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This set of test is composed of basic physics concepts that will be discussed throughout the course. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the distance taken by an object per unit of time.A. Speed C. VelocityB. Distance D. Displacement

2. Student A walked 20 meters to the right and then walked 20 meters back to the left. What is student A’s displacement?A. 0 C. 40 mB. 20 m D. 400 m

3. Refer from item number 2, what is Student A’s total distance?A. 0 C. 40 mB. 20 m D. 400 m

4. An object is said to be accelerating when it ______.A. changes its speed.B. changes its direction.C. Both A and B.D. Neither A nor B.

5. When an object has a negative acceleration it suggests that __________.A. it is speeding upB. it is speeding downC. it is changing directionD. cannot be determined

6. A wave is a propagation of disturbance that ____________.A. carries energyB. transfers energyC. does not carry energyD. Both A and B.

7. Sound is a/an _______________.A. transverse wave B. longitudinal waveC. mechanical waveD. electromagnetic wave

8. The distance between two in-phase crests or troughs is called ___________.A. amplitude C. wavelengthB. frequency D. displacement

9. Sound travels fastest in _________.A. solids C. gasesB. liquids D. None of the

above.10.Humans can hear sound with a frequency

of A. 20 - 200 Hz C. 20 - 20000 HzB. 20 - 2000 Hz D. 20 - 200000 Hz

11.The highness or the lowness of a sound is related to the wave’s _________.A. amplitude C. wavelengthB. frequency D. displacement

12.The speed of sound in air depends onA. amplitude C. wavelengthB. frequency D. air temperature

13.Light is a/an ______________.

A. EM wave C. longitudinal wave

B. transverse wave D. mechanical wave

14.Light behaves as a __________.A. wave C. Both A and B.B. particle D. Neither A

nor B.15.All electromagnetic waves travel

____________.A. at speed of light, c C. more than cB. less than c D. None of the

above.16.Light has a property that when it reaches

a barrier it bounces back. This property is known as ______.A. reflection C. diffractionB. refraction D. interference

17.The radiant energy coming from the sun is transferred by ___________.A. radiation C. conductionB. convection D. None of the

above.18.When water is heated, the thermal

energy is transferred by ___________.A. radiation C. conductionB. convection D. None of the

above.19.When there is more electrons in an atom

than protons the atom is ___________.A. positively charged C. neutrally

chargedB. negatively charged D. uncharged.

20.When there is more protons in an atom than electrons the atom is __________.A. positively charged C. neutrally

chargedB. negatively charged D. uncharged.

Graph Analysis

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

position vs. time

time (s)


on (m


21.What is the position of the object at t=2.0 s?A. x = 2.0 m C. x = 6.0 mB. x = 4.0 m D. x= 8.0 m

22.What is the position of the object at t=6.0 s?A. x = 6.0 m C. x = 10.0 mB. x = 8.0 m D. x = 12.0 m

23.What type of proportionality is shown on the graph?A. Direct C. Inverse

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B. Indirect D. Direct Square

24.What is the slope of the graph?A. 0 C. 2.0 m/sB. 1.0 m/s D. 3.0 m/s

25.What is the velocity of the object?A. 0 C. 2.0 m/sB. 1.0 m/s D. 3.0 m/s

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