Page 1: Preach the Gospel, Train, Equip & Release the Saints ... … · calling and ministry; the evidence of which is witnessed through her preaching, teaching ministry and life. A heartfelt


Serving the Church & the nations with

the message of Jesus Christ

Preach the Gospel, Train, Equip & Release the Saints & Feed the Poor

March - May


News Update

The Secret Place 2

School of the

Holy Spirit


Watchman on

the Walls


B M W 6

Healing at



September 2007 Elaine began further Theological studies at Regents Theological College in Malvern. Dozens of books, nine exams, seventeen research papers and four years later. Elaine graduated with a Diploma of Higher Education in Applied Theology from the University of Wales in November 2012. The studies have not only been of personal benefit to Elaine enriching her spiritual life, they have been a major asset to the ministry in further equipping her to be even more fruitful in her calling and ministry; the evidence of which is witnessed through her preaching, teaching ministry and life. A heartfelt thank you is accorded to Peter for his unreserved, unswerving love, support and commitment to Elaine throughout this period of study. There were many times when Peter would drive the 200 miles round trip to Malvern just to take Elaine to sit an exam. Peter would insist on driving allowing Elaine to engage in last minute revision. Peter is truly an amazing man.

Page 2: Preach the Gospel, Train, Equip & Release the Saints ... … · calling and ministry; the evidence of which is witnessed through her preaching, teaching ministry and life. A heartfelt


Jesus said , “And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray stand-ing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” It is easy to think that when Jesus said go into the room, that He meant, only your bedroom. Actually what Jesus meant was the Greek word ταμειον or Tameon tam-I'-on. Tameon was a chamber on the ground floor or interior of an Oriental house (generally used for storage or privacy, a spot for retirement): - secret chamber, closet, storehouse (Strong's) So often we try to get through each day without spending time in the ‘tameon’. Our ‘tameon can be our bedroom, our daily prayer walk, our mountain or little hidey hole with the Lord. Basically it is, or at least should be the place where we spend our moments with the Lord to worship Him, be intimate with Him, tell Him the deepest longings of our hearts and wait for Him to ‘download’ His divine direction, guidance. loving encouragements and corrections to us. As we spend time each day in our ‘tameon’ with the Lord, our lives indeed will be empowered by His Holy Spirit and we will bear lasting fruit.

Three people who spent time in the secret place and lived in the power of the Spirit. Shunamite woman 2 Kings 4:8 “Look now, I know that this is a holy man of God, who passes by us regularly.” How did the Shunamite lady know that Elisha was a man of God. The Bible does not explain how she knew this fact about Elisha. It could be that she was a woman of prayer and as such had spent time in her ‘tameon’ with the Lord. From those times of intimacy with the Lord that she was able to discern by the Holy Spirit that Elisha was a man of God. The result of her times in her ‘tameon’ allowed her to not just identity a man of God when she saw one. She received her dead son back to life 2 Kings 4:37 and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. Stephen Acts 6:5; 6:8 “And they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, ...And Stephen, full of faith


power, did great wonders and signs among the people.” There could be some people who today would not be caught dead serving or waiting at tables. Yet the scriptures inform us that this humble waiter Stephen was full of faith, power and the Holy Spirit, doing great signs and wonders among the people. Where did Stephen cultivate this faith, power and ability to perform signs and wonders? It certainly wasn’t in moaning about being a waiter or wasting time, with trivial things or hours of TV. Could it be that Stephen had learnt the art of spending time in the ‘tameon’ - secret place? and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. Jesus Matthew 14:23 “He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.” Jesus prayed. The New Testament is littered with accounts of Jesus praying and particularly on His own. Jesus prayed, spent time with His father in the ‘tameon’ - secret place and received ‘divine downloads’ from Heaven, ministered powerfully witnessing the wonderful fruit that came from those times of intimacy. and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. How about you, how about me?

Power is in the Secret Place

Page 3: Preach the Gospel, Train, Equip & Release the Saints ... … · calling and ministry; the evidence of which is witnessed through her preaching, teaching ministry and life. A heartfelt


From September to November Elaine and team ran a series of the School of Holy Spirit at Rugby Christian Fellowship. “We have always appreciated the very practical teaching and ministry of Elaine and her team but never more so than when covering the subject of the Holy Spirit. This was not just excellent didactic teaching but it was practical application at every level. To expect ordinary Christians to come with words of knowledge for fellow members of the congregation in a safe and disciplined environment was so refreshing. Call it old time Pentecostal teaching if you will, but the need of the hour is still an outpouring of the Holy Spirit with the signs of spiritual gifts following. I recommend this teaching programme on the Holy Spirit.” Rev. Barry Killick, Pastor Rugby Christian Fellowship

School of the Holy Spirit teaches and equips the saints to operate in

the gifts with Holy Spirit boldness and confidence, learning about:

the doctrine of the Holy Spirit dreams & dream interpretation baptism in the Holy Spirit Ministering in the gift of the Holy Spirit ministering in the miraculous Holy Spirit Evangelism plus much more

School of the Holy Spirit also teaches how to recognise the voice of the Holy Spirit, understand who He is, what He does and how He desires to empower the saints in service for the Lord.

PASTORS… SCHOOL of the HOLY SPIRIT may assist the people of your

Fellowship. Phone or email our office for details of how we can help you.

Running concurrently to the School in Rugby we continued to run the School at Clopton.

“I really enjoyed my time spent at the School of the Holy Spirit. I learned more about the personality of Holy Spirit and His ministry. I also gained confidence to operate in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to listen to God, trust Him and step out when Holy Spirit is prompting me in the safe environment of the classroom. The truth is that the Kingdom of God is here when we operate in the Spiritual Gifts and God wants to use us in them. You will learn to step out in faith and meet other people’s needs that you otherwise wouldn't know about, as well as their greatest need to meet their Saviour. A life changing experience.” Klaudia Cairns

“I found The School of The Holy Spirit excellent. The practical experience sessions renewed my confidence that I was able to speak out what I felt the Holy Spirit was saying. In the past, there was such a battle after stepping out as I was fearful that I was speaking out of my own imagination or flesh. However, I knew that I was in a safe place and that Elaine and the team’s wisdom would test and encourage. Another great benefit of the course is that sessions are recorded on CD as it is always good to refresh our memory and build our faith! Overall the whole course was brilliant and very worthwhile! Oh! I must add that the company was fab as well!” Margaret Carson

School of the Holy Spirit

Rev. Barry Killick

Page 4: Preach the Gospel, Train, Equip & Release the Saints ... … · calling and ministry; the evidence of which is witnessed through her preaching, teaching ministry and life. A heartfelt

Watchmen on the Walls - Jerusalem


In January Elaine travelled to Jerusalem to Watchmen on the Walls conference, with Alison Down (WMM Trustee) and Colette Barron. Elaine was invited to share God’s Word at the Convocation hosted by Rev. Christine Darg of Exploits Ministries. Elaine shared on the call of the Watchman. That being, to pray for the protection of the city and pray for the Healing and restoration of Jerusalem all being fulfilled through the times of refreshing.

One of the purposes of the Watchmen on the Walls conference is to ‘pray for the peace of Jerusalem’ Psalm 122:6: pray for the land of Israel and to learn what the Lord is saying to the world at this time through His beloved nation. The times of prayer are very joyful and exuberant with spontaneous out breaks of Israeli dancing.

We prayed around a large section of the walls and ramparts before the ‘supernatural’ rains deluged the land for five days, miraculously ending the seven years of official drought and water shortage, restoring safe levels to the Sea of Galilee. ABOVE: Dancing on the ramparts at the Jaffa Gate

Lance Lambert, who is probably the foremost and undisputed authority on Israel, her history, her present and her prophetic position in the world today, was a main speaker at the conference.

In his eighties, this amazing man of God spoke with power, authority and precision on the ’Blood red moons’ having all the delegates riveted as he unpacked their historical, prophetic and eschatological significance in relation to Israel and global events today. LEFT: Christine Darg, Lance Lambert, Elaine

The conference was a time of refreshing and great teaching from the various speakers. It was also very fascinating to be in Jerusalem when it SNOWED.

Page 5: Preach the Gospel, Train, Equip & Release the Saints ... … · calling and ministry; the evidence of which is witnessed through her preaching, teaching ministry and life. A heartfelt

Watchmen on the Walls - Jerusalem


Colette sharing the

Good News of Jesus with a

keen and hungry listener.

The people of Bethlehem are very

open to the Gospel and very

respecting of Jesus;

both locals and tourists alike.

Whist in Bethlehem with Exploits we held an impromptu Carol Service in Manger Square right outside the Church of the Nativity. As group members sang carols others distributed Bibles and shared the message of Jesus. Elaine had the great privilege of ministering to Natalie and Jemeselle who gave their lives to Jesus right there in Manger Square. Coincidentally, Natalie’s Uncle was is an Arab Pastor was with us for the day. HALLELUJAH for the gift of NEW LIFE!!!

In Bethlehem we visited Mawwal - Radio Station. It is from Mawwal that Elaine’s bi-weekly broadcast goes out from COOL FM. The radio programme that Elaine hosts is “121 - Real life on Radio” In addition Elaine presented Danny, Mawwal’s CEO with a New Testament. Twenty five New Testaments were left at the station to be handed out to listeners of ‘121’ Elaine's programme with listeners invited to phone in and then call in to collect the New Testaments - free of charge.

Josh, Colette, Elaine, Danny, Alexandra and Tony

Jemeselle, Elaine, Natalie - Manger Square, Bethlehem

The Lord Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. Jemeselle and Natalie were BORN AGAIN in Bethlehem - January 6th 2013 HALLELUJAH

Page 6: Preach the Gospel, Train, Equip & Release the Saints ... … · calling and ministry; the evidence of which is witnessed through her preaching, teaching ministry and life. A heartfelt

Bible Mentored Women - B M W

Bible Mentored Women

B M W is the new Women’s Ministry initiative launched by World Mandate Ministries.

B M W is women mentoring women and growing together in mentoring seminars, equipping women to be righteously confident in their identity, self development and growth in Christ.

The first of these day seminars was attended by over forty ladies. See enclosed flyer for more details of dates and times.


I left your meeting with a renewed boldness in my spirit, I feel like a

new woman.

Brilliant day. Thank you.

I really, really felt loved and I feel I am more in love

with the Lord

Am looking forward to the next BMW conference on 13th


Titus 2 in


Thank you for listening and obeying what God

gave you.

Page 7: Preach the Gospel, Train, Equip & Release the Saints ... … · calling and ministry; the evidence of which is witnessed through her preaching, teaching ministry and life. A heartfelt

Healing at B M W


From the age of 13 years I was diagnosed with partial hearing due to an accident two years previously. Although people had prayed for my hearing to be restored, until last year I never really asked the Lord to heal my ears.

Little did I know that attending the B.M.W (Bible Mentored Women) at World Mandate Ministries on the 2nd February, was a day that would be significant to me for the rest of my life. As we all settled down ready for the day, Elaine was standing in front of us and began to speak. Five minutes into her speaking I felt something pop in left my ear, like a bubble pop. I then felt a strange sensation in the same ear, It felt as if my ear was expanding and opening. The sensation, which I can't describe seemed to go deep, deep into my ear and felt a little uncomfortable yet not in any pain. By this point I was now tapping and fidgeting with my ear and won-dering what was wrong with me. The sensation feeling went on for about 15 minutes and yet I was still able to pay attention to what Elaine was say-ing.

Later I noticed a change in my hearing, I was hearing sounds and people much better. During a prayer session, I realised I was hearing every word that the person who was praying was saying, and my eyes were closed. It was when I really grasped that the Lord had truly healed my hearing loss. I was so excited and overjoyed I began to cry, telling the Lord how amazing it was to hear like that. This was new, because although I used to hear some of what people were saying without looking at them, I also used to miss a lot because I could not hear what they were saying.

The Lord continues to amaze me. When I wake up in the early hours I hear a musical tune in my healed ears. The tunes, sound like a flute or harp, lasting sometimes hours. I am still in awe with what has happened and trying to grasp what the Lord is doing. I am truly grateful and thankful to the Lord for what He has done for me, there are no words to express. I am even more excited to see His plan for my life, as He continues to bring about changes in, that I know only He could make happen. Jenny S Woodland

ABOVE: Elaine ministering at HOPE Church in Corby. It was a privilege to minister with Damian Carr and his people in Corby. World Mandate Ministries assisted them in their church plant in November 2009 and it is wonderful to witness what God has done with the seedling church plant. It is a thriving church of over two hundred people on the Oakley Vale Estate. Since that time we have had the privilege of Graduating eighteen of their church members through our Ministry Equipping School producing lasting fruit, all to God's glory.

Elaine came to our church to help us start a more pro-active evangelistic strategy. She led us into street work, which we had not felt would be productive, but we now have a keen team going out once a month. She also helped us to fine-tune our strategy for receiving visitors to the church in Sundays, which has been vey helpful. We're looking forward to working more with Elaine to take things even further forward! Rev. Nick Gray Pastor - Mersham Road Fellowship, Croydon.

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23rd Hospital Chaplaincy

25th Gt. Gonerby - Ministry Equipping Night

27th Ministry Equipping School

28th Street Church , Salvation Army

Centre, Tower Street, Northampton

30th Gt. Gonerby Mission Team Meeting


1st Ilkeston - Mission Team Meeting

9th - 12th Gt. Gonerby Mission

14th Prayer Shield - 34 Sherwood Avenue,

Northampton, 7.30pm

15th DAY of PRAYER @ Clopton

17th - 19th FAITH on the STREETS


24th Trustees meeting @ Clopton

28th Hospital Chaplaincy

28th Ilkeston Mission Team Meeting

For up-to-date engagements

please see website

...Future Diary...

Mandate House,

Revival Centre,



NN14 3DZ,


01832 720 177

[email protected]

Serving the Church & the nations with

the message of Jesus Christ

Mandate House Retreat Centre

Perfect for: Christian Groups, Alpha, Leaders & Personal Retreat.

Have peace, quiet and time away with God Perfect for unwinding walks, restful retreats and

times of refreshing and renewal in God’s presence. Well equipped and set in beautiful countryside.

T: 01832 720177 E: [email protected]


2nd Ministry Equipping School - Clopton

7th DOVEs

12th DAY of PRAYER @ Clopton

22nd Trustees meeting @ Clopton

24th New Life Church - Warwick

25th JEWSDAY Passover Meal with

Richard Harvey

26th Hospital Chaplaincy

29th Liberty House - Northampton

30th Ministry Equipping School


1st - 5th Elim Bible Week - Telford

4th DOVEs

9th Gt. Gonerby Mission Team Meeting

13th Bible Mentored Women BMW

16th Prayer Shield - 34 Sherwood

Avenue, Northampton, 7.30pm

17th Bible Mentored Women BMW

18th Gt. Gonerby - Ministry Equipping


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