Page 1: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs

Vol. 71 Issue x The Club that has it all and gives its all! Month 2020

LION PRINTS Prescott Noon Lions Club

President’s Message

Several times during the month of June, Steve Hodges said

to me, “I can’t wait until you take over as president.” Well

Steve, that day has finally arrived. Thank you Steve for

getting us through a difficult and challenging year with the

Covid 19 Pandemic forcing us to cancel our meetings,

closing operations at the yard, being unable to shred at the

YRMC Hospitals, losing our meeting location and generally

disrupting other services our Club does for the community.

Fortunately some of that disruption appears to be behind us.

In June we were able to have the outdoor meeting at

Goldwater Lake, which was a great opportunity to see fellow

Lions who we have not seen for a while. Steve was also

able to recognize members for their outstanding service for

the year that just ended.

Unfortunately, our meetings are cancelled again and it looks

like this new Lion Year will present us with more unforeseen

challenges to overcome before we are able to get back to

normal operations. Fortunately, I know that I have several

Past Presidents who are willing to answer my questions and

help keep the Club moving forward in a positive direction.

This coming year we also have a dedicated group of

Officers, Directors and Committee Chairmen who I am

certain will do their best in their respective positions. I am

thankful that we have a Club comprised of many multi-

talented members who are willing to volunteer their time to

keep all of our Club activities going.

All of us working together, as we have in the past, should

make for another successful and interesting year for The

Prescott Noon Lions Club.

Lion President Bob Dressler

Page 2: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs


Lion Member Profile of Rudy Hernandez

by Lion Jerry Jackson

Hello, fellow Prescott Noon Lions …

I hope everyone is doing well as we stay safe during this covid-19 pandemic.

I am one of the newest Lion members that will be celebrating my second year

anniversary this coming September 2020. I was sponsored by Lion Lee Nidess, a

long-time friend and neighbor at the Haisley Homestead townhouses in Prescott.

Thanks to Lee, he has been a good mentor. Since becoming a member, I have

been active with several programs and activities of our club. I have been

volunteering my time with the KidSight Vision program with the schools, the Eye

Care Van with the Yavapai Lions/Mel Clack Foundation, the Stand Down program

for veterans, the paper shredding program at the Yavapai Regional Medical

Center’s East Campus, the Alzheimer’s Walk, the cotton candy booth, the annual

picnic, and various parades.

Since 2005, I have been a part-time summer resident of Prescott. My primary

residence is Gilbert, AZ. My wife, Vivian, and I have one daughter, Jayme. All

three of us are Arizona State graduates. Go, DEVILS!!

I am a third-generation native of Arizona. I graduated from ASU with a BS in

Accounting. I am both a CPA and CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) and worked for

Salt River Project (SRP), a major utility company in Arizona, for almost 40 years

before retiring in 2012. I worked in different financial management positions from

Auditing, Taxes and Accounting. I am also a professional member of the

American Institute of CPA’s, the Arizona State Board of Accountancy, and the

Institute of Internal Auditors. During my career at SRP, I had the opportunity to be

actively involved in a number of non-profit organizations – Alzheimer’s

Association, YMCA, Big Brothers and Arizona Opera.

For 25 years, I was a high school wrestling official in Arizona. I also wrestled

in high school and college at 103 and 118 pounds. That was a long time ago in

the ’60s and early ’70s. My hobbies include all sports. I am a die-hard ASU,

Diamondbacks, Suns and Cardinals fan.

I love our Prescott Noon Lions Club and look forward to better days when we

can all meet again together.

-- Rudy Hernandez

Lion Jerry Jackson’s note: The info I requested on Rudy's life is perfect as he stated it and that his verbatim overview is thus presented with no need for editing or elaboration!

Rudy Hernandez, in his own words

Photo at left was taken July 18, 2020

by Lion Doug George when the Eye

Care Van was at the community of

Wilhoit. Next to Rudy is Lioness Sue


Page 3: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs


Who doesn’t like pancakes, hot cakes, griddle cakes, flapjacks or

whatever you want to call these hearty breakfasts? Young and old alike

enjoy them. They may be couples, families, policemen, local residents or

visitors from near

and far.

Prescott Lions Pancake Breakfast Quiz

1. The first Prescott Lions Pancake Breakfast was held in

what year?

2. What was the ticket price that year?

3. Before the Pancake Breakfast was held on Territorial Days

Celebration, it was scheduled with another celebration

event. What was it?

4. There are currently seven current members who have

served as chairmen of the Pancake Breakfast. Name three

of them.

Answers are on page 10


Recalling Prescott Lions Past Pancake Breakfasts:

A Pictorial History





Volunteers can build up an appetite, too. In three

photos are these hungry Lions.

‘13– John Miller

‘14– Jerry Jackson and Lynn Boutwell, photo by

Harry Gooding

‘17– David Hartke

Page 4: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs










Advertising on site

Advertising on site has taken more forms from hand written signs on

cardboard to professionally designed signs by Paul Bauman. A traditional

banner has been hung across Gurley Street. Other attractions have included

the Lion Mascot, a huge inflated Lion and an inflatable waving pink arm man.

‘99 photo above is by

J.D. Conley.

Photos below labeled

‘97 and ‘01 are by J.D.





Ticket Sales

Page 5: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs









Maitre ď

Volunteer Sign In

Above is Jim

Messerschmitt. Photo is

from a Lion Prints by Bob


For many years, Bob

Hester was in charge of

volunteer sign in. In the

photos at right, with Bob,

are Lou Nemeth in ‘11,

John Baylis in ‘12 and

Doug George in ‘17.

In the 2011 photo, Al Chandler greeted patrons. Still dressed in his robe and with shaving

cream on his face, he gave visitors the impression they had shown up a bit early to his

house for breakfast. What a creative and humorous way it was to greet people. For many

years now, Lynn Boutwell has been directing people to available open seats. He has the

height, projected voice and friendliness to greet people. With the change from the street to

the lot, we no longer have to contend with the ramp as shown in the ‘10 photo from a Lion

Prints by Bob Cape.

Page 6: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs










The Flippers

Paul Chastain has been a flipper for many

years. The ‘99 photo by J.D. Conley,

above, shows Paul with Paul Jenkins. In

the ‘08 photo, at bottom left, Paul is with

Bob Cornett. Few pancake breakfast

crews can boast having a professional

cook like Norm Humphrey in the ‘11 photo

at left.

Above, a short

break in cooking

erupted into a bit of

spatula dueling

between Buz

Williams and Isaac

Acosta. At left, Tony

Hollins is serving a

couple of steaming

hot flapjacks.

Flippers above include Walt Duffet,

Reed Grady and George Moore.

Photo above is by J.D. Conley..

From left to right in the ’19 photo

are Doug Ruckel, Scott Armstrong,

Mike First and Isaac Acosta.

At left is Mike Hayden who has been

slaving over a hot grill.

Photo above is from a Lion Prints

by Bob Cape.

Page 7: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs



The Brewers, Sausage Cookers, Runners and Mixers

At top, carrying a tray of sausages is Fred Bartlett.

Above, the cookers include Dan Burt, Joe Funke,

Jack Hoeft and Phil Weliky. Getting more exercise

than nearly anyone

was the meat runner

David Hartke.

A local Boy Scout group has been helpful with a

variety of duties. Posing with them are Tom

Montague, Ken Leija, Earl Donnels and Jimmy Duke.

Brewing a good cup of joe may

sound easy, but only a few have

the credentials of a barista. The

brewers with those credentials

are in these photos:

‘96-Oce Dotson, photo is by J.D.


‘18– Earl Donnels and Greg


‘19– Earl Donnels, Gene

Erickson and Tom Cardinal

They may not be as

visible as the

flippers, but the

coffee brewers,

sausage cookers,

meat runners and

pancake batter

mixers are a vital

part of the breakfast.










Page 8: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs


Keeping the customers happy is no easy task,

especially when there is a surge of new patrons. The

servers are constantly pacing back and forth from the

flippers to Lioness with sausages to the customers.

In these photographs are hard working Lions doing

their best:

‘11– Mike Hoglund and Bob Carlisi

‘12– Lee Nidess

‘14– Jimmy Duke, photo by Harry


‘15– Steve Byers who was also


‘15– Lou Nemeth and Adrian




The Lions and Lioness Servers







‘18 Lionesses know how to take it and

dish it out. They quickly hand out the

sausages and pats of butter. And if

they don’t have the sausages, well

the Lions will just have to wait. Also

in their charge is the juice and


At left Jerry Jackson holds out his

paper plates for a couple of

sausages on each plate.

Page 9: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs





The Bands What would a pancake breakfast be without some lively music?

The tunes by local musicians has been quite a variety; from toe-

tapping country, to twanging vocals and strings of bluegrass, to

sing-along folk, to swinging oldies rock and roll and to the jazz

from the high school band.




The past couple of years have featured some extra

attractions. At left, a Lioness served cake celebrating

Lions Clubs Internationals 100th Anniversary. A sure

attraction to young and old was Tom Montague’s

shiny red-hot Hot Rod. Isaac Acosta’s wood flag

creations drew much appreciation for his art.

Pancake Breakfast is a great time and way to let

people know who we are and what we do. At far left is

the Yavapai Lions Eye Care Van. Doug George put

together an interesting display about our club. Giving it

a professional touch is Paul Bauman’s banner of our


Extra Attractions


‘19 ‘19

‘19 ‘18 & ‘19


Photo at left is by J.D. Conley.

Page 10: Prescott Noon Lions Club LION PRINTS · fellow Arizona Lions and our communities. Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love is what pushes you forward and spurs


Lion Prints is a monthly newsletter of the Prescott Noon Lions Club

District 21N, Arizona P.O. Box 2215, Prescott, AZ 86302-2215

Editor: Lion Ken Gantz, Paul Bauman & Doug Ruckel

All photographs are by Ken Gantz & Paul Bauman unless noted


Additional information about the Prescott Noon Lions Club is available

on Facebook at Prescott Noon Lions Club

Lions Pancake Breakfast Quiz Answers 1. 1981

2. $3.00

3. Cinco de Mayo

4. Past chairmen who are still members: Jack McLain,

Glenn Akin, Earl Donnels, David Hartke, Bob Welch,

Tom Montague and Steve Byers

Proud Lions Report

Your deeds will show all of Arizona that “We Lions of Arizona

are of one mind, one spirit, and clearly resolve to serve our

communities”. One of our major goals is to Feed the Hungry.

Whether it’s to provide monetary donations or by a direct food

drive, we must help the underfed within our communities. Our

recent club contributions of $200 ea. from the majority of Lions

clubs in MD21 helped. Are you feeding the hungry; how is your

club’s food drive doing? Some clubs have contributed much

more, directly from fundraisers or club funds. Other clubs have

contributed through the Green Bag program or other direct

modes. In any event, we must keep the “pedal to the metal”.

Let’s not stop feeding the hungry, most of all the children.

I challenge each and every Lion in 21 North to “step up” and

contribute your time, effort and dollars to those in need.

This pandemic isn’t ending anytime soon – far from it. We are

still staying home, wearing our masks and keeping social

distancing. Therefore, we must be creative in finding other

solutions and other methods to serve.

We should begin each day with a goal in mind. Whether it’s to

complete a task, or simply to be kind to someone or ourselves.

We should create a purpose for the day. A fellow Lion recently

told me that solitude is a welcome gift in these hectic times. He

stated it may not last long, or come often, so we must make the

most of it when it comes. The Covid 19 has forced most of us

into solitude. How do we cope? By finding a way to serve our

fellow Arizona Lions and our communities.

Love is the most powerful healing energy in the universe. Love

is what pushes you forward and spurs you on. Love heals the

sick and gives courage to the weak. Love of being a Lion

motivates us to serve. It motivates us to do things we Lions do

best. Our love of our fellow mankind, humanity and fellow Lions

keeps us on the straight and narrow.

Tomorrow may not be soon enough! How many times have we

waited on something instead of acting on it. My fellow Lions, do

what you want to do today – act now, for tomorrow may not be

soon enough. Consider making a contribution to LCIF – Our

foundation. The world of Lionism needs your help. Contribute

through your club or individually. No donation is too small –

every little bit counts. Hopefully, your club is striving to become

a model club.

Is your club struggling? Do you need a little help? The Past

District Governors Association is here for you. A PDG, a PID or

Guiding Lion can assist you. It is not a sign of weakness to ask

for help. Give PCC Larry Palmer or myself, or any of the GAT

team a call. We are here to serve you and your club.

Chuck Matthews, District Governor

21 North

District 21N Report


As the Proud Lions chairman I am pleased to announce the following awards. Unfortunately, because meetings have been limited,

many of the badges have not been handed out (those are indicated with an asterisk by the names).

Congratulations to our newest Proud Lions, who have become an integral part of our Prescott Noon Lions Club, and their sponsors

who are helping support our club by introducing the new members.

Proud Lion John Regaldo

Proud Lion Tim Ernster, sponsor Steve Schmidt

Proud Lion Bob Burston*, sponsor Paul Bauman

Proud Lion Gary Fullerton*, sponsor Dick Beers

Proud Lion Jake Passer*, sponsor Bob Welch

Proud Lion Bud Bevenour*, sponsor Bob Carlisi

Proud Lion Mike Peters, sponsor Harry Gooding*

Proud Lion Ernie Little, sponsor Dave Moody

Thank you all very much for your support of the Prescott Noon

Lions. For those who have not received their badge, please

see me at the next meeting. Lion Tom Haugen, Chairman

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