linked to

the Teachers’ Standards, which the trainee will work towards

achieving by the end of their final Professional Practice. This

grade is deemed to be an accurate prediction that the trainee is

likely to achieve at the end of the programme.

Trainee attends Professional Practice 2.

Trainee will be observed teaching every week.

At the interim stage (1st triangulation meeting), progress towards

the predicted grade will be assessed and specialist

support/intervention put into place if needed.

Following the final observation in PP2 the final summative

triangulation meeting takes place. This meeting reflects

holistically on the trainee’s progress against the teaching

standards and the grades that have been awarded for all of the

observations. The outcome from this summative meeting is the

final grade that will then be recorded for the trainee and also

included on their reference for subsequent employment

Once employed, the trainee profile of grades will then form the

basis of a grade profile document which feeds into the NQT

Development and Enhancement Programme (DEP) where

observation grades will be added, indicating accuracy of EHU

partnership grading.

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Targets set at both

triangulation meetings


Targets set at triangulation

meeting Interim report written PREDICTED GRADE SET

Targets set at final triangulation




The Target Setting Process (PGCE)

Enhancement placement: Increase trainee knowledge

of SEN/D, EAL, EYFS, Behaviour

PGCE Phase 1 weekly observation, 2 joint

Observation 1x triangulation (interim)

Phase 1 continued: weekly lesson observations, 3 joint

observations and final triangulation meeting

Phase 2: weekly lesson observations, 2 joint observations and 2

triangulation meeting

Trainee attends Professional Practice Phase 1.

Trainee will be observed teaching every week.

Before Christmas an Interim review will take place. This is called a triangulation meeting. During this meeting the trainee’s progress towards their predicted grade is assessed.

After that, the predicted grade is confirmed (linked to the Teachers’ Standards), which the trainee will work towards achieving by the end of their final practice. This grade is deemed to be an accurate prediction that the trainee is likely to achieve at the end of the programme.

Trainee attends Professional Practice 2.

Trainee will be observed teaching every week.

At the interim stage (1st triangulation meeting), progress towards the predicted grade will be assessed and specialist support/intervention put into place if needed.

Following the final observation in PP2, the final summative triangulation meeting takes place. This meeting reflects holistically on the trainee’s progress against the teaching standards and the grades that have been awarded for all of the observations.

The outcome from this summative meeting is the final grade that will then be recorded against the trainee. This is included on their reference for subsequent employment

Once employed, the trainee profile of grades will then form the basis of a grade profile document which feeds into the NQT DEP where observation grades will be added, indicating accuracy of EHU partnership grading.

Note: there may be some variation regarding the Edge Hill University School Direct Professional Practice.

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Reaching a Judgment about a Trainee’s Attainment Against the Teachers’ Standards The Teachers’ Standards The Teachers’ Standards provide a benchmark of the minimum requirements for recommendation for QTS/QTLS that should be expected of trainee teachers by the end of their training through evidence provided from across all Professional Practices, trainee files, assignments and enhancement experiences. It is expected however, that all trainees exceed the minimum level (Requires Improvement) and will exceed the standards at a Good or Outstanding level by the end of their training. Within the Edge Hill University Partnership all recruited trainees have the potential to be outstanding. With the training the Edge Hill University Partnership provides, we would expect the majority of the trainees to be outstanding by the end of their training, with no trainee assessed as “requires improvement”. The Teachers’ Standards should be used formatively by those assessing trainees to help track progress with each Teaching Standard, to determine areas where additional development might be required, where an intervention needs to be in place, or to identify areas where a trainee is already exceeding the Standards beyond the minimum level. The Teachers’ Standards describe the expectations that can reasonably be expected of the trainee teacher at the point of recommendation for the award of QTS/QTLS. Trainees who meet the Teachers’ Standards at a ‘Good’ level exceed the Teachers’ Standards and provide evidence of teaching mostly good lessons across a range of contexts. Trainees who meet the Teachers’ Standards at an ‘Outstanding’ level exceed the Teachers’ Standards and provide evidence of teaching outstanding lessons and never less than consistently good across a range of different contexts. NOTE: TS 2, TS 4 and TS 5 are limiting judgements, if a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in any of these three Standards they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall, however, they could still achieve some standards at a Grade 1. Using the Teachers’ Standards throughout the programme inevitably means that some trainees are likely to attain lower grades in the early stages. It is very important that trainees and Edge Hill University Partnership Trainers are clear that this is normal at the earlier stages of training. However, this approach does provide an opportunity to map the trainee’s progress, highlight priorities for professional development, support target setting and offer the trainee a clear opportunity to reach their potential.

Guidance for Part two: Personal and Professional Conduct A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. The statements in part two of the Standards define the behaviour and attitudes that set the required standard for conduct throughout a teacher’s career. Much of the evidence for this section will be found in other Standards and evidence specific to this section will be exemplified on a day to day basis. Please note that additional evidence does not need to be collated for this Standard.

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Trainees should be evidencing Personal and Professional Conduct at an excellent level to be outstanding. Trainees should be evidencing Personal and Professional Conduct at a good level to be good.

A weekly training session

The weekly meeting that the Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer/Mentor has with their trainee is a training session which should include as a minimum:

Reading the trainees files (Consider: What might you see in their files including lesson observations they may have had that week)

Having a conversation/dialogue about the achievements of the week, as well as discuss and review targets

Observing trainee’s characteristics (What noticeable characteristics do they have which may enhance or hinder progress)

Looking at targets, including reviewing and updating

Ensuring appropriate interventions have taken place so that the trainee can address their targets

Assessment of a lesson. (This is a training session led by the EHUPT) During an observation the Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer should:

Observe the trainee’s teaching

Read through the trainee’s files

Look for pupil progress and the impact that the trainee is having on the learning

Use the Lesson Observation Form, which includes the Teachers’ Standards and complete in the following way:

1. Trainee targets should be written at the top of the Lesson Observation Form (these should be taken from the current targets the trainee is working on). These targets should be reviewed in the discussion with the trainee and any evidence of these being addressed should be captured in the review of previous targets box.

2. During the lesson observation the Edge Hill University Partnership Trainers should complete the Edge Hill University Lesson Observation Form, using the Teachers’ Standards as a guide. The Key Areas of Strength and the Key Areas for Development should contain concise comments linked directly to the Teachers Standards. To aid this process the EHUPT is encouraged to use the Edge Hill University Assessment and Grading Criteria Form to colour code the standards achieved. The main focus of the lesson is the impact that the trainee's teaching is having on the children's learning and pupil progress in the lesson.

3. Identify targets for the trainee to work towards over the coming week. The targets should be referenced to the Teachers’ Standards and both generic and subject specific targets should be identified. Guidance on how to reach these targets should be shared and discussed.

4. A grade should then be decided upon from the evidence, using the Edge Hill University Assessment and Grading Criteria Form and entered on the Lesson Observation Form.

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5. If a trainee is identified as “Inadequate” this should be indicated on the lesson proforma and the trainee's University Visiting Tutor contacted immediately so remediation can be instigated as soon as possible.

6. If a trainee is identified as “Requires Improvement”, the trainee's University Visiting Tutor should be contacted immediately so that, depending on stage of training, “Requires Improvement” Intervention Strategies can commence (Phase 1b and Phase 2 only). See page 16.

7. One copy of the Lesson Observation Form should be given to the trainee, one copy should be retained by the Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer/Mentor and the other copy to be to be given to the Visiting Tutor, so grades can be updated on the Partnership Database.

Requires Improvement Guidance

The Edge Hill University Partnership has the highest expectations of its trainees, believing that all learners deserve to be taught by teachers who are outstanding; we believe that with outstanding training and support all trainees have the capacity to achieve their full potential and be highly employable. The attainment of ‘Requires Improvement’ at the end of Professional Practice 2 indicates that a trainee’s teaching requires improvement, as it is not yet good. There will be a range of reasons for this and the Edge Hill University Partnership is committed to ensuring that excellent support is put in place for all trainees, so that they can demonstrate good and, in most cases, outstanding, teaching by the end of their training, in order that all graduates are highly employable. A clear procedure is currently in place to track the progress of all trainees, and to identify robust interventions to ensure that the significant majority of trainees complete their training as a grade 1 or 2.

If a trainee is not working at ‘Grade 1’ or ‘2’ by the end of PP2, they cannot receive an ‘Overall Grade’ and will need to repeat their Professional Practice 2 (EHU Visiting Tutor will guide you through this process). It is important to note that for each trainee that “Requires Improvement” at the end of Phase 1b or Phase 2 an individual training plan will be used to record and plan the interventions being undertaken and to agree and record the targets and next steps. Final year Undergraduates or PGCE students please note: If you are referred in a Professional Practice module or an academic module you may be required to pay further tuition fees. Please

contact the Tuition Fees Team for further guidance.

The ‘At Risk’ Procedure A trainee is deemed “at risk” if they are not achieving the minimum standard required for each Professional Practice.

Phase 1a: requires a “Pass” to progress onto Phase 1b. (This means the trainee is Requires

Improvement or better).

Phase 1b: the trainee must achieve a “Requires Improvement” or better to progress onto Phase 2.

Phase 2: the trainee must achieve a “Good” or better to complete the Professional Practice.

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Failure to achieve the minimum expectation will result in the trainee either extending their Professional Practice, or the trainee will be required to repeat the Professional Practice. We do however aim to give our trainees the maximum support to enable them to be successful in completing their Professional Practice. If a trainee is deemed to be ‘at risk’ when the interim grade is given, an enhanced level of support will become available for the trainee and for the EHUPT/mentor involved. This need must be communicated to the EHU Visiting Tutor and the Professional Practice Leader for the specific programme. We would ask that EHUPT/ mentors and/or Visiting Tutors alert the Professional Practice Leader about trainees “at risk” as soon as possible by phone or e-mail rather than solely via the interim grade report form. Please note that the EHUPT/mentor should continue to give feedback and provide support to the trainee at all stages of the process. Please contact the Professional Practice leader for further advice if required: Support for ‘at risk’ trainees will be given in relation to their individual difficulties and may include the following actions.

The trainee may be asked to meet with the Professional Practice Leader at Edge Hill University to thoroughly review the situation thoroughly and begin to formulate targets and an action plan.

The Professional Practice Leader may make a visit to the school. This visit will enable the Professional Practice Leader to gather further information from all those involved in the continuing process of support for the trainee – the EHUPT/mentor, the class teacher, the Visiting Tutor.

Following the initial assessment by the Professional Practice Leader or Visiting Tutor, the trainee will continue to be supported:

In discussion with the trainee, EHUPT/ mentor, class teacher and / or Visiting Tutor specific, time-limited targets will be set to support the trainee in meeting the expectations of the Professional Practice.

The trainee will be closely monitored by Professional Practice Leader in collaboration with the EHUPT/mentor and the class teacher

If a trainee is still unsuccessful in completing their Professional Practice then they will meet with the Professional Practice Leader in order to review the situation.

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Interim Assessment Form The Interim Assessment Form is an assessment that should reflect the current position of the trainee mid-placement. A target grade should also be set for the end of Professional Practice Phase 2. This form should be completed in conjunction with the Visiting Tutor, usually during visit 2. Each Teacher Standard on the Edge Hill University Assessment and Grading Criteria Form should be considered beginning with the Requires Improvement, to ensure that every trainee is at least meeting the standards at the minimum level. You should then move up the grades using the evidence to see the 'best fit' grade for the trainee's achievement of that Teacher Standard. A grade for that Teacher standard will then be agreed when there is enough evidence that a trainee has good coverage of the Teacher standard. Upon completion of the Interim Assessment Form, a copy should be given to the trainee, a copy retained by the EHUPT and a copy given to the Visiting Tutor. The interim grade should be imported onto the Partnership Database or emailed, within 24 hours, to the Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer to [email protected]

End of Professional Practice Report Form. The grading process is a triangulation meeting between trainee, Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer/Mentor and the Visiting Tutor and the grades should be agreed during the meeting. Each standard should be graded and an overall grade allocated through discussion with the EHUPT/mentor, class teacher (if required), trainee and Visiting Tutor. NOTE: TS 2, TS 4 and TS 5 are limiting judgements, if a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in any of these three standards they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall, however, they could still achieve some standards at a Grade 1. For every Teacher Standard there should be an agreed grade based on a 'best fit'; that is the majority of the characteristics for that Teacher Standard are being evidenced at that particular level. Edge Hill University Partnership Trainers should complete the End of Professional Practice Report Form indicating the Final overall grade for the trainee. Upon completion of the form, a copy should be given to the trainee, a second copy retained by the EHUPT a third copy retained by the Visiting Tutor so they can ensure the final grade it uploaded on to the Partnership Database. A copy should also be emailed, within 24 hours, by the Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer to [email protected] or posted to Primary Professional Support Team, Edge Hill University, Faculty of Education, Room G12, St. Helen’s Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 4QP. This report will be given to the trainee’s employer once they start their first teaching post so please ensure that it is completed in a professional way and that it is a useful summary of the trainee’s competencies. In Phase 2: The End of Professional Practice Report should only be completed when the trainee has reached a “Good” or “Outstanding” level in their teaching.

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Personal and Professional Development Personal Professional Development (PPD) is the foundation of all that we as a Partnership do with trainees, both in University and with you as school-based trainers. The PPD element of the curriculum is academically assessed through written assignments, alongside the portfolio aspects of curriculum subjects and school based Professional Practices. The following information sets out what the trainees learn before each Professional Practice in University and what they need to learn in school whist on Professional Practice from their EHUPT/Mentor and Class Teacher.

However, please use this flexibly depending on the context of your school and the particular targets you have identified for your trainee.

Professional Practice Phase 1A









EHU training has provided: Expectations of School based training:


Expectations of a trainee teacher

Expectations of a trainee teacher in the classroom and school time management school and class routines contextual analysis


Effective professional relationships focusing on role of support staff

Working as part of a team – understand the role of TAs and other adults in the classroom

T8 Safeguarding – an initial


Share policies and procedures

T3, T4, T5,

Introduction to the role of the National Curriculum (including spiral learning) and an overview of the planning process – trainees will have experienced how to annotate short term plans to inform learning experiences for small groups.

Give a working overview of the planning process Share planning documents with trainees Give trainees practical opportunities to see the planning /

teaching process in action Give trainees opportunities to follow teacher’s plans to work

with small groups

T6, T7

How to observe in the classroom

Provide opportunities for focused observations of a range of experienced professionals across subject areas and also of children in a variety of contexts

T1, T2, T4, T6

Introduction to classroom terminology and AfL

Give a clear explanation of classroom acronyms (i.e. LO etc.). Share any AfL strategies used in your classroom

T5, T7 Introduction to possible

barriers to learning Share class information and strategies used to meet the needs of

all children (including unseen children, EAL, SEN/D, G&T, ethnic minority, etc)

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Professional Practice Phase 1B

Teachers’ Standards: EHU training has provided: Expectations of School based training:

Consolidation of everything in Phase 1a and ….

Consolidation of everything in Phase 1a and ….

T1, T2. T3, T4

Curriculum: Understand how to make

learning motivating and engaging (including P4C, LOtC, (not part time UG trainees) Mantle of the Expert, TASC wheel, de Bono)

Medium term planning

Give trainees opportunities to explore a range of teaching and learning strategies. Share examples of effective medium term planning and model how these inform short term plans

T2, T4, T5 Learning theories – trainees

will have an understanding of how theory links to practice

Have the opportunity to identify specific examples of how learning theories link to actual practice in the classroom, and begin to apply this in their own planning and teaching

T1, T7, T8

The importance of a positive teacher / pupil relationship, including an awareness of more complex behaviours and management of these

Allow trainees access to class and school reward and sanction systems and policies. Where appropriate to develop their own systems of classroom management


Effective professional relationships focusing on role of support staff and parents

Give the opportunity (if appropriate) for trainees to attend a parents’ evening.

Share systems of communicating with parents with trainees – e.g. letters home, reports, etc.

T1, T2, T5 An introduction to Individual

Education Plans

Share examples of IEPs with trainees and how these work in practice

T2, T6 An overview of summative

and formative assessment

Demonstrate how formative and summative assessment is used in class and in school in relation to pupil progress


Effective use of learning time (including independent learning, homework, guided group work etc.)

Share timetables with trainees, enable them to observe effective teaching strategies. View examples of effective homework and how this links with class learning

T8 Safeguarding – to know how

professionals work together

Share policies and procedures

Professional Practice Phase 2

Teachers’ Standards: EHU training has provided: Expectations of School based training:

Consolidation of everything in Phase 1a and 1b and ….

Consolidation of everything in Phase 1a and 1b and ….

T2, T6

The wider role of the teacher, including accountability with regard to pupil progress – SATs, OFSTED, individual progress and attainment

Share school and class policies and procedures with regard to assessment, inspections and classroom observations and performance management

T1, T2, T5

An understanding of how to inspire and motivate all children in a diverse classroom

Give trainees opportunities to explore and use a range of teaching and learning strategies to motivate and include all children

T8 Reporting pupil progress to a

range of audiences

Give trainees opportunities to celebrate children’s achievements through activities such as report writing, school assemblies, notes home to parents, parents’ evenings, etc.

T1, T8

Employability: Writing letters of

application Interviewing techniques Observation lessons

Support trainees as appropriate with their job applications (e.g. reading letters and ideas for teaching)

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Key Priority Checklists Whilst in school, trainees will continue to receive training in relation to both their subject knowledge and their pedagogical skills linked to the following National Priorities. Many of the National Priorities will be addressed through the Enhancement Placement, however trainees should track these priorities and alert their EHUPT if they need extra support or experience with a priority area.

Teaching pupils with SEN/D

Teaching Systematic Synthetic Phonics


Behaviour and Discipline

Teaching pupils with English as an additional language


In order to support trainees and Edge Hill University Partnership Trainers in identifying areas for development, school partners have helped us to map the progression that needs to take place in order for Primary trainees to be well-prepared to embark upon their first teaching posts. Please use this to shape self-assessment, reflective discussions, to track progress and to identify next steps. To further support trainers, specific training has been linked to the relevant Professional Practice. However, please use this flexibly depending on the context of your school and the particular targets you have identified for your trainee.

Teaching pupils with SEN/D

Professional Practice Phase 1A

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

The role of the class teacher in relation to managing SEN/D.

How the needs of learners with SEN/D are addressed.

How SEN is managed within the school setting.

The roles of responsibilities of other adults in relation to SEN/D.

The roles of external staff / agencies in the SEN process.

Observing children with a range of SEN/D and being supported in reflecting how learning is presented at their developmental (rather than chronological age).

Professional Practice Phase 1B

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

The role of the SENCO in relation to managing SEN/D and supporting teachers and


How differentiation and inclusion are effectively managed in the classroom.

How planning is organised to cater for children with SEN/D.

Professional Practice Phase 2

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

How planning consistently addresses the needs of children with SEN/D.

How the needs of all learners can be consistently addressed in an inclusive way.

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Phonics Professional Practice Phase 1A

Trainers to provide school based training on the following Comments / update

An induction focussing on the structure of the programme and materials used in teaching

and assessing systematic synthetic phonics including phonically decodable texts and

reading schemes.

Opportunities to observe quality systematic phonics teaching at KS1.

Opportunities to plan, teach and assess a sequence of 3 phonics sessions with a small

group of children.

Professional Practice Phase 1B

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

An induction focussing on the structure of the programme and materials used in teaching

and assessing systematic synthetic phonics including phonically decodable texts and

reading schemes.

An opportunity to observe a systematic synthetic phonics session in KS1 and then, with

the support of the class teacher, plan and deliver a sequence of 3 phonics sessions with

the group of children observed. One of these sessions to be observed and graded using

the systematic synthetic phonics observation prompt to give the trainee subject specific

feedback leading to specific target setting for phonics. This is to happen in KS1 even if the

trainee is placed in KS2.

Professional Practice Phase 2

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

An induction focussing on the structure of the programme and materials used in teaching

and assessing systematic synthetic phonics including phonically decodable texts and

reading schemes.

Opportunities to observe high quality phonics teaching across the school.

Opportunities for trainees to ensure they have successfully taught phonics and spelling at

all phases across their school placements according to individual trainees’ professional

development needs.

Mathematics Professional Practice Phase 1A

Trainers to provide school based training on the following Comments / update

Observation of the teaching of mathematics in their base class and across the school/setting with a specific focus on calculation.

How mathematics is planned for in their base class with a focus on differentiation.

Discuss school progression documents and planning overviews for mathematics (with either Mathematics Subject Leader or Class Teacher).

The resources that are available to support the teaching and learning in mathematics.

Professional Practice Phase 1B

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

Observe the teaching of mathematics in their base class and across the school/setting with a specific focus on addressing errors and misconceptions and effective mathematical questioning.

How mathematics is planned for in their base class with a focus on differentiation.

How to utilise support staff in mathematics lessons.

Discuss school progression documents and planning overviews for mathematics (with either Mathematics Subject Leader or Class Teacher).

Teach mathematics with a specific focus on calculation in another classroom.

Professional Practice Phase 2

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

Observe the teaching of mathematics in their base class and across the school/setting with a focus on problem solving, enquiry and/or mathematical reasoning.

How mathematics planning in their base class with a focus on differentiation.

Discuss school progression documents and planning overviews for mathematics (with either Mathematics Subject Leader or Class Teacher).

Teach mathematics with a specific focus of problem solving and mathematical reasoning.

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Professional Practice Phase 1A

Trainers to provide school based training on the following Comments / update

The school behaviour policy and how it is applied.

The use of sanctions and rewards.

How transitions, routines and relationships are managed in the school and classroom and how these impact on behaviour.

How effective teacher-pupil relationships impact on behaviour.

To develop profiles of individual children which provide the trainee with opportunities to

consider why the child exhibits certain behaviour.

Professional Practice Phase 1B

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

Observations of teachers in other key stages with a specific focus on behaviour


How their teaching, learning and relationships impact on behaviour.

Professional Practice Phase 2

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

Developing their own behaviour approaches and effectively implementing these in the


Trainees should receive specific feedback (and targets if appropriate) in relation to their behaviour management through planned observations.

English as an Additional Language

Professional Practice Phase 1A

Trainers to provide school based training on the following Comments / update

The schools’ policy on pupils who are newly arrived in the school and have English as an

Additional language (EAL).

The role of the class teacher and teaching assistants in supporting a pupil with EAL.

How to support a newly arrived pupil who has little or no English.

Professional Practice Phase 1B

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

The schools’ policy on pupils who are newly arrived in the school and have English as an

Additional language (EAL).

The role of the class teacher and teaching assistants in supporting a pupil with EAL.

How to support a newly arrived pupil who has little or no English.

Roles and responsibilities of external staff and organisations (EMASS and NALDIC) that

support EAL pupils.

Professional Practice Phase 2

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

The schools’ policy on pupils who are newly arrived in the school and have English as an

Additional language (EAL).

Assessment of all EAL learners.

How to work with parents to support an EAL pupil.

Differentiation of class activities, the classroom environment, staff and planning for EAL


Adapting planning to support all EAL pupils no matter what level of language acquisition

they have.

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Professional Practice Phase 1A

Trainers to provide school based training on the following Comments / update

How formative assessment is organised.

Record keeping systems.

How assessment information is used in planning.

How assessment is planned for.

The ways in which learners are assessed.

Professional Practice Phase 1B

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

Formative and summative assessment is organised.

Pupil Profiling.

The effective use of additional adults in the assessment process.

Planning for assessment through medium term planning.

How the achievement of individuals and groups is used within subsequent planning.

Professional Practice Phase 2

Trainers to provide school based training on the following, Comments / update

Assessment of children’s learning within the curriculum.

Reporting to parents (written and verbal).

The consistent application of assessment for learning.

The consistent use of effective record keeping.

Planning and Assessment Within University based sessions and other Professional Practices trainees will develop their knowledge and understanding of how to plan effectively and assess for pupil progress. During the Professional Practice, your trainee will need careful induction into how your school undertakes these processes. During any Professional Practice it is permissible and advisable for a trainee to use the planning structures and proformas within school. However, the generic short and medium term planning exemplars included on the Partnership Website may be adopted during a Professional Practice. All trainees should complete a lesson evaluation proforma for every lesson they plan and deliver. The reflections from these should help the Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer in school and the trainee to set relevant targets.

Additionally, during your trainee’s time with you they will observe a range of outstanding teachers in different classes. It is crucial that trainees capture this information and are supported in reflecting how this practice can impact on their continued development. This is a very challenging skill for trainee teachers who may need support in this process.

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Trainee absence from School Trainees who unavoidably miss occasional Professional Practice days will be required to give full and prompt explanations to the school/setting and to Edge Hill University. Where absences are repeated, the Edge Hill University Partnership Trainer or Visiting Tutor may ask trainees for documentary evidence of the reasons for absence. If you are absent for unavoidable reasons, you should:

Notify the school before 8.45 of the reason for and expected duration of any unscheduled absence.

Notify Edge Hill University on [email protected] or 01695 584399 Make up any missed teaching and observations when you return to school, at the expense

of Self-Managed Time.

Health and Safety The following statement is taken from cross-Faculty Health and Safety documentation. University refers to Edge Hill and student to trainee teacher. The University and you as a Professional Practice provider have a duty of care towards the student whilst on the Professional Practice. In order to fulfill this duty of care the University will:-

Prepare the student for the Professional Practice and ensure they are aware of general health and safety aspects. However, this is of a general nature and does not include the specific information needed for any particular job of workplace.

Give the student an opportunity to feed back to the University on any problems experienced with regard to health and safety whilst on Professional Practice and

Respond to any negative feedback received from students in relation to health and safety practices during Professional Practices by informing the Professional Practice provider.

During the Professional Practice, we would expect our student to prove to be an effective, safe and reliable individual. However, you will appreciate that during this period the student is under your control and therefore the statutory duty of care and consequent liabilities rest with yourself. As the students’ Professional Practice provider the University expects you to treat them in the same way as your employees with regards to their health, safety and welfare. It is therefore the University’s expectation that as Professional Practice provider you will:

Provide the student with information on the workplace health and safety arrangements, including fire precautions, specific hazards and health and safety precautions.

Include the student in the risk assessment programme as it affects activities undertaken by them.

Provide appropriate instruction and training in working practices and in the particular control measures identified in the risk assessments.

Provide ongoing supervision and training for the student in the performance of their duties. Have a system of recording and investigating accidents and incidents. We would ask that

you notify the University of accidents and incidents involving the student that you are made aware of.

Please complete the Health and Safety checklist

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Faculty of Education Partnership Health and Safety Checklist

I confirm that Edge Hill Trainees are briefed on the following Health and Safety procedures within:

Name of School / Setting………………………………………………………………….. General Safety: Information on:

Host organisation’s health and safety policies

Procedures and risk assessments for activities e.g. lone working

Organisation’s codes of conduct / behaviour Arrangements:

Whereabouts of welfare facilities e.g. W/C’s, rest areas etc.

Point of contact for health and safety matters

Will Edge Hill staff / students be expected to participate in any of the host organisation’s forums i.e. health and safety meetings?

Fire Safety: Information on:

What to do if you discover a fire

What to do if the fire alarm sounds

When weekly fire alarm testing takes place

Procedure for reporting fire hazards e.g. storage of combustible materials, obstructed fire routes / doors etc.

Whether a No Smoking Policy in operation Accident Reporting: Information on:

What to do if you have an accident

How to summon first aid assistance

How to report an incident / accident Safe use of materials and equipment: If required are instructions in place for the use of:

Harmful substances e.g. chemicals

Safety or specialist equipment e.g. electrical appliances

Housekeeping and hygiene standards

Working practices

Lifting, moving and / or transporting of loads

The use of transporting an /or lifting equipment Are risk assessments in place for all the above activities? If so where can these be found and can samples be provided? Signature of confirmation…………………………………………Role/title……………………………….

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The University assumes that you will have Employer Liability and Public Liability insurance in place for the period of the Professional Practice and that these will apply to a Professional Practice student as they would to any other member of your staff. If this is not the case, or if this creates any problems or questions, please let us know at the earliest possible date on 01695 584056 and ask to speak to Carl Gibson. Promotion of Racial Equality As a provider of ITT we are aware of our duty to promote race equality. To do this we are proactive in eliminating unlawful discrimination, promoting equality of opportunity and promoting good race relations between people of different racial groups. Further details of Edge Hill’s Race Equality Policy can be accessed at Trainees on school/setting Professional Practices must follow race equality practices in accordance with Edge Hill University and school/setting Race Equality Policies.

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Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Formally the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and ISA (Independent Safeguarding Authority).

The Faculty of Education at Edge Hill University ensures that all entrants have been subject to a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) / Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) enhanced disclosure check and/or any other appropriate background check.

Edge Hill University is responsible for checking that we do not admit candidates to ITT who are unsuited to work with children. Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Children’s Barred list checks are an essential safeguard. Therefore schools/colleges/settings can be assured that Edge Hill University have confirmed that the trainee is suitable to work with children.

Edge Hill University has asked applicants to declare convictions or anything else that might relate to their suitability at the outset of their programme. During their training, trainees must also declare anything that might deem them unsuitable to teach, including any conviction. Should a trainee withhold such information, Edge Hill may consider termination of the training.

In relation to a DBS clearance, the University and Faculty are subject to regular audit of our procedures from the Teaching Agency (TA), Ofsted and the DBS itself. Edge Hill University will only allow a trainee to undertake a Professional Practice if they have received an enhanced DBS clearance.

To summarise our position:

• All new entrants must submit a completed DBS enhanced disclosure application form and are given clear deadlines by which to complete these

• If they do not submit the forms, they cannot fully enrol

• All returning trainees will have been cleared previously and their disclosures last the length of their programme, even if the programme lasts longer than three years

• Trainees who return to University study after a period of 3 months or more are required to undergo an additional DBS Enhanced Disclosure check in order to become fully-enrolled and to be able to go out into a school/college/setting

• Trainee teachers would not normally be subject to more than one DBS / CRB check during the course of their programmes, even when these extend beyond three years, and Edge Hill University will refuse requests for such repeat disclosures unless a trainee gives cause for concern. Edge Hill University will not make additional checks in respect of separate schools/colleges/settings

• Edge Hill University ensures that all entrants have been subject to a DBS / CRB enhanced check, and keep records showing that a certificate has been obtained for every trainee

• Systems are in place to ensure that a trainee does not start their Professional Practice in a school/college/setting without an enhanced DBS / CRB disclosure clearance

• If a trainee has been allocated a school/college/setting and their DBS disclosure is pending, the school/college/setting is informed of this in writing and advised that the university will be in further contact once the DBS has been received. Exceptionally, a trainee may be allowed to participate in the Professional Practice induction, without a current enhanced DBS clearance. In such cases, Edge Hill University will contact the school/college/setting and agree a short-term strategy

• If a caution or conviction is itemised on an enhanced disclosure certificate, Edge Hill University’s policy is to interview all such prospective trainees, irrespective of the nature of the offence. A Faculty of Education panel of senior managers will establish if a particular offence could prevent someone from working with children and discuss the professional implications and standards with the prospective trainee. If the panel feels that a particular offence could stop an individual from entering teaching, the case is referred to the Safeguarding Children’s Unit at the DFE. They will investigate further and make a ruling on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education

• Edge Hill will not allow schools/colleges/settings to have access to completed CRB returns or to

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any information, including any Additional Information, contained in a trainee’s disclosure. It is an offence under the 1997 Police Act, and a breach of the CRB Code of Practice, for Edge Hill University to share any disclosure information with any person who is not a member, officer or employee of the Registered Body; this includes even revealing the existence of any information

• Schools/colleges/settings should not demand from providers or trainees access to information to which they have no legal right or entitlement, and Edge Hill will not breach the CRB Code of Practice in order to comply with such a demand: either directly, by providing the information, or indirectly, by implicating those trainees about whom the information is not provided

• Edge Hill University will confirm to schools/ colleges/settings that all trainees’ DBS / CRB check has been completed and they are deemed suitable to work with children. Schools/colleges/settings will wish to retain this evidence in their single central record

Edge Hill University (Associate) Tutors Edge Hill University Tutors who have only occasional contact with pupils and are not left unsupervised with children, do not require DBS / CRB clearance, provided they are at all times in the company of individuals that have been cleared. However, to make our policy even more robust, when visiting a Partner school/college/setting, Edge Hill University staff carry written confirmation from our Human Resources department that they have a current CRB, as well as photographic identification.

Pregnancy Statement

Disclosure of pregnancy is at the trainee’s discretion, but in the interests of health and safety we strongly advise trainees to make this known to their tutor or other appropriate member of University staff. On occasion, a trainee will discover that she is pregnant mid-practice and inform her mentor or teacher. If this happens, please ask the trainee to contact her University tutor. Alternatively, ask her permission to contact the University. We will then organise risk assessment procedures and other appropriate steps to support the trainee and partner institution.

Trainees are required to follow the school policy regarding Safeguarding: please ensure trainees are familiar with such policies and procedures.

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Additional Documents and Forms Report Forms

Interim Assessment Form

End of Professional Practice Report Form

Reaching a Judgement

Assessment and Grading Criteria

EHU CEDP – Career Entry and Development Profile.

Lesson Planning and Evaluation Proforma

All the documents listed above can be accessed via the hyperlink below.

If you have any queries regarding any of the information in the handbook please contact: Assistant Head of Area (Primary Partnership) Eleanor Davidson [email protected] or 01695 584434 Thank you!

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