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  • 7/31/2019 Prayer Journal


  • 7/31/2019 Prayer Journal


    N e w P s a l m i s t B a p t i s t C h u r c hITS WITHIN REACH

    Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr., Pastor

    Determined! Prayer Journal

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    Welcome and congratulations on accepting the challenge to deepen your Christian

    discipleship and relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. You will be in good company

    as you join many others in the New Psalmist Baptist Church who will seek God in new

    and greater ways.

    The Prayer Team has created this instruction al guide or every individual and amily

    to achieve spiritual growth. When we consider what a dierence one day can make in

    Gods presence, imagine the dierence 40 days can make when the entire congregation

    prays or the will o God! We hope that this devotional guide will answer some basicquestions about what you will experience over the next 40 days.

    Why Should I Participate in This 40-Day Experience?

    A goal o the 40-Day Experience is or one day to lead to 40 days, and or 40 days to lead to

    a liestyle o prayer. Here is the biblical signicance o 40 days:

    Judgment. 40 days was a sign that God was removing evil. (Genesis 7:4)

    Preparation. 40 days was a sign that God was getting people ready or action. (Matthew 4:2)

    Restoration. 40 days was a sign that God wanted to win people to Himsel. (Jonah 3:4)

    Prayer and asting provide an opportunity to know God better. To know God is to realize

    that we are in a covenant relationship with Him. We are His children. He loves us and

    wants to spend time with us.

    So get ready to beDetermined

    to s t r e t c h your aith and be blessed in ways that God hasordained rom the beginning o time. Stretch yoursel to move toward God, and know that

    its the Year of Determination!


    Dear New Psalmist Family,

    Last years Stretch Prayer Journal was a resounding success and this years will be equally lie changing. We ace so many

    challenges today that we are oten tempted to ignore our relationship with God and relationships with others, but God wants

    us to be whole and to get closer to Him.

    We must take time out o our busy schedules to fnd qual ity time to get closer to our Lord. We can do just that with our 40-Day

    Stretch Devotional Guide, which will guide us through the last our themes o our Year o Determination.

    This 40-Day Stretch Devotional Guide is designed to help us seek Gods guidance and direction concerning our relationship with

    Him, our amilies and our church. We must strengthen our relationships by being intentional in our actions. In other words,

    we must be determined.

    May God hear and answer our prayers as we S T R E T C H and are DETERMINED to:

    Be like Jesus,

    Be holy,

    Be thankul and

    celebrate in this, our Year o Determination.

    In His service and yours,

    Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr.


    This is the plan determined or the whole world; this is the hand stretched out over all nations.For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? Isaiah 14:26-27 (NIV)

    If you want to go deeper with God, you must think about the possibilities.

    Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr.

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    How to Use This Prayer Journal

    This Journal is intended to be used by each amily and individual in the New Psalmist

    Baptist Church. Each devotional day in the Determined! Journal includes a key scripture

    to READ, a meditation on which to REFLECT, and a prayer ocus with which you may

    RESPOND to God. New this year is a REACT activity or Children and a (^_^) RL!

    (Real LIfe) Activity or Youth. Lastly, each days oering ends with a REACH statement to

    assist you with journaling and to lead you to action.

    Here is how you can use the Journal:

    . . . As A Family

    It is through joining together in prayer that Gods Will and power or the church will become

    real in our hearts and homes. Set aside a time when you know the amily will be ree o

    distractions. Have one o your children read the Scripture or the day, and discuss the prayer

    ocus. Then, pray together as God leads.

    . . . As A Single Person

    Jesus, a lie-long single, oten sought time to pray and to seek guidance rom heaven. Single

    people are oten more ree to nd time to speak with God. I you believe it will be dicult

    or you to pray alone, commit to praying with another single person in the church as oten

    as you are able.

    . . . As A Married Couple

    Praying together as a couple will keep God at the center o your marriage. It will also help

    you develop a deeper ability to communicate with each other. As you use the 40-Day Journal

    with your spouse, commit to reading and refecting on the meditations as you continue to

    place God at the center o your covenant relationship.

    . . . With Your Children

    Know that God will stretch each o us during this 40-day journey. Children will also grow

    in their aith when they see how God answers their prayers. Our children and youth need

    to know that God hears every prayer as they learn to ocus on others through prayer in this

    experience. Be sure they know that the purpose o prayer is to talk to God. Encourage your

    children to pray boldly during this experience and teach them to begin with sentence prayers

    like, I thank God or. . . or I pray or. . . Discuss the daily meditations with them, and

    record their thoughts in your journal. We have included in this Stretch Journal specic age-

    appropriate activities or children and youth. Encourage them as they explore the wonders

    A Guide or Prayer: Our Determination; Gods Design

    What Is Prayer?Prayer is a way o communicating with God, expressing our devotion to our

    heavenly Father, and inviting Him to talk to us as we talk to Him. Charles Stanley stresses

    that i we ever want to have a meaningul interaction with another human being, we must

    communicate. Prayer is no dierent.

    Why do we pray? Gods Word commands us to pray (Luke 18:1; Acts 6:4; Mark 14:38;

    Philippians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; 1 Timothy 2:1,2). Prayer releases Gods great power to

    change the course o nature, people, and nations.

    When should we pray? Gods Word commands us to Pray continually (1 Thessalonians

    5:17). We can be in prayer throughout the day, expressing and demonstrating our devotion

    to God as we go about our daily tasks. It is not always necessary to be on our knees, or evento be in a quiet room to pray. God wants us to be in touch with Him wherever we are.

    What should we include in our prayers? Although prayer cannot be reduced to a ormula,

    certain basic elements should be included in our regular communication with God:

    Adoration, Conession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (ACTS).

    Adoration - To adore God is to worship and praise Him, to honor and exalt Him in our

    heart and mind and with our lips.

    Confession - When our discipline o prayer begins with adoration, the Holy Spirit has

    opportunity to reveal any sin in our lie that needs to be conessed.

    Thanksgiving - An attitude o thanksgiving to God, or who He is and or the benets we

    enjoy because we belong to Him, enables us to recognize that He controls all things - not

    just the blessings, but the problems and adversities as well. As we approach God with a

    thankul heart, He becomes strong on our behal.

    Supplication - Supplication means to petition God or our own needs and to intercede

    or others. For example, you can pray that your inner person be renewed and empowered

    by the Holy Spirit. You can also pray or others, including your amily, neighbors,

    riends, the nation, as well as those in authority and leadership. Pray or the salvation

    o souls, or opportunities to introduce others to Christ, and or the ulllment o the

    Great Commission.

    The ollowing guide puts ACTS in a child riendly ormat: http://www.kidsprayer.


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    o God in ways that will empower them to become strong in the Lord. I you are unable to

    complete the REACT or RL! activity each day, dont worry. However, try to nd time at least

    once each week to discuss their progress and the activities that they are to accomplish.

    Above all, instill in your children the sense that they are partnering with God, through

    prayer, to change the world. According to the Barna Group, children aged 4-14 are ve times

    more likely to make a decision to ollow Jesus than at any other age.

    . . . For Your Personal Spiritual Growth

    Journaling gives us a way to refect upon the work o God, Gods continual presence in

    our lives, what we pray, and how God responds. Prayer warriors like John Wesley and

    Mother Teresa recorded what they heard rom heaven. A journal helps us to remember

    what God has told us and can help us to learn about ourselves and God. We have includedbrie trigger phrases or each day in order to aid you in reaching toward God. We have

    also provided throughout the Journal places or you to review your progress.

    . . . To Stretch!

    Whether you are a single person, married couple, or amily, you can grow in your aith

    during the next orty days. To prevent the enemy rom blocking your blessing, you should:

    1. Choose a DEFINITE TIME. Find when prayer works or you. For example, i you are

    a morning person, dont choose the time beore you go to bed.

    2. Make a specic PLAN. People rarely plan to ail, but they do ail to plan. I you

    decide now what you will do each day, you will have a greater chance o success.

    3. Choose a specic PLACE. God placed us in physical bodies or a reason. We tend to

    associate certain places with certain activities. Find the place where you will be ableto spend time with God. You might consider choosing your place and time each

    week during the 40-day experience. You can write this in each o the spaces provided

    on the Prayer and Fasting Chart. Check the box next to each date as you, your spouse

    or your children complete the prayer or that day.


    Fasting is choosing to give up something you really want in order to ocus on prayer or a

    denite period o time. In this context, the word ast doesnt mean to speed up, it means

    to slow down, to stop the common and ordinary things (like eating, or example) in order

    to ocus your attention on your relationship with Jesus.

    Prayer normally involves your spirit and your soul (mind, will and emotions), but when you

    ast you get your body involved. You are praying with your whole being.

    The most biblical and common ast is to give up ood. You might want to ast rom a meal

    once a day, an entire day or or one day a week. Still others may give up certain kinds oood or the ull orty days (such asried oods, ast-ood, sot-drinks, and sweets). I medical

    restrictions prevent you rom skipping meals, asting does not have to be limited to ood.

    You can also ast rom some o your hobbies, such as television. Use the time you would be

    watching television or surng the Internet to talk to God.

    In his book, the Celebration o Discipline, Richard Foster explains that:

    Fasting must center on God. It should draw us closer to God, where we will

    experience a deeper relationship with Him.

    Fasting reveals the things that control us. We tend to cover up what is going

    on inside o us by indulging or overindulging in ood and other things. Fasting

    brings these inner issues to the surace. I pride controls us, it will be revealed

    almost immediately. David said, I put on sackcloth and humbled mysel with

    asting. (Psalm 35:13) Anger, bitterness, jealousy, strie, ear - i they are within

    us, will surace during asting. At rst, we will rationalize that our anger, or

    example, is due to our hunger. We will then discover that we are angry not

    because o hunger, but because the spirit o anger is within us. We can rejoice

    in this knowledge because we know that healing is available through the power

    o Christ.

    Fasting helps us keep our balance in life. How easily we begin to allow

    nonessentials to take precedence in our lives. How quickly we crave things we do

    not need until we are enslaved by them. Paul wrote, Everything is permissible

    or me--but I will not be mastered by anything. (I Cor. 6:12) No, I beat my

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    body and make it my slave so that ater I have preached to others, I mysel will

    not be disqualied or the prize. (I Cor. 9:27)

    What are the diferent types o Fasts?

    Normal Fast- This involves abstaining rom all ood, solid or liquid, but not rom

    water. In Jesus orty-day ast, we are told that He ate nothing and toward the end

    o the ast that He was hungry and that Satan tempted Him to eat, indicating that

    the abstinence was rom ood, but not rom water. (Luke 4:2)

    Partial Fast- The Bible describes what could be considered a partial ast: that is, there

    is a restriction o diet, but not total abstention. Although the normal ast seemed to

    be the custom with the prophet Daniel, there was an occasion where or three weeks

    he ate no choice ood; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at alluntil the three weeks were over. (Daniel 10:3) Daniels ast is a partial ast, which

    consists only o vegetables, ruits and water. The Daniel ast is a way o denying

    the body o meat, coee and certain other oods that the body craves, without totally

    abstaining rom ood.

    Absolute Fast- There are several examples in Scripture o what has been called an

    absolute ast, or an abstaining rom both ood and water. It usually appears as a

    desperate measure to meet a dire emergency. Upon learning that she and the entire

    Jewish race would be executed, Esther instructed Mordecai, Go, gather together all

    the Jews who are in Susa, and ast or me. Do not eat or drink or three days, night

    or day. I and my maids will ast as you do. (Esther 4:16) In the New Testament,

    Paul engaged in a three-day absolute ast ollowing his encounter with the living

    Christ. (Acts 9:9) It must be emphasized that the absolute fast is the exception and

    should never be engaged in unless one has a very clear command from God, and

    then fornot more than three days.

    Keep in mind that i you decide to ast rom ood, you should prepare your body both beore

    and ater your ast. Beore your ast, try to drink more fuids and reduce your portion sizes.

    Ater your ast, avoid pigging out. Gradually increase portion sizes, or slowly reintroduce

    into your diet those oods that you have avoided.

    As you are stretching your aith these next 40 days, know that God will honor your desire to

    draw closer to Him. He, too, isDetermined!

    DAY DATE TIME PLACEWednesday October 14 ________________ __________________________________Thursday October 15 ________________ __________________________________Friday Oct ober 16 ________________ __________________________________Sat urday Oct ober 17 ________________ __________________________________Sunday Oct ober 18 ________________ __________________________________Mon day Oct ober 19 ________________ __________________________________Tuesday October 20 ________________ __________________________________Wednesday October 21 ________________ __________________________________Thursday October 22 ________________ __________________________________Friday Oct ober 23 ________________ __________________________________

    Sat urday Oct ober 24 ________________ __________________________________Sunday Oct ober 25 ________________ __________________________________Mon day Oct ober 26 ________________ __________________________________Tuesday October 27 ________________ __________________________________Wednesday October 28 ________________ __________________________________Thursday October 29 ________________ __________________________________Friday Oct ober 30 ________________ __________________________________Sat urday Oct ober 31 ________________ __________________________________Sunday November 1 ________________ __________________________________Mon day November 2 ________________ __________________________________

    ________________ __________________________________Tuesday November 3 ________________ __________________________________Wednesday November 4 ________________ __________________________________Thursday November 5 ________________ __________________________________

    Friday November 6 ________________ __________________________________Sat urday November 7 ________________ __________________________________Sunday November 8 ________________ __________________________________Mon day November 9 ________________ __________________________________Tuesday November 10 ________________ __________________________________

    Wednesday November 11 ________________ __________________________________Thursday November 12 ________________ __________________________________

    Friday November 13 ________________ __________________________________Sat urday November 14 ________________ __________________________________Sunday November 15 ________________ __________________________________Mon day November 16 ________________ __________________________________Tuesday November 17 ________________ __________________________________Wednesday November 18 ________________ __________________________________Thursday November 19 ________________ __________________________________Friday November 20 ________________ __________________________________

    Sat urday November 21 ________________ __________________________________Sunday November 22 ________________ __________________________________

    40 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTINGSo we asted and petitioned our God about this, and He answered our prayer. Ezra 8:23 (NIV)














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    I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sentme and have loved them even as you have loved me. John 17:23 [NIV]

    Like JesusOver the next ten days, you will work to become more like Jesus by ocusing on Jesuscharacter and by taking concrete steps to strengthen your relationships. Jesus is theultimate model or us. We are told to x our eyes (Hebrews 12:2) on Him, so its ttingthat we should start our journey by learning to imitate Jesus.

    Jesus lived in community and ellowship with His disciples. He welcomed others into theKingdom by accepting those who had been outcast, orgiving those who were lost, healing

    those who were broken, and loving those who had been orgotten. We are called to do thesame. We can begin this process by looking at those parts o Jesus character and lie andmodeling our mission ater His.

    Determined: On A MissionBegin by creating a Mission Statement that you believe denes the character o Christ. AskGod which character traits He most wants you (or your amily) to develop. Is it Jesus love?His aithulness? His humility? His patience? His concern? His prayer lie?

    Writing a Mission StatementIn order to develop your mission statement, ask yoursel (or your amily) simplequestions: How can I (we) become more connected with others? What must I (we) do togrow in my (our) relationships? What must I (we) do to grow in my (our) relationshipswith my (our) Church amily?

    At the end o this process your (or your amilys) mission statement may look like this:

    My (Our) mission is to share Gods love with others and with my (our) Church amily.

    My (Our) mission is to raise money for our new Church home. My (Our) mission is to create a supportive atmosphere where others are condent in

    developing their God-given talents in order to serve my (our) Church and community.

    How to Use Your Mission StatementYou now have another tool to use to become like Jesus. Dont let it get rusty. Ater thestatement is written, hang it in a prominent place. Write or share your amily missionstatement on our church website at Memorize it and apply it. As weare determined in our eorts, we will see that at every step:

    God calls you, but then you have to decide whether to go Gods way.Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr.

    PART ONE: DAYS ONE TO TEN: Determined To Be Like Jesus1. Like Jesus: Determined to Be Determined2. Like Jesus: Holding Out or the Gold3. L ike Jesus: Humble4. Like Jesus: Forgiving5. Like Jesus: A Friend6. L ike Jesus: Victorious7. Like Jesus: Holding Out Against Temptation8. Like Jesus: Light o the World9. L ike Jesus: Compassionate10. Like Jesus: Connected

    PART TWO: DAYS ELEVEN TO TWENTY: Determined To Be Holy11. Holy: Wholly12. Holy: Disciplined to be Dierent

    13. Holy: Daily14. Holy: In My Walk15. Holy: Chosen16. Holy: Keeping the Faith17. Holy: Our Protection18. Holy: Gods Work, Gods Way19. Holy: In an Unholy World20. Holy: A Holy People or the Holy City o Zion

    PART THREE: DAYS TWENTY-ONE TO THIRTY: Determined To Be Thankful21. Thankul: For My Blessings22. Thankul: Not Alone23. Thankul: He is Trustworthy24. Thankul: He Sees the Big Picture25. Thankul: For Answered Prayer26. Thankul: In Every Circumstance27. Thankul: For Jesus Example28. Thankul: Beyond Because29. Thankul: He Hears Us

    30. Thankul: He Listens

    PART FOUR: DAYS THIRTY ONE TO FORTY: Determined To Celebrate31. Celebrate: Christ Who Is Exalted32. Celebrate: Christ Who Does the Miraculous33. Celebrate: Christ Who Never Leaves Us34. Celebrate: Our Living Christ35. Celebrate: Our Healing Christ36. Celebrate: Our Caring Christ37. Celebrate: Our Amazing King38. Celebrate: Our Promise-Keeping King39. Celebrate: Our Ever- Present Lord40. Celebrate: The Journey

    Part One:Determined

    to be likejesus

    Part One: Part One:

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    You are already a blessing to your church amily and to your parents because they love you!

    Think o new ways that you can help out in your home or in school today.

    (^_^) RL!


    Are you involved in a ministry? Log on to the churchs website and look at the list o

    ministries on Ask God to show you where He

    wants you to serve His Kingdom.


    I am (We are) determined to be like Jesus. I (We) will ocus on the purpose

    and plan o God today by:










    Day One



    Ephesians 1:17-18I askask the God o our Master, Jesus Christ, the God o gloryto make you intelligent anddiscerning in knowing him personally, your eyes ocused and clear, so that you can see exactly whatit is he is calling you to do. Ephesians 1:17-18 (The Message)


    Jesus never owned a Blackberry or a Day Planner, yet He was never late or an appointment.

    Jesus never had a bank account, yet all o His needs were met. Jesus never went to college,

    yet He taught others about the Kingdom. Jesus never went to medical school, but He healed

    the sick. Jesus was never distracted, o-task or in the wrong place. In short, Jesus knew His

    purpose. More importantly, Jesus accomplished His purpose. He made it happen. He was

    able to say, at His last breath, It is nished. (John 19:30)

    What about you? What is it that you were placed on this earth to do? Are you working to

    reach that goal? Are your eyes ocused and clear on your call? I not, what will you do to

    make it happen in your lie to gloriy God?


    Dear God, help New Psalmist to be ocused and clear on what you are calling us to do.

    Show us Your purpose and Your plan in the Holy City o Zion. May each member learn andunderstand his/her value to the Kingdom, and be inspired to contribute in new ways.

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    to be likejesus

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    to be likejesus

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    God made you in His image! Do you ever look in the mirror and wish you were dierent?

    Dont! You are perect. The next time you look in the mirror, understand you were made in

    the image o God, and He declares that you are earully and wonderully made!

    (^_^) RL!YOUTH

    Write on your mirror at home the text o Psalms 139:14. Then send a tweet to one o your

    ollowers encouraging them.


    I (We) can stretch my (our) aith to keep the fame burning today by.











    Day Two



    Revelation 3:11I am coming soon! Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.(NIV)


    Wilma Glodean Rudolphs lie is a story o achievement against the odds. At the 1960

    Rome Olympics, she earned three gold medals in track and eld events (one with a sprained

    ankle). She was the rst American woman to become a three-time gold medalist. You could

    not have predicted Wilmas success rom her early lie. Wilma was born the 20th child in a

    amily o 22 and only weighed 4.5 pounds at birth. Because she was born with polio, Wilma

    could not walk normally until she reached twelve years o age. As a poor, black woman born

    with polio, she overcame seemingly insurmountable physical, cultural and societal odds to

    reach her goal. I ran and ran and ran every day, and I acquired this sense o determination,

    this sense o spirit that I would never, never give up--no matter what else happened.

    Like Wilma Rudolph, we should run and run every daybut in Jesus name.

    Our Father in Heaven expects us to have enough aith and determination and trust to keep

    running, and to keep moving toward a higher goal. He expects us to embrace the present

    and to shape the uture.


    Thank You, God, or not allowing us to ocus on the seemingly insurmountable deciencies

    in our lives, but or seeing beyond who we are to who we can become. We want to hold

    out! Help us to become more like Jesus; increase Your Spirit in us as a church and as


    Part One:Determined

    to be likejesus

    Part One:Determined

    to be likejesus

    Part One: Part One:

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    Ask God to show you ways that you can be humble in your amily. Clean your room without

    your mother or ather having to ask you. Do something or a amily member that you know

    he or she would enjoy.

    (^_^) RL!


    What sorts o things do you do well? When you receive a compliment today, say, Thanks, I

    give the glory to God. See what happens!


    I am (We are) determined to be humble like Jesus. I (We) will elevate Jesusand serve others today by










    Day Three



    John 13:1-5, Philippians 2: 3-8Take my yoke upon you and learn rom me, or I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will ndrest or your souls. Matthew 11:29 (NIV)


    Jesus came to us with love and humility. He did nothing out o selsh ambition or vainconceit, but did everything as a servant o the Father, with love, compassion, and obedience

    to God. He could drive out the most oul o demons, but He blessed little children. He

    could command legions o angels to do his bidding, yet He stooped to wash the disciples

    eet. He could have avoided death on the cross, yet He obeyed the Father and suered

    incredible agony at Calvary.

    Jesus is a role model o humility and o godly leadership. He denes or us the meaning o

    servant. He was not concerned with sel, but with the spiritual needs o His disciples. He

    neither gloated nor bragged about His authority. He empowered His disciples to spread the

    Gospel. We can be thankul that God serves us. No condition is too insignicant, and no one

    in need o help is too lowly or Gods attention.

    Jesus example is one that is dicult to ollow in a world that demands and glories success,

    ame and power. But He calls us to ollow Him, and to be yoked with Him as we represent

    Him in the world. When others seek to elevate us, we must seek to elevate Jesus as we serve

    others in His name.


    Jesus, You humbled Yoursel to serve, even though You could call orth legions o angels to

    do your bidding. Jesus, You humbled Yoursel to walk with us on this earth, even though

    You created it. Jesus, You humbled Yoursel to touch us, heal us, and love us, even though

    we dont deserve it. Help us to serve the needy, walk with the lonely, touch the aficted, and

    love the unlovable. We are determined to be like You.


    to be likejesus


    to be likejesus

    Part One: Part One:

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    Is there someone in your class who is mean to you or who says unkind things to you? Start

    today to pray or that person and ask God to help you orgive him or her or being unkind.

    (^_^) RL!


    Make a list o three things in your lie that you know are not pleasing to God. Ask God to


    I am (We are) determined to be more orgiving. I (We) will extend orgive-ness today by:











    Day Four



    I Corinthians 13Love . . . keeps no record o wrongs. I Corinthians 13:4-5 (NIV)


    From the Civil War until the turn o the last century, the Hatelds and the McCoys engaged

    in a bitter and destructive amily eud. Tensions and ghting escalated over ailed love

    aairs between the two clans, land disputes, and contentious court battles.

    For decades, the Hatelds and the McCoys reused to let go o the perceived slights and

    evils. It all came to a halt in 1891. It was then that the Hateld patriarch became a baptized,

    born-again Christian. Its believed that his conversion touched amilies throughout the

    region. Jim McCoy, the last survivor o the original amily, died in 1984. He was buried by

    the Hateld Funeral Home.

    We may not kill each other physically, but we are not unlike the Hatelds and the McCoys.

    We remember what people have done to oend us; we hold grudges; we long to get back

    at others. This is not Jesus way. Paul told the Corinthian believers that true love does not

    record every slight or oense. He encouraged them to be a living example o Gods love in

    their pagan society.

    In our society, we must let go o oenses and orgive. I Jesus could orgive those whocrucied Him, we, too, can extend Gods orgiveness to those who have hurt us.


    We are determined to be like You, Jesus. Give us holy amnesia. Help us to orget who wronged

    us, orgive who has sinned against us, but to remember that You have loved us. Eternally.


    to be likejesus


    to be likejesus

    Part One:Determined

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    Draw a large number 1 on a piece o paper. Cut it out and write a note to God telling Him

    that you are thankul to be His riend and that you are giving Him rst place in your lie.

    Tape your note to your nightstand or mirror as a reminder o your promise.

    (^_^) RL!


    Hi! The ollowing person invited you to be their riend on Face book:

    Jesus Christ.What do you expect to read when you log on to Jesus page? Write him a message telling

    Him how you will be His riend.


    I am (We are) determined to be a riend like Jesus. I (We) will be a riendtoday by









    Day Five



    John 15:12-17My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he laydown his lie or his riends. You are my riends i you do what I command. John 15:12-14(NIV)


    In todays scripture, Jesus calls the disciples His riends. Because we are Jesus disciples, it is

    a blessing to know that Jesus also considers us His riends. ImagineJesus not only loves

    us, but He likes us enough to invite us to be His riends.

    As His riends, He wants intimate relationships with us. Jesus riendship is one that demands

    sacrice, obedience and love. Jesus is a Friend we can trust and lean on in both good and

    bad times. He never leaves us alone, but lits us up when we are down, carries us through

    the rough places o lie and pushes us to greatness. Its a miracle that Jesus riendship with

    us endures even when we arent very riendly to Him.

    Because we are in intimate relationship with Jesus, we cannot help but show this same

    quality o riendship to those in our human amily. We are called to be trustworthy, steadast,

    encouraging, and to push others to new heights. We are called to r emain a good riend, even

    when others arent. Are you a good riend? Determine today to become like Jesus, a riend.


    Dear Jesus, what would we do without Your riendship? Its amazing that You love us, but

    its incredible that You have invited us to be Your riends! Help us to become a Church o

    riends, because o Your riendship with us.


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    Write down today all the tests and school work you have coming up in the next week. Ask God

    to help you to be victorious in your studies and to show you how to be calm as you study.

    (^_^) RL!YOUTH

    What kind o battles do your non-Christian riends ace? IM, tweet, or text them today,

    encouraging them that Jesus has the victory.


    I am (We are) determined to ocus on the victory, like Jesus. Today, I (We)will ocus on











    Day Six



    John 16:31-33I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 (NIV)


    Just beore His death, Jesus comorted the Disciples. He aced execution, torture, disgrace

    and shame, but He assured His disciples that He had already overcome. Jesus wanted His

    disciples to have peace, joy and courage in troubled times.

    Jesus example o victorious livingin the ace o certain deathis our pattern. Although

    we may lose a battle, ultimately we will win the war. When we are knocked down, we will

    get back up. We may lose a riend, but we will never be riendless. We may lack ood but, the

    Bread o Lie will sustain us.

    Are things dicult now? Jesus knows all about it, and Jesus has overcome the world. Are

    you acing your personal Gethsemane? Focus on Jesus. You will have the victory then, and

    Jesus will give you His peace now.

    RESPONDIn You we have victory, Jesus. Through You we know that we will overcome. Show us, this

    day, the victory that we have in You. Show us, this day, how to walk, live and enjoy the

    victory that You earned or us on Calvary.


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    With an adults help, decorate a pair o sunglasses with the words, Keep your eyes on Jesus.

    Use glitter, glue, paint, or permanent marker to make them stand out. Deliver them to

    someone you know who is being tempted to go the wrong way.

    (^_^) RL!


    How is satan tempting you now? Write the words it is written in your notebook or post

    it in your locker at school so that you can see these words when you are being tempted.


    I am (We are) determined to overcome temptation like Jesus. When tempted,I (we) will










    Day Seven



    Luke 4:1-13 The devil said to him, I you are the Son o God, tell this stone to become bread. Jesus answered,It is written: Man does not live on bread alone. Luke 4:3-4 (NIV)


    Satan uses the things we want most to tempt us. So ater Jesus had asted or orty days, satan

    attacked Him by pointing out His hunger. Satan tried to distract Jesus ocus rom His mission

    and destiny. Can you imagine how hungry Jesus must have been? Can you imagine how

    easy it would have been to speak a word to the stone and to satisy His intense hunger?

    Jesus did, in act, speak a Word. He spoke the Word o God to satan to deeat the temptation

    with which He was aced. In act, as the text tells us, Jesus deeated all o satans succeeding

    temptations with Scripture.

    What do we do when we are aced with temptation? Do we give in to satans lies o expediency,

    or do we recall the promises that are in Gods Word? Resolve today to be like Jesus, able to

    stand up against temptation because o the power o the Word o God.

    RESPONDJesus, I want to stand rm. Hide Your word in my heart so that I may not sin against You. I want

    to stand as You stood; I want to deeat satan, so that Your kingdom may come through me.

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    Ask an adult you know to teach you the song- This Little Light o Mine. Once you learn it,

    remember that you must shine or Jesus!

    (^_^) RL!YOUTH

    Read Romans 15:7 - Introduce yoursel to someone you dont know. Show Gods light to

    that person.


    I am (We are) determined to be like Jesus. I (We) will show his light in mylie today by.











    Day Eight



    Matthew 5:14-16You are the light o the world. Matthew 5:14(NIV)


    Some years ago there was a very popular advertising campaign or a company that

    manuactures athletic shoes and equipment. I I could be like Mike Many o you knowwho Mike is, and you know the name o the company. You remember because o the

    advertising dollars spent, the popularity o Mike at that time and a catchy tune that we heard

    numerous times. The ad campaign caused people everywhere to want to wear the shoes,

    hats and t-shirts to be like Mike.

    Imagine what might happen in the world i Jesus received that same kind o attention. In

    the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives us an idea o the traits we should display in our own

    daily living.

    We a re called to be merciul, to hunger or righteousne ss, to be pure o heart and to be

    peacemakers, all traits Jesus Himsel displayed. I we aspire to be like Jesus, we want these

    traits to show in our lives. We have to be the change we want to see in this world. I we want

    to see kindness, we have to exhibit kindness even when those around us may not be kind. In

    a very real way we are the ad campaign or Jesus. For some people the only Jesus they may

    ever see is us. We are His light to persons who are dark with despair, stress and distress.

    Show His light in all that you do and to everyone you meet. As you show Jesus light, others

    will have no choice but to praise God.


    Dear Lord, I (we) want to shine, so as I (we) go through this day let those I (we) encounter see

    You in my (our) speech, my (our) manner and in my (our) deeds. I (we) want to represent

    You well, so that You may be gloried.

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    Each week, our church bulletin has the names o people who are not able to come to church.

    Ask an adult t o give you a stam p and an envelope and send a card t o one person on t he list.

    (^_^) RL!


    RYB. Jesus loves you. Tell that to someone who is broken, hurt or lonely.

    REACHI am (We are) determined to be compassionate like Jesus. Today, I (we) will.












    Day Nine



    Mark 8:1-8Jesus called His disciples to him and said, I have compassion on these people Mark 8:1b-2a (NIV)


    Jesus never saw a need that He ignored. He comorted the mother grieving over a dead son.

    He healed the broken. He reed those who were bound by demonic orces. He gave words

    to the mute, sight to the blind, and mobility to the lame.

    Jesus heart or the suering and needs o others moved Him to heal, touch, eed and orgive.

    Do we have His heart? Do we try to meet those needs that we see? Do we pray or those who

    are wounded by this world? Do we take action?

    I Jesus showed His compassion to the broken or the brokenhearted, then so must we.

    Resolve today to show the compassion o Jesus to someone who needs it.


    God, make New Psalmist a church o compassion. So many need Your heart and Your

    power. Build in us a desire to pour out Your compassion into a thirsty and dying world.

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    Talk to your parents about your good ruit hugs and kisses, sharing, helping, doing your

    chores, playing with a sister or brother, and the other good things you do. The bad things we

    do are like dead leaves, rotten bananas or moldy orangeswith the help o the Lord Jesus

    well get rid o the bad things and grow the good ruit o the Holy Spirit.

    (^_^) RL!


    RYB. Connect with someone who is disconnected. Tell them about your connection with


    I am (We are) determined to be connected like Jesus. Today, I (we) will











    Day Ten



    John 15:1-8I am the vine, you are the branches. I a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much ruit;apart rom me, you can do nothing. John 15:5(NIV)


    God wants us to produce. I you really love Him, you will produce the ruits o love, joy,peace, orgiveness, gentleness, goodness, aith, humility, and sel-control. I we trust in

    Jesus, then we will bear good ruit. Jesus was connected to the Father, and we must remain

    connected to Jesus.

    But in order to produce ruit, we must remain in Jesus. In the same way that a branch cut

    rom a tree will die, we will have no lie apart rom our relationship with and connection to

    Jesus. We must develop a determination to keep our connection with Jesus strong: through

    prayer, through ellowship, through the Word, through worship.

    As we oer the ruit to a hungry world, it will be nourished through us to the glory o God.

    Are you connected?


    Father, help New Psalmist to be like Jesus. Help us to be connected to Your Word, linked

    to Your Wisdom, and committed to worship. We want to be connected to You and to each

    other. We want to be like Jesus.

    to be likejesus

    to be likejesus


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    Days Eleven to Twenty

    For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy lie. 1 Thessalonians 4:7(NIV)

    Congratulations! You have completed one quarter o our 40 day journey. There are many

    challenges and blessings yet to come.

    New Psalmist is Concerned About Becoming

    God wants us to be holy. Over these next ten days, begin to create rituals that promote

    holiness and wholeness.

    We have common misconceptions about what it means to be holy. We equate it with a

    certain style o dress or a negative holier than thou attitude. The word holy appears in

    the Bible over 600 times, so its an important scriptural concept and a key attribute o God.To be holy is to be consecrated, and thereore connected, to God. It also implies that we are

    separated rom sin and no longer controlled by it. To be holy is to be whole.

    Because we belong to a transormative community, we are becoming more holy, more whole

    and more like our Savior. This takes hard work. This takes determination. Satan wants us to

    be ragmented, broken and disconnectedunholy.

    Holy Hookups

    During the next ten days, nd ways to connect with others. You might want to schedule a

    weekly amily activity night, and at the same time teach children various lie lessons and

    skills. Pick a night that will be reserved or your amily. Turn o the phone to set an example

    or the amily that this is a priority and that you want it to succeed. Pray rst and assign a

    song, a scripture, and a Biblical lesson each week. Keep the lessons short and age appropriate.

    Each amily member should have a turn at assignments. You might even want to take photos

    and keep a history o each nights session. Consider inviting a college student, or one o the

    churchs single members to participate with your amily.

    I you live alone, you can still get a hook up. Schedule during the next ten days how you

    will spend time with your riends or amily members who live in the area. Structure your

    time together to discuss the Word, encourage each other, and to enjoy each others company.

    I you do not live near another church member, or you are away at college, you can still

    connect by phone.

    I youre determined to be holy, you can expect some demonic opposition. Dont worry, because,

    I you fnd yoursel in the middle o great trials, its because there is going to be great growth.

    Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr.


    Be determined..

    To show Gods love to one another

    Even to those who are not your sisters or brothers.

    Be determined..To be kind to the lowly

    To share a word or hug boldly.

    Be determined..

    To complete every given task

    Without procrastination or an excuse to grasp.

    Be determined..

    To serve gladly with a servants heart

    You have been chosen, you have been set apart.

    Be determined..

    To do better, be better and willing to grow

    Intentional every day allowing Gods anointing to fow.

    Be determined..

    To pray to the Father without ceasing and with regard

    Wanting to be like Jesus, a blessing to every child o God.

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    Are you holy? Ask God to show you those p laces in your life that need to be dedicated

    to Him.

    (^_^) RL!YOUTH

    RYB. JTLYK, Jesus LYSM. Ask Him to help you become whole and holy.


    I am (We are) determined to become whole and holy. Today, I (we) will.











    Day Eleven



    Ephesians 1:1-4How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! Hes the Father o our Master, Jesus Christ andtakes us to the high places o blessing in Him. Long beore he laid down the earths oundations, hehad us in mind, had settled on us as the ocus o his love, to be made whole and holy in his love.Ephesians 1:3-4 (The Message)


    We cannot get the holiness God wants or us unless we also receive wholeness. We must

    be healed and restored to act in righteousness. Paul tells us that both restoration and

    righteousness come through Gods love. God does not want anything less than wholeness

    or us. He loves us too much to let us stay where we are.

    Yet we oten become comortable with our broken, un-whole, natures: many o us are prone

    to gossiping, lying, jealousy and cruelty. We justiy our sin by saying that weve always

    been this way instead o nding ways to become whole. As we accept our sinulness, and

    receive Gods healing, we are able to show Gods whole and holy love to others. The path is

    not an easy one, though. We have to coness our sinulness, accept our sinulness, and take

    concrete steps to turn away rom our broken behaviors.

    Only then can we become whole and holy.


    Dear God, Help New Psalmist to become a church that is completely, utterly and ully

    dedicated to You. Take all the broken pieces o our lives and make us whole, holy, and

    secure in Your love.

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    (^_^) RL!YOUTH


    We have learned today as we read the Bible how to live in a holy way, but more than 200

    million people in the world dont have a Bible in their languages. Imagine not being able to

    read the Bible in a language you could understand. You can do something about this! You

    can pray that God will send workers to those places to translate the New Testament into one


    I am (We are) determined to be disciplined. Today, I (we) will.










    Day Twelve



    1 Peter 2:4-12But you are a . . . holy nation. 1 Peter 2:9a (NIV)


    As Gods chosen people, the Israelites were commanded to be holy. (Ex. 22:31a) To be holy

    means to be dierent; to be consecrated means to be separate. Thus, a Christian lie styleshould be dierent and separate rom the rest o the world.

    But how do we become holy? Author Jay Adams tells us that it isnt easy: You may have

    sought and tried to obtain instant godliness. There is no such thing. We want somebody

    to give us three easy steps to godliness, and well take them next Friday and be godly. The

    trouble is godliness doesnt come that way. We obtain holiness through a disciplined and

    determined pursuit o God. Adams tells us that we must correct, mold and train ourselves

    in the Word o God because it is by willing, prayerul and persistent obedience to the

    requirements o Scriptures that godly patterns are developed and become a part o us.

    Learn the Word. God will bring this Word to your heart and mind as you make decisions in

    keeping with His will and His character. It is only when we do this in a persistent way that

    we nd the holiness that refects His character. Be empowered through the Word o God.

    Read it day and night. Memorize it. (Psa lms 119:11)


    Lord, New Psalmist is a going to the Holy City o Zion. Beore we can get there, we need Your

    help. We want to be set apart or Your purpose. We want to be consecrated to You. Give us

    the discipline to do what it takes to become a holy people ready or the Holy City o Zion.

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    Are you holy each day? Ask your amily what they think during your prayer time and pray

    or each other.

    (^_^) RL!YOUTH

    What things do you do each day that please God? What is God asking you to do to become

    more like Him? Discuss these things with your amily during your prayer time. Ask them

    to pray or you.


    I am (We are) determined to be holy in my daily lie. Today, I (we) will.











    Day Thirteen



    1 Peter 1:15-16Just as you used to oer the parts o your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now oer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.Romans 6:19(NIV)

    REFLECTMany people get the wrong idea o what it means to be holy. The word holy seems to bring

    to mind images o angels wearing white robes with halos. Unortunately, the concepts o

    godliness and holiness generate guilt, suspicion, and rustration. In some cases, holiness

    is considered undesirable, and some live as i it is not required at all. But God is consistent

    in His requirements. Throughout Scripture, God calls His people to be holy.

    As children o God, is holiness possible or us to achieve? Holiness is a call to be disconnected

    rom sinul ways and to be Christ-like. God has destined us to be conormed to the image

    o Jesus Christ. Our transormation is always at work through Jesus, and the Holy Spirit

    nurtures us in our spiritual development. Make it your business to be holy, every day.


    Dear Lord, New Psalmist wants to pursue holiness--every day. Help us to take hold o Christsstrength--every day. Help us to overcome challenges--every day. Help us to deeat obstacles--

    every day. Help us to become holy--every day.

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    Draw an outline o your hand on a sheet o paper. On each nger, write a scripture that will

    help you climb and become closer to the Lord. Share it with your amily this week.

    (^_^) RL!YOUTH

    I you are able, take a walk through your neighborhood, in a mall or through school. As you

    walk, ask God to draw those around you closer to Him.


    I am (We are) determined to be Holy in my walk. Today, I (we) will.











    Day Fourteen



    Psalm 24:1-9Who may ascend the hill o the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean handsand a pure heart. . . . Psalms 24:3-4a(NIV)


    Someone plans to walk or a worthy cause. They ask you or money to sponsor them. Theytake the walk, but someone else gets the benet. So, too, in our daily journey with God,

    we work so that others may get the benet: by our intercession, by our prayers, by our holy


    The 24th Psalm was originally sung while walking. Its a processional hymn, sung as pilgrims

    walked toward the temple. Some biblical scholars think that it was rst written when David

    returned the ark to Jerusalem. The psalm celebrates Gods holiness and invites others to

    enter into worship.

    But not everyone could take this walk; the invitation is limited to a select ew. Only those

    with pure motives and guiltless actions can have access to God. Would you be able to take

    this walk? I not, ask God to examine today your motives and your actions. Ask Him to help

    you become one who walks to God so that others can get the benets.


    God, thank You or Jesus power to cleanse and to lit me (us). I (We) need Your guidance to

    help others to believe that they too, can walk to and stand in holy places with You. Let it be that

    by my (our) holy walk, others will come to New Psalmist, meet the Lord, and ask, What must

    I do to be saved?

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    Draw a picture o a treasure chest. Put your name on the bottom. Every time you see it, remember

    that you are Gods chosen and treasured possession and that you are precious to Him.

    (^_^) RL!


    On the top o a sheet o paper, write the words, Buried Treasure. Under this title, make a

    list o classmates and amily members who do not know Jesus. Pray that they will someday

    learn how special they are to God and that they have been chosen by Him.


    I am (We are) determined to be holy and live as one chosen by God. Today, I

    (we) will.










    Day Fiteen



    Deuteronomy 7: 6For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out o all the

    peoples on the earth to be his people, his treasured possession. (NIV)


    What does it mean to be chosen by God out o all the people on the ace o the earth? Godshows exceptional kindness in His treatment toward us. We have done nothing to earn Gods

    kindness, avor or grace. We only qualiy to receive Gods avor because He has chosen us.

    God has selected us as His treasured possession. We are orever worth more to God than

    anything we can ever imagine. We are sealed as His priceless inheritance. He made us in

    His image and called us to be extraordinary. We are gits to God rom God. God has hidden

    us in His heart where His treasures reside.

    Because we have been chosen, we become eager to do our best or God. But what pleases

    God? Its not hard; we must show our love or Him demonstrated in obedience, our joy

    in the Lord that honors him with thanksgiving, and our peace in the Lord that produces

    patience. Let our response be a desire to live in holiness and obedience to Him.


    Lord, its incredible! You chose us! How else can we respond? What else can we say when

    we realize Your incredible mercy towards us? Yes! Give the New Psalmist Baptist Church a

    yes spirit or Your will and way. Help us to become a people pleasing to You.

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    God, its sometimes so dicult to keep the aith. There are so many distractions. There are

    so many demands on our attention, but we only want to see You. Give the New Psalmist

    Baptist Church persistence to believe what we hope or in the Lord will come to pass.



    (^_^) RL!YOUTH

    CHILDRENS AND YOUTH ACTIVITYIs there someone you know who has great aith? Talk with that person and ask how he/she

    managed to be aithul under pressure. Write the answers down and tell your amily about

    what you learned.


    I am (We are) determined be holy and to live in aith. Today, I (we) will.









    Day Sixteen



    Matthew 17: 14-20Thereore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves rom all delement o fesh andspirit, perecting holiness in the ear o God. 2 Corinthians 7:1 (NASB)


    What does holiness have to do with aith? Everything. Obedience is the path to holiness. Wecannot become holy unless we have aith.

    Look at todays story. The disciples could not drive out the oul spirit. They did not have

    enough aith. They did not see themselves as able to withstand evil. Thats when Jesus

    urged his disciples to have aith as small as a mustard seed. A mustard seed is tiny, but grows

    into a large tree. Under the pressure o wind and rain, it does not collapse. As a spice, it

    has a pungent favor, and when combined with other spices it dominates the favor. Like the

    mustard seed, aith is alive.

    Without aith, we give up on Gods purpose or our lives and abort divine occasions set aside

    by God or us to experience. How can we become without aith? We need aith to grow

    into Gods understanding o who we are in Him. Faith is extraordinary and moves God to

    work on our behal in an exceptional way. But i we doubt that God can move because we

    are ashamed, guilty or have unconessed sin, we cannot be eective to destroy the works othe enemy o our souls.

    Holiness is not just about you, its about keeping the aith to advance the Kingdom o God.

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    Draw a picture o a crab. Next to each o its claws, write a word o thanks to God or

    protecting you rom danger and harm.

    (^_^) RL!


    What kind o armor do you need to protect you? Ask God to show you those places where

    you are weak.

    REACHI am (We are) determined to live a holy lie, and to seek Gods protection.

    Today, I (we) will.











    Day Seventeen



    Ephesians 6:10-18Stand frm then, with the belt o truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate orighteousness in place. Ephesians 6:14(NIV)


    Crabs have a hard shell that protects their internal organs, and two eyes that stick out romtheir shell allowing them to see other animals that may prey upon them. God, the Creator,

    protects everything and everyone rom its natural enemies.

    Humans may not have a hard outer shell to protect them, but God has provided the tools

    that would shield His children during the enemys attacks. Paul advises us to put on the

    breastplate o righteousness; righteousness is our deense against the devil. We are no longer

    under the dominion o sin, but that does not mean that satan has stopped his attacks.

    When the adversary comes up against you, remember that the crab has a hard cover or

    protection, and you have the Word o God and the guidance o the Holy Spirit living inside

    o you. Gods Spirit will lead you to the Word that will t your situation and protect you. I

    He can do it or the crab, He can do it or you.


    God, help our church to live according to Your Word; help us to be holy. We want to see Your

    Word as our protection, our shield and our sword. We know that You will not leave us, and

    we thank You or protecting us with Your precious Word.

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    Thank you, Father or Your plan to make us a holy people. We pray that You will give each

    member o New Psalmist the desire to ollow Your plan, in Your way, or Your glory.


    (^_^) RL! YOUTH

    Think about one thing that your parent, teacher or another adult asked you to dobut you

    did it your way. What happened? Tell your story during your amily prayer time, and ask

    God to help you to do things His way.


    I (we) stretch to see God through prayer today by










    Day Eighteen



    Leviticus 11:44For I am the Lord your God: ye shall thereore sanctiy yourselves and ye shall be holy. (KJV)

    Philippians 2:12-13Whereore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much morein my absence, work out your own salvation with ear and trembling. For it is God which worketh inyou both to will and to do o his good pleasure. (KJV)


    Holiness is associated with righteousness. Although we know that righteousness cannot be

    obtained by anything we do, we still judge ourselves and others by works. When we hear

    the word holy, our tendency is to become anxious and guilt-ridden. In act, we oten get

    stuck at working out our salvation with ear and trembling as stated in Philippians 2:12.

    We ail to go on to verse thirteen, which explains how verse twelve can be accomplished.

    Philippians 2:13 inorms us that God alone is working in us both to do His will and to do

    o His good pleasure.

    Consequently, we can conclude that our part is to be conscious o Gods presence. Colossians

    3:12-16 suggests we should:

    Live our new life of love in Christ with compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength,

    and discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place and quick to forgive an offense.

    Let the peace of Christ keep us in tune and in step with each other.

    Let the Word of Christ have the run of the house.

    Instruct and direct one another with Gods help.

    Let everything be done in the name of Jesus, thanking God every step of the way.

    Be mindul that God is working through us by the power o the Holy Spirit who helps us to

    become holy.

    Da Nineteen

    Part Two:Determined

    to be Holy

    Part Two:Determined

    to be Holy

  • 7/31/2019 Prayer Journal


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    (^_^) RL! YOUTH

    Whats on? Make a list o those TV shows you have seen this week and the video games you

    have played. Total the number o hours you spent. How many o those shows were about

    God? What should you or could you do about your TV watching to become more holy?


    I am (We are) determined to be Holy in an unholy world. Today, I (we) will.












    Day Nineteen



    Romans 12:1-2Do not conorm any longer to the pattern o this world, but be transormed by the renewing oyour mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is - his good, pleasing andperect will. Romans 12:2(NIV)

    REFLECTWe live in an unholy world that is hostile to God. We are daily bombarded with godless

    language, unchecked greed, and senseless violence. But God has called us to live here. We

    cannot remove ourselves rom the world, but we can do all we can to resist its infuence.

    Apostle Pauls message gives us instruction and guidance in this respect. He encourages us to

    look beyond lies circumstances to see Gods sovereignty. In act, the periods o uncertainty

    that cause us to lose our sense o direction can open a way or Gods marvelous light to

    shine on our path. Just as trees nourished with resh water bear good ruit, Gods Word

    spurs growth in our aith, so that we can produce good spiritual ruiteven in a spiritually

    polluted environment.

    The ruit o the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, aithulness, gentleness

    and sel-control (Galatians 5:22-23). As God removes those things not in alignment with

    His will and divine purpose or us, our ruit grows and ripens, enabling us to serve. When

    the source o our service is through the heart o love or Christ, the result o our work is

    excellent. Gods will is ullled, He is gloried, and we are blessed with ullness o joy!


    God, this world is not holy, so it does not want Your church to be holy. I (we) understand

    that believers are strangers here. I (We) do not want to be changed by this world, but I (we)

    want to transorm the world, so that Your love shines through and the Kingdoms work is

    accomplished through me (us).

    Day Twenty

    Part Two:Determined

    to be Holy

    Part Two:Determined

    to be Holy

  • 7/31/2019 Prayer Journal


    52 53



    Do you sometimes think bad things? As soon as bad thoughts about other people come into

    your head, ask God to ll your mind with thoughts o Him.

    (^_^) RL!YOUTH

    I you have an iPod or MP3 player, look at your playlist and nd out how many songs use

    proanity. Resolve today to restrict your downloads to that music that eeds your soul.


    I am (We are) determined to be holy in my (our) heart(s). Today, I (we) will.











    Day Twenty



    Leviticus 11:45I am the LORD who brought you up out o Egypt to be your God; thereore be holy, because I

    am holy. (NIV)


    I God could place your thoughts on a movie screen, what would the rating be? Our thoughtsare important to God and are all known by God.

    God does not just want our conduct to be holy, but holiness should also be a part o our

    inner disposition and character. It is very possible that our thought lives can be disobedient

    while we appear to be holy on the outside. We too oten ignore the bitterness, envy and

    disobedience that resides in our hearts.

    An old saying puts it this way: Sow a thought, reap an act; sow an act, reap a habit; sow a

    habit, reap a character. I we want to have a holy character, we must begin in our hearts, in

    our minds, and in our thoughts. Thats why the apostle told us to concentrate on what is

    right, noble, lovely or excellent. (Philippians 1:8) This should be the standard we apply to

    the television shows we watch, to the movies we attend or to the music we listen to. As we

    prepare to move to the Holy City o Zion, we must be holy inside and out.

    Whats playing t oday in your heart? Make sure that its a movie the whole amily can watch.


    God, New Psalmist is becoming a holy people, in every way dedicated to You. Make me (us)

    holy in my (our) heart(s). Please change what needs to be changed.

    Please renew us, restore us, and revive us and make us ready or the Holy City o Zion.

    Part Three: DETERMINED TO BE THANKFULDays Twenty-One to Thirty

    Th k G d! Y d it th h h l j T k ti thi k t

    Part Three:Determined

    to beThankful

    Part Three:Determined

    to beThankful

  • 7/31/2019 Prayer Journal


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    Thank God! Youve made it through one hal o your journey. Take some time this week to

    refect on what God has shown you so ar and the prayers He has already answered. For the

    next ten days, we will be looking or ways to express our appreciation to God and to others

    in our circle.

    Everyone is valuable and adds value to what we do as a church. Each amily member should

    have a sense o value, o signicance and importance in the Kingdom o Godregardless

    o age or ability. In act, the Barna Research group tells us that eighty to ninety percent o

    current church leaders were in some orm o consistent childrens ministry beore they were

    13 years old.

    During the next ten days, look or ways to show your thanks by giving back to the Kingdom. There

    are many volunteer opportunities in New Psalmist Baptist Church. Some o those include:

    Christmas Outreach

    Project 100 (Feed the Children)

    Homeless Outreach

    You could also consider how to serve the broader community. Some ways to serve God by

    serving others include:


    Helping in a homeless shelter

    Exercising for a cause

    Assembling military care packages

    Taking a Thanksgiving meal to a shut in

    Inviting a college student to a holiday gathering

    Any positive action can become a major move in the lives o others. Consider ways to be

    o assistance to others while adding value to your lie and be determined to be thankul to

    God or your blessings.

    As you show your gratitude or Gods goodness, and saturate yoursel with His presence and

    power, you will have no choice but to become a witness to His goodness, because

    There is always good news when you hang out with God.

    Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr.


    There is always Good News when yo

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