Page 1: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

The Good News from Parma Greece United Church of Christ

“No matter who you are, no matter where you are in life’s journey, you are welcome at PGUCC”

Winter 2014

Prayer Moves PGUCC

Why do we pray? Religions of all types make

prayer a priority. We have the blessing of taking

the time in our service to pray for folks, celebrate

the joys and answers to our prayers. Going back a

calendar year PGUCC prayed for 48 families that

lost loved ones, 3 weddings, celebrated 69

birthdays, 115 unique folks that needed prayer for

illnesses, 8 job stresses, and 5 newborns. Many

members of our church lost intimate loved ones.

One became cancer free and Nicholas, who was a

preemie, is growing stronger and can now digest


Prayer is the cry from our souls to God for help,

for guidance, for security, for favor, for results, for

the unknown, for each other, for others here and in

distant lands. International crisis were lifted up for

the wars in Palestine, Syria, Ukraine, and Iraq and

the human suffering. There was one of the largest

typhoons in history that hit the Philippines and 200

kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria.

Prayer, faith, and hope are the three legs that

support the human soul stool. We look forward to

each day because we sat on this stool. Prayer is

uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King

David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of

existence in an uncertain terrain. For some prayer

is the only foil and friend. Back 500 years when

television was unavailable, the German monk,

Thomas a Kempis wrote many devotionals

concerning the quite inner life and prayer. His

admonition was.” Never be entirely idle; but either

be reading, or writing, or praying or meditating for

the public good.”

Jesus appears in scripture as a man of prayer. His

prayers always seemed to reflect the intimate

relationship he had with his father. This simplicity

and intimacy is all that is required of us. In James

5:16 “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous

man avails much.” So an admonition is that if you

want a prayer answered, bring it to the PCUCC

folk and it will get attention! You may sell your

house, get healed from an illness, or just plain get

the blues out! Pray ON!

In Christ,







Page 2: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

This year the Sunday after Thanksgiving marks the beginning of a new Church year, the

first Sunday of Advent. In his book: Holidays and Holy Nights-Celebrating Twelve Seasonal Festivals of the Christian Year by Christopher Hill, I found what Hill had to say to be insightful and refreshingly new. I would like to share just a portion with you, in the hope that you would ponder it as you begin this Holy season.

He writes: Advent is the beginning of the Christian year, when the project of

undoing time begins. One of the uses of the Christian year is to train our spiritual sense to see sacraments everywhere, at any time , thus seeing all experience as potentially revealing something of God to us. We can and should use Advent—waiting for Christmas— as a way of knowing more of God more deeply…

He goes on to say:

One of the greatest historical trick-or-treats that God ever played on humans is that Christ did not come back to wrap up history in the late first century, as the early Christians expected. Christ’ s imminent return was the cornerstone of their faith. That it never happened was God’s Zen paradox. If you’re sure that God is going to establish his presence once and for all in a huge crashing Cinemascope Second Coming and it doesn’t happen, then where is God? At that point you have find a different way to think: you have to look in a different direction. Somewhere around that time Christians finally dropped the expectation of God’s immediate return, they began to celebrate Christmas. Advent tells us that in the waiting is somehow the finding.

As we share this Advent time together, in our worship and our times of fellowship, may we find in our waiting that our knowledge of God through Christ has grown and deepened and our relationship with God through Christ has become richer and fuller. And since this issue of the newsletter moves us into the New Year, I can't help but wonder about if what he says about Advent may not be true throughout the year to come…that is, waiting is somehow finding and in the New Year this may move us in a direction we never thought we would go. To that end, Advent ponderings, Christmas blessings and happy adventures in the New Year.

Pastor Kurt+

As an added note, Jodie and I would like to take this opportunity to invite the parish to a Christmas Open House on the Tenth day of Christmas, Sunday, January 4th from 3 pm to 8 pm. Our home is at 239 Seneca Parkway in Rochester. We hope you can come.

Page 3: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

2014 Christmas Eve worship afternoon service will at 2 PM and the candlelight service at 11PM.

The Congregation of Parma Greece will meet on Sunday, January 18, 2015 after Worship to approve the Slate of Officers, the 2015 budget and constitutional changes.

We want to give you an update on our

participation in the Children’s Sabbath on

October 19, 2014, organized by THE

CHILDREN’S AGENDA. Our capable little

artists completed five pieces of artwork, which

we submitted for display. They did handprint

pictures illustrating how they help others.

Thank you to all who signed the advocacy

letters asking for increased childcare funding in

the 2015 NYS budget. We sent 15 letters!

The Halloween Party was a success!

The children pinned bowties on a skeleton,

deflammed a lit pumpkin, tried to capture

swinging marshmallows and played in some

slime! They enjoyed frosting and decorating

cookies and exploring their treat bags. I might

add that we had fun putting the party together



the Christmas Season, on January 4, 2015, we

will have a special presentation to the children

during the worship service. Stay tuned!

Page 4: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

The Star of Bethlehem – a Scottish Air From The Lute of Zion, Collection of Sacred Music, published 1853

“When marshaled on the nightly plain, the glittering host be-stud the sky, One star alone of all the train can fix the sinner’s wandering eye Once on the raging seas I rode, the storm was loud the night was dark. The ocean yawned and rudely blowed the wind that tossed my foundering bark. It was my guide, my light, my all, it bade my dark foreboding cease, And through the storm and dangers thrall it led me to the port of peace. Hark, Hark to God the chorus breaks from every host, from every gem, But one alone the Savior speaks – it is the star of Bethlehem Deep horror then my vitals froze, death-struck I ceased the tide to stem. When suddenly a star arose – it was the star of Bethlehem Now safely moored, my perils o’er, I’ll sing first in night’s diadem; Forever and forever more, the Star – the Star of Bethlehem.” As we prepare ourselves for Christmas, let’s take a moment one evening after dark to step outside and

look up at the stars. Remember that this is the same sky people have marveled at for centuries… its

vast beauty and silent glory has the power to put things in perspective. As we wrap all the presents

and pile them up beneath the tree, let us remind ourselves that we are – and we should be - gifts to one

another. It costs nothing – anhas un-measureable value. May God Bless you and yours this

Christmas.-Jessie, Church Historian

Page 5: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

Every year, our church helps families in need during the holidays. This year we will fill and distribute 15 baskets for families in the Hilton area. The tree will be up on November 30th and there will be ornaments with the items (gifts and food items)

that are needed to fill the baskets. Please take the ornaments and help fill the baskets with food and gifts. We will be assembling the baskets on Saturday, December 20th for delivery. All food items and gifts should be at Parma Greece by December 20th. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tina, Beth, Sherry, Judie, or Phyllis. Thank you for helping to make someone’s Christmas blessed and happy.

Christmas Basket Recommendations: Chickens (will be provided) Vegetables Fresh Potatoes

Beverage (Coffee, tea, juice, milk) Desserts

Dinner Rolls & Butter

OPTIONAL ITEMS: Yams or Sweet Potatoes Pickles &olives Cheese & Crackers Holiday Napkins Nuts Candy Small gift items, books, mittens, socks, pet food or gifts, paper products (especially toilet paper) Extra food items: cereal, peanut butter, jams, pancake mix, syrup, canned fruit, and vegetables.

It is the responsibility of The Board of Stewardship & Missions to gather monetary

pledges from the members and friends of Parma Greece. We are then able to provide a

figure to the Trustees to help them set the budget for 2015. We need your financial

commitment to PGUCC in order to make available that figure.

Thank you for your generous contributions of time, talent and treasure for all that we

do here at Parma Greece UCC. Thank you to all who have returned your financial pledge

cards for 2015. To date, we have received 21 cards pledging a total of $48,396. (Our

budget for 2014 was over $95,000.)

For those who have not returned your cards, we need to hear from you. (Pledge

cards are available at the church.) Remember, your pledge is what you feel that you can

give on a regular basis. Your pledge is very important, no matter how large or small.

Thank you very much for your support! If you have any questions, please contact the

Chairman of the Trustees (Mike Zebulske) or Stewardship & Missions (Tina Zebulske).

Page 6: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

The Christmas Fund offering (sometimes called Veterans of the Cross offering) is an expression of appreciation and caring to those who served as clergy (and certain lay employees) who are now retired or disabled and financially strained. During this holy time of year, the offering is a profound gift. It helps provide pension supplements, health premium subsidies, and emergency assistance to active or retired clergy families, and Christmas gift checks to hundreds of retirees and to those who disabled. You will be

receiving a letter from The Board of Stewardship & Missions with more information about The Christmas Fund Offering. Envelopes will also be available at the Christmas Eve Services or you may mail your gift to the church.


The Board of Congregational Concerns would like to invite everyone to the PGUCC Pie Buffet. It will be held after the annual meeting on January 18, 2015. Get those recipes out and please bring either a sweet or a savory pie to share. It is so much fun to taste the

talent of this amazing congregation. You choose - be a baker, taster, or both. See you all for the fun!

The Board of Congregational Concerns would like to announce the annual Soup-er Bowl on

February 1st, following service - mark your calendars. We would like to challenge each

and every one of you to bring a pot of your favorite soup in attempt to win the coveted Soup-

er Bowl prize of having your name added on the trophy. Fun for all whether you are

cooking, tasting or both. See you at the SOUP-ER BOWL.

1 Shannon Burns 2 Adam Klock 3 Lori Selenick

5 Myra Montanarello 6 Sheila Englert

7 Sherry Romig 10 Milt Pierce 13 Brian Long 15 Sue Wyant

19 Sheila McAuliff 20 Peg Lafferty 25 Kevin Klock

25 Kristina Weitzel 29 Gary Montanarello

2 Harold Wyant

5 Sam Luyk 11 Debbie Harshman

23 Ruth Landry 25 Jodie Traugott 30 Jean Becker

31 Jason Englert


Page 7: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain


Sunday, December 7, 2014 (2nd Sunday of Advent) Isaiah 40:1-11 Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 2 Peter 3:8-15a Mark 1:1-8

Sunday, December 14, 2014 (3rd Sunday of Advent) Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Psalm 126 or Luke 1:466-55 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John1:6-8,19-28

Sunday, December 21, 2014 (4th Sunday of Advent) 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Luke 1:46b-55 or Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26 Romans 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38 Sunday, December 28, 2014 (1st Sunday after Christmas) Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Psalm 148 Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 2:22-40

Sunday, January 4, 2015 (2nd after Christmas) Jeremiah 31:7-14 or Sirach 24:1-12 Psalm 147:12-20 or Wisdom of Solomon 10:15-21 Ephesians 1:3-14 John 1 :( 1-9), 10-18

Sunday, January 11, 2015 (1st Sunday after the Epiphany) Genesis 1:1-5 Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11

Sunday, January 18, 2015 (2nd Sunday after the Epiphany) 1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20) Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 John1:43-51

Sunday, January 25, 2015 (3rd Sunday after the Epiphany) Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20

Page 8: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

Poinsettia “Flower of the Holy Night”

December 12th. Is Poinsettia Day in honor of Joel Roberts Poinsett, who the plant was named for, after

he introduced the plant into the US in 1828.

While the plant has many varieties and colors, red still dominates over all the others.

This plant is considered the traditional Christmas plant and, once again, the Board of Worship and Spiritual Life is hoping everyone will consider ordering one of these beautiful plants to decorate the altar during the Christmas Season.

Poinsettia Order Form Color Quantity In Memory of In Honor of Red $10.00 ______ ____________ ____________ Pink $10.00 ______ ____________ ____________ White $10.00 ______ ____________ ____________ Total: _________________From:_____________________________________________ Please put order form in the collection plate or contact Pamela Dunning.

From the Memorial/Endowment Committee…

Thanks to those who have contributed memorials in 2014. Funds have been received in memory of Barbara

Harris, Reverend Robert, Dorothy, and Ronald Hathaway, Florence Hoefler, Lorraine Jones, and John

Snetsinger. No honorariums, bequests or endowments were received this year.

Along with undesignated money from this and years past, the Hathaway funds were used for our sanctuary

renovation. This included having the sanctuary painted, providing pew cushions, and buying materials for our

new sanctuary banners. With her family’s blessing, the bequest money from Ruth Fedele (2013) was used to

correct the drainage issue in the parking lot. We also supplied the plaque to dedicate the Sunday School Room

in memory of Barbara Harris.

Please contact any member of the Committee with your questions or concerns.

Joan and Ken Blossom, Jack Hayward, Sheila McAuliff, Gary Montanarello

Page 9: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

Time and Talents

December2014 & January 2015

Altar Care Head Usher Usher Usher Lector Fellowship Nursery Sunday School

December 7 M.

Costantino M. Zebulske D. Harris

P. Dunning J. Hayward W. McAuliff Pastor Kurt S. Romig M. Harris

S. Luyk

December 14 M.

Costantino M. Zebulske M. Zebulske T. Zebulske S. Hayward S. Snetsinger M. Fess J. Vaccarelli

December 21 M.

Costantino M. Zebulske M. Harris J. Harris R. Landry S. Varlan L. Oster M. Fess

December 24 2 PM

M. Costantino M. Zebulske Pastor Kurt M. Harris

December 24 11 PM

M. Costantino M. Zebulske

E. Romig R. Weitzel

R. Mueller P. Dunning Pastor Kurt

December 28 M.

Costantino M. Zebulske K. Perrine R. Perrine J. Vaccarelli D. Crowley S. Luyk S. Listman

January 4 S. Leighton D. Harris D. Harris

P. Dunning J. Hayward W. McAuliff Pastor Kurt J. Goldblatt S. Listman S. Luyk

January 11 S. Leighton D. Harris M. Fess M.

Costantino A. Weitzel J. Lake M. Harris J. Vaccarelli

January 18 S. Leighton D. Harris M. Zebulske T. Zebulske

P. Dunning

Pie Buffet (Congregational

Concerns) S. Luyk M. Fess

January 25 S. Leighton D. Harris J. Hayward S. Hayward M. Zebulske R. Landry L. Oster S. Listman

If you are not able to carry out the assigned task or have switched days with someone, please let Pastor Kurt know by the Thursday of the week you are assigned.

Page 10: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

December 2014

Parma Greece United Church of Christ

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Trustees 7PM

2 Stewardship & Missions

7:15 PM

COF Board Meeting


3 Worship & Spiritual

Life 7 PM

4 Christian Development 7 PM


6 Congregational Concerns 9:30

Vaccarelli Party


7 Second Sunday of Advent

Worship and Communion


Choir Practice 9 & 11 AM

8 Salem Nutrition Center 10:30 AM

Church Council 7 PM



11 Pastoral Relations

7 PM

12 13

14 Third Sunday of Advent

Worship 10AM

Choir Practice 11 AM

Budgets Due to Trustees



17 18 19 20 Christmas Basket

Assembly 9AM-Noon

All Christmas Basket gifts and food due today


Fourth Sunday of Advent

Worship 10AM

Choir Practice 11:15

22 23 24

Christmas Fund Offering


Christmas Day

26 27

28 Worship 10AM

Burgess Baptism

29 Salem Nutrition Center

10:30 AM

30 31

Annual Reports Due to S. Hayward

New Year’s Eve

Christmas Eve Services 2PM & 11 PM

Page 11: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain

January 2015

Parma Greece United Church of Christ

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


New Year’s Day

2 3


Worship and

Communion 10AM


Trustees 7PM


Stewardship &

Missions 7:15 PM

Financial Reports Due

to S. Hayward


Worship &

Spiritual Life 7 PM



Development 7 PM




Concerns 9:30


Worship 10AM

Annual Budget Meeting



Salem Nutrition

Center 10:30 AM

Church Council

7 PM




16 17


Worship 10AM

Annual Meeting 11:15

Pie Buffet(after meeting)



21 22 23 24


Worship 10AM

26 27 28


30 31

Page 12: Prayer Moves PGUCC - Parma Greece United …...Prayer is uttered in intimate terms by Moses, Job, and King David. Their lives were forged by the stresses of existence in an uncertain


CHURCH OF CHRIST 1211 Manitou Rd

Hilton, New York 14468 (585) 392-6120 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED


The Good News from Parma Greece United Church of Christ

Our Faith Is Over 2000 Years Old, Our Thinking Is Not!

Winter 2014

Use First Class

Postage Only

Rev. Kurt Traugott Office Phone - 392-6120 Home Phone - 730-7186 Cell Phone - 354-8825 E-mail: pastorrkt


Office Hours: Monday – Thur. 10-1 or by appointment Announcements and Prayer Concerns: Pastor Kurt – see above Newsletter Contact: Tina: 227-0937 or [email protected]

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