Page 1: Preferred Dental - Worcester County Public Schools...• Nationwide Access to Participating Dentists - With our national dental network, you have access to more than 74,000 participating

Preferred Dental Includes access to a National Provider Network

The County Commissioners of Worcester County & Affiliated Groups

Regular preventive dental care is an important

part of staying healthy. That's why CareFirst

BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst) and CareFirst

BlueChoice, Inc. (CareFirst Blue Choice)' are

pleased to offer Preferred (PPO) Dental coverage,

which allows you the complete freedom to see

any dentist you choose.

Advantages of the Plan • Freedom of Choice, Freedom to Save - With

Preferred Dental coverage, you have the freedom to

see any dentist. This plan also gives you the option

to reduce your out-of-pocket expenses by visiting a

dentist who part icipates in our network of PreFerred

and Traditional providers. It's your choice!

• Preventive Care and More - Benefits For you and

your Family include regular preventive care, x-ravs,

dental surgery and more. A summary of your benefits

is available on the Following page.

• Large Regional Network - Over 3,700 dentists in

Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C. partic ipate

in CareFirst's and CareFirst BlueChoice's Preferred

Dental Network. You may already be seeing a dentist

who is part of our network.

• Nationwide Access to Participating Dentists - With

our national dental network, you have access to

more than 74,000 participating dentists throughout

the United States. Wheth er you are in Baltimore or

Boston, Laurel or Los Angeles, you have coverage For

the dental services you need, when you need them.

• Out-of-network care - Dentists who participate in

the Traditional Dental Network (not the Preferred) or

dentists who do not participate in either CareFlrst

Dental Networks (non-participating) are out -of­

network providers. If you see a non-participating

dentist you will Incur additional out-of-pocket costs

as you will be responsible for the difference between

the provider's charge and the CareFirst allowed


• Easy to use -If you see a Preferred dentist, you

will incur lower out-of-pocket costs for all dental

services and you will not have to file claim forms.

Preferred dentists have agreed to accept CareFirst's

or CareFirst BlueChoice's allowed benefit as payment

in full for covered services. Once you meet your

deductible and coinsurance, you won't have any

additional expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find a preferred dentist? You can access an online directory 24 hours a day at on the Dental tab, then

click on Preferred Dental (PPO).

How much will I have to pay for dental services? The chart on the following page gives you an overview of

many of the covered services along with the percentage

of what you will pay for each class of services, both in

and out -of-network.

Is there a lot of paperwork? There is no paperwork when you use a dentist in our

Preferred or Traditional Dental Network. IF you see a

non-participating dentist, you may be required to pay

all costs at the time of care, and then submit a claim

Form in order to be reimbursed for covered services.

Who can I call with questions about my dental plan? Call Dental Customer Service toll free at:

(866) 891-2802 between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm ET,


1 The Careiirst BlueChoice Dental Plan is offered In conjunc tion with Group Hospi talization and Medical Servi ces, Inc., doing bus iness as CareFi" t BlueCross BlueShield, whi ch contracts with pa rt icipat ing dentists and prov ides claims p rocessing and administroti ve ser vices und er the Dental Plan.

Page 2: Preferred Dental - Worcester County Public Schools...• Nationwide Access to Participating Dentists - With our national dental network, you have access to more than 74,000 participating

Preferred Dental

Summary of Benefits

In-Network You Pay Preferred Dental Provider

Out-of-Network You Pay Tradit ional Dental Provider OR Non-Participating Dental Provider

Deductible (Class II, III and IV combined) $50 Individual / $150 Family

There Is a separate deductible for In- and out-of-network services

Annual Maximum (Class I, II, III and IV combined) $1.000 per member

Lifetime Orthodontia Maximum (Class V) $1, 000 per member

Preventive & DiagnosticServices (Class I) • Oral Exams (two per benefit period) • Prophylaxis (two cleanings per

benefit period) • Bitewing X-rays • Full mouth X-ray or panograph and

bitewing X-ray combination and one cephalometric X-ray (onceper 36 months)

• Fluoride treatments (two per benefit period per member, until the end of the year the member reaches the age 19)

• Sealants on permanent molars (once per tooth per 36 months per member, until the end of the year the member reaches the age 19)

• Spacemalntalners (once per 60 months) • Palliative emergency treatment

Plan Payment

100% of Allowed Beneflt*

BasicServices (Class II) • Direct placement fillings using approved • Periodontlcal scalingand root planing (once

materials (one filling per surface per 12 per 24 months,one full mouth treatment) 80% of Allowed Beneflt* after deductible months) • Simple extractions

Major Services - Surgical. (Class III) • Surgical periodontic services including • Oral surgery (surgical extractions,

osseous surgery, mucogingival surgeryand treatment for cysts, tumor and occlusal adjustments (once per 60 months)

• Endodontics (treatment as required abscesses,apicoectomy and hemi-sectlon) 80% of Allowed Beneflt* after deductible

involving the root and pulp of the tooth, • General anesthesia rendered for a such as root canal therapy) covered dental service

Major Services - Restorative (Class IV) • Full and/or partial dentures • Recementatlon of crowns. Inlays and/or

(once per 60 months) bridges (once per 12 months) • Fixed bridges, crowns, inlays and onlays • Repairof prosthetic appliances as

(once per 60 months) required (once in any 12 month period 50% of Allowed Beneflt* after deductible • Denture adjustmentsandrelining (limits per specific area of appliance)

apply for regularand immediate dentures) • Dental implants, subject to medical necessity review (once per 60 months)

Orthodontic Services (Class V) • Benefits for orthodontic services may be available for covered members

50% of Allowed Benefit* who meet treatment criteria.

• NOTE: Carefirst and Carefirst BtueChalce payments are based an the Beneflts Issued under policy form numbers: CareFirst of Maryland. Inc.: Carefirst and Careflrst BtueChalce Allowed Benefit . Participating and CFMI/S1+/GC(R. 9/ 11) • CFMI/EOC/D-V(7/09) • CFMI/DENTAl DOCS (R . 9/11) Preferred Dentists accept 100% of the CareRrstAllowed Benefits as payment In • CFMI/DENTAlsOB (7/09) • CFMI/ELIG/D ·V (7/09)andany amendments full for covered services. Non-participating dentlstt may bill the member{or the CareFlrst of Maryland, Inc.: CFMI/S1+/DENTAl RIDER (4/09) dIfference between the Allowed Benefit and theIr charges.

Group Hospitalization and Medical Services, Inc.: MD/CF/GC (R. 9/11) • Summary of Exclusions: Notall services andproceduresare coveredbyyour MD/CF/EOC/D-V (10/08) • MD/CF/DENTAl DOCS (R. 9/11) • MD/CF/DO -sOB benefils contract. Thisplansummary Is for comparison purposes onlyand (7/03) • MD/CF/EliG (R. 1/08)• and any amendments. does notcreate rights not given through the benefit plan.

GroupHospitalization andMedical Services. lnc.:MO/CF/DENTAl RIDER (R . 4/oB)

CareFlrst BlueCholce, lnc.: MD/BC/DENTAl RIDER (R. 4/08)

the Care First BlueCross BlueShleld family of health care plans

CareFirst BlueCross Blue Shlsld Is the shared busine ss name of Group Hosp italiz ation and M edical Serv icaa, Inc . and Cars ft rs t of Maryl and, Inc . and Is an inde penden t li censee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield As soctanon .

!j} Regi stered trademark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association . ®. Registerod Ir ademark of CareF lrst of Maryland. Inc.

\Vorces ler

Page 3: Preferred Dental - Worcester County Public Schools...• Nationwide Access to Participating Dentists - With our national dental network, you have access to more than 74,000 participating

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR The County Commissioners of Worcester County &Affiliated Groups

CareFirst Dental Program

Effective 7/1/2015 an enhancement is being made to the existing Traditional Dental Program. The new program will be the Preferred Dental (PPO) Dental Program. The addition of the PPO Network offers the potential for lower overall claims costs for Worcester County.

The dental benefits covered, deductibles and coinsurance amounts will remain the same.

Combined In-Network & Out-of-Network Deductible $50 Individual/$150 Family

CLASS I: Preventive & Diagnostic Services 100% of AS· no deductible

CLASS II: Basic Services 80% of AS· after deductible CLASS III: Major Services - Surgical 80% of AS· after deductible CLASS IV: Major Services - Restorative 50% of AS· after deductible

CLASS V: Orthodontic Services 50% of AS· no deductible * Allowed Benefit

This change is to the dental network only. If your dentist is in the CareFirst Traditional Dental Network the provider is most likely also in the PPO network. If your dentist is in the Traditional Network and not in the PPO network there will be no change to your liability as noted below.

Deductible $50 Individual/$150 Family

PPO Dental Provider Traditional Dental Provider Non-Participating Dental Provider Benefits paid after the deductible (if applicable)

Dentist files claim and accepts CareFirst payment as payment in full less any applicable deductible or coinsurance.

Dentist files claim and accepts CareFirst payment as payment in full less any applicable deductible or coinsu ranee.

You are responsible for claim filing. Dentist will collect entire charge at time of care. You will be reimbursed directly. You are responsible for the difference between CareFirst payment and the providers charge .

IMPORTANT: You will be receiving a new Dental 10 Card(s). New MedicallD Cards will also be sent

under separate cover.

Please be sure to show your new Dental ID card(s) to your dental provider when you receive care on

or after 07/01/2015.

How to Locate Dental Providers .:. Go to an option under "Find a Doctor". Follow instructions to the

search page. •:. Click the Dental Tab .:. Choose "Preferred Dental Plan (PPO)". •:. Follow instructions to find providers based on search criteria you enter

Dental- PPO Worcester Overview 7-1-15

Page 4: Preferred Dental - Worcester County Public Schools...• Nationwide Access to Participating Dentists - With our national dental network, you have access to more than 74,000 participating

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