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Pride Lands: The EcosystemBy Taylor Harper , Nikki Dekker, and

Sabrina Thompson

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Once upon a time in the pride lands…“Simba, do you know what an ecosystem is?” says Mufasa.

Simba responds, “No dad what is that?”

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“An ecosystem is all of the organisms living in a region including all of the abiotic, which means nonliving, and biotic, meaning living, factors that they interact with”

Mufasa explains.“So what’s that all mean dad?” Simba replies confused.

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“That means that life is like a big energy flow” says Mufasa.“What’s an energy flow?” Simba says still puzzled by all the

big words.

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“It means the grass, which is a producer, are eaten by the antelope, which are primary consumers. Then we eat the

antelope which makes us secondary consumers” Mufasa states wisely.

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“Then when we die we decompose into the grass and soil for the antelope to eat us, it’s the circle of life”

Mufasa explains.

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“But I thought we were the kings of the jungle and no one can eat us, right?” Simba asks.

“That is true son but in order for decomposers to live they need to take in our energy in by an energy transfer” Mufasa says.

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“So what are decomposers and energy transfers?” Simba asks.“Decomposers are bacteria or fungi that consume dead organic matter. By doing so they are able to take in the energy from our

bodies and use it to benefit them ” states Mufasa.

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“Then how does everything else in the pride lands get energy” asks Simba.

“That’s a good question son, the ultimate energy source for the entire ecosystem is the sun” Mufasa goes on.

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“ You see Simba, the sun makes the plants able to undergo the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration which is

how they make food to survive and makes them breath” Mufasa says.

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“Then the antelope eat the plants which in essence transfers the energy from the plant to the antelope. See son, the plants are helping the antelope to survive” says Mufasa.

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“Then when we hunt the antelope and eat them, we are receiving their energy which help us to survive. It

is like a giant food web” says Mufasa.

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“Wow dad that does make sense how we are all intertwined in a big stable community that is able to live on because we are all connected somehow” says Simba.

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Years later…

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“Kiara, when I was your age my father taught me about ecosystems, do you know what an ecosystem in

a population is?” Simba asks.

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“Not at all but I have hear you and mom talking about ecosystems and how they contain producers and

consumers that help a food web to live on” says Kiara.

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“That is very true Kiara producers which are plants are organisms that can transfer energy from the sun to chemical energy to make their own food” states Timon

“And consumers are animals and organisms that get energy and matter by eating living things” Pumba adds.

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Timon and Pumba

“Which makes me and Timon secondary consumers because we eat the bugs that eat the plants, I enjoy the squishy bugs they are very juicy” says Pumba.

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“And since we are able to function as a stable ecosystem we should have no worries, Hakuna

Matata, what a wonderful phrase” exclaims Timon.

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