
How to grow and think a faith-based millionaire….

Presented by Jay Peroni, CFP®

Why Faith-Based Investor?

15 years of financial services experience as a financial advisor

Author of two books The Faith-Based Millionaire and The Faith-Based Investor and 3 e-books.

An expert authority on the subject of "Faith-Based Investing.

Featured on Crosswalk,, ABC News, ChristianPF, Master Your Money, Morning Show FamilyNet, and a host of other notable media.

Master of Science in personal financial planning

A Certified Financial Planner professional (CFP)

A Qualified Kingdom Advisor from Kingdom Advisors

Founder of

Jay Peroni, CFP®Chief Investment Officer

Do you think like a


How many of these mistakes have you made?Have little to no savings?

Lost money in the stock market?

Lost money in the real estate market?

Don’t know if you’ll ever be able to retire?

Have too much in debt?

The key is to change the way you think about money…

4 Solutions for 2011: Why Rethink Wealth VIP?




4. Do a BETTER JOB MANAGING what we already have.

What is Rethink Wealth VIP?

Education and training. Ebooks, webinars, audio, video, and more…

Newsletter outlining investment solutions…

Personal coaching to help you implement strategies…

“Dedicated to helping you rethink about wealth so you can win at the money game!”

Why aren’t you dead yet?

“The Noticer” by Andy Andrews:

Six points to Willow, a

seventy-six year old lady, who

had given up hope that she

had anything left to

contribute. (See chapter 6, pp.


1. God has a purpose for each person

2. You won’t die until that purpose is fulfilled

3. If you are still alive, you haven’t completed what you were put on

earth to do.

4. If you haven’t completed what you

were put on earth to do, your very purpose hasn’t

been fulfilled.

5. If your purpose hasn’t been fulfilled, then the most important part of your life is still ahead.

6. You have yet to make your most important



Four Ways God Will Not Use Money in Your Life


God doesn’t use money to:

1) To cause fear and anxiety in your life.

2) To divide spouses, family, or friends.

3) To insulate you from problems.

4) To raise your standard of living or to look down upon others.

World’s way versus God’s Way

The Worldly Purposes for Money

1. Buy whatever we want: Toys, toys, and toys!

2. Use it to measure our success over others.

3. Find security.

4. Gain independence - get out from under authority.

5. Simple acquisition - get as much as possible.

God' Purposes for Money

1. Provide for our needs.2. Confirm direction to your life. 3. Fellowship to bring Christians together. 4. Demonstrating supernatural power. 5. Used for the Three T’s: Tool, Test, Testimony

4 Bad Habits that lead to ruin

BAD HABIT #1: Discontentment

BAD HABIT #2: No Budget/ No Plan

BAD HABIT #3: Failure to understand basic economics

BAD HABIT #4: Too much debtBad habits destroy wealth!

What does wealth mean to you?

Is the world corrupting your thoughts?

“Money is the root of all evil.”

“God helps those who help themselves.”

“Being poor brings me closer to God”

“Riches provide evidence for God’s blessing.”

“Problems are the evidence of sin in your life”

None of these are BIBLICAL…

Four foundational beliefs

These are four common beliefs after interviewing over 100 faith-based millionaires

1. God Created Everything

3. We Are God’s Trustees

2. God Owns Everything!

To become a millionaire you MUST think like one!Are you a:

1. Passionate Income Earner –doing what you love

2.Generous Giver – using God’s money to bless others

3. Wise Investor – carefully multiplying the wealth entrusted to you

4.Cautious Debtor - committing to only use debt as a last resort

5.Prudent Spender – spending only on things in line with your values

It’s tough to be proficient in all 5 areas without a team. Who’s on your team?

To become a millionaire focus on these 5 characteristics…

In 1960, a man named Srully Blotnickbegan a study of 1,500 people over 20 years. After 20 years 1,057 remained,

83 were millionaires. Top 5 Characteristics:

1. Persistence

2. Patience

3. Willing to handle both the “nobler and the pettier” jobs

4. Noncompetitive attitude towards co-workers

5. Investment activities aside from their main career—consumed a minimum of their time and attention.

These five go a long way!

AREA ONE: Passionate Income


Changes for 2011: Become a Passionate Income Earner LIVE with PURPOSE!



Solve problems for profit… Bigger problems = bigger pay!

CHANGE your THOUGHTS This changes your actions which changes your results…


Help Others

No cap on income

Get rid of negativity

Keep your values central

Money is simple yet 80% struggle

1. Take responsibility!

2. Don’t complain, do! something about it!

3. Invest in your financial education.

4. Know your purpose and develop the passion to get



ignore its power

Think like a millionaire…

Money is simple yet 80% struggle

6. Study and associate with those who are already


7. Give more of yourself –time, talent, and treasure

8. Develop multiple income streams.

9. Create a business around what you love to do

10. Be a leaderThink like a millionaire…

How many income streams do you have?

Many run on two cylinders:

1. Earn wages

2. Save money

What if you sent your money off to


Could you reach your goals faster?

Multiple Income Streams





How many income streams do you have?

Many run on two cylinders:

1. Earn wages

2. Save money

What if you sent your money off to


Could you reach your goals faster?

Are you making the world a better place?

AREA TWO: Generous Giver

Changes for 2011: Become a Generous Giver

Faith-Based Millionaires:

Give, give, and then give some more…

Give with a joyful heart and not out of guilt or


Use all the tools at their disposal to maximize gifts while alive and at death…

Enjoy tax benefits but don’t give just for that


God loves a joyful giver!

Are you saving for financial freedom?

AREA THREE: Wise Investor

Changes for 2011: Become a wise investor

1. Where is your money going and what values are you supporting?

2. How much risk are you taking?

3. Is your money liquid and easily accessible?

4. What rate of return should you expect in this low rate environment?

5. How do you protect yourself from taxes and inflation?

What is more important: amount or source of profit?

How much of your money do want supporting:




Explicit entertainment

Homosexual activism

Embryonic stem cell or fetal tissue research

Will it cost you something?

Dueling Duo Portfolio: Up 42% in 2010 and 48% in 2009.

All-Weather Portfolio: Up 29% in 2010 & 50% in 2009.

Tomorrow’s Treasures Portfolio: Up 32% in 2010

Contrarian Strategies Portfolio: Up 8.2% in one month (55% of return of full year in the market)

Past returns no guarantee of future results.

Tomorrow’s Treasures

Invest like a millionaire

Faith-Based Millionaires typically

invest in:

• Stocks – large cap, mid cap, small

cap, international, and emerging


•Fixed Income – bonds

• Real Estate

• Precious Metals

• Private companies

Are you burdened with too much debt?

AREA FOUR: Cautious Debtor

Changes for 2011: Become a cautious debtorMost Faith-Based Millionaires:

• Use debt cautiously – as last resort

• Only if you have means today to

pay back.

• Restructure current finances to get

out of debt much faster…

• Often borrow from “themselves”

instead of from banks, mortgage

companies, and other financial


•View debt in a negative light

Does your spending line up with millionaires?

AREA FIVE: Prudent Spender

Changes for 2011: Become a prudent spenderFaith-Based Millionaires typically:

• Buy items in line with morals

• Are willing to pay for value

• Comparative shop

• Don’t often purchase for “status”

• Often reuse, buy discounted, or even used.

• Become wealthy by controlling both sides of the balance sheet: income and spending.

• Want to increase spending? Increase your income first. Spend less than you make…

Try to view each spending decision in light of your net worth. Will this purchase increase or decrease my wealth. Will it provide sufficient value?

Does your spending line up?

Lesson 1: Millionaire MindsetChanging habits, changing mindsets!

False belief 1: “My success happens at someone else’s expense.”

Discontinue habits that are destroying wealth…

Create habits that move you closer to financial freedom…

Look at past, examine present, project your future…

Abundance versus scarcity…

Lesson 2: Build a proper financial foundation False belief 2: “I should buy term and invest the difference”.

Instead I will show you how the rich buy no/low commission dividend paying whole life insurance to maximize the cash value and retire tax free!

How you can create your own banking system. We will examine how you can build wealth no matter what the stock and real estate markets do!

Lesson 3: Defeating debt

False belief 3: “ The fastest way out of debt is reducing my spending.”

We will look at strategies of how to properly use debt, how to get spending in line with your values, and how to restructure your finances to achieve financial freedom much sooner than your current pace.

Lesson 4: Investing in You

False belief 4: “The stock market is the fastest way to wealth. I should buy and hold.”

We will look at how to build your own business – how to create a million dollar business doing what you love. Whether you are starting from scratch or trying to take your current business to the next level. How to find the ideal market, using the right message, communicated with the proper media, utilizing the correct measurement.

Lesson 5: Where to invest - morally

False belief 5: “My 401k or IRA is the best place to save - who cares if it violates my faith and values?”

Instead we will look at why mutual funds, IRA, 401Ks, and annuities are horrible investment vehicles and what you can do about it!

How to align your faith, values, and morals in the investment process.
















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Lesson 6: Investing in Alternative InvestmentsFalse belief 6: “I shouldn’t invest in gold or silver. They are poor long-term investments.”

Why the dollar will go the way of the dinosaur and how you can take advantage of the greatest transfer of wealth ever!

How to buy silver and gold. What to do before the dollar collapses. How to protect and grow your wealth. Why commodity prices will continue to soar…

Lesson 7: Creating your legacy

False belief 7: “My

It’s not just about building wealth. It’s about building wealth with a purpose.

• Leaving the world a better place

• Helping fund charities and ministries close to your heart

• Passing wealth and wisdom to the next generations.

• Maximizing and taking advantage of tax planning opportunities.

It’s not enough to have head knowledge

After your seven investment lessons, Jay will examine your current situation and help you devise a plan to take action!

Take your finances to the next level!

Sign up Today at:

Cost: $197 (electronic)

You get:

1. Seven lessons – $199 value

audio, PDF handout, and exercises

2. One year of our VIP newsletter- $240 value

3. Two hour consultations and advice ($500 value)

4. Two to four VIP Webinars per month ($250 Value)

Over $1,000 worth of value for $197

Extra bonuses added BONUS:

Personally autographed copy of:

"The Faith Based Millionaire"

This is Jay's foundation book that is sweeping the country.

This is not just another book on 'finances,' but the first book to thoroughly cover how our values, beliefs and faith affect our finances.

"The Faith Based Investor"

Want to just hit investing specifically?

This has principles from 'Faith Based Millionaire' but expands on investing specifically!

Full length MP3 of the live class

PDF Transcription of the class sent via email (hard copy)

Free Copy Jay’s VIP Faith Based Newsletter and online access

Two One on One 60 Minute Consultations with Jay PeroniGo to

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