Page 1: Presencia News Laredo Texas

PRESENCIAThe people’s voiceNEWS

EDICIÓN 3 . AGOSTO DEL 2011 A bilingual publication




INSIDE FREE “Stinky the Monkey” estará en este sitio hasta que no se resuelva el problema

de malos olores en El Azteca.

“Stinky the Monkey”

Seeking Justice: The Rape And Murder Of Baby Katherine




Page 2: Presencia News Laredo Texas

PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWS Agosto del 20112

M orality is almost extinct. We live in a time where social sites are a bleak obsession. I don’t have a

Facebook personal account or a per-sonal Twitter account; to me, this is senseless. For business purposes, it should be a must. Why deny the obs-truction of morality? Life is now de-fined by how many Facebook Friends you have and how many are following you on Twitter. You want to have more customers, put up a facebook website for your business. If you are lonely and want some attention, and want your “so-called’ fifteen minutes of fame, set up a personal facebook page and tell the world the next time you are going to take a “piss”.

You can really find so much pa-thetic crap on facebook. If Jesus Christ had a facebook page, I wonder how many friends he would have? What is the reason behind a personal Facebook page? Are people really that lonely? We rant and whine about security issues, but people detail their whole existence on their Facebook page. The IRS and law enforcement have found many law breakers on Fa-cebook and Twitter. You brag about how much money you make? Belie-ve me when I tell you big brother is watching. You are going where this weekend? The happy thieves thank you. If you are a fugitive and a moron and posted yourself on Facebook, the U.S. Marshals thank you for making their jobs a little easier.

And friends? What friends? You hardly know any of these idiots be-friending you. You might be conver-sing with your enemy. You might be conversing with a pedophile, a thief, or just a plain lunatic. So, in essence, we might all think is just plain inno-cence, but the real reality is that no-thing is what it seems. You might think that “Jesus” is my facebook friend, but we are all following the “Devil” on Twitter. With all simplicity, you don’t know what you are getting into. We all don’t know what your sons or daughters are getting themselves entwined. Your enemy is watching

your every move. The person that is trying to take advantage of you ... has his or her eye on you. Are you really that lonely? Is it really worth posting those pathetic pictures on facebook? Do you really want people to follow you on Twitter? Why? Do you really lack leadership abilities and want to justify your lack of talents on Twitter and Facebook? Or do you just want to “follow” and “be all you can be”. I’m sorry. I’m not here to judge you. Befriend Jesus and know that the tru-th will set you free. Follow the Devil, and get all the pleasures of the Web. Whatever route you take, know that when its all gone, you’d be a lost soul. So, you can physically go door-to-door and have every person be-friend you. So without Facebook you can go on and knock on those doors and when they answer, you’d say “Hi, the destruction of the World Wide Web led me here to you. Do you want to be my friend? Here is my photo and could you please paste it on your door? Thanks. “

I would assume if Jesus Christ was

on Facebook, I would probably figure that his “Friends” would be around in the hundreds of millions and the Devil followers would be around the same. Heh, you bunch of flip-floppers! You know damn well you are playing both sides. Its just like Laredo,Texas poli-tics. You know who you are.

... till next time, my little Facebook Friend. Tweet Tweet!

by Jesse Castaneda, Jr.

Axis of ReasonJesus Christ is my facebook friend,

but i follow the devil on twitter

Jesse Castañeda Jr.

Susie Castañeda



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Juan RodríguezElizabeth Marie


Michelle GarzaAndrés Amaya


Page 3: Presencia News Laredo Texas

PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWSAgosto del 2011 3

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La dismorfia muscular mejor co-nocida como vigorexia no es considerada una enfermedad

sino como un trastorno o desorden emocional y alimenticio.

No es muy conocida entre la población pero en la actualidad au-mentan cada vez más las personas que padecen de este trastorno y por lo general se presenta con mayor fre-cuencia en el sexo masculino.

Se trata de un trastorno que afec-ta de manera similar que la anorexia pero a la inversa. Las personas se obsesionan con aumentar su masa muscular a tal grado que su cuerpo se distorsiona pues la musculatura que desarrollan no corresponde con la talla del sujeto. Aun adquiriendo tonicidad y músculo en exceso, en la mente de aquellos que lo padecen nunca es suficiente convirtiéndose en dependientes del ejercicio extremo y consumo de anabólicos y suplemen-tos alimenticios innecesarios.

La ingesta de estos productos afecta a tal grado que puede producir la muerte y causar un daño irrevoca-

ble en la salud de los individuos, la razón de ello es que ingieren proteínas y carbohidratos exageradamente para incrementar su volumen corporal y eliminan por completo las grasas de su dieta diaria.

Además, consumir anabólicos pue-de llegar a producir deficiencias en el aparato reproductor masculino como impotencia, atrofia de testículos, reduc-ción en la producción de espermatozoi-des e hipertrofia prostática.

Otros daños son la calvicie, cre-cimiento de mamas y cambios en la conducta como agresividad, ira, enojo y depresión.

Para poder identificar a personas que padecen de vigorexia es necesario observar si se presentan los siguientes signos:

- Distorsión de la imagen corporal- Baja autoestima (aunque tratan

de ocultarlo )- Imposición de dietas no balan-

ceadas (altas en proteínas y consumo de anabólicos)

- Extensas jornadas de ejercicio, realizadas compulsivamente

- Aislamiento social- Adicción a la báscula

Los medios de comunicación juegan un papel muy importante en relación a este tipo de trastornos, la exigencia de la sociedad de poseer un cuerpo “perfecto” despierta el ego y la vanidad en todas las personas pero actualmente son más los hombres que se dejan llevar por el mundo de la moda y la belleza.

Cada persona tiene su propio concepto de be-lleza pero no existe algo más bello que un cuerpo saludable. Ocuparnos de mantener una dieta balanceada y un poco de ejercicio diario es lo más sano que podemos hacer, aceptar nuestro cuerpo y mante-ner una mente abierta nos ayudará a no caer en las trampas que nos pueden llevar al deterioro de nuestra salud.

SU SALUD PRIMEROpor Michelle Garza

VIGOREXIA, un trastorno en aumento!

Page 4: Presencia News Laredo Texas

PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWS Agosto del 20114

By Billy Booth

I have received an extremely interes-ting and rare report

through the MUFON open posting archives. One thing that spiked my interest in this case is that it occurred on the outskirts of my home-town, Temple, Texas. I currently live about 8 miles from the location of this sighting.

There are two rea-sons that make the case a rarity. The first reason is that in all of the Pro-ject Blue Book Files, the-re was only one listing from Temple, and that was a sighting report from over sixty years ago. Secondly, the case involves a UFO landing, and visual confirmation of three beings emerging from a door in the landed UFO. Texas, notwith-standing the recent Ste-phenville Sightings, has had more than its share of great UFO cases, for instance, some of the best are The Lubbock Lights, the Cash-Lan-drum Case, the Levelland Landings , and of course,

the Aurora Crash.The Interstate

SightingInterstate 35 runs

from the very southern part of Texas all the way to Canada. If you have ever been on it during heavy traffic times, it can be quite nerve-racking. The part of I-35 that runs from Waco to Temple is no exception, and even at night has a steady stream of traffic. Our case takes place just north of Temple, on March 22, 2009. Nea-ring Temple, a city of about 60,000, a man was driving when his wife suddenly saw a strange light in the sky moving at high speeds. As she watched the object, su-ddenly it stopped in mi-dair, over a farmer’s field about a mile off of the interstate. Now aware of the unusual sight, the husband pulled the car onto the shoulder of the highway to get a better look at the object. As they watched, the UFO slowly came down,

appearing to land in the field. Landed, the UFO looked to be disc-sha-ped. The visibility this night was not the best, the darkness was made worse by a cloud cover. But the witness had his binoculars with him, and quickly put them to ser-vice to get a better look at the UFO. Now, he was sure that object was a saucer, and it was sitting on the ground.

The man and his wife initially looked for a reasonable explana-tion for what they were seeing. Could it be some type of farm equipment, or feeding device for the cattle that grazed on the land? But it was flying at great speeds before lan-ding? It was not a small plane, nor a helicopter. Helicopters can be seen from time to time in the area which sits about 30 miles east of Ft. Hood, Texas, one of the world’s largest Army bases.

Beings EmergeAs the man and his

wife intently watched

the UFO, soon a door opened, exposing an orange/red interior. Three beings walked out of the disc-shaped object, the door shutting behind them. The eyewitnesses watched the activity at the UFO for about three minutes. They did not see the beings reenter the object, unless there was another door that was not visible to the witnesses. Then, the UFO slowly rose from the ground, hovered briefly, and then headed nor-thward at a high rate of speed. They never saw the object again.

The man re-focused on the landing site, but there was nothing now but an abandoned field. The only thoughts he had was that possibly the three visitors were walking in the direction of a rest stop near the landing location. This, he thought, because he was never able to see the three as they walked out of his range of sight. He wanted to

make a U-turn, go back northward, and visit the rest stop, but he was urged not to do so by his wife. She feared that they had just seen aliens from an extraterrestrial craft. For those of you who do not know, the rest stops on the side of Texas highways are nothing more than a few concrete tables, and can be scary at night.

For more updates of this story and/or UFO updates please go to

About the Writer: Billy Booth has con-

tributed to video, photo-graphic, and imagery in a number of television programs on the Dis-covery Channel, A & E, and the History Chan-nel. He has contributed to several books on the subject of UFOs, inclu-ding the books: Without Consent: Abduction and Mexico’s Roswell: The Chihuahua UFO Crash. Mr. Booth holds a Tech-nical Degree.

UFO Lands, Beings Emerge


Page 5: Presencia News Laredo Texas

PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWSAgosto del 2011 5

Por Andrés Amaya

El regreso a clases llegó y con ello au-mentarán los riesgos de accidentes en las calles, especialmente en las zonas

escolares. Las autoridades policiacas empren-derán una campaña agresiva para detectar y multar a quienes pongan en peligro a los niños.

En esta ocasión agencias de la ley tanto es-colares como de la policía de Laredo, del De-partamento del Sheriff, del Condestable Rudy Rodríguez y del Departamento de Seguridad Pública Estatal, se unieron para mantener ope-rativos de estrecha vigilancia.

Directivos escolares pidieron a los auto-movilistas respetar los límites de velocidad en zonas escolares, donde por lo general los ve-hículos no pueden circular a más de 20 millas por hora.

Lonnie Cook, jefe de la policía del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Laredo (LISD), ad-virtió que no se tolerará que los automovilistas rebasen los buses escolares cuando están des-

cargando o subiendo estudiantes.“Esta violación es un delito menor clase B

y por lo tanto los infractores pueden ir a la cár-cel además de ser multados”, advirtió.

Mencionó además que se hará respetar la ordenanza de no utilizar el teléfono celular mientras se transita por zonas escolares entre las 7:30 y las 8:30 de la mañana y entre las 3:20 y las 4:20 de la tarde.

A los padres de familias se les recomendó tomar su tiempo para llevar a sus hijos a la es-cuela, a fin de evitar las prisas que pueden lle-var a un descuido que provoque un accidente.

A quienes llevan a sus niños caminando, se les pidió cuidar muy bien que no atraviesen las calles por en medio, que lo hagan por los cru-ceros protegidos y que volteen a ambos lados antes de atravesar.

“El año escolar anterior tuvimos cero ac-cidentes graves en zonas escolares y quere-mos que el nuevo año sea igual o mejor, con la ayuda de todos podemos lograrlo”, dijo el jefe Cook.

Alerta en las callespor inicio de clases

Las agencias de la ley se unieron para estrechar la vigilancia en zonas escolares.

Page 6: Presencia News Laredo Texas

PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWS Agosto del 20116

Is Your Child’s

Teacher A Bully?Written by Mary M. Alward

We’ve all heard about kids being bullied by peers. Kids taunt, tea-

se, pull hair, shove and push each other on a daily basis. In recent years, schools have taken steps to stop bullying and many have a zero tolerance level for any type of peer harassment. But what if your child’s teacher is the bully? New research shows that 2% of children are bullied by a teacher sometime in their elementary or middle school years.

Most teachers are caring and compassionate. They became tea-chers in order to make a difference

in the lives of their pupils. Howe-ver, some teachers, for one reason or another, take a dislike to a child in their class and pick on them on a daily basis. Such an occurrence can have a long-lasting effect on your child’s academic experien-ce and turn his school year into a nightmare. The effects of teacher bullying doesn’t usually end when your child leaves the teacher’s class. It’s something that can stay with him his entire life.

STUDENT ABUSETeachers who are bullies treat

their victims much the same as a schoolyard bully. They humiliate the child in front of his classma-tes, abuse him verbally and make

threats of physical harm or of gi-ving low academic grades. The teacher may center your child out by “making an example” of him and insisting he stand in a corner. Possibly the teacher heaps ho-mework on your child for “punis-hment” of some minor infraction. There are many different ways that a teacher can bully students.

Suffering in SilenceChances are if your child

is being bullied by a teacher he won’t say anything. Boys are more apt to suffer in silence than girls. Boys feel they should be able to “take it” and fear being teased by their peers if they tell. Your child may also fear retalia-

tion by the teacher if he says an-ything about what is happening. Remember, a teacher is a figure of authority and kids think that there’s nothing that can be done if their teacher acts inappropriately.

Signs of Teacher BullyingWhen a teacher bullies kids,

it is a very traumatic experience for them to go through. They are embarrassed and humiliated and have no idea what steps they can or should take to stop it. They of-ten say nothing, but there are sig-ns that you can watch for:

Headaches, stomachaches and nightmares that occur fre-quently.

Loss of interest in school.

Negative behavior.A resistance to attending

school.Self-Deprecating remarks.Complaints of being picked

on by the teacher.Complains of being cons-

tantly yelled at.Complaints of being humilia-

ted by the teacher.Complaints of a teacher being

rude, making sarcastic remarks or being disrespectful.

For teacher bullying solu-

tions or to read more of this ar-ticle, go to or for more information check out

Page 7: Presencia News Laredo Texas

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PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWSAgosto del 2011 7

Por Andrés Amaya

Durante los últimos 3 años un equipo de arquitectos españo-

les junto con un grupo de ingenieros aeronáuticos de Estados Unidos ha

desarrollado el ambicioso proyecto de un hotel espacial llamado “Galactic Suite Space Resort” donde a partir del 2012, turistas y astronautas que quieran viajar al espacio podrán tener la grandiosa oportunidad de hospedarse en este increíble hotel.

El “Galactic Suite Space Resort” está diseñado con un núcleo central parecido a un satélite del que salen las habitaciones en forma de cápsulas, cada capsula dispone de una gran ventanal para contemplar el exterior. Las habitaciones tienen 7 metros de largo por 4 de alto y están diseñadas con todas las comodidades necesa-rias para que los huéspedes puedan gozar completamente su estadía.

El increíble viaje comenzará recogiendo a los turistas en su casa y llevándolos a una isla donde serán aco-modados en un lujoso hotel rodeado de un entorno natural. Este hotel estará al lado del puerto espacial que cuenta con todo lo necesario para el entrena-miento de los futuros huéspedes galác-ticos. Ahí serán sometidos durante 16 semanas, en las que tendrán que prepararse para todo tipo de situación y finalmente serán lanzados al espacio a bordo de la nave con destino al “Ga-lactic Suite Space Resort”.

El costo de todo este viaje es de ni más ni menos que de 3 millones de euros ( 4.4 MDD) pero eso no parece ser un problema ya que hasta ahora se han registrado 38 personas entre ellas 8 estadounidenses y 4 latinoa-mericanos, reservando su habitación para este viaje de ensueño.

Todo parece indicar que en un futuro hospedarse en un hotel fuera de este mundo y observar nuestro planeta será parte de los planes vacacionales.


Lujo fuerade este mundo

(Comentarios en

Page 8: Presencia News Laredo Texas

PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWS Agosto del 20118

Reported by Juan RodriguezWritten by Jesse Castaneda, Jr.

On the 5th of September 2009, Laredo awoke to a horrifying nightmare. A

two year old girl had been found dead inside an abandoned dresser drawer. Whoever killed Katheri-ne Cardenas was obviously unsta-ble or just plain evil. The bloody body of this two year old child was hidden away by the attacker that had strangled her and sexua-lly assaulted her. Presencia News tried to confirm more details of the homicide from District Attor-ney Isidro Alaniz , but a ‘gag’ order had been in place by the Honorable Judge Joe Lopez of the 49th district Court to prevent a tainted case.

Who can forget such a tra-gedy? A two year old child - strangled, raped and left for dead. The residents of the 1600 block of Burnside Street were the first to encounter Katherine’s body. Neighbors were suspicious when a blood stained dresser drawer was left outside the victim’s home. The neighbors, out of cu-riosity and concern, investiga-ted the matter and called police when they found little Katherine dead inside in one of the dresser drawers. There were no arrest for several days, until it was known that there was a suspect and that he was found in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico. The suspect was arrested and jailed in Nuevo Laredo and extradited to the Uni-ted States for capital murder. The suspect, Jose Eduardo Arredondo is currently detained at the Webb County Jail and is awaiting trial. Since Arredondo was 16 years old when the murder was committed, capital murder does not apply, but the district attorney will seek the maximum penalty allowed by law. Jose Eduardo Arredondo

Seeking Justice:The Rape And Murder

Of Baby Katherine

has tattoos all over his body and is considered a drug addict. Ac-cording to law enforcement, the evidence of Katherine’s murder points to Arredondo.

According to Jose Baeza, spokesperson for the Laredo Po-lice Department, the murder was perpetrated in-between the late hours of the evening and sunrise; when booze and drugs were con-sumed by those that were at the

victim’s house. It was such a horrible tra-

gedy that detectives could not be-lieve what they had encountered. “Homicide investigators are ac-customed to see all types of fata-lities, but this particular death and how she died was beyond what any of our investigators had ever seen, “ stated Jose Baeza, but did not deliberate any further details. Although the word on the street is

› Katherine’s death has been the most hideous crime in Laredo history in regards to a child› The accused, Jose Eduar-do Arredondo awaits his fate before the 49th District Court in Laredo, Texas› Is possible that Katherine’s’ Mother Norma Patricia Olguin will testify against Arredondo› Norma Patricia Olguin

received two years for the abandonment and neglect of a her child, Katherine.› Norma Patricia Olguin could be charged with sexual indecency of a child. › Jose Eduardo Arredondo was given a psychological exam to distinguished if he was “mentally unstable” or if the act of murder was done with pure intentional malice.

A History of Horror

that there might have been others involved in her death, but the only evidence that was gathered was that of a speck of blood in Arredondo’s clothing which went via a DNA process. Presencia News tried to contact the Webb County Attorney Ana Laura Ca-vazos and Arredondo’s attorney Eddie Pena for further details of the up-coming September trial, but calls were left unreturned.

Syliva Bruni, Director of the Children’s Advocacy Cen-ter (CAC) told Presencia News, “This tragedy would have been prevented if the school’s truant officer would have acted on the truancy matter a day before. The truant officer had found six chil-dren alone at the victim’s house. If this person would have done what the law stated and repor-ted the matter to authorities, Katherine’s death would never have happened.”

Presencia News will update the details as the trial unfolds or if any other scenarios regarding this case develops. In the meantime, justice for Katherine will have to wait.

Dresser Drawer where Katherine’s body was found.

Home where Katherine Cardenas lived. She was found dead on the 5th of September 2009

Baby Katherine. A life taken away much too soon by a vicious assault.

Page 9: Presencia News Laredo Texas

PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWSAgosto del 2011 9

Por Juan Rodriguez Lopez

Una tranquila mañana de 5 septiembre del 2009, la comunidad de ambos La-

redos se horrorizó al conocer la fatal noticia de la espeluznante y dolorosa muerte que sufrió una niña de apenas dos años, cuyo cuerpo fue encontrado aún san-grante, en un cajón de un peina-dor que estaba en el patio de su casa en el lado oeste de la ciudad.

La niña, identificada como Katherine Cárdenas falleció al parecer golpeada y estrangulada, aparentemente, después de haber sido violada sexualmente, causa que las autoridades no han con-firmado debido a que existe un ordenamiento judicial extendido por Joe López, juez de la Corte 49 de Distrito, para no revelar detalles a la prensa sobre este ho-micidio.

Aquel trágico día que Laredo jamás podrá olvidar, los vecinos del barrio ubicado en la cuadra 1600 de la calle Burnside fueron los primeros que dieron cuenta de esta muerte, por lo que los detec-tives del Departamento de Policia iniciaron las investigaciones.

Aunque no hubo un arresto in-mediato, las autoridades lograron identificar al presunto responsable de este infame asesinato, se trataba de José Eduardo Arredondo, un vi-cioso de entonces 16 años de edad y con varios tatuajes en su cuerpo.

Gracias a los acuerdos de co-laboración entre las autoridades policiacas, Arredondo fue bole-tinado, ubicado e interceptado al mes siguiente en Nuevo Laredo, de donde fue extraditado hasta esta ciudad donde enfrenta cargos de homicidio capital.

El acusado se encuentra ac-tualmente en la cárcel del conda-do de Webb en espera de ser pro-cesado en el mes de septiembre de ser encontrado culpable, Arre-dondo no recibirá la pena capital porque era menor de edad cuando se registraron los hechos.

Para Arredondo la pena máxima será cadena perpetua, después de que fuera certificado como adulto, según informo el fiscal de Distrito Isidro Alaniz.

LOS HECHOSEl lugar donde murió asesi-

nada esta niñita, se convirtió de la noche a la mañana en un esce-

Justicia para Katherine:La historia de un

macabro homicidio

nario dantesco. Así lo reveló Joe Baeza, el portavoz del Departa-mento de Policía, quien aseguró que los detectives que acudieron al patio de esa casa, observaron una escena del crimen horrible, al grado que ellos quedaron impre-sionados, lo que da una idea de la forma tan salvaje e inhumana en que murió Katherine.

“Los investigadores de Ho-micidios están acostumbrados a ver escenarios sangrientos, pero nunca habían visto ninguno como ese”, agregó el vocero sin dar mas detalles sobre la o las causas de la muerte de esta menor.

Sin embargo, por algunos vecinos, se supo que el patio de esa casa estaba tinto en sangre y que había rastros de violencia sin límites en una noche de todo tipo de excesos, como el uso y abuso de alcohol y drogas.

Actualmente, también se en-cuentra arrestada la madre de esta criatura, Norma Patricia Olguín, quien enfrenta cargos de cometer indecencias sexuales contra un menor de edad, acusaciones que confirman lo manifestado por los vecinos.

Aunque se dice que otros in-dividuos participaron en este ase-

sinato, no existen más evidencias ni más líneas de investigación y si Arredondo fue acusado, es por-que resultados de ADN encontra-ron una microscópica mancha de sangre de la menor en sus ropas, nada más.

Se trató de contactar al abo-gado de Arredondo, Eduardo Peña y a la procuradora del con-dado Ana Laura Cavazos para obtener mas información de este homicidio, pero se negaron a re-gresar las llamadas telefónicas hechas por Presencia News.

HABLA LA MADRE: “SE TIRO A LAS DROGAS”Entrevistada en su centro de

trabajo, Gaby Arredondo, madre del inculpado, asegura que si su hijo cometió este crimen (aunque lo duda), sería porque se tiró a las drogas, debido al estado de aban-dono en que se sintió durante dos años.

“Nosotros, mi esposo y yo, estuvimos encerrados por dos años y, pues, en ese tiempo Eduar-do se sintió solo y se empezó a drogar”, comentó la entrevistada.

Dijo que su esposo estuvo en la cárcel por residir ilegalmente en el paía y que ella fue arrestada también, pero por tráfico de indo-cumentados.

“Yo sé que mi hijo es inocen-te, él no pudo haber sido capaz de eso, pues el quería mucho a esos niños; es más, él los cuida-ba cuando éramos vecinos en otro barrio, así que él no puede ser el asesino”, agregó la señora al pun-to de lágrimas.

SE PUDO HABER EVITADO Para Sylvia Bruni, directo-

ra del Centro de Apoyo Infantil (CAD, por sus siglas en inglés), este atroz crimen pudo haberse evitado, sino hubiera sido por la visitadora escolar que no reportó que un día antes había encontrado a seis niños solos en la vivienda donde ocurrió el asesinato.

“Si ella hubiera hecho el re-porte como lo marca la ley, la niña se hubiera salvado, ya que ese mismo día pudieron haber intervenido las autoridades es-colares y policíacas, ahora esta empleada escolar está suspendida por su error”, dijo Bruni.

(Comentarios en

› La muerte de Katherine Cárdenas es considerada el peor abuso contra un menor en la historia de Laredo› José Eduardo Arre-dondo irá a juicio el 9 de septiembre› Es posible que la mamá de la Katherine sea testi-go en contra de Eduardo› Norma Patricia Olguín recibió dos años de cárcel por el abandono y descuido de sus hijos, incluida Katherine› José Eduardo Arredon-do fue sometido a un examen mental para de-terminar si está bien de la cabeza o está perturbado

Una Historia de Horror

Dresser Drawer where Katherine’s body was found.

Baby Katherine. A life taken away much too soon by a vicious assault.

The accused, Jose Eduardo Arredondo is now 18 years old and is soon to be tried in a Laredo court room.

Norma Patricia Olguin is the victim´s mother, she is in jail.

Page 10: Presencia News Laredo Texas

PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWS Agosto del 201110

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Rolando Gerardo Ortiz II will begin the new school year as a sopho-

more at Alexander High School. He is also a member of Eagle Scout Troop # 407.

Ortiz observed that many students in our community need a little extra help when it comes to obtaining much needed school supplies.

This energetic, caring and in-novative young man responded to the call for help by organizing a backpack and school supply co-llection effort that also served as his Eagle Scout leadership pro-ject.

The project required that he conduct research and develop a detailed plan of implementation.

Ortiz placed collection boxes

in numerous facilities throughout United I.S.D. and recruited vo-lunteers from his troop to assist him with a door to door collection in North Laredo.

As of early August Ortiz has collected 65 backpacks and an impressive sum of school su-pplies.

The backpacks and supplies will be distributed to needy stu-dents in United I.S.D. and the Sacred Heart Children’s Home. Ortiz’ dream is to become a struc-tural engineer.

Scout’s Honor:A Lesson In Generosity

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Oficial enfrenta


Eduardo García, un oficial de la ley durante 20 años, fue arresta-do por agentes del FBI.

Por Juan Rodriguez

El oficial del Condestable del Precinto Uno del con-dado de Webb, Eduardo

García, quien fuera arrestado por agentes del FBI a principios de agosto, podría pasar hasta 20 años en la cárcel.

García, un veterano con 20 años como oficial de la ley, reci-bió tres cargos federales, durante su comparecencia ante el juez fe-deral Guillermo García.

El acusado, de 44 años de edad, fue acusado de dos cargos de haber escoltado, por el pago de 500 dóla-res, mas 500 gramos de cocaína del sur al norte de Laredo, utilizando una camioneta Van propiedad del condado en ambos casos.

Además se le acusa de haber cobrado 200 dólares por utilizar una computadora oficial para in-vestigar el estatus y la propiedad de un vehículo, ingresando a un sistema confidencial de datos.

La investigación federal, según el boletín informativo de la Fiscalía Federal del Sureste de Texas, a car-go de José Angel Moreno, se inició desde el año 2008 con la participa-ción de agentes encubiertos del FBI

y de la DEA, con quienes el acu-sado realizó algunas actividades ilí-citas hasta que fue aprehendido en las oficinas del Condestable Ruddy Rodriguez, con quien tenía un año 11 meses laborando.

García era parte de la unidad de salud mental de dicha corpora-ción y se encargaba del transporte de pacientes con problemas men-tales hacia hospitales de la región.

El Condestable Rodríguez,

dijo que si García cometió esos delitos, fue estando en otra agen-cia policíaca y no en la suya.

“Nos hemos manejado muy transparentes con nuestro perso-nal”, comentó Rodríguez.

Ahora, García deberá compa-recer otra vez en la corte federal, pero ante el juez Scott Hacker, donde se determinara si se le otorga una fianza en tanto que es procesado penalmente.

In this publication, I am reminded of the true meaning of life. The main story of Katheri-ne Cardenas should re-

mind us all that all moments should not be taken for gran-ted, especially moments with your children. The power of consideration and just the simple act of listening to your child is beyond an adult’s tri-vial existence. A child’s life is just a ripple in the ocean, but a roar of thunder in the uni-verse. We, as adults, are here to take care of and teach our children, so they can become better people. Our children need to become greater than us. We must break the cycle of poverty, drugs and sublime

mentality that our commu-nity is so use to seeing. Our children deserve comfort and haven from the world’s igno-rance. Our children deserve an expanded learning expe-rience, not a mal-educated system that limits their power to excel. All of us grow-up and see what we want to see. The-re are only a few lucky people out there that broke out of the ignorant cocoon that we were raised in. Life is what you feed the mind. So, what are you feeding your children? What is society feeding your chil-dren? Do they live by limited portions? Expand the mind and we expand our world.

Baby Katherine lived by what she was fed - a cycle of

the same negative barrio men-tality! She lived in an environ-ment full of selfish, delinquent and self-absorbed people that never gave her a chance to grow-up and failed her with her right to live. .... And may-be, just maybe, she could have been one of the lucky ones that would have broken out of the barrio mentality cocoon and made a difference in the world.

To Katherine Cardenas, I hope you have your justice and may you rest in peace.

Jesse Castaneda, Jr Presencia News Media,

August 2011 “Children are great imita-

tors. So give them something great to imitate.” - Anonymous

From The Publisher

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1218 Laredo St.Laredo, Tx. 78040Ph. (956) 723-3319

OPENM-F 6:30-12 Mid-night

Sat 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

All Star Kids, Inc.Child Care

& Learning Center

Margie CastañedaDIRECTOR

Fax (956) 722-7370

The Big Fat Truth:An Aid For Eliminating Obesity

Article written by LeeAnn MullenHeadline by Jesse Castaneda, Jr

According to, 58 mi-llion Americans are

either overweight or obe-se, a number that has been growing steadily over the

past several decades. With the increase in obesity and overweight comes an in-crease in cardiovascular di-seases, high blood pressure and type II diabetes among obese or overweight indivi-duals. While many products are on the market to help people lose weight, one fruit, the African mango, shows great promise in helping in-dividuals who struggle with excess weight shed the extra pounds, which can stave off obesity-related illnesses. In addition, the fruit has also showed promise in reducing cholesterol levels.

THE STUDIES The studies conduc-

ted by professors at the University of Yaoundé in Cameroon show that the supposed wonder fruit’s seeds contain an extract

that, when consumed as a supplement, helps patients to lose weight and stabilize cholesterol levels.The stu-dy was performed by pres-cribing 102 overweight or obese adults to take Afri-can mango seed extract or a placebo (inactive sugar pill) for 10 weeks at a do-sage of two pills per day. At the conclusion of the study, the group taking the African mango seed ex-tract supplements had lost a total of 12.5 kilograms--or 28 pounds--while the placebo group had no no-table changes. Both groups adhered to their usual diets and usual exercise levels. Participants in the group that took the supplements also had declines in LDL (bad) cholesterol and no-minal improvements in their blood glucose levels, according to the study.

CONSIDERATIONS Some participants of the

study reported side effects associated with the supple-ment, but these reports were similar in rate among the group taking the inactive pla-cebo pills. The reported side effects were excess gas, sleep problems and headaches.The researchers in the study spe-culate that the African mango seed extract helps the bodies of obese patients become more sensitive to lepitin, a hormone that is excreted by the body that controls fat sto-rage, especially in the mid-section. According to the re-searchers at the University of Yaoundé, many overweight or obese individuals are re-sistant to lepitin. The African mango extract helps the body to overcome this resistance, resulting in weight loss, ac-cording to the researchers.

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The National Buzz

by Jesse Castaneda, Jr.

We all know by now that Texas Governor Rick Perry is running for President. If you think we are currently in bad times and if Perry wins, we should hear the “last trumpet” sound. Good-bye world.

U.S. President Obama shows approval ratings of less than fifty percent in most U.S. States. He said in a statement that the Ga-llop Poll was not counting African-Americans. The Gallop Poll staff responded by stating, “The Poll was done only on African-Ame-ricans and a couple of guys in Hawaii.”

Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallop Poll was puzzled by the forty-fi-ve percent approval ratings. He thought that Obama’s ratings should have come out even lower due to the economy. He stated that no

other president has come out with those numbers in a dwindling economy. He was also over-heard saying, “The American public must be on malt-liquor or some crap like that!”

The Stock Market cras-hed and investors said, “We want to invest in something we have some control over and manipulate ... so, we decided to invest in “The Gallop Poll!”

The say bananas are going extinct. Monkeys are going ape-shit and crying out, “Who the hell is Dairy Queen and where the hell can I find her?”

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PRESENCIA The people’s voiceNEWS Agosto del 201114

by The Finger

The Good , The Bad and The Ugly


No que no hacían casoLo que los residentes de la co-lonia Los Centenarios no pudie-ron conseguir en varios años lo consiguieron en unas cuantas semanas. Ellos pedían mejores calles porque los autobuses es-colares no pueden entrar debido a las pésimas condiciones de los caminos, pedían una segunda toma de agua potable, más vigi-lancia y recolección de basura.

Para hacer sus peticiones formaron un grupo de colonos dirigido por Alejandro Obregón quien ya se daba contra la pared porque simplemente en la Corte de Comisionados nadie le hacía caso.

De manera casual Obregón encontró apoyo en el agente aduanal Eduardo Garza, quien decidió ayudar a los colonos y personalmente comenzó a lla-

mar al Juez Danny Valdez y a los cuatro Comisionados para pedirles que escucharan las pe-ticiones de esta gente.

Como por arte de magia la Corte de Comisionados entró en acción, aprobó recolectar la basura y luego hasta fueron a la colonia Los Centenarios jun-to con oficiales del gobierno de Laredo para prometer ayuda y ponerse a trabajar de inmediato.

Bien por Eduardo Garza y es que sin su influencia sobre es-tos políticos los pobres colonos de Los Centenarios seguirían igual o peor. Ni hablar, el que manda, manda.


ProtectoraLa que se sigue viendo muy mal es la Abogada del Condado Ana Laura Cavazos, quien se man-tiene empeñada en no tomar

ninguna acción legal contra los que defraudaron y abusaron de los fondos federales de la Agen-cia de Acción Comunitaria.

La Corte de Comisionados se ha dado varios “encerronas” en sesiones ejecutivas con ella y le han pedido que haga algo, cuando menos que les cobre el dinero que se robaron pero a Ca-vazos le entra por un oído y le sale por el otro.

Y es que para la Abogada del Condado es difícil actuar contra amigos personales como el ex Juez del Condado Andrés Ra-mos Jr., quien logró beneficios del programa de climatización en su casa sin necesidad alguna, ya que no es pobre ni necesita que le hagan reparaciones y me-nos que las haga su propio hijo que actuó como contratista.

La pregunta es ¿hasta cuán-do se le permitirá a Ana Laura Cavazos ignorar la ley?


El comal le dijo a la olla…El pleito político que se avecina en el sur de Laredo le pone la carne de gallina al más valiente.

Y es que la contienda entre el actual Comisionado del Pre-cinto Uno, Frank Sciaraffa y su contrincante, el ex Juez del Condado y ex Regidor Louis H. Bruni, de verdad sacará “chis-pas”.

Ya es de todos conocido que Bruni es duro, ataca en serio a sus contrincantes y en este caso le sabe muchas cosas a Sciaraffa quien fuera su guardia personal cuando fue Juez del Condado y en una ocasión hasta lo deman-dó porque no le pagó un présta-mo que le hizo.

Pero también Sciaraffa le conoce algunas cosas a Bruni y no es ninguna perita en dulce, así que las “quemadas” estarán

de a peso en el Precinto Uno del condado de Webb. Por el bien de la gente ojalá y se dedicaran a trabajar por el bien de la gente y a realizar una campaña seria. Lo dudamos mucho.

Se está secandoEs lamentable ver como el tra-dicional lago Casa Blanca está quedándose más seco que la cara de un Marine.

La intensa sequía ya provo-có que los encargados del par-que estatal adviertan a los visi-tantes que si se meten al agua en lancha, es bajo su riesgo porque el nivel está muy bajo y se pue-den registrar accidentes.

Ya urge que una comitiva de Laredo viaje a Eagle Pass a los casinos de los indios Kickapoos pero no para jugar en las maqui-nitas sino para pedirles que le bailen al Dios Tláloc para que mande agua.

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On August 13, 2011, Rick Perry announced his candidacy for President of the United States,

declaring “It’s time to get America wor-king again… The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington, D.C. It will come from the windswept prairies of Middle America, the farms and factories across this great land, from the hearts and minds of the goodhearted Americans who will accept not a future that is less than our past…patriots who will not be consig-ned to a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government. We do not have to accept our current circumstances. We will change them. We are Americans.”

The 47th governor of Texas, Rick Perry grew up in the small community of Paint Creek, located along the ro-lling plains of West Texas. Rick Perry is the son of Ray Perry, a World War II tailgunner who flew 35 missions over war-torn Europe, and Amelia Perry, who provided a loving, nurturing home for Rick and his older sister Amelia. Ray and Amelia Perry started out as tenant farmers, providing a modest upbringing

for their children. Rick Perry grew up without indoor plumbing the first five years of his life, wore clothes hand-sewn by his mother, and was even bathed in a number 2 washtub as a young boy. Pe-rry was one of 13 students in the Paint Creek Rural School’s Class of 1968. He played six-man football, worked on his family farm, and devoted himself to the Boy Scouts, earning the rank of Eagle while in his teens.

Perry was among the first generation in his family to attend college, enrolling at Texas A&M University in the fall of 1968. He joined the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets and was elected twice to serve as an Aggie Yell Leader. Perry graduated in August 1972 with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science.

Upon graduation, Perry took a com-mission in the United States Air Force, flying C-130 tactical aircraft to destina-tions around the globe, including South America, Europe and the Middle East. In 1977, Perry was honorably discharged from the Air Force with the rank of Cap-tain, and he returned home to the family

farm, where they grew dryland cotton, milo and wheat. During the next few years, Perry would become one of mi-llions of conservative Reagan Democrats, and marry his high school sweetheart, Anita Thigpen, 16 years after their first date.

In 1983, Rick and Anita Perry wel-comed a son, Griffin, and their daughter Sydney arrived in 1986. It was in 1984 that Perry set his sights on public office, running to represent his rural neighbors in the Texas House. Perry would serve three terms in the House, ultimately switching to the Republican Party toward the end of his final term, before taking the bold step of running statewide for Agriculture Com-missioner against a popular Democrat in-cumbent. Perry scored an upset in 1990 and easily won re-election in 1994.

Four years later, Perry won a close election to become the first Republican Lieutenant Governor in more than a cen-tury. He became Governor in December 2000 when George W. Bush resigned the office to become President. Since then, Pe-rry has won three full terms as governor.

Perry decided to RUN FOR PRESIDENT

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