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Premature Babies and Jaundice The International Neonatology Conference

March 5-6, 2013 Kiev, Ukraine

Ann R Stark, MD Professor of Pediatrics Vanderbilt University

Nashville, Tennessee, USA

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Management of Hyperbilirubinemia in Preterm Infants

• Evidence to support an approach

• Evidence for injury – Kernicterus at autopsy

– Kernicterus and imaging

– Neurodevelopment and bilirubin

• Phototherapy - effective and safe? – Observational data

– Randomized trial

• New guidelines – expert consensus

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Epidemiology of Jaundice

• 85% of infants > 35 weeks gestation have visible jaundice due to hyperbilirubinemia in the first week after birth – Bhutani, Stark et al, J Pediatr 2012 Epub

• Nearly all preterm newborns have hyperbilirubinemia

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1.2 – 2.5 kg

Peak Bilirubin Level Later and Higher in Preterm Infants

Billing BH. BMJ 1954; 2:1263-5

Peak Level Day of Age at Peak

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Bilirubin Production



Heme oxygenase



Biliverdin reductase

Binds to ferritin


Heme Catabolism

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Heme Catabolism

• Catabolism of erythrocytes – about 80%

• Turnover of nonhemoglobin hemoproteins

– Catalase, myglobin, cytochromes, nitric oxide synthase

• Ineffective erythropoiesis

• Newborns have more red blood cells (higher hematocrit) and shorter red blood cell lifespan than adults

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Erythrocyte Lifespan is Shorter in Newborns than Adults

Lifespan (days)

Adult 110-120

Term newborn 60 -90

Preterm newborn 35-50*

*Shorter at lower gestational ages

Ohls RK in Polin, Fox, Abman (eds). Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, 4th ed. 2011 Saunders Ch 44.

Bilirubin production in newborn approximately 8.5 mg/kg/day, about twice adult rate

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Clearance & conjugation (immature liver)

Enterohepatic circulation


Red cell breakdown

Balance of Production and Elimination = Bilirubin Level

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Elimination is also Decreased

• Slower hepatic uptake of free bilirubin from blood – Low level of ligandin which controls uptake into


• Lower concentration of uridine diphosphoglucoronate transferase (UGT) so decreased conjugation

• Increased enteropatic circulation – Beta-glucuronidase in small intestine and often in breast


– High concentration of unconjuated bilirubin in meconium

• Decreased bilirubin binding capacity so more free bilirubin to enter brain

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No Consistent Approach to Treatment

• American Academy of Pediatrics guideline for management of hyperbilirubinemia is limited to infants > 35 weeks gestation

• Few published guidelines address treatment thresholds for preterm infants – UK (2010); Norway (2010); Netherlands (2011)

• NICUs typically developed their own guideline – Wide range of treatment thresholds at varying

gestation, birth weight, postnatal age

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Range of Bilirubin Levels Used to Start Phototherapy After 72 Hours of Age

Median and range, 163 hospitals

Rennie JM. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2009;94:F323

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Variable Bilirubin Levels Used to Start Phototherapy or Exchange Transfusion

10 Dutch NICUs Birth weight 1-1.5 kg Median and range

Van Imhoff DE. Early Hum Dev 2011; 87:521

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• Globus pallidus

• VIII (auditory) nerve

• Effects on neuronal development

Neurological Injury Caused by Bilirubin

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Kernicterus at Autopsy in Preterm Infants

• NICHD Phototherapy Study 1974-76 – Infants < 2.5 kg birth weight randomly assigned to

phototherapy or control at 24 hr of age for 96 hr

– Rate of exchange transfusion lower in phototherapy (4.1%) than control (24.4%)

• 119/1063 (11%) infants died; 76 (64%) had autopsies

• 4/76 (5%) had kernicterus – Birth weight 760-1260 gm; bilirubin 6.5 – 14 mg/dL

(110 – 238 µmol/L)

Lipsitz PJ. Pediatrics 1985;75:422

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Kernicterus at Autopsy

• Retrospective study of all autopsies 1984-93 at one hospital; < 34 weeks, lived at least 48 hrs; correlated with clinical information and peak serum bilirubin (TSB)

• 3 of 81 (4%) infants had kernicterus – 24,25,33 weeks with other illness

– Peak TSB 11.3 – 26 mg/dL (192-442 µmol/L)

• 78 without kernicterus – Peak TSB 3.6-22.5 mg/dL (61-382 µmol/L), greater

than NICHD trial exchange transfusion threshold

Watchko JF. Pediatrics 1994; 93:996

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Kernicterus With Low Bilirubin


n Peak TSB (mg/dL)

Clinical Course

31 34

1 1

13.1 14.7

RDS, possible sepsis, apnea Low glucose; no neuro signs

25 28 29

3 1 1

8.7-12 11.9 10.9

HFOV, IVH, NEC (1) HFOV, IVH IMV, pneumothorax

Sugama SS. Pediatr Neurol 2001; 25:328 Govaert P. Pediatrics 2003; 112:1256

15/16 preterm infants developed choreoathetosis All had classic MRI findings of kernicterus

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Kernicterus With Low Bilirubin


n Peak TSB (mg/dL)

Clinical Course

25 26 34

4 2 1

10-15.9 7.1-9.6

17.4 (50d)

RDS, IMV, sepsis, BPD RDS, IMV, BPD No complications







Twin-twin, IMV, IVH, perforation, PDA ligation Twin (other acardia), heart failure, IVH

15/16 preterm infants developed choreoathetosis All had classic MRI findings of kernicterus

Okumara A. Pediatrics 2009; 123:e1052 Moll M. Neonatology 2011; 99:90

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MRI During Infancy

T2 weighted images High intensity in globus pallidus

Okimura A. Pediatrics 2009; 123:e1052

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Is Increased Bilirubin Associated with Poor Neurodevelopmental Outcome?

• 6 year follow-up of NICHD phototherapy trial (1974-76)

• Evaluated 224/396 (56%) of children in control group; 54 (24%) had exchange transfusions – Neurologic exam; IQ testing (Wechsler)

• No association between peak bilirubin levels, duration of hyperbilirubinemia, bilirubin-albumin binding and cerebral palsy or IQ – No athetoid cerebral palsy

Scheidt PC. Pediatrics 1991;87:797

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Is Increased Bilirubin Associated with Poor Neurodevelopmental Outcome?

• 495 infants 500-1500 g birth weight

• Evaluated at 1 year corrected age

• Peak bilirubin level from medical record

• Adjusted for intracranial abnormalities (IVH)

• No association between peak bilirubin level and developmental outcome

O’Shea TM. Pediatrics 1992; 90:888

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Is Increased Bilirubin Associated with Poor Neurodevelopmental Outcome?

• Retrospective study of 128 infants < 27 weeks and < 800 g born 1980-89

• Follow-up at 18 months corrected age

• No association of neurodevelopmental impairment and TSB > 200 µmol/L (11.7 mg/dL)

• 15 infants were blind: all < 26 weeks – Associated with low peak TSB < 160 µmol/L and

longer duration of phototherapy

Yeo KL. Pediatrics 1998; 102:1426

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Bilirubin and Outcome in Preterm Infants

-10 mg/dL

-15 mg/dL • 724 infants 24 to 32 weeks gestational age • 87% evaluated at 2 yr • Serum bilirubin from clinical database • Low threshold for phototherapy…

Mazeiras G. PLoS ONE 2012; e30900

Only difference in outcome was in the highest third in the smallest infants

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Extremely Low Birth Weight Observational Study

• Retrospective analysis of 2575 infants 401-1000 g birth weight in 12 Neonatal Research Network Centers, born 1994-97

• Peak TSB measured during first 2 weeks

• Evaluated at 18-22 months corrected age

Oh W. Pediatrics 2003; 112:773

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Peak TSB is Associated with Death or Neurodevelopmental Impairment

Oh W. Pediatrics 2003; 112:773

Adjusted analysis

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Peak TSB is Associated with Need for Hearing Aids

Oh W. Pediatrics 2003; 112:773

Adjusted analysis

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Peak TSB is Associated with Psychomotor Developmental Index <70

Oh W. Pediatrics 2003; 112:773 Adjusted analysis

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Network Retrospective Study

• Peak TSB in first two weeks in extremely low birth weight infants is associated with – Death or neurodevelopmental impairment

– Need for hearing aids

– Psychomotor Developmental Index < 70

• Is not associated with – Cerebral palsy

– Mental developmental index < 70

– Neurodevelopmental impairment

Oh W. Pediatrics 2003; 112:773

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Aggresssive vs Conservative Phototherapy – NICHD Network

• Extremely low birth weight infants • Randomized at 12 to 36 hours - phototherapy

– Aggressive: at enrollment; continue or restart if • 501-750g: 5 mg/dL (85 µmol/L) or higher • 751-1000g: 5 mg/dL (85 µmol/L) in first 7 days, 7 mg/dL (119 µmol/L)

in next 7 days

– Conservative: • 501-750 g: 8 mg/dL mg/dL (136 µmol/L) or higher • 751-1000g: 10 mg/dL mg/dL (170 µmol/L) or higher

• Exchange Transfusion threshold – 501-750 g: 13 mg/dL (222 µmol/L) – 751-1000g: 15 mg/dL (256 µmol/L)

• Evaluated at 18-22 months corrected age

Morris BH. N Engl J Med 2008; 359:1885

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Phototherapy Trial Results

Aggressive n=990

Conservative n=984


TSB mean (1-14 d) 4.7+1.1 6.2+1.5 <0.001

TSB peak (1-14 d) 7.0+1.8 9.8+2.1 <0.001

Duration PhotoRx - hr 88+48 35+31 <0.001

Exchange Transfusions 2 3 NS

Morris BH. N Engl J Med 2008; 359:1885

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Phototherapy Trial Outcomes AGG % CON % RR

Death or Impairment

52 55 0.94 (0.87-1.02)

Death 24 23 1.05 (0.09-1.22)

Impairment 26 30 0.86 (0.74-0.99)*

Profound impairment (<50)

9 13 0.68(0.52-0.89)*

Severe hearing loss 1 3 0.32(0.15-0.68)*

Athetosis <1 1 0.20(0.04-0.90)*

Morris BH. N Engl J Med 2008; 359:1885

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Phototherapy Outcomes 500-750 g

Aggressive Conservative RR

Death 39% 34% 1.13 (0.96-1.34)

Impairment 27% 32% 0.86 (0.70-1.05)

Morris BH. N Engl J Med 2008; 359:1885

Rate of death increased by 5% and neurodevelopmental impairment decreased by 5% - neither significant, but potential increase in rate of death is concerning

NIH Trial 1974-76 Treatment Control RR

<1000 g

Death 59% 40% 1.49 (0.93-2.40)

Lipsitz PJ. Pediatrics 1985;75:422

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Bilirubin Levels and Outcomes in Survivors

Yes No p

Neurodevelopmental Impairment (n) 510 994

Mean TSB (14 d) mg/dL 5.4+1.6 5.4+1.5 0.45

Peak TSB mg/dl 8.6+2.3 8.3+2.3 0.02

Severe hearing loss (n) 35 1870

Mean TSB (14 d) mg/dL 6.5+1.7 5.4+1.5 <0.001

Peak TSB mg/dl 10.5+2.3 8.4+2.3 <0.001

Morris BH. N Engl J Med 2008; 359:1885

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Peak Bilirubin and Neurodevelopmental Impairment

Substantial overlap of peak values between groups

Morris BH. N Engl J Med 2008; 359:1885

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Unbound Bilirubin • Most bilirubin in circulation is bound to albumin

– Binding depends on concentrations of each and binding affinity, which increases with gestational age

– Binding affinity may be decreased by sepsis, acidosis, free fatty acids, albumin-binding drugs

• Unbound bilirubin might contribute to neurotoxicity

– Might be related to both unbound and total

– No commercial instrument available

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Suggested Use of Phototherapy and Exchange Transfusion - < 35 weeks

Maisels MJ et al. J Perinatol 2012; 32:660

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An Approach – but read the footnotes

• Operational thresholds – expert consensus • Wide ranges reflect uncertainty • Lower levels if greater risk

– Lower gestation, albumin <2.5 g/dL, hemolytic disease, clinically unstable

• Exchange transfusion for encephalopathy • Measure albumin • Use postmenstrual age • Use lower irradiance for <1 kg; increase exposed

surface area before increasing irradiance

Maisels MJ et al. J Perinatol 2012; 32:660

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• Preterm infants are at risk – kernicterus can occur at low bilirubin levels

• Little good evidence is available

• Use of unbound bilirubin needs to be tested

• Guideline based on expert consensus – Be aware of risk factors

– Use phototherapy with care in the smallest infants

• Evaluate new recommendations with follow-up

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