Page 1:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Day 1-Creation of Man

Materials: Playdough, Piece of paper, bottle with vinegar at the bottom with baking soda filled balloon attached

Story Starter: Give each child a piece of playdough. Give them 5 minutes to create an animal sculpture. Then have each child introduce themselves and share their creation.

Lesson: Just as you all created your animals from clay we are going to talk about how God created us. The Lord created all that we see. He created the heavens and the earth, the light and the dark, the seas and the land, the trees and the flowers, the birds and the fish of the sea and lions and lambs. Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, Just like you used the playdough to mold your animal, God took the dust and molded or shaped a man.

Then God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. So unlike our clay creatures, God breathed the breath of life into the man and he became a living being. Close your eyes and take a take a deep breath. (pause) Did you feel that? That is the breath of life. The same breath of life that was in Adam is in each one of us. God took a piece of lifeless dirt and breathed life into it. He is so powerful.

  8 The LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed.  9 Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food;  the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil… 15 Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. God is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him.

18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone;  I will make him a helper suitable for him.”  19 Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought  them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. God not only created man but gave him the power to name all the animals. God has so much power that He is able to give some to us and still be all powerful

  20 The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him.   21 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. Where are your ribs? (Have kids point and see if they can feel their ribs.) So God realizes that He needs to make another helper for Adam. He caused Adam to go to sleep. God made sure Adam did not feel pain when He took out his rib. What care and concern He has for us to keep us from pain.

22 The LORD God  fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. So God took the rib He got from Adam and made a woman from it. God is so amazing He is not limited to creating in just one way. He starts with dust the first time and the next time He uses a rib.

Page 2:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger  23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” Just as Adam had the power to name all the different animals he had the power to name and create a distinction between the man and the woman.

24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. God used his power to create a man, to create a woman and to create the most important small group we have; the Family. God knew we would need each other and use his power to create the first family.

God created so many things that show how powerful He is. (Brainstorm with the kids things that God created that are really powerful. Write them down on the piece of paper give you. If it doesn’t come up naturally try to drop hints to get them to say Jaguar.) So we have several powerful things on this list including our animal for today Jaguar. God created all of these powerful things. Can you imagine How powerful God is? This is why our verse is Jer. 32:27 “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?”. The answer, NO! So when things get hard and life is not going your way, Take a deep breath and remember nothing is too difficult for the God you serve. And You KNOW HOW God has done all He has. He is ALL POWERFUL

Review: Students stand in a circle and pass a rain stick or piece of fruit around the circle. At your signal, the student holding the items answers one of the questions below or chooses a volunteer to answer. Repeat several times, asking a different question each time.

What is our animal for today? (Jaguar) What is our phrase for today? (KNOW HOW) What did God use to make man? (Dust) What did God use to bring man to life? (breath of life or just breath) Who did God put into a deep sleep? (Adam) What did God use to make woman? (Rib) Who did God give the power to name the animals? (Adam) Who is all powerful? (God)

Then have the kids fill in their Travel Journal for Day one.

Page 3:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories YoungerDay 2-Job

Materials: Pictures, Marshmallow, roasting stick, lighter/matches, candle/ bun son burner (Light the candle before you begin the lesson), two balloons, skewer, dish soap

Story Starter: I’m going to ask you some questions. If your answer is “yes” move to the right side of the room (point). If your answer is “no,” move to the left side of the room. Ready? (Ask the following questions one at a time, pausing after each questions so that students may respond)

Have you ever fallen off a slide and gotten hurt? Have you ever fallen off your bike and skinned your knees? Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? Have you been stung by a bee? Have you ever had stitches? Have you ever broken a bone?

Now imagine that ALL of those things happened to you at the same time! Your face would sting, your knees would hurt and your chest (have the students hold their face, hop on one leg and hold their chest)…Wouldn’t that be AWFUL? Today we’re going to hear story about a man who was hurt even worse that that! And we’ll find out how God taught him a lesson through it.

Lesson: (Picture 1) Job was a great and godly man who followed God. He turned away from all evil and sin. Job was also very wealthy.

(Picture 2)One day, God said to Satan, “Have you seen Job? No one else on the earth is like him. He turns away from all evil.”

But Satan said, “That’s because You bless and protect him. Take away everything Job has, and he will curse You.”

“Very Well,” said God, “you may take away everything Job has, but do not hurt Job himself.”

(Picture 3) So Satan sent men to steal Job’s oxen, donkeys, and camels. Then he sent lightning to kill his sheep. He even caused all 10 of Job’s children to die! But Job still followed God.

(Picture 4) So God said to Satan, “You’ve tried to turn Job against Me, but it didn’t work.”

Satan said, “Take away Job’s health, and he will curse You.”

“Very well,” said God, “But do not kill him”

(Picture 5) So Job became sick. Painful boils covered his whole body. (Picture 6) Job’s wife told him to curse God, but Job would not. (Picture 7) Job’s friends told him that he was being punished for some terrible sin. But Job knew that he was innocent. (Picture 8) He wished for a mediator- someone who would speak to God for him.

Object Lesson: (Hold up Marshmallow) You know Job teaches us how to praise God even when things are not going our way. Sometimes things or people we love are taken from us (take small piece off the marshmallow). Sometimes we get hurt. (Put marshmallow on a roasting stick). Sometimes we face trail after trail after trail (dip marshmallow in the flame browning it with every trial you say). We experience pain (hold marshmallow in flames to warm) we wonder why but like Job we must not blame God and be hard and bitter but remain faithful, trusting and soft like our marshmallow. Even though it had gone through a lot. (Eat it) It is still sweet and soft on the inside.

Job did make one mistake. He began to question why God had allowed all these things to happen to him. He thought He had done everything right but Job forgot how much He needed God.

Page 4:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger(Picture 9) Then God Himself spoke to Job from the whirlwind. “Where were you when I made the earth?” God asked. “Were you the one who told the sea where to stop? Did you command the morning to come? Or put the stars in their places? Do you know when the animals have their babies? Did you tell the eagle to fly?

God asked all these questions and many more. God wanted Job to understand that He is all powerful and all knowing, the ruler over all. He wanted Job to know that Job needed Him because Job was only a man, he could not fully understand God’s ways.

God says in Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

Our verse for today reminds us that before we can think to say anything God knows it all. In Ps. 139:4 “Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O Lord, You know it all.

(Picture 10) Job said, “Surely I spoke about things I didn’t understand, things too wonderful for me to know.” Job realized he needed God with all His wisdom and power.

(Picture 11) Then God gave Job 10 more children and twice as much wealth as he had before. Job lived 140 years after his suffering. He saw both hid grandchildren and great grandchildren before he died.

Object Lesson: (Blow up two balloons half way.) Sometimes in life we go through some really hard times and it feels like you we are going to pop (jab skewer into the balloon). But God (coat the skewer with dish soap) Knows exactly what we can handle and what we need to grow closer to Him. (Now push the skewer from the tied end and push it through to the soft end of the balloon. Push the skewer out the other end)

You know God’s intelligence can be seen in everything He created. One of the most unique animals that He created that lives in the rainforest is the Anteater. (Hand out verse cards for the kids to see the anteater.) God made the anteater very smart. What does an anteater eat? (ANTS!) Well, an anteater will never destroy an anthill to get more ants at a time. If fact, it leaves the anthill intact so it can come back later and have some lunch. The Anteater reminds us how smart God is, He is all knowing. Now we know what God knows, EVERYTHING!

Review: Students line up in order of who has the most letters in his or her last name. Students at each end of the line answer one of the questions below, Repeat as time permits with other categories (Fewest letters in first name, nearest birthday, wearing the most purple or blue, with the longest hair, etc.)

Who suggested Job to Satan? (God) What did Satan do to Job first? (Took away his belongings and killed his kids) What did Satan do to Job’s body? (Boils) Who told Job to curse God? (His Wife) What did Job’s friends tell him was the reason for his trials? (his sins) Who is all powerful and all knowing? (God) Whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts? (God) Job apologized and God gave him what? (twice as much as before)

Then have the kids fill in their Travel Journal for Day Two.

Page 5:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Page 6:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Page 7:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Page 8:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Page 9:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Page 10:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Page 11:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories YoungerDay 3

Materials: Dream bubbles, 4 chairs (use chairs to create a square “pit”), Jail Barred Window, Balloon

Story Starter: We are going to start today with a game of “Highs and Lows”. I am going to name a place, if you have been to that place stand on your tip toes. If you have not been to that place squat down.

School Town Walmart Disney World Detention Cruise Ship Park

The Corner Football Field Baseball Field Gym Soccer Field Dollar General Time out

Did anyone go to all of those places? Do you know who has also been all of those places? God. God is everywhere. Today we are going to learn about a person who went lots of different places but no matter where he went God was with him because he had a heart for God.

Lesson: Jacob had 12 sons, but Joseph was his Favorite (If you have 12 students have them line up and pick one to be Joseph. If you don’t have 12 just pick a student to be Joseph). Jacob even gave Joseph a special robe of many colors. When Joseph’s brothers saw this, they hated him.

One Day, Joseph had a dream: (Hold up Dream Bubble 1 over Joseph’s head) “I dreamed we were gathering bundles of grain. Suddenly, my bundle stood up, while yours bowed down to it.” (Put down dream bubble) This made Joseph’s brothers hate him even more. Then he had another dream (Hold up Dream Bubble 2 over Joseph’s head). In it, the sun, moon and 11 Stars bowed to Joseph. (Put down dream bubble) Even Jacob scolded Joseph this time. (Wag your finger at Joseph) “Will your mother, brothers and I all bow to you?” he said.

A little later, Jacob sent Joseph to check on his brothers, who were out trending their flocks. The brothers saw him coming and decided to kill him. But Reuben, the oldest, told them to throw him into a pit instead so he could rescue him later. (Take Joseph and put him in the “pit” you created with the chairs before the day started.)

The brothers grabbed Joseph, tore off his colorful robe, and threw him into the pit. While they were eating, they saw a caravan headed to Egypt. They sold Joseph to them as a slave. Then they dipped his robe in goat’s blood and told Jacob that a wild animal had killed his son, Joseph. Jacob was very sad.

Joseph was sold to an Egyptian officer named Potiphar. (Take Joseph out of the pit. Put his hands behind his back and lead him across the room) God was with Joseph, though, and gave him success at everything he did. So Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his household. But then Potiphar’s wife told a terrible lie about Joseph, and he was thrown in jail! (Give Joseph the barred window to hold up)

Even in Jail, God blessed Joseph. He was put in charge of all the prisoners. At that time, Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker were also in jail. (Pick two to be each) They told Joseph about their dreams. (Hold up the two dream bubbles over their heads) With God’s help, Joseph told them what the dreams meant: The cupbearer would serve Pharaoh again, but the baker would be killed.(Put down bubbles) “Remember me to Pharaoh” Joseph told the cupbearer, but he forgot (They both sit down)

Two years later Pharaoh (Pick one to be Pharaoh) dreamed that seven fat cows were eaten by seven skinny cows. (Hold up the first dream bubble for Pharaoh) Then seven fat heads of grain were eaten by seven thin heads. (Hold up second dream bubble for Pharaoh) No one could tell Pharaoh the meaning of his dreams. Then the cupbearer remembered Joseph!

Page 12:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories YoungerJoseph was brought to Pharaoh. (Bring Joseph to Pharaoh. Have him bow down) Joseph was brought to Pharaoh. With God’s help, Joseph explained what the dreams meant. There would be seven years with plenty of food, then seven years of famine (Have Joseph put up seven fingers) with not food. Pharaoh saw that God was with Joseph, so he put him charge of all Egypt. Joseph was second only to Pharaoh. (Have Pharaoh sit down)

The famine came, just as God had said. It was not only in Egypt, but in every land Joseph had stored up grain during the seven good years, so there was food in Egypt. Every nation came to Joseph for food. Even Joseph’s brothers came for food. (Have Joseph’s brothers come to him) Joseph recognized them right away but they did not know him.

Joseph was overcome by his feelings that he couldn’t hide who he was any longer. He sent his servants away, and told them he was their brother. The brothers were terrified, but Joseph said, “Don’t be afraid, You planned evil against me, but God used it to being about great good.” (Have them group hug)

Then Joseph said, “Go home and get my father and all your families. Bring them here. You can settle in the land of Goshen and be near me.” This is how the Israelites came to live in Egypt. (Have your Joseph sit down)

Joseph went through a lot. He was in a pit then moved to a prison then moved the palace. But no matter where Joseph went God was with him because he had a heart for God. God is everywhere. When we follow God, no matter where we go God is with us.

Object Lesson: (Blow up a balloon and let it go, Watching it go all over the place.) Just like our balloon moved all over the place God is everywhere.

Our verse today is in Pr. 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and good. It reminds us that when we follow God, no matter where we are, He is with us.

Our animal today is the cockatoo. Cockatoos are one of the many birds found in the rainforest. In fact, birds can be found on every continent in the world. Just like God. When we follow Him, He is everywhere we go. Now we KNOW WHERE God is


Count to three. On “Three” students make a thumbs up or a thumbs down motion with one hand. Without looking at students, call “Thumbs up” or “Thumbs down” Volunteers from the group you called answer one of the questions below. Continue until the questions have been answered.

Who was Jacob’s favorite son? (Joseph) What did God use to show Joseph the future? (dreams) How did Joseph’s brothers feel about him? (Hated him) What did Joseph’s brothers do to him? (Throw him in a pit or sold him) Who was always with Joseph? (God) Why did Joseph go to jail? (Potiphar’s wife lied about him) What did Joseph interpret for the baker and the cupbearer? (Dreams) Who had a bad dream about Egypt’s future? (Pharaoh) Who came to Joseph for food? (other Nations or his brothers) What is our animal for Today? (cockatoo)

Have the students fill in their Travel Journal for day three.

Page 13:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Page 14:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Page 15:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger

Day 4-Jesus is God’s Son

Materials: Little peoples Nativity Set. Paper Angel String. Balloon

Story Starter: Let’s find out how many things you have in common with each other. Everyone stand up. If you have a sister go stand in that corner (point). If you have a brother go stand in that corner. (Point) If you have both go stand in that corner (Point) If you have none go stand in that corner. (Repeat with favorite ice creams, pets, sports, etc.)

There’s one thing that we all have in common; we have a heavenly father that loves us. In fact, the bible tells us that he sent his only son to save us. Do you know who his son is? (Allow them to answer. If they say Jesus GREAT!)

Lesson: Our theme verse this week is John 17:3 “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. The last few days we have gotten to know the only True God. What are some of things we have learned about God this week? (ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING, EVERYWHERE). Today we are going to start looking at the other part to having eternal life and that is knowing Jesus Christ. Let’s find more about who he is.

(Use the Nativity set to the tell each part of the story) One day God sent the angel, Gabriel to a town. The angel went to see a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to a man named Joseph.

Gabriel said to Mary. “Rejoice! You have found favor with God. He is with you.”

Mary was troubled, though. What kind of greeting could this be? She wondered. But Gabriel said, “Don’t be afraid, Mary. You will have a son and you will name Him Yahshua (Jesus). He will be great, and He will be called the Son of the Most High. God will give Him the throne of David, and His kingdom will never end.” “How can this be?” Mary asked the angel. “I am not married yet.”

Page 16:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories YoungerGabriel answered. “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and God will be the child’s father. The baby to be born will be called the Son of God.”

What will Jesus be called? (The Son of God)

Mary said, “I belong to God. Let everything happen as you have said.”

Now Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant, so he decided to divorce her quietly. He was a kind man and he did not want to shame Mary in front of everyone.

But an angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream. “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife,” the angel said. “The child she is carrying is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, you are to name Him Yahshua (Jesus). He will save His people from their sins. ”When Joseph woke up from sleeping, he did just as the Lord’s angel had told him. He married Mary.

During the time Mary was pregnant, the Roman emperor, ordered everyone to be counted. So every person traveled to the town where he was from to be counted. Since Joseph was from the family of King David, he and Mary traveled to Bethlehem, the city of David.

While they were in Bethlehem, the time came for Mary to have her baby. Mary and Joseph looked for a safe place for Mary to have her baby, but every room and inn was full.

So Mary and Joseph found a place where the animals were kept, and that is where Mary had her baby, Yahshua (Jesus). She wrapped Him in cloth, and she laid Him in a feeding trough, where the animals ate their food.

Nearby, some shepherds were staying out in the fields to watch over their flocks. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord stood before them. A bright light shone all around the shepherds and they were terrified!

But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid! I bring you good news of great joy. Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the City of David.” Then the angel said, “You will find a baby wrapped in cloth and lying in a feeding trough.”

Then the sky was filled with heavenly angels singing to God (Fan out the Angel Strip) and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to the people He favors!”

The Shepherds hurried off to Bethlehem. There they found Mary and Joseph and the baby who was lying in the feeding trough. The Shepherds returned to their fields, praising God for all they had seen and heard. Everything happened just as the angel had said.

God planned from the very beginning to send his son down. He talks about it in Genesis, Isaiah and many other books. Hundreds of years before Jesus was born. God had a plan and Jesus was the fulfillment of that plan.

In fact when Jesus was baptized, the holy spirit came down like a dove and In Mark 1:11 a voice from Heaven said, “Behold this is my son with whom I am well pleased.” Later He did it again, Mt. 17:5 “While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; Listen to Him!”

God wanted us to know Jesus is my son. He is related to me, Listen to him. Now we KNOW WHO God’s son is. The people had been waiting for God’s son to come for a long time

Object lesson: (Blow up a balloon. Play a game of keep it up.) We can’t let God’s promises fall. We have to hold on to God’s Promises just like they held on the God’s promise that His son would come.

Speaking of being related, did you know that the sloth is related to the anteater? That is why our animal for today is the sloth to remind us that Jesus is related the Father just as the sloth is related to the anteater. (Hand out the Verse Cards)

Page 17:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories YoungerReview: Students sit in a circle. As you play “Jesus is God’s Son,” students pass the angel around the circle. When the music stops, students holding the angel answers one of the questions below.

Who is God’s Son? (Jesus) Who came and talked to Mary and Joseph? (An angel) Where did they have to go to be counted? (Bethlehem) Where did they have to stay? (Stable) Who did God tell about Jesus being born? (Shepherds) What did the Shepherds do when they heard the good news? (Went to Bethlehem or praised God) What is our phrase for today? (KNOW WHO) What is our animal for today? (Sloth)

Have the students complete day four of their travel journal

Day 5 The Lost Sheep

Materials: Cotton Balls, Mark one Cotton Ball with X with washable marker, water in container marked Jesus

Story Starter: (Tell students) There are 100 cotton balls in the classroom but ONE cotton ball is very important. That one cotton ball has an X on it. The student who finds this important cotton ball gets a prize. (Students search for cotton ball. Award the small prize to the student who finds the cotton ball with an X.)

Congratulations! (Name) Found the cotton ball with an X and she gets the prize. You all searched hard to find that one cotton ball.

Would you have searched as hard for the cotton ball if there wasn’t a prize for the person who found it? Of all the things you have, what do you like best of all? What would you do if you lost it? How would you feel if

you could not find it?

Today we’ll hear one of Jesus’ parables about a man who lost something that was very important to him.

Lesson: Now all the tax collectors and the sinners were coming near Him to listen to Him. 2 Both the Pharisees and the

scribes began to grumble, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.”

Who was coming to listen to Jesus? (sinners)

Did the Pharisees like this? (No)

3 So He told them this parable, saying, 4 “What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does

not leave the ninety-nine in the open pasture and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?

Page 18:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger Why would you leave the 99 sheep to go find the 1 sheep that is lost? (Each sheep is important)

5 When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.6 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and

his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’

How does the shepherd react when He finds his lost sheep?

7 I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine

righteous persons who need no repentance.

Jesus compares the sheep in the story to people. He says God is more happy about one sinner that repents than 99

righteous people. Why? Our verse for today tells us Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of

eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Our sin cause us to die. The things we do wrong that are against what God wants

cause us to die. That is the cost for our sin. (Hold up one cotton ball with X) A wage is what you get paid for your actions.

For our sin we get paid death BUT God has like the good shepherd and doesn’t leave us lost in our sin. He came for us by

sending His son, Jesus to die for us. That is God’s free gift to us. We can’t earn this gift it is free we just have to receive it

by repenting. Repenting is turning away from sin. Repentance is

A: Accepting you did something wrong

B: Be Sorry

C: Confess it

D: Don’t do it again.

When we repent and Follow Jesus as our Lord and Savoir we can have eternal life. (Wash the cotton ball in the water

until it is clean) God gives us this gift of eternal life with Him through his son, Jesus. Jesus died to change our relationship

with God just like our animal chameleon changes color. Now we know why Jesus died for us. The greatest gift ever given

was when God gave us His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. (Lead students in silently thanking God for His love and for

Jesus our Savior.)

Object Lesson: (Have balloon that is blown up with helium. Weight it down with a washer or balloon tie.) When we sin it

keeps up from getting to God. When we repent. Jesus removes the sin (untie the balloon from the weight) and allow us

to grow closer to the Father (let balloon float to the ceiling)

Review: Divide class into groups of no more hand four. Give each group a coin. At your signal, a volunteer in each group flips the coin. For each group that has a heads-up, a volunteer answers one of the Bible-story review questions below.

Who came to listen to Jesus? (Sinners/ Tax collectors) Who didn’t like them coming to Jesus? (Pharisees/ Religious leaders) How many sheep were lost? (1) Why did the shepherd look for just one sheep? (Each one is important/ He loved all the sheep) Name a way we act like the lost sheep in today’s story. (we are lost in our sin) What is the cost of our sin? (Death) What is God’s free to us? (Eternal life) Who died to give us this free gift? (Jesus) How do we receive this free gift? (Repent and follow Jesus)

Page 19:€¦ · Web viewGod is so good. He made man and then made a place for man. Just like God has made a place for us. A Place with Him. 18 Then the Lord

Eternal Falls Bible Stories Younger What is our animal? (Chameleon) What is our phrase for today? (Know Why)

Have the kids fill in their travel journal for day five.

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