
TheThe exampleexample of Alp of Alp TransitTransit ProjectProjectLoetschberg base tunnelLoetschberg base tunnel



May 6, 2005 11//4040

Prepared by Prepared by ““F.F. VuilleumierVuilleumier and G.and G. SeingreSeingre””

Istanbul Istanbul -- 20052005

5Conclusions Conclusions and and referencesreferences

Chapter 1 :Chapter 1 : Rockburst by TBM excavation

Chapter 2 : Chapter 2 : Face instability with block formation

IntroductionIntroduction : : Loetschberg-Base-Tunnel

ChapterChapter 3 : 3 : On site comparison between TBM and drill-and-blast






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Loetschberg-Base-Tunnelshort presentation

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Switzerland builds now 2 new alpine base tunnels

• GothardL = 57 km2015

• LoetschbergL = 34.7 km2007connection withSimplon-tunnel

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Functions of the new rail alpine routes

• Integration of Switzerland in european high-speed railway network

• Transfer of alpine freight traffic from road to rail

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Loetschberg - Project overview

- Length : 34,7 km- 2 tubes, 65-70 m2

- Total length of all galeries : 88 km

- Altitude max. : 828 m- Construction period :

1995 - 2006- Coming into operation :


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Construction concept

• 10 simultaneous tunnel drives

• Reducing time construction

• Risk management : max. length 10 km

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Construction concept : D + B

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Construction concept : TBM

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Overall construction programme

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Chapter 1

Spalling during TBM excavation






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Condition for stress-driven spalling

• Massive Rockmass• Brittle rock• High stress level

(high overburden)• Low confinement

(ratio σ3 / σ1)• Crack damage

initiationσtan max = 0. 3…0.5 σc

Doc. Diederichs

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Stresses on tunnel walls

• Kirsch (1898)• σr = 0• σtan max = 3 σ1 - σ3

• σtan min = 3 σ3 - σ1

- Doc. Hoek, Kaiser and Bawden

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Spalling : stresses orientation

Loestchberg TBM drives• overburden up to

1700 m• σv~ σ1 > σh

• max. stresses on the tunnel wall

- Doc. Martin, Kaiser and Mc Creath

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Stress-driven spalling : example

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Stress-driven spalling : example

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Stress-driven spalling : example

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Problem for TBMGripper pads cannot

be seated on the side wall

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Problem for TBM excavation

the 4 m TBM shield protects the workers

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Support choice by spalling

Spalling• Standard support :

– Swellex-Bolts– Wire mesh (TBM)– Fiber-shotcrete (D+B)

• Bolts on tunnel wall (and on tunnel face by drill-and-blast)

Rockburst• Stored Energy => support

– Yiellding-Swellex orSplitset-Bolts

– Fiber-shotcrete or wire mesh and shotcrete

• High density of bolts on tunnel wall (and on tunnel face by drill- and-blast)

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Support choice by spallingLearning from the first drive

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Chapter 2

Face instability with block formation






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Face instability with block formation

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Block formation before cutter head

Doc. ARGEMaTrans, TBM drive Raron

Damage at :-Mucking buckets-Disc-cutters-Band-conveyors

Abrasion of cutter-head

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Face instability with blocks formation

• Claim of the contractor

• Influence of stress level and orientation

• Influence of tunnel radius (Kaiser)

• Influence ofschistosity and fractures

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Chapter 3

On site comparison between TBM and drill-







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Choice between TBM – D+B

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First difficulty : Trias zone Raron

•• 10 km OK 10 km OK forfor TBM TBM

•• 150 m Trias 150 m Trias zone too zone too difficult fordifficult for TBMTBM

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First difficulty : Trias zone Raron

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First difficulty : Trias zone Raron

>> small exploratory small exploratory gallerygallery onon western western tunneltunnel

>170 m >170 m conventionnal conventionnal prepre--excavationexcavation ofofeasterneastern tubetube

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Choice of excavation’s type


•• Steg Steg drive readydrive ready to to gogoin 2000in 2000

•• Raron drive ready onlyRaron drive ready onlyin 2001in 2001

> TBM > TBM forfor Steg lateral Steg lateral aditadit

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Other reasons• too short for economic

TBM excavation

• limited place at Portal Raron

=> east tunnel : TBM west tunnel : D + B

Choice of excavation’s type

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On site comparison between TBM and drill-and-blast

Length 3‘400 m

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� Lias-limestone, 750 m (22%)� Dogger (Aalenian) - marlschist

and limestone, 850 m (25%)� Quinten (Malm) - hard limestone,

470 m (14%)� Granodiorite, 780 m (23%)� Central Aar-Granite, 570 m


Comparison of advance rates

Rock Type TBM (m/d) D+B (m/d)

Lias 6.5 5.6

Dogger (Aalenian) 17.8 7.3

Quinten Limestone 18.5 10

Granodiorite 22.2 8.7

Granite 13.7 10.2

unstableunstable layer in crownlayer in crown

very abrasive rock very abrasive rock and blocksand blocks

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Lias limestone : unstable layer in crown

• Very schistose• Flatly dipping in the

direction of tunnel drive

• Convergence until 60 cm in TBM drive

• Few problems for drill and blast drive (unstable layer fell during blasting)

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Central Aar granite : abrasivity and blocks

• TBM-head had to be repaired 4 times

• Protection of disc-cutters against blocks

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Central Aar granite : abrasivity and blocks

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Conclusions and references

• Hard rock TBM can drive under moderate spalling conditions=> orientation of grippers ?

• Stress-driven block formation can occur at TBM face under high overburden

• Orientation of schistosity and fractures






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Clause de non-responsabilité pour les rapports des groupes de travail de l'AITESL’Association Internationale des Travaux en Souterrain (AITES) publie ce rapport, conformément à ses Statuts, pour faciliter les échanges d’informations afin :

d’encourager l’utilisation du sous-sol au profit du grand public, de l’environnement et du développement durable;

de promouvoir les progrès dans la planification, le projet, la construction, l’entretien, la réhabilitation et la sécurité des tunnels et de l’espace souterrain en rassemblant et confrontant les informations, ainsi qu’en étudiant les questions qui s’y rapportent.

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Disclaimer for the reports of ITA working groups The International Tunnelling Association (ITA) publishes this report to, in accordance with its statutes, facilitate the exchange of information, in order:

to encourage planning of the subsurface for the benefit of the public, environment and sustainable development

to promote advances in planning, design, construction, maintenance and safety of tunnels and underground space, by bringing together information thereon and by studying questions related thereto.

However ITA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the material published in this report.

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