

Presentation By: Chris Bryant Jesse Curran


• All movements of the human body require muscles.

• Whether you punch a friend, or digest food, you are using your muscles.

Functions of the Muscle System

Muscle tone

Heart Beat

Distribution of heat

Propel body fluids/food

Structure of Skeletal Muscle

Structure of a Muscle Fiber

How a Muscle Contracts


Creatine phosphate ADP +ATP Glycolysis Cell Respiration

Anaerobic & Aerobic

Anaerobic: without oxygen Aerobic: with oxygen

Summation Definition: A

muscle fiber exposed to a series of stimuli of increasing frequency reaches a point when it is unable to completely relax before the next stimulus in the series.

Sustained Contractions & Muscle Tone

Even when muscles appear to be at rest they are sustaining some contraction giving them Muscle Tone.

Recruitment: An increase in the number of motor units being activated during intense activity.

Major anterior and posterior Muscles

Parts of Muscle

Origin: immovable end of a muscle

Insertion: the movable end

Prime mover: main muscle moving

Synergists: stabilizer muscles

Antagonist: opposing the prime mover Example: triceps and biceps

Diseases and Disorders

Dushenne Muscular Dystrophy: protein dystrophin is missing Helps attach cell to surrounding extracellular

matrix. Fatty and connective tissue replaces muscle.

Chariot-Marie-Tooth Disease: slowly progressing weakness in muscles of the hand and feet and decrease in tendon reflexes. Extra gene impairs insulting sheath around

nerve cells so cannot correctly stimulate involved muscles.

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