Page 1: Prayer Diary Winter 2015 (January - March)

Prayer DiaryWINTER 2015

January — March 2015

Page 2: Prayer Diary Winter 2015 (January - March)

John Wesley once said, ‘Prayer is where the action is.’ As a dynamic and responsive organisation, MAF has often been privileged to deliver the answer to people’s prayers – and is certainly at the forefront of the action!

It’s so heart-warming when we hear how a few have gathered together during an emergency, and God has used one of our little planes to send His help, hope and healing to places of great need.

Here’s just one of those uplifting stories. One Tuesday morning, a missionary family

living in a remote area of Papua New Guinea was facing a crisis. Awful weather had damaged vital equipment, destroyed phone lines and cut their electricity supply. There was flooding in every direction, and the bad weather looked set to continue.

Trying desperately to make contact with the outside world, their failed attempts brought them to their knees. They were completely cut off and running out of food. Only God could help them now.

With rain continuing to batter against their home, the family gathered around a candlelit table and began to pray. ‘Send a plane, God. Send a message to the pilots, even though they are hundreds of miles away.’


Prayer Diary | www.maf-uk.org2 Winter 2015

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Less than an hour passed before the clouds began to thin. The sun suddenly broke through and the sound of an engine could be heard in the distance. MAF Pilot Clint Smith was circling overhead, ready to land at Kawito airstrip with a trainee pilot.

MAF planes never land in Kawito on Tuesdays. God had intervened through this one-off training flight.

Perhaps you are still praying for God to intervene in a situation in your life, or perhaps you are part of His intervention.

However you feel God is leading you today, we want to encourage you not to give up praying. Your prayers are heard by our heavenly Father – they are part of His will for our world. MAF’s ministry is proof that prayer does lead to action, and lives are being changed for His Kingdom.



We hope you enjoy our new ‘fresh-looking’ Prayer Diary.

This increased size allows us to keep you better informed of our work, and we hope that the inclusion of maps and some country statistics will help you feel more connected to the action. This new format has even reduced the cost of printing, so your gifts will go even further.

We are so grateful for your prayers and commitment to the work of MAF – may you know God’s rich blessings as you pray.

Page 3: Prayer Diary Winter 2015 (January - March)

THURSDAY 1 Several countries in West Africa, including the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Liberia, where our newest programme will be based, are struggling to combat the Ebola virus [below right]. Pray for the doctors and nurses we fly, as they care for those suffering from the disease.

FRIDAY 2 Recent outbreaks of violence in the Horn of Africa, South Sudan and Kenya and tension in eastern DRC and northern Uganda threaten areas of our work in those regions. Pray for peace, protection and stability.

SATURDAY 3 We need more pilots to join our team in South Sudan. Pray that those with the right qualifications will come forward.


‘When the rain falls, it’s totally impossible to come here. With MAF it’s just one or two hours. I can now come and preach the Gospel. Thank you MAF very much!’

Jean Claude, evangelist, Madagascar

You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our saviour. You are the hope of everyone on earth. Psalm 65:5

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SUNDAY 4 Praise God for our flights for organisations such as UNICEF, CBM and Wycliffe Bible Translators. Give thanks that, through these partnerships, MAF helps their personnel provide a wide range of education, health and conservation projects.

MONDAY 5 Uphold Programme Manager Bert van den Bosch and his wife Janetta [left]. Pray for wisdom and understanding as Bert plans how best to support our partners.

TUESDAY 6 Each year, we make a large number of medical emergency flights – flying

patients from remote communities to Antananarivo Hospital. These medevacs often save patients’ lives. Praise God for this caring, life-saving ministry.

WEDNESDAY 7 Pray that the churches in Madagascar will deepen their passion for God’s Word and be an effective witness. Give thanks that, by flying missionaries and church leaders to remote villages, our pilots help further God’s Kingdom.

THURSDAY 8 Uphold the work of Good News Hospital at Mandritsara, one of our many partners. Pray for its staff who seek to bring healing and share the Gospel.

FRIDAY 9 Pray for new MAF Pilot Becki Dillingham and her husband Matt. They arrived from the UK last autumn. Uphold Becki as she gets used to the challenges of landing on steep mountainside airstrips.

SATURDAY 10 Join us in praying for someone to serve as a Home School Support Teacher in Arnhem Land in Australia’s remote Northern Territory.


Programme begins 1988

2 aircraft

23,201,926 population

27 members of staff

Key partners Africa Inland Misison, CBM, HoverAid, Medair, UNICEF, Wycliffe Bible Translators


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SUNDAY 11 Praise God for an increase in the number of people asking MAF Technology Services for electronic devices which contain Gospel resources. Our staff are encouraged that so many people in Arnhem Land want to receive God’s Word.

MONDAY 12 Uphold Jason Job, who recently took over from David Pett as Elcho Island Base Manager. Pray for God’s encouragement and strength as Jason settles in.

TUESDAY 13 Daniel Simkins served as Finance Manager in Tanzania and then Kenya, and is now working in the regional

support office in Cairns. Uphold Daniel, his wife Libby [left] and the team in Cairns as they support programmes in Arnhem Land, Bangladesh, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea.

WEDNESDAY 14 Uphold Mark and Jenny Beckwith [above right] who recently moved from Tanzania to

Mareeba, Australia. As well as doing design work, Mark will be working as an aircraft maintenance engineer.

THURSDAY 15 Pray for strength, health and energy for MAF personnel in Australia, and for everyone involved in the Flight Training Centre’s move from Melbourne to Mareeba.

FRIDAY 16 David Pett has been appointed Training Captain for the single piston fleet of MAF aircraft worldwide. He and his wife Jen are now based at our Cairns office, and David will be training new and experienced pilots at MAF’s new Mareeba Training Centre. Pray for them as they resettle into a western culture, having moved from remote Elcho Island.

SATURDAY 17 Pray that the right person will soon take up the role of Flight Instructor and join our International Training Centre at Mareeba.



The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16

‘Knowing our 20-minute flight could save a life compared with a 4-hour bumpy road journey really brought the need home to me.’

James Skinner, Relief Pilot, Arnhem Land

2.6% Australian Aborigine population

161 indigenous languages

102 locations served in Arnhem Land

Key partners Australian Society for Indigenous Languages, Church Mission Society, Galiwin’ku Bible Translation Project, Pioneers Australia

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SUNDAY 18 Praise God for Tutapona, an organisation that ministers in war-affected areas to offer trauma counselling to victims of war. We regularly fly Tutapona staff to help refugees who’ve fled from the violence in South Sudan. Pray the airstrip at Adjumani will soon be opened to help facilitate this work.

MONDAY 19 Several new pilots arrived in Uganda last year – a real answer to prayer. Uphold Matt Eagar, Dave Forney, Martin Zimmerman and their families, and pray they will soon feel part of our team. Be encouraged that God hears our prayers for MAF’s many vacancies.

TUESDAY 20 Building work is underway to construct a new MAF office building at Kajjansi airfield. Pray that the relocation process from our existing offices will go smoothly.

WEDNESDAY 21 Remember Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Mark Newnham and his wife Sarah [left]. Last year, they moved to a house with a two-bedroom apartment attached. This will serve as an MAF guesthouse which Sarah will help run. Pray as they serve the Lord in their different capacities, and offer hospitality.

THURSDAY 22 Today, as you think about our work in Uganda, why not ask God what to pray? As you wait on Him, jot down anything that comes to mind and allow Him to lead your prayers. We’d love to hear what God is saying to you – please do get in touch.

FRIDAY 23 Pray for Geoff and Celia Linkleter from the UK [right]. They joined our team in Uganda last autumn. Geoff recently trained as an aircraft maintenance engineer. They join Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Andy Swanson and his wife Heather, who also arrived in Uganda in 2014.

SATURDAY 24 Pray we will soon find someone for the role of Operations Manager in Uganda.


7 aircraft

459 partner organisations

60 ethnic groups

Key partners Care International, Jesus Film Ministries, Oxfam, Samaritan’s Purse, UNICEF


For my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. Isaiah 56:7

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SUNDAY 25 Praise God for our flights in Lesotho, where we’ve been working since 1980. We regularly provide transport for the Flying Doctor service and weekly flights to six health clinics for Partners in Health. Pray these flights will bring both physical and spiritual healing.

MONDAY 26 Please pray for Maxine Holman [left], who took on the role of Managing Director for MAF’s South Africa programme last year. Maxine hopes to grow her small team and increase engagement with MAF by developing opportunities for people to volunteer.

TUESDAY 27 New Project Manager Thendo Dama has been recruited to oversee practical outreach programmes in South Africa. These projects help bring nutrition, medical services and education to many children living in forgotten corners of South Africa such as Limpopo.

WEDNESDAY 28 We’ve been serving the people of northern Mozambique from our base in Nampula since 1999. Pray for team members Conrad and Heidi Hertzler, Dave and Jill Holmes and David and Gerd LePoidevin.

THURSDAY 29 Give thanks for our work in Mozambique – one of the poorest countries in the world. Unfortunately, some flights were grounded last year while we waited for an Air Operators Certificate. Pray that all obstacles to our continuing ministry will be quickly overcome.

FRIDAY 30 Pray for our partner MozMed’s flying doctor programme in Mozambique. They need a doctor and a dentist to join their work in the north of the country.

SATURDAY 31 We need a Programme Manager to lead the team in Mongolia. Pray that the right person will come forward before the busy summer season begins.



Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for

in prayer, believe that you have received it,

and it will be yours. Mark 11:24

Mozambique ranked 178 of 187 in the 2014 Human Development Index

50% live below the poverty line in Lesotho

Key partners in South Africa Abundant Life Church, Africa Medical and Research Foundation, Ha-Makuya Crèche

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SUNDAY 1 Praise God for good relationships with many key government officials and like-minded partners. Pray for wisdom as MAF’s staff serve the people of the DRC through aviation and IT ministries.

MONDAY 2 Uphold western DRC Programme Manager and Pilot Nick Frey and his wife Jocelyn [left]. Pray also for the team of 10 international families and 31 local staff based in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi as they seek to bring hope and healing to this troubled nation.

TUESDAY 3 Imagine what it must be like to live in a country that has seen so much bloodshed and disease. Over 5 million people died in the Congolese civil wars, which began in 1996 and are yet to be fully resolved. Think what life in the DRC must be like, and allow God to lead your prayers.

WEDNESDAY 4 Nick Frey and his team give thanks that 270 children attended a Swahili-language Sunday School. Pray for more teachers who speak Swahili, and that the children who attend will encounter Jesus.

THURSDAY 5 Pray for the Church as it shares Jesus’ message of love and peace. MAF Pilot Daniel Carlson attended a meeting in Moba where he shared communion with 3,000 people, and witnessed 300 people being baptised.

FRIDAY 6 Uphold partner mission Evangelical Medical Centre in Nyankunde. We help them provide Christ-centred healthcare throughout the region by flying staff and essential supplies.

SATURDAY 7 Pray for experienced aircraft maintenance engineers to join our Liberia, PNG, Bangladesh and Arnhem Land programmes.


‘We can’t do this job alone. We depend on the support of people who pray for us and hold us up.’

Jon Cadd, Programme Manager and Pilot, eastern DRC [left]

Ranked 186 of 187 in the 2014 Human Development Index

9 aircraft (4 East DRC, 5 West DRC)

73 staff (32 East DRC, 41 West DRC)

Key partners Grace Ministries International, Medair, World Medical Mission


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find. Matthew 7:7

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SUNDAY 8 Praise God for the sensitive way MAF affiliate Alas de Socorro serves indigenous mountain communities resistant to the Gospel in Mexico. Pray for God’s blessing as our staff share God’s love with these people.

MONDAY 9 The start of our programme in Liberia has been delayed by the spread of Ebola. Pray that we will soon be able to fly. Uphold Programme Manager and Chief Pilot Emil Kündig and his wife Margrit, our Finance Manager, as they seek to build our new team.

TUESDAY 10 Remember our team in Tanzania now working from Arusha. Give thanks for Central Aviation Services, a new organisation being launched by MAF’s former Chief Engineer Heri Shekighenda [right], which employs a number of ex-MAF national staff.

WEDNESDAY 11 Uphold Angola’s flying doctor programme, which is linked to the Evangelical Medical Centre and to Kalukembe Hospital. Pray as we support both hospitals by flying patients, nurses, doctors and medical supplies.

THURSDAY 12 Please remember the team in Haiti as they oversee the funding and construction of a taxiway to enable them to enter their relocated hangar.

FRIDAY 13 Pray for MAF affiliate AGAPE in Guatemala, which trains pastors and helps facilitate healthcare and economic development. Ask the Lord to bless AGAPE’s Bible training programmes in Guatemala’s remote mountain communities.

SATURDAY 14 Pray as we search for the right person to join our Liberia team as Airfield Development Manager, once the Ebola crisis subsides.



‘Thank you for standing with us in prayer. God has a plan for Liberia, and we are sure that MAF is to play a vital part.’

Max Gove, MAF Special Projects Manager [left]

Hear their prayers and petitions from heaven, and uphold their cause. 1 Kings 8:49

7 aircraft in Brazil under the affiliate name Asas de Socorro

3 aircraft in Mexico under the affiliate name Alas de Socorro

16 staff in Angola

Key partners in Tanzania Haydom Hospital, Malambo Discipleship Training Centre, Wycliffe Bible Translators

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SUNDAY 15 Praise God for the reopening of the runway on Atauro Island, Timor-Leste. Just a few hours after it reopened, MAF was able to carry out an emergency medevac for a lady suffering from a stroke.

MONDAY 16 Mongolia Pilot Ryan Van Geest and his wife Amanda feel God calling them back to Canada. Please uphold them and their young family as they prepare for western life. This will leave our Mongolia programme in urgent need of a replacement pilot, so please pray the right person will follow God’s call.

TUESDAY 17 MAF has been serving in Papua, Indonesia, since 1952. Pray for our busy team who provide practical help and physical healing to over 60 humanitarian organisations and missions.

WEDNESDAY 18 Give thanks for the work of Yasumat, a church-based organisation that delivers basic education to remote villages in Papua. We flew school books to six villages and enabled personnel to carry out a ten-day teacher training programme in Owitlep.

THURSDAY 19 Matthew 7:7-8 tells us, ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.’ Today, let’s reflect on what that verse means for the people of Indonesia, Mongolia and Timor-Leste. What doors need to open? What do these people need?

FRIDAY 20 Give thanks for our new weekly service to villages along the southern area of the Katingan River in Kalimantan, and for our first landing at Dirouw airstrip, Papua. Pray we will be a blessing to people in both areas.

SATURDAY 21 As well as a replacement pilot, our Mongolia programme is looking for a new Chief Engineer. Please pray for the right person to fill this role soon.


MAF began flying in Mongolia in 2001

13 aircraft in Papua, Indonesia

Main MAF base in Timor-Leste Dili

3 international staff in Timor-Leste

Key partners in Timor-Leste CARE, Tearfund, The Leprosy Mission, World Vision, YWAM


The prayer of the upright pleases Him. Proverbs 15:8

Prayer Diary | www.maf-uk.org10 Winter 2015


‘For those of us who have wrecked our bodies in jeeps for hours on land, MAF is such a blessing. It’s almost unreal.’

Margie Stone, physiotherapist, Mongolia

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SUNDAY 22 Praise God for the commitment of MAF personnel and families serving in Kenya. Pray they will know the joy of being part of a team that is seeing lives transformed by the love of Christ.

MONDAY 23 Pray for Ken and Maz Brown [left], who arrived in Nairobi in August last year. Ken has taken on responsibility for MAF finances in Kenya. Maz is looking for opportunities to put her teaching and communications skills to good use.

TUESDAY 24 MAF flew a team of Bible translators to Marsabit for a dedication ceremony. Give thanks for the fruit of many years’ work, and pray that the completed translation will touch many lives.

WEDNESDAY 25 Uphold Pilot and Interim Programme Manager Steve Machell and his wife Katie [right] as they take on a leadership role during a time of transition and development in Kenya.

THURSDAY 26 Adrian and Lindsay Rose have served in our Kenya programme for almost six years. They have decided to return to Scotland with their three children. Please pray they resettle well into a western lifestyle, and thank God for Adrian’s input as Operations Manager and Pilot.

FRIDAY 27 John Wesley once said, ‘God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.’ Consider this, asking the Holy Spirit to help you as you pray for Kenya.

SATURDAY 28 Join us in praying for people to serve in Kenya as avionics engineers.



‘As an MAF pilot, it’s one of the greatest privileges to observe first-hand the difference projects have made for remote communities.’

Brad Sinclair, MAF Kenya

Pray that the Lord’s message will spread rapidly and be honoured wherever it goes. 2 Thessalonians 3:1

45,010,056 population

74 indigenous languages

4 aircraft

Key partners AIM International, Food for the Hungry, Marsabit Children’s Home, SERV International

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SUNDAY 1 Praise God for Christian Mission Aid, the only healthcare provider in Jaibor. Ask for God’s blessing on the 100 or so other organisations we help to provide healthcare and education, assist refugees and share the Gospel in this fragile country.

MONDAY 2 Pilot Andrew Parker and his wife Liz [below right] arrived in South Sudan last year. Pray for Andrew and new pilot Chris Ball, along with their families, as they settle into life in Juba and become accustomed to flying there.

TUESDAY 3 Uphold the work of Africa Inland Mission (AIM). We flew European Director Andrew Chard to Lohutok so he could encourage AIM’s outreach team. The visit also enabled him to see first-hand the challenges involved in sharing the Gospel with the local Lopit people.

WEDNESDAY 4 In Deed and Truth Ministries, another of our long-term partners, operates a clinic in Tonj. Give thanks for their vital ministry which brings Christian hope and physical healing to the local community.

THURSDAY 5 Millions of people have been affected by violence and food shortages in South Sudan. Ask God to lead your prayers for those who are suffering today – many of them struggling without homes. Our website shares the latest news of how MAF is helping – just visit

FRIDAY 6 Our presence in South Sudan plays a vital role in supporting our partners. Give thanks for the work of Tearfund which relies on MAF planes to fly nutritious food supplements to a number of malnourished communities.

SATURDAY 7 Pray we will soon be able to find an Operations Manager, IT Officer and a Facilities Manager to join our South Sudan team.


‘We rely upon this great partnership in order to get our work done and serve the people of South Sudan. Travelling with MAF is both quicker and safer – a much better option all round!’

James Cousins, Tearfund

MAF began flying in 1950

24 national and 8 international staff

4 aircraft

Key partners IMA World Health, Medair, Oxfam, Tearfund, World Health Organisation, World Vision


The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and His ears are open to their prayers. 1 Peter 3:12

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SUNDAY 8 Praise God for the dedication of a new Bible translation at Yimnalem – the result of 30 years’ dedicated work by Pioneer Bible Translators. Give thanks that, by supporting missionaries in remote communities, our planes make projects like this possible.

MONDAY 9 Siobhain Dales from the UK has been serving as PNG Ground Operations Manager for almost a year. She asks us to pray for energy and the ability to prioritise her workload efficiently.

TUESDAY 10 MAF supporters in Germany and Norway have provided a generator for our base at Wewak. Give thanks that, because of their help, we can now power laptops, cool houses and continue working when the unreliable local electricity supply cuts out.

WEDNESDAY 11 Pray for British couple Paul and Clare Woodington and their children Kiri, Imogen, Aaron and Tristan [left]. Ask for God’s strength for Paul, who flies in a busy programme that is critically short of pilots.

THURSDAY 12 Last year, we flew a Bible translation team

to Sinow to check a manuscript of the New Testament before it was finally sent to print. Pray that this translation in the local language will be a life-changing blessing.

FRIDAY 13 Pray for MAF’s technology services ministry in PNG. Our staff are providing pastors with basic computer training, and helping them share the Gospel in places so remote that local people are unable to read or write.

SATURDAY 14 We need pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers and a Projects Manager for PNG. Pray we find the right people.



‘It’s only with MAF that the Kompiam Hospital, and so many others like it around the world in very remote locations, are able to function. Our experience with MAF has opened our eyes.’

The Conwell family, based in Kompiam, PNG

He will listen to the prayers of the destitute. He will not reject their pleas. Psalm 102:17

18 aircraft

61 years life expectancy

830 languages

Key partners Anglican Church, Evangelical Church of PNG, New Tribes Mission, Wycliffe Bible Translators

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SUNDAY 15 Praise the Lord for our committed team of 2 international and 14 national staff. They are thankful for the recovery of Aircraft Mechanic Raju Mondal’s daughter from typhoid last year.

MONDAY 16 Christian author E M Bounds wrote, ‘Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.’ Consider this – then look up Bangladesh on the Web and talk to God about the needs of men and women there.

TUESDAY 17 Pray for the work of Terre des Hommes. We fly the International NGO’s personnel to help children under five who are suffering from malnutrition, as well as pregnant women and mothers. They also organise discussions, campaigns and cooking demonstrations to raise awareness on health, nutrition and hygiene.

WEDNESDAY 18 Another MAF partner, Plan Bangladesh, visits communities with strong traditions of arranged marriage – offering discussions about positive marriage values. Plan’s Regional Project Manager Gazi Golam Momad says, ‘MAF helps our staff and visitors as the flights are less time-consuming and more comfortable than road or water travel.’

THURSDAY 19 Uphold SANGRAM, an MAF partner that provides physical therapy, artificial legs and wheelchairs for those with disabilities. The NGO also raises awareness of the issues that affect the 15 million people in Bangladesh living with a disability.

FRIDAY 20 Give thanks for our flights for Bangladesh Red Crescent Society. Our amphibious aircraft assists their work in an area that’s highly exposed to cyclones and tidal surges, helping to increase the resilience of 450 families to future disasters.

SATURDAY 21 We urgently need an experienced Floatplane Pilot and Chief Engineer for our work in Bangladesh’s delta area. Pray that Christians with a heart for mission will respond to God’s call.


‘MAF helps our staff and visitors as the flights are less time-consuming and more comfortable than road or water travel.’

Gazi Golam Momad, Regional Project Manager, Plan Bangladesh

16 staff

37 destinations reached by MAF

0.66% Christian

Key partners HEED Bangladesh, Save the Children, The Red Cross, UN


Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18

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SUNDAY 22 Praise God for Roger Mitty, Chairman of MAF UK. Roger is responsible, with the Board, for ensuring good governance in all we do. Pray as he leads the other Board members and supports and encourages Chief Executive Ruth Whitaker and her team.

MONDAY 23 Former MAF Pilot Mike Riley [right] is now based in our Ashford office. As a member of the Human Resources team, he works hard to fill the many vacancies MAF has for our programmes overseas. Please pray for Mike, and for his vital role in recruiting and supporting new staff.

TUESDAY 24 Pray for Research Programme Manager Helen Hay, who ensures we receive regular feedback from supporters to help us evaluate our communications. Pray for guidance as she designs questionnaires, co-ordinates discussion groups, and shares valuable insights with the MAF team.

WEDNESDAY 25 Supporter Relations Assistant Joe Sharp is responsible for offline credit card donations, maintaining our email database, and assisting the team in processing gifts. Pray

for Joe and his wife Sarah, who were married last year, as they seek to serve God together.

THURSDAY 26 After 22 years of MAF flying, Pilot Bryan Pill [left] is moving to a ground role with MAF in the Community. This includes looking for and supporting potential new staff and developing our work in the Channel Islands.

FRIDAY 27 Relationship Manager Ross McLeod [right] is responsible for working with charitable trusts, governments and individual supporters to provide resources for MAF building projects and other areas of our work. Pray as he enables existing projects to be completed and develops opportunities for new partnerships with our supporters.

SATURDAY 28 Pray we will soon recruit a Finance Manager to join our Arnhem Land team in northern Australia.

SUNDAY 29 Praise God for His practical and financial provision. We are so grateful to experience the ongoing reality of Philippians 4:19: ‘And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.’ Thank you, Lord!

MONDAY 30 Uphold the health and wellbeing of the children of MAF staff. Pray for their education and personal development.

TUESDAY 31 Give thanks for MAF’s hardworking personnel serving in the UK and working overseas. Pray that those on home assignment will have a fruitful time visiting their families, friends and supporting churches.



I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain. Psalm 143:6

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Connected through prayerTravel with us across the miles to pray for our overseas staff and the work of MAF around the world

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To receive News for Prayer and see how the Lord answers prayer as the months unfold, please email your full name and postcode with News for Prayer in the subject line to [email protected]

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MAF UK Castle Hill Avenue FOLKESTONE CT20 2TQScotland Office 29 Canal Street GLASGOW G4 0AD

T 01303 852819 E [email protected]

www.maf-uk.orgRegistered charity in England and Wales (1064598) and in Scotland (SC039107)


® Registered trademark 3026860, 3026908, 3026915

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