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Presentation of

LUISS Guido Carli University

Rome, Italy

LUISS Business School, Sala del Consiglio Rome, 25th January 2012

Exchange Meeting China-Italy 2012

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LUISS Guido Carli is a private Italian university founded in 1966

Ø  Recognized for academic excellence, it is a dynamic university with international recognition Ø  Educational model founded on flexibility, quality and an interdisciplinary approach

With an education extended to four Departments - Economics and Finance, Business and Management, Political Science and Law - as well as master's and doctoral graduate schools, LUISS Guido Carli is characterized by:

Ø an advanced training model, oriented to transmit not only knowledge but skills necessary to succeed in the workplace; Ø  over 100 collaboration agreements for Student Exchange programs with 22 University partners around the globe; Ø  the collaboration with public institutions and over 200 corporations thanks to its affiliation with Confindustria;

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Particular attention is given to research activities, focusing primarily on business applications.

Research Centers at LUISS Guido Carli University Department of Business and Management  •  CeRSI - Information Systems Research Center •  GRIF - Industrial and Financial Research Group Department of Economics and Finance •  CESARE - Center for Experimental Economics •  CeLEG - Centre for Labour and Economic Growth •  CASMEF - Arcelli Centre for Monetary and Financial Studies •  LUISS Lab of European Economics Department of Law •  Business Law Research Center •  International and European Community Institutions Observatory •  Intellectual Property, Competition and Communications Observatory Department of Political Science •  Methodology of Social Sciences Center •  Center for Ethics and Global Politics •  Luiss Lap •  International Center for Transition Studies •  Centre for Media and Communication Studies "Massimo Baldini •  "Vittorio Bachelet" Public Administration Research Center •  Center for Parliamentary Studies   ���

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!LUISS Business School, !Division of LUISS Guido Carli!!•  International Area!

•  Public Administration, Healthcare and Non-Profit Area"""

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""LUISS Business School, a division of LUISS Guido Carli, has become a centre of excellence in training targeting graduate students and managers who want to acquire a higher qualification in their own professional field. The Business School fosters in students individual initiative the ability to work in teams and to produce added value. The educational model is interdisciplinary, based on the practice and the expertise of key players in business and public administration.

Ø  Teaching methods tailored to the target audience Ø  Highly qualified academic professors, experts from consulting companies,finance professionals, representatives of Universities and national and international Business Schools.

Target audience of LUISS Business School: Ø Public and private organizations; Ø Professionals; Ø Graduate and graduating students.

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Custom programs: Ø  Organization and implementation of customized training programs; Ø  Development of applied research activities and training / intervention projects, Ø organized to meet specific needs (seminar, ‘short masters’ etc.); Ø  Counseling and coaching on specific topics requested by the client Open programs: Ø  Improvement and refresher courses, aimed at developing and consolidating knowledge and specific skills as well as giving tools and techiques for the operations.

Masters and high education courses: Ø organized and implemented to prepare students to enter today's working life promoting, in particular, the development of new professions. "

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The area is responsible to carry out training programs to transfer skills for the international market, as well as international research and assistance to other areas on international issues. In particular: Ø  Implementation and management of master courses with an international perspective or otherwise taught in English ( MBA, International MBA, AMBA) Ø  Training and other forms to transfer skills for international students - funded (EU, Italian and foreign international companies)- in coordination with other areas involved with the tender office Ø  Agreements with other international business schools, in coordination with other units that could be affected training abroad, in coordination with the international activities of the University Ø  Implementation of permanent centers in the areas of competence  

The area was established and formalized in early 2009 and structured into business areas. In particular: open programs (international masters, both for graduates and senior profiles); corporate international programs (international orders); special projects (funded research, special projects). ���

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INTERNATIONAL AREA: open programs and special


OPEN PROGRAMS Ø  Masters in Business Administration (MBA), now in its twenty-first edition; Ø  Aviation Master in Business Administration (AMBA), now in its third edition; Ø  International MBA (IMBA). It has been restructured to further enhance the access to international markets; Ø  Master in Corporate Finance; Ø  Executive Master in Energy Business (in English); Ø  Executive Master in Strategy and Management (EMaSM), the design has been completed and is currently the definition of the promotional strategy for the launch in 2012 (in English); Ø  Advanced Management Program for managers and executives of MPI and entrepreneurs. Its design has been completed. The project includes the signing of a partnership agreement with Imperial College of London or other leading international business schools.

SPECIAL PROJECTS Ø  Master in Innovation Studies; Ø  Masters in Real Estate Finance.; Ø  Executive Master in Finance and Markets; Ø  Executive Master in International Accounting Standard; Ø  5 Stars Hotel Management Project, Master in partnership with Forte Village; Ø  Luiss Writing School.; Ø  Luxury Brand Management. Executive MBA program for students of Fudan School of Management; Ø  GMES project. Research project in the aerospace sector funded by the VI Framework Program of the EU; Ø  GMES project. Research project in the aerospace sector funded by the VII Framework Program of the EU; Ø  GAPACOM Project; Ø  International Center for audiovisual aids for the International Foundation ‘Roberto Rossellini’ (Lazio Region).

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A special mention goes to the following Research Project: • Brunetta, F., Boccardelli, P., Lipparini, A. (2010) ‘The role of structural holes in highly regulated networks: a study of clinical research projects’ • 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada, 6-10 August 2010 * Distinguished Paper Award - Business Policy and Strategy division di Academy of Management * Finalist for the Glueck Best Paper Award by the Business Policy and Strategy division of the Academy of Management

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INTERNATIONAL AREA: agreements with foreign

Universities and Business Schools

Partnership agreements with: •  Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong •  FUDAN Business School, Shanghai, China •  Nagoya University of Commerce and Business - Nagoya, Japan •  University of San Diego, San Diego, USA •  Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA •  Kenan-Flagler Business School - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA •  IPADE Business School, Mexico City, Mexico •  Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina •  Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark •  ESSEC Business School, Paris, France •  EMLYON Business School, Lyon, France   •  Zagreb School of Economics and Managemen, Zagreb, Croatia


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With the attention focused on the changing needs of the public sector and healthcare, the Area offers management training courses for professionals and managers working in organizations of public administration and health sector

The PA and Healthcare area will be increasingly a point of reference for: Ø  the spread of research results and a know-how of excellence, developed within a qualified international scientific faculty and applied in innovative training initiatives;

Ø  management training programs and corporate masters for pharmaceutical, biomedical companies and the public administration, custom programs;

Ø  the development of a network of stable relationships, strengthened thanks to comparisons, cultural events of excellence and the sharing of knowledge and experience.


The Mission of the Area is to promote the development of a managerial culture in public administration and in the health sector based on the excellence of services, the centrality of the person, efficiency and innovation.

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The PA and Healthcare area of Luiss Business School is involved in numerous research national and international projects, which keep up to date the knowledge of the sector, whose results are used within training initiatives. The purposes of the research team are:

Ø  Improving the knowledge of the systems of governance at national, local and corporate level;

Ø  Developing new methods and techniques for effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare organizations;

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Ø  Healthcare: socio-medical, pharmaceutical, biomedical sector;

Ø  Health policies, health expenditure, policies for the long-term care;

Ø  Strategic planning, organization and management of companies in the health sector;

Ø  Clinical Governance, clinical risk management, health technology assessment;

Ø  Health communication, marketing in the pharmaceutical and biomedical sector;

Ø  Administration and control "

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ANCIEN (Assessing Needs for Care In European Nations): January 2009-August 2012 Research project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Program, Cooperation-Health Projects. 20 European partners. Role of LUISS Business School: Leader of Work Package Quality in LTC. !

Knowledge networks in communities of practice: the impact of social capital on the diffusion of innovation among paediatricians. September 2008-September 2010 Project funded by the Ministry of University and Research under the PRIN 2007. Partners: Luiss Business School, Catholic University of Sacred Heath (Rome, Faculty of Economics), University of Bologna (Faculty of Medicine) Role of LUISS Business School: scientific coordinator of the project. "

GMOSAIC G-mes Services for management of Operations, Situation Awareness and Intelligence for Regional Crises January 2009- January 2012 Project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Program, Health-Cooperation Projects 37 European partners !

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Organizational Models for the Italian Transplant Network January 2011-April 2012 Research project funded by Centro Nazionale Trapianti at Istituto Superiore di Sanità Role of LUISS Business School: Principal Investigator !

Ministry of Health Partners: Ministry of Health (Former department of quality, former Directorate General of health planning of the fundamental levels of assistance and ethics), LUISS Business School. Role of LUISS Business School: proposal of indicators, methods of survey and analysis of best practices on the activities of intra-moenia by type of care. Definition of organizational standards, staff and of a system to monitor the progress of the department models in health care organizations.

A comparative analysis of Regional Health Plans with a focus on the role of Health Information Technologies. June-November 2010 Project funded by the CNR (National Research Council). Partners: ITB-CNR, Luiss Business School Role of LUISS Business School: scientific coordinator of the project.

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EXECUTIVE EDUCATION OPEN PROGRAMS IN THE HEALTH SECTOR """ •  Executive Master in Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Administration (EMPHA) •  Executive Master in Environment, Innovation & Management (EMEIM) •  Management of Healthcare Organizations •  Integrative Healthcare Funds •  Economics and Management of Complementary Security •  Executive Wellness Management •  Master Program in Management of Biomedical Products (PROBIOMED) ���""

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The PA and Healthcare area organizes custom programs and assistance for organizations and institutions that do business in the public and health sector. In recent years there has been, among others, courses for the following institutions and organizations:

Comune di Brindisi Polizia di Stato

Prov. L’Aquila Comune L’Aquila

Opera Don Uva

Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza

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Ø  Master Program on Foreign Affairs for Iraq Diplomats, Directorate-General of Cooperation Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ø  Management Development: Skills and Abilities, Authority for the Supervision of Public Contracts of Works, Services and Supplies

Ø Techniques of Editing of Administrative Acts and Regulatory Actions, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

Ø Corporate Master in Pharmaceutical Administration, ABBOTT Italia

Ø  Economics and Management of Complementary Security, Finmeccanica Group

Ø  Young Cardiac Surgeons Managers, LEVI Biomedical

Ø Pharmacoeconomics and Policies of the Medicament: HIV Therapeutic Area, Abbott s.r.l.

Ø  Management of Healthcare Organizations, San Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli Hospital

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Master Program in Management of Biomedical Products. PROBIOMED in partnership with Johnson & Johnson MEDICAL !!!!!Aims •  To train the professional figure of the "Product Specialist”. Target market for these products: public and private healthcare organizations;

• To develop competencies regarding products and markets on competitive strategies, attitudes and purchasing procedures in the markets;

•  To examine the economics necessary for the analysis of prices and margins in competitive contexts. Addressees Graduates (or four-year - old system) in Economics as well as in legal, political, social, technical, biological, pharmaceutical and medical disciplines.

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Management of Healthcare Organizations !!!!! !

!Aims •  To develop managerial skills in hospitals, IRCCS, polyclinics and private nursing facilities by adopting an integrated logic that comprises all the systems, tools and management methods applied successfully in health care organizations. Addressees •  General, Health and administrative managers, District Managers, Department Managers, heads of clinical units. •  All those who intend to study into deep the critical issues related to health management. """


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Young Cardiac Surgeons Managers, Levi Biomedical!

Aims •  To transfer general management skills and competencies • In partnership with SICCH (Italian Society for Cardiac Surgery) the custom program on "Managerial training for Cardiac Surgeons" lasted 12 days and was structured into 6 modules of 2 days. ��� Addressees •  Working cardiac surgeons, not yet in leading positions, enrolled to the SICCH.

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Aims •  To transfer knowledge on the relationship between economics and the pharmaceutical industry, on policies with particular attention to the price and the reimbursement. ��� Addressees •  Middle managers of Abbott "

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Aims •  To transfer professionally updated tools to enable participants to acquire the skills needed to solve organizational, accounting and human resources management problems, and evaluate the outcomes of the decisions taken. ��� Addressees •  Administrative and health staff

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"""Aims: providing the skills, knowledge and tools necessary for the effective management of public and private organizations operating in the health sector. " "Addressees: all those engaged in the runnig of their clinical or managerial business, in institutions, in public and private health organizations, consulting firms and pharmaceutical as well as biomedical companies, who want to improve their performance and that of the organization in which they work. Patnerships: EMPHA has been realized thanks to the support of professors and researchers of the Department of Health Administration of Virginia Commonwealth University. Furthermore, other partnerships with leading organizations allow students to acquire experiences of excellence and best practices. """

!Executive Master in Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Administration (EMPHA) !

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Pier Luigi Celli General Director of LUISS Guido Carli Angelo Lino Del Favero General Director of ULSS 7 Veneto,President of Federsanità Anci and consultant at the Ministry of Welfare and social policies Francesco Di Stanislao Professor of general and applied hygene at Politecnica University in Marche Riccardo Fatarella General Director of RSA Santa Marinella and Monte Buono in Lazio, President of the health department of Confindustria Lazio, Professor at LUISS Business School Franco Fontana Dean of LUISS Business School, Professor of Economics and Business Management and Business Organization at LUISS Guido Carli Marco Meneguzzo Professor of Economics of businesses and public administrations at University Tor Vergata in Rome, Professor pubblic e non profit Management at University of Italian Switzerland Mario Plebani Head of the Department of Laboratory Medicine A.O. of Padua, Professor of Biochemistry, Clinical and Clinical Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padua Kenneth R. White Cardwell Professor at Department of Health Administration of Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

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EMPHA has been realized thanks to the support of professors and researchers of the Department of Health Administration of Virginia Commonwealth University.   Furthermore, other partnerships allow students to acquire experiences of excellence and best practices. The main partnerships of EMPHA were signed with the following organizations:  

Abbott Italia AIIC Associazione Italiana Ingegneri Clinici AMD Associazione Medici Diabetologi Lazio Assogenerici Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria di Modena Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda - Milano Azienda Sanitaria Locale ROMA E Azienda Sanitaria Locale ROMA H Azienda ULSS 7 Pieve del Soligo Azienda Usl 9 Grosseto Farmindustria Federsanità-ANCI FIASO - Federazione Italiana Aziende Sanitarie e Ospedaliere FIMP - Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatri Fondazione San Raffaele del Monte Tabor, Milano

Gruppo COFISAN Herbalife Italia ISMETT - University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Istituto Europeo di Oncologia - Milano Istituto Superiore di Sanità Johnson & Johnson Medical Italia Merck Sharp & Dohme Italia Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù - Roma Ospedale San Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli, Roma Progesi San Raffaele SIGO Società Italiana di Ginecologia e Ostetricia SIMM Società Italiana Medici Manager  

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COVERED AREAS Ø  Health sector area Ø  Health policies area Ø  Management Area of the Health System Ø  Clinical Governance Area  Ø  Laboratories of Management Skills Ø  Leadership Lecture: Meetings with Leaders Ø  Learning Project  

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Ø  International focus Ø  Entire Health sector covered Ø  Multidisciplinary faculty Ø  Experiental learning Ø  Leadership development

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