Page 1: Prepare Cuprammonium Rayon Threads From Filter Paper

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Prepare cuprammonium rayon threads from filter paper


Chemistry Investigatory Project

Ravindra Singh XllScB

 Army public School, Jaipur 

This is to certify that Ravindra Singh, student of class xu , !rmy

Pu"lic School has completed the pro#ect titled To prepare a sample of cuprammonium rayon

threads from filter paper during the academic year 2009-2010 to$ards partial fulfillment of

credit for the chemistry practical evaluation of !issc% 2010, and su"mitted satisfactory

report, as compiled in the follo$ing pages, under my supervision&

This pro#'ect is a"solutely genuine and does not indulge in plagiarism of any (ind& The

references ta(en in ma(ing this pro#'ect have "een declared at the end of this report&

)r& ra#esh Pandit

*ead of +epartment chemistry

!rmy Pu"lic School,#aipur

“There are tinges when silence speaks so much more loudly than words of praise to onlyy

as good as belittle a person, whose words do not express, but onlyy put a veneer over true

feelings, which are of gratitude at this point of time.” 

$ould li(e to express my sincere gratitude to my chemistry men-tor )r& ra#esh Pandit,

for his vital support, guidance and encouragement -$ithout $hich this pro#ect $ould not

have come forth& * $ould also li(e to express my gratitude to the staff of the +epartment of

chemistry at Army Public School for their support during the ma(ing of this pro#ect&


To prepare a sample of cuprammonium rayon threads from filter paper 

!pparatus Reuired

Page 2: Prepare Cuprammonium Rayon Threads From Filter Paper

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a) Conical flask (preferably 25 ml)

b) !"nnel

c) #lass rod

d) $eaker (preferably 25 ml)

e) %ater bath

f) !ilter paper (%hatman paper or ordinary filter paper sheets& Preferably' %hatman)

.hemicals Reuired

a) C"S/

b) a* sol"tion

c) +i,"or ammonia sol"tion

d) -il"te *2S/

e) %hatman Paper

f) -istilled *2


Rayon is a synthetic fiber prod"ced from cell"lose& -eveloped in an attempt to prod"ce silk chemically'

it .as originally called artificial silk or .ood silk& Rayon is a regenerated fiber' beca"se cell"lose is

converted to a li,"id compo"nd and then back to cell"lose in the form of fiber& !or e/ample'

c"prammoni"m rayon is made by dissolving cell"lose in an ammoniacal copper s"lphate sol"tion&

0he characteristics of rayon fibers are1

s 0hey are highly absorbent'

s Soft and comfortable'

s asy to dye 3 

s -rape .ell&

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Cell"lose is nat"re4s o.n giant molec"le& It is the fibro"s material that every plant from sea.eed to

the se,"oia makes by baking gl"cose molec"les in long chains the chains are bo"nd together in the

fibers that give plants their shape and strength& %ood has no. become the main so"rce of cell"lose&

Since it contains only 67 to 57 cell"lose' the s"bstance m"st be e/tracted by 8p"lping4& 0he logs

are flaked' and then simmered in chemicals that dissolve the tarry lignin' resins and minerals& 0he

remaining p"lp' abo"t 9:7 cell"lose' is dried and rolled into sheets;ra. material for paper' rayon and

other prod"cts&

It can be obtained in 2 .ays1

<& iscose Process Cell"lose is soaked in :7 ca"stic soda sol"tion for abo"t : hrs& 0he alkali

sol"tion is removed and the prod"ct is treated .ith CSi& 0his gives cell"lose /anthate' .hich is

dissolved in a* sol"tion to give visco"s sol"tion& 0his is filtered and forced thro"gh a

spinneret into a dil"te *2S6 sol"tion' both of .hich harden the g"mlike thread into rayon

fibers& 0he process of making viscose .as discovered by C&!&Cross and =&$evan in <>9<&

2& .uprammonium Rayon C"prammoni"m rayon is obtained by dissolving pieces of filter

paper in a deep bl"e sol"tion containing tetra;ammine c"pric hydro/ide& 0he latter is obtained

from a sol"tion of copper s"lphate& 0o it' *)* sol"tion is added to precipitate c"pric

hydro/ide' .hich is then dissolved in e/cess of *?&


C@S6A 2*6* B C"(*)2A (*6)2S6

Pale bl"e ppt

C"(*) 2 A 6*6* B C"(*:) 6D(*) 2 A 6*2

C"(*:) 6D(*) 2 A pieces of filter paper left for <;<5 days give a visco"s sol"tion called EISCS&


!& Preparation of Sch$eit3er's Solution

a) %ay2gofC"S)&5*2&

b) 0ransfer this to a beaker having <ml distilled .ater and add <5ml of dil"te *2S6 to prevent

hydrolysis of C"S)&

Page 4: Prepare Cuprammonium Rayon Threads From Filter Paper

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c) Stir it .ith a glass rod till a clear sol"tion is obtained& Fdd <<ml of li,"or ammonia drop by drop

.ith slo. stirring& 0he precipitate of c"pric hydro/ide is separated o"t&

d) !ilter the sol"tion containing c"pric hydro/ide thro"gh a f"nnel .ith filter paper&

e) %ash the precipitate of c"pric hydro/ide .ith .ater "ntil the filtrate fails to give a positive test

for s"lphate ions .ith bari"m chloride sol"tion&

f) 0ransfer the precipitate to a beaker that contains 5ml of li,"or ammonia or .ash it do.n the

f"nnel& 0he precipitate .hen dissolved in li,"or ammonia gives a deep bl"e sol"tion of tetra;ammine

c"pric hydro/ide& 0his is kno.n as SC*%I0GR4S S+@0I&

& Preparation of .ellulose material

a) Ffter .eighing 2g of filter paper divide it into very fine pieces and then transfer these pieces to

the tetra;ammine c"pric hydro/ide sol"tion in the beaker&

b) Seal the flask and keep for < to <5 days' d"ring this period the filter paper is dissolved


.& 4ormation of Ravon Thread

a) 0ake 5ml of distilled .ater in a glass container& 0o this add 2ml of conc *2S6 drop by drop&

Cool the sol"tion "nder tap .ater& In a big glass container po"r some of the sol"tion&

b) !ill the syringe .ith cell"lose sol"tion prepared before&

c) Place the big glass container containing *2S6 sol"tion prod"ced before in ice (the reaction

being spontaneo"s res"lts in e/cess release of energy in the form of heat .hich makes the fibers .eak

and breaks them)&

d) Immerse the tip of the syringe in the sol"tion and press gently& otice the fibers getting formed

in the acid bath& Contin"e to move yo"r hand and keep pressing the syringe to e/tr"de more fibers

into the bath&

e) +eave the fibers in sol"tion till they decoloriHe and become strong eno"gh&

f) !ilter and .ash .ith distilled .ater&


a) Fddition of e/cess *? sho"ld be avoided&

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b) $efore taking the viscose in the syringe make s"re that it does not contain any particles of paper'

other.ise' it .o"ld clog the needle of the syringe&

c) Fddition of *? sho"ld be done in a f"me c"pboard and .ith e/treme care& 0he f"mes if inhaled

may ca"se giddiness&

d) @se a thick needle other.ise the fibers .on4t come o"t&


hemistry !Part "# $ Textbook for lass %""& ational Co"ncil of 

d"cational Research and 0raining 0ogether %ith +ab an"al Chemistry JII $harti $

(P"blishers 3 

-istrib"tors) Comprehensive Chemistry +ab an"al JII K hemistry Pro'ects

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