Page 1: Press Release - Final€¦ · RIGHTLIVELIHOODAWARDFOUNDATION:!! Founded in% 1980,% the Right Livelihood Awards are presented annually in% the Swedish Parliamentandareoftenreferredtoas



From  3rd  to  6th  March,  20  Laureates  of  the  Right  Livelihood  Award,  often  referred  to  as  the  “Alternative  Nobel  Prize”,  will  gather  in  Mumbai.  This  is  the  first  conference  of  Asia-­‐Pacific  Laureates  since  the  inception  of  the  prestigious  Award  in  1980.    

During   the   landmark  event,  which  will  be  hosted  by  the  Centre   for  Livelihoods  &  Social  Innovation  at  TISS,  Mumbai,  Laureates  will  share  solutions  to  the  greatest  challenges  faced  by   the   Asia-­‐Pacific   region   today.   They   will   discuss   their   struggles,   experiences,   and  knowledge  with  students  and  researchers  at  TISS,  with  Indian  civil  society  organisations,  and  with  the  broader  Indian  public.    

The  4-­‐day  conference  is  a  golden  opportunity  for  students,  Mumbaikars,  and  journalists  to  interact  with  some  of  the  most  creative  and  influential  minds  from  the  Asia-­‐Pacific  region.    

The  20  Laureates  attending  the  special  event  represent  11  countries:  India,  China,  Malaysia,  Japan,  Thailand,  Sri  Lanka,  Indonesia,  South  Korea,  Nepal,  Afghanistan,  and  New  Zealand.  

Apart  from  eight  Laureates  from  India,  the  event  will  convene  several  international  guests.  For  instance,  Huang  Ming  from  China,  one  of  the  world’s  most  successful  solar  entrepreneurs,  will  be  in  attendance,  as  will  Sima  Samar,  eminent  human  rights  advocate  from  Afghanistan,  and  Sulak  Sivaraksa,  veteran  social  and  Buddhist  activist  from  Thailand.    

Journalists   will   have   the   unique   opportunity   to   interview   internationally   renowned  experts,   scientists,   entrepreneurs,   and   activists   in   the   fields   of   human   rights,  environment,  consumer  protection,  renewable  energy,  and  social  justice.    


For  more  information  visit:  


For  interview  &  media  requests,  contact:    

Ansh  Sahai  (+91)  9819224563,  [email protected]  

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Venue:  Library  Conference  Hall,  Main  Campus,  Tata  Institute  of  Social  Sciences,  Mumbai  


Programme  Overview:  

3rd  March:  Laureates  will  partake  in  closed-­‐door  deliberations.    

4th  March:   Laureates   will   visit   civil   society   groups   in  Mumbai   for   a   dialogue   on   common  challenges   in   the   fields   of   peace,   sustainable   energy,   human   rights,   gender   justice,   and   the  environment,  discussing  ways  to  overcome  these  challenges.  Laureate  Huang  Ming  will  also  be   introducing   the   Micro-­‐Emission   Earth   Plan   and   a   new   Solar   Cooker   in   a   dedicated  interaction  with  journalists  and  representatives  of  the  media.    

5th   March:   Select   Laureates   will   participate   in   a   public   panel   discussion   on   the   topic  "Transforming   Livelihood:   Creating   an   Enabling   Environment   for   Civil   Society   in   the  Asia-­‐Pacific".   Key   Indian   government   officials,   policymakers,   diplomats,   and   civil   society  activists  have  been  invited  to  this  public  event,  which  will   take  place   from  11am  to  1pm  at  the  Library  Conference  Hall,  Main  Campus,  TISS.   In   the  afternoon,  Laureates  will  engage   in  public  thematic  seminars  with  TISS  faculty  and  students.    

6th  March:  Concluding  discussions.    


List  of  Attending  Laureates:    

• PIDA,  represented  by  Susil  Sirivardana,  Sri  Lanka  (1982  Laureate)  • Lokayan,  represented  by  Vijay  Pratap  &  Ovais  Sultan  Khan,  India  (1985  Laureate)    • Ladakh  Ecological  Development,  rep.  by  Lobzang  Tsultim,  India  (1986  Laureate)  • Seikatsu  Club  Consumers'  Coop.,  rep.  by  R.  Shimizu  et  al.,  Japan  (1989  Laureate)    • Medha  Patkar,  Narmada  Bachao  Andolan,  India  (1991  Laureate)    • Hannumappa  R.  Sudarshan/VGKK,  India  (1994  Laureate)  • Sulak  Sivaraksa,  Thailand  (1995  Laureate)  • KSSP,  rep.  by  Professor  P.K.  Raveendran,  India  (1996  Laureate)  • IBFAN  Asia/BPNI,  rep.  by  Dr.  Arun  Gupta  (1998  Laureate)  • Suciwati,  widow  of  Munir,  Indonesia  (2000  Laureate)    • CCEJ,  rep.  by  Hogyun  Kim,  South  Korea  (2003  Laureate)  • Irfan  Engineer,  son  of  Asghar  Ali  Engineer,  India  (2004  Laureate)  • Swami  Agnivesh,  India  (2004  Laureate)    • TENAGANITA,  rep.  by  Glorene  A.  Das,  Malaysia  (2005  Laureate)    • Ruth  Manorama,  India  (2006  Laureate)    • Alyn  Ware,  New  Zealand  (2009  Laureate)  • Shrikrishna  Upadhyay/SAPPROS,  Nepal  (2010  Laureate)    • Huang  Ming,  China  (2011  Laureate)  • Sima  Samar,  Afghanistan  (2012  Laureate)  • Basil  Fernando,  AHRC,  Hong  Kong  (2014  Laureate)    

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Founded   in   1980,   the   Right   Livelihood   Awards   are   presented   annually   in   the   Swedish  Parliament  and  are  often  referred  to  as  “Alternative  Nobel  Prizes”.  They  were  introduced  “to  honour   and   support   those   offering   practical   and   exemplary   answers   to   the   most   urgent  challenges   facing   us   today”.   Jakob   von   Uexkull,   a   Swedish-­‐German,   provided   the   original  funding.  Since  then  the  Awards  have  been  financed  by  individual  donors.  There  are  now  158  Right  Livelihood  Award  Recipients  from  65  countries.  (    



The  Right  Livelihood  College  (RLC),  with  7  campuses  around  the  globe,  is  a  capacity  building  initiative  of   the  Right   Livelihood  Award  Foundation.   Since   its   inception   in  2009,   it   aims   to  harness  and  spread  the  knowledge  and  experience  of  Right  Livelihood  Award  Laureates.  The  7th  RLC  Campus  was  inaugurated  on  18th  August  2014  in  Mumbai.  It  is  hosted  by  the  Centre  for  Livelihoods  and  Social  Innovation  (CLSI)  at  the  School  of  Social  Work,  TISS.  It  is  the  first  and   only   RLC   Campus   in   South   Asia.   The   RLC   Campus   at   TISS   provides   a   learning-­‐cum-­‐innovation   platform   to   create   synergies   between   the   Centre's   research,   teaching,   policy  engagement,  and  praxis  &  the  work  of  Laureates  in  the  fields  of  livelihoods,  social  innovation,  social  justice,  rights,  &  empowerment.  (    



This  is  the  third  in  a  series  of  Regional  Conferences  organised  by  the  Right  Livelihood  Award  Foundation  and  funded  by  Church  of  Sweden,  following  successful  recent  meetings  in  Bogota,  Colombia  (2013)  and  Cairo,  Egypt  (2014).  The  conference  is  being  hosted  at  Tata  Institute  of  Social  Sciences  (TISS),  the  Right  Livelihood  College's  South  Asian  campus.  




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